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View Full Version : Mass Effect 2: Who's your Shepard?

2010-01-24, 02:25 PM
Just last night I won my "official" run of Mass Effect, dedicated to building the best save I could to import into ME2 when it comes out this week. Of course, now I don't have anything to do but sit and wait and the waiting is killing me. So I thought we ME fans could share the Shepards we're planning on starting with. I'll start, but I'm really bored so it'll be a bit long...

Name: Bridan Shephard
Gender: Male (Standard Appearance)
Training: Infiltrator (Commando)
Preservice Record: Earthborn
Psychological Profile: Sole Survivor
Weapon of Choice: Pistol

History: Born in the slums of Earth, Bridan was raised by street gangs and quickly developed a smart mouth, a distrust of authority, and particularly pragmatic approach to life. Unsatisfied by opportunities available to him in the gangs, he turned to the only other place a person like him could advance: the Aliance Military. Although his performance was remarkable, taking full advantage of his life on the streets, he did not get along well with authority. His early service records are rife with reports of insubordination and few believed he would ever become a commissioned officer. This changed, however, during a mission on Akuze, his first mission as a sergeant.

His unit was caught by surprise in a nest of thresher maws, an event he would later discover was orchestrated by Cerberus. The viscious predators spared no time in disabling their transport and then proceeded to devour those lucky enough to escape the burning vehicle. Armed with only a pistol, Bridan danced in the minefield of the thresher nest, dodging their attacks and firing back in an attempt to rescue survivors. Although he succeeded in holding them off until backup arrive, only two of his squadmates were still alive. Even they were in critical condition, however, and Bridan learned the next day that neither survived the night.

The events on Akuze changed him, more than anyone could have predicted. Survivor's guilt and a deep felt need to give meaning to his unit's deaths were transmuted in his soul to become an insurmountable determination to succeed. Despite a continuing reputation for flippant remarks, his performance went from merely remarkable to exemplary and he quickly worked his way up the ranks. What few people know, however, is that he keeps a list of those who have died under his command and recites it nightly, as though it were a prayer, or when he feels his determination begin to crumble beneath him.

There was also another unexpected consequence of his experiences on Akuze. Having faced death so closely and personally had instilled a new respect for life. As a result, Bridan would go to great lengths to protect civilians and always pursued the path of least bloodshed, always attempting to use diplomacy and guile wherever possible. When these fail, however, he displays no qualms about resorting to lethal force, brandishing his pistol with a honed mastery few could hope to match.

His recent service as a member of the Spectres has been mired in controversy, from his unexpected appointment to his use of nuclear ordinance during his mission on Virmire. Highlights of his career include the rescue of a Rachni queen (effectively reviving a race long believed extinct) and successfully resolving the problems on Feros without civilian casualties. He was a frequent opponent of Cerberus, at one point declaring all out war on the organization after hearing of Admiral Kohoku's disappearance. He considered the debt paid, however, after selling captured Cerberus secrets to the Shadow Broker, and returned to his pursuit of Saren.

Skilled in the arts of pistol combat to the extreme and maintaining a healthy balance of heroism and pragmatism, Bridan was a popular choice for many covert missions from Alliance leadership. In each mission, his performance exceeded their expectations, going so far as driving a major Geth offensive out of an entire star cluster with only a three man team. Indeed, the only enemy he shows any fear of are thresher maws, insisting at each encounter to fight the creature alone, on foot, and with his pistol. Although he never gives a reason for this suicidal behavior, he returns from each victory a little more at peace with his past.

His dedication to the mission must also be noted as exceptional. This is most clearly seen on his mission to Virmire. When circumstances forced him to choose between assisting two friends, he opted to protect a bomb that was core to the mission. While his instincts in this matter proved correct, as Saren arrived to personaly disable the device, it should be noted that the Commander chose to complete the mission rather than save the woman he was romantically involved with, adding the name of Ashley Williams to his nightly prayer...

Despite his romantic ties to Gunnery Sergeant Williams, Bridan's closest friend and constant ally was the quarian Tali'Zorah nar Rayya. Although he was close with all his squad mates, the shotgun toting engineer never left his side after her rescue, insisting on being included in every away mission. Although Tali claims that this was in order to find a gift to complete her Pilgrimage, their friends note that she was no less insistent after attaining suitable data on the Geth.

With Saren defeated and the council saved, there's no telling what fate has in store for Bridan Shepard. He stops in occassionally to talk to Councilman Anderson, but otherwise he's more or less dropped off the net. Hopefully I'll know more in a couple days.