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View Full Version : Weird Cleric idea

2010-01-19, 05:29 AM
so im building this funky cleric for my dm's campaign. no dmm persist, but more built as a melee powerhouse.

Important House rules

Spell points system( yes i know i didn't want it but he loves it)
Vitality and wounds
bonus feat every 5 levels for 500xp, 1000xp, 15000xp, so forth
Complete magic/psi difference.(no cerebmancer, cant even be a psion 1, wiziard 1)

My build so far is Goliath
Cleric 3, Church inquisitor 2, Ordained Champion 3, War Priest 1, Bone Knight 2, Contemplative 1, Bone Knight 10

My Concept is beat the ever loving fudge out of stuff with all my free fighetr feats from the domains i get from my prestige classes

Domains granted access to
Competition(base), War(Base), Inquisition(Inquisitor), Strength(ordained champion, Glory(battle Priest), any one(contemplative), and i plan on grabbing the feat spontaneous casting of domain spells since with spell points it basically gives me a crap ton of spells to cast perday.

any suggestions?

2010-01-19, 07:42 AM
Personally, I would rule that you can only have the domains available from your base levels in Cleric - otherwise your god will get upset.

Upset gods are dangerous.

ex cathedra
2010-01-19, 08:43 AM
Personally, I would rule that you can only have the domains available from your base levels in Cleric - otherwise your god will get upset.

Upset gods are dangerous.

What? A god would be upset because his worshiper took Divine PrCs?

Does he hate Cloistered Clerics, too? They get an extra domain at first level. That seems entirely absurd to me, at least.

Speaking of which, I would suggest going Cloistered Cleric. You get the Knowledge Domain, which can be traded out for Knowledge Devotion for attack and damage boosts, or you can keep it for the decent bonuses and swap out Inquisition for the same feat.

I would try to get all 5 levels of Ordained Champion, whereas I'm pretty unimpressed by War Priest.

Cloistered Cleric 3 / Church Inquisitor 1 / Ordained Champion 3 / Bone Knight 10 / Ordained Chapion +2 / Whatever?

Kol Korran
2010-01-19, 09:00 AM
um, i'm not much of a rules person, but a few things... glory and inquisition domains don't give you any new feats. (though i do like their domain powers)

also, i don't know how the glory domain power and rebuke powers of the the bone knight coincide. better check with your DM so you don't lose it. i'd sule glory is for turning attempts only.

hae you made sure you hae the skills and prequisites for all of your classes? there seems to be quite a lot.

also, the doamin sponteneity feat allows you to convert your spells to spells of one domain only.

i'm unsure of spell points but i think you will still hae the same amount of spells per day, you'll just have more liberty as to which spells

i hope this helps,

2010-01-19, 09:20 AM
would be upset because his worshiper took Divine PrCs?

Does he hate Cloistered Clerics, too?

Presumably, it depends on the deity in question. Surely Kord would be upset at any worshipper who wanted to be Cloistered or wanted to become an Inquisitor. Just as surely, someone who wanted those things would fail to have enough faith in Kord to become (or remain) a cleric.

Foryn Gilnith
2010-01-19, 09:29 AM
What? A god would be upset because his worshiper took Divine PrCs?
Quite possibly. A lot of the more anthropomorphized gods are pretty juvenile. Doesn't take much to drive them into a petty fit of anger.

ex cathedra
2010-01-19, 09:39 AM
Presumably, it depends on the deity in question. Surely Kord would be upset at any worshipper who wanted to be Cloistered or wanted to become an Inquisitor. Just as surely, someone who wanted those things would fail to have enough faith in Kord to become (or remain) a cleric.

Kord can't have inquisitors, though, since Church Inquisitors are only Lawful Neutral or Lawful Good. This character's deity has to be Heironeous or Hextor. You have something of a point, though it doesn't quite fit this scenario.

Sinfire Titan
2010-01-19, 10:12 AM
And if it is a problem, worship an Elder Evil (one of them grants every single domain in existence, including Exalted domains) and reflavor the Ordained Champion. Oh, and you get 5 free bonus feats.

2010-01-19, 10:13 AM
And if it is a problem, worship an Elder Evil (one of them grants every single domain in existence, including Exalted domains) and reflavor the Ordained Champion. Oh, and you get 5 free bonus feats.
Which Elder Evil grants every domain ever, again?

2010-01-19, 12:14 PM
Sertrous but that is beyond the point.

This is a custom campaign world where non of the the old dnd gods exist but a new different pantheon is put in its place. my deity will be the dead god of the goliaths that maybe at some time during my clerical adventuring i will replace or whatever

The feats i am gainign are from the Ordained champions 1st level ability to trade away your domains granted powers to get a bonus fighter feat instead

2010-01-20, 12:55 PM
and i would love to take cloistered cleric, but my dm thinks its stupid broken, and i am sadly the bsf for the party so i need the hp

Pharaoh's Fist
2010-01-20, 01:05 PM
and i would love to take cloistered cleric, but my dm thinks its stupid broken

2010-01-20, 02:00 PM
Plus, while cloistered cleric can be very good, you said this was a combat cleric, right? Cloistered's whole thing is that it makes the cleric a lot more squishy in exchange for more spells.

2010-01-21, 03:32 AM
that would be correct