View Full Version : The Necromancer in the Palace IC

2010-01-20, 11:49 PM
You walk through the palace after receiving an urgent summons from one of your fellow advisers, Jasper. You swiftly arrive in the the Throne room, whereupon you see 9 well dressed men, all anxious, including the king, who is seated on the throne. "Ah, you're here. Thank you for responding so quickly. Show him the note," the king says, directing the last sentence to Jasper. Jasper walks over and shows you a small piece of paper. In an untidy, large print was the message: "Enjoy your beloved king while he lasts. For he shall feel the pain of death withing the week."

"This was found earlier today. If it is to happen before the week is out, that gives us but two days to prepare. We are deciding what to do now."

2010-01-21, 11:57 AM
Dressed in his finest outfit, and eschewing most of his magical protections, Adar looks pensive. The advisor could hardly be called attractive, but he had a quiet, thoughtful presence to him. He stands there, silent for about a minute, carefully thinking the problem over before beginning to speak.

"To start, we should immediately double the guard around the king, making sure that said guards have all been in the service of the king for at least three years, to ensure their loyalty. We could attempt a scrying, but I doubt it would be sucessful; all we have to go on is this scrap of paper. We'll also need to look at any possible enemies of the king's; disgruntled nobles, and the like. And, of course, I gladly offer myself as guard and adviser to the king."

2010-01-21, 06:56 PM
"Agreed," Jasper says. "But this person seems very confident in their abilities, otherwise they wouldn't send a note like this; they would just strike. It's a mystery."

Another adviser, Volkor, speaks up: "I know many commoners that are quite loyal to me. I'll ask around to see if they know of anyone that has been speaking ill of the king."

A man dressed in a long, red robe and holding a scepter chimes in, "I will do my best to scry, and use any magical divination available to stop this."

Litue adds, "I still believe that we ought to lock the king and his most loyal fighting subjects in the safe room for at least the next month. Bad public opinion be damned in comparison to an assassination."

2010-01-22, 07:23 PM
The closet necromancer considers his fellow adviser's words. "By sending this message, they(whoever they may be) are giving us a clear signal. They are either supremely confident, or in fact merely wish for an overrreaction. There might not even be an attempt; the goal of this note pay simply be to lower public opinion."

2010-01-24, 12:05 AM
"Very true," Jasper agrees. What do you reccommend to be the best course of action?

2010-01-24, 12:54 AM
"We double the king's guard, but keep the extras out of sight. Have the king conduct his affairs as usual, but every time that he leaves a secured area(such as going out to the balcony), it will be somebody else who does so, under an appropriate illusion. If Your Majesty permits another to wear your visage, of course." The scholarly man sketches a bow.

2010-01-24, 06:19 PM
The king looks thoughtful for a moment, considering the proposal. "The only problem I see is putting this person, whoever they are, in danger. I would rather not have anyone risk their life for mine in that fashion."

2010-01-24, 06:21 PM
"My lord, forgive me for questioning your will, but do not your guards risk their lives for you every day? It is a privilege, nay, an honor to put one's life in danger for Your Highness." Every word of that speech was true; the closeted necromancer, odd as it may be, was an ardent supporter of the king.

2010-01-24, 07:00 PM
"That is indeed true," the king replied, "However, this feels very different to me. This person would go about my normal duties knowing that there is someone actively trying to kill them specifically. That is something that I would hate for someone to have to go through. However, if there is a volunteerr who understands the full risks, so be it."

2010-01-24, 07:12 PM
"My lord, if I am not too forward, I will volunteer for the task. Though if you doubt my loyalty in the slightest, know that I will accept your judgement no matter your decision."

2010-01-24, 07:49 PM
The king considers it. "Adar, as you very well know, I trust you unconditionally. You have served me loyally for years, and hopefully, for years to come. You may, if it is your desire, have the position. Unless any other advisors disagree?"
He looks around, at all of the other advisors, none voicing objections.

Jasperr clasps his hands, "Very well. Now that's settled, let the substitution start immediately."

2010-01-26, 09:35 PM
Adar bows. "Thank you my lord. I await your further instructions."

2010-01-27, 12:35 PM
"Very well. Litue," he says, turning to another advisor, "Get your best arcanist to make Adar look like me. It wouldn't hurt to do it nonmagicall as well, just in case."

"Yes, milord," Litue says. "Come with me," he adds, adressing Adar.

He leads you through hallways and stairs until you get to the morthwest tower eof the palace. He knocks on three doors in the circular room. Men come out of all of the rooms, then follow you up the stairs to Litue's office.

"Alright, I'd like you to make Adar look exactly like the King, both non-magically and magically. If it isn't perfect, the king's life will be in danger. No shortcuts, and do your best work."

He sits down as they get to work, two of them drawing on your faces, adding a large wig, and making you look like the king. After about half an hour, the third steps up and casts two spells.

"Here's a mirror, my lord," Litue says, smiling and handing you a mirror.

2010-01-27, 09:26 PM
"That's...incredible." Adar is stunned by the precision of workmanship. The closet necromancer examines 'his' nose, his hair, his ears. "Marvelous."

2010-01-27, 10:49 PM
"Glad you approve," Litue says. "I think you should speak to the king about the daily goings on of his life, however."

2010-01-27, 11:00 PM
"Indeed." Adar heads back to the court. Bowing to the real king, he asks the king what his Lord's schedule was for the day; when would he need to appear in public?

2010-01-28, 12:25 AM
The king gives Adar a run down of his schedule for the following day. "You will be here at dawn, and, at the 9th bell of the church, you shall walk out into the plaza and declare that all is well in the city and so on. You don't need to say anything all that meaningful, just something inspiring. By noon, you shall have talked to Baron Elris and Duke Armandson, but they shall come to you in the throne room. After Armandson leaves, you will eat in the grand hall. Then assembly shall begin. Peasants will ask for your opinions on disputes and decisions, ranging from who to marry to accusations of crime. Be logical. Afterwards, it is back to the grand hall for dinner. There is nothing scheduled after that, so you are free to do what you wish."

2010-01-29, 10:11 PM
"Very well, my Lord."

Mulling over the details of his plan, the necromancer inwardly sighs. There were two layers to the deception. One was the disguise, which would direct all attacks towards himself; such attacks would give them a direct lead to the conspirator's or agent behind the threat. Two was the knowledge of said disguise. If an attempt was made on the actual king, then the suspect pool would shrink dramatically. Nobody save the king(obviously out), the advisers, and the king's dressers knew about the deception. And hopefully, nobody ever would.

((ooc: what time is it?))

2010-01-29, 11:53 PM
after dinner, at around dusk. about 9 o'clock-ish.

2010-01-30, 12:00 AM
Taking his leave, the necromancer moves to his quarters in the palace, and sleeps until shortly before dawn. Dressing himself in a pair of the king's borrowed outfits, and discreetly wearing some of his magical protections, he returns to the throne room.

2010-01-31, 01:43 PM
The king is not present but Jasper comes to greet you. "Adar, er, I mean, My Lord, are you ready? If not, we can come up with an excuse. It's your choice."

2010-01-31, 01:48 PM
"Ready. I think I have a speech in mind, too."

2010-01-31, 02:42 PM
"Excellent," Jasper says, with a sigh of relief. "In that case, you have about half of an hour before you speak, so I would recommend some breakfast, unless you do not wish it."

2010-02-03, 08:49 PM
"Then please, join me."

Over the meal, the 'king' asks but a single question to his 'advisor'. "And how, Jasper, is my advisor Adar doing?" And since the king is actually Adar, then 'Adar' can only mean the king.

2010-02-03, 11:31 PM
Jasper, catching on, smiles and asks, "He is well. Though I hear that he is not planning on making any public appearances for quite a while. We don't have an official reason yet, but I'm sure there will be one soon. He has requested that you and the advisors occasionally meet in his chambers, to which he is confined, rather than the throne room."

2010-02-07, 01:22 PM
((sorry about the delay. Was trying to figure out what the speech was going to be))

"Very well." Finishing his breakfast, "The King" heads outside to the awaiting populace. Clearing his throat, and shaking the nervousness out at the same time, Adar begins his speech. Hopefully, it will go down well.

((ooc: Taking 10 on Bluff check to give reassuring speech, for 28))

"...And finally, I have some more grim news. In the early hours yesterday morning, there was a threat on my life. Whoever did this seeks to murder me, or drive me into some far-off retreat, away from my people. But I say onto this conspirator, this traitor to the Crown: I will not yield to you! I will not bow before this threat; I will continue to rule as I have before. Because this land has been entrusted by the gods to me, and I will uphold its custody. Gods be with you."

2010-02-10, 11:44 AM
The people gasp in shock, then cheer even louder when you launch the last segment of your speech. It was, overall, quite successful. Jasper gestures for you to go back into the castle from behind you, saying, "Nice job. A very good speech, my lord."