View Full Version : Truenamer - New Utterances

2010-01-22, 11:19 PM
So... It's been about a year now I guess and now I'm posting these for the third time in three years or so. That may be an exaggeration but it has been quite a long time. Now I know this is a wall of text, but at least it's in some order, and I'll spoiler it this time so excessive scrolling won't be necessary.

Again, I'm just looking for some truthful PEACHing, some of these were made by myself, and many were taken from a very old playground thread titled The Wørd - Utterances, or something of the like. I've never received much critique with these, but perhaps the third time is the charm.

Here they are, many new and cool utterances for your favourite class (Yes, I know, I know...) The 3.5 Truenamer.



Alert: Awaken or force a creature to sleep.
Argent Shell: Strengthen or weaken subject's natural armour.
Demise Delayed: Keep a dying creature alive or kill an unconscious subject.
Focussing Mantra: Subject gains or loses psionic focus.
Intuit Enchantment: Detect or cover compulsions affecting subject.
Voice of Reason: Subject gains second save or is confused on a failed save.

Detect Shared Name: Sense presence of bound vestiges.
Empower the Mind: Subject gains power points.
Will of Steel: Subject gains immunity to fear and a +2 bonus against mind-affecting effects.

Contagious Gossip: Grant subject circumstance bonus or penalty in social situations.
Doublespeak: Speak two 1st-level utterances of the evolving mind.
Spare the Flesh: Gain, grant, increase, or decrease damage reduction.

Empower Name: Increase or decrease the DC to affect subject with an utterance by 10.
Sacrament of Safety: Grant subject immunity to death-affects or instantly slay subject.

Perfect Form: Grant +4 bonus to all abilities or slay subject and reanimate as Garbler.
Phrase of Perfection: Grant bonus to or reduce one ability by half your speaker-level.
Voice of Reason, Greater: Release subject from mind-affecting effects or cause insanity.

Create Proxy: 25% chance researchers will discover proxy's truename while looking for your, or automatically discover subject's truename.
Defy Resistance: Eliminate or triple the effects of the law or resistance.
Incarnation of Angels, Greater: Subject becomes a Word Archon or Logokron Devil.
Shun the Nameless: Separate vestige from host.
Entangling Demise: Entangle foes in flesh of exploded victim.
Erase Truename: Erase creature from existence.


Appellation of Animation: Animate object, grant dancing ability to weapon or animated ability to shield.
Create Servitor, Lesser: Animate and control object.
Food from the Useless: Make object edible.

Mantra of the Archer: Provoke no attacks of opportunity when attacking with targeted ranged weapon.
Store Utterance: Targeted weapon triggers up to 2nd-level utterance of the evolving mind when used.
Extend Weapon: Target gains five feet of reach.

Create Servitor: Animate and control larger and more objects.
Fortifying Voice: Grant object extra hardness equal to half your speaker level.
Sizespeech: Double capacity of container.

Enarmour Magic: Lower arcane spell failure chance on armour.
Mobilize Item: Target becomes caravan.
Return the Soul: Rend soulmelds asunder.

Metamagic Inhibitor: Remove metamagic benefits from scroll or potion.
Extend Weapon, Greater: Target gains fifteen feet of reach.
Formation of the Golem: Weapon, shield, or item becomes golem of like material.


Airkissed Seas: Make area suitable for both air and water-breathing creatures.
Beckon The Past: Ghostly images of creatures re-enact past events in area.
Safe Haven: Attackers must make will saves to proceed.

Realm of Silenced Magic: Create antimagic field.
Earthwalk: Chunks of earth rise under your feet and and provide aviation.
Word of Crossing: Raise bridge of land.

Summon Soulless Forest: Generate a midnight grove which creates midnight constructs.
Permeate Ground: Open fissures in ground and possibly imprison victims.
Confuse and Trap: Raise maze of earth from the ground.

Twist the Air: Create devastating tornadoes.
Usher in Madness: Sunder reality and pull creatures from the far realm.
True Genesis: Instigate new demiplane.


Level: 1
Duration: Instantaneous (Normal), 5 rounds (Reversed)
Saving Throw: None (Normal), Will negates (Reversed)

Normal: You speak a brief, harsh word of rousing. Your once sleepy subject leaps to his feet, ready for action.

The target of this utterance, if sleeping, immediately wakes up. This utterance does not effect creatures that are unconscious due to being brought below 0 hp or from having taken subdual damage equal to their hp.

Reversed: You quietly murmur soothing phrases. As you speak, the eyelids of the subject of your attention begin to flutter, until they close, and he falls to the ground.

If the target of this utterance, when reversed, fails a Will save, it falls asleep for the duration of this utterance, regardless of how many HD it has.

Level: 1
Duration: 5 rounds
Saving Throw: None (Normal) or Fortitude negates (Reverse)

Normal: You speak a forceful phrase of defense, and the scales covering your subject turn to a silvery suit of armor imbued with primal force.

Any natural armor bonus the target has to AC is converted to a deflection bonus for the duration of this utterance.

Reverse: You speak harsh syllables, like the cracking of a shell. The once-thick shell covering your foe softens like an eggshell dropped in acid.

The target takes a penalty to its natural armor bonus to AC equal to half your truenamer level. This penalty cannot reduce its natural armor bonus below 0.

Level: 3
Duration: 5 rounds
Saving Throw: None (Normal) or Will negates (Reversed)

Normal: You complement the object of your attention on something's he has never done. Even as you speak the lie, a look of vague recollection crosses his face.

You slightly alter the target’s truename, attaching good deeds to his name. Any creature the target interacts faintly recalls remembering the target having done something good. The target gets a circumstance bonus on all skill checks made to influence others equal to half your truenamer lever for the duration of this utterance.

Reverse: You insult your subject, mocking him for something he has never done. He starts to deny your accusation, but stops dead, as if he has remembered something.

As above, but you make others think the target has committed evil, or at least unsightly, acts. He takes a penalty on all skill checks made to influence others equal to half your truenamer level for the duration of the utterance.

Level: 6
Duration: Permanent (Normal), Instantaneous (Reversed)
Saving Throw: Will negates

Normal: You effortlessly blend your own truename with that of your target.

On a failed save, you transform the target into your own personal proxy. Whenever someone would successfully research your personal truename, there is a 75% chance they instead discover your proxies, though they do not realize this. You may only have one proxy at a time.

Reverse: You speak nothing–rather, the personal truename of your target simply rolls over your lips.

On a failed save, you automatically learn the truename of the target.

Special: When you speak this utterance, you must spend 500xp. If you fail your Truespeak check or if the target makes its save, you do not lose the experience points.

Level: 6
Duration: Instantaneous (Normal), 5 rounds (Reversed)
Saving Throw: None (Normal), Will negates (Reversed)

Normal: You speak a universe-wrenching word of skill and eloquence, defying the basic laws of Truespeech.

The target of this utterance is, in effect, cosmically refreshed. The number of times he has used each of his utterances today is reset to zero for determining the Truespeak DC increases caused by the Law of Resistance. However, any utterances he speaks after this utterance is used on him still count for determining the DC increase.

Reverse: You speak a mind-twistingly complex phrase, warping the Law of Resistance itself around your foe.

On a failed save, the effects of the Law of Resistance are tripled for the target of this utterance when reversed. The DC of any Truespeak check to speak an utterance is increased by 6, rather than 2, for each time he has previously used that utterance today.

Special: Manipulating the laws of truespeech is dangerous. Every time you use this utterance, there is a 10% chance you will permanently lose a skill rank in Truespeak. The chance increases by 5% for every time you have used this utterance in the same week. This can't drop your ranks in Truespeak below 0. Only a wish, miracle, or similarly powerful effect can restore the lost skill rank.

Level: 1
Duration: 5 rounds (Normal), Instantaneous (Reversed)
Saving Throw: None (Normal), Fortitude negates (Reversed)

Normal: You speak words of endurance and persistence, and watch a red haze fill your ally's eyes.

The target of this utterance remains conscious and suffers no penalties from being disabled or dieing. Even if he is at -1 to -9 hp, he fights unimpeded. When he reaches -10 hp, he still dies.

Reverse: You speak a single, short truename, like the prick of a needle.

If the target of this utterance, when reversed, is between -1 and -9 hp, this effect acts a the spell [I]death knell.

Level: 2
Duration: Instantaneous (normal) or 5 rounds (reverse)
Saving Throw: None.

Normal: As the words of uncovering leave your mouth the target glows and you know whether or not they share their soul.

If the target of this utterance is harbouring a vestige it is immediately revealed in the form of an aura, this aura's strength depends on the host's effective binder level, refer to the chart to determine the strength of the aura.

Minimum Effective
Binder Level............................................. Aura Strength
1st-4th............................................... ......Faint
5th-9th............................................... .....Moderate
10th-14th.............................................. ...Strong
15th of higher..........................................Ov erwhelming

Reverse: As the words of disguise leave your mouth you watch as the signs of the accompanying soul in your target vanish.

If the target is displaying the sign of a vestige they have bound those signs immediately vanish upon use of this utterance, any abilities the vestige granted work as if he were showing the sign, you can not suppress epic vestiges. If the binder is harbouring more than one vestige, the lowest-level vestiges are affected first. Several vestiges may be affected with a single use of this utterance, however their combined level may not exceed half your speaker level.

Level: 3
Duration: Instantaneous

Normal: You speak a short phrase of truespeech, repeating the truenames describing your subject twice. You then quickly rattle off two lesser utterances, and pause to observe your work.

You may, as a free action, use any two utterances of 1st level from the Lexicon of the Evolving Mind on the target without making a Truespeak roll. The subject makes saves for each utterance as usual, if necessary. Both utterances must be their normal version. The law of sequence still applies however, and attempting to use an utterance you have spoken that is already still in effect will fail. The law of resistance as well applies as if you had used both utterances.

Reverse: You speak swiftly, and then utter two lesser utterances, reversed but just as powerful in the forms you've chosen.

When this utterance is reversed, it functions just as above, but both utterances must be reversed.

Level: 4
Duration: 5 rounds
Saving Throw: None

Normal: You describe your ally in truespeech, using the grandest and most powerful of names to label him.

The DC of any Truespeak check made to use an utterance against the target of this utterance is increased by 10.

Reverse: You describe your ally in truespeech, dubbing him with the lowliest and most insiginificant titles.

The DC of any Truespeak check made to use an utterance against the target of this utterance, when reversed, is decreased by 10.

Level: 2
Duration: 2 rounds
Saving Throw: None

Normal: At the sound of your shout, the subject of your utterance seems to lift his head, as if empowered.

This utterance grants the subject temporary power points, the speaker can continue to grant the subject power points for 5 rounds by speaking utterances unto him. The amount of power points is determined by the level of the utterance. No one individual can benefit from the use of this utterance more than once per day.

Utterance.....Power Points......Utterance............Power Points
Level...............Acquired............Level..... ............Acquired
....1.......................1..................... ..4.....................8
....2.......................2..................... ..5....................12
....3.......................4..................... ..6....................16

Reverse: As you speak this utterance, your opponent droops his head as if mentally weakened.

This utterance, when reversed, uses the same chart as the normal version. However instead of granting the subject power points, using more utterances removes them.

Level: 6
Duration: 5 rounds
Saving Throw: Fortitude partial and reflex negates; see text

Normal: The creature targeted by this utterance suddenly ruptures violently through the skin, blood vessels shoot from their skin and anchor him to the wall and floor.

This utterance acts as the spell Avascular Mass except as noted here.

Reverse: The subject's wounds close and it appears more healthy upon your command.

You heal the target by up to half its total hitpoints.

Level: 6
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Fortitude negates

Normal: The words of unmaking leave your lips and you watch the benefits manifest as the creature is obliterated into nameless nothingness.

To use this utterance the speaker must know the personal truename of the target, which must have an intelligence of at least 3.
On a failed save the target is unmade, effectively killed and erased from existence. Only a ritual of renaming can bring the subject back to life (see the Unamed sidebar ToM 261).
Each time you use this utterance you must pay 500XP.

Reverse: As soon as the commands leave your mouth you feel the soul of desire come slightly closer.

When the reverse version of this utterance is used it makes renaming or resurrecting much easier. When this is cast on a spellcaster using any sort of magic to raise the dead it grants that spellcaster the option of eschewing the material component of that spell one time.

Level: 1
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: None (Normal), Will negates (Reversed)

Normal: You intone a few leaden syllables. As you do, a faint blue light shines in the eyes of your ally.

The target of this utterance, if psionic, immediately gains psionic focus. If he is already psionically focused, this utterance has no effect.

Reverse: You babble raucously in truespeech. As you do, you see the focused gaze on your enemy's face melt away like butter dropped in a fireplace.

If the target of this utterance, when reversed, fails a save and is psionically focused, he loses his psionic focus.

Level: 1
Duration: Instantaneous (Normal), 5 rounds (Reversed)

Normal: You ask your friend a few simple questions in truespeech. He does not answer, but the faint glow revealed in his eyes is all you need to see.

You learn if any magical or psionic compulsions are affecting the target, though you learn no specific details about them.

Reverse: You utter commands of forgetting and concealment to your pawn. His eyes glow faintly, and then their light is extinguished.

Any magical or psionic compulsions affecting the target become impossible to detect through the Sense Motive skill or spells, powers, or utterances of 1st level or below for the duration of this utterance.

Level: 5
Duration: 5 rounds (Normal) or Instantaneous (Reversed)
Saving Throw: None (Normal) or Fortitude negates (Reversed)

Normal: You speak flawlessly, evoking concepts of physical prowess and mental potency in the same breath. A shining aura surrounds the ally, who now embodies all these concepts.

The target of this utterance gains a +4 morale bonus to all ability scores.

Reverse: You garble your truespeech, and watch as your foe’s physical form is fatally garbled.

If the target of this utterance, when reversed, fails his save, he dies. His body is twisted into a wretched mass of flesh, which, after 1d6 rounds, animates, becoming a Garbler. You have no control over it, but it will not attack you or your allies.

Level: 5
Duration: 5 rounds
Saving Throw: No (Normal), Fortitude or Will negates (Reversed) (see text)

Normal: You issue a simple imperative in truespeech: Succeed.

The target gains an enhancement bonus to one ability score of your choice equal to half your truenamer level.

Reverse: With a simple phrase of truespeech, you deny your foe his talent, dubbing him a failure in the truest of tongues.

On a failed save, the target of this utterance, when reversed, takes a penalty to one ability score of your choice equal to half your truenamer level. This cannot bring the ability below 0. If you penalize a physical attribue, the save is a Fortitude save; if you penalize a mental attribute, the save is a Will save.

Level: 4
Duration: 5 rounds (Normal), Instantaneous (Reversed)
Saving Throw: None (Normal), Fortitude negates (Reversed)

Normal: You evoke truenames of vitality and safety, and watch a healthy glow suffuse your ally.

The target of this utterance gains immunity to death effects for its duration.

Reverse: You utter two truenames–that of your target, and the succinct, lead-toned name of death.

If the target of this utterance, when reversed, fails his save, he dies.

Level: 6
Duration: 5 rounds
Saving Throw: Will Negates

Normal: Your target loses some of his otherworldly attributes as you banish his vestige back to the void.

Upon a failed save, the target is separated from a single vestige for the duration of this utterance. While separated, the host of the vestige loses all signs and influences as well as the granted abilities of the vestige. The host can only be separated from one vestige at a time in this way. The speaker of this utterance can indicate the specific vestige they wish to expel, if they know the name. Otherwise the lowest-level vestige is affected. The level of the vestige being expelled is added to the truespeak check. This utterance does not effect epic vestiges.

Reverse: The words leave your mouth and as they do the target starts to show signs of otherwordly possession.

When reversed this utterance forces the target to show all his vestiges signs as well as fall under their influences.

Level: 3
Duration: 5 rounds
Saving Throw: None (Normal) or Fortitude negates

Normal: You speak words of protection and invulnerability, wrapping your target’s skin in a glowing red aura.

The target of this utterance gains DR 10/magic.

Reversed: You speak words of weakness and vulnerability, sapping the strength from your foe’s skin.

If the target of this utterance, when reversed, fails his save, any DR he has is reduced by 5.

Level: 1
Duration: Instantaneous (Normal), 1 round (Reversed)
Saving Throw: No (Normal), Will negates (Reverse)

Normal: You make a desperate plea in truespeech to your subject, asking him to be reasonable.

You allow the target of the utterance to make a second saving throw against any one mind-affecting ability he is currently under the effects of, at the ability’s original DC. If he successfully saves, he breaks free of the effect.

Reverse: With a single inane phrase of truespeech, you throw your foe off kilter.

On a failed save, the target of this utterance, when reversed, is confused for 1 round.

Level: 5
Duration: Instantaneous (Normal), Permanent (Reversed)
Saving Throw: No (Normal), Will negates (Reverse)

Normal: You evoke names of purity and cleansing, and watch as the enchantments are purged from your allies mind in a spectacular display of blue and violet light.

The target of this utterance is freed from all mind-affecting effects currently affecting him.

Reverse: Speaking a single truename of madness, you wrench your foes mind asunder.

If the target of this utterance, when reversed, fails a save, he goes permanently insane. Remove curse does not remove insanity. Aura alteration, greater restoration, greater voice of reason, heal, limited wish, miracle, or wish or other similar powers can restore the creature.

Level: 2
Duration: 5 rounds (Normal), 5 rounds or 1 round (Reversed) (see text)
Saving Throw: None (Normal), Will partial (Reversed)

Normal: You encourage your ally in truespeech, denying the presence of fear in his mind.

The target becomes bolstered against fear, gaining immunity to fear and a +2 resistance bonus on all saves against other mind-affecting effects for the duration of this utterance.

Reversed: You name the fear of your enemy, and it becomes reality... for him.

On a failed save, the target of this utterance when reversed is panicked for the duration of the utterance. Even if he successfully saves, he is shaken for 1 round.


Level: 1
Range: Touch
Target: Weapon or shield touched
Duration: 5 rounds

You speak a short name, evoking qualities of liveliness and strength. The object you name leaps into the air by your side, ready to serve.

You bestow a temporary, artificial personal truename upon the target of this spell, animating it. If it is a weapon, it gains the dancing special ability, while if it is a shield, it gains the animated special ability. At the end of the utterance’s duration, the named item falls to the ground. Though you technically know the named item’s personal truename, you gain no bonuses on Truespeech checks to affect it, as the truename is an artifical thing lacking the power of a real truename.

Level: 3
Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level)
Target: One Small object per caster level; see text

You sing words of movement and vigor to the items around you, and watch them spring to life.

This utterance functions as lesser create servitor, except as above and that you may animate one Small or smaller object or an equivalent number of larger objects per caster level. A Medium object counts as two Small or smaller objects, a Large object as four, a Huge object as eight, a Gargantuan object as sixteen, and a Colossal object as thirty-two.

Level: 1
Range: Touch
Target: Small or smaller object touched
Duration: 5 rounds

You speak a word of animation and vitality, giving life to the object in your hand.

You animate a Medium or smaller object, which immediately attacks whichever creature you designate. It is treated as an appropriately sized Animated Object under your control. You can change the designated target or targets as a move action, as if directing an active spell. You cannot object an item worn or carried by a creature.

Level: 4
Range: Touch
Target: One shield or suit of armour
Duration: 7 rounds

The suit of armour this utterance is spoken upon becomes much more appealing to arcane spellcasters.

Any shield or suit of armour this is spoken upon loses some or all or it's arcane spell failure chance. The target of this utterance loses 25% of it's arcane spell failure chance for the duration of the utterance.

Level: 2
Range: Touch
Target: One weapon
Duration: 1 round

The weapon spoken upon suddenly stretches, still it seems suitable to it's wielder.
The target of this utterance gains five feet of reach for the duration of the utterance, this has no adverse effects on the wielder.

Level: 5

Your weapon extends greatly upon your command.

This utterance functions like extend weapon except that the weapon gains 15 feet instead of 5.

Level: 1
Range: Touch
Target: One object weighing no more than 50 pounds
Duration: 5 rounds

Suddenly the metal of your words seems much more appetizing.

When this utterance is used on an object -- inanimate or animate – that object becomes edible, tasting like whatever the speaker desires, at the end of the duration, whatever has been left uneaten returns to it's inedible form.

Level: 5
Range: Touch
Target: 25 pounds of material similar to intended golem
Duration: 5 rounds

You speak to the lump of material before you and as you do it grows tremendously; before you stands a golem, ready to serve.

This utterance acts as the spell summon golem (PHII 127) except as noted here. In addition the speaker can choose to make a psion-killer (crystal golem).

Level: 3
Range: Touch
Target: 1 object
Duration: Permanent

You speak words of encouragement and strengthening to the object you hold, and watch as it becomes firm and tough in your grasp.

The target object gains an enhancement bonus to its hardness equal to half your speaker level.
Special: When you speak this utterance, you must spend 100 xp. If you fail your Truespeak check or if the target makes its save, this XP is wasted.

Level: 2
Range: Touch
Target: Ranged weapon touched
Duration: 5 rounds

You whisper a single, focused word of clarity, and the bow in your hands is surrounded with crackling blue energy.

For the duration of this utterance, attacking with the targeted ranged weapon doesn’t provoke attacks of opportunity, the weapon's range increment is doubled, and its threat range is doubled.

Duration: Instantaneous

You speak, and as you do you feel some magic power drain from your target.

This utterance acts as metamagic catalyst except as noted here, instead of adding metamagic to scrolls and potions it removes them.
You may remove either Empower spell, Heighten Spell (maximum +2 caster level), Extend Spell, or Enlarge Spell.
You may also remove Widen Spell or Maximize Spell but doing so increases the truespeak DC by ten.
This utterance also functions on psionic tattoos and utterance potions with like metamagic/power feats.

Level: 4
Range: Touch
Target: One object weighing no more than 200 pounds and at least 25 pounds
Duration: 7 rounds

At your command the object grows wings and seats, is is ready to be your steed.

You animate one object to be your caravan, you can command it to grow either wings, legs, or a hull. Regardless of the form the caravan can fit up to 5 medium creatures (making it one size category larger than its creator) and it moves at a speed of 30 ft./round with poor manoeuvrability in the air.
It retains the hardness and other qualities of the original material. The walls of the caravan are 1ft. thick.
While mobilized the object will follow simple commands such as might be issued to a zombie by a necromancer. Only the speaker who animated it may issue orders.
The caravan provides total concealment for all those inside, it also features 4 arrow holes on either side and a horizontal slit of the same nature at either end which may be used to see the outside..
At the end the duration the object returns to it's normal form.

Level: 4
Range: 30ft.
Target: One soulmeld
Duration: Instantaneous

You rend through the soul energy of your target and wreck it with your word.

This utterance acts just as the spell unshape soulmeld (MoI 105) except as noted here.

Level: 3
Range: Touch
Target: 1 object with an interior space
Duration: Permanent

You speak complex formulas in truespeech. Though you barely understand them, you can see their effects plainly enough.

The interior dimensions of the target of this utterance are doubled for its duration. If the item’s interior dimensions have already been magically increased, such as those of a bag of holding, they cannot be further increased. If this utterance is dispelled, if the item cannot hold all the material within it, all objects in it are forced out of it, leaving it totally empty.
Special: When you speak this utterance, you must spend 50 xp. If you fail your Truespeak check or if the target makes its save, this XP is wasted.

Level: 2
Range: Touch
Target: Weapon touched
Duration: 5 rounds

You enunciate a truename of containment, followed by a second utterance. Your weapon pulses with red runes, which quickly fade

When you speak this utterance, you imbue the targeted weapon with any one utterance of 2nd level or lower from the Lexicon of the Evolving Mind. The next enemy you hit with that weapon within the duration of this utterance is affected by that utterance, as if you had spoken it, though you need make no truespeech roll for it. Whether it is normal or reversed is decided by you when you store it.


Level: 1
Duration: 1 minute

As you speak, bubbles burst forth from your mouth. They grow and grow, until the water around you is supersaturated with trapped air.

You fill all water in the area of the utterance with bubbles of air. Air-breathing and water-breathing creatures can both breath normally in the area. In addition, moving through the area is easier. Only a DC 10 Swim check is required to move through it; a creature may move at its normal speed on a success and half its normal speed on a failure. Creatures with a swim speed may swim normally. Finally, within the area, all underwater combat penalties on melee attacks are negated.

Level: 1
Duration: 1 minute

You utter truenames of hindsight and memory, and watch as ghostly images spring up around you.

A ghostly, illusionary replica of each creature to have passed through the area in the last day appear, at a rate of one image per round. The images appear in chronological order, from the last creature to have been in the area before the truenamer to the first. The images are exact replicas of the creatures as they were when they entered the area. Only you can see the replicas.

Level: 3
Range: 30ft.
Area: 30ft. radius
Duration: 5 rounds

You command the ground to en-maze your foe and so it does.

This utterance acts as the spell maze except as noted here. Additionally the maze is not extra-dimensional, it rises from the ground.

The speaker adds 1/2 their intelligence modifier to the DC to escape from the maze.
While trapped in the maze the victim gains total concealment from all those outside.
The walls of the maze are 30ft. tall and cannot be scaled, teleport and like methods are futile as well when trying to gain entry to the maze.

Level: 2
Range: Personal and 50ft; see text
Duration: 5 rounds; see text
Saving Throw: None (harmless) or reflex negates.

Chunks of earth rise under you feet and allow you to fly.

This utterance acts as the spell fly except as noted here.
In addition, the speaker may choose to send the chunks of rock as projectiles at his enemies. As a standard action the speaker can send the rocks simultaneously at an enemy up to 50ft. away or one each at two opponent's dealing 1d12 damage + the speaker's speaker level each, doing so grants the victims a reflex save, one for each rock in the case of two projectiles being sent at the same creature.
Using this action ends the utterance.

Level: 3
Range: 30ft.
Area: 20ft. radius spread
Duration: 7 rounds

The ground trembles and sinks into a series of pits at your spoken word.

Eight 10ft. wide pits open randomly across the area of this utterance, all creatures in the area have a 50% chance of falling into one of these pits on a failed reflex save, the pits are 30ft. deep each, falling creatures take 3d6 damage as a result of the fall, a DC 25 Climb check is required to escape a pit.
Creature who do not fall must walk at half speed to navigate through the permeated landscape, if a creature chooses to walk at full speed through this utterance's landscape they have a 50% chance of falling in a pit each round.
At the end of the duration, all creatures still underground are imprisoned as the spell.
Permeate Ground can also be utilized to free imprisoned creatures, when cast in an area suspected of having imprisoned creatures there is a 50% chance for each of those creatures to appear at the bottom of a pit.

Level: 2
Area: 10-ft. radius spread, centred on you
Duration: 1 minute

You speak words of dispelling and negation, rending asunder the fibres of magic.

As the spell antimagic field, except as above.

Level: 1
Duration: 5 rounds
Saving Throw: Will negates (see text)

You utter a short proclamation of peace in truespeech, and watch as a faint amber glow suffuses the area around you.

All creatures within the area of this utterance are affected similarly to the sanctuary spell. Any creature attempting to attack a creature inside the area or enter the area must make a Will save. If it fails, it is unable to perform that action. A creature inside the area that successfully attacks another creature loses the protection of this utterance, and can be targeted normally.

Level: 3
Range: 30ft.
Area: 30ft. radius
Duration: 7 rounds
Saving Throw: Fortitude negates; see text

Your words bring up a forest from the ground, you can feel the soul energy drain from the air.

You grow up a midnight grove (MoI 205) which disappears at the end of the duration, except for newly created trees which stand as testaments to the speaker's power. The saving throw for the utterance is used in the place of the usual DC 17.

Level: 4
Range: 30ft.
Area: 30ft. radius spread
Duration: Instantaneous

You twist and weave about the very air itself and watch the ensuing chaos.

This utterance acts as the power tornado blast (XPH 138) except as noted here. The direct blasting ability deals 10d6 damage on a successful touch attack, and the area damage deals 22d6 damage.

Level: 4
Range: 30ft.
Area: 30ft. radius spread
Duration: 3 rounds

You sunder the fabric of the accepted reality and usher in the madness of the far realm.

Each round after this utterance is spoken, roll percentile dice to see what creatures you call from the far realm.

Die Result....................Creatures Called
0-40%.............................1d4+1 5th-level grell philosphers.
41-85%.................................1d3 Tooth Beasts
86-100%................................1 Giant Psurlon

These creatures remain where they have been summoned permanently and once called are under the command of the summoner for only the regular duration of the utterance, after which they are released to do as they desire.

Level: 2
Range: 30ft.
Area: 20x50ft. cylinder
Duration: 5 rounds

You raise your voice as the land rises as a bridge before you.

You force the ground up to form a bridge, this bridge can support up to 500 medium creatures, it has a break DC equal to 10 + 1/2 your speaker level. You can shape it to traverse a chasm or body of water and even around corners, you cannot however extend it to be more than 50ft or widen it to more than 20ft.
Special: If the bridge is made from ice it manifests just as an ice bridge (DMGII 62).

Level: 4
Duration: Permanent

With this most powerful of utterances you instigate and create your own demiplane, your reward for your learning's in truespeech.

This utterance acts exactly like the word of genesis spell (ToM 262) except as noted here, also this utterance cannot be dispelled in any manner. This utterance is an exception to the rule that utterances are never permanent.

I really, really appreciate any comments and give my permission to use these as you will, just don't hurt anyone.

As a side, I've compiled a huge resource of the best homebrewed and well-PEACHED supplemental Binder and Shadowcaster material from around the boards I could find, including some official material, if anyone is interested.

2010-01-22, 11:22 PM
As a side, I've compiled a huge resource of the best homebrewed and well-PEACHED supplemental Binder and Shadowcaster material from around the boards I could find, including some official material, if anyone is interested.
1. ABSOLUTELY I AM INTERESTED OMG. I lurve me some Binder/Shadowcaster stuff.

2. I only skimmed the Utterances (and good lord, there are a lot), but they looked alright. I'm not a Truenamer expert, so I have little to add. PM Zaq and ask him for advice, since he's kinda the resident Truenamer guy on the boards.

2010-01-22, 11:24 PM
Do you think they'd be balanced if using Kellus's Truenaming fix (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=90961)? If designed for the Tome of Magic Truenamer, and designed to not be useless, I'm guessing not, but I thought I'd ask.

2010-01-22, 11:38 PM
I think I will be in touch with this 'Zaq' you speak of. As for the Binder/Shadowcaster stuff, how would you like it? And I must warn, it is somewhat pretty, but not perfect, the worst parts being I haven't PEACHed the epic vestiges I collected, and the charts are somewhat messy, still there's over a hundred pages of material, some official, some made my myself, and much of it from Tome of Shadow (A previous thread) and Bkdubs on the WotC forums. Still, I imagine you would enjoy it if you like those classes, there's a ton of stuff. I compiled it all in openoffice.org, how would you like it?

Useless? Are you stating that my utterances are useless or are you referring to the uselessness of the Truenamer as written? I for one don't feel the Truenamer is all that bad, as a DM I would just have +5, +10, +15... etc. amulets to buy, for reasonable price and wands of heroism... I don't want this thread to go that way, but if that's what you're referring to, I have to say that I'm largely disinterested in any sort of rebuilding of the class, I like Tome of Magic's rendition...

OMP... this is more response than I got in like, 4 weeks last time!

2010-01-22, 11:42 PM
1. .docx works. PM me for details. :smallwink:

2. I believe DragoonWraith is saying that your stuff almost certainly won't mesh with Kellus' fine, fine works on the entire Truenaming system, which he linked. Kellus did an amazing job, to the point that many folks just use his instead of the real deal.

2010-01-22, 11:42 PM
Yes, I was referring to Tome of Magic's version as 'useless'. I'll accept your wishes to not derail the thread about that, though. I'll keep tabs on this, though, because I'm very interested in what Zaq has to say. Unfortunately, I cannot help PEACH because I only have experience with Kellus's version.

2010-01-23, 12:08 AM
I made things much more pretty, will be in contact again, late tomorrow night.


2010-01-23, 03:12 AM
As a side, I've compiled a huge resource of the best homebrewed and well-PEACHED supplemental Binder and Shadowcaster material from around the boards I could find, including some official material, if anyone is interested.

I second the interest on this material and you could add mine to your collection :smallbiggrin: Soon i will post more (a project named "Complete Shadow") and for 3.5 edition but i am stuck at writing the fluff and wait for my DM to finish his army duties so he can evaluate them. Also my first part of my project is complete and i can send it via e mail to anybody who is interested.

2010-01-25, 11:09 AM
So, what do you guys think about Erase Truename ? I mean, wizards can do it, should the truenamer be alllowed?


2010-01-25, 12:47 PM
So, what do you guys think about Erase Truename ? I mean, wizards can do it, should the truenamer be alllowed?


High xp cost plus the inherent difficulty of the truenamer's skill checks. I don't see why not. However keep in mind tha Necrotic termination, a similar spell has only a 1000 xp cost and the target can't come back by any means.

2010-01-25, 01:13 PM
Hm, you're right about Necrotic Termination, however that's for wizards who have many instagibs at they're disposal... The no resurrection bonus is big too... 5000 XP still seems high, even if the truenamer is more comparable to a bard.

What would be more reasonable? I don't think it should be as low as necrotic termination since you have to have a feat (mother cyst), and need to have cast necrotic cyst for that to work... Perhaps 2000?


2010-01-25, 01:16 PM
By the way peacenlove, have your custom mysteries been PEACHed? Can I trust them? Can I stand behind them in my hour of darkness!? Which I intend on creating...


2010-01-25, 01:20 PM
By the way peacenlove, have your custom mysteries been PEACHed? Can I trust them? Can I stand behind them in my hour of darkness!? Which I intend on creating...
I am slowly crawling through them, as well as the stuff you sent me.

So far, for the total of something like 150 pages of stuff I have to work through, it's looking good. Much thought was given to it, and it shows. I have NO IDEA how balance is, cause there's just too much for me to digest without playing it, but it looks good.

2010-01-25, 01:32 PM
That sounds good, keep on trudging!

So, what about Mobilize Item? It's my favourite custom creation of my own, do you guys think it's okay at level 4 in the Lexicon of the Crafted Tool?


2010-01-25, 01:35 PM
Dude, I'll keep digging through the stuff, but I honestly think that the best you and peacenlove are gonna get is "it looks good, really indepth and well done", just because I have a life and there isn't enough time in the day to really give 150 pages all the attention it deserves. :smalltongue:

I will probably hit a few key points though that are well designed (like peacenlove's Pathfinder Shadowcaster; or a few mysteries from your doc that I really enjoyed, like some of the fundamentals).

2010-01-25, 02:23 PM
Hm, you're right about Necrotic Termination, however that's for wizards who have many instagibs at they're disposal... The no resurrection bonus is big too... 5000 XP still seems high, even if the truenamer is more comparable to a bard.

What would be more reasonable? I don't think it should be as low as necrotic termination since you have to have a feat (mother cyst), and need to have cast necrotic cyst for that to work... Perhaps 2000?

I can't really gauge on an appropriate Xp cost (since i regularly ban spells with xp costs from my game). However i believe your assertion about the xp cost range of the utterance to be correct.

By the way peacenlove, have your custom mysteries been PEACHed? Can I trust them? Can I stand behind them in my hour of darkness!? Which I intend on creating...

As said in the PM all my homebrew except celestial shadows has been used at least once on a gaming table. However while these versions have no glaring problems and are usable as they are, the final version rests on my hard drive and will be posted "soon" (where soon is when i think of appropriate fluff and manage to find the strength to actually type all this info lying scattered in my notebooks :smallannoyed:)

Dude, I'll keep digging through the stuff, but I honestly think that the best you and peacenlove are gonna get is "it looks good, really indepth and well done", just because I have a life and there isn't enough time in the day to really give 150 pages all the attention it deserves. :smalltongue:

I will probably hit a few key points though that are well designed (like peacenlove's Pathfinder Shadowcaster; or a few mysteries from your doc that I really enjoyed, like some of the fundamentals).

By all means do not hurry and enjoy the process. Your will to evaluate my homebrew is more than i could ask for.

2010-01-25, 04:40 PM
Well I eagerly await the good copy, in the meantime I'll let my players at the material you've already made.


2010-01-25, 04:46 PM
Has Zaq had anything to say about this?

2010-01-25, 06:21 PM
I PMed Zaq but he's yet to get back to me in any way. I'd like to have his input if he's as knowledgeable as you say.


2010-01-25, 06:33 PM
Wow... I just read Zaq's experience logs -- since he PMed saying he'd check this forum out -- and it's quite impressive, I'm eager to see what he has to say. I'm also glad to finally find someone who like the by-the-book truenamer as much as I do.


2010-01-26, 01:01 AM
This is gonna take a while, but I like what I see. Before I dive in to the meat of it, I will mention that there are one or two things I see in several places here... primarily that there are a few permanent-duration utterances. Now, that's all well and good, but it really clashes with the Law of Sequence (as anyone who's read my Truenamer rants knows, the Law of Resistance is a minor pain. The Law of Sequence is one of the biggest middle fingers WotC pointed at the Truenamer's heart.) Basically, you need to either 1) explicitly get rid of the LoS (a fine idea, but it's definitely not by-the-book), 2) call out specific exceptions to the LoS for the permanent utterances (reasonable), or 3) accept that these are one-use utterances until you kill your target (about in line with everything else the Truenamer gets... which is to say, poorly thought-out crap. No offense, of course, since unlike WotC, you're actually asking for proofreading and assistance.) Second, you have an awful lot of Utterances with saves. This is not necessarily a bad thing, but it is a thing worth noting. Before I retired him, my 12th level Truenamer didn't have any utterances that allowed saves, because I had the ability to get away with it and I didn't want to give myself yet another chance of failure. Remember that, for better or for worse, Truenamer save DCs scale with Truenamer level, not with Utterance level, so a level 1 LEM and level 4 LEM will have the same save DC if spoken by the same Truenamer.

For everyone's reference (yours, mine, and those of our readers), I'm going to post what ECL a pure-class Truenamer gets his (or her) utterances. In the parentheses are other abilities that come online at this ECL or thereabouts... you know, what your non-Truenamer partymates are getting to play with. This is, on some level, what we should be balanced against. (Of course, we're not going to be balanced against all of them, since they're not balanced against themselves. The first iterative attack is nowhere near the power level of the 3rd level spell. But the point is, this is what we're looking at.)

LPM 1 : ECL 1 (1st level spells/powers/vestiges/mysteries/maneuvers... we're not behind yet!)
LPM 2 : ECL 3 (2nd level S/P/V/My/Mn, early chakra binds, first two-step feat chains)
LPM 3: ECL 6 (first iterative attacks, later than 3rd level spells/etc., most prestige classes, several feat chains, many feats with skill reqs like Leap Attack, lesser invocations, Natural Spell)
LPM 4 : ECL 10 (middle chakra binds, 5th+ level spells, almost 2nd iterative, finishing 5 level PrCs. Many base classes see a shift or a semi-major ability at or by this level, e.g. rogue special abilities, scout blindsense, totemist double totem, lurk double augment, DFA widened breath weapon, etc.)
LPM 5 : ECL 14 (7th+ level spells, throat/waist chakras, high level stances, duskblade full channel, 1/2 casters get 4th level spells, nearly every PrC available, almost finished with 10 level PrCs, high-level martial feats like Robilar's Gambit)
LPM 6 : ECL 18 (9th level spells. Need I say more?)

LCT 1 : ECL 4 (2nd level spells, least chakra binds, early-entry PrCs)
LCT 2 : ECL 7 (4th level spells, bardic suggestion, well into secondary abilities like paladin mount or dragon shaman healing)
LCT 3 : ECL 11 (6th level spells, class improvements as seen above, 2nd iterative attack)
LCT 4 : ECL 15 (8th level spells, PrC capstones, most feat chains finished, DFA top breath effects)
LCT 5 : ECL 19 (9th level spells, soul chakra bind, multiple 9th level maneuvers)

LPM 1 : ECL 8 (4th level spells, 1st iterative for rogue BAB)
LPM 2 : ECL 12 (6th level spells, high level feats, highest level skill tricks)
LPM 3 : ECL 16 (8th level spells, 3rd iterative, PrC capstones, heart chakra, dark invocations)
LPM 4 : ECL 20 (Capstones. Oh, and 9th level everything.)

So, that's what our partymates have when we're getting our utterances. It's important to keep these things in mind when looking at utterances. It's very easy to forget that a level 4 utterance should not be at the same power level as a 4th level spell (at least, if you're taking 9th level casters as balanced, which they aren't, but high-level utterances are regularly outperformed by invocations. And you don't even have to TRY to use those.)

Also important to remember that for LCT and LPM, the as-written Truenamer gets ONE of each level. These are not easy choices; they are more precious than a sorcerer's spells known. A "just in case" utterance will rarely be worth it, since every choice is a major opportunity cost.

Anyway, let's take a look. This won't be finished tonight, but it will be started.

Alert: Hmm, I like it. It's a save-or-die, to be sure, but it still allows a save (which Truenamers have a hard time pumping), so it's not necessarily overpowered. Strong, undoubtedly, but reasonable. Might be a better level 2, but you'd need to improve the normal version, and I don't have a simple way to do that off the top of my head.

Argent Shell: This is great. It's a near-unique ability (ok, Scintillating Scales exists, but it's not something you see every single day) and it's actually useful. I question how often a low-level Truenamer would actually use this, since NA is hard to get until mid levels, but the reversed version has its uses as well. The fact that it scales with your truenamer level makes it different from, well, anything in ToM... but that's not a bad thing. General enough to not be dead weight, but specialized enough to not be crazy good. If you keep this up, we're both going to be very happy.

Contagious Gossip: OK, you're breaking a Truenamer rule here. Now, I think that this rule is a very stupid rule, and I'm all for breaking it, but you need to be aware that you're doing it. This is a long-lasting utterance. In fact, you're breaking two rules, in that the duration scales with level. I repeat, I'm all in favor of smashing precedent here, because it's certainly not like it was a GOOD thing that the Truenamer had such insanely short-lived durations, but again, it's important to know that you're doing it. I'm not sure how I feel about this utterance. Thematically, it's very nice, but I'm always leery about anything that gives an overly large bonus to social skills, since those are so precariously not-actually-balanced in the first place. Also, you'll definitely run afoul of the Law of Sequence while using this. The LoS means that unless you dispel it, you can only use this once per (Truenamer level) days. That's worse than Quivering Palm. I'm skeptical here.

Create Proxy: Weird. Very weird. I'm not going to say that I don't like it, but it's very weird. That said, there are some issues. I would raise the % chance to 50% or even 75%, because 1) this is an ECL 18 ability, 2) It burns XP, and 3) they get a save to resist. Also, the "permanent" thing makes the LoS get ugly, but you knew that already. I love the reversed ability, but I'm not sure that the XP cost is appropriate, given that you have to be within 60' of them, you have to make the ECL 18-or-higher check, and they get a save. It all depends on how useful knowing personal truenames is in your campaign, I guess. Are there wizards who are using the spells from ToM that need Truenames? Then they're extremely valuable. Without that, they're mostly not worth it. I'd say that the opportunity cost of one of your 18th level slots makes the XP cost unnecessary, given that you have to be staring them down in the first place, not researching them in your wizard buddy's private sanctum.

Defy Resistance: I read this, and Admiral Ackbar started yammering in my head, telling me exactly what it was. Permanently losing a skill rank?! No other effect in the game that I know of uses anything like that... and Truenamers rely on their skill ranks more than anyone else does. The Law of Resistance was never that big a deal in the first place. I mean, taking a penalty to your Truespeak checks for a few days, that I can see, but permanent skill rank loss? I can hardly think of ANYTHING that would be worth that.

Demise Delayed: (I assume that's what you meant to say) This is cool. The reversed version is underpowered (would making it akin to Death Knell make it too much?), since you could just stab them (or crossbow them, if you don't want to get close) anyway and get a better effect, but the normal version is nice. Power up the reversed version and it could see some use.

Detect Shared Name: Huh. Very campaign-specific, but it could be useful in the right game. I don't think it's a level 2, though. Level 1 seems more appropriate for a Detect ability. (The ability to suppress signs and keep the abilities is nice, but hardly game-breaking even at first level.) Your wording is a little sloppy and could use some copy-editing (comma splices, man!), but the content is pretty solid.

Doublespeak: It's important to remember that your average Truenamer will know exactly two 1st level LEM utterances. That said, how does this interact with the LoS? If I use Doublespeak to hit myself with Universal Aptitude and Least Word of Nurturing, next turn, can I use the normal Universal Aptitude on my buddy, or does the LoS get in the way? Similarly, could I use Doublespeak for those two on myself, then use Doublespeak for a different set of 1st level utterances (pretending for a minute that I knew more than 2 of them) on my buddy? As always, the LoS just makes things unnecessarily complicated. (The LoR is similarly unclear here.) Anyway, this is basically auto-Quicken, so that's not bad. I'd probably rather take Quicken, but this is at least unique and interesting. Clear up how it interacts with the two Laws of WotC Hates You Laws of Truespeaking, and I can see it working. It's a borderline 2nd level, but it's not necessarily underpowered at 3rd.

Empower Name: Huh. Interesting. Basically a way to prime the target, huh? I don't think that this really needs a save... though you could make an argument that if it succeeds, you won't have much chance of your subsequent utterances going wrong, so they need SOME % chance standing between you and them. At the same time, you're getting this at ECL 10, you're spending an action on it, and Truespeak DCs have started to get really hard by now. Giving it a save runs into the Mind Fog problem ("I just make them fail a Will save against Mind Fog, and then they'll fail their Will save against <nasty spell>! ...Or I could just make them fail their will save against <nasty spell>, if they're failing a save in the first place..."). Get rid of the saving throw, since utterance slots are precious and you want your action to mean something. This is also nice, of course, for making ally buffing easier, if there are no enemy Truenamers around. The normal version is very campaign specific, but if the saving throw is removed, the reversed version could be a staple.

Empower the Mind: DANGER, WILL ROBINSON. This is infinite PP in a can. Put a per-day limit on the amount that any one target can gain from this utterance, no matter how many times it's used (see Incarnation of Angels for an example), and it could be worth it, or even a bit underpowered. As it is, I don't see anything at all standing between you and way too many PP. Also, don't forget that using higher-level utterances is just as easy as using lower-level ones, so you're not really "paying" more by using higher-level utterances to get more PP. This utterance is trouble.

Entangling Demise: Standard save-or-die. Seems reasonable. The reversed version seems a little underpowered (yeah, the mirror of half-HP thing is nifty, but this is a power you get at ECL 18. Maybe have it remove a condition as well?), but this works. I would put it at level 5, though, not level 6, especially when you consider that the spell that this is based off of (which has a longer duration and a better saving throw) is only level 8. (Also, in the reversed version, you got two apostrophes wrong: It should be "the subject's wounds" and "its total hitpoints.")

Erase Truename: I like this ability, but having crazy high XP costs on abilities that take up very precious spells-known (ok, abilities known, whatever) slots leaves a very bad taste in my mouth. When you take on an ability like this, you should expect to use it nearly every day... but if you do that, you'll never level up ever again. I'm not sure if there's a middle ground here. I do agree that if the Wizard can do something like this, the Truenamer certainly should get to do so as well, but that XP cost just kills it. The reversed version is wildly specific... flavorful and appropriate, but it's very hard to imagine it coming up more than once in an entire campaign (and then only if your GM is making a Truename-heavy campaign).

Focusing Mantra: (Again, I assume that this is how you meant to spell it) My only problem with this is the limitation on who can take it. Other than that, I like it. The only possible problem I can see with it is some kind of combination (maybe gestalt?) truenamer/manifester using Quicken on this to refocus themselves instantly every round for nearly no cost, but you can't balance the game with gestalt in mind, and if they multiclass heavily enough to make the DCs on quicken, they need all the manifesting help they can get. Get rid of the psionic-only restriction, and this ability's a keeper. It's nice to see the Truenamer get something nearly unique (only the Lurk, to my knowledge, can forcibly un-focus an enemy, and I don't know of anyone who can grant their allies focus).

Intuit Enchantment: No complaints, really. If anything, it's a little too specific (I repeat, you only get two first-level utterances, and it's hard to see using this every day, unless you want to consistently use the Reversed versions on your thralls). See above for the long-duration utterance comments.

Perfect Form: This utterance made me have two reactions. The normal utterance: ho-hum. At 14th level, if your target doesn't have an enhancement bonus to an ability score, he probably doesn't really care about that score. Make it an obscure bonus type and it'd be worth something, but as it stands... it won't really benefit anyone. Reversed utterance: Wtf? You want to create a Garbler? That's like Superman discovering a new power that lets him kill his enemies... and turn them into Kryptonite golems. Sure, by level 14 you can squash a Garbler with your weapons, but if you don't, it'll completely muck up all of your other Truespeaking until you do. Turn them into something else... a gibbering mouther is just fine, has almost the same flavor, and isn't making Kryptonite golems. Oh, and the XP cost is kinda weird. Baleful Polymorph doesn't have an XP cost, and it's not like you get a minion out of it (instead, you get, I repeat, a Kryptonite golem). This utterance is a liability. Garblers are bad news for Truenamers.

THIS POST IS NOT FINISHED. I'll go back and edit in more of these later, but it's getting late and I've got work in the morning.

Overall I've enjoyed reading these. I hope I'm not coming off as too harsh, but let's face it, a lack of people pointing out possible shortcomings is how we ended up with the Truenamer in the first place, right? I think these have a lot of potential, and I'll be sure to write more later. It'll probably take me a few days to finish this, but I'll do what I can.

2010-01-26, 12:05 PM
Wow Zaq, I owe you one man... that's an absolute ton of input, thank you so much.

Hm... The Law of Sequence does pose a problem, I never considered that, do you think it would be okay to just write in the exception into the individual descriptions? As it is Truenaming is full of exceptions... monsters with no laws of resistance and such...

Alert: Hm, I'm not really sure exactly how you would make waking someone up more powerful... Perhaps a HD limit on the reversed version instead? I'd like to keep it level 1.

Argent Shell: LOL, I wish I could take the credit for that one...

Contagious Gossip: Hm, 1/day does seem very high, perhaps this utterance should be made to be useful only in short conversations, or to slip out of a tricky conversation that's turned a way you don't like. I'd like to avoid breaking the law of sequence except on the permanent utterances though. 5 rounds as normal seem alright?

Create Proxy: I pretty much agree with everything you've said here. However, do you think it would be reasonable to charge perhaps, 200xp? Or maybe a formula depending on how powerful the creature is is in order? I'll edit this one after I post this...

You know like, 30 seconds later I read you comment again, an... Ah... I don't know, I think some small charge should be in order lest the player go around automatically finding everyone's name... 200xp seems reasonable too me.

Defy Resistance: This does seem harsh at first, true, and I didn't write it so I can be as truly critical as you, however... you lose a skill rank, yes... But this really just means you lose it till you level up again, as a truenamer with a high intelligence you should be getting a lot of skill points anyways. You can just invest 2 points in it next time you level and at this level you could probably get a miracle/wish/reality revision from somebody... Still seem too big a deal?

Demise Delayed: *Grumbles* Spelling mistake, blast! Heh, anyways, I pretty much agree with you here, I have a little trouble getting the truenamer flavour out a a death knell effect, but I'll write it in.

Detect Shared Name: Yeah, I just took a second look, and I realize it may be campaign-specific, but I'm sort of working on a project right now where I'm attempting to create a cross-system anything (Mystery that deals with truenaming, maneuver that deals with incarnum etc.) just so my players have the option. I thought I had written it so it could suppress signs of vestiges and then you wouldn't be able to use powers associated with the signs, cause you know sometimes you have to show to sign for it to work... but it looks like I just made it so the binder could look innocent for a short (too short?) conversation before blasting. Level 1 sounds better, I'll try to fix my wording and repost it.

Doublespeak: Yeah, I suppose it would be important that I mention those two dreaded rules, I'll reword this one in the most player-unfavourable way, it's just consistent though!

Empower Name: Done, I'll take out the save. Do you think this is at the right level?

Empower the Mind: Well, you can't give them unlimited power points since the law of resistance... oh yeah... different utterances, crap... Well, the higher-level thing still matters since it means you can give them more as you level up together. I'll change some things and let you take a second look.

Entangling Demise: I see your point about the reversed version being underpowered, it should remove a condition. What goes flavourfully along with um... Unexploding someone? Unparalyzed since you fix their blood vessels... Maybe blinded cause you fix the veins in their eyes but that still seems underpowered...

Erase Truename: I discussed this with peacenlove earlier and we compared it to Necrotic Termination in Libris Mortis... I just don't want to see a high-level truenamer going around destroying everyone with almost no hope of bringing them back... Perhaps a 1000xp cost then? Lower? 500? Also, the reversed version could be changed so that it eschews the material component from any sort of resurrection, raise dead and otherwise, that might make it more useful.

Focusing Mantra: Agreed, and I never go gestalt so that's not a problem. I'll edit this right away.

Intuit Enchantment: Agreed that this is somewhat specific, I think I'll make it scale with level though, and change the duration to 5 rounds... they can always extend it if they want.

Perfect Form: I'll take out the experience cost... wow, more of these utterances have xp costs than I thought. But the utterance already says that the garbler won't attack you or your allies so I don't see the danger in that. And other reason I should make it a gibbering mouther?

Thanks again, I really appreciate all the input. If anyone knows of any all-encompassing cross-system (mysteries dealing with truenaming, soulmelds dealing with vestiges etc.) project I'd appreciate the heads-up.

2010-01-26, 12:57 PM
Hey by the way, how cheesy do you guys think Quicken Spell-Like Ability (Universal Aptitude) is?


2010-01-26, 01:47 PM
What's Universal Aptitude? Is that one of your Utterances, because if so, I can't find it. If it's not... what is it?

2010-01-26, 01:51 PM
Universal Aptitude is an utterance from Tome of Magic, in the Lexicon of the Evolving mind.

I'm just inquiring into the validity of using Quicken Spell-Like Ability on utterances... which are technically spell-like abilities...


2010-01-26, 10:41 PM
Zaq I posted on your old Truenamer Journal forum, just cause I didn't want to derail this thread. Just a heads-up.


2010-01-26, 11:20 PM
Isn't there a Quicken Utterance feat anyway? Which is much less limited than Quicken SLA?

2010-01-26, 11:31 PM
Ah, but the beauty would be that you wouldn't have to raise the truespeak check by 20 DCs... And the beauty of Universal Aptitude is the +5 bonus it gives you too any skill, including truespeak.


2010-01-28, 08:11 PM
So, do you think that's viable? Quicken SLA on an utterance? Anyone?


2010-01-28, 08:36 PM
Utterances don't have spell levels (they have their own crazy levels, but not spell levels), so I don't think they're eligible for that feat. Though it won't break the game or anything.

2010-01-28, 08:40 PM
It says right in Tome of Magic that utterances are Spell-like abilities...


2010-01-28, 08:43 PM
It says right in Tome of Magic that utterances are Spell-like abilities...

You can only duplicate abilities with spell levels.

2010-01-29, 03:39 PM
Yeah, I suppose you're right, since if I just used them as they're levels compared to spells, you could quicken Gate (A 4th-level utterance...) and that might be a little much.


2010-01-31, 04:43 PM
I just want to mention that I have NOT forgotten about this, and that I intend to get to it when I have the time to review it properly. I just refuse to do a rush job on this, because that's how we ended up with the WotC Truenamer. Sorry.

2010-02-01, 04:51 PM
That's totally fine Zaq, take your time. By the way, what are your thoughts on Mobilize Item? I'm not sure it's at the right level, but it's my favourite personal creation.


2010-02-11, 09:24 PM
What about flavour? Anyone? Do these utterances all fit with the whole 'alter the world around your needs' theme of the Truenamer?


2010-03-14, 09:08 PM
One final push for this material, just in case there's someone out there with something to say. More looking for flavour now, but anything is appreciated.


2014-07-27, 07:35 PM
Neato. I'm a big Tome of Magic fan (same goes for the 2nd Edition version - bring back the real Wild Mage, dammit!), and I've had this thread favorited for a while.

My comments:

Alert: The world does need more lerts...but I daresay the "awaken" pole of this utterance ought to awaken multiple people at once, or (probably a better route in the case of Truename Magic) should offer more to the beneficiary, like temporary immunity to sleep effects, or a boost to initiative/opportunity to freely refocus their initiative (is that still a thing post-3.0?), otherwise that end of it is much too weak, given that you can generally awaken a sleeping character just by walking over and shaking them (and hey, that gives me an idea: how about a feat that lets you try to cure shaken/frightened/panicked conditions by doing this? (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i0GW0Vnr9Yc)).

Demise Delayed: Someone else may have pointed this out before me, but in the case of the "death knell" effect, I'd suggest it be adapted a bit rather than be identical, something like granting the speaker a bonus to saving throws and utterance DCs rather than the Strength and caster level bonus the death knell spell grants.

Focusing Mantra: This is actually neat - I don't like the psionic focus mechanic myself (and if I had my way, psionics would work substantially differently), but as long as it's there, it's nice to have someone else who can provide the psion with it (and the ability to deprive someone of it, especially when they're doing something like using the Up The Walls psionic feat, would be as funny as it would be effective).

Sacrament of Safety: I think the "kill" pole of this utterance may be too powerful for 4th-level. Granted, phantasmal killer is an instant death spell that Wizards and Sorcerers get sooner than a Truenamer would get this, but it offers a way out by way of two different saving throws (as well as the various ways its easier for many creatures and classes to duck the effects of illusions). On the other hand, there is the 5th-level Cleric spell slay living, so maybe it's within reason (although that requires a melee touch attack, and that the target be of the living being variety - whereas your utterance doesn't too clearly say it can't be used on undead, constructs, etc.). Of course, the other thing is that this utterance is inherently more powerful than either of those two spells, since it can do either of TWO powerful things (though the limitation on how many utterances a Truenamer can know may, in turn, make up for that). It's most like finger of death, since it can be used at range and only permits one saving throw (but again, is more powerful even than that if it works against a wider array of targets). I guess I'd stipulate more clearly that it can only kill properly living enemies, and escalate its level to 5th.

Perfect Form: In keeping with the premise that Sacrament of Safety should be 5th-level, I'd suggest adapting the "kill and turn into Garbler" pole of this utterance into a baleful polymorph-like affair (making it easier to reverse, but just as effective in the short term): maybe make the subject nauseated for 1d3 rounds as they turn into a Garbler, if you don't want it to happen immediately. Bear in mind that "kill something and bring it back as an asset" is what the consume essence Shadow Magic mystery does, and it's 9th-level. Otherwise, this is sufficiently level-fitting, good, and I like it.

Shun The Nameless: The "barf up all the signs and influences" pole of this utterance is a nifty idea, but much too weak for a 6th-level utterance - as a matter of fact, I'd say the "forcibly expel a vestige" pole is too, so I'd say this should actually be a 4th-level utterance.

Food From The Useless: I'm reminded of this guy (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michel_Lotito)!

Return the Soul: I say this should be 2nd-level - Truenamers don't get 4th-level Lexicon of the Crafted Tool utterances until 15th level, and this is like a spell Clerics and Wizards get at 7th level (http://dndtools.eu/spells/magic-of-incarnum--74/unshape-soulmeld--1814/) (in fact, it's strictly inferior, since its range is so much shorter and otherwise identical). I'd judge that if anything, Truename Magic should be better at this sort of thing, so I'd make it a touch more powerful: make it still do damage even if the soulmeld wasn't bound to a chakra (1d6+1/2 levels sounds reasonable in that case), make it screw the meldshaper out of however much essentia had been invested in it for 5 rounds, and add 1 point of damage per point of essentia taken (3 per point if bound to a chakra).

Metamagic Inhibitor: I realize this is 5th-level because its existing counterpart Metamagic Catalyst is, but this is an instance where I'd say destroying should be easier than creating, especially since scrolls and potions seldom feature metamagic in the absence of that utterance, so I'd actually suggest this be downgraded to 3rd-level.

Formation of the Golem: I must ask - did Diablo II's Necromancer happen to have a hand in inspiring this? ^_*

As a side, I've compiled a huge resource of the best homebrewed and well-PEACHED supplemental Binder and Shadowcaster material from around the boards I could find, including some official material, if anyone is interested.

Yes, I am very much interested in this!

Final note: I just registered and this is my first post; I could use some guidance figuring out how to properly apply a custom avatar - I tried, and it looked to me like the URL I gave it met the criteria it needed ("http" at the beginning, and ".png" at the end), but it said otherwise.

2014-07-27, 10:28 PM
I already saw these utterances... there (http://brilliantgameologists.com/boards/index.php?topic=3591.0), to be precise. I suppose the OP was the same. I don't think he comes on board anymore.

All in all I noticed the mechanics of many of these utterances needs work, especially the ones from The Demented One (Defy Resistance? Why would I risk scrapping my character on a regular basis?). But reading the thread on the other forum gave me the incentive to make my own utterances (not yet posted on board though), so I certainly am respectful that some people dared to homebrew utterances.