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View Full Version : Need a campaign setting Or at Least an Idea

2010-01-20, 10:18 AM
Anyone willing to chat with me around 1230 EST about some sort of campaign setting. Im looking to Dm tonight so and i am horrible at starting with ideas. So ya

2010-01-20, 11:13 AM
"Playing in a fantasy game? Add sci-fi. Playing in a sci-fi game? Add fantasy. All others: add both."
(from 10 Easy Steps to Kitchen Sink Fantasy (http://www.rpgblog2.com/2009/09/zacks-10-easy-steps-to-kitchen-sink.html))

No, srsly. You could immerse yourself in setting minutiae (Realmslore *hork!) until it comes out of your ears. Or you could think of stuff you enjoy and keep throwing more in until absurd! undergoes phase transition into fun! :smallwink:

Jeff Rients is a past master at "five minutes to showtime and no prep done; it's all good" DMing. Ideas abound (http://jrients.blogspot.com/2008/02/it-came-from-4chan.html) over at his blog.

19. Advancements in magically powered musical instruments climaxes with crew of grunge rock pirate bards clashing with clan of heavy metal viking bards; town threatened by collateral damage from killer solos. Crafty punk rock gypsies armed with enchanted accordians seek to capitalize on ensuing mayhem; all are united in effort to stick it to uptight paladins trying to bring them down. Powerful vibes attract glam rock demons and dirty hippies.

2010-01-20, 11:20 AM
Hmm, I liked the idea of a Wizard guild/Insurance company hiring adventurers. They sell insurance policies, and then hires adventurers to help fulfill them. They could be retrieving corpses for resurrection, stolen items, investigating occurrences or whatever. Don't really find treasure, but they're rewarded with items by the guild. Pretty Magic Marty/high powered though.

2010-01-20, 12:23 PM
EH...don't really have any books for the sci-fi stuff. I just have the dnd 3.5 stuff. But that does sound like a lot of fun and much entertainment would be had by all. Im just dming for one person though and he will probably be a druid.