View Full Version : Blood on the Streets (Trials of Romaly part 1) IC

2010-01-17, 05:40 PM
OOC Thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=7711954)

It's an unfortunately miserable day in Alefgard as you hurry through the streets. A storm had blown in from the grey ocean, some say named that because of the storm clouds that seem to so often travel across it. Rain pours down like the heavens, rattling against tile and stone, and against you and your cloak, and you hope your not completely drenched. The sound of the rain competes with the occasional low rumble of thunder in the distance, however it doesn't appear as though it's a lightning storm, and the wind is comparatively mild, not even tearing off roofing.

Even in this bad weather you still have to compete with small crowds on the streets, the rare street merchant with canvases to keep them and their goods somewhat dry shout out their wares, hoping to find someone desperate enough to stop buy and purchase from them in the rain. Others are rushing home from working at their employment, oilskin coats protecting them from the wetness that seems to drip into every part of the city.

You make it to the Grey Barley Inn on Westside, an inn renamed to better represent it's clientèle of grain merchants and farm-owners. You take one envious look through the window of the warm light, drinks, waitresses and jovial nature of people having a good time, before you try to inconspiciously walk around into the alley. On the opposite side of the building you see a heavy wood door with a big iron lock embedded below its door-ring handle. it seems to match the key you were given, and, with a last shoulder glance to make sure nobody is around, open the look.

Inside is a reasonable sized room with a table and five chairs set in the middle, and a covered lantern already lit and hanging from a hook in the ceiling. The walls are lined with barrels, years and vintages stamped on the sides, as well as shelves that hold a number of bottles. The room extends froward about ten feet or so, and continues about twenty feet to your left. Faintly the merriment can be heard from the other part of the inn, but it's muffled, either the walls in this room being quite thick, or not being connected right against the common room. There is another door at the far left wall that looks like the brother to that which you just entered in, complete with heavy iron lock and sturdy wood construction.

The table is laid with a basket containing a number of small loaves of bread, still fairly fresh and a platter of cold meats, as well as two bottles, one seeming to hold red wine, the other white, two large pitchers of lager, and five thin stemmed cups made of tin as well as five steins. It seems the host has not arrived yet, and that there are several more guests than just yourself.

Alright, and that's the start. Make your post on how you enter, introduce yourselves as new people enter, role-play, and when everyone's gathered I think Alphonse will make his appearance. Please include in your first post the measures you'd take to obey Alphonse's request of "make all preparations of stealth that you can in getting there and departing."

Also, please include your character's name in bold lettering at the top of each of your posts, as well as colour your speech text in a unique and easily readable colour. Any questions, PM me or ask in OOC thread.

2010-01-17, 07:53 PM
Elminedra claims purple

Would that have been the path I would follow if some things happened differently? Rea the shadowlady? Elminedra pondered as she went about checking the subtle clues, stray hairs lying over closet doors, thin stripes of dust deliberately not wiped, that she left around her apartment at strategic sites. Undisturbed as usual, but one can never be cautious enough, even if she has laid off her more risky activities, the locks turns out fine as well.

She finds a glass, the bottle of wine that currently is opened only has enough to fill it halfway, she has two more flasks, but some rationing will be needed before the elven merchant comes again with her favourites. Alphonse, how long has it been now? two years? three years? She had to teach him how to dance, that was fun, actually, something mostly absent in her world, smiles and laughter comes naturally, at appropriate times, when appreciation should be shown, fake appreciation. As fake as I am Sneaking in a meeting with Father Miller tomorrow wouldn't be possible, pity really, shadowing someone through the city is easy, she knew that, shadowing someone out of the city, all the way to the monastery, that would require an expert, an expensive expert, and she could easily leave as someone looking very much not like her...

Considering for a moment to sleep with the chain shirt on, it is lightweight and specially fitted, and does offer some protection, and she's been doing it for the last five years anyway. Not much protection against a knife to the throat, admittedly, but Father Miller did say that she needed to relax and enjoy, in his words: "What is the point of living if all you do is look over your shoulder for a knife that may come in your back? Can such a life be considered worth living? Would it be a better life than one where you found actual happiness, even if it had an abrupt end?" Silk does feel much better than metal, she felt a rare sensation as she studied herself in a nightdress of real silk, she hadn't really used it before, the mirror on the wall showed an attractive young woman in a somewhat revealing outfit. Perfect to get a man to take off all his protective items and to be lead to a bed, then one stab in his heart and he's done for her instincts told her, a part that had been growing in the back of her head more recently wondered why she always had to think like that. Even if all such things have been fake, fake like the dress that really was the chain shirt, the silk is real. She decides to take off her ribbon, too, transforming it back into the hat. It can stay in the bag with the chain shirt, tonight it will just be real silk, come what may.

Still raining is it? Good! Elminedra received her cloak from one of the servants, looking over him for any signs of deceit, simple reflex, she doesn't even think about it, just a servant, but the most likely role for an infiltrator to play, she knows that all too well. She checks the cloak, too. One of the coaches that serves the nobility and their courtiers stands outside, she shows the driver her signet ring, and he gallantly opens the door for her Serving the crown has it's benefits, free transport, and with this speed, any pursuers will get into trouble.

She sends the carriage on it's way, tipping the driver just enough to not be remembered as greedy or generous, entering the ballet, they know her, one of her "friends" are on the ensemble, she sometimes come here just to exercise her steps, she almost likes to Dance, Sir Varandi was a good teacher, and the elves, as with all things, enjoyed it. She could come and go as she pleased here, and nobody would lift an eyebrow, and that was what she needed now. Entering the guest wardrobe for females, nobody there as expected, it is a simple matter of willing her appearance to shift, and a figure that much more easily blends into the gray mass of ordinary citizens emerges from a side entrance. She stops at the window of one of the more exclusive tailors of the city, pretending to admire the quality of the dresses on display and envy the women that can afford such things, what she really does is to check for anyone looking her way, specifically for someone she has seen earlier, using the reflexion of the window as a mirror.

Disguise: [roll0]
Spot: [roll1]
If allowed, Hide to blend into the crowd: [roll2]

Moving about at a pace that would be reasonable for a commoner, matching the pace of everyone else, Elminedra makes her way towards the inn, stopping in front of a jeweller to "admire the wares"

Spot: [roll3]
Another spot for the next scene: [roll4]

Not feeling the temptation to even look through the windows, she is far too well trained to even consider such a thing, she hurries into the alley as someone that finally have reached her home and can't wait to get out of the rain. With her trained fingers, the door is opened quickly, and she slips in, hopefully before any pursuers would be able to catch up to see where she went, her eyes scanning the alley as she does so.

She takes her cloak off as she enters the room, hanging it up to dry, she wills the illusion of her former disguise to fade away, revealing the purple dress that she really wears.
Guests? Interesting, she looks with disdain on the tin cups, on the steins with disgust, though it would hardly be appropriate to pull out elven crystal out of her handbag. She sit down at the chair that she instinctively recognises as the one that would give her the best advantage if this happened to be a negotiation table, taking a brief moment to adjust her hair, listening intently for anyone approaching so that she may put the mirror back and pretend to just have arrived.

2010-01-17, 08:08 PM

He reaches for the envelope carefully, he can't help but shake with fear on the inside, but on the outside he appears complete calmness. As it passes into his hand, he watches the assassin dissapear into the darkness, his eye only following for a moment before the blackness swallows him up. He enters the room and locks the door behind him.
He has trouble opening the letter, but he shakes just as much after reading it. He knew... he knew.... he thought inside his mind. What to do? I have to go. Now. With that, he picked up a small bag and placed it at his hip. He put two gold coins on the table and closed the door behind him. That would tell the innkeeper that he had never been here.
He exits the inn and looks at the sky. Cloudy. Not too bad, but if it began to rain, it wouldn't be nice. Better hurry then.
With that, he started off for the city. If he walked, he could make it by midday.

And he did. He hurried through the streets. It had started raining off him a while back, and he was soaked to the bone. He wore a straw hat, as well as beggars robes. As he passed by people, he asked for a coin or some food. Everyone seemed to ignore him. Slowly he made his way toward the inn, and soon enough he found it. He slipped into the alleyway, and watched the crowd justle about on its way. Quietly he opened the door and slipped in, closing it behind him.

It wasn't till then he noticed the lady already there. He tipped his straw hat to here and moved over to where the drinks were. Already pouring himself a cup. Then thinking better, he asks somewhat courteously, A drink for the lady?

hat of disguise to disguise myself as a beggar.

2010-01-17, 08:44 PM

Having studied the labels of the wine bottles, she knew what she wanted. I would very much like to have some of the red, if you would be so kind Elven wine, three years old, good year. Alphonse preffered the white, so little wonder that at least one bottle had been left unopened while she was other places.

She gave the newcomer a youthful, friendy smile, while studying him, she looked as if she had hardly passed twenty summers, the young are underestimated, and it would take many years before Elminedra no longer would be able to turn that to her advantage.

2010-01-17, 09:05 PM

Bron pours some of the red wine into a goblet, and hands it to her gently. As he does, you notice that his facial appearence has changed. He no longer wears his beggar robes either, but instead underneath are monk robes. He is still soaked to his skin though. It seems he shaved recently as there is no stubble growing. He also looks in his mid twenties. My name is Bron. he says handing her the cup. I can only assume that you know Tarkis as well.

2010-01-17, 09:13 PM
Posting in Dark Green.

Alefgard. A different world, it always seemed to be, than when he'd seen it last, and patently different than anywhere else he'd ever seen at all. And when had he seen it last...? Had it been a year already? The half-orc's introspection was cut short by a gust of wind tossing the hood of his oilskin cloak slapping against his face with a wet smack. The ranger chuckled to himself, a deep roiling chuckle... and one that, to those unfamiliar with it, could possibly sound like a grumble of frustration, or even like sobbing, if heard wrong. That was far from the half-orc's current mood, however, who broke into a short laugh at his predicament. He'd been wetter in his life, but short of being under water, he couldn't remember when. Under the cloak, and in his vest pocket, he fingered the key delivered to him by the shadowy figure that had appeared in his room hardly 24 hours before. Khalmek suppressed a shiver. But that was just the rain, probably.

Finally, the inn came into sight. He thought he remembered seeing the inn from the street before, and had possibly even been inside once in the distant past. All Taverns seemed to be basically the same, however-- not a bad thing, necessarily, but not many stood out from the pack. He had a feeling this one might.

Before quite reaching the Inn itself, the half-orc turned aside into the back alleys around and behind the building. At one or two points he made sure to double back on himself, moves designed to catch any would-be followers. There were none. Satisfied, and also eager to get out of the rain, wondrous in its own way though it was, the half-orc hurried on to the side entrance of the Grey Barley Inn, approaching it from behind. Producing the key, he was glad to find that it fit the heavy portal and permitted him inside.

Pausing once inside the door, the imposing figure peeled the oilskin cloak off with lingering mirth... though his expressions of amusement with himself could possibly be mistaken for aggravation at his bad luck with the weather. "Oh..." He mumbled as he noticed the other people in the room. About that time the others would be noticing the half-orc as well. His dress consisted mostly of leather and hide, huge boots, hide pants, the dress of a wilderness man. But certain touches of the half-orc's clothing and equipment spoke of a more complicated profession-- among other things, the fine-link shirt of armor worn beneath his thick leather vest... probably made of Mithril.

"Um... hi..." He muttered, walking into the room and pulling a chair back from the table. Before sitting, he pulled the huge Greatbow from his back and laid it on the table, then sank down (rather far...) into the seat. Little nervous.

2010-01-17, 09:36 PM


Bron pours some of the red wine into a goblet, and hands it to her gently. As he does, you notice that his facial appearence has changed. He no longer wears his beggar robes either, but instead underneath are monk robes. He is still soaked to his skin though. It seems he shaved recently as there is no stubble growing. He also looks in his mid twenties. My name is Bron. he says handing her the cup. I can only assume that you know Tarkis as well.

Elminedra gives a polite, almost formal, nod. Thank you There is no visible reaction to Bron's change of outfit

In her standard tone, speaking very much like a noble*, in fact as you would imagine that any noble would very much like to speak, her voice pleasant and melodious: Elminedra Delacourt, yes, I used to work for him some time ago, and then some more for the baron

*OOC: Equivalent of Queen's English, basically.

Her friendly, greeting smile betrays nothing of her thoughts as someone that certainly would make a good candidate for her exact opposite walks into the room, though Elminedra does not speak, though her posture somehow makes the response feel quite appropriate, if maybe somewhat unfamiliar to those that have spent most of their time outside the circles of diplomats, beurocrats and courtiers.

2010-01-17, 10:02 PM
Bron looks at the orc as he walks in but listens to Elminedra all the same. Looking at her again he says, oh and are you a noble yourself? or have you just learned to speak like one? In imitation perhaps?

Then turning to the orc he smiles. What will it be buddy?

2010-01-17, 10:13 PM
My foster father, Sir Varandi Delacourt, I suppose you have not heard of him, serves as the ambassador of Romaly to the elves, I have taken up the same profession after him, it is simply how I am expected to speak

2010-01-17, 10:21 PM
Bron shook his head. I have gotten out of politics a long long time ago. I have not caught up lately.

2010-01-17, 10:37 PM
Elminedra keeps her polite smile intact Oh, it is sort of boring for the uniniated, or so I understand. So it may perhaps not be all that interesting. What does interest me is what we are all here for, I am, how shall we say, unfamiliar with solving problems requiring that sort of tools her eyes pointing at the Greatbow.

2010-01-17, 10:45 PM

A smile creeps onto Bron's face as he turns to the orc for his reply.

2010-01-17, 10:51 PM

"Oh, um... whatever's... good..." The half-orc shifted uncomfortably in his seat. Not that he would know what to ask for-- there were only select few drinks that could actually put the orc-blooded ranger under the table, and he doubted that any of those could be found here, so whatever he was given would be fine... but he did not know any of them by name, nor what was proper to ask for. Awkward.

When the others mentioned politics, though briefly, Khalmek did his best to pay attention. Being a Ranger he had some brushes with the political sides of things, even if he wasn't very good at puzzling out what they were supposed to mean. It largely had to do with making other people do what you wanted them to, he sort of suspected, which sounded like a rather dangerous skill in the wrong hands. Not that he possessed said skill in order to know for sure, but it seemed that way to his uneducation.

At the mention of the Greatbow, Khalmek sat up abruptly and cleared his throat. "Erm... yes, ah... Problems... that need certain... sorts of... um... fixing... happens, sometimes. I guess. And someone has to fix them when... they are the ones who can. Do fixing, I mean. Um." He shrunk a little in his chair. It was sort of odd, seeing a six and a half foot man looking like he felt six and a half inches tall.

2010-01-17, 11:04 PM

Bron chuckled slightly at orcs answer. He filled the orc's cup with lager and passed it to him. There ain't many who know about politics here, and even less who care. Only the nobles here care about what goes on up top. Everyday peasents just try to get by. Myself included. Although I do like to keep an eye on things. he gives the orc a small smile. Well my name's Bron. I don't know about you, but cheers! He holds up his glass.

2010-01-18, 05:49 AM
Elminedra raises her cup and imbibes the toast in a dignified manner. She drinks slowly from the cup, not much of a sip, sampling the wine rather than drinking it.

We are toasting without a proper introduction? Elminedra turns her attention to the half-orc, then perhaps concluding that this particular individual is likely uncustomized to proper etiquette. I am Elminedra Delacourt, of whom do I have the pleasure to meet?

2010-01-18, 08:32 AM

Khalmek accepted the proffered lager, and snuck a quick gulp to calm his nerves. When the pretty female one asked him his name (at least... he was pretty sure that's what she was asking...?), he wished he'd been able to manage more than a gulp. "Erm, *Ahhem*" He cleared his throat with a rumbling cough. "Khalmek, Ranger of Alefgard... and Thellenar." He waited until he saw one of the others drink first, and then immediately seized the opportunity to drain half of his cup. He realized after the fact that this was probably not the 'expected' thing to do... oops. "So... Bron... and...? He tried, hoping that she knew what he was talking about...

2010-01-18, 11:23 AM

El-min-ed-ra She puts extra emphasis on each syllable, Khalmek is it? You must be the one that held Tristan's pass, correct?

2010-01-18, 11:53 AM
The orc shouldn't feel too embarassed as Bron downs have his cup as well. He puts it down for a moment, listening to the conversation. Ai! That's him! Haven't you ever heard the stories? It's said that he could shoot an apple through the center from 300 meters away! It is also said that he once wrestled a frost giant in that pass nd toppled it.

2010-01-18, 12:06 PM

Khalmek was grateful for Elminedra's careful pronunciation, and he repeated it in his head a few times to make sure he got it right. El-min-ed-ra, El-min-ed-ra... Elminedra... ok, got it... He didn't seem to realize that he was being patronized, and instead was honestly grateful for being saved from an embarrassing slip-up later.

If it was possible, at the others' recognition of his name the green-hued half-orc turned positively Red. "Um... actually, I hadn't heard that... particular one before," He commented in response to Bron's exclamation. He fiddled nervously with his cup, then decided to drain the rest of the lager in it.

2010-01-18, 12:59 PM

Okay.... She thinks at seeing the drinking habits of the other guests,..so these are like dwarves? At least dwarves doesn't come to the table unwashed. No sense in revealing her disgust, however, that would be inappropriate.

Actually, I read the official report, I do not recall such vivid details, though the head of a charging orc must surely be harder to hit than an apple?

2010-01-20, 01:06 AM
Nathanial Greyson

Nathanial claims true blue but I could change it to dark slate, my usual colour, if needed

No carriage carried Nathanial Greyson to his destination, for no carriage could. A horse walked by his side, laden with treasures and equipment, while the quite literally gigantic man walked along the street, pulling a soaked woolen cloak around himself and stumbling slightly on the cobblestone streets. Alphonse had asked of Nathanial in his letter to make all provisions of stealth and secrecy to come to the Grey Barley Inn's backroom, but the lumix had likely read the smudged words on the wet and crumpled letter wrong, and had wandered from tavern to tavern, and even to some drinking clubs, inns, dives, bars and speakeasys. He had predicted his own ineptitude prior to setting off, and had left himself the better part of the day, starting his romp across the cities watering holes at half-past mid-day.

The front door to the Grey Barley Inn swung open loudly, and Nathanial stooped low and entered, muttering a whispered but still all too loud "Sorry. Don't know my own strength." Making his way over to the bar, Nathanial arranged for his horse to be looked after, at a premium rate of triple the normal price so that the saddlebags would be kept locked away too (something Nathanial had been doing ALL day, at each place).

Diplomacy check to get what I want, and hopefully earn a friend for my drinking[roll0]+(whatever circumstance bonus triple pay gives me)

Sitting down at a table, Nathanial called over the barmaid and ordered his drinks, two pints of the house stout for now, and three bottles of pulsch brown ale (a halfling ale, nutty flavour) to put in his saddlebags for later. Whatever the meal of the night was (he really wasn't paying attention), Nathanial gobbled down two plates of it, a light meal in this case, due to his having eaten at ten other places today. A man of his proportions needed to eat, and Nathanial had not eaten for a few days on the road, after he tried to use his trail rations to catch bigger game. He washed all of it down with a glass of wine, and then spent the better part of an hour making passes at the barmaid and asking loudly if anyone would like to know how he got his scars, then collapsing for a short nap in his chair.

Nathanial got up from his table half an hour later, and staggered outside, telling the barkeep he was going to relieve himself in an outdoor privy, and pressing five gold into his hands to make him swear not to tell Nathanial's wife about it.

"I've always wanted to try it, but my wife claims it's unsanitary and crass."

Once outside, Nathanial staggered forward, lost his footing, fell into the alleyway next to the inn, and proceeded to stumble down the alleyway and around a corner until he came to a heavy wooden door. He looked left, no one was around, and to the right, only an alleycat, which he shooed away. Opening the door, Nathanial stooped again to walk in, but this time rose to his full height after entering, no longer slouching or stumbling. The people in front of him at the table seemed interesting enough . . . a beggar, a woman and a half-orc. Alphonse had made some strange friends, but Nathanial's old pupil was always a far wiser man than he, so Nathanial trusted these people for now. But there was something . . . familiar about them, the girl most of all, and not in a good way.

"Hello everyone. I hope you don't mind me sitting down, I'm so very tired from pretending to be drunk all day. Is that bread? I'll just be taking that. My wife makes some good bread at home. Pulsch brown ale anyone? I bought it myself, fine product. You know, I hope Alphonse appreciates all the money and work it took to get here. Not like someone like me can be stealthy . . . so might as well be drunk."

Total gold spent: 27gp 1sp 6cp

2010-01-20, 03:32 AM

oh great!...just great Elminedra keeps up her facade, anything else would be inappropriate, but she really wanted to find a hole to hide in, assuming it would have cushions, not be smelly and not stain her clothes. Hopefully this won't get quite as bad as the time I had to hide in a latrine for two days She had spent the full next day bathing to get the smell out of her hair.

Interestingly enough, he did manage to get here in a somewhat intelligent fashion, but what use Alphonse had for her to accompany individuals, she pondered for a moment if Bron would fit the description, with a subtlety level that would rival that of the orcs. But the appropriate reaction was not to mention any of that, and remain quite politely reserved.

Sir Greyson, I presume?

2010-01-20, 11:35 AM
Almost everywhere you go you're treating with great hospitality, except for that one priest's only bar you tried to go into, whether because of your own good spirits, the money you spread around, or people recognizing you as the hero you are. More than one barkeep eagerly begs you to make sure you return while you're in town for one last drink, on the house, and more than one bar maid gives him a wink and suggests they have a warm bed for him if Nathanial wanted to stay the night.

The owner of the Grey Barley Inn promises his life long silence to 'yer lordship' as you exit the bar.

The introductions are cut short, as the door opens yet again. Unlike the previous times this has happened, there is no figure in the gloom of evening rain. Instead the door seems to stay open for a while, and as you pay attention, it looks as if boot-prints appear in the small puddle that has gathered at the backdoor. The door closes and the sound of the lock turning can be heard, and you tense for a moment before suddenly, as if out of thin air, Alphonse Tarkis appears before you, seeming to having just pulled a ring off his finger.

As he pockets the ring, gold with some sort've red glow to it, you aren't able to catch a good look at it, he throws back the hood of his cloak to reveal wet, slightly curly, black hair and his handsome face, line by a carefully groomed black beard and with his piercing blue eyes.

He shakes the water off himself for a moment before taking off his cloak and lying it against a pile of barrels. Though dressed in fine clothes that keep with the highest standards of the nobles, it cannot be missed that a chain shirt has been worked into the outfit, a dress style historically observed by nobles of the borderlands and often adopted by young noble heirs of other houses as well. He also carries a longsword by his side, not just the ornamental rapier blade of many aristocrats, with the handle being quite simple of decoration to keep a good grip while the sheath carries the decoration. A dagger lies on the opposite side, and there's no doubt in your mind that he carries another weapon hidden on him somewhere or has some magic protecting him.

"My sincerest apoligies for my late entrance. I had hoped to be the first here, however it was more difficult to slip away without notice than I anticipated, and this damnable weather has not helped one bit." He says after a short quick bow before entering further within.

"I'm afraid I do not have much time to discuss things with you, I must attend a dinner organized by Lady Bracknell tonight and would like to make my brief disappearance from the noble's quarter as unnoticeable as possible."

Starting with Elminedra he greets each of you before taking the last remaining chair. "I am glad to see you are still as beautiful as every Elminedra. I hear you've lately found employment with Baron Frohman himself, very impressive." He says, taking her right hand and gently kissing the back of it, a court appropriate greeting for close friends of opposite gender.

He then looks to Nathanial and smiles a large hearty smile, "I'm glad to see you seem to have lost none of your strength Lord Greyson. I apoligize for not visiting your estate of late, I'm often here in Alefgard and rarely get to visit Tarkis. I hope you and your family are doing well though."

As he looks to Bron, this normally poised and always ready noble seems to be at a loss for a moment. He seems to begin to smile, before the joy drains away from his face, and for a moment it almost looks like he regrets the simpled clothed man's precense. At last he settles for, "Bron, I see you are healthy."

Alphonse's look improves though as he approaches the half-orc with an outstretched arm. "I must apoligize for my presumpteous in inviting you as we have not met before this, but I have heard well of your deeds, why, who hasn't heard the tale of Khalmek, Hero of Tristan's Fall, and I hope... I believe I can trust you in this matter. Allow me a proper introduction. I am Alphonse De Cret' La Tarkis, Guardian of Nindres Tower, Heir to the Baron of Tarkis, at your service." he says, using the formal introduction.

"I must declare my extreme satisfaction that all four of you choose to attend this meeting tonight." He says as he takes his own seat, pouring himself a glass of white wine and taking a brief sip before continuing. "Now we come to the matter of why I asked you here. Please, feel free to ask any questions and don't hold on ceremony of station here. Here we are equals."

"As I alluded to within my letter, there are troubles brewing within Alefgard. Things have never been great since the death of King Terrence, may he rest in the hall of Kings, however now scheming and plots have seem to come to the forefront. While some countries would use times of peace to strengthen themselves, it seems Romaly tries to tear itself apart. Of course it's not the Nobles that suffer from this, but the people that fall into the tears, and I cannot abide that. That's why I wanted to form this group, to help route out and attack these threats to this city, this country! I cannot neglect my duties as heir and representative of Tarkis, that's why I need you four. I ask you, would you help me in this?

2010-01-20, 12:20 PM

At Alphonse's introduction, Khalmek replied simply with a heartfelt (but practiced ad nauseum, and it showed somewhat) "Humbly at your service, Sir." He also clued in on the fact that everyone else in the room already knew Alphonse personally in some way... and that he had a reputation to live up to as well-- not an easy proposition, seeing that his reputation was quite larger than life to begin with. Khalmek took a steadying breath, and gripped his longbow for reassurance. He had never done any more than his duty. That was all he had to do here as well.

At Alphonse's initial explanation, Khalmek paid rapt attention to the noble son's words. Most of it seemed to go over his head, unfortunately, but he did seem to catch the sentiment of the Old King's death making things uncertain... and that the common people were feeling the hurt from that uncertainty. More positively, there was something that could be done about it. Khalmek gave a determined sort of look and nodded, though he did so mostly to himself-- actually, he forgot that the others would be able to see him doing so and might take meaning from it where none was actually intended... though they would probably get the right impression, and without the trouble of him having to attempt to convey it on purpose.

2010-01-20, 04:19 PM

I'm glad to see you are well too Alphonse. Bron replies back, keeping things courteous. He too seems uncertain what to say to him, so he settles just for that.

2010-01-20, 05:53 PM

That's a nice trinket, I must get one of those someday Elminedra gives Alphonse a curtsey, with a flair and elegance that must have been honed by performing it hundreds of times. No matter how much Alphonse might wish for informality, her manners did not change an inch. Quite possibly they were far too well ingrained for that, or maybe she just wanted to maintain class. Her face betraying no emotion, just a courteous smile.

I serve his majesty m'Lord, it would be my duty to offer what aid I can provide. Though I must wonder what sort of threats that needs to be dealt with.

2010-01-20, 06:14 PM

Khalmek made a low rumbling sound; it might be a little confusing to interpret, but in this case it was intended as a thoughtful musing. "There have been... dis-turbance-es in the city," He said carefully, only halting over the big word a little. He didn't actually know what it meant... but it was the polite euphemism that everyone who knew better than he seemed to use when describing a mess that needs cleaning up. And Khalmek was usually the one to clean it up. "There are... quiet rumors in taverns and... things like that. People disappearing. I havn't heard much of what they were saying... but something is happening. And getting worse, I think." Khalmek then fell silent, as though concerned that he had spoken too much or when not called for. He was never very good at recognizing the difference between those.

While the others continued discussing, Khalmek dug the letter he'd been given out of one of his many pockets and laid it out flat on the table. Hadn't it mentioned some of the stuff that was going wrong...? He examined it very carefully... and looked like he was understanding it, even if he was doing so somewhat slowly. Most of it.

2010-01-20, 08:11 PM
Nathanial Greyson

At the mention of her name, Nathanial looks at the young woman at the table.

"Elminedra? The Elminedra? You were but a willful youth the last time we spoke. What was it, four years ago? You've . . . become a lovely woman. I'm not quite the dancer now that I was then."

Nathanial turns to Alphonse, ripping off a piece of bread stuffing it in his mouth, swallowing after about three chews.

"Speaking of growing up Al, your splotches have cleared up I see. You look every bit the noble you are, if it's not too bold to say. Have you caught the eye of any lovely (or buxom) young ladies at court? We should spar sometime. Is this bread wheat based? I've only had buckwheat bread most of the last year. Need to cut back on costs when there's no adventure to be had. Can't really bring myself to tax the serfs too much, I was one of them once."

Finally, turning to the other two, Nathanial takes a long drink of Pulsch Brown Ale.

"You two. I can see why Al hired you two. Khalmek, nothing I've done can compare to your deeds at Tristan's Fall Gap. I've studied your stand for at least two hours a day since your commendation. I sometimes wonder what would have happened if our places had been reversed, if you had been standing between the king and an assassin, and I had be called upon to hold the Gap. It would have ended badly for me I can say that. And you . . . Bron was it? I owe my nickname to you. You might be anonymous to most, but how could I forget the man who gave me this?"

With that, Nathanial indicates the scar running along his jawline, from when a "guy got off a lucky swing with a broken bottle" in a bar fight.

"Anyone who can hit me hard enough to leave a mark deserves my respect."

2010-01-21, 04:45 AM

That Elminedra wanted her hole even more now was not visible on her face, sometimes, one simply has to endure. She decided to produce a smile, a little bit more warmth to it this time.

Why, thank you! Sir Greyson, a pity about your dancing though

2010-01-21, 10:23 PM
Alphonse does well, not even blushing at the comments from his former teacher. "I'm afraid there will be time enough later to catch up on things, though I do want to catch up with all of you." then looking towards Khalmek for a moment, "And get to know you better."

"For now though, I'm afraid we must discuss business. I would ask that what is spoken of in here does not reach the ears of anyone outside this room. It may be just independent events or problems, however they could also be the marks of a larger plot, and I would not discount such a mastermind to not deal with unwanted investigation."

"I am pleased that you all seem agreeable to what I propose, so I will go into further detail of what I wish for you to investigate specifically. I am trying to piece together the puzzle of deceit, shadows, and knives over Alefgard, however some I still require more time and research before I would ask you to move on them. However there is one piece that frightens me, and keeps frightened the citizens of Alefgard."

"Over the past month, there have been a number of murders in East-side. Please, don't laugh. I am fully aware that murder is not a new trend in that part of the city, however usually it's disappearances, or crimes of passion and drink. Even the commonest thug realizes that if they can avoid a patrol, or have enough money to pay them to look the other way, they might toss the body over the cliff and never have a shred of evidence. However, bodies have been appearing in the streets, stumbled upon by patrols. Bodies may not be the best word though. Remains is more suitable." At this point the son of Tarkis seems to suppress a shudder and takes a deep drink of his wine. His face has become rather grim and serious in telling the tale, giving him the look of an older man.

"What's left is little more than shreds of meat and bones, blood soaked into dirt and stone. Almost half of them couldn't even be identified. At least, that's what the rumors say. None of this has reached council. Whether by bribery or simply denying the council the information, none of the patrols that pass through East-side are speaking of it. It's an outrage, such corruptness and insubordination. The generals on the coast could be taught a thing or two of the discipline and honour of the borderland armies. Ah, I'm getting off topic."

"The main problem, is things are getting worse. It started out as one murder, a few days in between, then another, and the intervals kept getting shorter until it was night after night, and then more than one murder a night. Or at least, that's supposedly how it goes. I've only been able to pick information up through the rumour vines. I might never have heard of it at all, had not the victims of a night a week and a day ago included a full four-man patrol of Royal guardsmen. Nobody knows what it is, some say a demon, others a wild animal. Some think it's a gang that gets off on the cruelty and savagery of it. That may be true, as growth in such a gang might explain the increase in attacks."

"I would like you all to work together, to investigate what is behind this, bring them to justice, and see if there's any further layer of evil deeds beyond the mindless massacres. I will give you the full backing of Tarkis in how you deal with this, you may use whatever means you need to bring protection back to the people of Romaly. Furthermore, bring what evidence you can back to me, so that I can bring it to the council and perhaps encourage them to pull their head's out of their scheming backsides and do the job we're assigned to do, keeping the country safe and prosperous." With that he downs the rest of his glass. "Any questions?"

2010-01-21, 10:42 PM
Nathanial Greyson

Nathanial stifled his chuckle when told to, and then grew uncomfortable at the description of the remains.

"I have a quick if necessary question . . . WHAT AM I DOING HERE!? I understand half-orc, he's crowd control. I understand the drunkard, he's to put down a single opponent fast. I even understand Lady Sweetgams here, she's information and infiltration. But I'm a bloody eight foot tall and twenty six and a half stone! Five stone more with my gear on! I know I've got a fine analytical mind and a head for both strategy and tactics, but Lady Winkkissknife could just as easily do the numbers! This is out of my depth, this is scary, this is . . . HIM AGAIN!"

Nathanial takes a long swig of his Pulsch Brown Ale to calm his nerves, then dabs a single rolling tear from his eye with a hankercheif.

2010-01-21, 10:56 PM
Alphonse stands up and addresses the frantic Nathanial seriously, "Nathanial, no, Lord Greyson, you are one of the strongest, most courageous men I've ever had the honour of knowing. You are a man of strong morals, who knows that evil lurks in this world, but you stand against it and fight with all your strength! I will not say your have the most virtuous habits, but you would never hurt nor harm an innocent, and you would risk your own life to save another. You're the type of man I need." He sighes, and then starts a different tact. "You said this is 'Him'. Who did you mean? Do you know something?"

2010-01-21, 11:00 PM
Alphonse stands up and addresses the frantic Nathanial seriously, "Nathanial, no, Lord Greyson, you are one of the strongest, most courageous men I've ever had the honour of knowing. You are a man of strong morals, who knows that evil lurks in this world, but you stand against it and fight with all your strength! I will not say your have the most virtuous habits, but you would never hurt nor harm an innocent, and you would risk your own life to save another. You're the type of man I need." He sighes, and then starts a different tact. "You said this is 'Him'. Who did you mean? Do you know something?"

"Oh . . . nothing. Had a bad dream last night (and every night), nothing to worry about. So you're saying I'm here to babysit Lady Sweetcheeks . . . er ah . . . Delacourt and the boys? Make sure the three don't go off the deep end and start murdering?"

2010-01-21, 11:06 PM
Alphonse spares a moment to look askance as Nathanial's response to his question, but then seems to decide it's far more vital to secure his assistance. "I'll let you four decide amongst yourselves how you work together, however I would not have invited you if I didn't feel you brought vital and important experience to such a team. I have to admit, I may also one day require you to join me in council if this secret of ours becomes public and I am scorned for it, I will be in need of allies then. Will you help me Nathanial Greyson?"

2010-01-21, 11:09 PM
Alphonse spares a moment to look askance as Nathanial's response to his question, but then seems to decide it's far more vital to secure his assistance. "I'll let you four decide amongst yourselves how you work together, however I would not have invited you if I didn't feel you brought vital and important experience to such a team. I have to admit, I may also one day require you to join me in council if this secret of ours becomes public and I am scorned for it, I will be in need of allies then. Will you help me Nathanial Greyson?"

"Wait. Council? COUNCIL?!?! Having to stand in front of a bunch of lizardy old men in white wigs and tell them where to shove it? I am now one hundred percent on board with you."

2010-01-22, 05:18 AM
Elminedra ignores Nathanial, overtly enough to actually show some opinion.

Do we really need Sir Hulk? At least the half orc doesn't talk much.

Royal Guards, m'lord? And that has not caught the attention and interests of anyone? One should expect that at least the guard, if not the crown, would wish to investigate?

2010-01-22, 09:20 AM
Alphonse's expression is a mysterious blend of relief and trepidation at Nathanial's acceptance, and the reason for it. Turning to Elminedra, he addresses her question. "While no doubt the Royal and Ottoman's guards have their patrols in East-side, no report has reached council of this. That's no to say it hasn't reached someone's ears, and they're keeping that information from going further up the chain. It isn't uncommon for the political schemes and court to take up a noble's entire line of sight, and when something happening to the common folk is obcured from them, it may be passed over entirely. You ask if it has caught anyone's attention? It has caught my attention, and this is the fastest and most effective way I can think of acting, as opposed to bringing street rumors to council and debating over a month whether the murders are related or not. That's why I wish for you to investigate into it, and even if you are not able to stop it yourselves, that you might bring evidence that I could use to push council to recognize that a world exists outside those stone walls."

2010-01-22, 09:52 AM
I'll help you. Bron says remaining silent till now. It's... the least I can do. he says, finishing somewhat uncomfortable.

2010-01-22, 02:08 PM

Khalmek gripped his longbow tighter. "...So you're saying that someone has to do something now... While you try to convince the reinforcements to follow us." He didn't stutter, even a little. Sounded familiar. "I'm not the best at figuring out puzzles... And I don't... know very many words to talk to people. But I want to help, if you others will show me how." For the first time since he entered the private room, the half-orc Ranger seemed completely calm. "I will help you, Sir." He said simply, but with the edge of steel to his voice that accented a Promise.

Khalmek was quiet for a moment, then spoke again. "Investigating things and... convincing people to share what they know takes Money to accomplish in a short time. Is this cost to come out of our own pockets?" He asked simply, the tone of his voice suggesting that he would do so willingly... But the question needed to be asked.

2010-01-22, 06:13 PM

Who would likely be aware of the situation? Or perhaps more to the point, who would likely investigate these matters?

2010-01-22, 07:37 PM
I think you all are missing the point. The fact is whatever this thing is, it's killing people. We need to stop it. To do that, we need to find out what it is. Best way is to traverse the bars in the east side as well as scout during the night. I would suggest teams of two.

2010-01-22, 08:02 PM

And how would we go about that with a certain degree of discretion? She pauses a bit after the last part, as if hinting that she had some serious doubts about such capabilities. Lord Nathanial is not exactly someone that can blend into a crowd and disappear, for example, can any of you manage to stay in a bar for long and not be recognised afterwards? What I believe we should be looking for is some sort of pattern, similarity between victims, proximity of locations. If we go by the assumption that it is not random occurances, and that they do happen for a reason, then similar events may have transpired under other circumstances, contacting a sage or perhaps historian may give some pointers.

2010-01-23, 12:58 AM

And how would we go about that with a certain degree of discretion? She pauses a bit after the last part, as if hinting that she had some serious doubts about such capabilities. Lord Nathanial is not exactly someone that can blend into a crowd and disappear, for example, can any of you manage to stay in a bar for long and not be recognised afterwards? What I believe we should be looking for is some sort of pattern, similarity between victims, proximity of locations. If we go by the assumption that it is not random occurances, and that they do happen for a reason, then similar events may have transpired under other circumstances, contacting a sage or perhaps historian may give some pointers.

Nathanial Greyson

"I've got to agree on certain parts here. I'd say that what we need here is two teams. You are right, Lady Elminedra, in saying that I'm easier to spot than a fireball, but that also lends itself to an advantage. I'm easy to spot, and fun to look at. I make a fool of myself in an given situation, and eat and drink until I can't move. I suggest whoever is paired with me be ready to search for information and connections while I distract. The other team can work another side of the operation, allowing us to "pincer" the information we need. Any of the three of you could do well in a stealth situation beside me, you're all grade A second-story men next to me."

2010-01-23, 01:47 PM

Now, there's an idea, you should be able to make your usual bar to bar rounds and talk as much as you always do, taking a "drinking buddy" with you, perhaps? It would not be unlikely that the subject of the trouble's of the district is brought up.

Personally, I would like to seek out the city watch detachment for eastside, find out what they know of the situation. The only one that could accompany me there would be Bron, considering that a certain amount of subterfuge would be required.

Teaming up Khalmek with Lord Nathanial would have the added effect that nobody would ask questions as to why two such renowned individuals shows up in east side, at the same time, it is conceivable that Lord Nathanial would bring Khalmek with him on such a tour. As the two of you are incapable of passing through without notice, you should make your passage look like it would if it had no specific purpose in mind.

2010-01-23, 06:13 PM
"Thank you Bron. Of you I was the most unsure of. You...well...We shall talk later, at much length, you and I." Alphonse says, still not showing much warmth to the monk, even as he is grateful for his affirmation of help.

However Alphonse's expression clearly brighten at Khalmek's expression, though so simple sounding it carried with it the weight that most oaths did. "I thank you Khalmek, for giving your help so easily. You bring up a valid point concerning funds however, and I have not been absent at thought about this either." Reaching into his pocket, he pulls out four pouches that jingle with the sound of coins and sets them on the table. "There is a thousand gold pieces for each of you, to cover what expenses you face whether housing yourselves in Alefgard or during your investigations. Please, use it well, there are a number of soldiers in Tarkis that may be fighting with second-hand armour this coming winter."

Turning to Elminedra, Alphonse responds, "I cannot say. The commonfolk are aware of rumours, and the patrols that find and clean of the bodies would know of it, and their commanders, however I know not whether it has been Romaly's or Ottoman's guards, or both, that have found them, or which captains would be in command. Aside from that, well, if anyone else knows something, they are keeping things to themselves."

"Ideally, if it were approved by council, the command to investigate would be carried out by the guard, a military operation. I could not say whether the responsibility would fall on Ottoman's forces or the Royal Romaly forces."

Alphonse smiles to himself as he sees you all begin to discuss strategy in how to approach investigating. "I am once again, very heartened that you all have accepted my request for your help. Well, as I said, I do not have much time. If you have no more questions to ask, I shall depart." he says, standing up from his chair.

2010-01-23, 07:51 PM
Bron meets Tarkis's eyes for a quick glance before looking away, unable to look at him in the eyes. He merely nodded and cursed himself silently in his mind.

He doesn't say another word until Alphonse opens the door and is halfway out, at which point he'll say I know it's a few years late but i'm sorry.

2010-01-23, 08:02 PM
Yes, one m'Lord, before you leave. How will we be able to contact you if neccessary?

2010-01-23, 08:14 PM
Frowning slightly, Alphonse responds to Elminedra, "I should hope the money I've provided is sufficient enough to get you started for a while. If you are in need of more, we will discuss it."

"I'd like to try and meet with you here weekly at this same time, to see what your progress is and share what I might also uncover, or ask of you new angles to research. If you need to meet with me urgently, leave four copper pieces arranged in a diamond shape on the table, and I will be in touch with you. I want to avoid direct meetings between us, lest our covert operation become much more apparent. I've an arrangement made with the owner of this inn, and aside from the mornings when deliveries are received and the bar is restocked, this room will be unoccupied, and you are free to use it as you see fit, provided you pay for any liquor you imbibe, and that if you wish to hold anything here, you do it in a hidden chamber, behind that shelf." He says, indicating the shelving unit the conceals the concealed chamber.

2010-01-24, 02:33 PM
Reaching into his pocket, he pulls out four pouches that jingle with the sound of coins and sets them on the table. "There is a thousand gold pieces for each of you, to cover what expenses you face whether housing yourselves in Alefgard or during your investigations. Please, use it well, there are a number of soldiers in Tarkis that may be fighting with second-hand armour this coming winter."

Nathanial Greyson

Nathanial scowls at the money, and then looks at his former student gravely.

"What did I always tell you Alphonse? One soldier is never an army. I accept your one thousand gold, knowing that you cannot simply reinvest it, but to put two-hundred and sixty-six oxen, and a cow's worth of collected money into the pursuit of one city's murder spree? Forty four medium and heavy foot soldier mercenaries could be hired for the entire winter with this money. A desperately needed bolstering of the ranks. I'll write home to my guard, send my loyalists, a meager twenty men to assist, but all I have to say is this had better work, this plan of yours, or we all will be overrun by some enterprising rebel force."

2010-01-24, 02:53 PM

Allowing a hint of amusement to surface on her face, Elminedra took on a slightly lecturing tone. Lord Nathanial, fourty four extra armed men would not likely be of much help in uncovering the cause for the murders. Considerations for allocation of resources is something any lord must make, would some extra men at arms make a difference for the defense of Alefgard against the sort of assailants they may be expected to encounter? My understanding is that lord Tarkis suspects foul play of a very different sort involved in east-side, possibly more dangerous than the risk of the soldiers being over-run without an extra fourtyswords to man the ranks.

2010-01-24, 03:16 PM
"Elminedra is correct in this manner. Besides, now that I've taken the step to bring you together, I hope to be able to ask of you to investigate more plots, but for now this is the most urgent and concrete lead I have to send you out to investigate upon. Besides, sometimes in order to protect all of Alefgard, a lord of Tarkis must see beyond defending his borders to where true trouble lies."

With that he bows to all of you, and takes up his cloak to leave, "I pray things go well for you, and now I leave you to devise how you will employ your combined resources." He's just about to put on the ring again open the door when Bron utters his apology. Actually smiling slightly, Alphonse turns and replies, "They do say, it is much better late, than never. As I said, we will talk at length later Bron."

And with that, the ring is once again placed upon his finger, and the young lord disappears. The door to the outside rain and faint thunder is opened, and you faintly hear the squelch of boots upon muddy ground, before the door swings closed and is once again locked. You are once again left in the company of these strangers or acquaintances, with the faint sound of the common room activities from the next door drifting into the background, a bit more rowdier now that the drink has had time to work on the patrons.

2010-01-25, 12:34 PM

So that is where we currently stand, the current suggestions made are to listen to rumours found in taverns, find out what the district guards know, and scouting during the night. The change in her tone suggested that she did not have much faith in the first option. Going through taverns and inns should perhaps start earlier in the afternoon, that does not, of course, prevent us from spreading out our efforts. Lord Nathanial can only do one trip through east-side, I would say, which therefore likely should be an extended one, he is far too easily recognized to make a second run and ask questions about the same topic. Now, I do have a certain trick up my sleeve, as does Bron, which should allow us significantly more freedom of movement.

Elminedra looks at Khalmek, and then BronKhalmek, I am a bit uncertain as to what sort of skills you possess, that would apply to Bron as well, Lord Nathanial here talks too much, eats and drinks more than Dwarves considers to be healthy, and can be spotted from the peaks of the Iron crown mountains. But that can be used to our advantage, if we utilize those..qualities... the last word uttered with a hint of sarcasmin the right way, now, the question is what you two can do well.

2010-01-25, 12:48 PM

Well I'm handy in a fight if it comes to that, but I rather it not come to that. Unless it's in a bar he whispers to Khalmek so Elminedra cant hear him. I can get out of sticky situations fairly well, and hear lots of rumors in taverns. But seeing as how late it is, scouting is our best option for the moment. The only problem I can see is communication.

2010-01-25, 01:15 PM

"Well... you already know of my archery..." He said, very meekly. "I am also skilled at tracking. It is a little harder to do in a city than out in the forests... but I should still be able to follow most things down, with a good trail and some luck." He seemed to think about something for a moment. "The East side is not a... very nice place. Once we find... whoever that caused these murders... they will not give up without fighting. But... even before then, you may... attract attention to... yourself, Elminedra. A evil kind of attention from evil kinds of men. Whoever comes with you... Bron?... will help to keep you safe too." Saying this much at one time seems emotionally exhausting for the socially awkward half-orc. "The ability to talk the right way to people is... out of my reach... but I still would like to be helpful however I can. We will need all sorts of skills for this mission."

2010-01-25, 01:57 PM

I would imagine that you would need to find some sort of trail in order to track it. It is kind of you to be concerned, though I am well aware of certain risks of that district, I am not unable to defend myself. At those words, Elminedra's hand lunges forward across the table in a blurring motion, to a sudden stop where a dagger, of very good craftmanship, has appeared in her delicate fingers, protruding into one of the pieces of meat, one of the more tender ones looking at the way the blade penetrated it, too. She then moves it back to her plate as if she were attending a royal banquet, dries off the dagger before sheating it on the inside of her forearm, her bell sleeves appearantly serving the purpose of being elegant concealment for weaponry. However, that would attract a different sort of attention, no more helpful to our cause.

Oh, what sort of problems do you see with communications, Bron?

2010-01-25, 02:04 PM
if we get seperated or find the person or creature he says emphasizing that word, it would do well if we had everyone together.

2010-01-25, 04:17 PM
Magic that can send messages without error would blow our budget. Cheaper alternatives does exist, but that would rely on that the users knows of the exact location of the others, which could be impractical there is also the question of whether or not either of you actually are capable of utilizing wands or scrolls?

2010-01-25, 10:10 PM
Afraid not. Bron replies. Never was much at the arts of magic myself.

ooc- just realized sir chivalry has blue so ill go red.

2010-01-27, 12:42 PM
Elminedra cuts off a bit of the meat, then putting it into her mouth, gently handling the cutlery in a stylizied way, fit for an official dinner in the honor of a royal, with an additional feminine touch that most ladies at such a party would not be able to match. The piece is small enough to make the movement of her cheeks as she chews it down almost un-noticable.

Hmm, pity. It is too late for me to go into east-side to pick up stories, I would say. The time might easily get past midnight, and I should not raise suspicion by showing up at work late, or looking tired. Ordinarily, I should be able to leave well before noon, assuming that Khalmek's efforts up in the Iron Crown mountains have had the, calming, effects upon the orc tribes that it appears to

She drank a small part of the wine in her cup, swirling the wine gently before raising the cup to her lips, slowly taking a sip, the volume of wine left in the cup looks exactly as it was, she leaves it her mouth for several seconds before swallowing.

Scouting the district does sound like a good idea, though Lord Nathanial would attract far too much attention to himself if he accompanied us, or ventured into east-side too many times, in this case, two times is too many to risk unneccesary. Although, there is an angle of attack for this issue, do you have any friends or assosciates in the city Lord Nathanial?

2010-01-27, 10:43 PM
Scouting the district does sound like a good idea, though Lord Nathanial would attract far too much attention to himself if he accompanied us, or ventured into east-side too many times, in this case, two times is too many to risk unneccesary. Although, there is an angle of attack for this issue, do you have any friends or assosciates in the city Lord Nathanial?

Nathanial Greyson

"Actually, fair lady Delacourt, I have three. There's Greg Haftler, a tavern owner and blacksmith in the eastside, and his close neighbour Regilus Cale, who's doing good work among the little children. And then there's an old childhood friend of mine . . . but we'll see her if the other two don't pan out."

2010-01-27, 10:52 PM

while i do like to sit and talk and drink, I do believe we have a job to do. With that he stands up and stretches. I don't much fancy the rain, but we might as well start sooner rather then later.

2010-01-28, 05:01 AM

Patience, please. Moving too fast is far too likely to make us miss things. Elminedra motions towards Bron's chair. Besides, she says as she cuts another piece of meat on her plateIt would seem we are not done talking, Lord Nathanial, would it be possible for you to acquire lodging at either of your friends? And if so, would that be out of the ordinary? The same might apply to Bron and Khalmek as well, are there any inns in Alefgard that you have frequented? Installing yourself in the district to begin with is a good way to explain why you could be found there, in Khalmek's case, Half-Orcs are not uncommon, at least less so than elsewhere, in east-side. Bron may have to come up with a cover. Does either of you see any complications with such a plan?

2010-01-28, 10:50 AM

Patience, please. Moving too fast is far too likely to make us miss things. Elminedra motions towards Bron's chair. Besides, she says as she cuts another piece of meat on her plateIt would seem we are not done talking, Lord Nathanial, would it be possible for you to acquire lodging at either of your friends? And if so, would that be out of the ordinary? The same might apply to Bron and Khalmek as well, are there any inns in Alefgard that you have frequented? Installing yourself in the district to begin with is a good way to explain why you could be found there, in Khalmek's case, Half-Orcs are not uncommon, at least less so than elsewhere, in east-side. Bron may have to come up with a cover. Does either of you see any complications with such a plan?

Nathanial Greyson

"I'd say I could probably stay at Greg's house, he hardly ever uses it."

2010-01-28, 12:47 PM

Bron shakes his head. I won't need much. No one should recognize me. As long as I behave myself.

2010-01-30, 05:50 PM

Khalmek listened to the others for a little while, but when it seemed that they were expecting him to say something he cleared his throat. "I don't usually have problems fitting into places like East Side or the like... I'm not sure why, but even people who have not heard... who I am... tend to leave me alone for the most part." He looked like he wanted to say something else, but got caught deciding whether or not he should say it. After a few agonizing seconds he seemed to decide that he'd delayed too long and continuing would just be awkward... or, more awkward...

2010-01-30, 06:28 PM

Taking time with her meal, using longer time to eat considerably less than Nathanial does in a shorter amount of time, Elminedra's eyes seems to shift between the three others, weighting and assessing each in a somewhat discomforting way, the look on her face, faint, but there, makes you believe that her mind is processing ideas. She waits just long enough before pausing to speak, some might suspect that she times her little period of silence with when others are getting restless.

Okay, so the plan for tonight should be to secure lodging in east-side, I assume that district have changed little over the years, at least the standing recommendation for anyone working at the royal court to not bringing more coin when venturing in the district than they wouldn't miss should it be stolen have not changed since I first joined Lord Tarkis entourage here in Alefgard. Make sure to place your coind and valuables in a spot pickpockets will not be able to exctract them without you noticing, I can help, if neccesary. We should also do some subtle listening to the tavern talk this evening, though not actively inquiring about the murders. But first, we should determine when and where we are to meet again, and what we shall do before that.

2010-01-30, 10:48 PM
Nathanial Greyson

Nathanial chews a fistful of buffalo jerky, and washes it down with a mouthful of Pulsch. He flexes his fingers gently, and each knuckle pops. Loosening the first button of his overshirt, he smiles contently and leans back in his chair.

"If we are to be meeting later, than I would ask to be excused for an hour or two in order to hit up my best information source in Alefgard. I don't know how useful it will be, me not being as well connected as young Lady Delacourt, but I can still be of some use beyond my swordarm. Speaking of which, I should probably go get my sword . . . and my shield . . . and my armour . . . and I'll need one of you to help me put on my armour."

With that, Nathanial lets out a loud and generous guffah, smacking the table with his hand (shaking it awfully), and stamping his feet at his own stupidity.

2010-01-31, 07:16 AM

You have another source of information?
There is no hint of surprise in her voice, not even curiosity, merely interest, with a slight note of command in her tone.

2010-01-31, 11:31 AM

You have another source of information?
There is no hint of surprise in her voice, not even curiosity, merely interest, with a slight note of command in her tone.

Nathanial Greyson

"Ah yes, well you see . . . that other friend I spoke of? She's sort of got her ear to the ground when it comes to underworld dealings. Could prove helpful."

2010-01-31, 12:02 PM

We can meet here tomorrow morning, except inside the tavern, provided you two don't mind. he says to Elminedra and Nathaniel. For us two, it shouldn't be too much of a problem. Speaking of which, I'm going to go listen to the bar talk now. Any of you are welcome to join me. Espcially you Elminedra. he says. You can tell there's a small hint of sarcasm in his voice. He gives her a knowing wink which can only imply certain things be done as he smiles. Anyway, I'm off. I'll probably be scouting the city as well tonight if anyone wants to tag along.

2010-01-31, 05:37 PM
Do you intend to go solo and accomplish nothing? Without coordination, this will be a fumble in the dark, as it appears that neither of us are particularily specialised for this task.

Elminedra motions towards Bron's chair, signalling him to sit, her voice with more authority now, older somehow, not belonging to a girl. Elminedra have dropped the facade that would make anyone not knowing better to mistake her for a young novice politican.

First of all, there is no reason to meet here before next week, and I would prefer not to. If, as Lord Tarkis alluded to as a possibility, the plottings of the council is involved, caution would be key, espescially if we are to investigate more things, sooner or later, we will be unable to hide that we are a group, at some point, someone will figure out all of our identities, a bit after that, our employer will become known to them.

Elminedra finishes her meal, waiting for her words to sink in.

This is what I suggest: Tonight, Lord Nathanial is to ask Mr. Haftler to allow him to stay at his house, if he finds the time, he may see his friend, though I would prefer it if you stayed at the tavern to talk to an old friend for as long as you usually would. Bron and Khalmek should, separatly, go to "The Seagull" one of the more recognisable inns in east-side, as well as among the larger ones in the city, travellers staying at it should not rise any suspicion, provided they do not do much out of the ordinary. You should all listen to the gossip at the tavern and inn, do not ask about the murders, but make sure to remember anything said.

Hopefully, the impatient one can be controlled, he clearly should not be left to his own devices, Sir Hulk seems more amiable to follow suggestion, at the least.

Tommorow, Lord Nathanial will make rounds through the taverns and inns of East-side, as he is known for doing, his task is to get people talking with him. Our task will be to spread out along his route, Bron has a nifty hat, I have the same thing, so we can cover all his stops and look differently at each one, but we probably can only do half of them each to reduce the effect of blunders, primarily we should do every other, or every third, arriving a while before Lord Nathanial, and lingering after his departure.

She turns to Khalmek, appearantly content with the tasks set forth for the others.

As for you, I'm afraid you will have some difficulties fitting into the plan, an extra pair of eyes and airs would be quite useful, however, I suppose that you don't have a hat of disguise or something along those lines? Does either of you have any ideas here?

2010-02-02, 11:06 AM
Lord Nathanial

Finishing his food and drink, at least for the moment, Nathanial smoothes his hair back. "I should think my equipment would be rather obvious. How should I get around the problems of not being able to just stride into a tavern wearing armour and a longsword?"

2010-02-02, 12:52 PM

I'll do it for a day or tow, but if more murders happen in the meantime, I can't jsut stand by and let it happen. That's not the man i try to be he thinks.

2010-02-02, 04:10 PM
Elminedra looks at Nathanial with a smile, motherly almost, except that she's far too young to make it effective, but she is more than able to adjust it appropriatly.

Perhaps, Lord Nathanial, you might consider an alternative concept? That you leave your sword and armor behind, or otherwise out of sight? You do have a backup weapon, do you not?

Turning to adress Bron.

I understand your feelings, but how would you prevent such murders without knowing where you should be to do so? There are many dark alleys in east-side, and that's before nightfall, odds are, that you would be in another if or when a murder takes place, unless you can narrow down the likely locations to more than just dark places in east-side with no witnesses

2010-02-02, 04:47 PM

Khalmek cleared his throat again. And, again, it was hard to tell what he meant by it. "There is... only so much that we can learn from asking people. Most likely don't know, and those that do won't know much. At best, they will tell us where to look... where we will go to see for ourselves. In the end, we will not solve this problem with words alone. Your plan does not include this, Elminedra."

"Maybe you are too concerned with keeping unnoticed. Not being seen or noticed is important... But saving people's lives is more important. And we will make that sacrifice willingly." There is no compromise in his voice. Clever plans and magic hats have their uses... but when the time comes, all that matters is stopping the bloodshed.

2010-02-02, 04:59 PM

Either way, we need information before we can act in a meaningful way.

2010-02-02, 05:04 PM

"...But once it's too late, all the information in the world will be worthless." Khalmek sighed, but it sounded more like a surly rumble from the outside. The man is somewhat difficult to read correctly, and all too easy to misunderstand. "Your plan is good... I think... but we must act quickly. There is no time for delay."

2010-02-03, 12:34 AM

That may be so, but that would be an acceptable risk, what are out chances without at least some knowledge?

2010-02-03, 09:06 PM

I doubt that anyway will know a lot. We'll scavenge for information in the afternoon snd scout during the night. That way something is actively being done and we are getting information. Now the night is getting under way, and I don't know about any of you, but i'll be scouring the streets tonight. By myself or with any of you.

2010-02-04, 05:56 PM

He seems a bit more relaxed. If we're done here. I got a job to do.

2010-02-05, 03:27 AM

Just make sure to follow the plan with the inns, and will be rested for the tour tommorow. I shall attempt to find an alternative means to communicate than meeting here, shall we say that we meet here in the morning the day after tommorow unless otherwise agreed upon?

2010-02-05, 08:54 AM

Just make sure to follow the plan with the inns, and will be rested for the tour tommorow. I shall attempt to find an alternative means to communicate than meeting here, shall we say that we meet here in the morning the day after tommorow unless otherwise agreed upon?

Lord Nathanial

"I'd say yes. I'm sure you'll find a way to communicate if you need to."

2010-02-05, 02:49 PM

I'll be in The Seagull if you need to find me. with that, he opens the door and proceeds to head to the inn for a few drinks before starting night duty. He pauses for a moment if anyone else has anything to say.

2010-02-05, 05:01 PM

I need to know some specific timeframes that you will be present in the common room, or in some other tavern

2010-02-05, 05:10 PM

I'll be gone by 10 pm and scouting the city. At least till 2 or 3 in the morning. There i'll probably sleep in till 9am. From there its free time to do what I want or get in touch with others if you need me.

ooc- assuming its like 8 or so

2010-02-05, 05:42 PM

Ok, one more thing though, neither of you should be drinking more than you have to in order to avoid getting attention.

2010-02-05, 06:11 PM

Bron physically frowns at this request. He thinks for a moment. Not drink? she must be insane. I'll limit myself he says after a moment.

2010-02-08, 10:25 PM
The downpour of rain drifts back into the room as Bron opens the door to leave. It seems that the storm has settled somewhat, no more lightning streaks the sky and no thunder is heard above the pitter patter of rain drops, but the rain itself shows no sign of stopping, though it's flow has slowed somewhat. The monk exits, leaving the three remaining members of Alphonse's task force in the bar backroom.

The chill of the wind and rain urges you on as you walk through Alefgard, urges you towards the seagull, which your certainly hope is of good enough quality to have a nice fire place. Though secret and cozy, the backroom of the Grey barley certainly held no heat or warmth to dry the chill of the rain.

You traverse the streets of West-side, through the now completely closed and empty marketplace, and then into the narrow, broken and muddy streets of East-side. The weather seems to hae outright cleared the streets, it seems even the homeless that live here must have found some shelter better than the street tonight, for you don't see a soul. No, wait, you do see a group up ahead. A closer pee shows a group of five guardsmen, armoured and weaponed, huddled together under a nearby tarp that provides them with some protection from the rain. They appear to be enjoying a brief pipe of tobacco amidst their patrol.

The Seagull lies nearby, for you are now quite close to Dock Town, the seagull being one of many inns that catered a bit of warmth and something other than a hammock to sleep in for sailors. It seems filled to capacity tonight, the sound of talking, laughter and just general movement louder than the music playing inside.

2010-02-09, 10:48 AM
Nathanial Greyson

"Well, I think I'll go inquire as to lodging at Greg's."

2010-02-09, 11:39 AM

Quitly watching Nathanial leave, Elminedra drinks some more wine, she had only had half a cup during the entire evening.

You should wait a while before leaving, not make it appear as if there actually was a meeting here

Vacation time is over, it appears, and why did Alphonse even bother to bring these children along?

Pulling out a small sheet of paper, a pen and ink from her bag, she started to make notes, structurizing everything mentioned at the meeting that could be relevant.

2010-02-09, 02:03 PM

He move swiftly through the rain, not wanting to linger. He would appreciate a warm fire to sit by. He ignores the guards under the tent. His damp clothes quickly became wet again as he headed for the inn. He enters the inn and asks the bartender for a room and how much it will cost.

2010-02-09, 08:11 PM
After a brief moment back inside the Grey Barley inn to regain your possessions (and listen to a joke from the barkeep about 'falling in' about your absence from the bar), you start out into the dripping rain towards east-side and Gregory Haftler's tavern.

You traverse the streets of West-side, through the now completely closed and empty marketplace, and then into the narrow, broken and muddy streets of East-side. The weather seems to have outright cleared the streets, it seems even the homeless that live here must have found some shelter better than the street tonight, for you don't see a soul. Luckily you don't have to travel too far into the winding alleyways of the darker side of Alefgard, Gregory smart enough to purchase a tavern and workshop as close to the marketplace as possible, away from the thieves nest in the middle of East-side.

The Golden Hammer is far from the shinning place it's namesake would suggest, but Gregory does his job to make sure that repairs and new paint is put on the place as needed, unlike other places which let their bars fester like their occupants. It seems busier than you recall as you enter, people crowding near you even as you walk in, all seats taken and many people standing or sitting on the floor near the fireplace. What's more, it seems that his custom isn't just the weary factory worker either, as a number of people inside seem to carry the mismatched and worn clothes and the grime that speaks of a life lived with no more shelter than the streets can provide. You spot your old friend, his worn blacksmith's hands currently filled with some pitchers of beer to serve to a table.

As you enter the seagull, you find it a challenge for a second (but only a second, as you are very skilled at moving through a crowd), to move through the crowd within the Seagull's common room. Apart from a number of sailors that sit at tables, joking, laughing, drinking, and trying to attract the attention of the serving girls, there are a number of others wearing drenched rags and carrying a heavy smell of body odour, that seem to huddle together in small groups as they talk amongst themselves, some even seeming to carry sleeping mats or covers. These obviously poorer folks don't seem to have any drink or food on their tables, when they have tables.

The innkeeper seems to be a one-armed half-elf with a serious appraising look to his eyes who draws drinks from behind the bar. Taking a look at your simple garb, he responds, "Two Silver for a bunk in a room, five copper to stay in the common room with the rest, provided you don't cause any trouble. If you cause trouble I won't hesitate to toss you out in the streets."

2010-02-10, 10:25 PM
Bron passes over two gold coins instead. For the week along with meals and a few drinks each afternoon. he says. And if you could, keep a tab. If I go over, just let me know. He rubs his hand together trying to warm them and blows his breath on them. So what's for dinner? He then seems to realize that he's soaked to the bone. And if you have some clothes I can wear while mine dry out, it would be appreciated.

2010-02-10, 10:54 PM
The innkeeps eyes almost bulge for a second as gold is revealed, obviously a metal he doesn't see much of, but one he'd like to see more often. "Yes master, I'll get right on it. Rita!" he shouts out, and one of the serving girls, a young woman, flush with curly red hair, approaches the counter. "Head to my room and bring this man a change of clothes so he can dry himself off."
The serving girl nods and moves through the common room to the housing units of the inn. "She'll just be a minute." he says, the coins having disappeared by now, "You'll be in the Echo room, the uh, one with the blue and red flag on the door. You let me know if any of the other bunks there give you trouble, I'll toss 'em out into the commons with the rabble if they do."
After a few moments, Rita, the serving girl, returns with a set of clothes. "They may not fit quite right, but I'll wager they'll do." the barkeep says. "I'm Clem by the way, let me know if there's anything you need." he says, passing you a full mug of beer, some surprisingly fresh biscuits and a plate of steamed carrots and some chicken.

2010-02-11, 12:57 AM
Nathanial Greyson

Nathanial strides up to the bar of the Golden Hammer and slams his hands down on the table. "Greg you old son of a (female dog)! How are you these days? My word it's been at least a full year since I was last in town. Pour me a drink or ten and we'll talk about the good old days! Remember that time we both woke up in the south side, dressed like street magicians?"

2010-02-11, 06:12 AM

Khalmek waits what surely should be long enough for the finicky elf, then stands. "...I suppose that's it, then. Goodnight." Wondering if there was something else that he should say or do that Elminedra would certainly notice his lack of, Khalmek shrugged and turned for the door, pulling his cloak around him in feeble preparation for the icy rain to once more drench him completely.

I don't think Khalmek has anything special that he particularly needs to go do... So I guess he'll just be heading back to whatever generic Inn he's staying at currently.

2010-02-11, 08:55 AM

Good night, she gives a polite smile as Khalmek leaves, then returns to her thoughts, her notes finished some time ago, she drinks her wine while waiting for about half an hour, before leaving.

She wraps her cloak around her, a quality cloak that will keep her dry, even in this weather, adjusts her appearance to a dark gray color with a shade of green to blend into the night, pitch black would normally be a bad idea, that would make one darker than the environs. She proceeds to snuff out all sources of light that might betray the opening of the door to a casual observer before venturing out in the dark. Scanning the environs*:

She proceeds towards the market district, shortest way, taking a sharp turn into one alley, blending with the night to disappear shortly before she reaches it, crouching down to hide behind some crates, checking for pursuers**.

Waiting for longer than she believes any pursuers would, she moves back into the street from where she entered, now with her cloak taking on it's natural black color, walking more like she normally does, heading straight for the noble's quarter, stopping at two shopwindows and using her mirror to watch if the lanterns betray any pursuers***

She enters her appartment, goes through her routine of checking her appartment for any signs of unwanted guests**** before locking it down and going to bed, in her armor, dagger under the pillow.

*Spot: [roll0]
Listen: [roll1]

**DC 20 Hide to gain (more) concealment (Skill trick): [roll2]+modifiers for nightime/dark clothing, will take 10 and succeed if allowed.
Hide: [roll3]+modifiers for nightime/dark clothing
Move Silently: [roll4]
Spot: [roll5]
Listen: [roll6]

***More spot checks:
2x Windows:
2x Mirror:

****Taking 20 on search=33.

2010-02-19, 04:00 PM

I promise you they won't bother. In fact, I actually prefer lively company. Makes life more fun. he say with a smile. But thank you Clem. I'll let you know if I need anything.