View Full Version : The Eye (D&D 3.5 campaign)(gestalt)

2010-01-18, 04:34 PM
Isosoles's posting procedure

Sir Example the Correct
**Begin each post with your character’s name in bold**

:: Sir Example scans the ongoing battle with his steely gray eyes. Spotting the closest orc, he raises his sword to the sky and cries out to his allies as he attacks::

**Descriptions or movements should be bracketed with “::” on either end**

“Come now my brothers, drive these fell beasts back to the filthy caves that spawned them!”

**Dialogue in quotes. If you are whispering or speaking only to one person, please say so. If you “want” you may each pick a dialogue color, though I don’t require it. Don’t pick anything obnoxious/hard to read**

Long Sword +1: 1d20+7
Damage: 1d6+3

**Please roll damage along with the attack. If it hits, I will use the damage score. If it crits, I will look up your sheet and see if it is successful. You must handle all conditional modifiers that affect your character. If Sir Example is under the affect of an Aid spell, it is up to you to remember to add the bonuses. I will factor all external combat modifiers (firing into a crowd, flanking, etc) and will inform you of Attacks of Opportunity and the like. If you have a feat that aids you in fighting (like Precise Shot or something like that, please say so in the beginning till I get used to it all**

Lightning Bolt: 1d20+5 (ranged touch)
Damage: 5d6 (electricity)

**For spells, please include the attack roll required and the damage magical damage type. If you need to roll a DC check for something like commanding an animal companion or making a binder check, include the DC with your roll. Also include a brief description of any unique abilities or not-completely-obvious spell effects. I know what a fireball does off hand, but not all the psychic warrior abilities.**

**Skill checks work the same way**

::Sir Example the Correct searches the body for loot::

Search: 1d20+8

Aid Spell: Two rounds

**Please keep count of spell effects and stuff like that during combat. If it is a party buff, only the buffer need keep track. This isn't so much to keep people honest as it is to help keep track over long periods of time. Counters should also be kept for summoned creatures, negative effects, etc.**

OOG: Sir Example is t3h 1337z0rz

**Finally, since it is a big group and I’m a space cadet sometimes, please include what result you want from anything out of the ordinary that may lie in your description but doesn’t have a roll with it so I don’t forget it**

<result of tasting potion>

2010-01-20, 03:20 PM

Elsdon (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=180118) is a small time crime lord. He likes the shine and power, and leads a group of thugs that he uses to force local merchants out of their gold, sells stuff on the black market and generally manipulate the public with his skills and magic.

Elsdon knows who to talk to to get the information that he needs, and charming a weak willed hero into telling him about the artifact was surprisingly easy. Elsdon will never miss an opportunity to expand his influence, and doesn't care if he has to share the power. On the contrary, he knows that having powerful allies will be far more profitable then working alone, and unless he believes one of his so called allies are a risk for the cause, or his own life, he will support them.


If anything was missed or extra is needed, just notify me and I will add it :smalltongue:

2010-01-20, 03:53 PM
Zouigif[/B] (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=179904[B)

"Now, answer: what the heck were you talking about?"

::Zouigif releases the paladin's windpipe a fraction, enough for him to gasp out the name of the staff of the void and a location where a group of "evil" *(read: pragmatic)* adventurers are said to be gathering::

Zouigif, something of a wanderer, doing what he does to work towards the utter, total destruction of the order that slaughtered his tribe, sets out before daybreak. His eyes gleam with anticipation of blood and revenge.

2010-01-20, 04:37 PM
i presume the paladin is now dead in a backalley. if so, you can take his stuff.
also, the format is fine.

2010-01-20, 06:58 PM

.:Staff of the void........:
A lone figure raised his head from the dusty scroll he has been revising, the scroll talked about a powerful artifact, a grin found its way to the figures face before he rolled up the parchment and left.

.:I'll need help, such an artefact sureley will be guarded I a must obtain it at all cost.:. Alesteir contiues his way towards the shadiest limits of the city, if he was to find help he would find it there

OOC: sometimes i'll post in Italics those are the non-confidential thoughts of my character. I think it is gives a bit of something to them :smallamused:

Also is the posting format right?

try doing the thoughts + speech in your colour.

2010-01-20, 07:46 PM
Sebastian Bohl, the Craven (http://www.thetangledweb.net/forums/profiler/view_char.php?cid=33846)
HP: 45/45 AC:27 T:14 FF:23 Init: +4
Buffs: Endure Exposure
Immune: Dragon Fear
Resist 9 (Acid, Cold, Electricity, Fire)
Str: 12 Dex: 18 Con: 20 Int: 16 Wis: 12 Cha: 11
Fort: +11 Ref: +8 Will: +5

The beast wakes in a dark alley of the city he has been sent to in order to meet with a group of individuals who are to hunt for an artifact. Sebastian cannot recall anything about the being who suggested that he find the object other than massive crimson eyes and arcane syllables in draconic. His master called it the Staff of the Void and that he who found it would be named Ssissthedar. Sebastian did not think that his name at all sounded like Sissthedar, but he could not refuse. He had no choice but to search for this staff and endure the company of anyone that would help him find it.

Endure Exposure is a 24 hours buff that bestows Endure Elements and immunity to my breath weapon.

All soulmeld effects are included in the stat block above.
Incarnum Details:
Essentia:5 (E=Essentia Invested) Capacity 1
Expanded Soulmeld Capacity (+1), Totem Bind (+1 Capacity)
[3] Dragon Mantle: +2 Enhancement to Fortitude. Resist 3E Acid, Cold, Elec, Fire
[Bound]: Totem Bind-Fly as a Move Action 10Eft per round with poor maneuverability. Must end round on a solid surface or fall.
[0] Dragon Claws: 1d6+Str claws. 1 attack as Standard, 2 as Fullround. +E enhancement bonus to attack and damage with these claws
[1] Beast Tamer Circlet: +2+2E insight on Handle Animal and Wild Empathy
[1] Wormtail Belt: +2+E Enhancement to Natural Armor

2010-01-20, 10:32 PM
A man in a black cloak jumps off the roof of the temple and mutters a syllable. He drifts slowly down towards a bush in the gardens, and tosses something to a strange looking cat, who runs away.

After brushing leaves off of himself, Daedalus walks calmly through the temple and out the gate. He reaches down and picks up a small package from his familiar. He opens and reads from it.

"Hmm, Staff of the Void. Sounds... expensive. :smallamused:"

Character Sheet (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=179822)

Prepared Spells:
0: Ray of Frost, Mage Hand, Light, Acid Splash
1: Magic Missile, Sleep, Shocking Grasp, Feather Fall, True Strike
2: Invisibility, Cat's Grace, Scorching Ray
3: Lightning Bolt, Fireball

term1nally s1ck
2010-01-25, 03:17 PM
Brian (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=180433)

A strange man, with four arms, a snoutlike mask over his face, and various decorations over his body wanders through the city, scowling, but secretly pleased that the population already fear him due to his appearance, but disappointed that they probably don't know his name yet. That will change.

He's here to obtain his first major magical item. The first of many, as he needs to find as many as possible to ensure his powers surpass any who would challenge him. Not to mention the ones he intends to challenge.

His face twists into a snarl, though, as he realises that so many others are hunting for the same item.

Ah well. I'll work with them to find the item, and then all I have to do is make sure I keep it. Shouldn't be too hard for one of my power.

2010-01-25, 04:50 PM
http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=181249 (Rurik)

"So...What's this magical staff your talking about?"

::Rurik buys the already drunk man another drink::

"Well, M' brother'sh a wishard...He tolded me that there'sh thish magical shtaff that 'e figuresh 'ould catch a pretty penny on the black market."

::The drunk man collapses::

I think this staff might be worth some investigation...

::Rurik helps himself to the contents of the unconscious man's pockets, then leaves::

Dusk Eclipse
2010-01-25, 05:21 PM
Daiguren (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=180507)

Bermelindo the mage was happy, he had acquired an ancient scroll; this particular scroll detailed a powerful artifact, his face brightened with pure glee as he deciphered started deciphering it. He was so absorbed on his work that he didn’t hear the sound of the window opening, he did not heard the blade leaving its sheathe; but he did feel the cold sting of a blade as it slit its throat.
The black scorpion looked at the cooling corpse of his latest target, why his employer had marked this particular man for death he did not know, nor he cared; he was just doing the job he was paid for.
He took a glance at the scroll and read four words: “staff of the void”.

"Staff of the void huh?... sounds interesting"
The black swcorpion smirked as he decided to look further into this staff.

2010-01-31, 11:23 PM
in summary, we will now begin.
you are all at a abandoned house just out of town, gathered to hunt down this "staff of the void". you all know that a second, larger and more powerful group of naive idealists (good) is also planing to try and find this artifact. they seem to have more infomation as regards it.

term1nally s1ck
2010-02-01, 01:44 AM

Can any of you do a decent job at getting information out of one of the other group without starting a war? If we can't get the information by talking, I recommend kidnapping.

EDIT: Is this colour ok for you guys to read? It's fine to me, but it looks like it might hurt some ppl's eyes.

2010-02-01, 02:22 AM

"Kidnapping? Kidnapping is easy. I would be capable of taking part in that meaningfully. However, I think that it would be best to open with a brief conversation. I suggest that we sort out a small delegation to talk, and the rest of us hide to provide a little bargaining muscle, hmm?"

2010-02-01, 02:34 AM

"I'm all about information" ::Elsdon smiles and speaks softly:: "How do you wish to approach it? We can tell them we share their intentions."
:: but the chance of them having magic to detect through.. Although I am convincing enough so the fools will probably won't even think about double checking. ::

"We can always tail them from hiding.. Or we can always kidnap one of them.. I know some magic that could separate some of them so it will be possible, but riskier. Although it could reward us better and we could use it later.. Unless they are so naive that they will just spill out all the information right off the bat.."

(Italic in :: are thoughts..)

"I will talk to them." ::even if I would prefer doing it from the shadows.. Dangit..:: "Who will come out of me? One who can handle it without needing the surprise of shadows at his side"

term1nally s1ck
2010-02-01, 02:41 AM

If we can find anything out about some of thir group, maybe we could pick an easier target to extract the information from, either voluntarily, or....more forcefully. Either way, I'm not the best at avoiding detection, nor peaceful negotiations. There are always sacrifices for powers, and my appearance was the first thing I decided was unnecessary.

2010-02-01, 02:54 AM

The winged beast grunts, ethereal draconic arms poised above his own with wisps of blue soulfire dancing about them. His own wings expand for a moment and then retract quickly, an after image of azure light pulling in slowly behind. A belt of thick purple scales around his waist taints the surrounding skin with lilac veins. A ghostly silver band encircles his forehead, remaining about an inch away from his skull. When he speaks it is first in the tongue of dragons, "<Heh, I would rather disembowel them than speak>" He continues in a common tongue, "I do not blend with humans, not anymore, nor do I sway allegiances with a tongue of silver."

2010-02-01, 03:04 AM

::Elsdon looks at the draconic being and answers softly, in it's own language:: "<In due time..>" ::Turning to look at Brian as he speaks:: "I could attempt extracting information from the locals, but we will need to scout the group first to get some details about them, and then question the townfolks, which will take some time.. It seems all our options begin with seeing our competition"

term1nally s1ck
2010-02-01, 03:17 AM

::Brin nods his masked head, and were you able to see his face fully, you'd see a savage grin quickly grow across his face::

In the tongue of dragons: <You're not the only one..I despise dealing with creatures of their misplaced ideals>

and in common: Well, I see no reason not to just grab a random gossipmonger from a tavern nearer the centre of town and scare him into giving us information on this group. We can consider what needs to be done when we at least know how many and how organised they are.

2010-02-01, 03:25 AM

"If we have some information about the party, like what they look like or their names, we can get better information about them. But you are right, we can get some information without that, but if they are going to leave while we delay.. We know they are foolish idealists, they probably believe most crap they hear, and if they have some alignment detection magic, it won't help them against me. I should speak with them while you set an ambush on the off chance that they won't believe me." ::as an afterthought, Elsdon adds:: "What can possibly go wrong?"

term1nally s1ck
2010-02-01, 03:30 AM

:: Brian groans ::

You just had to say that, didn't you...ah well. So, we'll-...You'll request a meeting with a few of them to join their 'holy quest', and we'll make sure we're around and nearby enough to deal with anything that could get...messy.

2010-02-01, 03:34 AM

An eye twitches as the others speak in draconic. He replies in Auran heavily accented with the gruff tones of draconic, "<Delusional fools.>" To anyone that does not know auran and draconic it could easily be assumed that he is poorly mixing the two languages. Not knowing auran specifically but knowing the harsh tones, hisses, and other repitllian sounds needed for draconic would explain any facial expressions that might be insulting in any other language. Why is this important? If it seems that he is not understood he would continue with a few choice words for both Elsdon and Brian ((or Chris? Name change?)) that are not nearly so polite. The true message to be conveyed? He does not appreciate anyone without draconic blood speaking in such a regal language.

term1nally s1ck
2010-02-01, 03:57 AM

::Brian glances at him, confused, and replies in Auran::

<Do you not approve of our plans, or something?>

(Assuming Sebastian's disapproval is conveyed...)

Well, I assumed when you began speaking in Draconic you were more comfortable in that tongue. I speak Dwarvish, Elvish, and Auran, on top of Draconic and Common. Should all the dwarves, and elves, and those of the air take offence at me for speaking their tongue? Doubtful.

EDIT: OOC: Bah, sorry for the confusion...this guy was called chris, but I've called him brian for a bit now, so I'll stick to that.

2010-02-01, 01:52 PM

Instead of the aforementioned approval he shakes his head and replies in draconic, "<It was the 'creatures with misplaced ideals' bit, is all. I will attempt to keep my comments to myself.>"

term1nally s1ck
2010-02-01, 06:03 PM

Hmmm....I may be wrong, but we'll see how you feel about it once we've got a better idea of what motivates this group.

Dusk Eclipse
2010-02-02, 09:50 AM
OOC: Sorry for nto posting, but am I still allowed to participate?

2010-02-02, 06:59 PM

::Scratches head confusedly::

What're those three hissing for?

OOC: I hope I'm not out for not having posted anything but the intro before.

2010-02-02, 07:13 PM

"We* can follow them around and attempt to discover their plans. Or I could help with something else if that would be preferable."

*Gesturing to himself and his familiar.

2010-02-03, 02:16 AM

"Even if they speak their plans loudly and in the open, and they fail to spot anyone around, their plans will be based on information we don't have. If their plans are poor and we don't know what they base them on, it will be even worse then going in without any preparation at all. No, we need the information they have, not what they plan to do with it. Not yet, anyway. Like I said, I will go and try to get the information from them. Any of you wish to accompany me?"

term1nally s1ck
2010-02-03, 04:43 AM

I'm coming. The chance of a fight is too large to pass up....

2010-02-03, 04:51 AM

::Elsdon examines the so called human:: "I will try to lure him away from his teammates so you should wait out of site until they are separated, and then approach us. Can you make yourself look less intimidating and more.. Natural? I don't want them to suspect us immediately."

term1nally s1ck
2010-02-03, 05:22 AM

Not without significantly weakening myself. I'll follow, but keep my distance, so I do not arouse suspicion.

2010-02-03, 10:45 AM

"We will accompany you. How may I be of assistance? I am nigh undetectable when I want to be."

2010-02-03, 10:51 AM

::Elsdon examines the elf:: "You look normal enough. I will need someone by my side when I talk to their leader, it will help me get their trust."

2010-02-03, 11:26 AM

"Ok, but don't expect me to be very helpful with the talking part."

2010-02-03, 11:45 AM

"I wasn't expecting that" ::Elsdon smiles:: "The rest of you should keep in hiding as close as you can in case things do get messy. Ready?" ::Elsdon starts moving out of the building::

OOC: If our characters don't know where the group is located, Elsdon will take 10 on a gather information check to find out (result of 14)

Dusk Eclipse
2010-02-03, 04:03 PM
OOC: I am SO sorry for not posting before.


The lone figure who till now has been silent finally utters words

"So the plan is to confront them directly?"

:Daigure assumes the Hunter's Sense stance to be able to track his prey more easily:

As Daiguren enters in a more feral state of mind his perception of the world changes and let the powerful scents reveal the trail.

2010-02-03, 04:09 PM

::Elsdon nods:: "They outnumber us, and probably are more powerful. I will attempt to lure one of them away and get the information needed peacefully. If he will refuse, we can subdue him. If I won't be able to separate them, we will get the information otherwise.. Maybe separate them with force and take one of them that way.."

term1nally s1ck
2010-02-03, 04:17 PM

Sort of. We're planning to get a couple of them away from the main group, extracting as much information as possible, and then, shall we say....disposing of them if necessary.

Dusk Eclipse
2010-02-03, 04:18 PM
"I understand, I will hide and tail you from the shadows to provide some support in the case it is necessary"


Daiguren steps into de shadows ready to follow Elsdon

2010-02-03, 04:24 PM

::Elsdon looks at Brian:: "There is no need in more then one of them. The more there are, the higher the chances of the lie being picked up, even if it is a good one. And in the case of the lie actually being picked up, one is easier to subdue, magically or physically, without alerting the others. Disposing of any of them at this stage should be a last resort. If they are alerted to another group that works against them, we lose the precious element of surprise we could use later." ::Elsdon pauses for a moment:: "Any objections?"

Dusk Eclipse
2010-02-03, 04:36 PM

A voice comes from the shadows arround them

"not really"

term1nally s1ck
2010-02-03, 04:43 PM

One would obviously be ideal, but some people are cautious about coming with strangers alone. And what should be done when necessary should only be done when necessary.

2010-02-03, 04:45 PM

"It is as ideal as their beliefs. We'll see how it goes."

2010-02-05, 05:28 PM

Taking his time, the beast makes a few rudimentary arcane gestures and barks out a few eldritch words in draconic tones. Anyone reviewing his methods would easily identify his attempts as a basic form of an Endure Elements spell, but with some subtle changes that seem to tie the recipient to him in some harmless way. He growls slightly and adds, "You will be safe if I must sear an area with fire, call upon the frigid winds of the northlands, or the eldritch fogs of the Tolarian Academy."

Before I forget, Endure Exposure invocations cast for everyone. Endure Elements and immunity to my breath weapon.

2010-02-06, 06:40 PM
If you set out, the center of the city is a small walk away. you are aware that the "heroes" have set up head-quarters in the temple of pelor.

2010-02-07, 02:09 AM

::Elsdon makes sure his allies are well hidden and motions to the elf to wait on a bench outside, and that he hopes to soon be out with one of them. Then he casts a spell (Undetectable Alignment) on himself and enters the temple. He examines the area, approaches what seems to be a group of adventurers the most, bows and speaks calmly:: "I wish to request an audience with your leader"

2010-02-07, 02:24 AM
He starts, and turns.
"By which name should i announce you?"
Another man, dressed in white robes, and 1d20+5 steps across the lawn.
"Do not worry, Aleriat. I am here. Now then, who is it that wishes to speak with me?"

2010-02-07, 02:29 AM
sorry, that did not work

2010-02-07, 07:19 AM
(who is this he that starts?)


"My name is Elsdon, I lead a small group of men.. We help to uphold the laws around here, but we work from the shadows, from inside, so you probably didn't hear my name. Lately, we extracted some concerning information, and because I am sure that my men can keep up the work without me, I decided to follow that information. It led me to you, and I believe that you can help me, and in the future, maybe I will be able to aid you as well. But before we discuss any of it further, there is a situation.. A companion of mine is quite concerned about me being in stranger's territory outnumbered, and is waiting outside. He didn't let me go before I promised to ask you to come with me, alone or with one of your own companions, however you see fit. He is waiting just outside, on one of the benches. I tried to talk him out of it, saying there is no risk, but he didn't budge. I am sorry if it inconveniences you, but I must honor my promise.."

(Elsdon's work is done through others and him keeping in the shadows, so he is sure his name is not known to others. At least not attached to his deeds)

Dusk Eclipse
2010-02-07, 02:13 PM
Using the natural shadows in the temple, he follows Elsdon trying to avoid being seen.

term1nally s1ck
2010-02-07, 02:41 PM

::Brian finds the quietest place he can find where he can still watch the bench from, and sits down as if meditating, while keeping sight on the bench. The soulsparks hover above a nearby doorway, trying to pretend they're simple torches..

2010-02-08, 12:08 AM
bluff check

2010-02-08, 12:10 AM
he smiles. "I am sorry, but i am busy here. Perhaps your firend could join you, and then you would not be so outnumbered? or perhaps, if you cannot convince him, we could meet after the temple no longer needs my services. perhaps around 8 PM tonight?"
note: it is now around 12 o'clock.

2010-02-08, 05:01 PM

"We will return later then" ::Elsdon smiles. He heads out, opens the door and looks back:: "Thank you" ::Leaves::

2010-02-08, 09:41 PM
does anyone else have anything to do before 8PM?

Dusk Eclipse
2010-02-08, 09:46 PM
A history check concerning the staff of the void
and an untrained local check to get a bit more info on this group of adventurers

2010-02-08, 09:49 PM
you have never heard of this staff.
the adventurers turned up around three weeks ago and seem to be procrastinating as to when they are leaving.

Dusk Eclipse
2010-02-08, 09:57 PM
OOC: Just a clarification we agreed with the group to meet at a predetermined point right? if so I go to the place an look for a good place to hide, If I can I take 20 on the hide check (32 total 12 modifier) if I can't take 20 I take 10 (22 total 12 modifier) and wait for 8 PM

If the adventurers didn't agree to mee on the point I'll just wait and then see what course of action Daiguren will take

2010-02-08, 10:01 PM
Knowledge (Arcana) to see if I know anything about the Staff of the Void.

2010-02-08, 10:43 PM
you are meeting at the temple.
you have never heard of this "staff of the void".

2010-02-09, 01:41 AM
Elsdon will try to find out anything he can about the band of heroes. Taking 10 if possible on gather info for 14.

2010-02-09, 01:24 PM
the adventurers turned up around three weeks ago and seem to be procrastinating as to when they are leaving. none are from this twon.

2010-02-11, 01:08 AM
I too would like to take 20 hiding at the temple, about 30 feet from where the meeting will occur. Before the meeting starts, I will have my bow ready just in case.
Hide: 20+14=34

2010-02-11, 01:35 AM
anyone else doing anything?

2010-02-11, 01:44 AM
I believe Elsdon needs to expend another slot for undetectable alignment..

2010-02-11, 01:47 AM

If the temple has effigies such as gargoyles or angelic statues the draconic humanoid will attempt to hide among them, or failing that, simple await some fair distance away, preferably in a tree so he can get some flight towards the area in case combat begins.

Taking 20 to Hide would result in a 24. If he can't find something atop the temple he would hide someplace far enough away that it would be practically impossible for an observer to Spot him. Light sources are off/concealed.

2010-02-11, 01:54 AM
Elsdon will help anybody trying to hide as close as possible but remain hidden. Auto pass aid check for +2 bonus.

2010-02-11, 02:11 AM
sebastian finds his way into a large tree about 30" from the entrance of the temple.

term1nally s1ck
2010-02-11, 05:27 AM
Take 20 on hide gives me a 23, 25 if we count the aid another. I'll keep the shiny sword sheathed, and the soulsparks in my backpack to conceal the light.

2010-02-11, 01:08 PM
will be back in two-three days. everyone who wishes to do somethignbefore he arrives do so, and please post the first bit of the conversation.

Dusk Eclipse
2010-02-11, 11:06 PM
I take 20 to hide near the entrance of the temple, once hidden I wait in Hunter's sense stance to know when the adventurer's are comming.

My Hide mod would be 32 or 34 if we count the Aid another action (20+12+2)

2010-02-14, 02:15 AM
8 PM arrives.
The man in the white robe walks calmly down the path towards you. he smiles to himself, and stops at the entrance. he greets Elsdon.
So, what is it that you wanted to talk about? What was the "infomation" that you possess? And how can the temple of Pelor... or, perhaps, me, be of use to you? His eyes flash, and he speaks again: You would appear to be being followed. Or, perhaps they are your friends that you spoke of earlier... either way, it is in bad taste to hide. he speaks the words of a summon monster IV Spell.
4 celestial eagles appear and fly towards Sebastian.

2010-02-14, 02:34 AM

::Elsdon looks sideways at the holy eagles:: "You are powerful indeed" ::He remarks and turns back to the man:: "I know your intentions are pure, but I am sure you are aware that you are of a rare kind. Me and my companions, we seek the thrill and the glory of an epic adventure, to set our name in the history of the world. We might be not as experienced as you are, but we are resourceful, and believe this chance will help us gain that experience, so that our effect on this world will be much greater. We heard about the staff, and the danger to the world's order, and like you, we wish to find it for the sake of all. The information was leaked somehow, and I am sure that there will be people that will seek the staff for their own gain, and I approach you in the hope you will share your information with us, so that our chances to secure the staff will increase greatly."

OOC: Hey, there isn't an actual lie here!

2010-02-14, 02:44 AM
His eyes narrow. how do i know that you do not lie? prove that thoust speak truthfully. is the fool in the tree a compainion of yours?

2010-02-14, 02:53 AM

::Elsdon sights:: "Do you suspect every man that asks you for help?" ::He looks at the tree:: "I don't see how it proves anything to you, but yes, he is."

GM:I agree with Tacitus that nobody would believe that a tree 30ft far away is a good hiding place, especially since Elsdon clearly acted on the belief that they have detect evil available. If Elsdon is called on it he will answer simply:

"If I have the choice of taking a good and kind companion, or a misguided one, I will take the misguided one any day. Being able to keep an eye on him, think about how good comes out of it? He helps the cause, he doesn't do anything hurtful at the time, he might have a different view on things that will actually help you, and at the same time, he might see things how they are and change his way"

This is not fully a lie as well..

2010-02-14, 03:01 AM
he turns, and moving with commendable speed for one so advanced in years, csat detect evil on you.hmmm.... i apologise. i may have been... over hasty.
The man smiles. Exelent. I was afraid that you were some form of assassin. You know, it is really very impolite to hide in trees. It does not matter. The important thing is that i have given my word to not tell anyone, and i will not betray Nanioi's trust. you may speak with her if you would please, but you will need to follow me into the temple to do so. if your companion is afraid, he can acompany you. Oh, and by the way, your friend under the bushes (OOC:brian) may wish to accompany us as well.

2010-02-14, 03:08 AM

[roll0] - sense motive + inspiration used.

::If Elsdon doesn't suspect anything, he nods:: "It is their choice" ::He says simply and follows the man into the temple.

2010-02-14, 03:11 AM
you follow. OOC: The others will be given roughly 16 hours to respond, as i am going to bed now.

Dusk Eclipse
2010-02-14, 01:40 PM
He watches the scene hidden, it seems that he wasn't spoted. He'll wait for Elsdon and the Priest (?) enter the room, he will follow them once he is sure they are far away to avoid be seen.



OOC:by the way I am still in Hunter's Sense stance so I detect anyone that is getting near me in a 30 ft radius (scent (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/specialAbilities.htm#scent))

2010-02-14, 01:49 PM

Seeing the others going into the temple, he waits a moment and slips in after them and sits in a bench or whatever would be appropriate and pretends to be praying.

2010-02-14, 02:11 PM
(Forgot to roll)

Move Silently: [roll0]

2010-02-14, 05:16 PM

The beast remains in his tree quietly.

Am I to assume the summoned creatures pulled back, or do I need to roast them?

2010-02-14, 10:19 PM
Sebastian: They pulled back.
The others: with you following, he advances quickly into the temple. you cross a garden, and pass a stone, silent fountain. walking swiftly, he enters the main temple. the corridor is dark; you follow him, with the eagles flying about his head. the eagles go poof after a while. eventually, he arrives at a side room, and enters.
Inside, a lithe woman sits at a desk, pouring over what looks like a map.
Deadalus'es spot check: [roll0]
Elsdons spot check: [roll1]
daigurien's spot check: [roll2]

2010-02-14, 10:23 PM
Silver: on the map, you notice what looks like mountains, and a line pointing to what looks like a dragon's head.
Dusk Eclipse: on the map, you notice an inscription in draconic text. you do not have time to read it.
she, with a gasp, snaches back the paper, quickly rolling it up and stashing it in a basket full of scrolls nearby.
what do you think you are doing, jeran!? I asked not to be disturbed!
These people claimed to have infomation you could use. Surely you would allow them to speak?
She opens her mouth to speak, but he cuts her off.
I already checked. They are not evil, and the leader seems sincere enough.
He turns to you.
Now, what was the infomation you had to share with us?

Dusk Eclipse
2010-02-14, 11:24 PM

OOC: Am I still hidden or do I need to make a sense motive check to know so?
[roll0] untrained check to see If I am still hidden
Also Daiguren knows how to speak draconic, don't I catch any word from the scroll?

2010-02-15, 12:41 AM
the text is far to small, and you saw it for to brief a time, for you to translate any words.
you are still hidden.

2010-02-15, 02:08 AM

::Elsdon's frowns at the seemed misunderstanding:: "I believe you have mistaken. Like I have said, we encountered a piece of leaked information that concerened us greatly, and heard you knew more of the subject. I came here in hope that sharing motives, you will share with us information regarding the staff, and thus, increasing the chances of us-" he refers to the both of them "-finding the staff before it falls into the wrong hands. This information about the staff is far too public for you to work alone and not expect heavy resistance, I'm afraid."

2010-02-15, 02:11 AM
Her eyes narrow. Intresting... How many people are aware of this staff? how did you come to know of it? and how do we know to trust your motives?

2010-02-15, 02:23 AM
Elsdon sights "I have led a small group that worked in the shadows among the criminals in town, trying to take them out from within. I lived with that kind of suspicion from them, but then it was well placed. One of the thugs was returning to report his boss with information about a staff that could change the world, we intercepted him, extracted the information and made sure it won't be passed on. You ask again-" he motions at Jeran-" for proof, but it is not a physical thing I can give you. I could tell you of my past actions, but if you suspect me, you could shrug it of just as well. I ask you to wait before you attempt to judge a man that you don't know, that comes openly into your territory admitting to posses knowledge that should have been less available."

2010-02-15, 02:48 AM
She rolls her eyes. yes, well, i am sorry about the inconvenience. however, i cannot trust you on faith, and since you have nothing to offer us...
jeran, please escort our visitor out. and please, in the future, ask before letting a total stranger in...

2010-02-15, 02:52 AM
Elsdon smiles and looks at Jeran "I see that I wasn't the only one who sought glory, and they said your intentions were pure. But it doesn't seem you care enough.." Elsdon turns around as he speaks and starts walking.

2010-02-15, 02:57 AM
a voice calls out.
theysaid? jeran, stop our friend from leaving. i think he may need to explain this a bit.

2010-02-15, 03:00 AM
Elsdon rolls his eyes "Your coming wasn't exactly the biggest secret. People talk, you know how rumors work. This was just one of these rumors that proved to have less truth in it then others, I guess.."

2010-02-15, 03:10 AM
true. you may leave. I hope you will be able to show yourself out.
Jeran, an apologetic smile on his face, shepards you out of the room.

2010-02-15, 03:16 AM
At the door, Elsdon delays for a moment to let his allies time to slip out, looking at Jeran he speaks coldly "Do not worry. We are on equal terms here, as I have learned we can't trust you to see this mission carried out. Your minds are too clouded to see what truly lies before you. I hope you will be able to distinguish between a friend or a foe" and he turns out to leave. After walking out of range, he will turn towards the local cartographer.

Dusk Eclipse
2010-02-15, 08:41 AM

Daiguren will try steal the scrolls, first he does a spot check [roll=Spot]1d20+8[roll] to see if he can attempt to do so, untrained sleight of hand check [roll0]. If Daiguren spots that the someone is checking the scrolls, he waits for another moment to do so

Dusk Eclipse
2010-02-15, 08:53 AM
Daiguren's spot check [roll0]

2010-02-15, 12:57 PM
Daedalus slips away from the door and out the temple and waits outside the gates to reconvene with the others.

2010-02-15, 09:49 PM
Daiguren notices that the well-lit room still has two people in it, and both are watching him. they close the door; if you wold prefer, he can slip in before it shuts.

Dusk Eclipse
2010-02-15, 10:32 PM
Daiguren notices that the well-lit room still has two people in it, and both are watching him. they close the door; if you wold prefer, he can slip in before it shuts.

.:Well, guess this time not...... maybe later I'll return for the scrolls:.
Daiguren then exit the room before the door is close.

2010-02-16, 12:28 AM
yay! 200 story Xp for everyone!
you regather outside the temple. if you go to the cartographer:
You arrive, but find it is nearly 9PM and it is shut. however, the door is locked with a realsanably cheap lock, and the streets are empty.

2010-02-16, 02:18 AM
::Elsdon looks at his companions:: "That didn't go well as planned, but we didn't leave empty handed. I have seen something on their map, so we might try to match it to other maps and see if we can get anything out of it. If needed be, we will interrogate the cartographer tomorrow at business hours. We might want to separate and interrogate one of them later after all.." ::If no one objects, Elsdon quickly opens the lock (take 10 for 24. If not enough, take 20) and moves in::

2010-02-16, 02:26 AM
The lock opens. you see a tipical map shop; scrolls lying on shelves and maps nailed to walls everywhere.
if you try to find a match:
you cannot find the dragons head, but their are many candidates for the mountains. Just nearby, the Riven Peaks seem like a good option, but their are many more.

Dusk Eclipse
2010-02-16, 11:32 AM
After the meeting he follows Elsdon into the shop (didn't understand exactly what it was, so correct me if I am wrong)

.:Eldson wait, let me check first for presences:.
Daiguren makes a spot check [roll0] and also sniffs to check the inside of the room.

2010-02-16, 12:49 PM
empty. You can hear a patrol, but other than that all is silent.

Dusk Eclipse
2010-02-16, 04:48 PM

.: It seems empty, but I hear a patrol but I am not sure exactly where they are.

I'll try to know a bit more:. Daiguren attempts a listen check concerning the patrol 1d20+8

Dusk Eclipse
2010-02-16, 04:53 PM
The listen roll didn't work so repost


2010-02-16, 11:34 PM
You have no idea.

2010-02-17, 12:29 AM
Elsdon walks to close the door and turns to the others "We won't be here much longer. I'm afraid I don't see a good match. Did any of you catch any good information? We will probably have to ambush them.."

Dusk Eclipse
2010-02-17, 07:26 AM
Elsdon walks to close the door and turns to the others "We won't be here much longer. I'm afraid I don't see a good match. Did any of you catch any good information? We will probably have to ambush them.."


.: No, I just recognized the langauge as draconic, but I didn't quite catch what it said:.