View Full Version : What's DC doing film-wise

2010-01-23, 12:43 PM
So Marvel's got a lot of upcoming films their making in the not too distant future (Iron Man 2, Thor, The Avengers, Spiderman reboot, Deadpool film), but what's the next DC comic movie that coming out. The last movie I can think of that they made was Watchmen. I'm not sure if there's going to be a sequel to the Dark Knight (hope so because that film kicked ass) and I remember hearing something about a Green Lantern movie, but other than that what is there?

2010-01-23, 01:20 PM
Nolan is contracted to do a third Batman movie and the Green Lantern movie is being made.

Nothing else live action has been announced but they do have a lot of animated movie projects in the works.

2010-01-23, 02:46 PM
Green Lantern is being filmed with Ryan Renolds as Hal Jordan. Also currently being produced by DC are movie adaptations of Jonah Hex (A time traveling western character) and The Losers (which is a world war two comic). Apparently they're still trying to figure out how to make awesome movies that don't involve Chris Nolan and Chris Bale.

2010-01-23, 03:44 PM
Nolan is contracted to do a third Batman movie and the Green Lantern movie is being made.

Awesome! I heard a rumor that there may not be a third Batman movie. Hope it as good as Dark Knight. There are a lot of trilogies that don't have great a great third installment.

2010-01-23, 03:51 PM
Jonah Hex is coming out this year.

2010-01-23, 05:45 PM
and The Losers (which is a world war two comic).

Actually I believe the film is based on the Vertigo comic The Losers about a special forces team searching for who in the CIA betrayed them and set them up to die

2010-01-23, 06:36 PM
Errr.... Vertigo is DC

2010-01-23, 07:07 PM
Yes but Vertigo is a seperate division within DC, I was just using that to draw a dsitinction between the two series that had the same name

2010-01-23, 07:30 PM
They need to do a re-make of Steel, also starring Shaquille O'Neal. Actually, they need to re-make the whole thing scene for scene, with the same actors.

Hollywood hasn't wasted quite enough of our money and time this year.

Lord Seth
2010-01-23, 07:50 PM
From almost three years ago, but still relevant (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=av6fWfmugds).

Archpaladin Zousha
2010-01-24, 12:40 AM
Awesome! I heard a rumor that there may not be a third Batman movie. Hope it as good as Dark Knight. There are a lot of trilogies that don't have great a great third installment.

I've definitely heard rumors of a third Batman movie. I've also heard that the title is going to be "The Caped Crusader" and will star Johnny Depp as Edward Nigma, better known as "The Riddler." Personally I don't think there could be a better pick for the role, aside from the actors who've already portrayed the Riddler

2010-01-24, 12:50 AM
A better pick for Riddler? In my humble opinion, David Tennant. David Tennant all the way.


2010-01-24, 01:23 AM
Actually I believe the film is based on the Vertigo comic The Losers about a special forces team searching for who in the CIA betrayed them and set them up to die

Is it really? That could still be fun, I've read an issue or two of the Vertigo series and I enjoyed it, but it didn't completely pull me in.

Also Geoff Johns is allegedly penning a script for a Flash movie. This has the potential to have awesome written all over it, almost as cool as the rumor that once upon a time Kevin Smith was writing a script for a Green Arrow movie.

And speaking of the Emerald Archer, for a while I was reading all kinds of buzz about the Supermax movie, but more recently a whole lot of nothing. Anyone know if it's still being made? Although the title is kinda weak, the idea of Ollie mostly without his weapons taking on a mob of B-level villains, as well as trying to evade a comic book tech superjail filled with all kinds of lasers and deathtraps gives me a total geek-on.

2010-01-24, 01:52 AM
My ideal Riddler is Alan Tudyk, and have him be a very weird detective type who is put in charge of hunting down Batman. I'd also like a well done Harleen Quinzell (Not a completely cartoonish character if done well), probably played by Amy Acker. Have the Riddler be interested in her, and have her be the Joker's mouthpiece. Don't show him, but have him be a puppetmaster, and her his puppet.
I'd also have Magog as a villain, maybe even played by "Tiny" Tommy Lister, better known as "Big scary ship guy who throws remote out the window". Bring back a pretty well liked actor as a character people like. Say he escaped during the mayhem on the ships, and now kills criminals.

2010-01-24, 02:00 AM
I didn't think they actually solidified it being Riddler, since everything's still in the planning stages? Also Jonah Hex is going to RULE.

Archpaladin Zousha
2010-01-24, 02:03 AM
A better pick for Riddler? In my humble opinion, David Tennant. David Tennant all the way.


Oh yeah...I forgot all about him! Yeah, he'd definitely be a decent Riddler, and doesn't he need something to do after Dr. Who anyway?

Archpaladin Zousha
2010-01-24, 02:05 AM
I didn't think they actually solidified it being Riddler, since everything's still in the planning stages? Also Jonah Hex is going to RULE.

I don't know, I just heard a rumor. Also, who's Jonah Hex? Isn't he some sort of immortal, time-travelling Superman bad guy?

2010-01-24, 02:08 AM
Correction; he's a disfigured cowboy/bounty hunter who frequently fights the supernatural. He's the embodiment of everything awesome about old west stories, in my book.

2010-01-24, 02:10 AM
I don't know, I just heard a rumor. Also, who's Jonah Hex? Isn't he some sort of immortal, time-travelling Superman bad guy?

I'd tell you, but I'll let a fan song (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M64jPqFjrBY) do that instead.

2010-01-24, 02:11 AM
Jonah Hex was originally an antihero with a scarred face set in the old west


Although he has been somehow transported to other times and locales due to plot.

Rumor has it they'll also be doing a Sgt. Rock film set in the future because they dont believe modern Americans connect with or understand WWIII anymore.

2010-01-24, 02:11 AM
I don't know, I just heard a rumor. Also, who's Jonah Hex? Isn't he some sort of immortal, time-travelling Superman bad guy?


So... no.

He's a cowboy.

Huh, that's a lot of ninjas.

2010-01-24, 02:13 AM
Isn't he some sort of immortal, time-travelling Superman bad guy?

No, that would be Vandall Savage. A very different and completely unrelated character.

2010-01-24, 02:16 AM
No, that would be Vandall Savage. A very different and completely unrelated character.

Vandal Savage can time-travel? I thought he was just immortal...

2010-01-24, 02:18 AM
Vandal Savage can time-travel? I thought he was just immortal...

I think it's mostly that time travel is associated with him a lot. Though I'm certain that he does do some time traveling himself at times (it is comic books)

2010-01-24, 02:48 AM
Vandal Savage can time-travel? I thought he was just immortal...
Everyone can time travel. Most of us do it only in one direction and by a 1:1 ratio though. Being immortal just means you see a bit more of the story.

2010-01-24, 06:45 AM
A better pick for Riddler? In my humble opinion, David Tennant. David Tennant all the way.


This. All of it. Oh so much.

2010-01-24, 08:38 AM
I've definitely heard rumors of a third Batman movie. I've also heard that the title is going to be "The Caped Crusader" and will star Johnny Depp as Edward Nigma, better known as "The Riddler." Personally I don't think there could be a better pick for the role, aside from the actors who've already portrayed the Riddler

Better than...


2010-01-24, 08:44 AM
A better pick for Riddler? In my humble opinion, David Tennant. David Tennant all the way.


So, yeah. Notice my "Squee".

But, sadly, I hear he's somewhat consumed with stage work and a new NBC TV show (though I reckon it won't be picked up. It sounds awful). Also, it pleases me immensely that Kristen Bell is on that poster.

2010-01-24, 11:37 AM
I remember when the rumours were for Captain Marvel (with Duane Johnson as Black Adam) and Suicide Squad.

Just as well they didn't go through with the latter. I don't want to think about how badly they'd miscast Mrs Waller, let alone screw up her characterisation.

What I'd give for a decently handled Secret Six project...

2010-01-24, 01:01 PM
So there's no more plans for another Superman movie? I thought I'd heard that they were thinking of an "edgier" Superman reboot.

2010-01-24, 01:07 PM
So there's no more plans for another Superman movie? I thought I'd heard that they were thinking of an "edgier" Superman reboot.

Right now any Superman movie is on indefinite hiatus until the trademark issues can be resolved. This makes me very sad. Stupid greedy grandkids

2010-01-24, 01:27 PM
The actor playing the Riddler doesn't matter much. Jim Carrey probably would have been fine if he had been given a script and direction that respected the character. Instead, everything after Batman (89) was Batman fighting five and a half one-dimensional speed-bumps who were obviously solidly instructed to deliver campy art deco performances that were often little more than modern wrinkles on the William Dozier/Silver Age philosophy that Batman wins because he's smart and his foes are too insane to think beyond their theme.

I'm not sure where Nolan is planning to go with the Riddler, assuming that the rumors are true. He certainly used to think that there wasn't a Riddler story that he wanted to tell, so I don't know if he thought of one or decided that he may as well cash in with a bad idea. Or maybe he's just going to do the same thing that he did with The Dark Knight and let Johnny Depp read a few comic books and then take the reins in defining a post-modern Riddler as a psychotic terrorist leaving a trail of clues in sort of a Die Hard 3 rip-off.

2010-01-24, 02:03 PM
So there's no more plans for another Superman movie? I thought I'd heard that they were thinking of an "edgier" Superman reboot.
I heard that too; they were going to give him a Mullet.

2010-01-24, 05:51 PM
I heard that too; they were going to give him a Mullet.

really? i'd heard they were going with the electric-blue version

2010-01-24, 05:52 PM
really? i'd heard they were going with the electric-blue version

...You win; Superman Blue is too painful for me to find things worse; really I can't beat that. You win, I hope you're proud of yourself.

2010-01-24, 05:57 PM
...You win; Superman Blue is too painful for me to find things worse; really I can't beat that. You win, I hope you're proud of yourself.

Superman Red AND Blue.

2010-01-24, 06:33 PM
.....Please don't remind me anymore of that; the 90s where not kind to Supes. Not in the least.

2010-01-24, 06:36 PM
.....Please don't remind me anymore of that; the 90s where not kind to Supes. Not in the least.

Compared to what Spider-Man went through, he was on easy street.

2010-01-24, 06:38 PM
True; but with Spiderman it's something that seems to be ongoing, so it's something I'm used to, still. I've been spoiled by Grant Morrison's All-Star Superman in recent years, so it hurts more to remember what happened to him.

2010-01-24, 08:50 PM
A better pick for Riddler? In my humble opinion, David Tennant. David Tennant all the way.


That idea was in my sig for a while.

2010-01-24, 08:55 PM
True; but with Spiderman it's something that seems to be ongoing, so it's something I'm used to, still. I've been spoiled by Grant Morrison's All-Star Superman in recent years, so it hurts more to remember what happened to him.

Well, Morrison did some good things with Superman Blue from what I've seen in his JLA run.

So there's that.

2010-01-24, 08:55 PM
Hollywood cannot do a Superman movie. I'd prefer to have them just stay away although that'll never happen.

2010-01-24, 09:00 PM
Hollywood cannot do a Superman movie. I'd prefer to have them just stay away although that'll never happen.

I liked the first two Christopher Reeve ones and I thought the recent one was alright.

2010-01-24, 09:08 PM
Hollywood cannot do a Superman movie.

Zod disagrees.

2010-01-24, 09:11 PM
Okay, the first two Superman movies were pretty good, but even they had some stupid things about them.

Edit: What I should say is, in the time of dark knights and wolverines, Hollywood can't do a Superman movie ANYMORE.

2010-01-24, 09:26 PM
Okay, the first two Superman movies were pretty good, but even they had some stupid things about them.

Edit: What I should say is, in the time of dark knights and wolverines, Hollywood can't do a Superman movie ANYMORE.

Hey, I'm not saying it's likely there'd be a good Superman film, but I think Ironman is proof a superhero film can be fun and good, even if the protagonist outclasses most of his enemies, and if Captain America is good, that'd indicate a morally upright hero would work.

Bit of effort, sure, and the licensing looks to be a pain, but superhero movies are better than ever these days, and if a marketing idiot doesn't become convinced that Dark & Edgy is the way to go?

Well, could be something.

2010-01-24, 09:32 PM
I think that They couldn't even make Superman II properly, given that Richard Donner was fired as the awesomesauce director halfway through and replaced with Richard Lester who thought that the movie needed to be filled with sight gags like that stupid super-breath scene. It'd be worthwhile to watch the recently released Donner cut that told the story as he intended it (as well as they could).

Of course, there have been a live-action Superman television show for twelve of the past sixteen years, so it's hard to say that he has been left out of the modern era.

2010-01-25, 02:38 AM
I heard that too; they were going to give him a Mullet.

So he'd be Brock Samson?

2010-01-25, 08:32 AM
The actor playing the Riddler doesn't matter much. Jim Carrey probably would have been fine if he had been given a script and direction that respected the character. Instead, everything after Batman (89) was Batman fighting five and a half one-dimensional speed-bumps who were obviously solidly instructed to deliver campy art deco performances that were often little more than modern wrinkles on the William Dozier/Silver Age philosophy that Batman wins because he's smart and his foes are too insane to think beyond their theme.

Jim Carrey was the best actor in a very bad movie. I think the agony booth said it the best, when there are some scenes where it seems like he's actually trying.
He'd do great as a rebooted Riddler. My only objection to him is that fans are immediately going to say "OMG IT BATMAN AND ROBIN AGAIN NOES", and I don't have the patience to listen to fans complain.
My ideal is Alan Tudyk. He's got range, and ability. Watch Dollhouse, then A Knight's Tale, then Dodgeball, and then (his best) Death at a Funeral. He'd be an awesome Riddler. Also, I'd hate a Riddler with a Brit accent, and I don't know if Tennant can fake American.
Another great option is to use the character designs from Joker, where the Riddler is an older mobster with wild long red hair.
EDIT- I'm also working on a good Superman script in my free time, just for fun. So far, it's awesome. Would Michael C Hall make a good Lex Luthor?

2010-01-25, 03:20 PM
So he'd be Brock Samson?

Um I do believe the mullet comment was a reference to the Death of Superman story in which Superman was seemingly killed and replaced by a bunch of new heroes most of whom were evil, crazy or both in the end he came back with a terrible 90s mullet.

Zen Monkey
2010-01-25, 03:58 PM
It makes me a little sad that there have been mentions of Alan Tudyk's work without a reference to Serenity or Firefly, where he successfully played both smart and silly without being cartoonish.

And I think the mullet-Superman was from when they were considering Nicholas Cage for the role.

2010-01-25, 05:05 PM
As far as good superman movies go, I think Superman has one big problem; What villain to use? You've got Lex Luthor and then....I mean, I could name several, but few of them would make compelling villains in a full-length film.

2010-01-25, 05:07 PM
Brainiac! Darksied! Hank Henshaw! Thats just the first three movie appropriate Superman rogues I can think of.

2010-01-25, 05:44 PM
Um I do believe the mullet comment was a reference to the Death of Superman story in which Superman was seemingly killed and replaced by a bunch of new heroes most of whom were evil, crazy or both in the end he came back with a terrible 90s mullet.


It was about fifty fifty on the evil or crazy versus on the up and up, if'n I remember right. Better if you count Supergirl.

2010-01-25, 07:04 PM
Superman Red AND Blue.

You mean the ones from the 60s, that created a cure for crime and solved the love triangle when it turned out that Red liked Lana better?
Strange to see what got recycled and how.

2010-01-25, 07:07 PM
Brainiac! Darksied! Hank Henshaw! Thats just the first three movie appropriate Superman rogues I can think of.

Funny how none of them ever appear in a movie; I'm starting to wonder if Hollywood knows they exist. I'd say you can't really count Darksied; He's really become a DC villain in the last...while, really. He can't be brought in only for Supes, as he always has grander ambitions.

2010-01-25, 07:22 PM
Funny how none of them ever appear in a movie; I'm starting to wonder if Hollywood knows they exist. I'd say you can't really count Darksied; He's really become a DC villain in the last...while, really. He can't be brought in only for Supes, as he always has grander ambitions.

And really, he's Orion's villain.

Son destined to kill father stuff. Or, alternately, Scott Free's villain. Freedom V Tyranny, etcetera.

2010-01-25, 07:25 PM
The New Gods were originally supporting characters of Superman so I still say Darksied would count.

2010-01-25, 07:31 PM
The New Gods were originally supporting characters of Superman so I still say Darksied would count.

Not entirely. I mean, sure, Kirby used his run on Jimmy Olsen to start the thing. But even the mooks of the fourth world, originally, were out of Supe's league. It wasn't about him, really.

2010-01-25, 08:40 PM
Um I do believe the mullet comment was a reference to the Death of Superman story in which Superman was seemingly killed and replaced by a bunch of new heroes most of whom were evil, crazy or both in the end he came back with a terrible 90s mullet.
I can't comment on the stories themselves, as comics were verboten in the house growing up, but I thought supermans 'mullet' (looked more like Jesus hair to me) looked pretty nifty at the time.

2010-01-26, 02:39 AM
It makes me a little sad that there have been mentions of Alan Tudyk's work without a reference to Serenity or Firefly, where he successfully played both smart and silly without being cartoonish.
I'll be honest, I'm completely underwhelmed by Wash.
He was also good in Knocked UP. "Tighter" hehe.
But don't watch V. There are some things that shouldn't happen.

2010-01-26, 10:30 AM

It was about fifty fifty on the evil or crazy versus on the up and up, if'n I remember right. Better if you count Supergirl.

Hank Henshaw was clearly evil and crazy. The Eradicator was playing by the Kryptonian ethics rule book, which probably also counts as crazy but not really evil. Superboy was a juvenile sellout, and Steel was awesomesauce. This is somewhere near the point where Mae learned the truth about Lex II and went rogue for a while, but I don't recall if that was during Kal's death.