View Full Version : (Star trek) "Threshold" is awful

2010-01-23, 01:15 PM
I just watched "Threshold" of Voyager.
The stench of that episode will take weeks to wash out of my eyes with bleach....

Boy was it awful.

purple gelatinous cube o' Doom
2010-01-23, 02:11 PM
You watched Voyager to begin with. There's your problem.

2010-01-23, 02:16 PM
You watched Voyager to begin with. There's your problem.

Voyager isn't THAT bad.

Threshold is however.

2010-01-23, 02:18 PM

Yep, Threshold was a groaner.
I often wondered what will eventually happen to the "newts" over the next several million years.

I've also wondered why they never just set the flyer to make another warp 10 trip, but this time unmanned and programmed to pop back into realspace near earth to deliver a message.

Lord Fullbladder, Master of Goblins
2010-01-23, 02:18 PM
Oh come on. You can do a lot worse than Threshold.

I can't think of any right now, but I'm sure there is.

2010-01-23, 02:20 PM
Or, you know, use their Holographic doctor to treat people. Or an automated system. Or send a message to Star Fleet when they reappear on how to fix the problem.

There's a reason even the writers declared it discontinuity.

2010-01-23, 02:20 PM
Oh come on. You can do a lot worse than Threshold.

I can't think of any right now, but I'm sure there is.

I have plans to watch the star wars holiday special and compare it to this episode of star trek.

2010-01-23, 02:29 PM
Oh come on. You can do a lot worse than Threshold.

I can't think of any right now, but I'm sure there is.

TNG "Code of Honor".

YAY!! It's a planet full of black people, so obviously they're going to kidnap people and then make them fight for no reason :smallannoyed:

I'm a massive Star Trek Fanboy, but that annoyed even me.

2010-01-23, 02:31 PM
TNG "Code of Honor".

YAY!! It's a planet full of black people, so obviously they're going to kidnap people and then make them fight for no reason :smallannoyed:

I'm a massive Star Trek Fanboy, but that annoyed even me.

Hmmmmmmm...I don't remember that episode, but I DO remember watching it, so I can't comment.

2010-01-23, 03:41 PM
Obligatory Funny Reviews: from SFDebris (http://www.youtube.com/user/sfdebris#p/u/93/Nsaucfx8lxI) and the Agony Booth. (http://www.agonybooth.com/recaps/Star_Trek/Voyager/Threshold.aspx) And yes, the episode is bad. Not as bad as some TOS episodes, though, or most of the first two seasons of Enterprise.

2010-01-23, 03:54 PM
Weirdly enough, I didn't hate Threshold the first time I watched it. I was more like "Ha! Lizards!"

That two-parter where the Doctor helps those murderous holograms, on the other hand ...

2010-01-23, 04:36 PM
I have plans to watch the star wars holiday special and compare it to this episode of star trek.

You have no idea what you're getting yourself into.

2010-01-23, 04:59 PM
You have no idea what you're getting yourself into.

What? It can't be as bad as threshold....

2010-01-23, 05:04 PM
What? It can't be as bad as threshold....

Save yourself the pain and torment. Watch the Nostalgia Critic review (http://www.thatguywiththeglasses.com/videolinks/thatguywiththeglasses/nostalgia-critic/15087-swchr) instead. I can assure you, it most certainly is that bad.

Lord of Syntax
2010-01-23, 05:04 PM
VOY usually sucks, but the Star Trek "Best Episode Evar!" is from Voyager, and it is "Author, Author (http://memory-alpha.org/en/wiki/Author,_Author_%28episode%29)".

2010-01-23, 05:07 PM
Weirdly enough, I didn't hate Threshold the first time I watched it. I was more like "Ha! Lizards!"

That two-parter where the Doctor helps those murderous holograms, on the other hand ...

I actually liked those. The concept of holograms revolting against really brutal creators was an interesting one to me, and I can see why the Doctor would eventually side with them...at least for a while.

Code of Honor from TNG as previously mentioned was awful. I'd personally call that the personal low point of the entire series, or close to it. Even worse than any Lwaxana Troi episode.

2010-01-23, 05:12 PM
VOY usually sucks, but the Star Trek "Best Episode Evar!" is from Voyager, and it is "Author, Author (http://memory-alpha.org/en/wiki/Author,_Author_%28episode%29)".

I liked Voyager. It wasn't amazing (obviously) but the Doctor was great. Not to mention Neelix (aka horniest alien ever after Kes left :smallcool:)

2010-01-23, 05:14 PM
VOY usually sucks, but the Star Trek "Best Episode Evar!" is from Voyager, and it is "Author, Author (http://memory-alpha.org/en/wiki/Author,_Author_%28episode%29)".
That was a very good one, and I do love the Doctor, but you would think there would be some precedent already in place from Data's trial of humanity. My personal favourites are probably The Inner Light and Darmok.

2010-01-23, 05:50 PM
Don't know which on is my #1 favorite, but I'm sure it's from Deep Space 9. Maybe the best TV series ever, it is.

2010-01-23, 05:52 PM
Save yourself the pain and torment. Watch the Nostalgia Critic review (http://www.thatguywiththeglasses.com/videolinks/thatguywiththeglasses/nostalgia-critic/15087-swchr) instead. I can assure you, it most certainly is that bad.

Doesn't seem to matter now by the looks of it, netflix does not seem to carry the star wars holiday special.

2010-01-23, 05:57 PM
Don't know which on is my #1 favorite, but I'm sure it's from Deep Space 9. Maybe the best TV series ever, it is.

It's grown on me, especially Odo (I think I just have a soft spot for the freaks in Star Trek). Never liked Quark tho, they portray him as a good Ferengi for years, but everything he does is against their traditions and he seems to despise them when he goes home.

2010-01-23, 06:34 PM
Threshold never happened. They even have characters make comments in later episodes (like never having travelled above a certain speed) to prove it never happened.

Even the writers wanted to strangle the writers.

Another Voyager-related problem: when Seven of Nine was introduced to the show they noticed that ratings rose. They assumed that this was entirely due to the size of Jeri Ryan's breasts, rather than any interesting new plotlines and character development. And thus, when Enterprise came around...

2010-01-23, 07:06 PM
Oh come on. You can do a lot worse than Threshold.

I can't think of any right now, but I'm sure there is.

A night in sickbay?

2010-01-23, 07:10 PM
Cause clearly a couple of hours training with a Vulcan will enable a bunch of miners to run rings round trained Klingon warriors in hand-to-hand to combat

Soras Teva Gee
2010-01-23, 07:19 PM
Doesn't seem to matter now by the looks of it, netflix does not seem to carry the star wars holiday special.

That's because the only functional lightsaber ever made was given to a Sith who's sole purpose in life is to hunt down and destroy that special, and any who possess, it for his dark master.

2010-01-23, 09:54 PM
That's because the only functional lightsaber ever made was given to a Sith who's sole purpose in life is to hunt down and destroy that special, and any who possess, it for his dark master.
But I thought the Sith were the bad guys... :smallconfused:

The Glyphstone
2010-01-23, 11:41 PM
Even Evil Has Standards. (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/EvenEvilHasStandards)

2010-01-24, 02:36 AM
That's because the only functional lightsaber ever made was given to a Sith who's sole purpose in life is to hunt down and destroy that special, and any who possess, it for his dark master.

George Lucas ordered it suppressed and no more copies sold. This is the guy who would later go on to create the Prequel Trilogy. The Star Wars Holiday Special was just that bad.

2010-01-24, 05:40 AM
Doesn't seem to matter now by the looks of it, netflix does not seem to carry the star wars holiday special.

That's because it was never released on VHS, let alone DVD and only exists in bootleg form from the one time it ever aired.

You can find it on Google video (http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=323909610753051544#) however. Its been on there for some time, so it seems Lucas has given has tacit approval.

May the baker of sky-cake have mercy on my soul.

I would be remiss if I did not mention that the guys over at rifftrax (http://www.rifftrax.com/rifftrax/star-wars-holiday-special) have softened the blow.

2010-01-24, 07:55 AM
That's because it was never released on VHS, let alone DVD and only exists in bootleg form from the one time it ever aired.

You can find it on Google video (http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=323909610753051544#) however. Its been on there for some time, so it seems Lucas has given has tacit approval.

May the baker of sky-cake have mercy on my soul.

I would be remiss if I did not mention that the guys over at rifftrax (http://www.rifftrax.com/rifftrax/star-wars-holiday-special) have softened the blow.
I have begun to watch the show!

I will record my progress here.

Think of it as a lets play of a movie.

0:56: Boy does this show have bad lighting.

1:24:Is it just me or are the star destroyers firing too fast?

1:32: LIFE DAY?


3:44: Hold it! I didn't know wookies lived like that....

4:30: HELLO? SUBTITLES! I can't understand a word they're saying!

6:10: Lumpy must have been adopted, no son of chewbacca is that dumb.

7:02: I didn't know wookies had cameras and picture frames!


2010-01-24, 08:16 AM
I have plans to watch the star wars holiday special and compare it to this episode of star trek.

Hey there's no need for that!

At least one of those contravenes the Geneva Convention, not sure which actually does...

2010-01-24, 08:26 AM
I have begun to watch the show!

I will record my progress here.

Think of it as a lets play of a movie.

It has only just begun. When you think you may have earned a reprieve in the not-quite-as-terrible-as-the-rest cartoon, you are punished with Bea Arthur singing.

2010-01-24, 09:50 AM
8:26: What.the.HECK?

9:16: Whoever made this must be in a mental asylum.

10:09: I wish there were subtitles, cause I cannot understand WHY THE HECK DID HE PUT THIS CIRCUS THING ON?!

11:46: Wookies have computers? Wookies have TRAFFIC?

13:01: When did Luke learn wookie?

14:31: Wookies. do not. SMILE.

14:47: I thought R2 was an expert mechanic.

16:09: Wookies need plastic bags?

17:05: Why isn't the imperial officer noticing the man speaking with the family of a wanted criminal and confirmed supporter of the rebels?



27:25: One rebel ship on ONE STINKIN PLANET causes the empire to declare martial law all over the galaxy?


37:36: Leia has an office?

2010-01-25, 03:42 AM
I just remembered what is even more awful than Threshold.

Profit and Lace.

Yes, I dared mention it. Now I must bleach my brain again so I forget all about it.

2010-01-25, 03:47 PM
I just remembered what is even more awful than Threshold.

Profit and Lace.

Yes, I dared mention it. Now I must bleach my brain again so I forget all about it.

You make Kobold to sad to play anymore :smallfrown: :smallfurious:

Edit: Voyager - Concerning flight. Janeway spends an episode running around a planet with Leonardo Da Vinci then they launch off a cliff on his flying machine.

K-B's emotions during the second half of this episode:






2010-01-25, 04:58 PM
38:20: When did LEIA learn wookie?
39:43: There are some things man should not see, like han solo and a wookie hugging.
40:43: REALLY,lady, if you are the wife of a wanted criminal you do NOT run up to the door without checking the front door.
44:44: Lady, you are a wookie. RIP.THEIR.ARMS.OFF.
49:04:.......WHY? WHY?
51:03:Why are their instruments glowing? Are they force-users? Is their music so powerful it radiates their life energy?
55:08: How is that stormtrooper strong enough to push away a wookie?
1:00:09: C-3PO looks hideous in animation.
1:18:00: What kind of droid dies out almost instantly?
1:57:59: It has been a long,strange, and very,very, dumb journey, I have gone mad by this very bad movie. ALL HAIL MASTER CTHULU!

2010-01-26, 12:23 PM
Thank you, gamerkid, for subjecting yourself to hell for the rest of our sakes. I was actually *alive* when that movie first came out. It never aired, for whatever reason, in Las Vegas. I guess I now know why.

You realize, of course, you can't unsee it. Years from now you'll wake up screaming from nightmares from the Holiday Special.

BTW, I heard that Boba Fett made a cameo in the Holiday Special. Was that true?


Brian P.

2010-01-26, 01:09 PM
Thank you, gamerkid, for subjecting yourself to hell for the rest of our sakes. I was actually *alive* when that movie first came out. It never aired, for whatever reason, in Las Vegas. I guess I now know why.

You realize, of course, you can't unsee it. Years from now you'll wake up screaming from nightmares from the Holiday Special.

BTW, I heard that Boba Fett made a cameo in the Holiday Special. Was that true?


Brian P.

Yes, it is true, in a animated short in the middle of the show that chewbacca's son watches, but the animation was pretty horrific.

2010-01-26, 01:11 PM
Oh come on. You can do a lot worse than Threshold.

I can't think of any right now, but I'm sure there is.

SPOCK'S BRAIN (http://memory-alpha.org/en/wiki/Spock%27s_Brain)

"Brain and brain! What is brain?"

2010-01-26, 01:12 PM
Thank you, gamerkid, for subjecting yourself to hell for the rest of our sakes. I was actually *alive* when that movie first came out. It never aired, for whatever reason, in Las Vegas. I guess I now know why.

You realize, of course, you can't unsee it. Years from now you'll wake up screaming from nightmares from the Holiday Special.

BTW, I heard that Boba Fett made a cameo in the Holiday Special. Was that true?


Brian P.

Yes. In fact, it was his first appearance.

It sucked. Not as much as the rest of the special, but that ain't saying much.

2010-01-26, 01:15 PM
I'm not watching it!

[hides under bed]
It can't hurt me if I can't see it... it can't hurt me if I can't see it...

2010-01-26, 01:18 PM
SPOCK'S BRAIN (http://memory-alpha.org/en/wiki/Spock%27s_Brain)

"Brain and brain! What is brain?"

Night in Sickbay.

NIGHT. IN. SICKBAY. (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/Ptitlegf1u3pozudh8?from=Main.ThisIsSparta)