View Full Version : [Sharn]Tomb of Horrors[IC]

2010-01-17, 09:01 PM
Though the towers of Sharn reach for the sky, the tunnels twist deep down into the earth. Under the furnaces of the Cogs and rats of the Sewers lay the Depths, where the bones of ancient civilizations lay buried.

In one dark corner of the Depths there is rumored to be the crypt of the demilich Acererak. It's said that he built his crypt there after the city was destroyed at the end of the War of the Mark. Whether he is still entombed there no one knows, but the tales of the great treasure to be found in the crypt grow with each telling.


After hours of trekking through the deepest layers of Undersharn, you follow a passage cut through the stone rock. It emerges into a wide cavern, forty feet tall, over a hundred feet wide. On the far wall five massive doors have been set into the stone, spaced ten feet apart from each other. Each door is identical and double wide, the hinges on the outside as though the doors open out. At first glance they appear to be wood, reinforced with strips of metal.

Above the doors is a gigantic demonic face carved out of the stone.

You can start with any 24 hour and hour per level buffs active. It's dark down here and I'm assuming someone has a lightsource. You all know each other, perhaps have gone on other assignments before.

This is what the face looks like.

2010-01-18, 09:18 AM
All-day buffs, recast as necessary: darkvision 60', See Invisibility, Detect Magic

EDIT: yes, and I don't see the image for the demonic face. I assume it looks the same as in recruitment thread?

Warforged carefully approached each door, looking for anything dangerous or unusual...

Trap probability: high. Search mode: activated.To: all party members. Care: advised.

Search take 20 (total 46) on each door and the 5' space around it

2010-01-18, 04:32 PM
Ehren warily approaches the first door and begins the exhausting process of checking it carefully for traps.

Search check take 20 for 38

2010-01-18, 05:27 PM
Nothing in the cavern registers as magical in Blessed's vision. However, after searching the doors the second and third doors are both magically trapped. Examining the door, the spell detects as Strong Evocation magic.

2010-01-18, 06:26 PM
Pondering on the Ehran's results for a few moments, warforged carefully checked the untrapped door, then turned to Ehran

Take 20 Search on the door that appear untrapped, just in case

Detected: Evocation School. Query: about to proceed with defusing? Offering: Aid.

2010-01-18, 07:01 PM
"Happy to have your assistance." Ehren said to the Warforged as he began to disarm the trap.


2010-01-18, 07:41 PM
The magical energies of the traps dissipate. In your search of the doors you notice that none of them are locked.

Here's a basic view of the outside. The doors marked "Trap" had the magical traps that were disarmed.

Counting from the left, the doors can be referenced 1-5.


2010-01-18, 08:39 PM
Seeing the traps' energies dissipating harmlessly, warforged nodded approvingly, and proceeded to the doors, trying to get a glimpse of what might be lurking behind them...

Listen checks [roll0]
EDIT: Will I ever learn to use the roller properly? Listen checks are in the OOC thread...

2010-01-18, 09:14 PM
Blessed hears nothing behind the doors.

2010-01-19, 07:10 AM
Opposition: not detected. Hypothesis: estimated number of working entrances = 1. Distinguishing features: none. Recommended plan: trial and error. This: proceeding.

Warforged carefully opened the first door, and looked inside.

2010-01-19, 09:33 AM
The first door opens slowly, the hinges grinding and rust flaking off. Beyond the door is a small corridor, leading to another double door. The roughly worked, plain stone corridor is full of cobwebs. A set of double oaken doors are just visible at the end of the passageway. The roof 20 feet overhead is obscured by hanging strands.

You detect no magic in this corridor.


2010-01-19, 11:26 AM
This: proceeding further.

Blessed moved into the corridor, eyeing the walls, floor and ceiling warily.

Search t20 on anything I can reach, until a trap is found or until I reach the door

2010-01-20, 12:19 AM
A thorough quick of the corridor reveals nothing untoward, though the double doors are trapped. A hidden lever connected to the handle runs up through the door and into the ceiling.

2010-01-20, 08:51 AM
Trap: detected. Nature: unknown, pending investigation. Hypothesis: falling ceiling? This: proceeding with investigation

Warforged unfolded his metallic wings and flied up to the ceiling, trying to trace the trap elements, without touching the ceiling.

2010-01-20, 11:28 AM
Upon hearing the warforged's statement and hypothesis, Dernmesser decides to play it safe just outside the room.
I trust you, but just in case you make a mistake I'll wait down here.

2010-01-20, 12:09 PM
Jaekin Ivar

*As the Warforged... thing and whatever the hell that other one was proceed forward, Jaekin stands back, leaning against a wall for a few minutes, running over what he can remeber about the War of the Mark in his mind. Unfortunately, the brilliant members of the Dragonmarked houses decided that it would be a great idea to destroy most of the literature from that time, so any records of construction or specialists who may have worked on this facility were more than likely destroyed. He had been in several ruins of the Ancient empires, and this one looked as though it may have several features reminicent of that culture. Not enough fire though.*

*Moving forward to join the others for a bit, he steps briskly to the first door, with Dernmesser to his left*
"Hey, Dernie. Ever heard the sound of a Warforged getting crushed by an entire quarry of stone? Yeah. Me neither, but it could be interesting. All the same, I'm gonna check the next door over and let you boys have yor fun."

Moving over to door number two, he'll open it up, since the others already handled the magic, and take a look inside, making search checks as he goes.
I'll just roll a few, and hopefully it will be enough.

2010-01-21, 06:50 PM
Blessed spots another mechanism in the roof; this time directly in bedded in the rock. It appears as though the roof is rigged to collapse at the slightest touch.

Jaekin opens the second door. Behind it is a blank wall, the same texture as the rock wall.

2010-01-21, 08:23 PM
Jaekin Ivar

*With a bit of a startled looks, Jaekin curses, rubbing absently at his nose. What kind of a fool would waste his time putting a door on a stone wall? Really? Why not waste your time puttin some more serious traps on the important door?

*With a loud sniff, he gives the stone wall a solid kick, leaving the door open and moving on to the next one down the line. Might as well make himself useful.*

"Stupid builders, following stupid plans. Likey drawn by some half-literate brain addled goblin who thinks he's got an idea of what security is. Just a waste of time."

*Turning a bit to the others as he goes, he calls out to them*
"If this whole place turns out to be a some hair-brained fools idea of a brilliant joke, I swear to every member of the host I'll track down every one of their line and give them a kick so hard it'll travel back in time to where it belongs!"

Alright, so off to door number 3, opened with an angry jerk, and looking down to see where it leads, if anywhere.

2010-01-22, 08:38 AM
Satisfied with the findings, warforged descended back to the door, and examined the trigger mechanism, to see whether it's possible to disarm it.

I'd like to see whether Disable Device would work here at all, or is the thing rigged so tight that the only option is to activate the trap from a distance. Not sure what checks might be involved here, but, given my ranks in DD, my character should probably have a good idea as to whether something is disarmable

2010-01-22, 08:53 PM
Jaekin pulls open the third door to reveal another blank wall.

After examining the ceiling, Blessed determines that merely touching the mechanism for the roof will cause it to collapse, but the lever in the door appears able to be bypassed.

2010-01-22, 10:58 PM
Jaekin Ivar

*Once was irritating. Twice is enough to narrow his eyes, a string of curses streaming out of him, the choicest of which will go unrepeated.*

*With a look that seems as though it is attempting to melt the very rock he has so recently uncovered, Jaekin grumbles, moving to the next door, inwardly hoping for something of interest. Poison darts, electric shock connection to a handle. Heck, even a simple explosive release switch is more interesting than soid stone walls.*

"I don't know what kind of mush-brained, cave-slinking tunnel worm thought this was a brilliant idea, but if I ever do.... oh.... the things I'd do to 'em."

*Glancing back towards the others, he calls out loudly, more to be annoying than anything else.*
"Oy! Has that rickety escuse for a warforged gotten himself flattened yet? Or found anything interesting?"

so, his frustrations building, off to door number four.... hopefully with more luck.... or he may lose his temper and start cursing... I don't know. I've never really played an angry foul-mouthed character, but it's kinda fun.

2010-01-23, 10:03 PM
Trap difficulty: medium. Chance of success: medium-high. To: party. Help: recommended, increases chance of success. High skill required: false. Query: volunteers?

Just to be on the safe side, could someone capable of beating DD DC 10 provide me with some Aid Another?

2010-01-24, 12:48 PM
Jaekin opens the fourth door, revealing a 30ft long corridor, 10ft wide. Two separate doors are dimly visible at the end of this roughly worked, plain stone corridor.

Link because apparently the IMG tag isn't working. (http://www.wizards.com/dnd/images/ToH_Gallery/ToHGraphic2.jpg)

2010-01-24, 02:02 PM
Jaekin Ivar

*As the fourth door flies open, Jaekin stops, his first reaction to lash out in fury the stone wall he expected. The corridor that stretches before him is one that bothers him more than the stone would have. Even here in the dark, his vision works perfectly, and the inconsistencies of the construction bother him. It's one of the best way to conceal traps. Why would the floor and ceiling be cobbled stones, and the walls brickwork? It was like an itch somewhere near the center of his back he just couldn't reach.*

*Turning to look down towards the others, he calls out, hoping to at least let them know where to search for him if something goes wrong.*
"Oy! Wan...... Guys! Found another door down here, or a couple of them, as it were. If you're not too busy getting smashed, I'll be down here!"

*Stepping slowly into the corridor, he takes his time, searching for traps. The construction style was a bit more familiar, but he still couldn't put his finger on it.*

Alright, time to set off some traps! Woo! Let's hope these rolls are better than the last ones that I rolled terribly on.

Edit: WOW. better, but not by a whole heck of a lot. I hope this is a short-lived trend of rolling low.

2010-01-24, 02:42 PM
Dernmesser thinks Ivar will have more luck. Since he never was much of one for traps, he walks over to the forth door, saying to the warforged
Good luck, I hope that roof up there isn't the end of you.

2010-01-25, 08:17 AM
Seeing that no one is willing to help, warforged proceeded with disarming the trap all by himself...

Disable Device: [roll0]

2010-01-25, 08:10 PM
Blessed is able to keep the lever in place, fixing it so it won't upset the ceiling when the door is opened.

Jaekin stops 15ft inside the corridor, almost stepping on a piece of stone slightly discolored from the rest. Looking around again, a section of the wall 10ft wide appears to also have the same discoloration.

2010-01-25, 09:11 PM
Jaekin Ivar

*His foot hovering in mid-air, Jaekin, smiles, stepping back slowly, placing his foot on solid stone and gives a low whistle as he reaches around to rummage in his pack.*

"Oh, you're clever ones, you are. Almost missed that. Too bad the stone ages differently - don't think I would have seen it otherwise."

*As Dern approaches from behind, Jaekin raises a hand for him to wait as he uses his pole to hopefully disarm the thing*

"I haven't heard our pyrite pariah in there get crunched yet - I'd hate to be the first to foul something up. Just stay there a moment unless you feel like volunteering a leg to my experiment."

Okay, so going to make a disable device check to see if I can set the thing off without losing a limb.
Disable Device: [roll0]

2010-01-25, 09:16 PM
As Jaekin activates the trap the discolored section of wall shoots out and slams against the other side of the corridor. Jaekin jerks back and narrowly avoids getting crushed and is now looking at a solid stone wall right in front of him.

A moment later grinding noises can be heard coming from the other side of the wall.

2010-01-26, 10:10 AM
Hearing the strange grinding sounds, warforged decided to finish what he has started, before going to look what's happening there, and opened the now-disarmed door.

2010-01-26, 08:07 PM
Blessed opens the now safe door to reveal a blank wall.

2010-01-27, 08:43 AM
Profanity filter: activated. Beep. Beep-beep. Beep. Beep-beep-beep. Profanity filter: deactivated. Dungeon structure: curious. Builders: creativity detected. This: moving on.

Mumbling this, warforged moved on to the last unchecked door, and opened it.

2010-01-27, 10:52 AM
Jaekin Ivar

*Taking a deep breath, Jaekin sighs and turns to Dern with a big smile.*
"Well, there you have it boy-o. That's how it is done. Now, I beleive it would be best to step back out of here until we can observe from a safe distance what that disheartening grinding noise could be. Step Lively!"

*Not wasting time to wait for Dern, he moves quickly back out of the hallway, to watch from a safe distance as the trap either resets itself, or something terrible happens. As he does so, the warforged is undoubtedly walking by, which causes him to smile ever wider.*

"Now that's the spirit! What's wrong - you didn't get crushed, I'd say that's a point for team "Us"."

2010-01-27, 02:16 PM
Entrance found: false. Found: blank wall. This: proceeds to the last door. To: Jaekin. Query: status?

2010-01-27, 02:37 PM
Jaekin Ivar
"Herm? What now? Status. Right. Mmmmm."
*He thinks a moment and shrugs*
"Status: unknown, pending further extermal input.
Action: Wait."

*He turns to Dern and smiles, seemingly proud of himself.*
"By the Host, I think I'm starting to understand this thing!"
*This is followed by a chuckle, and the slow fall of his brow, as he realizes that it might not be such a good thing that he's starting to understand Blessed...*

2010-01-27, 05:51 PM
Dernmesser just chuckles, frustrated at the slow pace of blank walls. He follows behind Jaekin and blessed as they head towards the final, fifth door.