View Full Version : tVAotVW: The Last Fortress (IC)

2010-01-21, 07:56 PM
Somehow, you have found your way to the hotspot of adventuring. Everyone knows that if you're looking for obscure bits of knowledge, an adventuring party for the Wilderness, or just generally a good time, the Chicken and Ogre inn is the place to go.
Though hardly believable, the inn was actually created to be a place for adventurers and good-doers to meet, share stories and information - and perhaps team up to venture into the Wilderness.
Whether you are looking for adventurers to join you on a quest, looking for an adventure, or just wanted to drink and chat, this is where your long legs have led you.

The inn is a square building, three stories and a basement, bedrooms, a large common room for drinking and eating with one side elevated, a bar, a wine cellar, a backroom and a kitchen.
The common room have large square tables, obviously designed for keeping people together in groups, instead of spreading the groups all over the room. Coincidently, it also means you usually have to eat sitting next to strangers - and in the Fortress, the guy next to you is almost always interesting to talk to. The room is currently empty.

The barkeep is a rather large male half-orc named Grornu, though he mostly goes by Grunt. Having seen his better years, he's balding, but still have his fair share of muscle on his body, and a keen eye spotting around his inn for troublemakers. Though troublemakers are met with swift justice by the Guard, Grunt likes to give his bit to society before handing them over.
His one daughter, Miriana, usually waiters the tables. She isn't exactly pretty, but what she lacks in appearance, she more than makes up for in personality. She's less of an orc than her father, but her skin is still green tilted, two small tusks are visible from her lower row of teeth. Her ever-warming presence, however, is lacking today.
Behind the counter, over Grunt's head, hangs a mean looking chain. Weapon enthusiasts insist it's a variant of a meteor hammer, but most just called it a spiked chain. Though it hangs like a trophy, it looks like it would be easy to take down from there.

Chicken and Ogre sign:


2010-01-21, 08:24 PM
Cokalack walks inside the Inn. He appears to be a half-orc with green skin. He obviously does not have the slightest clue what he is doing. He has a belt full of various potions across his waist, and has his enchanted greataxe tied to that belt. He is wearing some black breastplate that appears enchanted. He seems to be very strong. He is bumbling around the Inn, obviously trying to find the barkeep. Once he does find the barkeep, he says "Ale,now,please."

2010-01-21, 08:53 PM
Grunt smiles at the kindred half-orc, pulls a mug from under the counter, and opens the tab. "What brings a, erh.. Prime youngster like yourself to my fine watering hole?" Grunt's voice is rough as you'd expect from a half-orc. He seems energetic, more so than you'd expect from an ageing and probably battle-scarred half-orc.

2010-01-21, 08:59 PM
Cokalack sighs, and then says "Ever heard of a halfing named Desnock?"
He then hands him the silver pieces for the ale.

2010-01-21, 09:00 PM
While handing over the mug, Grunt shrugs. "Can't say I have, stranger. Friend of yours?"

2010-01-21, 09:02 PM
A moment behind Cokalack, Kard Zene enters the premises. Merely a regular human, he is of average build, but his azure eyes burn with unusual intensity. He wears a shimmering white cloak, as well as a weatherbeaten backpack, over a more practical set of traveling clothes.

On his back are strapped a well-made recurve bow and a glaive, the latter of which glows faintly red. A well-crafted mace swings with his hips.

He settles down at a corner table.

2010-01-21, 09:03 PM
"A mentor of mine, taken by thugs when I was 15. I have been looking for him, and the trail has led to this town."
He starts drinking from the mug.

2010-01-21, 09:12 PM
A human woman, skin pale, not even just the normal pinkish of your typical light-skinned human, but white, possibly even silver... and hair that is silver, a sheen so severe that it glares almost blue in the well-lit tavern. Eyes like sapphire flash as she walks through the threshold, turning as she does so. She can be heard singing quietly to herself; her voice, however, sounds impossible. It is clearly her voice, all coming from her mouth, but it sounds almost as if there is a chorus of her, it does not seem like one voice could make all of those concurrent sounds. Despite all that, anyone listening is taken with the quiet beauty of the song, and even those who cannot hear it can feel it if they are close enough. Simply being in presence of the song makes the world seem more real, somehow.

She walks between tables, in a seemingly random pattern, looking above her, behind her, staring at empty spaces and appearing to look through things, wanders aimlessly. The tavern is empty, there's nothing to see, but for all that she looks like she is a peasant allowed to explore the greatest halls of the most magnificent palace. Her face has a faraway look, one of awe that is completely out-of-place in the utterly unremarkable tavern.

She wanders through the aisles, and just as she is about to back into Cokalack, she twirls suddenly, staring him in the eyes and pointing her finger at his chest.

"Persv'glamoghik pannaturalisj leirithsen. Man istan enan glaimeghik? Ma leirithsen persv'glamoghik bensmaer? Ma ossolurhae munthrekabonnen bensmaer?"
"Big half-orc here. What do I know about orcs? Is this orc good? Is that human good?"

The language is clearly the same as that she had been singing in.

Smirking suddenly, she withdraws her finger and tilts her head to the side. Now in a far more guttural language, she speaks again.

The woman's Orcish is flawless. It sounds formal, but nevertheless it is without accent. It is not conversational Orcish, but it could very easily fit in an Orcish ceremony. A deep, important, somber ceremony. "Hail, brother. Do you serve the good, do you seek to right the wrongs and heal the hurt?"

2010-01-21, 09:15 PM
Kard raises an eyebrow, and taps his throat twice.

"Mimimimi..." he mutters under his breath.

Spellcraft DC 17
Kard cast tongues.

2010-01-21, 09:16 PM
"Sorry, friend. I can't help you. But the Fortress is a big place, and if your friend has been here, I'm sure someone will have met him." Grunt glances at Kard as he enters the inn. Before he can make it to the corner, however, Grunt shouts at his back. "You there! My daughter's off today, and I ain't leaving my desk. If you want something to drink or eat, you better come up here!" There's a hint of jest in his voice.

Assuming Kard casts his spell after Cuianarante's first babble, his ears focuses just in time to pick up the Orcish.

2010-01-21, 09:18 PM
Kard smiles winningly, slips out and bellies up to the counter.

"My apologies, good sir. I'll take a pint of...that beer right there,"

he says, pointing at an obscure dwarven brand.

"What do you have for food?"

2010-01-21, 09:22 PM
"Well, you see, I ain't much offa real cook. My daughter's sleeping, so I'm afraid I only really have some soup, potatoes and bread. I guess, because of the lack of.. Variety, I can give you a small discount."
He slides over a large mug of dark, thick strong dwarven beer. He then turns around and starts chopping up some vegetables.
Turning his head, he looks at Cuianarante, raises an eyebrow for a split second. "Erh, anything for you, erhm, girl?"

2010-01-21, 09:25 PM
Cokalack seems confused at first when Cuianarante speaks, but then says "I......seek a friend and that is all, but if there are innocents that need saving I cannot allow their extended suffering..provided I am convinced of the worthiness of the quest."
Cokalack then says to Grunt, "Thank you." and seats himself at a table.

2010-01-21, 09:30 PM
Spinning again, having noticed the spell being cast, the woman speaks again, now in a dark, violent language.

"So, you think you can just magic your way into my secrets, eh?
Again her voice shifts.
"Your magic teaches you many things, you think?
Faster now, her language continues to change.
"Imagine that,
"you can follow
"my speech
"like this.
"But you don't know the Word, do you?
"Your magic can't teach you that, can it?"

Smirking, she again speaks in the lilting language she had sung before. "Ci curunír, dan angol ci úgên tîr."
"You are a wizard, but your magic does not show Truth."

Turning back to Cokalack,
Now her language has softened, becoming immediately less formal. If it weren't for the obvious humanity of her voice, Cokalack could swear he was talking to someone from home. "Friendship is good, your cause is well, and I wish you well on it. I have my own desires, but my cause is life. I am willing to go wherever there is life to nurture."

2010-01-21, 09:34 PM
Cokalack is speechless, he is very, very confused by the female human and her many,many languages. But he acknowledges her and says "May Gruumsh grant you many victories."

2010-01-21, 09:34 PM
Though you are probably focusing on the weird human, Grunt appears to give his head a small shake when the human goes from language to language. He chops more vegetables, and puts them in a pot.

2010-01-21, 09:40 PM
A Grey Elf enters the Inn as well, looking about. He'd been here last time he had come through the Fortress. It still looked much the same, though the Barman was different. He wondered how the last one had died.

Bar fight, likely.

Varil was armed and Armored, but he didn't stand out in this crowd to badly. His hair and eyes marked him as a member of his species, but there was little he could do about that. He slid into a table, and smiled at Miriana.

"My dear, give me something cheap and strong."

2010-01-21, 09:46 PM
As soon as Varil sits down, the lovely voice of Grunt can once again be heard. "Daughter's sleeping, so get up here if you want some munch. Anything to drink?"

He puts a dish of chicken soup with vegetables and potatoes, alongside a loaf of bread in front of Kard. "Good 'nuff for ya?"
It actually looks quite good.

2010-01-21, 09:49 PM

The door swings open and a tall and heavyset human man walks in. The hilt of a greatsword peeks above his back while the sign of Kord is etched large on his well-worn breastplate. His black hair is cropped close while he wears a light scruff beard.

Without looking in he pauses on the theshold, facing outside. "So I told him, 'I'll take the whole thing!'" He says to someone outside and breaks into a grin, laughing hard and loud. "See ya later Van!" He says, waving as he turns and walks into the room.

Humming a tune off-key he walks around the tables and sits down at the bar, slapping it with a meaty hand. "Grunt, you old dog! How're you doin?" He smiles at the half-orc and glances around the room. "Two days I been here and seems every time I turn around I'm lookin at a new face." He turns and winks at Grunt. "Course, some of them ain't that bad to look at."

2010-01-21, 09:50 PM
Kard's smile remains as the woman blasts him, hopping from language to language. At the end, he takes a long sip of his dwarven beer, then launches into exactly the same series of languages, his voice having just a tinge of singsong mockery.

Well, you assume quite a bit.
I have no interest in your manipulations of the Primal Music.
find it a bit rude
to deliberately exclude
people in the same open room as you
from your conversation.

He then turns back to the barkeep.

"Sorry about that. I'll have the soup, potatoes, and bread, then. How much'll that be?"

2010-01-21, 09:55 PM
The woman suddenly turns from Cokalack, and standing in the middle of the tavern, announces in plain Common, "Here be dragons."

She then begins singing and wandering again. She wanders past Kard as he responds, and then she smiles and speaks to him in yet another language, smiling and her voice clearly light and happy, as she dances past
"Hah, spellcaster, what sort are you? Are you enjoying getting your money's worth out of that Tongues spell? Don't worry about rudeness, what I say isn't important."
Suddenly, she stops and stares at him, deadly serious. In a much rougher language...
"Except that what I say changes everything. What other tricks can you do?

And then again, she smiles and wanders off, not even waiting for an answer. She wanders to Varil, and,
"Hail, friend. How does the day find you?"

2010-01-21, 09:55 PM
Grunt grimaces with a sly smile. "What's that? Calling me pretty, are we? Be careful who you're chatting up, I saw that thing you went home with last week. I mean, there's ugly, and there wass that.. Thing." He lets out a bark. "Though I can't complain. Business is good, life's treating me as life's always treating me. You?"

He turns his head towards Kard. "For you? Three silverpieces should do."

2010-01-21, 10:01 PM
Varil nods at the woman, smiling as he did.


"Well indeed, my dear. How does it find you?"

Varil moved past her, motioning for her to come along. She was interesting, and interesting things were better with drink. He sat down at the bar.

"Give me something strong, and cheap. Food wouldn't be remiss, as well."

2010-01-21, 10:03 PM
Responding to Varil, but in Common instead of Elvish, the woman responds, "The day finds me... singing."

And begin singing she does, once again.

2010-01-21, 10:03 PM
"Now, I don't know what remiss means, but it sounds like business for me, Elf!" Grunt lets out another bark, and pulls up another mug. He pulls out a bottle from the shelf below the counter, and pours the ale into the mug.
It's obviously not quality, but it does seem like it has quite a kick.
He slides it over alongside a bowl of the chicken soup with bread.

2010-01-21, 10:05 PM

Turning his head and eyeing the dancing, weird woman, Corthos shrugs and says "Grunt, Grunt, Grunt..." He turns back, shaking his head. "You've got to learn to look past the physical." He pauses. "Well, I mean a pretty face helps...but Kord says we should become strong and mighty." He says, his face straight. "I'm just helping some of them with a vigorous regimen of exercise." His neutral face almost cracks into a grin. "I'm a simple servant, doing the work of his god."

2010-01-21, 10:09 PM
Once again, Grunt barks a laugh. "Sounds like Orc words to me. Our women might not be pretty, but I'll be damned they'll make you strong! But alas, a smart man once told me, that there were no such thing as simple servants."

2010-01-21, 10:10 PM
Kard's grin widens a bit, and he tosses out the appropriate denominations.

He begins very slowly drinking more of his pint, pinky now extended, possibly as a service to the elf in the room.
Cuianarante hears a voice in her ear.

"Respectively: None of your concern, I am rather enjoying it, that'll be for me to judge, what you say merely warps the notes, not the song, and you might find out if you share my interests. Sorry for not answering you directly, but I didn't want to bother the man you were speaking with."

Spellcraft DC 15, Cuianarante only
He just cast message.

2010-01-21, 10:13 PM
Varil nodded at the woman, still smiling.

"Then sing all you wish. I'd join you, but I have no desire to cause you pain."

With that he turns to the food, takes a swallow of the Ale, turned his head slightly before nodding.

"Ignore what I say, my good chap. I fear there are far to many years dancing in this old head of mine. Makes me rather silly at times. You serve a good drink."

With that Varil digs into his food, taking occasional sips from the drink.

You cant say c-o-c-k-e-d?

2010-01-21, 11:38 PM
The door is shouldered open, and through the doorway stomps a dwarf in what was obviously once well forged platemail. It even looks as if there are some patches of gilding still on it, though from it's battered condition it's hard to tell. In fact, all of his equipment looks well worn, except for 2 things. Firstly, the black dwarven waraxe that juts out over his head, obviously not made out of steel, which looks as if it was just put on display in a weapon smith's shop. The Second is his shield, which has an odd crest on it. At first glance, it looks to be a smith's hammer, clenched in a fist. A second glance shows several oddities about the design, though. The hammer's shaft is broken, with the head handing at an angle. Furthermore, across the entire display are three red slashes, stylized to look like some sort of animal's claw swipe.

For those that choose to examine the dwarf closely, they might catch a glimpse of his face, and if they do, they are in for an even greater shock. His eyes are a deep, dark, brown, and there seems to be a melancholy in them. The eyebrows, bushy, as regular with dwarves, and a deep hazel. But not a trace of mustache or beard grows graces this dwarf's face, and he seems smaller without it.

He approaches the bar with a measured stride, and looks up at the bartender.
Bartender, some stew, please. Dwarven Ale if you have it, if not regular ale or beer will do.

Of course not. It falls under the same category as the familiar version of the name Richard, after all. Of course, if you wish, quote my post to know how to say cocked as in a tilt.

2010-01-21, 11:41 PM
"Most certainly, master Dwarf. I have something we locals call Dwarven Ale, but I don't know if it holds up to your culture's standards! Grunt fills a proper-sized mug with the dark, thick ale and slides it up the counter.

2010-01-22, 12:32 AM
Cuianarante stops and looks at Kard, a full, hearty laugh escaping her lips.
"Now who's excluding others? Cheeky, aren't we? Anyway, congratulations; I have not yet mastered these words. The Truth comes only from love of the Word, not the flippant casting a cantrip." From her tone, the woman obviously knows that Tongues is not a cantrip, she is simply derisive of the spell in general.

Turning, she addresses Corthos. With a far-off look and in a bland voice, as if reciting from rote, "Kord, god of strength, competition, courage. Sueloise. Son of Phaulkon and Syrul. Grandson of Lendor."

Her eyes narrow and now she focuses on Corthos.

"Foe of dragons."

2010-01-22, 01:50 AM
As if indicating the day just wasn't busy enough in the Chicken & Ogre, the door opens yet again. An elven woman steps in, her appearance starkly out of place with the environment around her. Her black hair is oily and unkempt. It is crudely cut short, lending the appearance that it might have been done by someone in the dark. In fact, cut wouldn't be the right word so much as hacked. Her clothing appears to be made out of a number of thick leather strips sown together with thick thread, yet despite the seemingly uncomfortable appearance of it, the elf moves fluidly in it. The only other thing she wears is a necklace that seems to be made of small bones. She carries no weapons that you see. Her unwashed face has a light layer of dirt covering the majority of her features, yet her deeply green eyes shine out from under the grime. Scanning the room, she spots Grunt behind the desk, with the number of people standing around him. Seemingly oblivious to the looks she's receiving from the other patrons, she approaches the half-orc's desk and sets a sweetcake down with a dirt-caked hand.

"What goes good with these?"

GM:Xaphia's weapons have been left outside of town, with Vashan.

2010-01-22, 02:03 AM
The door swing open soon after the elven woman and a black haired man clad in what look to be leaves enters the tavern, and just before the door swings shut a reptilian snout can be seen peering around the doorframe.

Walking up to the bar James says, "A bowl of stew and some meat for my friend waiting out there" the last part is accompanied by him gesturing to the door.

2010-01-22, 02:11 AM
Varil looked about. The two Elves concerned him more then the rest. Chances were, his Silver Hair and Amber Eyes would quickly give away just what kind of Elf he was, and frankly, he'd rather not deal with that at the moment. However, what was done was done.

"Foe of Dragons? I've been a foe of Dragon's before. Usually shortly thereafter I became a heedless fleer of Dragon's, but still, you know what I mean."

Varil shifted in his Breastplate, unstrapping the Sheath that held his Greatsword and leaning it up against the stool he was seated on. He looked over at Cuinarante, continuing in an odd sounding barking language. His accent was terrible, but he hoped he could be forgiven. It had been some 40 years since he had last spoken the language after all.

"Little Sister, what games are you playing?"

2010-01-22, 09:48 AM
Kard begins to chuckle, almost choking on his beer. As he pounds his chest to correct the direction of liquid flow, he turns to observe the others in the room. He takes particular note of the new arrival. He smiles toward James, and extends a hand.

"How d'ya do? My name's Kard Zene. What's yours?"

2010-01-22, 09:59 AM

At hearing his gods name, Corthos turns around and looks at the crazy language lady. He opens his mouth to speak, then pauses and frowns. Leaning over to Varil to says "D'ye think she's right in the head? I'm not sure..." He sits back up and then grins at Cuianarante.

"It's true, Kord does love a good competitor. Others favor strength..." he curls his arms over his head and flexes, "while some prefer courage..." He sets up straight and squares his jaw, looking as if over the horizon. "Fortunately for me, I've been blessed with all three." He says, face straight. "And stunning charms and a handsome, rugged face, of course." He frowns, head hanging down. "It's a curse, really." He smiles and looks up. "Names Corthos, by the way. Corthos Lana, at your service my lady."

2010-01-22, 11:50 AM
The woman looks at Varil when he speaks, smiling. Nevertheless, she speaks to Corthos, "'Corthos' is not your Name, tis what you are called. And what I am called is 'Cuianarante'."
Cuianarante is Draconic for something like "telling to live", or perhaps more poetically, "speaking life".
Speaking almost to herself, "Ma aiquen istallë anwaësse leva? Does any of you know your truename?"

Then she claps and laughs delightedly, saying to Varil, "Aha, a tongue I have not met! And not one learned by fingerpainting," she shoots a look at Kard, "but by real love. What is it?"

2010-01-22, 02:05 PM
Cokalack finishs his drink and says to Grunt "What is the status of the local government?"

2010-01-22, 03:23 PM
Varil chuckled at her reaction, suprised himself. Gnoll was a hard language to learn, but no more so then half a dozen of the other ones she had spouted off.

"Gnoll, little sister. I had occassion to live with the Hyena Men for a short period of time some years ago, and learned their language over the course."

He then turned to Corthos, shaking his head.

"Hmmm... I think she's fine. Of course, I've been called off my rocker as well, so take it with a grain of salt."

He looked about, realizing he hadn't introduced himself either.

"And I'm Varil, Ms. Speaker. It doesn't mean anything I fear, except me."

2010-01-22, 03:29 PM
"I like it. It is... a jovial language, but not like the Halfling tongue. Brutish, of course, but that has its own appeal and its own place. I imagine it good for mocking one's enemies before a battle. I imagine that's much of what it gets used for.

But... speaker?
"Do you speak the dragon's tongue?"

2010-01-22, 03:33 PM
Varil smiled at her again. She'd described the Gnolls pretty well. Of course, a lot of what he knew was also threats to eat you, but he was pretty sure that wasn't usual.

A Gnoll wouldn't taste very good.


"I do indeed. Though I didn't learn it from the Dragon's I fear, just their lesser relatives."

2010-01-22, 04:24 PM
Kard grins faintly when Cuianarante makes her crack. Seeing that James is a bit preoccupied, and there's a brief pause in Cuinarante's conversation with Varil, he withdraws his hand, turns briefly to the bar, and breathes a few words, nearly noiselessly.
"Now, that's unfair, Lifespeaker. Words are your stock in trade. Just because my way of learning takes shortcuts yours doesn't, doesn't make the skills I do have invalid.

Anyway, my apologies for the Aquan. My sort of spellcasting's my own business, but you might find out more if you share my interest in learning some new things."

2010-01-22, 04:29 PM

Taking a deep, long, drink, Varg sets the glass down and lets out a long sigh.
Ah, haven't had a decent brew like that in a long time. Thank you.
Dwarven then looks to his side and gives Vail a long glance, obviously seeing something that he likes, as you can detect a hint of a smile.
You lived with the Gnolls for a time? Have to be pretty tough to do that; their a tough sort, and expect the same from any who move with them. Bet you have some interesting stories from that.
Looking past Vail, he directs his next comment to Cuianarante.
You seem to have a love of tongues. Is it an academic interest, or something else?

2010-01-22, 04:35 PM
Varil smiled at the Dwarf, shrugging.

"They are certainly tough. At first I was just a prisoner, but after I demonstrated some of my skills, and that I could pick up their language, they decided to let me do some work around the camp."

Varil chuckled. He'd rather liked the Gnoll's. They hadn't been typical members of species, in that they did not kill almost immedietely. Of course, they probably would have gotten around to it eventually. He'd managed to slip away before that, luckily.

"As for tales, I might have a few. But there are far more interesting ones then that, rattling around this old head of mine."

2010-01-22, 04:46 PM
At Varil's statement, Varg barks a laugh, though it doesn't seem entirely sincere.
An elf who has more interesting stories than living with gnolls? I wouldn't mind buying you a drink some time to hear them, then. Though right now, I'm a bit tight on gold; hoping to find some task in the area that I can do.

2010-01-22, 04:48 PM
Varil smiled at Varg, nodding.

"I'll take you up on that offer, perhaps. It appears we are here for similar reasons however. I'm here to have a look about, and see what there is to do as well."

2010-01-22, 04:53 PM
Perhaps we can work together, then. Two sets of eyes and ears are better than one. I believe you called yourself Varil? Well, my Name is Varg.

While waiting for a reply, Varg takes a sip.

2010-01-22, 04:58 PM
Deciding that there's quite enough strange people standing in front of the half orc's desk at the moment, the elvish woman turns and looks for someone else to answer her question, settling on the elven man and the dwarf sitting apart from the gaggle of people talking nonsense. She picks the sweetcake back up, and strides over to them, holds it out for them to inspect, and asks again:

"Do you know what goes with these?"

2010-01-22, 05:03 PM
Varil offered his hand to Varg, smiling.

"Pleasure to meet you Varg. Perhaps we can, at that."

The Wild looking Elf walked over to them, and held up a Sweet Cake. Varil looked at her steadily.

"My Guess would be a nice Dessert Wine. Why do you want to know, my dear?"

2010-01-22, 05:07 PM
The elf shrugs. "I traded a woman for two of these, and I ate one there, and she said I should come here and get something to drink with it." She smirks to herself with a hint of pride. "It was a good trade."

2010-01-22, 05:13 PM
Cuianarante smirks, and bows her head as she whispers.
"You cannot learn the truespeech like that. But, yes, I'm sure you can teach me things. The chants that go into arcane spells are about as close to the truespeech as you can get without studying the languages of the world. Which is also why the chants are so similar to Draconic; the Dragons haven't forgotten the Truespeech, though they are perhaps more sensible than I and don't speak in it exactly.

The words you chant are not the truth, but Arcana is. Your words and gestures are crude methods of forcing the Truth to bend to your will. Speak Truespeak, and there is no force at all; you simply rewrite the world the way you wish it to be.

But... usually the brute force method is more effective. Truespeaking is hard and one must limit oneself in doing so. You cannot speak falsely with the Truth; what one says is true, even if it was not before. That level of revision is dangerous, so one might say that your spells are a level of protection.

Which is all why I can cast a few spells myself. They are useful for learning the Truespeech, and they are simple and effective when necessary. Reliable, one could say. For they will always work, while no one can claim to be certain that they will never make a mistake with truespeech. I could have cast Message as easy as you, and I have a few more tricks besides, though nothing like your mastery, I think. What sort of magic do you practice?"

Looking up, she smiles at Varil.
"Hah, you mean the Kobolds? I am more Draconic than they, I think. Then again... I am more Draconic than most. It is true...
"...here be dragons."

Looking at the Elven woman, Cuianarante tilts her head and smiles sweetly.
"Hello, what is your name?"

2010-01-22, 05:18 PM
Varil nodded at the Elf.

"Tell me, what did you trade for them?"

Varil looked down at the Bartender then. It appeared this Elfgirl hadn't spent much time with anyone, including other Elves.

"Bartender, get this woman some wine. A Sweet one, if you have any."

Varil shrugged at the Woman. She might be right. Most of his associations with Dragon's had quickly resulted in him running and hiding, so he could hardly claim to be an expert.


"You might be right, Little Sister. I've yet to speak with a Dragon for more then a few seconds, so I cannot claim to be an expert."

2010-01-22, 05:33 PM
"Ah, my condolences then. To hear the Dragonsong is to truly live, I think. Though... if you know what to listen to, the Dragonsong can be heard even here. This I do not understand, but someone or something in this fortress is singing."

2010-01-22, 05:34 PM
"I've tried before, but Dragon's seem to be more private types then most. If you could introduce me to one, I'd be obliged."

2010-01-22, 05:35 PM
The elven woman turns and regards the woman who's been speaking gibberish since she walked in. Her eyes light up with understanding as she finally hears a language she recognizes. She smirks for a moment, and replies.

"Xaphia le vashnel sil sil'ae korush dals'i ka maesh rashana a'nash. V'shnel allura sorisha por'ash ka."

"If I had to pick a name, I'd say to call me Xaphia. Though since you don't understand a word I'm saying, I could call myself Someone-who-doesn't-talk-too-much for all you know."

She then turns back to the elf she was talking to and answers his question. "I got two of these for one of these useless little pieces of metal." she announces proudly, holding up a gold coin the size of a walnut.

2010-01-22, 05:49 PM
Kard eats as he listens to Cuianarante's response. When she finishes, he swallows, and hands over the bowl, plate, and silverware. When Grunt turns away, he begins whispering again.

"Well, I suppose it's rude to keep you at a disadvantage. I practice song magic. You may seek out the lyrics to the Primal Music, but my aim is to learn the melody. Toward that end, I'm planning to begin an expedition to No'tashi, where a rather learned diviner used to live. Interested?"

2010-01-22, 05:55 PM
Varil nodded, not suprised.

"I'm sorry to say, but you've been cheated. Those Coins are worth quite a bit. You should have gotten a lot more Sweet Cakes."

Varil shrugged. Live and Learn was his motto. Money came and went, but knowledge gained was forever.

"I'm Varil."

2010-01-22, 05:59 PM
Whispering, Cuianarante continues her conversation with Kard.
"Yes, I would; I would love to know more about song magic. You are a Bard, then? Haha, so, in fact, am I; it is a fitting title for one who speaks reality, don't you think?

"Would you be interested in the Dragonsong? It's the most beautiful song there is, and filled with great power. I can hear them, from the south, even here... But as I was saying to Varil, I can also hear some singing here. This is very strange, and I wish to investigate it before I leave this fortress."
Cuianarante claps happily.
"Another language I do not know! Which one is that? It's very pretty."

2010-01-22, 06:02 PM
The elf looks confused as she stares at the coin in her hand, finally shaking her head. "No, I don't think so... These things are heavy, and they don't do anything." She nods assuredly to herself. "It was definitely a good trade."

She sits down at the table unprompted and begins to eat her sweetcake as Grunt brings her some wine. A look of pure bliss runs across her dirty face and she eats it, and when she gets the wine, she sniffs it suspiciously before taking a long drink from the bottle. Wiping her mouth with a dirty hand, she beams at the elder elf. "You were right. That is good!"

She smiles happily up from her sweetcake, and replies in a cheery voice to the silver-haired woman. "It's not. I made it up."

2010-01-22, 06:06 PM
Varil shrugged. Money was worth what you wanted it to be. She thought the coins were worth that, and for her they were.

"I suppose so."

Varil nods at her comment, and smiles again.

"I'm glad you like it. Don't drink to much, it's probably a little stronger then you are used to."

Desert Wines usually were, after all.

2010-01-22, 06:11 PM
Kard thinks for a moment, then stands up, walks over and sits down next to Cuianarante.

"You know, that does sound interesting. Doubt that it quite touches the Primal Music, but that's like being less wet than the sea. I'll be happy to work with you on that, if you'll have me."

2010-01-22, 07:03 PM
Nodding at Varil, Cuianarante says,
"Well, like I said... someone or something in this fortress is singing the Dragonsong. I don't know why, and more importantly, it doesn't seem to know why. So if you are interested in hearing the song, perhaps you would be interested in joining me in this investigation?"

When the elf-girl responds, Cuianarante looks very seriously at her, and says,
"No, you didn't, or you know as much about truespeech as I do. I don't know your words, but you cannot hide the fact that this language, like all others, has the truespeech in it. To make that up would take enormous skill and quite a lot of time. Many languages are secret, so I won't ask you again, but you might wish to be more careful with your secrets."

Smiling at her, Cuianarante sits next to Kard, and speaks to him quietly,
"Sounds like we are in business then. I suspect your journey, at least, is going to require quite a bit of difficulty, so I suggest we find others to join us. Varil seems quite capable, and I've invited him to join me as well, but I think he and Varg may have their own plans; we'll see."

2010-01-22, 07:09 PM
Varil smiled at the Human Woman.


"I can't promise I'll stick around the entire time, but I'll tag along for now."

2010-01-22, 07:26 PM
Kard nods.

"You're quite right about the difficulty. There's a reason I called it an expedition. I'd want as many good sword hands as I could get, along with at least one good woodsman, and a master of full arcane magic, rather than our more subtle talents."

He then turns to Varil, and offers a handshake.

"Pleasure to meet you, Varil. You can call me Kard."

2010-01-22, 07:34 PM
The elf-girl shrugs her shoulders at the women, and replies without looking up from her cake. Under the dirt on her face, her cheeks begin turning slightly red as she takes another drink from the wine bottle.

"Sylana nash sylana. Varass petoul asha sa dylas soreques."

"Words are words. But at least my words have meaning, while you babble nonsense about speaking truth."

2010-01-22, 07:38 PM
Varil looks over at the other fellow, and smiles widely at him as well.

"Pleasure to meet you, Kard. Any particular reason we are speaking in Draconic?"

2010-01-22, 07:41 PM
Kard shrugs, and tilts his head toward Cuianarante.

"She was speaking to you in Draconic, so it seemed sensible to emulate her. Would you prefer Elven or Common?"

2010-01-22, 07:51 PM
Varil shrugged, not really caring. It was nice to practice his Draconic, he supposed.


"Its fine, I suppose."

Varil was busy watching the Elf Girl with growing displeasure. He shouldn't have suggested a fortified Wine, evidently. She was speaking a language he didn't recognize.

"Excuse me for asking, but have you ever drunk wine before?"

2010-01-22, 07:55 PM
The girl smiles again. "No, but it's very good." She smiles dreamily for a moment, and suddenly finds herself giggling.

2010-01-22, 07:59 PM
Varil sighed, and adopted a slightly pained look.

"You... you should probably get a room in this Inn. And not move around to much. You might end up doing something you regret if you get taken by the drink."

That's how a lot of Half-Elves end up being concieved.

2010-01-22, 08:00 PM
Looks confused for a moment at the elven man. "Taken where?"

2010-01-22, 08:02 PM
Varil sighed, and looked at the Elf Girl.

"Most likely, someones bed Chambers if you don't watch out."

2010-01-22, 08:04 PM
The elven girl scrunches her nose for a moment, and sets the bottle down. "Why would someone bed in a chamber? How would they count the stars until they fell asleep?"

2010-01-22, 08:06 PM
Varil sighed, finished off the Tankard the Bartender had given him, and motioned toward the man.


Varil turned back towards the girl.

"Well, not everyone counts the stars before they go to sleep. But frankly, sleeping is not what I am concerned about."

2010-01-22, 08:10 PM
"Well, I'll be careful."The elf giggles again, and finishes off her sweet cake. She stands to leave, stumbles a bit, and immediately falls back into her seat.

"Oof... I'm dizzy all of a sudden..."

2010-01-22, 08:12 PM
Varil sighed again, and looked over at the girl.

"That is one of the effects of wine. I'd advise you go a little easier next time."

2010-01-22, 08:20 PM
She nods her head. "Probably a good idea..."

The elf closes her eyes a moment, and a look of concentration crosses her face as she mutters something under her breath while holding her head. A few moments later, she opens her eyes again, and smiles at the elven man.

Spellcraft DC 17
She casts Lesser Restoration.

"That's better. Thanks for the drink."

2010-01-22, 08:22 PM
Varil shrugged.

"Money comes and it goes. See you around, perhaps."

2010-01-22, 08:28 PM
The elf ponders something to herself for a moment. "I should give you something in trade... But I don't really have anything right now except more of these little metal things..."

She pulls out a pouch on the table and opens it - It's absolutely full of gold coins. She begins sifting through it hoping to find something of value inside the pouch.

2010-01-22, 08:31 PM
Varil sighed, and just reached over to stop her from sifting through the coins.

"Just keep your payment. I'm happy enough to have made a friend."

It'll be gone in a couple of days, anyways. Where did she get all that gold though?

2010-01-22, 08:37 PM
"Friends?" She beams at him. "Thanks, old guy!"

2010-01-22, 08:38 PM
Varil nodded. He didn't mind getting called old. His sensibilities on the subject were a little bit different, but that was all.

"Varil, dearie."

2010-01-22, 08:42 PM
Cuianarante nudges Kard and looks at Varil.

"I don't know if you caught that, but she cast Lesser Restoration... and she was pretty quiet about the language she spoke before. I think she's a Druid, and if so she might be our woodsman, I think."

2010-01-22, 09:06 PM
Cokalack sighs and says, "Nothing is happening here, who says we try wandering into the woods in search of adventure? If our quest doesn't find us, lets find it ourselves."

2010-01-22, 10:00 PM
Varg shakes the offered hand.
I hope we can.
He goes back to siping his ale, listening to the conversation go back and forth in some strange language, until the half-orc pips up. Shaking his head, he half turns to the boy.
Despite what the old stories say, Taverns aren't always the starting place for quests. If you truly wish to find something, you should ask around. Particularly merchants; if nothing else they can tell you about bandit problems. I'd avoid wondering aimlessly in the woods, though. With as many adventurers in the town, I'd expect we'd run into our fair share of them, and most of the other problems are still there because they dealt with the adventurers instead of the other way around. I have some ideas myself, but I'm not sure I want to check them out quite yet. Prefer to get a bit more settled in.

2010-01-22, 10:06 PM
Looking at Varg, Cuianarante responds, "Oh, I love language, all language. Word and song are my specialties. But, haha, no, not purely academic...

Áva ora leirithsen tundarnogoth felma i ringa."
"Do not urge this dwarf to feel the cold."
Knowledge (Arcana) DC 15
Cuianarante used an inverted Word of Hoarfrost on Varg.
You feel warm and energized. If you tried, you'd find that the cold does not harm you as much as it did before, and you can move faster. You gain Cold Resistance 10 and a +10 to your Movement Speed for one round.

2010-01-22, 10:20 PM
Ah, thank you, Cuianarante, for whatever you just did. It feels like I'm back...ah, nevermind.
For a second his face falls, and eyes darken, and then he shakes his head as if to dispel dark thoughts. When he begins again, he seems a bit anxious to change the subject.
That, ah, that wasn't the arcane arts, was it now? Seemed similar to some things I've studied, but there was something else there as well.

2010-01-22, 10:34 PM
"You are familiar with Arcana? Then the chants used during spellcasting, they are... in a way they are close to the Truespeech. In a lot of ways they aren't, but the similarities are there. And there are more between those chants and the Truespeech, than between any other language and Truespeech. After those chants, Draconic is closest, and beyond that... well, it becomes very difficult to judge which is 'closest', it sort of depends on perspective.

Anyway, arcane chants are similar to Truespeech. That's how they work, though most need the gestures and whatever else to function. It's... basically the brute force method. You manipulate reality by forcing it with your own will. But if you really know the Truespeech, your will doesn't come into it. The Truespeech cannot speak falsely; whatever you say is true, whether it was before or not. I said that you do not feel cold, and so you do not.

Of course, reality does not like being tampered with by the likes of me. It will revert itself quite soon, for such a simple statement. When I say it, it is true. But it was not before, and it does not need to be afterward, and so it will not be."

2010-01-22, 10:40 PM
Varil looked over, and smiled at Cuianarante.

"I fear you've gone right over my head, dear. I will say I have some talent in the Arcane Arts."

Varil laughed, and shrugged.

"But, then, just like everything else, it is just things I've picked up."

2010-01-22, 10:50 PM
"I suppose only the stuffiest of wizards would bother with what I have just described, but the Truespeech is my life. Just as a wizard might study about swordplay, but never know what the warrior does about it, so too might a wizard know about the Truespeech, but without having lived the Word, they know nothing.

"I learn languages to learn about the Truespeech, since there is always at least the slightest remnant of Truespeech in any intelligible language. A 'language' without Truespeech could not describe anything real, not even abstract realities like emotion; it would have to be nothing but meaningless babble.

"But even more than this learning, I live the Word. It sings in my veins and it sings in my soul. This is more akin to the warrior's way with weapons compared to a scholar's understanding of materials and anatomy and forces and trauma. More like the bard who makes up the most beautiful tune you have ever heard, than the composer who carefully arranges the notes into a perfect melody. Both work, but I know where I stand."

2010-01-22, 10:59 PM
Varg gives a self deprecating gesture, and laughs.Ha, I wouldn't call myself too familar with them. I had a master, and was learning, but...events forced me to leave before I could manage more than the simplest of spells. And even then, it's difficult. I think I can agree with your description, insofar as the arcane is concerned. Through calculations and formula, or brute force of will we make the universe follow our design, but it's exhausting to do.

You mentioned that most languages have some influence of this 'truespeech'? Is that were your interest comes in? Studying the descendants to learn the parent? I wonder, have you ever studied the Rune Smiths?

2010-01-22, 11:08 PM
"I am sorry to hear that; if it is not intruding too much, what happened? Your appearance is very interesting for a dwarf; no beard, a broken hammer for your sigil..."

2010-01-22, 11:45 PM
At Cuianarante's words, Varg gives a deep sign, and then begins to speak.

No, it's not a problem. If it was, I shouldn't be walking around with it on my shield, now, should I? And it's been, what.....25 years? First though, allow me to properly introduce myself.
At this he takes a half step backwards, and gives a rather deep bow, considering his overall height and the full plate he wears.
I am Varg Bahzellson, formerly of Clan Kasityo.
Straightening, he looks you in the eye.
I was studying to be a Rune Smith at the time, so I wasn't there when the Clan Hall fell, or my Father with it. Our clan had no outposts, nor sister halls, so our people scattered. That's when I left my studies, and changed my appearance. Shaved off my beard like the exiles of old, and took this as my symbol; the smiths hammer was Kasityo's symbol, and now it's broken. And with it, most all our secrets. I'm but a novice, and from all the survivors I've met, I'm the only one who wasn't at the hall. Still, it's been 25 years. That's time enough for wounds to fade, even for dwarves. I wander, and keep up the appearance mostly out of habit at this point.

2010-01-23, 12:02 AM
Cuianarante bows her head solemnly at the story. "How did the Hall fall? Who are the Rune Smiths? I have not heard of them."

2010-01-23, 12:10 AM
Seeing her sorrow, Varg pats her gently on the elbow.
Don't worry about it. As I said, it was a long time ago. No ones quite sure about how the hall fell. Oh, we know goblins and orcs were involved, as are a few of our dark kin, but there was something else. Not seen, or at least, no one who did see it survived. As for the runesmiths, well they're dwarven wizards. Not many of our race choose that path, but those that do find that the heavy armor we favor
At this he gestures to his own armor.
inhibits our abilities to make the gestures that accompany our spells. Many decide to forgo armor in that case, but some sought a different way. Eventually, they found a method to cast through complex runes. I'm not sure how they first discovered this; that secret of their discovery has long been lost, even to dwarven histories. All we know now is that they aren't Dwarven runes, at least not from any known clans. But they have power; something unlike anything else. Experienced Rune Smiths can make runes that others, even non spellcasters can use, or make permanent one, one that lock a part of their own power away permanently. I was training to be one with another clan, but I left before I was finished. Still have some of the books, though, and I work on it when I can. Perhaps I can eventually show you what I mean. And it would be interesting to see if they share some relation to truespeech

2010-01-23, 12:40 AM
Cuianarante's eyes go wide at Varg's description of the Runes. "Letters that have magic..? That's... that's incredible. There's no written form of Truespeech; there's too many subtle nuances to ever be handled by something as simple as a two dimensional glyph. That's why scrolls need to be read, that's why I couldn't just write down the Truespeech... but if they can just scribe these Runes... yes. Yes, I am very interested in what you can learn."

2010-01-23, 01:06 AM
Varg gives a slight shake of his head before replying. He does seem much more animated than a moment ago. Obviously, talking shop is taking his mind off the past.
Not quite. The runes only take away the need for the gestures, but they...they change the verbal part as well. And I've handled the runes made by senior rune casters. They, ah, well, it's like they're in your mind. You know exactly how to activate it, but after you use it the knowledge is gone. It's somewhat unsettling, but exhilarating at the same time. And for the permanent runes, well, they truly are purely a mental exercise. I'd be happy to show you the books that I have, though I can't actually show you what it looks like yet.

2010-01-23, 03:33 AM
Receiving the stew and meat from the tavernkeeper James heads to the door to bring his friend some meat but before he could reach it one of the patrons turns to hima and introduces himself. In reply James says, "The name's James Morson" and continues through the door and as it closes the sound of a bone snapping can be heard, shortly after James re-enters the bar and sits at a vacant table.

Hearing someone speaking in the tongue of Druids he looked up from his meal and saw a female elf that bore a striking resemblance to the elf that had visited his village in his youth. Seeing the elf showing signs of inebriation James decided to speak up and give her a bit of advice.
"Be careful of that drink it is many times stronger than the fermented berries in the forest. I learned this the hard way a few months back"
He then goes back to enjoying his meal and pauses when he hears mention of the forest in the gruff tone of a half-orc. Looking up from his meal he says, "You would do well to exercise caution in those woods my friend those trees contain things that would very likely be the end of your life, like spiders the size of a horse and wolfmen neitherof which would hesitate to make a meal of your flesh."

2010-01-23, 04:00 AM
Varil shrugged at Cuianarante, smiling and taking a few bites from his food. He looked over at her.


"Let's just ask her then. She seems to be a good sort."

For a moment, he got distracted at the other Human's words to the Half-Orc. Varil shrugged at the Fellow's advice.

"That's the Northern Woods. People occasionally make it back from there. There are probably quite a few things that are dangerous out there. Be careful and you should make it back. The Elves there aren't the friendly kind, like me, so avoid them if you can. The Southern Woods are a death trap. Stay out of them."

Varil turns to the Elf girl and smiled.

"The Human Woman hears... apparently Dragonsong. I'm not exactly quite clear. I'm curious, so I'm tagging along. She'd like to invite you along, but apparently is being shy or something. So you curious enough to tag along as well?"

2010-01-23, 04:46 AM
Upon hearing someone else in the tavern speaking Druidic, the elvish girl turns, to size up the man who spoke. She smiles a bit, giggles, and returns to her drink, speaking something into the bottle as she takes another pull:

"I thought all you fussy old druids were supposed to hate this place."

She giggles again and turns back towards the others around her table.


The elven girl blinks at Varil.

"Dragons?" She laughs for a moment and shakes her head. "There aren't any dragons around here. They're a few days from here, past the mountain with the mines, and the forest, across the river and beyond the place with the really good apple trees."

2010-01-23, 05:01 AM
Varil shrugged again at the Elven Girl, smiling at her. She was just stating what Varil already knew. But he didn't think she was crazy, even if she was a little bit touched in the head.

"I don't think she is outright crazy, and I don't think she is lying. But, from what I know, you are right."

Varil gave her a lopsided smile.

"So like I said, I'm curious. You can ask her if you'd like."

2010-01-23, 05:17 AM
"Well... I do owe you something for the drink..." she says, thinking it over for a moment, before turning to the silver-haired woman, "Where were you going to look for dragons?"

2010-01-23, 05:21 AM
Varil just kept shrugging. He hadn't really thought this out. That was alright. He tended to have more fun when he didn't.

"Ask Cuianarante. I'm just tagging along."

2010-01-23, 09:07 AM
Cokalack sighed, and said "Very well, how about I look for a quest somewhere in town while you guys stay at the Inn? That or we can all split up and look for quests, and return here at night's fall."

2010-01-23, 09:07 AM
A tall young man dressed as a Knight but with lighter armor and a plain sky-blue tabard steps into the inn. He scans the room with his light blue eyes and flashes a friendly smile at the room and speaks in a clear and resonant voice.
Hail and well met, friends!

He is slightly taken aback by the variety of individuals filling the room, but this is the Chicken and Ogre after all, so he calls out to the bartender.
Sir, if you don't mind I like some mead, failing that cider will do quite well.

He gratefully takes the drink when its offered and drops a few coins on the bar. They are more than enough for the drink. He thinks that he'll eventually have a tab at this particular tavern, so he tries to make sure that his credit is good with the barman. Still smiling, he sits at the closest table.

2010-01-23, 10:02 AM
As Varil invites Xaphia, Cuianarante nods her head at James.
"Just so you know, that man's speaking the same language, the one I think is Druidic."

When Xaphia asks about the dragons, Cuianarante responds, "Ah, yes, there most certainly are many Dragons, to the southeast. They are great and powerful there, and I've been able to hear their song for a long time. It's what brought me here. But when I got here... I can hear the song here, too. Not the faint rumbling of the Dragons across miles of mountainland, but smaller voices from within this fortress. Two, actually. Where they should not be, and there's something... off, about the songs they sing. So yes, I would like to figure out what's going on."

2010-01-23, 10:37 AM
Kard nods to James as he introduces himself. He waves and smiles politely to Koric as he welcomes the rest of the bar.

He then turns his attention back to Cuianarante, Varil, Varg, and Xaphia. When Cuianarante is finished whispering, he mutters under his breath.

"Right you are; it is Druidic. It's like an off-key orchestra member: too different not to hear."

2010-01-23, 11:20 AM
Cuinarante gasps at Kard's statement.
"You are familiar with Druidic? Do you know the language itself? It is one I would like to learn, but... no Druid would ever teach me."

2010-01-23, 11:43 AM
Kard sighs.

"Sorry to disappoint; purely the cantrip at work, there. I can pick out the general sound of Druidic, but without my magic, I can't understand it.

Pretty sure that's as good as it'll get; they're just as reticent with me as you- seem to think it'd be a violation of their oaths."

2010-01-23, 11:47 AM
Cuianarante rolls her eyes. "So, what can you speak without that silly spell?"

2010-01-23, 12:00 PM
Another slight smile graces Varg's face at Cuianarante'a and Kard discussion, at least the part that he manages to understand.

My people have a saying about dragons. Roughly translated, Meddle not in the affairs of dragons, for you are small and would make a good snack. Still, sounds like those aren't true dragons, perhaps some sort of half-breed? If you'd have me, I'd be glad to accompany you.

2010-01-23, 12:04 PM
Kard smiles cheerfully, and leans back in his chair.

"Oh, not that much. Just Common, Elven and Gnome. Know a few phrases of Orcish and Giant, that mostly have to do with wanting to eat someone. Haven't had much opportunity to learn anything else."

His smile widens slightly when Varg agrees to come along.

"I'm sure we'd be delighted to have you, master Varg."

2010-01-23, 12:18 PM
Cokalack has been listening, and then says "A search for dragons? Dragons know much, perhaps such a beast would know the location of my master, I shall accompany you." after a bit of thinking, he then says "On second thought, 6 people might end up being too much of a target."

2010-01-23, 02:13 PM
Xaphia considers Cuinarante's offer for a moment before deciding.

"Sure, I'll help." She thinks for a moment more, and adds "But I should go see Vashan first. He'll get lonely if I don't."

2010-01-23, 02:17 PM
All of my equipment except my longsword, cloak, bracers, and armor is at home at the moment. Rex (my wolf) is somewhere outside the city in any nearby woods.
Geography [roll0]
Local [roll1]
Dungeoneering [roll2]
Nature [roll3]

A man of average height walks into the bar. He has dark brown hair, wears leather armor and carries a sword at his side. He glances around before heading to the bar. "I'd like a drink, sir as well as some food to take to my friend" and he slide a few coins to him.

2010-01-23, 06:53 PM

Turning around in his seat Corthos leans back against the bar and listens to the dizzying number of languages. He shakes his head. "Lady, I don't know more than half of what you just said." He smiles and nods to the hilt of the greatsword sticking up behind him. "Course, most of the really nasty things I've met don't have much use for words anyway. I prefer the languages of action, either love, or violence."

Turning to glance at Grunt, Corthos says. "I was supposed to meet this fella here tonight. Said he was looking for a healer for some damn fool errand he was going on. Never got the mans name."

Kris Strife
2010-01-24, 03:06 AM
Kevnan adjusts his hood slightly before walking into the bar, making sure it fully shades his face. His armor is still slightly dusty from the trip, though the freshly cleaned image of a large, platinum star over a blue blackground with seven smaller gold stars adorn the breast plate. The shield on his back has been adorned with a platinum star at the center, the scabbard and sword on his back are as yet unadorned. He moves over to the counter and sits down a space away from the others. He waits for the bartender to come to him, reaching inside his armor and pulling out a few coins. "What would you recommend for someone just off the trail good sir?"

Sorry for the delay, had trouble getting it right. (and I'm still not 100% satisfied with it) And just in case, checking each item suggested with my PoF before ordering.

2010-01-24, 05:05 PM
Kard nods.

"I'm sure we can wait for you to do that, ma'am."

He then turns to Cuinarante.

"So, where would you suggest we start looking?"

2010-01-24, 09:11 PM
"I don't really know. Like I said, there are two songs. One is... odd, it doesn't seem to know why it's singing. My guess is a hatchling, but a hatchling shouldn't be here... and should know why it is singing, in any case. A stolen dragon egg, maybe? Someone trying to raise a dragon?

"The other is odder. It's... dark, almost sick. Muffled, corrupted, but with a tiny spark of light, of clarity and beauty to the song. If that makes any sense. And that... that I have no idea what that could be.

"I suggest just splitting up, and exploring the town, keeping our eyes and ears open, try to ask people if they know anything about dragons. Most of the answers will be that they're down in the mountains, but maybe someone will know about something a little closer to home.

"Meanwhile, I'm going to try to pinpoint the source of the songs more exactly. It's hard to do in this town, but it's the only real lead I have. Kard, you are trained in song, no? Maybe there is some way I can teach you to hear it, too, that might help...

"Also, I guess, if we're a group... we should introduce ourselves more fully, I think. I am Cuianarante, and I have studied the magic of word and song. I have wandered the lands as a bard, singing for those who want for some beauty in their lives, and I have sought payment in tongues, in the languages of those with whom I travel. As I've mentioned, Arcane spells have some Truespeech in their chants, and so I have also learned to cast a few spells, though I prefer to use the Truespeech; the spells are somewhat crude, and nothing like what a true wizard or sorcerer could do.

"I am also what is known as a 'Silverbrow', for the hair," Cuianarante flicks a lock of her silvery-blue hair. "Though even among our kind, my hair is somewhat exceptional. We're descended from Silver Dragons, and dragonsblood flows in my veins. Hence my interest in the dragonsong, and why here be dragons."

2010-01-24, 09:37 PM
Varil shrugged, seeing no harm in it. He'd been a lot of things to a lot of people, but it wasn't impossible to sum himself up.

"I'm Varil Agaren. I've been pretty much everywhere, and done more things then most can imagine. Failed at plenty of them, to tell the truth."

Varil patted the hilt of His Greatsword, from where it poked up behind his back.

"I can use a bit of Magic, have made my way as a thief and a con man, and been in the service of... 5 or 6 different gods. However, most of the time, I bought my way with my skill with the Blade. I've trained with it for a long time, and I've got quite a few tricks. I don't really have a name for what I am, and what I do. I just do it."

Varil sighed, trying to think of something else.

"Oh, and if you are curious, I am a Gray Elf. If you don't know what that means, that is for the best. If you do, me and my race don't really get along. I haven't spent any time with them since I was 40, and that was a very, very long time ago."

2010-01-24, 09:56 PM
Kard nods cheerfully.

Seems it's time to put all my cards on the table, then.

"As I said to most of you, I'm Kard Zene. Plain-jane human. Like Cuianarante here, I'm a bard, a follower of song magic. I've touched the Primal Music once in my life, and sought it for several years. In places where I can't trust sweet logic and good choice of words, I fall back on the magic my pursuit has gifted me with, and my skill with blades."

At this point, he gestures to the faintly glowing glaive resting on his back.

"The latter's been augmented with some tricks from the Sublime Way; there's a little understanding of the flow of the Music in the forms."

2010-01-24, 10:12 PM
Varg strokes his chin, as if in thought, then nods once.

Well, You've heard my story, and I said I've got some wizard training under my belt. Even in my armor I can cast a few spells. Besides that, I'm and accomplished fighter, able to stand in a shield wall with the best of them, take my hits, and hit back. Additionally, though my clan no longer counts among the living, the souls of my people still guide me.

As he says this, a faint outline of a humanoid forms in the air around him.

Kris Strife
2010-01-25, 05:54 AM
Kevnan looks up when Cuianarante mentions silver dragons, waiting for a lull in the converstation before speaking. "Please, pardon my interruption, but you say you're of dragons' blood? How much do you really know of your draconic ancestors?"

2010-01-26, 02:17 AM
OOC: Sucrose:
You may wanna change what you posted 2 posts ago - I've still not given "Elf-Girl"'s name (unless you speak druidic).

The elf blinks at Cuianarante. "You're part dragon? Which parts?" She takes a step forward, and sniffs at Cuianarante, and shakes her head. "You don't smell like a dragon."

When the others finish their introductions, she pipes in with her own. "Well... I'm...", she pauses for a moment, thinking. "I'm me. I've lived in the forests and plains forever. I know them better than anyone." she boasts proudly.

2010-01-26, 07:56 AM
"Heh, the blood and soul and song parts of me are Dragon. But my Draconic heritage is ages old, so I am mostly human, physically."

2010-01-26, 08:09 AM
Varil sighed. He was more then curious about this Elf Girl's past, but he would ask another time. For the moment, he would just ask a single question.

"I'm sorry, but could I at least ask for your name? Or some kind of appellation to call you by? Elf Girl or Wild Thing might continue to work in the short term, but they hardly foster a sense of camaraderie."

Varil was getting a little sarcastic, but then, that was the way he always was.

2010-01-26, 12:46 PM
Turning to the newcomer, Cuinarante is about to explain that her ancestry is ancient, but at the time among her people it was not unusual and silver dragons and humans mixed freely, so her heritage would be rather broad instead of a specific individual dragon. Before she can, however, she gasps, and points at Kevnan.

"You- you're singing the Dragonsong! Why don't you tell me about your dragon's blood?"

2010-01-26, 02:29 PM
She ponders Varil's question for a moment.

"A name?", she shrugs. "I don't know. I've never really had a name before... The old druids all used to call me Xaphia." she scrunches her nose in distaste. "It's not really a name, but I guess you can call me that."

2010-01-26, 03:18 PM
Varil shrugged. He never attached that much meaning to his name. It was something that he was called, and that was all. Some people took great pride in theirs, but Varil didn't care.

"If you don't like it, pick a new one. Names mean very little, beyond what meaning we give them."

2010-01-26, 04:53 PM
Glancing over her shoulder, momentarily distracted from Kevnan by the discussion of names, Cuianarante says, "Tis not your truename anyway. That one's important, but keep that secret. But what's wrong with Xaphia? What's that mean?"

2010-01-26, 06:48 PM
Xaphia looks around the room, turns her back towards the bulk of the room, and whispers to Cuianarante.

"It's druidic. It... Doesn't really have a word in other languages..."

2010-01-26, 07:05 PM
Cuianarante smiles, and raising an eyebrow at Kevnan and trying to keep at least one eye on him, leans over and whispers back to Xaphia.
"Heh, other languages most certainly do have a word for it, whatever it is. Even if they don't know it yet. But don't worry, I'll try not to pry too much about Druidic."

2010-01-26, 07:09 PM
Varil clapped his hands together. Evidently the girls had decided to start whispering to each other, and he knew better then to inquire into to such. Cuinarante might be in charge here, but Varil was an experienced campaigner.

"Alright. Cuianarante, and Kard are going to go try to find out where... well... the Dragonsong is coming from. Xaphia is going to go greet her friend. Lady Cuianarante, what would you have me and Varg do, as we appear to be left over?"

Kris Strife
2010-01-26, 07:10 PM
Kevnan holds up one hand and takes the glove off, revealing the thick, silver scales and clawed finger tips. He gives her a moment to view it before tugging his glove back on.

"Lets just say its far more immediate than yours... Thats really about all I know on the subject right now."

2010-01-26, 07:45 PM

Corthos eases off the bar stool and walks over to the half-orc. "Hey there kid. Heard you were lookin to help some folks out. Names Corthos." He says, sticking out his hand. "I was waiting to meet this fellow, but doesn't look like he's gonna show. I know some folks down at Kord's Temple." He nods his head, indicating outside the tavern. "Seems like they always need help with one thing or another." He grins. "If you're lookin to get into a bit of scrap, that is." He says, eying the greataxe.

2010-01-26, 08:31 PM
"Hold on a minute, Varil. We might not really need to do very much at all..."

"You know nothing about your parentage? That is odd. Something like that, I assume one of your parents must have been a Silver Dragon... Silver dragons enjoy human company, and spend great amounts of time in humanoid form; taking human mates is not uncommon, but even though they rarely can afford to truly spend enough time in human form as to raise a child, it is odd that you know nothing about it..."

Kris Strife
2010-01-27, 06:26 AM
Kevnan shrugs slightly, looking at his gloved hands for a moment.

"I don't think he knew at the time... My mother certainly didn't know he was a dragon, but said he was a traveller. He went off with a group of his friends, promising to return, but he never did. Maybe he died, or is trapped somewhere. We're certain he'd have come back if he could, and I hope one day I'll get to meet him, but who, or what, my father is is not what matters, and as far as I'm concerned, the Platinum King is part of my family now."

"But enough of being rude to those who have not yet learned the dragon's tounge.. My name is Kevnan Serpenthelm, servent of Bahamut."

2010-01-27, 10:24 AM
"Hmm... seems likely that he was quite young, for a Dragon, possibly little older than his apparent human age.

"Anyway, I honor your commitment to Bahamut, and wish you well in your journeys.
"A ná i alta ar i arandur."
"Be the bright light and the King's servant."
Somehow, the shadows on Kevnan seem to disappear, and he seems briefly outlined in light. This fades so quickly, however, that most would assume that they were just seeing things.
You feel the light, too. You also feel your connection to Bahamut become overpowering, as it is momentarily strengthened by Cuianarante's Truespeak. This, too, fades, of course, but the simple memory of it may improve your relationship with the King Dragon.

"Well, that's one mystery solved: Kevnan here is one of our mystery singers. He's half-dragon, hence the strangeness of the song.

"There is still a singer in this town, though, and this one is... darker. The song sounds... tarnished, somehow. Not like a chromatic dragon's song - pure, thorough violence and darkness - but more like a metallic dragon that is downtrodden, or perhaps turned to darkness. It is decidedly odd."

2010-01-27, 10:41 AM
Kard is silent for a few moments.

"Well, if that's the dragonsong, I'll definitely need you to train my ears, Lifespeaker. I can't hear a thing, even from you, Kevnan."

2010-01-27, 03:02 PM
Kanan X opens the door slowly, the great green cloak pulled close around his body, his face shrouded by the hood pulled low. He looks around nervously, then enters the room, striding quickly to a corner table and sitting down. He avoids making eye contact with anyone except by chance, and when it happens he quickly looks away.

He appears to be a half-elf of average height, with a lean but solid build. The glint of a chain shirt appears every so often through the folds of the cloak, and two short swords hang from his belt.

He mumbles softly to himself as he sits...
@DMCast Detect Magic and look around the room

2010-01-27, 03:17 PM
"So Grornu, heard anything about interesting going on lately?"

2010-01-27, 03:33 PM
Varil sighed, vaguely dissatisfied. If the other Dragonsong was as easy as this, it wouldn't be that interesting. Most of his encounters with Dragons had been very interesting. Terrifying, but interesting.

"I should tell you, I can hear most of what you said. I'd hate to be accused of being an eavesdropper. I've met other servants of your god however. Nice bunch, if a tad stuffy for my taste."

Varil's voice is humorous, and accented twice, once by him, and once by the Kobolds from whom he'd learned the language. But he's still understandable. After he speaks he reaches into a bag at his waist and feels around for a while, pulling out a Symbol of Bahamut, a little bit worn with age before placing it back in the bag. It was one of his collection of Holy Symbols. He'd gotten that from a particularly stuffy Dragonborn Cleric. He'd been on a mission from his God, and Varil had decided to accompany him. He'd been a good fellow, even if he could never take a joke. Varil had been saddened to hear that he fallen, but supposed that was the way of it. The Cleric would have wanted it that way, anyways. He turns back to group, finished.

"As far as grand mysteries and meetings go, this one was fairly dissapointing. No offense to you sir..."

Varil nodded to Kevnan.

"...but I was hoping for a little more excitement. However this other one sounds promising. I'm no expert on Dragons, but I know a bit of Lore. What could turn a Metallic Dragon to Darkness?"

2010-01-27, 05:00 PM
"I don't know. I grew up far from the mountains where most dragons live; I have not spent nearly as much time with them as I would like. Besides, that's just my best guess. It could easily be any number of other things. And if this ends up being as trivial, well, Kard's expedition surely won't....

"At this point, I think our only real move is to explore the fort and keep our eyes and ears open. Sorry. I'll try to get a better sense of where things are coming from, but unless, ya know, he walks in like Kevnan has, it could be hard to do."

2010-01-27, 05:04 PM
As the inn grows with activity, Grunt takes his chatter down a notch. He smiles and raises a mug at those entering, and dishes out service to those who wants it.


Erch. Everyone is brimming with different kinds of magical auras. Most of the auras are from worn magical auras, but several of the customers have a soft magical aura to them.
Even Grunt the barkeep has some magical item on him.

2010-01-27, 05:32 PM
Kanan motions to the barkeep. "Bread. Soup. Carrots if you have them. Water to drink." He speaks softly, almost shyly, as if he's not quite used to the sound of his own voice. "Um.. please."

2010-01-27, 05:37 PM
Kard nods, and stands up.

"Well, in that case, what are we waiting for? Let's go ahead and have a look around. Meet back here at sundown, perhaps, and see what we've found?"

2010-01-27, 05:48 PM
Grunt chops up some carrots, throws them in the soup, and serves with water and bread.

2010-01-27, 06:01 PM
The door swings open again, and a young Half-Orc walks in. He stands slightly less than six feet tall, and it is easily seen that he has great strength. His simple brown shirt has rips and tears all over it, as do his pants. He carries no thing except a simple pack, and a large axe. He has long black hair that looks like it has never been washed and is crudely cut near his shoulders. He walks over to the bar-keeper, sits down, and says
"What you reccomend? I looking for strong ale..

2010-01-27, 06:11 PM
"Sounds good to me."

2010-01-27, 06:40 PM
"My, ahem, Dwarven ale is good, and strong to boot!"
Grunt fills a mug, and slams it on the counter.

2010-01-27, 06:41 PM
Cokalack yawns, and then says "Anyway, is there any room left in the Inn? I need a rest.."

2010-01-27, 06:43 PM
Grunt eyes up Cokalack. "Erh, the day is young, friend, but if you want, there's a room up the stairs, first door to the right."

2010-01-27, 08:00 PM
"Don't get too drunk, young orc, or you'll end up in bed like him! "

Kanan looks at the newly-arrived half-orc and then points at Cokalack, smiling ruefully, always unsure as to how to begin conversations...

Kanan goes back to munching on some bread, slowly dipping it in his soup.

2010-01-27, 08:11 PM
Grunt eyes up Cokalack. "Erh, the day is young, friend, but if you want, there's a room up the stairs, first door to the right."

Cokalack says "Thank you, if someone needs to see me let them wake me." he then hands him the money and marches upstairs.

The moment he hears Kanan speak to him, he then walks up to him and says "If you are wise, you will not test my wrath."

OOC: Anyone need me, PM me.

2010-01-27, 08:18 PM
Kanan looks up at Cokalack briefly.

"I guess that makes me wise then..."

Kanan sighs audibly and shakes his head... another attempt at conversation gone astray....

2010-01-27, 08:19 PM
Cokalack nods his head, and then gets back to marching upstairs.

2010-01-27, 08:32 PM
Varil stood, his task complete. They had discovered who it was they were chasing, and why. He looked over to Cuianarante. If they had a leader at the moment, it was her, as she seemed to be the only one that could hear the song.

"Well, are we going after him?"

2010-01-27, 09:00 PM
"Well, OK, so, what I think is going on is that I'm hearing an echo of his song. The problem with that is, if that is an echo, then his power is likely immense. And I don't know if this is likely to be a friendly encounter. So... well, that's up to you guys, do you want to risk it? I do, but this is a lot to ask, I think."

2010-01-27, 09:12 PM
Kard shrugs, a faint grin tugging at his lips.

"Nothing wagered, nothing gained. I'll stand with you on this, so long as you promise that one day you'll teach me how to hear it."

2010-01-27, 09:33 PM
Gath stares at Kanan briefly.

Thank you for the advice stranger. Who are you, and where are you from?

He takes a sip of the dwarven ale and nods in satisfaction. He turns to Grunt

Thank you. Is quite good. How much?

2010-01-27, 09:37 PM
"Two silver coins will suffice."

2010-01-27, 10:05 PM
Varil smiled, and laughed. The notion of him running away from a venture because it was foolhardy was most humorous.

"I'm still curious my dear, and I've taken risks before to sate my interest. I'm with you, if you go."

2010-01-27, 10:14 PM
Gath takes two silver coins out, and puts them on the table.

2010-01-27, 10:40 PM
Xaphia smiles. "I'll go. Dragons sound like fun."

2010-01-27, 11:10 PM
"I am Kanan, and I am from... a village I am never going back to. How about you, friend?"

Kanan's words are halting, almost timid, though it is clear that he has strong grasp of Orcish. He does seem pleased that this conversation hasn't resulted in immediate threats though....

2010-01-27, 11:21 PM
"Well then, that's settled. I say we each figure out what we need to for a journey for the rest of the day, and set out tomorrow?"

2010-01-28, 02:44 AM
Varil nodded. He agreed with the result, even if the reason didn't apply to him.

"My things are packed, back at the Inn. I didn't intend to lounge around the Fortress for that long, so I cam prepared for the Wild. But there isn't any reason to start today. I'm probably just going to slink off and get my fill of Good Ale and Hot Food. Those things never seem to be in abundance in the Wild."

2010-01-28, 03:22 PM
I'm Gath, and I come from a group of nomads, west of the Elf King's woods. Why will you never return? Personally, I wish to destroy anything that caused bad memories, instead of fleeing

He speaks quite freely, and it is obvious he is much more comfortable speaking Orcish than Common. He reaches for his drink, but stops, too interested in the conversation to drink too much and ruin it.

2010-01-28, 03:25 PM
Xaphia grins at Varil. "You just have to know where to look." She turns to the others. "I can go today. It won't take me long to go see Vashan."

2010-01-28, 04:02 PM
Kard nods, and heads off after verifying where they'll be meeting on the morrow. He asks Grunt to prepare about a week's worth of trail food, along with three waterskins, then asks for a room for the night.

2010-01-28, 04:41 PM
Cuianarante, now that the serious business is over, is back to her light-hearted self. After making the same arrangments as Kard ("Ooh, that's a good idea, yeah, I'd like the same!"), she begins wandering the tavern again and singing her own little truespeech dragonsong.

2010-01-28, 04:49 PM
Varil checks that his Saddlebags are loaded, runs through everything in his pack again, and after reassuring himself that he was ready, went downstairs. He orders himself another plate of Food, and something to drink that wasn't quite the Paint Thinner that the fellow had served him last time.

2010-01-28, 05:01 PM
I left because I don't belong there, not really at least. I am a half-elf, and all that really meant in my village is I'm not fully elven.

And I won't return because my uncle asked me not to.. and he's the only person from whom I would honor such a request.

I don't actually have a reason for being here... it was just... not there. Given how I was treated in civilized lands... I decided the less civilization, the better...

What about you, Gath, why did you leave your people?

Kanan is clearly very pleased to be talking to someone.

2010-01-28, 05:12 PM
Cuianarante dances around, and wanders over to the two speaking Orcish.
If it were not for the obviously human voice, Cuianarante could be Cokalack's sister, the accent is so similar.

"Aye, civilization is overrated anyhow. Better to be out free, experiencing the Word and the Song and enjoying the sun on your way and the wind at your back!"

2010-01-28, 05:16 PM
Kanan chuckles at Cuianarante's words.


"The sun? The sun is for those who can't properly enjoy the darkness..."

2010-01-28, 05:24 PM
It seems our pasts are similar. I was forced out of my mother's village when I was young. It consisted of humans. I went and found my father then, and joined his group of nomads. After traveling for years, they decided to test my loyalty to them. I was sent out to find money for new weapons, as ours are old and rusty. I was chosen for my knowledge of Common speech, which makes it possible for me to talk to humans.

He seems upset talking about being forced away, but his excitement is apparent when he speaks of his quest.

He turns to Cuianarante and speaks in a harsh tone.

You may think so, but I do not agree. I have experienced living in the wild, and have to say, I'd much rather take a warm place to sleep with a roof and a warm mug of ale over being exposed to the elements and afraid of wild creatures.

2010-01-28, 07:24 PM
"It seems we had similar upbringings, but it seems to have affected us differently. You want the comforts of a dwelling, and I want the starlit sky, the soft earth underfoot, and the thrill of the hunt. "

Kanan gulps, taking a deep breath before continuing.


"I saw a map earlier... I was thinking of going wolf hunting. I... don't suppose you'd want to join me? It's more fun to hunt a whole pack than just one...

I.. I guess I don't have much interest in spending my days in a tavern..."

He looks hopefully at Gath.

2010-01-28, 08:05 PM
Perhaps that's because of the places we were raised in. Now then, you mentioned hunting wolves. I'll gladly do so, if we can find others to help. The wilderness is a dangorous place. If you escape wild tribes, the wildlife will either be too fast to catch, or strong enough to kill you. We would need to pack all neccesary food before we left. It's not a place I enjoy going to by myself, and one person doesn't change that.

He stares at Kanan, to see his reaction before turning to Cuianarante

You mentioned you enjoyed the wilderness. Interested in coming with us, if we go?

2010-01-28, 08:26 PM
Now Cuianarante's accent is eerily similar Gath's. "Haha, the towns and civilization has their Song, too. It is all beautiful. Simply find your place, or don't and enjoy wherever you are.

"Alas, however, I am heading in another direction tomorrow. Have fun with your hunt, though!"

"Nai naccë márë mestassecca."
"May you be well on your journey."

2010-01-28, 10:28 PM
Perhaps that's because of the places we were raised in. Now then, you mentioned hunting wolves. I'll gladly do so, if we can find others to help. The wilderness is a dangorous place. If you escape wild tribes, the wildlife will either be too fast to catch, or strong enough to kill you. We would need to pack all neccesary food before we left. It's not a place I enjoy going to by myself, and one person doesn't change that.

He stares at Kanan, to see his reaction before turning to Cuianarante

Kanan is just a bit crestfallen as Gath speaks, feeling as though he's been rebuffed just a little.
Orcish"Umm... okay. Sure. I guess if you want some more people we can wait to see if anyone else wants to join. I thought it would be like forest around my village, just wolves and the occasional bear to worry about. It's probably best to be cautious...."

2010-01-29, 01:46 AM
Xaphia watches the three discussing their hunt. Suddenly, she pipes in, with a quiet, sullen voice.

"You'd better not hurt the wolves."

With that, she dashes from the tavern without another word.

2010-01-29, 08:53 AM
Kard notes the girl taking off, and, given her relevance to his interests, becomes a little concerned. He slips out of the bar, and takes off after her.

"Hey! Xaphia! What's ... the .... matter?!"

2010-01-29, 04:49 PM
Grunt eyes Xaphia as she darts off, looking a bit baffled. He keeps quiet, though.

2010-01-29, 05:04 PM
Xaphia ignores the cries behind her, and continues running without pause. She weaves through crowds of people, heading for the city gates.

2010-01-29, 05:07 PM
Kard curses under his breath, and keeps following after. He'd be damned if he let the woodsman for his expedition get away this easily.

2010-01-29, 05:51 PM
Cuianarante spends the rest of the day frolicking about the town, singing and such. Not really doing anything in particular, but speaking to anyone she thinks looks interesting, especially those whose native tongues she knows, or who she recognizes as having a native tongue that she doesn't know.

After all that, she heads back to the Inn and goes to sleep.

2010-01-29, 06:01 PM
Varil spent the rest of the day sitting in the Tavern room, soaking up Ale, warm food, telling old war stories to anyone who would listen, and eventually he just started singing with Cuianarante when she came back into the Tavern.

Eventually he just wanders into his room. He quickly cleared his head of the effects of the drink, and spent another night of restless Trancing.

2010-01-29, 06:14 PM
Kanan approaches Grunt.

"A room for the night, please, if you have one. And what do I owe you for the food?"

2010-01-29, 06:17 PM
Grunt nods at Kanan. "Up the stairs, second door to the right is free. One meal is one silver piece, dinner is two. I should really put a board up with that.." Not wanting to single anyone out, he answers in plain Common.

2010-01-29, 06:19 PM
"And how much for the room?"

2010-01-29, 06:20 PM
"Just for the night? 5 silver should do it." Assuming Kanan hands him the money, he heads out into the back-room.

2010-01-29, 06:26 PM
Kanan lays 7 silver on the bar and retires to his room.

2010-01-29, 06:51 PM
After a few minutes, Grunts exits the back room with two wooden planks. He heads outsides, and comes back in without them.

2010-01-30, 06:00 PM
Well then, I guess I'll put the silver for a night as well.
Assuming that there's a room, Varg hands the silver over, then heads up to his room.

2010-01-30, 08:38 PM
Kard comes back in, looking a good deal less perturbed than when he left.

He pays for his room, then heads to bed.

Kris Strife
2010-01-31, 08:33 AM
Kevnan turns to Grunt when he comes back inside. "Excuse me sir, but I would like to order a meal and something to drink. What do you have available, both alchoholic and non?"

2010-02-01, 07:10 AM
"Sign's up outside now. But I have different kinds of ale, some human, dwarven, erh.. Water, too. That's the most popular things 'round here. Looking for something in particular?"

Kris Strife
2010-02-01, 10:11 AM
"Hm... Not off the top of my head, no, but I'm not certain if I'd rather stay up late, or get up extra early to finish cleaning my armor and writing home. Anything you'd recommend? Drink wise that is."

2010-02-01, 05:53 PM
Kanan wakes up and, for the first time in many moons, he feels a sense of purpose for the day.

He bounds down the stairs and tells Grunt to let Gath know, or anyone else that may inquire as to his where-abouts, that he's out gathering tidbits about Wolf Territory, and will be back by dusk.



2010-02-01, 06:07 PM
OK, I hadn't realized in my previous post that previewing caused the rolls to get mangled. Let's try these instead:

2010-02-01, 07:49 PM
Edward who decided to stay up late sees Kanan leaving and follows as he is walking out.
"I hear your heading out to the wilds. It can be dangerous, want me to join you? I know a thing or to about what goes on in the wilderness."

2010-02-01, 08:08 PM
Kanan turns and smiles at Edward.

"Sure. I'm just going on a little wolf-hunting trip, maybe some exploring if something catches our fancy. Probably going to leave tomorrow at first light. I'm going out to ask the locals about it. Gather up anything you might need today; I'll be staying at the Chicken and Ogre tonight, we can talk this evening. "

Kanan sets out to the Fortress to ask the locals about Wolf Country.

2010-02-01, 08:19 PM
"Very well then, I'll see you."

Edward will run and and gather his things and get agood nights rest before heading out tomorrow.
Should I roll any knowledge checks for info on the wilds?

2010-02-02, 04:16 PM
Koric stood up as the roguish looking young man returned to the room after speaking with the half-elf. "Excuse me," He addressed Edward. "I couldn't help but hear that you are planning on going into the Wolf Territory to the south. I've always been interested in the region and I'd like to go with you."

The statement was made with a slight smile and a clear friendly tone of voice.

2010-02-02, 05:41 PM
"Well, I guess you can tag along if you want. Be here at dawn." Edward smiles glad that he'll have more people to help out in the Wilds.

2010-02-02, 05:53 PM

If you really want to. Else, I'm sure there's someone in the party who won't mind a bit of storytelling.

2010-02-03, 10:15 AM
Grunt eyes up Kevnan. "You look like a healthy lad, try the dwarven ale. I'm sure it's good for yar health, or something.." Grunt barks out a short laugh, then pours the thick grey-ish ale up in a mug. He slings it over the counter with a broad smile.

Kris Strife
2010-02-03, 10:36 AM
Kevnan takes it and nods. "Alright, you said two silver for a dinner, plus how much for the ale?"

2010-02-03, 10:40 AM
"Good ale-" Grunt points at the brew Kevnan is holding "- is two silver pieces aswell."

Kris Strife
2010-02-03, 10:50 AM
Kevnan nods pulling out four silver pieces and giving them to Grunt. "Sounds fair." He drops his voice slightly, speaking quietly but clearly "By the way, I'm sure you've learned quite a bit about what goes on in town over the years, including behind the scenes..."

2010-02-03, 10:52 AM
Grunt looks at Kevnan with a slightly raised eyebrow. Not lowering his voice - "Well, yes, obviously. Why do you say that?"

Kris Strife
2010-02-03, 10:56 AM
He pulls back his hood, revealing a still fairly handsome face dispite the scales, but the way the bright silver hair is shaped doesn't hurt his looks much. Because, its always easy to tell your troubles to the guy who gives you food and drink, and even easier for him to fade into the background with out anyone thinking about it. I've got some questions, personal not buisiness, and I was hoping you could at least get me in the right direction..." He takes a sip of the ale, sitting the mug down.

2010-02-03, 11:05 AM
Grunt does not appear one bit shocked by Kevnan's draconic appearence. "Erh, well, do tell, stranger. I'm all ears."

Kris Strife
2010-02-03, 12:12 PM
"Well, first thing is, before I grew into this appearance, I was intending to join the ranks of Heronious' knights. The changes led to some rather unkind words being spoken so I chose to serve the Platinum King instead, but before I left, I'd heard some rumors, that the Invincible had some intrests in this fortress. I looked into a little before I left, and didn't find anything of note.

2010-02-03, 11:22 PM
Gath walked into the room, having risen late this morning. Last night, he had rented a room and dinner, leaving seven silver pieces for Grunt. He looked at the bar, and walked over, taking a seat. He notices Kevnan talking, and tries to act like he isn't interested in the conversation although it is quite obvious that he is.

2010-02-03, 11:37 PM
Grunt nods at Gathro as he enters the room, then returns his attention to Kris. "What Invincible would have what interests in the Fortress?"

Kris Strife
2010-02-04, 06:41 AM
Sorry, The Invincible is one of Heronious' titles. He, or at least his church seems to have something that they want, have or are interested in here... Something they don't talk about."

I figured since he was going to join Heronious' paladins, Kevnan would know the title. Its in the PHB, in the description of Heronious.

2010-02-04, 08:22 PM
Kanan returns just before dusk, smiling just a little, which is unusual for him.

He asks Grunt for some dinner and water, and a room for the night.

Upon seeing Gath and Edward, he says,"I've been at the library researching the wolf country. It's known as the Southern Plains to the locals, and it's about a week or so journey on foot. The wolves there grow quite large, larger than normal. They may even be worgs or dire wolves, the account was a bit unclear. There is a centaur clan by the name of Hoofsong, and they have had at least one unpleasant encounter with a half-orc. I don't know if they dislike orcs and half-orcs in general, or just that particular one. There was some mention of unicorns and owlbears too.

We should bring food and plenty of water. It seemed like the water sources may be polluted and undrinkable. I'll want to buy some extra waterskins tomorrow morning, but other than that I'll be ready to go first thing."

2010-02-04, 10:37 PM
"Ah. I see. Makes sense. But.. I don'no if this is is a rude question, but why do you care about what the church of Heironeous does?"

Grunt nods as Kanan enters, then hands him dinner and water.

2010-02-04, 11:04 PM
Gath looks at Kanan as he enters the room, listening intently to the words.

Now that is good news. Dire wolves should be fun to hunt, and we may be able to sell their skins... The centaurs could be trouble though. A weeks journey troubles me as well, it may seem short, but it's a long way if we have to leave in a hurry. I'll go purchase a few more supplies before tomarrow. Of course, first, I'll have a drink and a meal. Kanan, you deserve a drink too, this ones on me.

2010-02-05, 03:01 AM
Koric Trueheart

About that time a tall young man entered the bar. Seeing Kanan, Gath and Edward he plopped down at the table and spoke up. "Excuse me, I spoke with Edward here earlier, but have not had the privilege of meeting you two personally. My name is Koric Trueheart. I am a servant of Kord and very interested in the lands to the south." Koric smiled flashing white teeth. Everything about the young man seemed to be just a bit over-the-top. He spoke with a clear voice that seemed to ring slightly as if he was declaiming. As if he thought he was some storybook hero on a dire quest. So normal at first glance, his bearing left one feeling odd. Still his tone was friendly and he seemed sincere.
"Never-the-less, I would like to accompany your expedition if you wouldn't mind?" he continued, in the same tone of voice, offering his hand as if to shake.

Kris Strife
2010-02-05, 07:59 AM
Kenvan shrugs. "Aside from my own curiosity? While they may be allies of my own church, and I still have their members amongst my brotherhood, my friends and my family, I would like to know whats going on around here, if only so I can help should the need arise of course."

2010-02-05, 10:09 AM
"I do know that there will be at least a few streams with drinkable water that I should be able to identify. The landscape consists mainly of plains and hills, but there are caves scattered about. There haven't been any mapmakers down there so we'll have to rely on our own sense of direction if we get lost. So with luck predators will be our main worry.
Also, Grunt could I get a week's worth of trail rations? I'll be able find more found while were down there be it's better to be prepared."

2010-02-05, 03:37 PM
Gath turns to Koric, a smile spreading on his face.
You join us? Very good. Be ready tomarrow. Get room here.
He grips Koric's hand and gives a strong, and perhaps over-enthusiastic handshake. He then turns to Edward.
Water available then? How many waterskins you reccomend?

2010-02-05, 03:51 PM
"Hmmmm.... I'd say two maybe three would probably be good, depending on how much we use, but don't count on the water being plentiful any clean streams we find will be small and we might not see any or be able to get water from them for any number of reasons."

2010-02-05, 06:22 PM
Kanan X

Gath, in Orcish:
"I'm afraid I don't consume alcohol, but I thank you for the offer. I've found it makes me... unpleasant... to be around.

But yes... dire wolves should be fun. And I'm not going to worry about the centaurs, not yet. Hopefully we can just avoid them. It's not like they sneak up on you!" Kanan grins.

He shakes Koric's hand, rather awkwardly, and says "Uhh.. sure. And.. uh.. nice to meet you. I hope Kord likes to hunt wolves." Kanan smiles a bit timidly.

"I'm going to bring 8 waterskins, and 8 days of food. I know we can find water and hunt, but I want to be cautious. There are no maps and not too many survivors of that area. I don't want to stop hunting a dire wolf because I need to hunt a rabbit and then find a stream to drink from...

Let's plan on leaving tomorrow by mid-morning."

Kanan eats and talks with his companions for awhile, then goes to bed.

2010-02-05, 07:28 PM
So you don't drink... Two for me then! Make them both dwarvern ales, I did like that. I'd like to get some dinner as well.

I bring 6 waterskins, food for 10 days

2010-02-05, 07:30 PM
"I'll bring two weeks of food and 6 water skins can't be too safe, also I'll have a friend join us out in the wilds if that's not an issue."

2010-02-05, 08:49 PM
"What do I know, I'm just the barkeep." Grunt says with a laugh.
"I don't keep taps on what's going on, 'least not with nothing interesting. What you probably could do is talk to Marcus The Shield. "
With Kevnan raising his eyebrow at the name, Grunt continues. "He oversees the safety of the Fortress. Head of the Guard and all that. Half-elf. Nice guy, bit up stuffed, but don't tell him I said that. If you do go see him, then tell him I sent you, and that he still owes me for the ring. He'll get it."
Grunt nods at Gathro, and starts pouring up the dwarven ale.

2010-02-06, 02:26 AM
"Kord asks his followers to be strong and to use that strength to help others. Anytime I test my strength and skill, I feel his pleasure in my heart." Koric spoke with conviction, but did not seem to be preaching merely sharing.

"Seems like this should be very interesting. I will bring some food and water as well at least two weeks worth. Might we want to hire a wagon or a couple pack mules to move these supplies more easily?" Koric suggested smiling as usual.

2010-02-06, 10:42 AM
Kanan laughs heartily.

"We won't catch any wolves in a wagon. Though a pack mule is an interesting idea.. I've never thought of hunting wolves with bait..."

2010-02-06, 03:42 PM
"My friend, if these are dire wolves we speak of, the stories I've heard suggest we will be bait enough all by ourselves." Koric said with a concerned look on his face. He found this Kanan fellow to be unlike other half-elves he had met.

"Also if we were to defeat several of the creatures, we might wish to bring back the hides. There are those who value greatly the hides of dangerous animals. I for one would rather not be encumbered by a heavy load in the wilderness." Koric delivered the last bit with a wry grin.

2010-02-06, 03:56 PM
Mules are good idea, if worth it. They probably get eaten.

2010-02-08, 07:41 PM
Kanan looks unsure of how to respond, the flash of several emotions in quick succession clouding his face. He's clearly uncomfortable with the talk of wagons and mules though.

"Uhmm well.. if you, uh... want to get a wagon or some mules, I .. uh.. I guess that'd be fine. I pretty much plan on walking though... I.. uhm... generally travel light..."

In the morning, Kanan will go to the marketplace as soon as the merchants will be open, and purchase 6 waterskins and 5 days of trail rations, 50' of rope, 10 sheets of parchment, a map case, an 8oz. vial of ink, and an inkpen. I've marked off the money for those supplies, plus the room and board. Total is 17gp and 5sp.

2010-02-09, 05:54 PM
"Well I think we are all agreed. Set off in the morning? A couple hours after sun up to gather supplies then we're off?" Koric doesn't wait for an answer he just stands up and asks after a room for the night and goes right to bed. Going to be a long day tomorrow after all.

Kris Strife
2010-02-11, 10:18 AM
Kevnan will sip at his ale, thinking as he waits for his meal, making sure to save plenty of ale for when his food arrives. He'll eat his meal when it arrives, finish his ale and then head for his room. Once there, he takes off and begins to clean his armor and sword before putting it away for the night, and writing a letter home. Nothing fancy, just letting his mother know he got there safely and wishing her well, before heading to bed.

2010-02-14, 05:15 PM
Everyone goes to bed in the respective rooms.

A rooster can be heard in the distance - dawn has come upon the Fortress. The morning light slowly fills your room. It is a simple room; a bed, a dresser, a night-pot and a night stand. The smell of breakfast reach your senses, something is cooking downstairs.

You dress and head down the stairs. For once, it is not Grunt, but instead his daughter Miriana. She usually works nights, but apparently she is up late - or early, however you perceive it.
She is standing in a simple green dress and a brown apron. Her green is green tilted, and two small tusks springs from her lower lip. She smiles as you enter the room.
She is cooking up breakfast, today consisting of bacon, sausages, bread, butter and apples.

Breakfast is already standing ready on plates. Bacon, sausages, bread and butter. A basket of apples is also on the counter.

Kris Strife
2010-02-16, 08:38 PM
Kevnan would be down a bit later than most of the early risers, spending an hour in prayer and meditation, then placing a charm on himself before donning his armor and coming down to get something to eat. He would nod and pay for his food, not being much of a morning person, then find a table. His letter home is tucked away in a pocket so he can be sure to give it to the right person.

Prepare cure light wounds for his spell and casting endure exposure on himself

Kris Strife
2010-03-15, 08:02 AM
Kevnan would get up once he finishes eating and leaves the inn. He stands for a moment, looking around for guard house, heading towards it once he finds a likely looking building. Having polished every inch of his armor the night before, it shines brightly, especially the platinum stars that adorn his shield and breast plate.