View Full Version : In the Emperors' Hand

2010-01-24, 09:15 PM
It is the month of the Serpent, Isawa Calendar 1165, and in Hanami Mura the cherry blossoms are only just now returning to bloom once again. Rokugan is in disarray - the rain of blood that stripped the trees in Hanami Mura created havoc elsewhere in the form of aberrant behavior and cults of maho-tsukai, and the Unicorn and the Lion have begun to threaten open warfare over the town of Kaeru Toshi.

At Shiroi Hana Shudoin (http://photos.igougo.com/images/p50526-Honolulu-the_Byodo-In.jpg), however, life is peaceful. The day is a warm one, but the breeze blowing off of Sakura Yuki Lake and across the orchards renders the temple grounds cool and fragrant. The drone of the gardener monks chanting is carried by it, and intermingles with the prayers of the acolytes of the temple courtyard.

It is nearly noon, and the temple library is brilliantly illuminated by diffuse sunlight through the paper screens. Like most monasteries, the building as a whole is sparsely decorated, favoring elegant simplicity over decadent ostentation. The library matches the rest of the building in form, its only ornamentation the finely carved and polished cherrywood bookshelves and scrollstands. Despite this its content makes it seem almost gaudy. Even the simplest of the books are meticulously bound in leather; some have gold or silver inlay along the spine for the title. The scroll hanging in front of the semicircle of seats at the back of the room is capped at the ends with bejeweled solid jade, worth twenty koku for the materials alone.

Upon entering, a tonsured monk invites the visitors to make themselves comfortably seated, and informs them that Abbot Nobuhito will shortly return from his meditations.

Upon entering, please describe your physical appearance to everyone else, and please feel free to converse until everyone finishes their prologues! You have not been asked to relinquish your weapons.

2010-01-24, 10:09 PM
Taki elected to stand, having spent enough time sitting. He was taller then the average Hare, which meant he was only slightly shorter then most, with a lean build. His hair was cut short, black, and was kept orderly through alot of effort. He had green eyes, which looked out over a prominent nose, and face that drastically thinned. It had vaguely distrustful look about it. He was dressed in a Kimono, the main color of it being Gray. The sash was Red, and it had a White Stripe running diagonally from his shoulder to the hem, as well as his Clans Mon sown at his heart as normal. He wore the Katana and Wakizashi as per normal, both weapons plain, but bearing his clans mark on the sheath, and a Shobo hung from the Sash.

Taki stood close to Akemi, looking at the Monk. He was obviously a Dragon, and Taki had seen enough of the Hare Clan's traditional allies to know he was Togashi. Dragon's were less rare here then elsewhere. But he was still curious. Of course the Dragon was probably the same. Hares were to be expected here, and Cranes were normal to Hanami Mura, but their presence suggested a purpose.

"Good day, honored Togashi-Sama."

Taki inclined his head in greeting.

Disco Soup
2010-01-24, 10:44 PM
"Good day, Hare-sama," Jei, who is shirtless, his three tattoos of the Lion, Crane and Arrowroot visible on his right bicep, back and heart, bows deeply, "It is a pleasure to make acquaintance. This one is Togashi Jei. May I ask your name, sama?"

I am not sure if Jei is supposed to be the monk described earlier. I'll play as if I've been in the room either way.

2010-01-25, 03:50 PM
I edited my post to say -sama, instead of -san. -sama would be impolite, and Taki wasn't being intentionally so.

Taki inclined his head graciously again, acknowledging that the Monk had honored him by referring to him with the respectful honorific.

"I am Usagi Taki, Togashi-Sama. This is my wife, Doji Akemi-Sama."

Taki was introducing his wife, and thusly used the Honorific, giving her the correct amount of respect. Despite being her husband, her status as a member of a Great Clan, compared to his own as a Minor still commanded respect.

Disco Soup
2010-01-25, 04:01 PM
Now that the Dragon knows the family origin of the Hare, he politely changes his manner of address.

"A pleasure, Doji-sama and Usagi-sama," Jei bows once more. Remembering his manners, he decides not to comment on the fact that the spouses do not share a family name, but continues, "May I ask how long Usagi-sama has been in the city?"

Jei has monk status, so it may not be strictly necessary for him to be addressed as sama, but you are very polite. Likewise with him addressing you in that manner. This strikes me as a nice opportunity to show some of the newer players the finer points of Rokugani etiquette.

2010-01-25, 04:36 PM
Taki smiled, and nodded. Hare's were careful by nature with information, but this piece of news was one that was pointless to conceal.

"Not very long, I fear. Only a few days. If it is not amiss, how long have you been in the city yourself, Togashi-Sama?"

Disco Soup
2010-01-25, 04:50 PM
"This one has just arrived yesterday. Already though, the city is apparently seeming suitable to the pursuit of enlightenment."

2010-01-25, 05:04 PM
Taki nodded. Hanami Mura was something special, for the Hare Clan particuraly, but even for the whole of Rokugan.

"Hanami Mura is a place of true beauty. The Hare Clan has always been honored to have been given the responsibility of its protection."

Disco Soup
2010-01-25, 07:04 PM
"And they have ever done their utmost in that duty. Perhaps dai-sojo Nobuhito-sama will be speaking to us on that particular subject?"

2010-01-25, 07:06 PM
Taki shrugged. He wasn't going to say what his lord had told him. The Abbot could reveal what was going on, or not, depending on his choices.

"I can't say. The Abbot is an important man, with many concerns."

Disco Soup
2010-01-25, 08:52 PM
"But of course, Usagi-sama is a true paragon of duty. Please do not allow this one to intrude upon sensitive matters with clumsy words," Jei speaks with hopeful sincerity.

2010-01-25, 09:16 PM
Taki shook his head softly.

"Sensitive matters or non, I cannot say, for I simply do not know, Togashi-Sama."

Disco Soup
2010-01-25, 11:05 PM
"Knowledge, of whatever subject, is a thing to cultivate. And what better place than a library, such as this one?" Jei is hoping to make a new contact at this point, and speaks with what he hopes will be perceived as warmth or enthusiasm. While new to this village, he has spent months in the land of the Hare and has come to see their frequently paranoid nature. One must never give a Hare reason to believe one an enemy.

2010-01-26, 12:50 AM

Doji Akemi sits down next to where Taki is, smiling serenely, in a way which many courtiers would be proud of. Her hair is worn long, and bleached white in the classic fashion of the Crane, and she has the face and build of a Doji. Her kimono is in white and blue, with mostly blue and a white belt, from which an ornately decorated wakizashi and katana hang.

Indeed it is, and the books are obviously well-kept.

Not sure whether it was your mistake or your character's to refer to her as a Daidoji, so Akemi hasn't reacted yet.

2010-01-26, 01:00 AM
Taki held his tongue, even if he knew both his wife, and the Dragon were wrong. He knew that there was knowledge that would have been best left uncovered. Whose sheer existence doomed those who recognized it. Either to be consumed, or struggle against it.

But that is something I cannot even share with Akemi. What I know must remain where it is.

"I must yield to your expertise, I fear. I have never been a scholar."

Disco Soup
2010-01-26, 08:38 AM
"Then what a splendid pair Doji-sama and Usagi-sama make! The virtuous Hare warrior and the noble Crane scholar!" Jei addresses Akemi, "Doji-sama, is there an area in which you specialize your interest in learning?"

Mine. I misread the thread. Edited for a fix. Thanks.

2010-01-26, 01:25 PM
Ah... as far as my other duties leave time for me to study- which, lately, has been quite a bit- I do like to learn about the history of Rokugan. By which I mean those smaller incidents in the past, which tend not to be taught at school simply because they're considered insignificant. Quite often, they are not insignificant at all.

Disco Soup
2010-01-26, 03:12 PM
"Oh, Doji-sama," Jei perks up at the hint of hidden wisdom, "If this one may ask, could Doji-sama provide an example of what she has learned from a study of history?"

2010-01-26, 04:30 PM
Ah... mistakes made in the past that can be avoided in present situations... that sort of thing.

Akemi smiles. I'm also learning Shogi as a diversion...

Disco Soup
2010-01-26, 05:29 PM
And telling me about it as a diversion, too... Jei ascertains that perhaps he is again probing too deeply. It would not do to have the Doji repeat aloud the overlooked mistakes of any of their ancestors.

Her daisho shows her to be a bushi, but her words are wise and discreet.

"Ah, an excellent pursuit. Enhancing one's mind through strategy games increases one's ability for one's daimyo. Please, is it hard?"

2010-01-26, 05:46 PM
It is challenging. I have only a little skill at it so far...

2010-01-26, 06:17 PM
Taki shook his head, reentering the conversation at this point.

"Akemi, you are far to humble. She is gifted at the game, at least to my untrained eyes."

Taki dropped the honorific. It had served its purpose, and she was his wife. If there was anyone who could refer to by their given name, it was her.

Disco Soup
2010-01-26, 07:10 PM
"While this one has no training in Shogi, it would be lovely to see Doji-sama play once. It is said that games reveal the mind."

2010-01-26, 07:53 PM
Ah... at the moment, I haven't played more than a couple of games...

however, if you wish to see me play, it might be arranged.

Disco Soup
2010-01-26, 08:08 PM
"If Doji-sama would condescend to play a leser opponent, this one would enjoy the stimulus." Jei bows again.

2010-01-26, 08:12 PM
All right. Let's find a board, then...

2010-01-26, 10:57 PM
The would-be shogi players were interrupted by the sound of footsteps. A red-clad monk in his early forties entered and bowed low. "The samurai Bayushi Nomen, and companion." He allowed the pair following him to enter, and bowed again. "Please forgive the tardiness of our monastery and enjoy our hospitality. The Abbot will arrive swiftly." He looked around the room, bowed once more, stated something about sending a novice for some chilled green tea, and left.

Disco Soup
2010-01-26, 11:45 PM
"It would seem that perhaps time may not permit a game, just yet," Jei comments to the side. Seeing the Scorpion and the monk, Jei bows low but makes sure not to rudely leave the side of his new-found associates, "Good day to Bayushi-sama and brother monk-sama. This one is Togashi Jei."

Having spent little time with Crane, Jei is unsure if it would be rude to introduce new strangers.

2010-01-27, 12:12 AM
Taki's eyes had already narrowed the moment he looked at the Samurai's attire, his hand gripping the Shobo before releasing it. He couldn't attack the Scorpion, no matter the anger manifested in his presence. The Scorpion had no business. Taki had been born after the burning of Shiro Usagi, but like every Hare, he had heard the stories, and seen the marks of it. And now one of the family who had commanded that Army was here.

"...hello, Bayushi Nomen-San, Monk-San. Welcome to the lands of the Hare."

Taki's use of San was quite deliberate, and intended to insult the Bayushi, and his hostility was quite obvious from his words, a sarcastic inflection being added to the second sentence. Scorpions had no place in the Land of the Hare, and deserved no respect. They were liars, thieves.

"I am Usagi Taki, of the Hare Clan. What brings you to our home?"

Taki was still speaking confrontationally. He wouldn't attack first, but if he provoked this Nomen, he could deal with him without disgracing his clan.

2010-01-27, 12:12 AM
Akemi paused as a Scorpion entered the room. There was... little lost love between the two Clans.

"Hello. I am Doji Akemi.

As my husband has asked, I also wish to know what brings you here."

Disco Soup
2010-01-27, 12:39 AM
Ah, kuso. No, no Jei, no curses. Hostility is here but do not let it affect you. Jei's anxiety is for the Hare, these Scorpion can be dangerous, but seldom without giving them a reason.

2010-01-27, 08:45 AM
Nomen elected to stand for a moment and cast an appraising eye across the group, allowing a little tension to build over how he would respond to the Hare's obvious informality. Calculating dark eyes bore out from a chiseled face that bore the powerful, dangerous beauty of the Bayushi clan, and long black hair flowed down across his back to dark purple robes embroidered with blood-red edges and the Scorpion mon. He cast a striking figure, and even though he wore only the wakizashi typical to a courtier, he looked like he would be more than willing to wield it in defence of his honour.

After a long beat, he broke his stony gaze with a wicked grin and bowed lightly to Taki. Usagi Taki-san, it is an honour to be welcomed so openly to your lands. I must confess I had been briefly concerned we might be met with hostility by someone shortsighted and petty, he turned to address his servant, as if concluding a traveling dialogue and here instead we are greeted as old friends. I am glad indeed to see the Hare do not long hold grudges over the events of the past. Nomen crossed the room to seat himself beside the others, deliberately choosing to sit closer to the Hare and his wife than he imagined they were comfortable with.

And honourable Togashi-sama, it is always a pleasure to meet one so enlightened as a member of your clan. He bowed to the monk in equal reflection of the bow he had been given. You are though quite a way from home...perhaps it is enlightenment you have come to share with us, that has also been picked up by the family of our host? A Dragon this far outside their mountains was indeed an unusual sight, but there had seldom been much conflict between their two clans. His address of the monk lacked the sarcastic tone he had used with Taki. Or perhaps you are here to the same purpose as me.

Reaching to the pot of tea on the table, he poured himself a full cup and paused to drink it completely. They could ask questions as rudely as they liked, and he could choose to take his time to answer them. Ah, the teas they make in this province are most spectacular. I have always had a fondness for sakura blossom tea. It is most unfortunate, I hear the harvests are not what they once were, blighted by unnatural blood-magic. Tragic that that should happen here...is that a subject about which you know anything, Usagi Taki-san? Nomen kept his tone light and conversational as he cocked an eyebrow at Taki.

Disco Soup
2010-01-27, 09:33 AM
"As this one has no knowledge of Bayushi-sama's purpose, it seems that I cannot correctly answer Bayushi-sama. However, Bayushi-sama is correct in the guess that this one has wandered in search of enlightenment. And perhaps, yes, it is to be found the lands of the noble Usagi."

Zing, Thrawn. 5 Awesome points.

2010-01-27, 10:11 AM
Taki didn't grow any more visibly angry. He wasn't a courtier, and wouldn't win a battle of words with this man. If he hadn't been able to push the fellow already, then there wasn't much he could do.

"Perhaps the trees dislike those who mistake honest grievances for pettyness. Or maybe they recall lies and treachery, and weep that those responsible are free. The Sakura Blossom's are very sensitive to such, I fear. But most likely not. After all, the Emperor's Justice finds all such honorless dogs eventually, doesn't it?"

Taki crooked a smile. He wouldn't be giving the Scorpion any respect. He may not be able to demand that the Scorpion name his purpose, but he could demand other things.

"Unfortunately, I must again request your travelling papers, Bayushi-San. These are troubled times, and the Hare must watch their borders. Of course, Bayushi-San and his companion are so obviously trustworthy as to render the documents a mere formality, but I must ask."

Taki's voice was dripping with sarcasm. If he couldn't provoke the fellow into attacking him, he could, at the very least, see him expelled summarily from Hare Lands. He had to remain within the boundaries of socially acceptable behavior. But there was still quite a bit of flex in those rules. Most likely the Scorpion had his paper's in order, or at the very least appeared to. But either way, Taki planned to inform Gensei. A couple of Samurai could be excused to... guide this Nomen.

"I'm sure you understand."

2010-01-27, 02:13 PM
Nene seated herself demurely in seiza by the wall, her eyes downcast, taking no part in the discussion. Practise had made holding her tongue second nature by now - it was not for the likes of her guise as a servant to speak up when samurai were talking. She listened to the dialogue though, taking note of the nuances of speech and the attitudes of the conversants. She was amazed at how Nomen had handled the encounter. She herself was not unskilled with words, not in the slightest, but the Bayushi courtier shaped his words like a master artisan. She saw entirely why he had been chosen for this mission.

2010-01-27, 03:46 PM
You are wise, Usagi-san, perhaps more so than you know. The Scorpion too seek to bring justice to the dogs who engage in such treacherous practices against the Emperor. And we have in the past been fairly effective at it. Rather than riling his ire, Taki elicited another frustrating grin as Nomen continued to delight in dancing around him with his words. This was fun to him, and if all the Hare he was to deal with were as transparent as this one in their anger, they would be too easy to manipulate.

When Taki asked to see his papers, he chuckled out loud. Trustworthy? Heh, perhaps you are not as wise as I thought, Usagi-san. Or perhaps no-one has ever told you the reason every single member of my clan veils themselves with a mask, and what our reputation is that we are cast as villians in plays all across Rokugan. I find it strange and wonderful you have been so long unknowing of what others say of us. He laughed as he waved his servant forwards to present their documents for the inspection of the Hare. Perhaps you thought that Scorpions are forbidden from residing in this villiage because of our poor talents as merchants, or fear that we might talk too loudly in the evenings? He turned to the Dragon beside him. Togashi-sama, I presume you to be a traveled monk, you must know of what people say about my Clan. He turned back to Taki, as though educating a child. "Never trust a Scorpion." "Beware the sting of a Scorpion." "When a Scorpion speaks, nod politely and check your purse." So please, examine our papers as you like. Have them brought before the villiage master, if it pleases you, to check them for signs of forgery.

He once again addressed Jei. Honourable Togashi-sama, perhaps you can be my sensei, and tell me why it is that all men are deceitful in practice: the Lion in his cunning tactics, the Crane in his sweet, misleading promises, the Phoenix in his obfuscations meant to horde his knowledge, and yet of all of them it is only the Scoprion men remember to be wary of; the most honest of them all, for we wear our deception on our faces for all to see. All men betray, and others suffer for it, yet only the Scorpion are cursed for it, when we are the most plain in our intentions. He waves at the veil that lightly covers the top half of his face. It is a simple thing of which we seek to remind others: "Do not mistrust a Scorpion, trust no-one."

2010-01-27, 04:08 PM
Taki listened to the Scorpion impassively, not impressed. The Scorpion spoke well, but then they always did. However words could do nothing against the bulwark of his Clan's memory, the shame and disgrace. His words matched the Scorpion's educational tone, willing to meet the Courtier.

"Bayushi-San, it appears your education lacked something, if you you think to teach me that. That can be forgiven. In a history full of betrayals, lies, and deceptions, it is inevitable that you would miss some few. You may not recall, but we Hare remember at least once when the Scorpion's dishonesty forced another to pay its price. Lies in front of the Emperor, made in sworn statements, after an attack declared illegal by codes as Old as the Minor Clans themselves. But, in that one, it seems even the Scorpions were out matched by the greater decievers. I cannot seem to remember who it was that destroyed the Cancer that was the Kolat, who brough them to 'justice' as you said. Was it the Scorpions, with their honest dishonesty, lies and aspersions on the honor of those who have faithfully served the Empire since it's founding? Or was it a small group of Samurai who the Scorpion's had lied about in open Court, and whose honor refused to let them break? Next time you return home, you might ask for me."

Taki's anger was gone now, buried, and he seemed bright and chipper again. Of course, anyone familiar with him would be able to tell that it was just a sham, but that was to be expected.

"As for your Paper's, I simply desire them to see that you are in our lands with the permission of the Hare, or the Emperor. If you are here rightfully, I'm certain two or three Hare can be spared to make sure you reach your destination. Otherwise, I will be forced to take steps to... eject you. Unfortunate, I know, but that is the price of order."

2010-01-27, 06:06 PM
The bushi spoke plainly, with great passion but little appreciation for the subtlties of conversation that drove the courts. Toying with him had been entertaining, but now they had ended where they were bound to, and Nomen had no interest in spending the next hour listening to the Hare's list of grievances against his clan; he chose not to antagonize the other any further. I shall be sure to do that for you. I would hate to see any clan's history misrepresented by later generations. Nene. He waved forward the servant that had avoided the conversation so far. You have our paper about you, do you not?

2010-01-27, 09:20 PM
Nene stood and produced a sheaf of papers, sealed and tied with ribbon. "I do, Nomen-sama. Shall I go with the honourable Hare-sama to verify their genuine nature?"

The girl was obviously well trained as a servant, probably a family retainer since birth, her family in a pact of service with the Bayushi. Her tone towards Nomen was tinged with familiarity, though it did contain the proper respect due a samurai from a peasant, and spoke of long acquaintance.

Disco Soup
2010-01-27, 10:42 PM
Jei attempts to keep his jaw from opening in shock at the depth of Nomen's words, but is only partly successful.

"Bayushi-sama, this one could not presume to teach anything to one such as yourself. Bayushi-sama is quite the wise soul. And it seems that often there are no satisfactory answers to some questions."

2010-01-27, 10:59 PM
Taki took the papers, and looked them over carefully, nodding. The indications that they were genuine were there. Of course, nothing could be completely fabrication proof, but it would require one of the Hare giving up their secrets. And he wouldn't believe that without further evidence.

"That won't be needed. It appears these are genuine. I'll speak with Usagi Ginsei-Sama about procuring an escort for you after we are done here. I'd hate for you to get lost on you way back to Scorpion Territory."

2010-01-28, 03:44 AM
While her husband showed his hostility to the Scorpion Samurai, Akemi remained silent. She, too, had no real love for the Scorpion, but was willing to see whether he was like the rest of his Clan.

Unfortunately, the answer seemed to be 'yes'. Akemi silently resolved to be on her guard against both the Scorpion and his servant.

Disco Soup
2010-01-28, 12:58 PM
Nene the monk, eh? It seems that this one has not taken a vow of silence. It would be interesting to gain the perspective of one attached to the Scorpion, yet apart. Jei views the young monk and resolves to speak with her later.

2010-01-28, 10:06 PM
The monk from before enters and bows once more, followed by yet another samurai, this one dressed in the colors of the Lion. "Matsu Naoharu-sama, please introduce yourself to our other guests. These are Usagi Taki-sama, Doji Akemi-sama, Togashi Jei-sama, and Bayushi Nomen-sama and his servant." The monk extends his hand, palm up, to each in turn in order to indicate them. "The abbot is finishing his meditations and will be by in only a few minutes, so please continue to get to know one another." With that, the monk bows himself out, leaving Naoharu alone with the rest.

2010-01-28, 11:58 PM
Your praise honours me, Togashi-sama. And it is a great delight for me to know there are still some in the empire enlightened enough to accept wisdom regardless of its source. I am sure there is much we might learn of each other, should we yet have the opportunity to enjoy company together. Nomen bows to the monk again, then turns to observe the Lion being ushered into the chamber with them. Once the introductions have been made, he stands and bows to the newcomer. Matsu-sama, a pleasure to meet you. You must have had a long journey to get here, if you have traveled all the way from Lion lands. Please, come in and take a seat. The tea they make in this part of the empire is most excellent. He was most entertained to see both how the Lion reacted to his presence, and how the Hare would respond to his little usurption of the other's authority.

2010-01-29, 12:20 AM
Taki smiled at Scorpion. Perhaps he had nettled the Courtier more then he thought, if he made a mistake as such.

"Greetings to the Honored Matsu-Sama. Those of the Lion Clan are always welcome in the lands of the Hare. I would not deign to overstep my bounds as a guest, and instruct you to impinge upon the hospitality of our host, the honorable Abbot, but I agree with Bayushi-San. The Sakura Tea is wonderful."

Taki stressed the words "the Honorable Abbot." The Scorpion had either started playing another game entirely, or he had just accidently slighted the Abbot in his hurry to nettle Taki. It wouldn't matter, but it was a victory, and in an arena Taki was a noice in.

2010-01-29, 06:34 AM
You must forgive my ignorance of your customs, Usagi-sama; He bowed apologetically to the bushi, showing a good deal more politeness to him in front of the Lion than he had recieved. when I was shown in here to see you seated and drinking, and allowed to drink unchallenged myself, I did not realize the honourable abbot might yet have reason to oppose a Lion doing the same. Nomen smiled sincerely at the newcomer, leaving him to wonder how much of Taki's terseness was directed at him. My apologies for my indiscretion in bidding you welcome, Matsu-sama. The manners of the Hare's hospitality are still unknown to me. I sometimes forget my place, and that I am not back in Toshi Ranbo. As Taki remained standing by his wife's place at the table, Nomen walked back around it towards the door, both to better greet the Lion and to visibly distance himself from that which Naoharu had not been invited to join. The message, he hoped, was clear: despite Taki's words of welcome, neither samurai from Scorpion nor Lion lands were truly welcome here. Better that the outsiders stick together.

I know you meant to keep trying to disrespect Bayushi-san, but was greeting Naoharu as -san over -sama a typo, perhaps? If not, you're making Nomen's job too easy :smallamused:.

2010-01-29, 10:45 AM
"Indeed? Then I must have some of this excellent tea. How could I not, when there have been two such glowing recommendations of Usagi Taki-san and Bayushi Nomen-san if I'm not mistaken?"

Naoharu grinned broadly at both of them. A Hare and a Scorpion in the same room and violence had not ensued? What good fortune! A cup of good tea and a seat for potential bloodshed, it made the rather boring trip here worth it. Naoharu pouted, the sake houses along the way seem to be having a dry spell having neither a decent cup nor loose tongues to wring. Naoharu's gaze flitted across the room to take in the other people,

"Where are my manners? I haven't formally introduced myself to all of you. As the monk astutely noted, I am Matsu Naoharu."

Naoharu bowed to Togashi Jei, hands formally at his side,

"You must be Togashi Jei-san, a pleasant surprise to see a Dragon wander away from your mountains. Perhaps the tea lured you here?"

Naoharu laughed as he turned to face Doji Akemi,

"Ah, by your radiant features and perfected taste in kimonos, you have to be Doji Akemi-san. What is a beauty like you doing unescorted in this monastery? This is unacceptable and I must insist to be your escort while you are here."

Naoharu's frame carried a rather youthful spring to it as he strode across the room, kimono swishing quietly. Naoharu found the nearest empty seat next to Akemi and sat down. Naoharu straightened some of the less neat lines of his deep orange kimono, the Matsu mon embroidered over his heart rather than the Lion. He did not carry katana nor wakizashi in his obi. Naoharu's dark black hair glistened in the light and his skin still looked slightly damp. His face still had the fading traces of baby-fat clinging to it betraying his relatively young age.

He gestured for the servant to bring him a cup of the tea. After he accepted the cup and took a sip from it, he smiled. The tea was rather good. He was going to have to ask the monks where he could find some of this tea to bring back with him. Naoharu took another sip and looked around,,

"Oh don't let me interrupt your previous conversation, honored gentlemen. I do so appreciate banter."

2010-01-29, 02:18 PM
Akemi's eyebrows raised somewhat. I thank you for the kind offer, but I already have an escort. My husband, Usagi Taki.

2010-01-29, 02:51 PM
Yeah, it was a typo. Taki's only being deliberately rude to Nomen.

Taki didn't lose a step, still smiling. Nomen was less a Scorpion and more a Snake, slipping away from being tied down. But it mattered little. However he did give a visual reaction to the Lion attempting to chat up his wife, visibly bothered by it.

"Thank you for your kind offer, Matsu-Sama, but the duty of escorting Akemi is one that I do not believe I will share."

Taki wasn't angry, but he was firm. He didn't think that Akemi would fall for this butterfly of a Lion, but he didn't want her being bothered.

2010-01-29, 03:17 PM
"Please accept my pardon and congratulations, Taki-san and Akemi-san. I was not aware of your marriage and meant no offense."

Naoharu replied smoothly, so the Crane was already claimed by the Hare... There was always more fish in the stream to be had. Naoharu had no intention to find himself skewered by a jealous husband, as amusing at it would be to play the little games.

"If there is anything I can do to make up for my crass behavior, please tell me."

2010-01-29, 10:14 PM
The door opens. The venerable monk (http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_P8Wv8pEaNzo/R_dme51auII/AAAAAAAAADc/IZNs44IOTHY/s320/gwnzazn.gif) who enters moves with the slow grace sometimes found among martial artists towards the end of their lives, an unconscious elegance born of a lifetime's work towards mastering the human body. His entrance is without ceremony, and for a few moments he nearly goes unnoticed, such is the serenity of his presence. Nevertheless, as he walks to the front of the room the conversation stops, leaving the sounds of windchimes and shishi odoshi (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lf1bWcBpEw8&feature=related) as the only background noise.

The monk bows respectfully and gestures to the crowd to sit before doing so himself, taking a position to the front of the room between two calligraphy-covered wall scrolls. "Blessings of the kami upon you all. I am Nobuhito, the abbot of Shiroi Hana Shudoin and keeper of its library. I have been looking forward to all of your arrivals for some time now. It is my understanding that many of you do not understand why it is that the monastery is seeking help from outsiders, or the nature of that business. It is therefore my intent to set it upon you equally and all at once, so that each of you may agree to or refuse our request fully informed.

Nobuhito extends his hand towards the bookshelves covered with scrolls (http://www.parrishrelics.com/images/wizardscrollcase.jpg) and books of enormous value. "This library was established by Emperor Hantei XXVII during a peaceful period of the history of Rokugan. Its stated purpose was then, and still is, the preservation of the words of the emperors, written in the emperors' own hand." He takes a battered yellow scroll out of his robes and gently unrolls it on the hard wooden floor, revealing a somewhat unexceptional text - a copy of the Tao of Shinsei, upon closer examination, written by an unexceptional calligrapher. "There are few enough such documents, as most emperors are surrounded by a legion of official scribes; the majority are either artifacts such as this, written after an emperor's retirement from public service, or writings that concern matters of an extremely personal nature." He pauses to clear his throat. "While the value of such documents is mainly historical, the Emperor holds his throne by the will of the kami and as such can be seen as a divine being himself. Such an interpretation of his status would render even the most seemingly trivial notes as being of equal value to the codes set down by the Kami to the seven clans."

Nobuhito smiles wryly. "I would like to believe that I have a more worldly viewpoint than that of the scholar who first penned that particular argument, I would have to agree with him in a limited sense. The words of the emperors do seem to have a particular divine quality to them. In particular, no fewer than seven of the nine copies of the Tao of Shinsei made by the twentysixth Hantei after his retirement have since awakened as nemuranai." Nobuhito continues to allow examination of the scroll, though he seems averse to untrained hands touching it. "This monastery is of course not the only possessor of such a library. After the burning of Otosan Uchi, however, it is one of the largest." He takes a moment to pause after that statement, to show respect for the loss of the Imperial City. "With the loss of the Otomo and Miya libraries, many valuable artifacts damaged or destroyed - a lamentable fact, but not one that can be changed. However, many of the documents lost were simply copies of other works, as many families who have received a personal message from an emperor would prefer not to relinquish such a valuable object. The Miya and Otomo have been commanded to contact the Clans and to ask for copies of any such artifacts that can be found in their main libraries, but such an approach will necessarily miss any pieces that could be found in a private collection."

Nobuhito nods to the group in front of him, his eyes examining each face in turn. "Such a fact has not escaped the eye of Toturi-heika, and he has commanded the monasteries to accomplish what they will in filling those gaps. However, our monastery is at this moment entirely committed to the preservation of Hanami Mura, and we have very few monks suitable for long journeys even if the situation here changed." He drops his voice slightly - not in a conspiratorial manner, but rather as if the act of speaking had suddenly become awkward. "It is the opinion of the senior monks of this temple that we must send representatives in our stead. It troubles me to impose such a duty on an outsider to the temple, but the will of the Emperor comes before such trivial matters. All of you have some connection to our temple, be it through obligation, ties of family, or the brotherhood of monks. To accept this duty means a long and difficult journey under the seal of the Emperor, with little reward beyond the service it will provide to the Brotherhood of Shinsei and to the Emperor." He takes a deep breath, as if to steady himself, then bows low from the waist, almost to the point of dogeza. "Even knowing this, will you assist us?"

Disco Soup
2010-01-29, 10:24 PM
Speaking clearly but keeping his head bowed, Jei responds, "On behalf of the Dragon Clan and its Three Orders, this one is at the service of yourself, dai-sojo, and the Emperor."

2010-01-29, 10:36 PM
Taki nodded at the Abbot, standing and bowing to the kindly Monk.

"There is no need for hesitation. The Usagi Family and the Hare Clan are deeply indebted to you for your services. You need only ask."

2010-01-29, 11:19 PM
Akemi smiles. "Of course I will."

2010-01-30, 02:20 AM
There is no reward worth speaking of beyond service to the Emperor. We live to serve, and if that is the Emperor's will, I shall go without question. Nomen bowed to the abbot.

2010-01-30, 07:22 AM
Nene let her eyes widen, as if overawed by the magnitude of the task. A quest set them by the Emperor himself - surely a servant girl could be forgiven for some amazement at the association with the throne, however slight. She gazed at the scroll, apparently bewitched by the sight of an Emperor's personal handwriting.

Inwardly, though, her mind was whirling. They were to travel to private libraries, and - by the Emperor's command - take copies of the scrolls they found there. Such knowledge she would see, that none outside the clans that owned them had seen before. Such knowledge that could have an extra copy taken of it, and smuggled home for the Scorpion to use in the defense of the realm.

2010-01-30, 07:09 PM
It appeared that Mitsukuni-sensei had more than just a little inkling when setting out his rumor, Naoharu mused. Just what sort of ties did he have? Besides that, the monk had made mention of the works scattered across the lands. Naoharu hoped that none resided in the Ikoma Libraries for he was definitely not willing to confront the librarians over handing over any of the copies. Nor was he planning to hand over any from the Libraries, to do so would be contrary to what he was taught.

Other than that potential complication, it would be a fun expedition to find these copies of the Tao. Even more so if they were a complete copy of the True Tao... Naoharu smiled at that thought as he bowed to the abbot,

"Say no more honored Abbot, I pledge my services to assist you on this matter. Preservation of any scrap of our history is vital."

2010-01-30, 08:00 PM
The abbot bows once more with gratitude. "I am gratified and humbled by your rapid acceptance." Nobuhito sits for a moment in silence, as if choosing his next words. "I obviously could not expect you to leave immediately, but the temple shujenga tell me that the weather tomorrow will be auspicious for travelers. On behalf of Shiroi Hana Shudoin, I extend the invitation to any of you who have not secured lodgings to rest here. Additionally, though we have very little, the resources of the abbey are yours to use."

He looks around the room. "I am unused to speaking to samurai in such a manner. Please, if you have questions, ask them of me. I am not a harsh daimyo, to give you a mission and send you on your way without knowledge of how to accomplish it. If there is aught I have left out, I am more than happy to further enlighten you."

Disco Soup
2010-01-30, 10:50 PM
Again speaking up, Jei asks, "Besides those of us in this room, shall any others undertake this task, dai-sojo-sama?"

2010-01-31, 09:20 AM
The abbot nods. "This is not the only monastery to embark on such a task. I maintain correspondence with my colleagues accordingly, trying to coordinate our search efforts. However, there is as of yet no one else that Shiroi Hana Shudoin can send, and it seems unlikely that the efforts of this monastery and the efforts of a neighbor shall intersect."

2010-01-31, 10:40 PM
"I do have one small request, honored abbot. I notice that this monastery is in possession of a great number of scrolls and written works. I was wondering if you would allow me to indulge a small habit of mine and allow me access to read several of them while I'm here?"

Naoharu looked sheepishly enthusiastic as he made his request. Who knew, perhaps Sensei's rumor had a bit of truth to it. It would be a great coup to find one of the lost volumes here.

2010-01-31, 10:55 PM
The abbot smiled a bit more personably at this, one loreseeker to another. "Of course you may. The resources of the abbey are at your disposal. Please, feel free to ask myself or one of the other librarians for assistance if there is a particular matter you wish to study."

2010-01-31, 11:42 PM
"Honoured Abbot, I do have one concern. The knowledge in these scrolls would, presumably, be extremely valuable. I assume there is a possibility that some might wish it for... dishonorable ends?

2010-01-31, 11:51 PM
Nobuhito frowns. "While I dislike imagining such a contingency, the possibility remains that some may choose to use it dishonorably, or choose to try and prevent it from seeing the light of day. It may be that in the course of your investigations, you uncover materials that were previously undiscovered even by the libraries of Otosan Uchi. Indeed it is my fervent hope that you do - but I deem the chances slim. It is most likely that you will have to prevent the pieces from being stolen or sold; a matter not inconsequential given the historical and material value of some of these objects." He gives a significant glance to the jade and gold-filled walls of the library.

Disco Soup
2010-01-31, 11:52 PM
Hmm, perhaps the Crane has been long in her husband's home. I can't imagine a child of Doji asking such a question in mixed company. I sure hope our Scorpion friends don't make too much of it.

2010-02-01, 12:26 AM
Akemi winces when she realises the gaffe.

Oh... that was far too straight...

it did have to be asked, though...

2010-02-01, 09:10 AM
The abbot looks around the room as if gauging the atmosphere, then straightens. "Forgive me. I do not mean to put anyone on the spot for questions, and I realize that some of you may have matters that you would rather not discuss in front of others. Please, attend to your travel requirements. If you wish to take dinner with us, the evening meal is held at the seventh bell." It is a polite but clear dismissal, and to emphasize the point Nobuhito stands and bows once more.

I will be sending some PMs around to let you know what happens to you in the 'interim'; this may take me a little while to type it all so don't get anxious if you don't get one right away. (If I skip you entirely, though, do let me know - I anticipate having it all done by tonight at the latest, more likely by noon.) Feel free to post whatever goodbyes etc. you like in this thread in the meantime; once PMs are all done I'll fast forward to 'tomorrow morning'.

General matters: If there is mundane equipment that you need and don't have listed, write it down as though you had it (within reason.) The monks are poor, so don't do anything too fancy - and if you think it'd be too expensive, take a lower quality item. I'm not too fussed. To keep my inbox clean, any 'abbot questions' that aren't super-secret you can just put in the OC thread, especially since others may have the same question.

2010-02-01, 10:21 PM
The weather on the following morning is blue and clear, with moderate temperatures and mild breezes - in short, a beautiful spring day. The courtyard of Shiroi Hana Shudoin is bustling with activity as the monks of the temple try with varying degrees of skill to get all the horses packed and ready. The group assigned to recover the writings is assembled in the courtyard, being addressed by Abbot Nobuhito.

The Abbot appears to be the sort of person often given to long speeches and windy sermons, for as the morning has passed by all in the courtyard have heard the virtues of the emperor and his servants extolled, been warned about the hazards of long travel, impressed upon with the severity and magnitude of the task, and otherwise belabored with mostly inconsequential prose. As he finishes, however, he reaches into a box held by another monk and produces slips of paper. "These papers bear the Imperial Stamp and are the affirmation of your orders. Present them to anyone, and they may not legally oppose you so long as your requests directly pertain to your mission. I trust that I need not overstate the importance of keeping these secure and undamaged." He hands out each in turn to be examined, along with weatherproof scroll cases large enough to carry more than just one piece of paper. "Go proudly, for you go with the Emperor's blessings upon you."

Nobuhito turns to the group. "Your first destination is the town of Kudo. As a center for the Minor Clan Alliance, it will allow you to make contact with samurai from many parts of the Empire. Additionally, an ancestor of Magistrate Ujina Ayame, who resides there, was known to correspond with the 36th Hantei." He pulls a second sheet of paper out of the box. "This list has a few documents that our investigations have uncovered that you might be able to track down in the kudo area. The last known holder of most of these lived generations ago, so finding them could be difficult, but it's a place to start." He hands it to Usagi Taki and bows. "The Kami travel with you all."

After the ceremony is finished and the horses are firmly saddled and equipped, the band of samurai sets off and the town of Hanami Mura recedes into the distance. For the first time, these samurai are alone with each other, without supervision or the constraints of living as guests in anothers' household.

Disco Soup
2010-02-02, 12:27 AM
Jei remains silent, but he glances about, taking in the sight of the assembled samurai. Enlightenment is perhaps to be found with them?

2010-02-02, 08:12 AM
Taki rides steadily, only ocassionally looking back at the men and women who formed the company. He never looked at the Scorpions, having decided that the best way to deal with their presence on this mission was to entirely ignore it. He would not breach the Abbot's trust, but neither would he make any motion to decrease the tension between them. It didn't mean he wasn't watching them, however. Neither Scorpion would "just slip out for a moment."

2010-02-02, 10:37 PM
Naoharu fidgeted on his horse, the silence amongst his fellow travelers was stifling. Bah, what sort of journey would be a fun one without a few stories told to help shorten the trip? He filed through his stock for some stories that didn't paint any of the clans the others were from in a particularly bad light and also were salted with action and ribald humor.

Ah, here was a good one... Naoharu laughed and launched into storytelling mode, speaking loudly enough that everyone in the group could hear.

"Truly the Fortunes are smiling down on us all, blessing us with such a fine day to go out traveling on. No soggy rain, tiresome mud, or inconvenient impediments on the road. It's a fine day to be out seeing the natural wonders of the Empire.

However, not every day can be flawless like today. That is what Akodo Danjuro discovered when he..."

Rolling Storytelling: 3k3

Disco Soup
2010-02-03, 12:10 AM
While attempting to scan the area, Jei finds his attention diverted to the Lion's tale.

Oh, crap, if he makes a dirty joke, I can't laugh. I can't laugh in front of these people. Oh crap.

Jei listens intently, biting his inner cheek just in case.

2010-02-03, 01:25 AM
Akemi listens to the tale in mild interest, also keeping an eye on the road.

Disco Soup
2010-02-03, 08:47 PM
"A most excellent story, Ikoma-sama," Jei comments as Naoharu finishes, "The thanks of a humble monk are yours."

2010-02-04, 12:28 PM
After the story ends, the group once more lapses back into silence despite Naoharu's efforts. It stretches, growing more and more awkward by the hour, as none of the group of strangers can quite seem to find the words to say to one another in order to break the ice. Nonetheless, they make good time following the roads along the Shiroi Kin Kawa (White Gold River) towards the Kawa no Kin. It is thus that when the wind picks up and the sky darkens with stormclouds that the majority of the temples and roadside shrines near Hanami Mura have been left far behind. It is starting to look very much like a spring hailstorm, and without seeking cover of some sort it could be a very painful experience.

For those who would trust the horses beneath their heels and the kami to provide, a travelers' inn can almost certainly be found some distance ahead, as the travelers have not yet reached a day's walk's distance from Hanami Mura. Alternately, the woods of Shinomen Mori will surely provide some cover from the elements, but the depths of the forest are strange and mysterious - even the Hare do not know all the forest's secrets.

Disco Soup
2010-02-04, 02:02 PM
"Samas, if this one may, perhaps it may be wisest to stay within the city this night?" Jei opines to the group.

2010-02-05, 01:04 AM
Naoharu looks up at the skies pensively, being caught outside in a hailstorm was not his idea of a fun time. At least at Hanami Mura, there would be cover and the promise of a fresh bottle,

"That sounds like a wonderful idea, Togashi-san. Let's go find a nice inn to rest and wait out the storm. Besides, a nice bottle of spirits and a hot meal is always a good thing to cap a day's travel with."

2010-02-05, 01:33 AM
We's have to push a bit if we went for an inn to make it before the storm breaks.

2010-02-05, 05:51 AM
Nomen does little but nod in agreement with the Hare's statement. Unlike the other, he would not go out of his way to offend anyone, but at least when they were all together in a group, he imagined there was little he would do to overcome their natural prejudice towards his clan. And frankly he was disinclined to try. The Lion seemed amiable enough, and perhaps the Dragon was hungry enough for knowledge that he would be willing to hear things from the Scorpion perspective, but suspicion and resentment were potent enough tools to use if they were all he was left with.

Making a mental note to gague how receptive the others were to him when they were seperated at the inn, Nomen urged his horse onwards ahead of the storm.

2010-02-05, 10:50 PM
Having reached a general consensus, the group of samurai set spurs to horses and pound off down the road, racing the oncoming storm. By the time they come into view of the inn, the wind threatens to blow some of the lighter travelers off of their horses, and the rain has changed from a few fat drops to a howling, blinding fury. The sky flashes and cracks with thunder, and the horses' eyes are white with fright.

As the riders approach the inn proper, a middle-aged heimin man helps guide the horses to the stable at the buildings' side, shouting to a sullen boy of about twelve years' age to help get the horses' tack off and give them a proper rubdown. The wind and rain defies conversation, so this is accomplished mainly with gestures and loud shouts. With the six riding animals and three pack beasts the stable is full nearly to bursting, for in the end stall looms an enormous grey stallion of gaijin blood, and beside it several mares of similar breed, if not comparable size. The explanation for these strange beasts is found inside the inn proper, where an extra table has hurriedly been pulled up next to one that bears a half-eaten meal, and guests seated before it.

From their purple-on-white kimonos and robes, four of the guests are clearly of the Unicorn Clan. Two have the look of warriors, but are markedly different in appearance. The older man is short, squat, and barrel-chested, with a full beard on his face and tightly braided hair; his clothing is heavily accented with furs, as is his swordbelt, which holds gaijin weapons instead of the traditional daisho. The younger warrior is long and lean of body, with wind-tangled hair and a the permanently bronzed face of a lifetime horseman. Though traditionally dressed, the younger bushi still has an air of the exotic about him, whether it be the cast of his eyes or the beaded ornaments he wears.

The other two Unicorns are a woman and a child, but they do not look related. The woman is young and beautiful, and dresses like a courtier; if the child has not yet completed his gempukku it seems only a matter of time and experience. From his manner, it seems that the child is a student, or perhaps a child, of the older bushi.

On the other side of the table from the unicorns are a cheerful-looking elderly man in Dragon green, a magistrate's hat on the floor within arm's reach, and a dour mustachioed swordsman in ronin grey, who always seems to be leaving one arm free for easy access to his daisho.

Serving the guests are a matronly heimin woman who appears to be the proprietoress of the establishment and a pretty young girl who looks like a maid of some sort. Conversation lulls to a halt as the half-soaked samurai enter the inn, and the matron of the inn looks up. "More customers, Tenshin? Ai ya! Where are we going to put them all?" There is a look of dismay on her face for a few seconds, but she quickly composes herself and bows first, as is appropriate. "Welcome, travelers! I am Ryoko, and this is my ryokan." Tenshin, the heimin who lead the samurai in rolls his eyes at the pun, and she shoots him a look in return. "Please, don't stand around in those wet things, you'll catch cold. Saya-chan, go open up the spare rooms and air out some mattresses - and come back and let us know when you're done so they can dry off and get changed. I'll put some more tea on to boil... can I get you food, something while you wait?"

2010-02-05, 11:22 PM
"Indeed you can proprietress, I think a bottle of some strong spirits first will do wonders for warming up our bones. Isn't that right, my friends?"

Naoharu smiled broadly despite resembling a soaked cat. It was fortunate that they got out of the rain when they did. He looked around and commandeered an empty table near to a hearth and nearer to the table occupied by the Unicorns, Dragon, and ronin. There was a joke in that somewhere, Naoharu thought. If not, then he would invent one.

Naoharu gestured for the others to be seated as he dithered over what to order,

"I think something light to start off with, perhaps some of the house pickles? Also if you have any dumplings or toasted cakes that'll be fine too. I think besides the shochu, if you have any bancha or hojicha..."

2010-02-06, 12:12 AM
Madame Ryoko smiles and immediately begins to procure food, drinks, and teas. The lean and lanky Unicorn, meanwhile, raises a cup to Naoharu. "An excellent choice, sir. The shochu here is no substitute for Mantis awamori, but it's still quite good - I swear, half the fun in leaving Unicorn lands is finding strong drinks that they don't throw so much aniseed into." The tall man raises one eyebrow. "So what brings a motley like you to a place like this, all together?"

2010-02-06, 11:17 AM
Naoharu nods his thanks as Madame Ryoko brings out the bottle of shochu and several cups. After he fills his companions' cups and graciously accepting a filled cup from one of the others he takes a sip savoring the taste. He raises his cup in turn to the Unicorn and smiles,

"Is that so? You have quite the tongue for drink, Unicorn-san. I'm always on the hunt for a good bottle or two. Perhaps later, we should swap tales about spirits?"

Naoharu drinks a bit more before speaking,

"My companions are just traveling the lands on a sightseeing tour. As for me, I'm just merely a storyteller traveling along for entertainment purposes and finding good stories that need to be recorded.

Although one could also ask the same of you and your companions. It is a long way from the Unicorn lands to here and you have a diverse group too."

Naoharu laughs,

"Perhaps you too are about sightseeing too? Teaching the younger one here about the various people on these lands? I approve, I find tutoring sessions to be quite a bore. Much better for a more hands-on approach to learning."

OOC: Which one is the tall one? The ronin or the Dragon magistrate?

Disco Soup
2010-02-06, 01:09 PM
Careful, Ikoma-sama, musn't give away everything, Jei thinks to himself before scolding himself for doubting the loyalty or competence of a Lion courtier.

Jei glances about the room, trying to make sure that all is well.

Investigation roll of 4. The RNG hates me. (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/2397385/)

Waiting till it would be polite, Jei bows and speaks, "Greetings, Unicorn-samas, this one is Jei, of the Order of Togashi."

2010-02-06, 02:31 PM
The taller Unicorn so far is the only one who's spoken; the magistrate appears to be a Kitsuki. Nothing looks overtly suspicious in the room.

The lanky bushi nods towards the woman beside him. "This vision of loveliness is the illustrious Ide Tsukiko-sama, on a diplomatic mission to our minor clan neighbors. Moto Chilaun-san and I are merely her yojimbo, and Iesuge-kun is Chilaun-san's student - so you see, it is a fairly standard group after all." As their names are mentioned, Tsukiko smiles demurely, Chilaun makes a curt grunt of acknowledgement, and Iesuge gets to his knees to bow more formally. A few seconds later, the tall samurai's hawklike face shows a dawning expression of comprehension. "Ah, ah, where are my manners? Allow me to introduce if I may the inn's other guests, who we met here this night. Magistrate Kitsuki Kenichi-sama, who has come to take vows at Shiroi Hana Shudoin, and our silent friend here is Masakari Jiro-kun. The magistrate waves affably (and a bit bemusedly; it seems that the magistrate may be indulging in a few vices of the flesh before taking vows that will likely include sobriety) and the ronin rolls his eyes at the informal Unicorn and takes a swig of the alcohol in front of him. As he turns to put down his cup he twists his back, showing a pair of Masakari axes strapped to his back. "Ah! And I am Shinjo Denbe, a pleasure to make your acquaintance."

The fur-clad bushi Chilaun makes a tch of annoyance. "You talk too much, Denbe. Don't just go spewing off our names to every wet dog that comes in out of the rain." He places one hand on his scimitar and looks the incoming group up and down for a few seconds, then tches again and goes back to his food.

2010-02-06, 05:26 PM
My name is Doji Akemi, and this is my husband, Usagi Taki.

2010-02-06, 06:04 PM
"I agree with Moto Chilaun-san, Denbe-san. But I wouldn't worry too much, I'm sure you will get the opportunity to practice when some wet dogs come in out of the storm."

Naoharu grinned at Chilaun before looking back at Denbe. It was good that Denbe was so forthcoming with names and information. This would make his job much easier without having to go through the usual motions. Naoharu reached into his obi and pulled out his bag of sweets and double-checked to make sure they weren't soaked.

"Do any of you here want a sweet? I find that traveling takes a lot out of a person that a sweet or two can easily restore."

2010-02-06, 07:05 PM
Taki bowed congenially when Akemi introduced him. He was keeping silent for the most part. He'd been out maneuvered once today, and he didn't intend for it to happen again today. For now, it was just best to watch carefully, and listen to what was said.

2010-02-06, 11:31 PM
At the offer of sweets, the magistrate's face brightens and he leans forwards. "Why, I'd be delighted! That's most kind of you, er... I apologize, I didn't catch your name. The old ears aren't what they used to be, these days." Kenichi laughs at himself with a dry self-deprecating chuckle.

"Tch, married! Just my luck." Denbe winks congenially and reaches forwards to snag the bottle of shochu. Chilaun's response is indistinct, but sounds suspiciously like "A pity her family couldn't find her a more suitable match." He is quickly overshadowed by a hastily-speaking Tsukiko, who does her best to drown out and distract from the Moto's rudeness. "A pleasure to meet you all."

The ronin looks at Jei and scowls. "Just greeting the Unicorns, are we?" Jiro's voice is surprisingly deep in comparison to his average size, and rumbles in his chest. "You have some nerve, for a holy man."

2010-02-07, 12:49 AM
Taki stiffened at the words from the Shinjo and the Moto, but held his tongue. He did take a step toward Akemi.

"A pleasure to meet you as well, Ide-Sama."

Disco Soup
2010-02-07, 01:23 AM
"Many pardons, samurai-sama," Jei bows deeply, "This one had planned to greet all in the room, but did not wish to begin a separate conversation than that of Ikoma-sama, who was already speaking."

2010-02-07, 09:40 AM
The ronin snorts. "Formal language with a clanless wolf like me, huh? I guess you're all right. Forget I said anything." Jiro looks down at his cup for a couple of seconds, pensive. "But don't call me samurai-sama. If Jiro's too informal for ya, just use Masakari. Everyone does." He looks significantly over at the Unicorns, specifically the burly Moto. "Didn't mean to take my bad mood out on ya - some people here ain't nearly so polite as you."

The charming Ide smiles at Akemi and Taki. She's a beautiful woman, but not classically so; she is both shorter and more ample of figure than current style would dictate, but possesses a warm, round face and a kind, matronly demeanor that quickly sets others at ease. "Are you heading towards Hanami Mura? Or did you come from there?" Tsukiko asks, setting her rice bowl back down on the table.

In the background of conversation for the moment, Chilaun says something probably impolite about Scorpions, and Denbe rolls his eyes and shoots the Moto a 'shut up and be polite' look back. The kid, on the other hand, appears to be doing his best to grab bites of food from other people's plates while they're focused on the new arrivals.

2010-02-07, 01:30 PM
We're coming from there.

2010-02-07, 04:27 PM
After making sure the horses are settled in the stable, Nene enters the inn though the back entrance. She takes in the crowded room at a glance, and goes to speak to the proprietress when it looks like she has a moment.

"Your pardon, Ryoko-san. I wondered if there was anything I could do to help? You look extremely busy, and I believe my master has no need of my services for the moment."

2010-02-07, 10:17 PM
Naoharu notices Iesuge working at acquiring their food and walks over and puts a few sweets on his hand and closes it with a smile. He whispered conspiratorially in Iesuge's ear.

"Here you go Iesuge-san, no need to be shy in asking. I won't tell Denbe-san if you won't."

He looks around taking in the surrounding and watching the proceedings for a bit before debating on whom he should shift his attention to.

2010-02-08, 02:46 AM
The Ide looks a little uncomfortable seeing Akemi politely stonewall her when she asks about their origins, so she swiftly changes the subject and begins to ask opinions (and offer her own) of the new spring fashions coming out of Toshi Ranbo.

"Aw, Denbe's all right;" Iesuge whispers back to Naoharu around a mouthful of sweet. "It's Chilaun I have to watch for."

In the back room, Ryoko smiles in a matronly fashion as Nene approaches her. "You're a darling child. Your master has excellent taste - don't suppose I could steal you away from him? Or her?. she jokes, wrinkles forming around her eyes. Ah, help me arrange these skewered vegetables on this platter, and keep an eye for me on the edamame roasting in the pan while I roust out some more shochu - we'll be nearly out by now, at the rate those Unicorn drink."

2010-02-08, 04:17 AM
Akemi wouldn't normally have stonewalled her, but she was a little annoyed at the remarks about her marriage to Taki.

It wasn't the insult to herself that was the problem. It was the insult to Taki, that he wasn't good enough for her.

Because she differed a great deal on that matter.

But after that, she relaxed somewhat, knowing the woman wasn't really at fault, and chatted amicably with her about small matters.

2010-02-08, 07:29 AM
Nene grins at the older woman as she busies herself in the kitchen.
"Ah, my family's been serving his since long as anyone can remember. Father'd skin me alive were I to take up with someone else!"

She deftly arranged the skewers as asked, and turned to watch over the kitchen range.

"I doubt Nomen-sama would mind though - he says I chatter too much for his tastes. And him the wordiest person I know! Mayhap he says it because I take up time when he could be talking."

I'd like to trade gossip with Ryoko - as the owner of a poplar travelling inn, she'll know plenty of news. Do I have any interesting stories to tell her?

2010-02-08, 10:31 AM
Taki just watched the group around him, appearing nothing but vaguely curious. Of course, he was watching everything, like every good Hare was trained to, but in truth, he doubted there would be much of anything. The insults of the Unicorn were minor annoyances, but at the end of the, he was still far more bothered by the presence of the Scorpion.

Requiring me to allow not one, but two of those Snakes in the lands of the Hare still bothers me.

Taki still occasionally looked over at Chilaun. He couldn't do anything about it without risking an incident, but it was alright to watch.

2010-02-08, 11:30 AM
Naoharu plies Iesuge with more sweets as he looks at Chilaun,

"Chilaun-san's your master right? Strict? I'm sure he means well, or at least that's what my master always said when being a taskmaster."

OOC: Oops, meant to say Chilaun not Denbe in my last post.

Disco Soup
2010-02-08, 05:19 PM
"Well, Masakari-sama, it appears that even this one's manners are insufficient. May I ask, is your proficiency with the axe the cause for your name?"

2010-02-08, 07:06 PM
Nomen shook the worst of the water off his travelling cloak and found a seat beside the cordial magistrate. Regardless of Hirohito's intentions, he had to congratulate the man on his seamstress, for the garment had done an excellent job of keeping him warm and reletively dry in the torrential downpour.

Besides bowing slightly in greeting, Nomen stayed initially silent and watched the two groups interact. He might normally have enjoyed the verbal dance of greeting and small talk with travelling strangers, but this was a pretty pitiful group to try and be bothered with: four Unicorn, too ill-versed in the customs of their own land as to be able to stumble through a simple greeting without offending someone, and a surly ronin. If outmaneuvering the Hare earlier had been easy, besting a Unicorn would be beating them at a game they didn't even understand how to play.

The Dragon, on the other hand, had the potential for interesting conversation. Anyone who had been travelling as a magistrate for long enough to retire must undoubtedly have a wealth of stories and experience. And if he was already too drunk to relate them tonight, he would still probably make for more entertaining company than the Unicorns.

Good evening, Kitskui-sama. He spoke to the man beside him, not interrupting any of the other's conversations. You must have travelled a long way to get here from the Gateway to the Wall if you have been travelling the magistrate's path all that time. I'm certain you must have aquired more than a few good fireside stories with all that experience. Nomen bowed his head in deference to his elder, an action not entirely manufactured by protocol. I would be honoured if you chose to while away an hour or two and share with me some of your tales and enlightenment, and a fresh bottle of shochu.

2010-02-08, 10:05 PM
Ide Tsukiko soon relaxes and behaves quite amiably towards Akemi; while the reputation of the Ide Emissary school is second only to those of the Lion, Crane, and Hare, Tsukiko seems more interested in relaxing and enjoying herself. "I was speaking with Yoritomo Okura-san, and she, if you can believe it, said that... I'm not boring you, am I?" Tsukiko says with concern. She looks around the room at the various men and suddenly giggles. "It seems we've quite lost the attention of all the men here. A shame, that; ordinarily I'd say that a lady such as yourself would command it." She winks at Akemi. "Not that you care for the flattery of any save your husband, that's quite clear, but it might be a good thing to show this lot just what it is he has that they don't, ne?" Feigning thoughtfulness, she scratches at her ear. "And it just so happens that I've a blue kimono just a few shades too bright for me that would look absolutely lovely on someone paler tucked away in my room... why don't we go up, get you dry so you don't catch cold, and come back to show you off?"

"Tsk, isn't that always the way? Men will be complaining for your entire natural life that you go on too much about this and that, and how you take forever to swap stories with the neighbors and the travelers, and then never even think to ask how it is that you knew about the blooming blackberry patch just in time for the important visitors." Ryoko grins and throws a handful of seasoning into the edamame pods, then hands off Nene's platter to her husband on his way through and out the door. "Isn't that right, dear?" she calls after him sweetly. "Speaking of fruit, dear - Nene, was it? Could you take the round-handled knife there and cut up those plums?" Ryoko is setting up plates of tea and cups as she speaks, moving with the absolute assuredness of someone who has spent decades in the same kitchen. "That scorpion of yours certainly is handsome enough, isn't he? It reminds me of the time when these Crabs came through on their way to Winter Court, bringing their Scorpion hostage, a very pretty girl, with them - only a snow came, and stuck them here..."
You do indeed have gossip. Feel free to make up as much as you like.

Chilaun is looking somewhat flushed, and as he stands he walks over towards Taki. "You're a Hare, right? Kinda hard for me to tell sometimes, but I figger if you're that short it's a pretty good bet." He belches, his breath reeking of wafting alcohol. "Kind a surprises me seein' a man from a clan like that wanderin' round with other folks. I'm not from 'round here, but way I heard it was the Hare mostly just hid out in their lands instead of goin' out and doin' somethin', y'know, useful." He bows, somewhat unsteadily and definitely short. "Greetin's to our host, then, and our compliments. For an insignificant minor clan 'thout much in the way of bushi, you manufacture decent wine." The implication that the Hare's primary virtues might lie in merchant skills and other semi-honorable trades is definitely intentional, given Chilaun's self-satisfied leer.

Iesuge rolls his eyes at Naoharu as only a teenage boy can. "That's what Tsukiko tells me, but I dunno if I believe it. I think Chilaun beats me extra hard because I'm a Horiuchi." There is a hardness and a simmering resentment behind those eyes that belies the offhanded joking manner in which he says it. "Mostly from him I've been learning how to duck, block, and parry - which I guess is like combat training? Most of the swordplay stuff I've been picking up from Denbe on the sly. It keeps Chilaun happy, anyways, knowing that he's such a good teacher when I pick stuff up quick." As he's talking, Denbe mosies on over to behind Iesuge and proceeds to reach around and snag a vegetable roll from the kid's plate. "Thought I heard my name. Matsu-san, right? Know any good tales about the Unicorn?"

Masakari looks at Jei and takes one of his hatchets out of its sheath, careful to hand it to the monk hilt-first. It is of fine construction, and well-balanced for throwing. "It's not the best regarded of weapons, or the most elegant, but it's damn effective at what it does, and you can use it almost anywhere. I would know - I been damn near everywhere, and worked a lot of places." He drinks as he talks, barely wincing at the harsh vapor of the strong liquor - the bottles in front of him look less expensive than the ones in front of the Unicorns. "I usually do yojimbo or caravan work - the axe comes in handy there because there ain't always time to draw a bow when someone sneaks up on ya. Count the notches - at least nine of those, that axe's saved my life because I could throw it faster than an archer could draw and fire." Jiro appears not to be the convivial sort, but a lopsided smirk appears on his face all the same. "Worked so well for my last employer, they promoted him so he merited Clan Bushi to guard his caravans, and he didn't have to keep paying ronin. Hmph. I hope he's still just as happy with that when his samurai are full of feathers."

The magistrate smiles at Nomen. "Ah! It's always lovely to see youngsters that know how to demonstrate appropriate respect. I dare say I have a tale or two to chill the blood on a rainy night like this - or several, in fact. Weather like this is bane to travelers, but boon to bandits who wish to pass without being tracked." He looks at Nomen and pulls out an ivory pipe, sighing fondly. "Soon enough I'll be giving this pleasure up, too. Do you smoke at all, Bayushi-san?" Kenichi asks, drawing out a mostly empty bag of tobacco. "It'll be a relief to leave all the troubles of the bloodline behind, but I have to say that I'll miss more than a few simple pleasures." He grins, seeing Nomen's face after that enigmatic statement. "I have an ancestor who was a shujenja, very interested in the application of the Kitsuki method but who never got to study at the dojo because his talents at divination were too valuable to the clan. It seems that every other week, he'll remind me that I need to pay my respects to a friend, only to find that some sort of complicated crime has occurred at the store where I was to buy a present, or that the friend has been the recipient of a mysterious riddle..." He sighs. "It made for an exciting and well-storied career, but I'm too old for that sort of shenanigans these days. Mostly, old Tobei bothers my nephew, and I get to sleep through the night without hearing about the impossible theft of a priceless vase." He chuckles as he lights his pipe with the smoldering end of an incense stick. "Have your duties as a courtier occasioned you to investigate any criminal matters, Bayushi-san?"

2010-02-08, 10:22 PM
Taki looks at Chilaun, obviously angry. If the idiot had been a member of a Minor Clan, Taki would have challenged him here and now. However, as a member of a Major Clan, Taki wasn't allowed to do so. Of course, there was little to prevent Taki from responding in kind.

"Thank you Moto-Sama. I am indeed one of the Hare Clan. We are honored by your praise. I might have worried that our wines might have not been to your taste, with the wide range of drinks that your Clan. Of course, there is little to fear on that score. After all, things that have their origin in Rokugan fear no competition from Gaijin, whatever rights they claim to our lands."

Taki turns to Ryoko, smiling, the knock on the Moto's origins completely intentional as well.

"Proprietess, could I trouble you for a Glass of whatever my friend Moto-Sama is drinking?"

Disco Soup
2010-02-09, 12:02 AM
"The lament of the successful man," Jei replies, "It is well then, that you have found employment again. Perhaps you will see Kitsuki-sama ascend to the Emerald Championship."

Jei tries to think of a joke, but falls short.

Without being impertinent, he asks, "Journeys are among the greatest ways to enlightenment. May I ask where yours is taking you?"

2010-02-09, 02:46 AM
Akemi nods. I really don't think she means any harm by it... and it would be interesting to see how I look in this kimono.

I would be happy to, Tsukiko-san.

She smiles at the other woman.

2010-02-09, 09:37 AM
Chilaun's already red face grows redder, and he looks Taki up and down in a derisive fashion. "You want what I'm drinking? This ain't fruit juice, bushi-kun. You sure ya ain't gonna mind having your girlfriend there carrying you to yer room over her shoulder in an hour or two?" He sits and thumps the table, bellowing. "You heard the man! Ain't he yer lord and master, heimin? Get a move on and bring the damn wine already!" He gives Taki a knowing leer. "Fear no gaijin, huh? Come on, then, let's see if that theory holds up. Drink up, boy - I already gave you your handicap."

Masakari snorts in a surprised laugh. "Me? Employed? Ha! I wish! What, did ya think I was workin' for the old... - 'Scuse me, 'scuse me, you tattooed guys are still dragons, right? In that case I meant the honorable elderly magistrate-sama." He rolls his eyes expressively. "Nah, I'm heading to Kudo, lookin' for work. Only reason I'm here spending money instead of camping out is because my tent has so many holes in it the only thing it keeps out is the sun in the morning." Jiro jerks his head towards the Unicorns. "And the only reason I'm down here drinkin' instead of asleep is to irritate the fat gaijin over there." He grins, showing white, if crooked, teeth beneath the dark and bushy moustache. "Seems old Unicorn ain't too fond of having to break bread and share salt with a lowly ronin."

The rooms upstairs are spacious and well-ornamented, though there appear to be only six rooms to accomodate the twelve travelers currently at the inn. Tsukiko takes a candle from the wall upstairs with her and uses it to light the candles in the room, granting light enough to see, if dimly. "Here's a towel, dear, and over there is the privacy screen. If it weren't raining, I'd suggest we share a furo - you look positively chilled, dear." She pokes her head out the door as some footsteps go by, and politely asks the servant girl to bring up some hot tea the next time she's on her way up. "Phew! Looking after men is wearisome, isn't it?" She laughs as she opens up a jewelry box, picking up pieces and holding them in the candlelight to examine them. "Not the emeralds, with your skin, and your hair's too wet for anything more complicated than a lover's knot - how's this? We'll pin it up with these ivory chopsticks, you'll wear my diamond eardrops, and all the boys will swoon over the back of your neck." She peeks around the corner of the screen, holding up her prizes. "Ai ya, dear, I wish I had your figure! Maybe I should start looking for bushi schools to join?"

2010-02-09, 02:04 PM
Taki looks at Chilaun flatly. They had both insulted the honor of each others clans, and now he had gone and insulted Akemi. He was trying to pick a fight, it seemed.

...won't work. He'll challenge me, or not at all.

"I fear Gaijin. I fear that when they become drunk, they become distasteful, impolite louts."

Taki takes the Wine from the Woman when she comes over, and downs the glass easily. If this had been for his work, there were other ways to do it, appearing to drink it and not, but he wouldn't use those here.

"Nice. Not very strong, but does have a pleasant taste and aroma."

Disco Soup
2010-02-09, 04:10 PM
Damn, this is not going to end well. Jei notices that neither the new ronin nor Jei's own companions have anything good to say about the Moto and the Moto seems none-too-thrilled about the current company.

"Pardon if I offended you, then, Masakari-san. Would you mind if I asked how you have trained yourself, as a regular warrior or have you taken other pursuits?"

2010-02-09, 05:27 PM
Thank you, Tsukiko-san.

Akemi towels off, smiling at the comment about her figure. Having been taught at a Bushi School does help.

2010-02-09, 08:01 PM
With a polite wave, Nomen refuses the magistrate's offer of a smoke. Only on rare occasions, and I'd have to be a heartless man indeed to take the final use of your very last bag of tobacco. He smilied amiably as he listened to the Dragon relate some of his adventures. He was always put at a disadvantage when it came to swapping stories, for although he had had more than one entertaining experiences while in the capitol, most of them were of too delicate a nature to simply be thrown around a campfire. Fortunately, he was also adept at keeping the conversation going where he liked.

Investigation? Well, I must say I have encountered one or two crimes in my time at Toshi Ranbo, but of course the presence of vigilant and well trained magistrates there is as great as anywhere in the empire, so there was seldom any need for someone of my amateur skills to be involved. Did you ever venture to the capitol, Kitsuki-san, or to Otosan Uchi before it fell? Now there is a sight I would have liked to see: even now some people say the grandeur of Toshi Ranbo pales in comparison to the size of the city that came before it.

The two of them chatted affably for a while about a number of topics before Nomen glanced over at the increasingly rowdy Moto, and the Hare he was trying to bait into combat. Well, this should be entertaining, provided they don't break anything too important.

2010-02-10, 12:35 AM
Ryoko comes scurrying out of the kitchen as the Moto bellows, placing trays left and right. As she leaves Taki and Chilaun, the latter bushi swats at her behind as she passes, not gently. "That for not coming here first!" he grumbles, eyeing daggers at the monk and ronin who, being closest to the kitchen, were first to receive her attentions. Chilaun takes the sake and cups and pours two more or less even measures, then waits for Taki to take whichever he prefers. "Down the hatch."
[roll0] Beginning drinking game is Raw Stamina vs. TN 10, +2 for each drink beyond the first. A failure drops the drinker one wound level. Game ends when one or both participants reach Down. A participant or an ally thereof may stall with a social skill roll and allow both participants to catch their breath, negating the +2 to the TN for that round. The Moto is currently at Grazed.

Masakari shrugs. "Ya learn stuff on the road, from whoever cares to teach ya. Ta be honest, a lot of the axe tricks I know I learned from this one ashigaru working for another caravan, way back when. Even a peasant doesn't get to be an old soldier for nothin'. Besides that, it's just been fightin', practicin' against other bushi, practicin' on my own... never been to school, of course."

Tsukiko continues to natter along merrily. "That Hare of yours seems a reliable fellow - a bit quiet and serious, but he has good eyes. Ai ya, darling, I wish I had your luck." She pauses for effect. "Chilaun," she says, sniffing, "is a lout. I mean it in the nicest possible way of course, but he simply has no sense of courtesy. Tell me, Akemi-san, what does a beauty like you do to keep a bushi's hands to himself? Probably not the same thing I'd do, ai ya." She peeks around the curtain again, this time holding a lovely blue and silver snowflake patterned kimono. "It's really more of a winter court piece, but I couldn't bear to be parted from it, and it'll like as not fit you, if a little short and a little loose." Tsukiko grins wickedly. "If you'll turn around, I'll come your hair out a bit so it doesn't go into knots when we twist it up off your neck."

Kenichi nods. "Ah yes, Otosan Uchi - I've visited several times, both before and after it fell; it was a grand old place. Simply spectacular. From the tallest towers, you could see the city hubs spread all around it, and all the various fields that went into feeding the inhabitants of the city, and know that every koku went directly into the treasury of the Emperor and the mouths of his servants and those attending him. It was a true monument to Imperial majesty." He sighs. "Of course, as often as not I was there not as a guest but rather as an investigator. There was the case of the mutilated bodies in the pleasure quarter - that one gave me night terrors for weeks. Maho, nasty business. There were the paintings that vanished from the Miya holdings; quite a peculiar story there..." He puffs thoughtfully at the pipe, seemingly looking out into space rather than at Nomen or the commotion in the corner. "I wonder if those stories will be remembered more or less for their time and location? Will Kitsuki Kenichi be a legend that lives on, or shall my children surpass me?" He chuckles to himself once again, a dry laugh that quickly metamorphoses into a dry cough. "Don't get old, son - it's not worth it."

2010-02-10, 12:51 AM
Taki nods to Ryoko calmly, and smiles.

"My thanks for the prompt service, and apologies for this idiots conduct."

Taki turned to the tray and seized one of the Cups, swiftly draining it.


Taki realized that he probably had taken the field at a disadvantage. He wasn't a great drinker, and was a slender man. This fellow had all the advantages here. But there was more honor in an honorable defeat then a retreat, and nothing at risk.

"I'm ready to continue, Moto-Sama."

2010-02-10, 01:42 AM
He is a pleasure to be with, and very honorable. I don't need to do anything to make him keep his hands to himself.

Her tone implies that she doesn't always want him to, either. :smalltongue:

She smiles at the kimono, and turns around as requested, her white hair hanging loosely down her back. That is a beautiful kimono, Tsukiko-san.

2010-02-10, 09:31 AM
The Unicorn pours again, leering at Taki with some satisfaction. "Ya ever been in a real fight, Usagi-kun? I ain't talkin' about no dinky bandit skirmish, neither. Ya ever been to war? There ain't nobody better in a straight-up fight than the Unicorn, and that," Chilaun says, "includes the Lion. We'll prove it too, soon enough." As the Moto says this, Denbe cannot quite hide the look of alarm on his face, and rolls his eyes towards Naoharu as if to say 'pay no attention, he's drunk and boasting'.
[roll0] TN is 17 for Chilaun, 14 for Taki.

"I wore it just last winter," Tsukiko says, running a comb through Akemi's long white hair. "We went to Winter Court in Kaeru Toshi - quite the fun place, if you've ever been. Only disadvantage is how far it is from here, ai ya. Those bushi I'm with ride like fiends, especially Denbe-kun." From behind Akemi, a wry and slightly affectionate tone enters Tsukiko's voice. "He's one of those people who just never stops, and while I'm sure that's valuable for a bushi a tender flower like myself can get rather sore, ai ya."

2010-02-10, 12:20 PM
Naoharu nods as he listens to Iesuge. Nothing in particular about what Iesuge said surprised him. Despite the centuries in the Empire, the Unicorn still had a barbarous streak that still hadn't washed out. Perhaps it would never be washed away.

"Well Iesuge-kun, if I may call you that, the solution I find to be most helpful is to exceed your master's skill. If he beats you, learn to beat him back harder. Far more therapeutic that way."

Naoharu then frowns slightly, pointing at his own lack of carrying a weapon.

"But then again, what do I know? I'm just a humble storyteller and not a warrior like you or Denbe-san. But it's good to know at least you are getting proper teaching despite the beatings."

Naoharu gestures for Iesuge to take more from his bag of sweets. When Denbe walks over, Naoharu laughs.

"You can call me Naoharu if you want. But yes, we were talking about you. Iesuge-san here speaks very highly of you. One gets the impression that you are a great man...a credit to your ancestors."

Naoharu scratches his chin idly,

"Good tales about the Unicorn, I know of a few. Care to sit with us as I tell them to Iesuge-san? I find that stories about our ancestors tend to inspire us to greater deeds to match theirs."

OOC: What should I roll for this?

Disco Soup
2010-02-10, 01:26 PM
"Hmm, Masakari-san, what do you make of this?" Jei nods toward the drinking bout.

2010-02-10, 02:14 PM
Ah, that type of person. You're right, it can be a valuable asset to a bushi, but we've got to be careful not to wear ourselves out either, you know?

Akemi smiles. I haven't ever been to Kaeru Toshi, though I've heard about it.

2010-02-10, 03:04 PM
Taki loooked at the Moto, not appreciating the familiar manner of address, but holding his tongue. There were other things, more important concerns.

"Depends on what you mean by a real battle. I've seen enough combat, but never on the open battle field. The Hare have other purposes."

Taki picks up the cup again, taking another drink.


"The Way of the Hare doesn't permit such foolishness. We have our task. There is an exception I wish we could make but..."

Taki's voice dwindles as he says that, looking over at Nomen before shrugging.

2010-02-10, 03:35 PM
"Ah, I've just the story for you, but first let me wet my lips."

Naoharu finished his cup and set it aside. He cleared his throat and fussed with his kimono for a second. Naoharu smiled at Denbe and Iesuge,

"This is a story of the old days in the Unicorn, back before the return of the Lady Shinjo. There was a young samurai, not too unlike yourself Iesuge-kun. He had just completed his gempukku..."

Awareness/Storytelling 6k3 + Voice[Free Raise]: [roll0]

Disco Soup
2010-02-10, 06:01 PM
"Eh, Usagi-san, let's see what the Hare are made of!" Jei attempts to encourage the Hare.

Spending two Void to encourage Taki. He will get +1k1 on his next roll.

2010-02-10, 06:55 PM
Nene peeked out the door at the goings-on in the inn. She looked up at Ryoko as the older woman came back to he kitchen.

"Ai ya, the Hare-sama will never stand a chance against that great gaijin. Let me take the next round out, I'll try to slow them down a bit. You don't want drunk samurai messing the place up!"

She reached behind her head and quickly and deftly tied her hair up into a flattering arrangement, enhancing her natural beauty. Then she moved towards the bottle of shoyu, looking at Ryoko for permission.

2010-02-10, 08:05 PM
Let's try this again with Invisible Castle, also invoking Free Raise from Voice for a better success not for the +5
Awareness/Storytelling 6k3 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/2402349/)

Edit: Because who really wants to look at 6d10.takeHighest(3).open(10)=37 rather than a prettier link?

2010-02-10, 10:27 PM
As Nene looks into the dining room, there is a clatter from the back staircase and the mousy-looking daughter of the ryokan bursts into the kitchen looking distressed. "What is it, Saya-chan?" asks Ryoko. "Kaa-san, the rooms are set up, but there's only two rooms for the six! These are Clan Samurai, we can't ask them to share rooms out of hand!" Ryoko does some quick math on her fingers and sighs. "Nothing for it, then. Go out and ask the ronin if he doesn't mind paying less to take a spot by the fire downstairs. The Hare and Crane are married, the Scorpion will have his own with Nene-chan, the Lion will have his own, and if none of them want to let the monk in with them he can have our room, I'll stay with you, Saya, and your father will sleep with the ronin." She looks at Nene, then at Saya, and with a calculating eye adjusts both of their clothes to fit just a touch more loosely. "All right, Nene, you take care of those bushi. Saya, ask the ronin. And girls? Be polite. Bow extra low."

The ronin shrugs at Jei. "More power to the Hare if he wins, though I'm starting to doubt that he will. It's never a bad thing from a lone wolf's perspective when the major clans get taken down a peg." Jiro looks at the monk and tilts his neck to one side, popping the joints therein audibly. "Present company excepted, most of the Major Clan samurai I've meet have been haughty as you would care to imagine - until I taught them otherwise, leastways." As the girl comes up to ask him to move, the scowl that had nearly vanished while talking to Jei returns bit by bit, until finally he throws his hands up in exasperation. "Even I've enough honor not to dicker you on price, girl! I'll take whatever your mother wants - all I wanted tonight was a roof over my head, and so I have one. Put my bags somewhere I can grab them later, and don't come back over here unless you're bringing more wine!"

Tsukiko sighs, her brushing hands stilling on Akemi's back. "Ai ya, right you are. I worry about Denbe-kun sometimes; he always seems to have his hands full either protecting myself or Iesuge-kun from Chilaun-san. Hmph." She exhales through pursed lips in exasperation, sending shivers across Akemi's damp skin. "Ai ya, sorry about that. It just makes me mad - Chilaun talks all the time about his skill as a warrior, but never pauses to consider how much more difficult all his posturing makes my job. It's not as though this were a battlefield!" Tsukiko sighs again, doing her best not to yank too harshly at a tangle in Akemi's hair. "Kaeru Toshi is a lovely place, right between the mountains and the forest, and it still looks like a Crane city, even though the Lions have taken it now - you'd be comfortable there, I'm sure."

Chilaun laughs uproariously. "Ah, the constant complaint of the Hare! We can't send warriors to reinforce our allies, because they're all busy watching the Scorpion!" He leans in, as if speaking confidentially, and indeed hushes his voice down to a dull roar audible throughout the ryokan. "Let me tell you something, Usagi-kun. The Scorpion are a pack of thieves and liars, without anything like the ability to match the other clans in a real fight... but for all that, the only reason they haven't wiped your insignificant clan off the map is because it wouldn't be worth their time." As he pours out the second cup, the small bottle of shochu drips dry, and he bellows after another. "More shochu, woman, and be quick about it!" With that, he holds his glass high. "As long as we're drinking, let's drink a toast! Confusion to ..." he eyes Nomen in what passes for cunning and does not quite declare the Scorpion without honor openly, "All liars, sneaks, and deceivers, and victory to those with the courage to face them squarely!"
stamina - (4d10)[5][5][9][4](23) vs. TN 19

The stirring tales of the Shinjo are many, but those that also include the Horiuchi are quite few, as the clan itself is but three generations old, and while it was formed before the war with the Lying Darkness and the ascension of the Moto and the dishonor of the Shinjo, it did not gain prominence until it took in the orphans left by the war with the Steel Chrysanthemum. Nevertheless, Naoharu's tales have a few sterling gems in them, not least among them a tale of adventure and mystery involving an Shinjo diplomat, a Kitsu shugenja, and a Horiuchi bushi among the Naga of Shinomen Forest, not too far from this very spot - or so the story goes. Iesuge's eyes go wide with the telling, and even the somewhat cynical Denbe is momentarily entranced. "Ai ya," the older Unicorn says, unconsciously mimicking Tsukiko, "I never heard that one told quite like that before." Iesuge has at this point put down his food, though a few stray scraps still linger on it. "Do you really think we might meet Nagas? Do they have an ambassador or something in Kyuden Kitsune, maybe?"

2010-02-11, 02:23 AM
Nonsense, Kitsuki-san. We all live lives too short, and none of us end up as anything more than characters in the stories Naoharu-san like to tell. But most depend their legacy on men like him, who never met them, who never knew their lives but through stories told to them. You strike me as a man most fortunate, that after having written the entire story of your life, you remain around to tell it: passing on all you've seen and learned to younger generations, and getting to relive your greatest adventures every time you do so. Nomen smiled with sincerity as he recalled enjoying listening to the elders at his dojo recount the tales of their experiences at court when they were younger. I can promise you, if you seek them out, there will be plenty of young Hares at Hanami Mura eager to hear of the grand adventures of Kitsuki Kenichi, master investigator, and of the wide world beyond their little borders. Who knows, you might inspire some of them to follow in your footsteps and travel the Empire, spreading your stories, and what greater legacy could you leave behind than that? One of my elders who shaved his head once told me "I suffer old age that I might reach for immortality."

Their conversation was interrupted by the bawdy Moto across the room. The barbarian should have been beneath his notice, but his presence was a difficult one to ignore, and Nomen found his challenge a difficult one to resist. If you'll excuse me for just one moment. He filled his glass as the Unicorn proposed his toast and walked over to their table, holding the Moto's eye the entire time. A fair toast indeed, pray let me join you in it. He sat beside Chiluan and clinked his glass against the other's without waiting for acknowledgement. And if you feel that there are sneaks and liars here, you'll let me know when you have the courage to face them squarely, won't you? I understand if it takes you a few more drinks to find it, for I have been told that is where your clan keeps it hidden. He smirked cooly at the other man, while ensuring he was seated just out of range of a drunken swipe. In the meantime, have you quite finished trying to insult your hostess, her clan and every other Great Clan in the room, or is this your barbaric interpretation of your obligation to your mistress by sabotaging her diplomatic mission at every opportunity? Or did I misunderstand our introductions and you are not Yojimbo assigned he stressed the word to a mistress on a diplomatic mission to the Hare lands, but perhaps the harbingers of an invading army, which might better explain your rudeness. After all, if you fight nearly as well as you drink, I can only assume that you should be off leading a group of bushi somewhere...unless the Unicorn were so concerned about the dangers the Hare possess them that they felt the need to defend their emmisary with their greatest swordsman? In which case you might show my companion Taki-san here a little more respect, since he is the reason you need be here at all.

He flashed Taki a brief but friendly smile: he expected no thanks at all for his intervention, but the Hare was clearly overmatched by the stout Moto, and looked like he could benefit from a moment to catch his breath.
Roll to stall the drinking contest in the other thread: 48 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=139641&page=3)

2010-02-11, 10:25 AM
Chilaun is flummoxed by Nomen's barrage of words. The assault was not completely unexpected, given how he had deliberately thrown a dig towards Nomen just a scant few moments back, but the sheer efficacy of the counter seems to have set him back on his heels. "Well, well. Seems the Scorpion's come to play." Chilaun lets his gaze travel across the room at all the wet and bedraggled samurai even as Tenshin, the inkeeper's husband, throws another few logs onto the fire to try and keep the guests from catching cold. "I really hadn't gotten the impression that I'd insulted anyone important. If you find someone like that around here who was offended by my statements, please be sure and let me know, so I can make the proper apologies." The Moto snorts. "And as to Tsukiko, her mission -" he pauses, then uses his hand to fan himself in a pantomime of a courtier's fan. "Ai ya! You'll not get me to give it up that easily. Let's just say that it has little to do with you, Scorpion." He takes another drink, as if to prove a point, then refills it absentmindedly.

2010-02-11, 10:55 AM
Nomen gives the Moto a friendly pat on the shoulder as he rises again. Well, I shouldn't be surprised if you had offended my companion here, but whether the Unicorn diplomatic delegation consider any of the Hare's honoured samurai to be important... He gave a noncommital shrug before wandering back to his table, careful not to overstep his bounds in defending Taki. Despite the assistance he had rendered, he was certain the other would jump at the chance to take offense from the Scorpion, and so he didn't want to be seen winning his battles for him. The hare could take care of himself, and so he would.

Now, please pardon that interruption, Kitsuki-san. Where were we? I was right, of course. Barbarians. No challenge at all.

2010-02-11, 11:11 AM
The Kitsuki magistrate continues his coughing laugh. "Heh. Heh. I believe you were saying something about stories, and their effect on people. You flatter an old man, but you're not dishonest about it, which is another form of flattery altogether. Heh. Heh. Hares make good investigators, but they can be a touch zealous about it. Have you ever met Usagi Ginsei? He's the governor of Hanami Mura, an old student of mine. Sharp as a tack, that boy. Crazy about hunting Kolat, though." He sighs, apparently lost in thought. "Reminds me of the time we found a Mantis smuggler trying to bring gaijin pepper into Hanami Mura. Him 'n a rogue Kaiu were trying to get into a Kitsu-owned bank, so they started a social club that paid out a stipend to all red-haired samurai of Rokugan..." Kenichi's voice is dry and scratchy, and he has none of Naoharu's dramatic flair, but his recollections are razor sharp, and the story itself almost too fantastic to be believed.

2010-02-11, 11:23 AM
Nomen nods politely and listens, entertained by the magistrate's tale of the Red-Headed League. And they were digging underneath the bank? Incredible!

2010-02-11, 11:35 AM
Taki knew what the Scorpion was doing, and did not appreciate it. He would rather lose on his own power then be indebted to the Scorpion, no matter the cost to him. Nothing was worth being indebted to those scoundrels, as long as it was his to give up.

"I think it best to leave things where they were. I'll toast to confusion to liars, sneaks, and deceivers, as you put it. As for the rest of it..."

Taki threw back the drink, and smiled, shaking off the effects of it for the first time.

"...I'll let you discover the truth of that yourself."

2010-02-11, 11:51 AM
When Chilaun sees Taki pick up the drink, he picks his up as well and throws it back. A reddish flush suffuses his face, and he hiccups once. "You Hare are pretty sneaky, too. Why, you don' even let anyone into yer lands, except fer places like Hanami Mura and such. Why, if the Unicorn did that, wouldn't nobody be able to get nowhere, practic'ly! Why, I bet I could ride across Hare territory entirely, on my horse, in a day. Maybe two." He goes to refill the cups, but the remnants of his bottle have now been emptied as well. "Confound it, woman! Where is that shochu!?"

2010-02-11, 02:43 PM
"Coming, Moto-sama!"

Nene walks out of the kitchen, her hips swaying, clothes very slightly looser than common standards of etiquette dictate is proper. She smiles at the burly unicorn as she brings the fresh shochu over.

"Here you go, Moto-sama. It's our best vintage. I hope you enjoy it!"
She faces him as she pours the drink, bending over more than strictly necessary in the process. She makes much less of a production of the cup she pours for Taki, then sets the bottle on the table and sashays back to the kitchen.

Awareness/deceit (seduction) to stall: 38 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=7868602&postcount=86). Holy crap I rolled well, shoulda gone for the triple raise to make him take an extra drink.
Awareness/acting to try and stop Taki realising that this flirty maid is he shy, retiring Nene: 26 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=7868602&postcount=86)

2010-02-11, 04:27 PM
I'm sure Chilaun-san is an experienced warrior, though, even though he does seem a bit... blunt.

2010-02-11, 08:31 PM
Takii watches the rather blatant display by the Scorpion's Servant with a decided glower. That was twice now Shosuro had intervened into this contest. Once with himself, the other through his agent. Furthermore, the blatant nature of the Girl's display bothered him. He wasn't one to have his head turned by a pretty face. He'd chased a few skirts when he was younger, but he had Akemi, and didn't need another. Nor was he angry on the Girl's behalf. She was what she was, and as a Heimin travelling unaccompanied with a Samurai, it seemed obvious what at least one of her responsibilities. But the fact that Nomen had ordered it bothered him.

The Scorpion is doing something that bothers you. Shocking.

Takii cracked a smile, and turned to Chilaun, shaking his head.

"I wouldn't advise it. She's been claimed by the Scorpion already, and she probably has venom of her own by now. Are you going to pour the next round, or do you concede?"

2010-02-12, 09:58 AM
Moto-san's eyes widen as Nene the serving girl beneath his notice metamorphoses into Nene the beautiful heimin, and his red flush works its way up into his cheeks and ears. Nene earns an almost reflexive pinch on the behind from him for her troubles, but effectively stuns Moto until she's finished pouring the liquor and out of sight. His metaphorical tongue snaps back into his mouth, however, as Taki mentions the word 'concede'. "Not very likely, little man." he says as he hoists his cup, trying to shake himself back on track. "I can drink you under the table any day."
[roll0] vs. TN 30. Taki's TN is 19.

Upon seeing Nene's blatant display, Iesuge uncomfortably changes the way he's sitting, evidently not yet worldly enough to realize the truth. Kenichi, on the other hand, smiles at Nomen seraphically, while Denbe starts eyeing both Nomen and Nene nervously. Jei laughs out loud, hoisting a drink with Taki and Moto and drinking along with them.

Upstairs in Tsukiko's room, the Ide puts the finishing touches on Akemi's hair. "Experienced... he is that." She sighs as she fiddles with the chopsticks. "When we were attacked by bandits on our way downriver, he probably shot three or four with arrows, and fought off another half-dozen with that cleaver of his. He scares me sometimes - I honestly don't know if when his blood is boiling he can tell friend from foe." She pats Akemi's back firmly. "Ai ya, darling, I think you're ready. Let's go show the boys what they've been missing."

2010-02-12, 11:43 AM
"That's because there are a few versions of this tale, Denbe-san. But if the tale pleases both of you, then I'm content that I've told the story well."

Naoharu smiled at both Denbe and Iesuge. So the Unicorn were paying a visit to their cousins. Naoharu filed away that little tidbit.

"Heading into the Shinomen Forest, Iesuge-san? Then perhaps you may encounter a Naga, although the last I heard they were all asleep. So then again you may probably not encounter an awake one.

But who am I to lecture you about the Naga? You are Unicorn, Iesuge-san. Your clan has interacted more with them than the rest of the Empire. It should be I who should ask you about the Naga. Perhaps just a few tidbits that I may be able to incorporate them into my stories for greater veracity?"

Naoharu smiled winningly. Indeed, if he could learn a bit more, it would be wonderful.

2010-02-12, 03:22 PM
Akemi nods. And then smiles. Yes, let's.

2010-02-12, 03:28 PM
Taki smiled at the Moto, nodding congenially. Things had gone badly at first, but it appeared the larger man was beginning to Flag. It was possible that he might be able to win this after all. He threw back the cup, smiling as the warmth spread through him. Now that he had a little bit more of a buffer in his system, it didn't appear to be hitting him that hard.

"Not a bad batch, I suppose."

Taki waited for the Moto to pour the next round. He was pretty sure victory was his, unless something unexpected happened.

Disco Soup
2010-02-12, 04:26 PM
"Pardon, all, but have we perhaps been forgetting to toast Daikoku-sama?" Jei attempts his own intervention. "If you please, we remember the song..."

Just an 8 on the Etiquette roll.:smallredface: (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/2404858/)

2010-02-13, 10:56 PM
Iesuge looks crestfallen. "I ain't never seen a Naga before. All I know is the old stories, and those from crib-tales and the like. The Moto school isn't real big on lore-teachings, or at least if it is, Chilaun-sensei hasn't taught me none." He looks at Naoharu eagerly. "I bet you probably know lots more'n I do."

As Akemi and Tsukiko come back down the stairs, the transformation made in the Crane is immediately apparent to all. Whereas Akemi was formerly wearing a bushi's plain and functional robes, the loaned apparel from the Ide's wardrobe makes Akemi's natural beauty readily apparent. While those who were chosen for the Doji Courtier school had the supple grace of the willow, Akemi's mien was that of the maple - a surprisingly soft and open face over a strong and athletic body. Overall, as Akemi was presented to the men in the room the effect she inspired was that of admiration... save from one quarter in particular.

Ignoring Jei's calls for a song, Chilaun stands up slightly unsteadily as Tsukiko and Akemi come down the stairs. "Well I'll be. What'cha wasting good silk like that for on a woman like her? Something like that belongs on a woman with curves, not tatami-chan over there - though if she wanted to leave it on my tatamis, I might change my mind. Whaddaya say, girl? Wanna see what it's like with a man from a real clan?" Into the shocked silence, Ryoko very quickly interjects a distraction. "Excuse me, samurai-sans, the rooms upstairs have been prepared. Please, go dry yourselves. Tonight is a bad night to take ill."

2010-02-14, 01:05 AM
Taki was suprised when Akemi came downstairs. He knew she was beautiful, of course. Another thing stacked against him, given his look. Unattractive might be to rough, but weasely was not a term he would admit, even in his own mind. But that knowledge was stuck at the back of his mind. Beautiful had given way to reliable, kind, all the things that made the difference in the long run, if one intended to have a long term relationship. Seeing her like this made him think back to the first time they met, their families introducing them to each other. Even then, her look had made him question why he was feeling discontent with the match, even if it hadn't removed his resolve to fight. Then Chilaun had to speak.


Taki stood straight up, knocking over the bottle of drink in the process. The anger he had been concealing all night was self evident. Chilaun had insulted Taki, and he had held himself back, for the sake of his clan. Chilaun had insulted the Hare, and Taki had held himself back, again, for the sake of his clan. But now he was insulting Akemi, and Taki was done.

"Moto, you are an honorless dog. You dishonor the territory of the Hare with your presence, and I will tolerate it no longer. I challenge you to a duel. I want you gone from this place."

2010-02-14, 01:11 AM
Akemi walks over to her husband. Taki, he insulted me. I was about to issue a challenge to him myself.

Disco Soup
2010-02-14, 09:32 PM
This Hare is married to a Crane and he makes the challenge himself. Brave, foolhardy and in keeping with the Usagi.

2010-02-14, 10:56 PM
"You flatter me Iesuge-kun with your belief in me. I will try my best not to betray them."

Naoharu smiled, having an attentive audience was a wonderful blessing. Especially one that liked stories, Iesuge must have been starved for a good story back at home. It fell to him to fill his head with tales. He took sip from his filled cup of tea.

"So you've heard of only of the crib-tales of the Naga? Then I will tell you a different tale of the Naga, one of..."

The sentence dies in his mouth as Chilaun speaks. Typical...let a Unicorn drink too much and watch as their crass barbarian roots coming pouring out of their mouth like a foul stench. Naoharu eyed Taki wondering how badly he was going to take this.

...Which was as well as Naoharu expected from the Hare. He eyed the reactions of the others, gauging the atmosphere. Naoharu watched the expressions of the Kitsuki and Nomen, wondering if they were going to step in. Nothing would ruin the secrecy of their mission faster than having Taki kill Chilaun, justified as the Moto's death might be. Naoharu set down his cup and whispered to Iesuge,

"Hold that thought for a few moments. I'm going to see if I can prevent you from losing your master."

Naoharu got up and and headed to interpose himself between Taki and Chilaun. He looked first at Chilaun and then Taki in the eye,

'Now, now Taki-san, I'm certain Chilaun-san here didn't mean those rude and crass words that came out of his mouth. Strong drink undoes even the most temperate of men.

Besides, tonight is no night for a duel. Outside it is raining hard and you'll both be miserable glaring at each other in the rain. Nor would we want to duel in here and ruin the Mistress' ryokan with sprays of blood.'

Naoharu walks over and puts his hands on Chilaun's shoulders to gently prop him up and starts nudging him towards the rooms,

'Why don't you just sleep it off, Chilaun-san and apologize in the morning. You're in no state to be out and about at the moment. Denbe-san, come over and help me with your clansman to get him to his room where the Mistress has already prepared futons.'

Disco Soup
2010-02-14, 11:57 PM
And now the Ikoma intercedes on behalf of the doomed Moto... Jei makes a note to figure that one out later.

2010-02-15, 05:38 AM
Taki rested his hand on Akemi's shoulder, and shook his head, never taking his eyes off Chilaun.

"To slow, I suppose. You can have him once I'm done. I'm not going to do anything stupid like killing him. Besides, I'm glad I spoke up. That Kimino flatters you far to much to let it be stained by this idiot's blood."

Taki isn't as drunk as Chilaun, but his words still showed some traces of what he had drunk. Then the Lion stepped in as well. Akemi, Taki could forgive. She had been insulted as well, and more greviously and directly by the instant cause. The Matsu was just trying to intervene.

I understand, but I can't thank him for it.

"Matsu-Sama, I thank you for your advice. Unfortunately, I must go against it. I'll be sure that all the Moto blood is spilled outside. The Water can wash it away, and disperse it before it contaminates the ground. Or is the powerful Moto to afraid to accept the challenge of a Hare?"

Ordinarily, Taki would feel bad about doing this to a drunk man. But Taki was more then a little gone himself, and the irritations and annoyances of today, combined with that reckless that comes from good drink, were urging a fight. Even so, Taki hadn't lied to Akemi. He wouldn't kill someone for drunken insults, no matter how offensive.

2010-02-15, 10:37 AM
Moto Chilaun lurches to his feet a little unsteadily. "You wanna go? I'm all yours. Let's do it-"

"In the morning!" interjects Tsukiko, looking furious. "Moto Chilaun, you have embarrassed the Unicorn more than enough tonight. If you truly wish to prove yourself the better warrior to everyone you meet, you may do it when you are sober enough not to 'accidentally' kill a samurai on his Clan's own lands." As Chilaun's face turns a mottled apoplectic red at the rebuke, Tsukiko's gaze turns to Akemi and Taki. "I trust that you have no objections to this arrangement? If you require it, I will stand as Moto-san's second. Should he abandon the duel, I will personally give you satisfaction from the Unicorn in his stead."

As she says this, Denbe looks stricken. "Tsukiko! There's no need to go that far..."

2010-02-15, 01:59 PM
Taki looked over at Tsukiko and nodded. That arrangement would satisfy him. He did not like the assumption that the Moto would be the one who accidentally killed him.

"That is satisfactory. As for standing in as his second, that is your right, Ide-Sama, but not necessary. If the Moto flees I believe that could be an end of it. I have no enimity with the Unicorn."

I save that for the Scorpions.

"However, if you desire to prove the honor of your clan, I will not stop you."

Taki nodded, never looking at Chilaun.

"I believe I shall retire for the night now. At the moment, I'm afraid this common room has lost much of its charm."

2010-02-16, 12:37 AM
Naoharu threw his hands up in frustration,

"I give up, both of you are impossible. I think I need another drink."

Naoharu left Chilaun to his own devices. If the fool wanted so badly to be blooded, so be it. Naoharu sat back down at the table with Iesuge and after finishing his cup of tea filled it with something a bit stronger. Letting the shochu burn his throat for a second he looked at Iesuge,

"Now where was I before the interruption? Ah, yes...stories about the Naga. Now you may have heard of stories of their interaction with the Empire, but have you ever heard of their legendary past? It was said that the Naga were..."

Awareness/Storytelling 6k3, using Free Raise to tell an rarely-heard tale about the Naga. (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/2408490/)

Disco Soup
2010-02-16, 09:18 AM
"Well, Masakari-san, it seems as if this evening's excitement is concluding, or at least pausing until morning. I think we'll be retiring soon..."

2010-02-17, 12:27 AM
The thought of a duel in the morning appears to have sobered many, not the least of which includes Chilaun. He heads up to his room with little more subsequent rudeness than telling Ryoko to send one of the servant girls up to his room later. Kenichi, continuing to cough, bids Nomen good night and retires to his own room as well. Though the stories told by Naoharu are compelling, the awkwardness soon drives the other Unicorns away, and the cold and damp takes the most recent arrivals to the ryokan with them. Pallets are made ready for Jei and Jiro in the common room, and otherwise people take to the rooms prepared for them - Nomen with Nene, Naoharu by himself, and Taki with Akemi. Through the night the storm blows long and loud, rain driving itself against the shutters and drumming on the rooftops, lulling even nervous bushi into a deep and restful sleep.

By the next morning, the storm above has passed - but inside the ryokan, a new one is about to break. Any tenants of the ryokan not awoken by incipient dawn are instead woken by Saya's piercing wordless scream from the hallway on the second floor. The cause for her distress is immediately obvious to anyone who enters the passageway - the doorway to the room occupied that night by Chilaun, Denbe, and Iesuge is wide open. Alone inside it, Chilaun is propped in a pool of his own blood against the far wall, with a hatchet protruding from his neck, the blade firmly embedded in one of his vertebrae. The look on his face is a rictus grin of shock and surprise, and he stares unseeing at anyone who crosses that doorway.

2010-02-17, 05:17 AM
Taki awoke instantly at the scream, shooting straight up from the Tatami, likely waking Akemi in the process, if she had not already been awake. Before it ended, he had already put on his Sandals and tied his Kimono in place, carrying the Shobo as he dashed into the hall. He stops outside the door to the Unicorn's room, taking in the scene quietly. It didn't bother him. Any Hare worth his salt had dealt with far worse.

"Saya-San, wasn't it? Can you please go wake your mistress, and check on Ide-Sama?"

In truth, this kind of thing he was far more comfortable dealing with then verbally sparring with the Scorpion over obscure points of etiquette.


Taki's mind was already dashing over the possibilities. He needed more information. Like where were Denbe and Iesuge, most importantly.

2010-02-17, 11:34 AM
Naoharu groggily woke up to the sound of screams. He grumbled and hid his head under the blanket. Fortunes above, couldn't Taki & Akemi be a little more quieter or wait until they were at a inn with thicker walls? When the screaming continued, Naoharu growled in frustration. Someone was going to get a tongue lashing for aggravating the pounding headache he washaving.

Naoharu got up and bound his sleeping robe together and staggered towards the door and put on some sandals. Sliding open the door he looked out to see Taki standing there. Hmm, perhaps it wasn't Taki...maybe Nomen and that servant girl of his? Wouldn't put it past him... Naoharu noticed that it was that servant girl of the proprietor doing the screaming.

Naoharu walked over intending to ask her to keep her screaming lower. Just as he was about to open his mouth, he noticed the grisly tableau in the Unicorn's room. He turned to Taki and patted him on the shoulder and said dryly,

"Couldn't wait until morning could we? Well what's done is done, your wife's honor is restored and you are no doubt relieved. I see you've decided to pin it on the ronin. A good call, but I think actually using one of his axes would have been a better touch, don't you?"

2010-02-17, 02:00 PM
Akemi is also instantly awake, grabbing her katana and dressing quickly.

As she saw the scene, she grimaced.

2010-02-17, 05:13 PM
Taki looked over at the Lion, becoming angry. He had believed that someone might try to make that connection, but he hadn't expected it from the Lion. Nor for it to be made so openly or brazenly.

"Matsu-Sama, you are a fool is you believe I did this. There is no honor in something like this. The stain to Akemi's honor, and the honor of my clan cannot be answered now."

Taki removed Naoharu's hand from his shoulder.

"Either way, I need to know who did this in truth. A murder of a Unicorn delegate to the lands of the Hare is unacceptable. Are you going to help me do that, or are you going to suspect me of a crime?"

2010-02-17, 06:40 PM
Naoharu laughs,

"A fool am I? Perhaps, perhaps. Others have said such things about me. But how will the unfoolish see this?"

Naoharu gestures at Chilaun's corpse,

"You made it quite clear last night by your words of your regard for the man. I wonder if the others will be as foolish as I? If you are fortunate, someone will mind the ramblings of a Dragon magistrate, though their methods for deducing the truth are odd and heretical."

Naoharu's smile fades away and he stared frankly at Taki assessing him for a moment. Perhaps Taki did kill Chilaun, perhaps he did not; but the important problem was perception. What would be the best way to alter this? Naoharu mused for a moment, there were options that could protect Taki, but at the cost of his reputation. Which no doubt the Scorpion would find utterly hilarious.

Naoharu laughs again,

"Why would I suspect you, Usagi-san? Have you done anything to deserve my suspicion? I'm going to go find the Kitsuki, no doubt he'll be eager to demonstrate his prowess. I would probably try to really remember what I did last night, especially in the company of my lovely wife. But alas, I am but a poor fool and I do not have a wife..."

Naoharu left Taki to his own devices to go wake the Kitsuki, assuming the caterwauling hadn't woke him.

Disco Soup
2010-02-17, 09:08 PM
Ah, hmm... Jei notices the scene and draws two immediate possible conclusions.

There is only one known axe wielder on the premises. And yet that one would surely know he would be suspected in any axe-related murder. I must soon speak with Masakari-san.

He decides to take a cursory glance at the seen before seeking the ronin.

Investigation roll of 10. (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/2410769/)

2010-02-17, 11:04 PM
Saya runs downstairs, still hollering, though now more productively. Ryoko soon arrives, looking rather disheveled. "Oh, no... this is just terrible," she mutters, her face white with shock. "What will this do to the reputation of my inn?"

Kitsuki Kenichi is awake, but has not left his bedroll. As Naoharu approaches him, Kenichi sits up and starts to cough. The dry hacking he had exhibited last night has metamorphosed into a dull, wet, and ugly pneumoniac sound. "Koff. Koff. What's going on? Is something the matter?" The magistrate's face looks feverish and flushed, and his eyes somewhat glassy.

Investigating the scene reveals that whatever happened to Chilaun very likely caught him by surprise. It is obvious to Taki that whoever attacked him likely tried to murder him in his sleep, for there are bloodstains on the bedroll. Chilaun was struck three times - first in the chest, as he slept; secondly in the back, as he attempted to scramble to his feet, and lastly in the throat as he slumped against the far wall. Chilaun apparently never had time to draw his scimitar, for it - and his wakizashi - are both still sheathed.

As the noise continues, more people enter the upstairs hallway - Tsukiko and Denbe from the former's room; Jiro and Iesuge from the stairs to the common room. Iesuge is sporting a large black eye, and is noisily sick as he first glimpses the body. Denbe catches Tsukiko, and does his best to keep her from looking at Chilaun's corpse. The scene is very swiftly degenerating into utter chaos and confusion.

Disco Soup
2010-02-17, 11:06 PM
Jei decides to immediately seek out Masakari-san.

2010-02-17, 11:19 PM
Taki decided that action was needed, or very quickly the scene was not going to be managable. He looked over at Ryoko, and nodded.

"Ryoko-San, could you please go check and see if any of last nights guests are no longer here?"

Taki was aware he was likely regarded as a suspect, but this had happened on his clan's lands, and that meant he bore some of the responsibility. The Matsu's foolishness aside, Taki would not bear the blame for this act. The person who had done this did so to kill the man. There was no honor in the act.

"Shinjo-Sama, I assume Moto-Sama..."

Taki referred to the man respectfully now that he was dead. Whatever his sins in life, judgement of Chilaun was out of his hands. Taki had his own troubles with the dead, and had no wish to stir up more.

"...was alive when you and Iesuge-Kun left the room?"

2010-02-17, 11:37 PM
Denbe sighs. "As far as I know, Moto-san was alive past midnight. He was talking about bringing a woman into the room, Iesuge and I cleared out and waited for him to fall asleep down in the common room. A little while later, I heard some noise from upstairs and saw Moto-san and Ide-sama arguing. He gets belligerent when he drinks, so after I convinced him to go back to his room I decided to sleep in Ide-sama's doorway to make sure he didn't get up in the middle of the night and bother her again. That was the last I heard from him."

Masakari Jiro looks absolutely livid. "I don't believe this. Someone's trying to blame me for this!" Jiro displays that both of his hatchets are securely in the sheaths on his back. "That servant girl left my pack in the hallway overnight after she cleared out the room for those Clan samurai. I'll bet every last bu I own that whoever killed that Unicorn rifled through my belongings for something they could blame me with and found my spare hatchet." He spits in anger. "You were downstairs with me, Togashi-san; you know I never left the common room from the time I went to sleep until the time that girl woke us all up."

Disco Soup
2010-02-18, 12:45 AM
"Indeed, Masakari-san, I will testify that I never heard you leave the area. Nor in fact, do I believe that you would use the one weapon that you are famed for using to commit a murder, especially when no other guests are known to use that weapon."

2010-02-18, 04:12 AM
Nomen had risen early, as was his habit, and was already dressed and heading downstairs in search of food when the serving girl raised the rest of the inn. One glance at the corpse was all he took before turning away in disgust from the sight and the stench, taking particular care not to tread anywhere near the pool of blood. As the others poured out and filled the hallway, he moved out of the way to the top of the stairs, then with the arrival of the innkeeper's family he retreated downstairs. A morbid matter, and likely one that would give the old magistrate's brains a last turn before he reached Hanami Mura, but one he felt would be better resolved without his involvement.

The ronin's hatchet in his neck, yet the man remains here overnight. A sloppy attempt at framing, to be sure.

Taki would doubtless suspect the Scorpion's involvement, even if he would be unwilling to put forth a case against him with no evidence. Nomen amused himself with the notion of rebutting with the assurance that had he killed the Moto, he would have done a much better job of it. No, the perpetrator here mattered to Nomen in only an acadademic sense, and with Taki taking charge of events he was certain there was no help he could offer that would be accepted anyway. Finding some spare food in the abandoned kitchen, he seated himself by the fireplace and reflected on the morning.

He was still somewhat mortified by the circumstances in which he had woken, well before the girl's cry, in a rather familiar embrace with the Shosuro who had slept beside him. They hadn't wanted to discourage the implied relationship between the two of them by requesting a second tatami in their room, and Nomen had shared beds with many women over his years, but those had all been before his marriage. Some samurai were frequent patrons of geisha houses and warm, comforting beds; a common repecussion of dutiful but loveless marriages. But he and Sakura shared something special, well beyond the bounds of duty, and he knew no woman could ever compare to her charms.

It had been Akemi last night, he decided, seeing her in all the beauty and splendor of the Crane Clan had reminded him of Sakura, and that memory had remained with him past falling asleep. Still, to awake in such a tight embrace of Nene, no matter the reason, he deemed unacceptable, no matter what the others thought of them.

Perhaps she didn't even notice.

As usual with her, he had no way of telling. She was a consumate actress, and when she wasn't in her character she possessed an unnerving stillness. He could stare at her still form for hours, had done, he confessed to himself, for some time this morning, and have no idea if she was asleep or alert and taking in every detail. Truly, when she put her talents to real use, he doubted there was a thing in this ragtag band of strangers that could stop her. Possibly not even him.

2010-02-18, 04:54 AM
Akemi looks around. Taki, you're much better at this sort of thing than I am...

I'll let you handle this, all right?

She walks downstairs, frowning. Probably visible to the Scorpion.

2010-02-18, 07:16 PM
Nene had awoken to find herself held comfortingly in a warm embrace. She smiled to herself, and held still, not wanting to embarrass the man. It wasn't like it was unpleasant, after all.

She stirred a few moments after he rose, long enough to make it plausible that she hadn't noticed the circumstances. She rubbed her eyes, feigning being a slow riser. No need to let on how fast she came alert after waking, after all.

The scream came as she was dressing, and her head snapped round towards the sound. She hurriedly finished putting her kimono on and dashed out into the corridor, the very picture of a scared servant girl. She stared through the open doorway at the scene, her quick eyes taking in and memorising every detail, then turned away, her hands over her mouth as though she were about to throw up.

2010-02-18, 09:33 PM
As Ryoko returns to announce that indeed, everyone present last night was still here tonight - barring Chilaun, that is - Ide Tsukiko's face turns hard. "Then Moto-san's murderer is here, among our guests. I would advise no one here to leave until the culprit is found, lest they incriminate themselves with their absence." Her face trails over the five samurai, the monk, and the ronin congregating in the upstairs hallway. "As shameful as it is to admit, Moto-san's behavior reflected poorly upon his clan last night. Between the anger he inspired and... political reasons," she adds, her eyes seeking the Scorpions and Naoharu, "Any of you save the monk could have had their reasons to commit murder."

Jiro sneers at this. "If I wanted to kill that dumb lunk, I'd have done it neater than that botched butchery. Meathead who offed him probably nicked the blade on my hatchet - those get expensive to replace, you know!" He shifts a little uncomfortably. "Yeah, that's my hatchet. Was in my pack upstairs when I went to sleep - anyone coulda grabbed it. Besides, if I killed every ignorant lout who was rude to me because I was a ronin, I'd have been tried and hung a dozen times over by now."

2010-02-18, 10:57 PM
Taki nodded, concurring with Tsukiko. She was summing up why he had asked Ms. Ryoko to do that. The Hare Samurai nodded at his Wife's words.


His wife was a skilled woman, but she was right regardining this. The Hare had experience with this kind of thing. Tracking the Kolat or Bloodspeakers required an expertise, and the Hare honed that expertise. Any Hare that did not was not likely to complete his Gempukku.

"Ide-Sama is correct. Any one of us is a suspect, including myself. I had little enough respect for Moto-Sama while he was living, though I will not speak badly of the dead. Masakari-San, you are a suspect, but no more or less then any one of us."

Taki's voice was quick and clinical as he spoke. He stepped in the room carefully, not touching the blood or the body of course.

"Chilaun-Sama was asleep when he was attacked. The murderer struck him first on the bedroll, here in the chest. The second was in the back, most likely as he attempted to stand up. The final strike was obvious. It appears he didn't even have time to draw his Blade, though they could have been replaced in their Sheath's."

Taki turned to Ide-Sama. They needed to track down the last time Chilaun had been seen alive.

"Iesuge-Sama, Ide-Sama, could you please tell us when you last saw Moto-Sama alive? And Ide-Sama, what were you and Moto-Sama arguing about, if you can tell us?"

2010-02-19, 12:36 PM
"Indeed Ide-san, your accusation has merit. After all, why else would I have stopped Usagi-san here from cutting him down but to give myself the opportunity to murder Chilaun-san myself later?

Why bother? If I wanted him dead, I should have let Usagi-san continue his drunken quarrel with him and not interfered."

Naoharu as he spoke derisively. Let the Unicorn have her idiocy, he would have no part in this. The headache from the shochu was pounding in his head and he needed to get sit down. Naoharu turned to bow to the others,

"If you would pardon me, it's early in the morning and I haven't eaten yet. I'll be getting something to fill my stomach in the dining room."

Naoharu wandered off to go find Ryoko.

Disco Soup
2010-02-19, 04:56 PM
"Hmm, samas, perhaps a series of interviews are in order? They could be conducted by Kitsuki-sama? I would suggest myself as an assistant, if that would be acceptable."

2010-02-20, 11:55 PM
Iesuge swallows. "Um... me?" He looks uncomfortable. "Well, I went upstairs after I finished listening to Matsu-san's stories, and I was going to go to bed, but Moto-sama told me to wait downstairs. I did, but then I got cold, so I went up to see if he was done yet, and when I opened the door, um." He ducks his head in shame, trying to avoid displaying the shiner on his right eye. "He reprimanded me. So then I went back downstairs to wait some more, and I guess eventually I fell asleep there."

Tsukiko looks uncomfortable. "I saw him last when Denbe-san saw him last. It wasn't really so much an argument as he was drunk and, um, confused." Her cheeks pinken slightly. "He may mistakenly have thought that I was someone else... one of the servant girls."

As Naoharu goes downstairs, he hears Ryoko complaining to her husband. "What are we going to do about this? We need to send word to the local Hares - and find some Eta to clean up the mess. We'll probably need a priest, too... even if the rumors don't ruin our business, and the samurai don't decide that blaming a heimin is easier than finding the culprit, it'll still be expensive." Whatever Tenshin's reply might have been, it is cut off by Naoharu's arrival, and Ryoko quickly prepares some warmed millet.

As people go in to check on Kitsuki Kenichi, it is apparent that he has a high fever, and is only somewhat lucid.

2010-02-21, 12:07 AM
Taki nodded, keeping his face flat. He had no desire to embarass either of them more then was necessary. Until he had reason otherwise, their word was involiate, after all.

Of course, that same practice would have the Hares be Bloodspeakers...

"Can anyone speak to the identity of the servant girl who 'visited' Chilaun last night?"

Taki decided to side step the implications of that 'visit.' Chilaun's worth was no longer his concern.

2010-02-21, 05:25 AM
Akemi sits down in the main room and sighs. I can account for Taki and I... but if I was the one investigating, I wouldn't believe my own testimony. After all, I was the one insulted by Chilaun-san just before his death...

2010-02-21, 11:37 AM
Jiro clears his throat. "Check the women of the house for bruises, and you'll find who went up to see Chilaun; that's my guess."

Tsukiko switches from blushing in embarrassment to paling in anger in an instant, as if she had been slapped. "You horrible little man," she says in a harsh voice, then falls silent to look away down the hall.

Disco Soup
2010-02-22, 10:43 AM
Jiro's comment does not offend Jei's practical monk sensibilities, but he does see difficulty in resolving that proposal.

Jei decides to have a look at Kenichi, to see if he can do anything for the man.

2010-02-23, 11:26 AM
Kenichi is hot and feverish, and his coughing has become more frequent from the night before. "What's all the commotion about?"

2010-02-23, 12:56 PM
Naoharu stowed away his irritation as he entered the room and smiled cordially at Ryoko.

"Good morning, Madame. That millet smells wonderful, I think I will have a bowl of it with some tea."

Naoharu seated himself at the table. He looked at Ryoko, even the heimin were nervous which was understandable. Perhaps it would be best to calm her nerves down.

"It really is tragic what happened last night, Madame Ryoko. However, I wouldn't worry too much about it, I hear that Kitsuki magistrates are quite competent and equitable. I'm sure he'll catch the real murderer."

Disco Soup
2010-02-23, 06:32 PM
"That fool of a Moto got himself murdered in the night, Kitsuki-sama. It seems the killer used Jiro-san's axe, but it appears doubtful that Jiro-san is the killer."

Jei attempts to discern anything wrong with Kenichi, but he cannot find the cause of the illness.
Medicine roll of 8. (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/2417285/)Man this RNG hates me on the game.

2010-02-25, 01:01 PM
"Has there been a history of bandit activity around here Madame?"

Naoharu asked as he pondered the specifics of the murder. If all else failed they could always pin the murder on a local bandit and it would be a profitable situation for everyone. The group could get a easy patsy and the locals would have one less bandit to worry about.

2010-02-28, 03:02 PM
Ryoko nods, perhaps just a little eagerly. "We are towards the borders of Hare lands, and quite close to the river. There are any number of bandits around the area. None have bothered us recently, but who knows what miscreants may be about."

"A murder?" The magistrate coughs wetly, and tries to laugh. "I should have known." He looks up at Jei. "Could you please bring everyone here into my room? No, there's too many, and this room is too small. You'll have to bring me down into the dining room." Though his eyes are fever-bright, the magistrate seems at least half-lucid, and he clutches the jade medallion of his office with surprising strength. "I haven't let a killer get away from me yet."

Disco Soup
2010-03-01, 08:09 AM
"Hai, Kitsuki-sama," Jei bows as he helps the sick man bear his weight down to the crime scene.

2010-03-02, 09:07 PM
Naoharu nods,

"Have there been any particular prominent bandits in the area that we can point the magistrates towards?"