View Full Version : Expedition To Undermountain - IC - Group 2

2010-01-26, 02:02 PM
Halaster's Call
Just after dawn, a long, rolling earthquake shakes the city awake. Cracks appear in walls and crockery rattles, but no buildings collapse.

Uproar ensues. Earthquakes are almost unheard of in the city. Rumors of disaster soon race through the streets, fueled by the anguish of people across the city whose heads fill with sharp, sudden mental visions of a screaming bearded man whose eyes blaze with rage, sorrow, and swimming stars. The visions shift into scenes of pillars cracking and tumbling, ceilings collapsing in caverns and dark rooms, and surging explosions of blue-white sparks. These tides of fearsome force leave many who receive the visions gasping on their knees, unharmed but overwhelmed by the sensation of great magical forces crashing through them. Repeatedly the screaming face returns, with feelings of strong despair, of something left unfinished—and swept away in great loss and ruin.

What has happened? A few wizards across the city who shared the disturbing visions recognize the screaming face as that of Halaster Blackcloak, the infamous “Mad Mage of Undermountain.”

Soon everyone knows that something terrible has happened in Undermountain. There’s an unknown but exceedingly dark doom approaching the city and the massive dungeon beneath it, and Halaster is very upset about it.

Those who have experienced the visions can’t stop thinking of Undermountain, of walking through its chambers, of finding brightly glowing treasures. They yearn to go there, to answer Halaster’s urgent call. Undermountain awaits, in desperate need. Something down there must be repaired, or renewed, or rescued. Halaster wants something done now, something vital. A terrible calamity must be set right, or greater doom will surely come.

That night, wizards, sorcerers, a scattering of adventurers, and others across the land dream of Undermountain and a screaming Halaster. They all feel a yearning to enter the infamous, legendary dungeon and do “something that must be done.” No one quite knows what that something is, but many momentarily mind-glimpse strange subterranean rooms, weird items, and a rushing Halaster struggling to accomplish various tasks.

Throughout the land, on the morning after the earthquake, wizards, sages, and all sorts of adventurers start packing. The trek to Undermountain has begun.

http://i915.photobucket.com/albums/ac357/KouryCasey/TheCity.jpg1. Civic district
2. Guildhall district
3. Inn/Tavern district
4. Average residential district
5. Dwarven district
6. Garrison
7. Magic district
8. Fine shops
9. Marketplace
10. The Plinth
11. Upper-middle class district
12. Fisher’s wharf/Waterfront
13. Wealthy residential district
14. Caravan district
15. Shantytown
16. Gnome neighborhood
17. Slum/Tenement district
18. Tannery district
19. Warehouse district

Waterdeep is primarily a human city with the best natural harbor on the Sword Coast. The harbor and much of the city are sheltered from storms howling across the Sea of Swords by the soaring rampart of Mount Waterdeep.

The city is divided into “wards” (districts). The southwesternmost is Sea Ward, by far the wealthiest part of Waterdeep. It’s crowded with the palatial residences of “old money” nobles, the grandest shops, and great temples. Adventurers might find patrons in Sea Ward, but can expect to be followed by the city Watch at all times. North Ward, the northeasternmost city district, is almost as wealthy as Sea Ward, and is home to most nobles whose villas aren’t in Sea Ward. It’s also where the majority of wealthy but non-noble Waterdhavians dwell, and is dominated by grandiose “new money”

Waterdeep’s center holds three districts. Castle Ward, the civic heart of the city, wraps around the landward side of Mount Waterdeep and contains Castle Waterdeep, Piergeiron’s Palace, and the great open marketplace known simply as “the Market.” Directly east of Castle Ward is Trades Ward, the city’s bustling heart of shopkeeping and artisans’ “finework.” It wraps around the City of the Dead, a walled cemetery that by day serves the living as a green, pleasant park—and is locked up at night due to hauntings.

The city’s south end is occupied by another two districts. South Ward, in southeasternmost Waterdeep, is dominated by warehousing, stabling, and caravan-equipping businesses, and is home to many poor laborers. Dock Ward lies to its west, bounding the north and east sides of the harbor. It’s the fishing, naval shipping, and notoriously lawless “seedy” end of Waterdeep, where the smells and squalor are greatest, drunken sailors brawl, and violence and street crime are most common.

It’s been said Waterdeep’s true religion is making money. No official faith dominates, and almost all are tolerated or (in the case of evil or oppressive deities) worshiped in secret. Temples and private shrines are found throughout the city, and in Trades Ward soars the all-faiths tower known as “the Plinth,” serving as a grand temple for all faiths that lack their own holy building. It’s where “clerics for hire” are most likely to be found.

Yawning Portal Inn
The Yawning Portal Inn stands on Rainrun Street in the city’s Castle Ward, two doors west of The Empty Keg Tavern. Right next to the inn, between it and the Keg, stands Mother Salinka’s House of Pleasure, a shabby, low-coin festhall.

The Yawning Portal Inn is built of stone, with a slate roof and an upper floor of guest rooms. Like both of its neighboring businesses, the inn announces itself to the watching world by means of a hanging signboard. The sign reads simply, “The Yawning Portal.” The words are deeply carved in a board weathered to a silvery hue that hangs by two short loops of chain from a black-painted iron pole above the front door.

Durnan, a human, built the inn and still runs it to this day. Inside, the place is rambling and dingy, but it gives the impression of being comfortable rather than dirty and forbidding. Well-worn boards cover the floor. Wood paneling adorns the walls, with an elbow rail usually crowded with not-yet-empty tankards. Rich blue tapestries hang at intervals along the paneled walls. Guests entering from the street step right into the inn’s common room, which is mostly used for dining and drinking. The Entry Well that leads down into the so-called Dungeon Level of Undermountain dominates the area.

As the four of you approach the Yawning Portal you see Durnan standing outside, welcoming in all who would enter.

He spots you approaching and calls out "Hail! From the looks of it, I'd wager you four to be more of these so-called 'Called.' Come on in, we turn away neither those who dream of entering nor those who dare entering Undermountain. Or," he added with a laugh, "those who simply want a good drink!"

V for Victory
2010-01-27, 08:54 PM
A drink sounds good to me I say as I walk into the pub, looking around I try and pick up bits and pieces of information about whats going on here

Rolling for a Gather Information check

2010-01-27, 09:16 PM
As you enter the Inn you find the place alive with activity, from adventurers who have come to answer Halaster's call to those who have come simply to bask in their reflected glory to those just interested in watching the drama unfold in person.

You enter just in time to see a group of three adventurers being lowered into the infamous Entry Well. It is an open-topped stone ring 40 feet in diameter. A 1-foot-thick rampart wall rises waist-high, encircling air that drifts straight up from Undermountain.

The outside of the well wall is studded at intervals with iron torch brackets, and a block-and-tackle hoist is chained to a stone lintel in the ceiling directly over the well.

A grizzled old man, a priest of Tymora, is standing over the group, blessing them as they descend. Elsewhere you hear the patrons taking bets on how soon or even if they will be returning.

Barnaland:You wander around the inn, listening to the conversations around you. Almost all the patrons talk of the earthquake and what the visions the people are having could mean.

As you walk past one of the tables, a half-elf, sitting alone, calls you over.

"I heard you're looking to go down into Undermountain. I may be able to help you out. One of my good friends is selling one-of-a-kind, up-to-date, recently procured maps. If you're interested, once you go down there, follow the hall until you come to the room with many pillars. Stow your weapons. Once you do that, my acquaintance will come out and make the deal with you. Nice and simple."

With that, the half-elf gets up and leaves the table, heading upstairs.

V for Victory
2010-01-27, 09:34 PM
Suspicous of the old man I try to figure out if this is a con

First I'm rolling sense motive
And After that I'm doing a gather information check to see if anyone has heard of any maps like this or people getting ripped off from something similar or from the same guy

2010-01-27, 09:43 PM
Adem walked in with the others as mogget, his cat, followed in the crowded room. He is clearly in awe, at this all, as he starts to take out his book and writes down details of the building as he did for all others.

"Day one of our adventure! We find ourselves in the tavern called Yawning Portal Inn owned by Durnan a tough looking human." He stops there and looks up at the man to write a detailed account of him before asking. "Umm yes I would like an ale if you would be so kind sir."

His cat purr's loudly and Adem speaks up again whispering the last part "And fish if you have some, cheap fish."

2010-01-27, 10:06 PM
Barnaland:You learn that the half-elf is named Ellithral the Golden. Ellithral is well known for his honeyed voice and repertoire of tales. He earned his sobriquet both for his heritage and his charm. The half-elf has long made a living in the taproom of the Yawning Portal Inn, selling adventurers halfbaked truths and wishful rumors for small amounts of coin. You get the feeling, however, that there is indeed something to buy.

Adem:Durnan laughs and says "Head on in, fellow! Luranla will see to it you get what you need!" He then playfully strikes a pose for you before laughing again and welcoming more patrons in.

2010-01-27, 10:24 PM
"Yes indeed! I think an ale might hit the spot after all the traveling we have been doing. Also, I would hear more about this Undermountain and the groups that go there."

Pondering the group of adventurers being lowered down Lisane mused, "Is it really that dangerous down there? I mean, with all the joviality up here it is hard to imagine anything too terrible below."

2010-01-27, 10:34 PM
Durnan looks suddenly more serious. "Aye, Undermointain is indeed a dark and dangerous place. Do not let the atmosphere here let you believe anything else. We celebrate life with those who still have life with which to celebrate. Many who go down do not return."

2010-01-28, 11:29 AM
Even as he mood sets Adem is recovering his easy go self. He puts his book away as his ale gets to him and asks uneasily "Every one still wants to go right?"

2010-01-28, 12:50 PM
"Want to? I'm not sure about that. Need to, yearn to, dream about it? Definitely. Something isn't right here and I'm all for going after it so these feelings and haunting dreams go away." Lisane smiled nervously after she said this, wondering if it sounded too cavalier. Sometimes the young elf wondered if her tongue would get her into more trouble than she could get of.

2010-01-28, 12:59 PM
Gunnar roused himself from whatever reverie he had been locked into while the companions walked to the Yawning Portal. "What's that?" he asked no one in particular. "Of course I'm ready to go! One doesn't have a dream like that and ignore it, does one?" the gold dwarf inquires with his usual broad white smile that is such a contrast to his dark mahogany skin.

V for Victory
2010-01-28, 02:25 PM
The only time one should be comfortable is when your dead. Lets go!

2010-01-28, 02:29 PM
"Were you going to take that Half-elf up on his offer?" Lisane inquired of Barnaland.

V for Victory
2010-01-28, 02:38 PM
I don't trust it, your free too though. I'm even willing to watch your back if things get hairy

2010-01-28, 02:58 PM
As your party is talking amongst yourselves, a scream arising from the well interrupts you. In an instant the entire establishment is silent.

For a moment, nothing. Durnan comes in from outside and peers down the well.

The scream is heard again, louder this time. A short second after, the bell starts ringing frantically. Someone down there wants the lift, and bad.

Durnan reacts instantly, pulling a lever that sends the lift plummeting down. He instantly starts cranking the wench, pulling the lift up.

The entire bar is on their feet, crowding around the Entry Well. As the lift raises you can see two bodies come into view. One is that of an elf, bruised and covered in blood. The other is that of a human, laying lifeless on the platform floor.

"Orbrin! Prepare yourself!" Durnan shouts to the priest as he continues raising the lift to the top. The patrons step back as the priest begins taking care of the body, his practiced hands instantly begin to mend the broken body.

The elf steps off the lift and immediately sits on the floor, obviously distraught. Durnan speaks first.

"Where is the dwarf who went down with you?"

The elf looks up. "Tcott told us to run. He told us to. We didn't have a choice, we had to run. He told us to! Tcott told us to!"

"Calm down son, you are not to blame for this. Orbrin, how is that one doing?"

The priest finishes casting his spell and says "He is alive and stable. Lets get them out of here, this is not the place to heal."

With that, several patrons take the human body and lead the elf from the Inn. The rest of the patrons go back about their business, slightly more somber then before.

V for Victory
2010-01-28, 03:07 PM
THATS why I don't trust the half-elf we have no idea who is honest and who isn't

2010-01-28, 04:11 PM
"Do you think there's any chance of saving this Tcott? Or do we take another path. Surely someone here knows the layout below or at least parts of it. I mean, sure, I'm a Scout and finding the way is what we do, but maps and charts are always helpful. As are rumors and hard information about what lies ahead."

"As for the half-elf though, no. I am nowhere near trusting enough to meet him on his own turf with nothing in my hands but my money and finely shaped rear end."

"Do we have a plan for exploring the Undermountain? A goal? Any idea whatsoever of what we are to do or face? All I know is that i have a deep seated need to right whatever is wrong down there, but no idea about how to go about it."

V for Victory
2010-01-28, 05:18 PM
You want a map, you can set yourself up for the ambush. I'll be out of the way and step in if you need some help

2010-01-28, 05:57 PM
Turning to Durnan Lisane asks, "Is there any common knowledge about what's down there that is reliable? A rough layout of the first part perhaps? What is it like down there? You've obviously been at this a while, surely you have some idea."

2010-01-28, 06:14 PM
"Aye, lass. I indeed know how things down there were, and how they can be. I've spent more then my fair share of time down there, and seen more then one ally fall before me. You ask for common knowledge? Common knowledge says only fools venture forth." Durnan laughs before continuing. "I tend to agree."

"As for what to expect? Expect nothing and anticipate everything. I do not mean to sound cryptic, lass, but that is the best advice I can give. When dealing with the Mad Mage and his lair, nothing can be certain. Insofar as layout, from what I can gather, it has changed drastically since the earthquake a few nights ago. If you and your companions decide you still want to head down, let me know and I'll lower you lot in."

2010-01-28, 06:26 PM
Adem was horrified by the even but even as the event hapened he day dreamed of running to the hole jumping down and slaying the beast. As the others talk he gets more and more energetic till finally he yells "To the mad mans lair, treasure and glory await us!"

He runs to the platform jumps on and yells for the others to come.

V for Victory
2010-01-28, 07:01 PM
ALRIGHT! lets do this! Barnaland hops on the platform too

2010-01-28, 07:27 PM
"Fair enough!" Jacelyn turns from Durnan and climbs aboard the platform. "Lower us to glory and pray for our safe return."

2010-01-29, 04:02 PM
"Indeed! Onward and upwa-- Well, downward!" the gregarious dwarf chuckles.

2010-01-29, 05:46 PM
The party assembles on the lift. Durnan begins lowering you into the well as Orbrin says his prayer. Elsewhere in the Inn you can hear people talking about your group, taking bets on you this time.

The last echoes of the crowd’s toasts and betting whisper about you as you descend into the well. As the flickering light from the torches above fades, a chill overtakes you, and you find yourself still sinking with no end in sight. You drop slowly and steadily deeper on the rope, almost as if you were the bait on an unweighted fishing line in placid waters, but the cold and the quiet of the well that surrounds you is anything but peaceful. The silence has more of a threatening quality to it.

After being lowered for what seems like too long a time, you at last see the bottom. Below you stretches sand-covered ground and whatever fate awaits you in Undermountain.

The party steps off the lift and it begins its ascent upward.

Several inches of sand covers the floor of this roughly square room. Broken and dented shields hang on stone walls covered with chalk and charcoal graffiti written in all languages. The ceiling looms a mere 10 feet above you—as it does in the hallway that leads out of the room to the south—but a 30-foot-diameter hole in the ceiling forms a chimney that rises up over a hundred feet.

2010-01-29, 07:27 PM
Quickly scanning the room, Lisane tests for any obvious signs of danger.

Listen: [roll0]
Spot: [roll1]

If nothing is of immediate notice, Lisane will search for anything useful
Search: [roll2]

2010-01-29, 07:29 PM
Adem takes a look at the shields and the writing while checking the room for things other things. He takes out his book and starts to write down every thing he sees, recording it, for later memory's.

Spells prepared

Color Spray

Arcane Mark
Ghost Sound

2010-01-29, 07:37 PM
Lisane:You find a secret door in the northwest corner. You can not seem to tell how its opened, however.

The graffiti was written in all sorts of languages.

((Stick to the ones you can speak))

There are many "So-and-so was here"s all over the walls. There are some more interesting messages also:

“Hesod—Went to check out strange music only Jayce can hear. Have a few drinks until we get back.”

“It’s been two days. Leave a message if you have returned. Signed, Hesod.”

“It’s been two weeks. I can wait no longer. I’ll search for you myself. None of our friends would come with me. If you are not with me when you read this, then I am dead. Avenge my death on those who abandoned us in our time of need. Signed, Hesod.”

In the northwest corner: “Here waits a secret door, but you will not find it or you won’t be able to open it, and then you’ll rot here in this pit. Ha ha.”

“Beware the she-wolf and her night hounds. They killed Sarth.”

“You came here unbidden, now you’ll die in this midden.”

“Tymora, remember me.”

“Beware the eastern passages. The Metal Mage has made them his home, and he is not to be trifled with.”

In Goblin:“Many swords come here. Do not stay.”

In Orc:“Durnan is a bastard. I swear by Gruumsh that when I get out of here I’ll stuff his throat with gold pieces until he chokes. Signed, Slurg.”

In Dwarven:“Durembar Ironshanks was here and killed more orcs than he could count.” It has writing in Elven below it.

In Elven:“That means eleven.” This was written underneath a Dwarven message

In Halfling: “When you hear screaming, go the other way.”

In Halfling by another hand: “Coward!”

In Gnome:“Sorci Laughmantle died somewhere in that maze. She wears a heart-shaped brass ring. If you find her, say a prayer over her bones. We didn’t have time.”

2010-01-29, 07:44 PM
"Well, it appears that there is a secret door over here," Lisane said, motioning to the spot int he NW corner. "Not that it is that secret," she said indicating the writing on teh wall beside it.

"I can't tell how to open it, but perhaps our dwarven friend here can figure it out." She smiled at Gunnar.

2010-01-29, 08:53 PM
"Hmmm" Adem said searching in his things pulling out a brass key "The lord said let there be light but I say Open?"

Nothing on the shields?

Also casting open on the door

2010-01-29, 09:09 PM
OOCOpen/Close only works on things that weigh under 30 lbs. I'll let you save your spell :smallwink:

And no, none of the shield are valuable. Some bear the markings of noble houses and dwarf clans, though.

2010-01-30, 04:30 PM
After nothing happens Adem goes back to sketching the worn shield's symbols taking a few throwing them into his pack. Maybe some clan of dwarfs or some nobles would want a piece of their past back.

2010-01-30, 05:32 PM
Lisane quickly moves to the edge of the chimney shaft and peers upward, not wanting to be caught unawares by anything above.

spot: [roll0]
listen: [roll1]

2010-01-30, 05:57 PM
OOCThe chimney shaft is the Entry Well, sorry if I made that unclear.

2010-01-30, 06:06 PM
"So guys... How about that south hall...?" Adem says looking up from the sketching.


2010-01-30, 06:50 PM
Having verified that nothing was coming down the shaft after them, Lisane moved to the hallway. Taking her time, she checked the entryway, then motioned for the others.

Search: [roll0]
Spot: [roll1]
Listen: [roll2]

I plan on search/spot/listen at every door and intersection. If this is a problem, let me know. Or if you'd rather just script it, that's fine to.

2010-01-30, 07:01 PM
The entryway clear, the party proceeds. The hallway turns to the west after a short distance and widens to twenty feet.

OOCWho has a light source for those without darkvision?

2010-01-31, 07:27 AM

I am sure I do, but with Mythweavers down, I can't remember if it was torches or sunrod.

2010-01-31, 08:39 AM
OOCOh, I was more curious as to who was holding it more then anything. Also, could I get a general marching order?

LisaneAs you move into the twenty foot wide hall, you find two secret doors, one to the north and one further along to the south. You also see a room ahead with many pillars.

2010-01-31, 02:56 PM
Finding a secret door in the entrance room was one thing - someone else had written its location beside the door after all - but finding two in this hallway was something else. Excitement mounting, she motioned back to the others and then began to check the doors for clues as to their opening and any traps that may be present.

Check the North door, then the South. Take the time to do it right (take 20) for a total of 24.

2010-01-31, 05:08 PM
They both appear to be untrapped and open-able.

2010-01-31, 08:33 PM
Sidling back to the group, Lisane says "There are 2 hidden doorways there. one to the North and the other to the South, neither appear to be trapped." She also describes what she has seen of the room ahead.

"Which way shall we take?"

2010-01-31, 08:57 PM
Adem takes out a coin and flips it


"Well...I vote for..... South"

1= North 2= south

V for Victory
2010-01-31, 09:32 PM
Let's follow the money! I say as I point south

2010-01-31, 09:51 PM
The group heads toward the southern door. Further down the hall you can see a room filled with many pillars.

Lisane opens the door, revealing...

A small room, about 20 by 20. It is featureless, containing nothing but a fair amount of dust. It seems this room has not been used for a while. There are no further doors.

2010-02-01, 08:22 AM
Finding nothing of obvious interest, Lisane quickly searches the room before heading to the North door.

Just in case, search (24)

2010-02-01, 03:31 PM
His heavy mace in hand, Gunnar follows behind Lisane as they move through the corridors, then nearly runs into her before she moves into the room to search it. "Sorry. Anything, Lis?" he inquires. He seems to move at a very quick pace, though his distracted nature keeps him in formation.

OOC:I apologize for my absence. It was a very busy weekend between my son's Science Fair and swapping my old car for a newer one.

2010-02-01, 07:12 PM
Adem attempts to help in the search as does mogget.

[roll0] Adem

[roll1] Mogget

Ten means they add +2 to Lisane check each.

2010-02-01, 07:15 PM
After a search of the southern room turns nothing of interest up, the party heads to the northern door. As Lisane opens it you immediately hear sounds of laughter and conversing, in the goblin tongue.

Reacting quickly, Lisane maneuvers herself so the [torch/sunrod] doesn't shine light too far in and give away your locations. There seems to be no way to go further in without tipping them off though.

2010-02-02, 06:09 PM
Gunnar waves the others away from the doorway, then leans forward and whispers. "Can anyone understand what they're saying? I have an idea to distract them, but I want to know what's going on with them first."

2010-02-02, 06:20 PM
BarnalandThe voices are talking about nothing in particular. They seem to be relaxed and passing time. You hear one say the word "dee-for," whatever that is, and another mention something about it being but a flesh wound. Another asks for a beverage apparently made from the dew off a mountain. None seem to know your group is there.

2010-02-04, 09:55 AM
Gunnar nods as Barnaland translates. "Good. I'm going to move something across the room away from us, hopefully they'll investigate and then we can move in with surprise!" The dwarf rubs his hands together then moves forward to get a good view of the room before focusing his attention on a small but noticeable and unattended item and mentally lifting it from it's position and moving it five feet further away from his and his companions' location.

OOC:As long as none of them says they're casting MAGIC MISSILE at the darkness. NYAHAHAHAHA!!! :smalltongue:

2010-02-04, 11:50 AM
Lisane nocks an arrow quietly and prepares for what may come.

V for Victory
2010-02-04, 04:42 PM
Barnaland walks in cautiously, worried about ending up like the people who he saw come up on the elevator

2010-02-04, 04:57 PM
Eight small humanoids with flat faces, broad noses, pointed ears, wide mouths, and small, sharp fangs lurk within this room.

Surprise round for your party.


2010-02-04, 06:32 PM
"Well lets get them?" Adem suggest. His voice becomes deeper as his hands glow a soothing light blue. He mutters in a strange tongue that is a mix of hisses whistles and growls. He releases the energy at two of the shapes and gets his quarterstaff at the ready.

Casting Sleep on the two things on level 3. The ones to the most right.

also init [roll0]

2010-02-04, 06:45 PM
OOC:Sleep is a 10 ft burst. Centered on an intersection (as it should be) means it gets 12 squares (in a 'fat +' shape). You can target more then just those two. The 3/4-E/F intersection hits 6/7/8, for example.

Also, I know its kinda hard to tell, but they are numbered, for ease of reference.

2010-02-04, 06:50 PM

Forgot it was a burst. Going to place it in between 2-3 and B-C then and if I see this is right I get all 4 of the top yes?

And save DC is 14

2010-02-04, 07:16 PM
OOCYeah, you'd hit all 4. Also, please don't open combat logs until combat is over.

As Adem finishes intoning his spell, three of the creatures (1/2/4) fall asleep.

Combat Log[roll0]

2010-02-04, 08:57 PM
Lisane - Surprise Round

Lisane moves forward, crouches and fires an arrow at the leading goblin, hoping to take him before he can call out a warning.

Move to the wall to the right of Gunnar.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1] + skirmish [roll2]

V for Victory
2010-02-06, 10:29 AM
Barnaland Casts sleep cenetered on the square E4, the DC is 15

2010-02-08, 02:01 PM
All three of the targeted creatures succumb to the spell and fall asleep. Only two remain awake.

Combat Log[roll0]

2010-02-09, 12:09 PM
Gunnar hefts the mace in his left hand as he moves into the room, positioning himself across the room from Lisane.

Move straight forward to the wall, then left one more. 40' total move.

2010-02-09, 05:23 PM
http://i915.photobucket.com/albums/ac357/KouryCasey/BlankSlate-1.jpgChanged the dots to white. Hopefully makes it easier to see.The party wins initiative. You guys are up again. Two of the monsters (3,5) are still awake.

Combat Log[roll0]

2010-02-12, 11:19 AM
Tacking to the side, Lisane picks out one of the goblins that is still moving and launches another arrow his way.

Move up 15' ad left 10'. Shooting at #5

Attack: [roll0]
damage: [roll1] + [roll]1d6] skirmish

2010-02-12, 11:21 AM
Well, that was completely wrong.

Skirmish damage: [roll0]

2010-02-13, 05:09 PM
Adem jogs over to J3 and pulls out his staff.

V for Victory
2010-02-13, 07:36 PM
Barnaland moves to H3 and draws a dagger.

2010-02-17, 04:33 PM
Gunnar moves forward (to D1) and swings his mace at the unconscious gobin (#4).

Like fish in a barrell. Helpless means they have an effective Dex of 0 (-5AC) and I get +4 to hit! Woo HOO!
[roll2] x2 if Crit

2010-02-19, 04:42 PM
One of the monsters (#3) begins issuing orders. He draws a longsword and wakes up the goblin next to him (#2). The other goblin that is still awake (#5) responds to the orders from the other goblin and wakes up his ally (#6).

The party is up.

2010-02-19, 08:14 PM
Adem brings down his staff on the goblin with a sickening sound. He is no longer smiling with the boyish grin but has a serious line for his mouth. His teeth grit as the staff meets head and he looks away.

Coup De Gracing number 8? Farthest in line 3 anyway.


2010-02-20, 02:54 PM
Lisane dodges sideways and lets off another arrow at her last target.

Move to j6, fire a shot at #5 again.

Hit: [roll0]
damage: [roll]1d6[/rol[] + [roll1] skirmish

2010-02-20, 02:55 PM
and once again I bork up the rolls. I am really bad at that.
damage roll [roll0]

2010-02-20, 03:42 PM
LisaneYou also rolled a d6 to hit :smallbiggrin:

2010-02-20, 04:07 PM
Oh for crying out loud!

To hit: [roll0]