View Full Version : Scariest Monsters From Doctor Who?

2010-01-22, 05:18 AM
I'd like to discuss the topic, My references are drawn strictly from the new series, but I will put up for nomination:

The Cybermen
The Daleks
The Lonely Assassins aka the Weeping Angels
The Vashta Narada
The Empty Child and Mask Zombies

If you think you've got a scarier enemy, go ahead and nominate them, and I don't suppose they all have to be from the new series, for those of you who are familiar with the old.

My personal vote for scariest of them all is Vashta Narada.

2010-01-22, 06:13 AM
You're asking for suggestions on the scariest creatures, and then name the two most common/well-known monsters, followed by the Steven Moffat monsters.

What else is there to add, for the new series? Leave us something. :smallwink:

I guess the Werewolf from Tooth & Claw was pretty scary.

Brother Oni
2010-01-22, 07:03 AM
I vote for the Weeping Angels. It'd be scarier if they didn't change into that monster face when attacking, but just kept that quiet human face.

Close second is the critter from Midnight, simply because we don't know what it is.

I also nominate the bug from Turn Left, as again until the reveal, all Donna knows is that there's something on her back...

2010-01-22, 08:23 AM
The Weeping Angels, certainly.

Althoguh, if you want to include Expanded Universe stuff, there's 'The Dark' from 'Fear of the Dark' and the superintellegent wasps from 'Eater of Wasps', both novels by Trevor Baxendale. Both freaked me out immensely.

And, y'know, Eric Roberts as The Master. Now that's scary. *shudder*

2010-01-22, 10:15 AM
It's between the Angels and the Daleks. Daleks freaked me the heck out when I was little. It was the voices, and they've only gotten worse for the new series.

2010-01-22, 10:18 AM
Am I the only one who didn't find the weeping angels all that frightening?

Personally, I thought the Ood were scary, not because of anything they did, but just because their tentacles freaked me out. The contrast between their translator-globe-voices and their appearances also unnerved me.

The thing from Midnight and the bug from Turn Left are also contenders. The thought of having a giant bug like that on my back grosses me out so much.

2010-01-22, 11:58 AM
I'm going to quietly throw in my vote for "The Thing" from "Midnight". Though the episode itself wasn't amazingly executed, had it been, for me (one who isn't normally unnerved by things that bump or make gore), it would have been brilliantly scary. As it was, it was successfully chilling (though perhaps only because Lesley Sharp is wonderful).

2010-01-22, 03:42 PM
We must not forget Fenric, either.

2010-01-22, 03:45 PM
Are we allowed to name creatures from Torchwood? It does occupy the same Whoniverse.

In which case, the 456.

2010-01-22, 05:36 PM
I refrained from mentioning Torchwood, just because I never found it exceptionally frightening, but if one of their monsters affected you feel free to post.

I'd also like to offer an honorable mention to The Beast, from the Impossible Planet.

Hida Reju
2010-01-22, 08:49 PM
Third season final episode

Doctor Who - Planet of the Spiders

Why you say, invisible spiders that attach themselves to your back and control your every movement.

Creepy and marked the start of my favorite season of Dr Who :)

The Dark Fiddler
2010-01-22, 08:58 PM
Empty Children win first place with me, definitely. My introduction to the Whoniverse, I believe. Are you my mummy?

Vashta Narada win second place. I'm already afraid of the dark, so now just add something that will eat me and you're good to go. Hey! Who turned out the lights?

The Weeping Angels win third place. Mostly because of that scene at the end of the episode where all the real life statues are shown. Scared me to hell and back, that scene. Don't blink. Whatever you do, don't blink.

Honorable mention goes to the Slitheen, because now whenever I see a person who's even remotely chubby, I wonder to myself if they're gonna unzip their forehead and kill me.

2010-01-22, 09:36 PM
Am I the only one who didn't find the weeping angels all that frightening?
Yes. Those things one in my top three especially with the paranoia fuel at the end:smalleek:

... the bug from Turn Left are also contenders. The thought of having a giant bug like that on my back grosses me out so much.
Okay now i'm glad I missed that ep. (number 3 in my book)

Finally the Vashta Nerada are my number 1 specifically because I am terrified of the dark*. Then they decided to go all out showing them controlling the skeletons of their victims. At least they aren't that common on earth hehheh

*Some say that the fear of the dark is illogical, that its really xenophobia, but the Vashta Nerada are an actual justifiable reason to fear the dark

2010-01-22, 10:17 PM
You know that trick Stephen Moffat uses? The one where something is ambient in the scene, and then a character points out that it isn't being caused by one of the Heroes? That trick scares the crap out of me every time. I propose that Stephen Moffat is the scariest monster in the Whoniverse. Never saying that again, Doctor Who Universe.

2010-01-22, 10:40 PM
The weeping angels. Oh god the weeping angels. I had nightmares for days. Coming in second are the Ood, who... just kinda freak me out.

2010-01-22, 11:07 PM
Lots of love/pants wetting terror for the angels here, so I'm going to share a story that may or may not be true.

My cousin swears up and down that he has two friends (married) who are Doctor Who fans. After that episode aired, the wife was fortunate enough to find an actual statue at a garden shop that looked pretty much like the angels in that episode. It was even covering its eyes.

So she bought it and installed it outside her and her husband's bedroom window. Apparently he was particularly freaked out by that episode, but he didn't mind the statue too much.

But she actually bought two statues, the other one looking the same but without the eyes covered. She stored in my cousin's garage for a few weeks, then switched the statues.

Hilarity allegedly ensued.:smallbiggrin:

2010-01-23, 04:50 PM
ROFL! Thats the most elaborate prank I ever heard:smallbiggrin: You know what? I want them to do an episode with The Slender Man

2010-01-23, 05:04 PM
I'll also nominate the Vashta Narada and the Weeping Angels (in that order, I think).

I think the next most scary, for me, was the Water of Mars. Admittedly, some of the especial effects were border-line narm, but I found the insideousness of the threat, and its unstopability, to be particularly chilling. It was like if the rage virus from 28 Days Later could force its way through several metres of steel and concrete.

2010-01-24, 09:31 PM

The Cybermen. But not the new series ones. Try listening to "Spare Parts"

Think of it this way: How far would you go to survive? How far would a culture go to survive? How far would a culture go to propigate itself?

Shedding body parts one by one, faces, limbs, artists hands and poets lips, in an effort to survive.

Losing body, identity, empathy, individuality one by one in a desperate desire to survive.

And then, upon realization that the converted individuals still cannot survive forever, determining to make other like you, a desperate bit for immortality claiming one life after another, reducing them to shadows of their former selves.

It raises the disturbing questions: At what point has one given up too much in the fight for survival? At what point is it better to fade into that dark night?

when done right, disturbing and unsettling.

The Big Dice
2010-01-24, 09:36 PM
I gotta say that the Time Lords have been elevated from a bunch of old duffers to something pretty scary. Ending time itself is pretty scary when you stop to think about it.

But for terror, and limiting myself to New Who, it's got to be the kid from The Empty Child. Gas masks are now terrifying things, and the harmless phrase !Are you my mummy?" has gone from bland to horrifying. And then there's the sun creature from 42, not to mention the mysterious thing in Midnight. I disagree about the bad execution of that, it was one of the best episodes Tennant ever did, giving him and Lesley Sharp a chance to really show their acting ability. And the Doctor well and truly got beaten by whatever it was on that planet.

From the old stuff, it's hard to say. Things that terrified me as a kid now seem a bit laughable. But Mr Sin aka the Peking Homonuculus from Talons of Weng Chiang is pretty nasty.

2010-01-24, 10:00 PM
I juat remembered, what about the Toclafane? Anyone remember those?

Darth Mario
2010-01-24, 10:23 PM
I juat remembered, what about the Toclafane? Anyone remember those?

I never found the Toclafane scary, they were mostly just cute. Sure, it was supposed to be horrifying that humanity could turn on itself like that, but anyone who lives in the modern world knows that already. Their voices, though... So adorable.

2010-01-24, 10:30 PM
Alas, I quit Doctor Who when those farting caterpillars took over the government. I'll easily nominate them for Least Scary, though.

Brother Oni
2010-01-25, 03:33 PM
With regard to the Turn Left bug, it's not so much the fact that there's a huge insect on my back that scares me (which will creep some people out), it's more the fact that there's something parasitically living on my back and I can only just catch a glimpse of it out of the corner of my eye...

2010-01-25, 06:06 PM
I have to say either the Turn Left bug or the Daleks.

The Daleks are scary because well only the Doctor can beat them. They make the Cybermen look like a laughing stock and will kill you without hesitation. If you hear "Exterminate" you know that odds are you're going to die.

The Turn Left bug can rip you out of your proper time stream and use you to undermine all of reality, a rather scary thought.

The Empty Child is next just because it's darn creepy.

2010-01-28, 11:56 AM
4. Vashta Nerada
3. Daleks
2. Weeping Angels
1. Steven Moffat

2010-01-28, 01:18 PM
Adam from the Torchwood episode of the same name scared the crap out of me. He himself wasn't scary, of course, but the thought of somebody altering your memories and manipulating you like that actually frightens me. Probably my favourite Torchwood episode. The beginning was especially brilliant.

2010-01-28, 04:14 PM
Alas, I quit Doctor Who when those farting caterpillars took over the government. I'll easily nominate them for Least Scary, though.

Farting Caterpillars:smallconfused: the closest I can think to that is the Slitheen

2010-01-28, 10:16 PM
Alas, I quit Doctor Who when those farting caterpillars took over the government. I'll easily nominate them for Least Scary, though.

Un-quit. That was episode 4. There's a whole lot of show following it.

The Vashta Nerada made me afraid of the dark again. Actually, not them alone, but the Doctor's line, "Still, sometimes people go missing. Not everyone comes out of the dark."

The Tygre
2010-01-28, 10:34 PM
Ooh, it's a tough contest. It's hard for me to draw a line between 'cool' and 'horrifying'.

1.) The Thing from Midnight. Fear the unknown and all that. Lovecraft said it best. When you can't even give a name to something and you know that your demise will be linked to it... *shivers*

2.) The Weeping Angels were probably the actual scariest. It was the faces, and the build up of the whole 'Don't blink' thing.

3.) The Vashda Nerada. Cool name, loved the concept, definitely the crowning kings for Nightmare Fuel. At least on TV Tropes anyway. For me, I like being in the dark, and I spent the whole episode wondering what the VNs actually looked like. I know they're microscopic, but are they like a little ball of teeth or army ants or what? Scientific curiosity won out here.

4.) The 456. It vomits green slime and uses children as narcotics and communication devices. Thanks Torchwood. I wasn't sleeping anyway.

Special awards to the Beast from the Pit, for just being flat-out awesome. And another one to the Ood, for being Mind Flayers with a heart of gold. Then again, I'm always seeing Mind Flayers in tentacle faced, brain-worshiping, mind devouring extraterrestrials...

2010-01-28, 11:52 PM
The Fendahl freaked me the hell out when I was a kid. Those eyes. :(

2010-01-28, 11:54 PM
No mention of the Family of Blood? Wow. Those things were [creepy.

2010-01-29, 01:29 AM
No mention of the Family of Blood? Wow. Those things were creepy.

Yeah, I had a nightmare where I was staging a play, and Brother of Mine showed up and chewed up all my scenery.:smallamused:

I must admit though, you could tell that guy was having fun. He and Simms!Master should have a Ham-off.

As for classic series monsters, I used to think that Davros was pretty dang scary as a kid. It was the missing eyes. The new series version is actually even better, and would have freaking terrified my younger self.

My current self however was just thrilled to see how well he turned out. I was afraid they'd use CG, or try to scary him up a bit, but no, he's still the same Davros I remember. The makeup is better than ever, but still very loyal to his classic look. And I'm amazed that even though he's been played by four actors, the characterization has been so consistent.

The Big Dice
2010-01-29, 10:24 AM
As for classic series monsters, I used to think that Davros was pretty dang scary as a kid. It was the missing eyes. The new series version is actually even better, and would have freaking terrified my younger self.

My current self however was just thrilled to see how well he turned out. I was afraid they'd use CG, or try to scary him up a bit, but no, he's still the same Davros I remember. The makeup is better than ever, but still very loyal to his classic look. And I'm amazed that even though he's been played by four actors, the characterization has been so consistent.

Davros was awesome. At least he was in Genesis of the Daleks and the season finale that he was in with David Tennant. I found he got more shouty and less intimidating as the old series went on.

2010-01-29, 11:57 AM
Tough call... But I think my vote will have to go to The Empty Child... Although the sun monster in 42 was pretty damn scary to think about...

On a side note I nominate Kandyman (AKA Berty Basset) from the McCoy episode Happiness Patrol for best method of killing - who wouldn't want to be killed by an overdose of strawberry fondue??

2010-02-01, 09:04 AM
Un-quit. That was episode 4. There's a whole lot of show following it.

The Vashta Nerada made me afraid of the dark again. Actually, not them alone, but the Doctor's line, "Still, sometimes people go missing. Not everyone comes out of the dark."

... actually that was episode 660. There is a whole lot of show preceding it! And not much following after, say Blink.

That said i quite liked the stones of blood

2010-02-02, 12:08 PM
... actually that was episode 660. There is a whole lot of show preceding it! And not much following after, say Blink.

That said i quite liked the stones of blood

Right right. Sorry, purists.

Mr. Scaly
2010-02-02, 10:38 PM
Weeping Angels, hmm? I'll have to see if I can youtube that episode...

For me the scariest would have to be the Vashta Nerada. That episode rekindled my sheer terror of the dark...

Second would have to be Davros. I haven't see much Who...actually only a few episodes in Season 10, from Sontaran Stratagem onward. But when I first saw Davros, eyeless, one arm, sitting there in a wheel chair...no skin on his fricking chest! My first thought was 'Holy SH*T!'

2010-02-02, 10:44 PM
Rabid Ood
The Mars Water Creatures, seeriously, Mars' water is infected? gross.
Dalek Con, eww.
Maybe that huge hornet from that episode...
456 are super-creepy. They take children, use 'em as communique, they throw up green stuff at random times, they come in a Flame Strike, and you don't even see their faces! OR their bodies, for that matter.

2010-02-02, 11:05 PM
Special awards to the Beast from the Pit, for just being flat-out awesome.

Oh man. The episodes that involve the Evil from Before Time, or whatever you want to call it (the Beast from the Pit), is among my absolute favorites.

The sheer epicness just wins. I mean. How he describes each of the characters psychically and their fates is just pure awesome.

I want him for a D&D campaign sometime.

And another one to the Ood, for being Mind Flayers with a heart of gold. Then again, I'm always seeing Mind Flayers in tentacle faced, brain-worshiping, mind devouring extraterrestrials...

The Ood in the Beast from the Pit episodes are awesome - especially during the scene when Rose is getting food. Amusing and scary!

2010-02-03, 10:35 AM
Adam from the Torchwood episode of the same name scared the crap out of me. He himself wasn't scary, of course, but the thought of somebody altering your memories and manipulating you like that actually frightens me. Probably my favourite Torchwood episode. The beginning was especially brilliant.

I refused to make contact with people, and wrote my movements down, and checked with them daily for about a week.

2010-02-05, 01:15 AM
The dragon-y things in Father's Day. Because there's nothing you can do and they will win in the end. The only hope for them not killing you is dying of other means first.

2010-02-08, 07:36 AM
The giant spiders from Jon Pertwee's "Planet of the Spiders".
Scared the pants off me when I was 4.

These days, Dr Who is mostly just - meh - okay. I watched some old episodes, and there were just as meh. It's not bad, but it's not that good either.

Desmond Tiny
2010-02-12, 08:00 PM
The daleks are awesome in every way. I love them and the fact their emotions are gone is sort of scary. I think they did not get enough mention in this thread. I mean really they are genius mutants without emotions and the need to exterminate entire species.

The only episode that actually scared me was the empty child.

From old episodes I liked Fenric and the spiders from planet of the spiders.

Nick II
2010-02-15, 02:49 AM
I almost haven't seen Doctor Who, only 1 episode....

But the episode I saw was the Empty Child with those gas mask zombies.... Creepy.

"Muuuummyyy.... are you my muuuuumyyyy"


Brother Oni
2010-02-15, 12:33 PM
These days, Dr Who is mostly just - meh - okay. I watched some old episodes, and there were just as meh. It's not bad, but it's not that good either.

Maybe your tastes have changed, but some of the New Dr Who episodes are very good. Have you seen Blink, The Fires of Pompeii or The Girl in the Fireplace?