View Full Version : Let's Play Cat-Muffins IN SPAAAAACE (Spore: Galatic Adventures)

2010-01-26, 05:54 PM
Yes ladies and gentlemen we're going to have ourselves a fun time jetting across the universe via Maxis' underwhelming game yet stunning creation tool, Spore, the Game of Evolution!
Released way back when in 2008 to a massive amount of hype, Spore took the gaming world by storm: by which I mean some people enjoyed the rain, most were killed by lightning.

Look, honestly I really enjoyed Spore for a while, experimenting with different creatures and civilisations, but the problem is they spent so much time on the creator that much of the game lost its touch. Especially the Space Stage. A lot of people felt that the Space Stage was where the game actually began and yes, it has a lot of work put into it, but it's so dreadfully dull.
So, we're going to be running this with Spore: Galatic Adventures! Rather than just be confined to our spaceship, Galatic Adventures allows us to get out and explore as our trusted space captain.

So, in a game of infinite choice when we want to just mess about with the expansion, how are we going to play?
As one of these:

Expect a first update tomorrow night, while you guys make our first big decision: Will Cat-Muffins conquer through


Spore 1: Cell Stage - Being a Spore (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=7776137&postcount=15)
Spore 2: Creature Stage Part 1: Thank God We Can Sing (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=7793119&postcount=25)
Spore 3: Creature Stage Part 2: I know what GIMP is (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=7861356&postcount=43)
Spore 4: Tribal Stage Part 1: Oh boop. (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=7869759&postcount=51)

2010-01-26, 05:56 PM



2010-01-26, 06:00 PM



This, but less diplomatic.

Cristo Meyers
2010-01-26, 06:05 PM
This reminds me...I'm at war with the catmuffins in my Spore game...I really should...erm...rectify that...:smallamused:

Cast my vote for war.

2010-01-26, 06:08 PM
i was thinking of doing a lets play spore... ah well.

i say peaceful and religious... just because its harder... my favorite way to play is as a merchant. but war... war never changes.


2010-01-26, 06:11 PM
This, but less diplomatic.

you mean....


2010-01-26, 06:31 PM
No one will suspect delicious cat muffins as terrible killing machines! War!

Did you honestly expect something else?

2010-01-26, 06:34 PM

Also, have a metric ton of "Test planets" where you transport prisoners to see how they fare in a world you fill with a custom ecosystem.

2010-01-26, 06:41 PM
Are Catmuffins vegetarian, omnivorous or carnivore? My hunch is it depends whether they are more cat than muffin.

I tried Spore: Galactic Adventures to see what range of player created missions were made, but I soon found a fatal flaw with the concept. Out of the ten player creator missions I played, nine were "My First Go With The Editor" missions which consisted of practically nothing at all. The tenth and the only one that was any good at all was in French, so I only had the barest idea of what was going on.

2010-01-26, 07:03 PM



What is it good for? ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING.

2010-01-26, 07:24 PM
No one will suspect delicious cat muffins as terrible killing machines! War!

Did you honestly expect something else?

Ya know? For a second there, yeah. I kinda did.

Are Catmuffins vegetarian, omnivorous or carnivore? My hunch is it depends whether they are more cat than muffin.

I tried Spore: Galactic Adventures to see what range of player created missions were made, but I soon found a fatal flaw with the concept. Out of the ten player creator missions I played, nine were "My First Go With The Editor" missions which consisted of practically nothing at all. The tenth and the only one that was any good at all was in French, so I only had the barest idea of what was going on.

Oh, I've got some special surprises in store for that. Found some juicey missions out there.
All top secret though, for now.

This reminds me...I'm at war with the catmuffins in my Spore game...I really should...erm...rectify that...:smallamused:

Yes, I understand the Cat-Muffins became something of a Galatic Menace for a lot of us Playgrounders.

Cristo Meyers
2010-01-26, 07:29 PM
Yes, I understand the Cat-Muffins became something of a Galatic Menace for a lot of us Playgrounders.

Not as bad as the landfish...the Cat-Muffins are positively jovial compared to them.

2010-01-26, 10:46 PM
In the midnight hour, Jib
She cried, "WAR, WAR WA-A-AR,"
With a rebel yell,

2010-01-27, 01:23 PM
I can't wait for the first post to come up.

In another news, I keep hearing rumors that the DRM for this game was recently removed, are those rumors true?

2010-01-27, 02:32 PM
First Post you say?

Spore 1: Cell Stage - Being a Spore


Well now, ain't that a pretty sight.
Yes, soon enough we'll be launching a meteor at one of those planets there and sowing the seed of life! I'd tell you which one, but those screenshots mysteriously vanished.
For the Cell Stage, we'll be an omnivore, eating plant and meat alike. It stops you being constrained to one path or another for the rest of the game: It's very hard to be a nice peaceful race if you started out as a carnivorous micro-organism.


And here we are. You can't select omnivore straight off, so we've got ourselves a herbivore mouth but as soon as we've chewed our way through some atomic plant life we'll get to mating, this being how you change your cell/creature in the first two sections.


And here's our cell. The Proto Cat-Muffin.

The Cell stage stands out from the rest of the game as feeling the most finished. Space stage is the most expansive, yet Cell has clear goals and simple gameplay. A lot of work went into making sure this game started right. It's definitely my favourite stage as it emphasises much of the 'evolution' of the game: Crap this guy's bigger than me I need to attach more spikes to myself.


It's also the scariest. You get glimpses of bigger cells in the background. It really helps to show progression, but gorram it is freaky to be swimming over a giant lidless eye. Reminds me of swimming past the Elder God in Soul Reaver II.


Cell isn't without its problems though. It's a bit lifeless at times, with a lot of huge empty space and only the occasional... thing in the way. What is that? Some kind of bubble? I don't know, but I was quite happy to find this spot. Big pieces of plant life without a carnivore hanging around are rare, and it's even rarer to find one without any other herbivores.


Here's our little guy by this point. Extra flaggelums to make him faster. The downside of going omnivore via both sets of mouths is this uses up a lot of DNA Dollars, the currency with which you 'buy' evolutions, and as such in the early stages of cell you'll be very slow without any means to attack or defend. You end up scavenging meat and plants from other creatures, which is actually kind of fun. Like playing an even smaller Jawa.


It's much easier to get plants like this than it is meat, so we're starting to lean towards herbivore as seen above. Best get murdering then. We should probably think up some kind of Battle Cry, huh?


The Big Cells serve to remind you that you are not the top dog. Yes, you're growing bigger every second but there's always a bigger fish. Seen here in the bottom right is a Big Cell. Just to the left is me, freaking out.


Freaking out is not a good survival tactic apparently.


Best to evolve again so we can get out of there. The wing things make you turn faster, all the better to freak out and swim away. Now we can go and eat some more and upgrade again.


Don't mind us.
Actually, just after I took this the other cell zapped my mate and killed it. Kinda tragic really.


And this is what we want. Even more speed. Now charging at things head first, freaking out with our mandibles is a viable strategy.


The other big problem with this stage is its over so fast. Just as you're feeling like a badass ruling over a bunch of lesser cells, you're suddenly enlarging again and right back at the bottom of the rung. Aside from that, this is also a really fun stage. A very good mix of survival vs murder, and it's the time when the cartoonish visuals suit best. Its short length is done on purpose by the developers so you can get to being a creature as soon as possible, but apparently they underestimated their player base's ability to put up with not having legs.


We've been eating too much.
Well, Cat-Muffins are kinda round so best we actually start looking it.
I'm not entirely sure why I attached the electric zappers as they're a tad useless. Good for attacks you don't see coming, like the green sucker guys, but they have to recharge after dealing damage so you can never rely on them in direct combat.
And by direct combat, I mean freaking out with your mandibles.


As you get bigger, the scenery changes to match more what you might see underwater. Which is... shells apparently? Isn't that a snail shell? Doesn't that mean that snails have evolved before us to leave their shells behind? And who's eating the snails.
Seems... fishy to me. If I wasn't a microbe, I'd make sure to remember this for later.


This is me getting absolutely murdered.


Well hey, what's this?


Well hey, apparently ate enough to develop a brain? At some point?
This point always kinda sneaks up on you out of left field. It's a sad moment, because it means the cell stage is over.


The only real point of putting it off is if you haven't got all the cell items. Considering there's only 6 to find you gotta be pretty silly not to have found them by this point.
Fact: I hadn't. I felt silly.


And here's our happy omnivore. Now we can do what we like in Creature stage, and eat whatever we choose! Which is awesome, because there's fruit everywhere so herbivores rarely go hungry.
So, let's see what our cell looks like when given a third dimensi


You horrible mutant.

...looks kinda like my sister.


A few tweeks later and we've got the start of a Cat-Muffin. There's a lot of work to go yet and you're only provided with a few legs and the cell parts to start off with.
As an interesting fact, Maxis actually withheld parts in the cell stage as you'll notice some cells have bits you can't access. They're exactly the same as yours, but with different looks. It's a minor sin, but very annoying when you notice it.
By the by, that one leg on the bottom will be covered up eventually and it'll look like our Cat-Muffins bounce everywhere.


...you twisted freak.
It's kinda creepy if you look in the eyes.


And now, TO LAND.
Appropriate. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cWnmCu3U09w)


But that's for another time...

So that's Cell stage. Quick, brutal, and my favourite. Like I've said, very fun, and with a little further development could probably stand on its own a separate game. Granted, for the iPhone or something but still. Tune in next time as we struggle and die in...
Creature Stage: Thank God We Respawn.

2010-01-27, 02:58 PM
Ahh so you are Om-nom-nomivore.

2010-01-27, 03:06 PM
I vote our warcry to be "NATAPAAAAYYYY!"

2010-01-27, 04:13 PM
You know you don't need legs, right? I don't think the Cat-Muffins should have them, personally. It's also much more of a challenge that way. :smallbiggrin:

2010-01-27, 04:55 PM
You know you don't need legs, right? I don't think the Cat-Muffins should have them, personally. It's also much more of a challenge that way. :smallbiggrin:

I believe the correct response is: 'Screw you, I enjoyed being able to move at a reasonable speed.'
Besides, when they're finished the bouncing animation is kind of adorable.

2010-01-27, 09:56 PM
Der nacht das cheese wrap?

Also, this LP needs more heroism.

2010-01-27, 10:11 PM
The war-cry can be "DELICIOUS!"

Also, those things are soo ugly, EW. You need to do everything well all at once!

2010-01-29, 07:56 PM
Is that Faulty asking for a cheese wrap in German on the lower right of one of those?

2010-01-29, 08:07 PM
Is that Faulty asking for a cheese wrap in German on the lower right of one of those?

Yes a little bit.
(Psssst. Creature Stage Part 1 will be up tomorrow.)

2010-01-29, 09:44 PM
Kinda cute, so are we going for 4 legs?

2010-01-30, 01:18 PM
Hey look, an update.

Spore 2: Creature Stage Part 1: Thank God We Can Sing


Well, here we go with the Creature stage. We're on land, breathing air and have grown legs - or a leg in our case. In turn the gameplay has massively changed. We need to feed to keep ourselves alive, interact with other species via various methods and explore our surroundings.
We've got two main goals for this stage:
1. Meet other creatures.
2. Collect more body parts.

1 is easy, as


Yeah, meeting other creatures is easy as they're pretty much everywhere.


Gathering parts is easy too, as you can either interact with Alpha creatures or find them in bones of the ground.
With a couple of pieces we can go edit our creature. How you ask?


By getting jiggy with it.
Horrible Viva Pinata flashbacks right now.


As you can see, we're still a horrible mutant. But we've got tons of options for customisation now thanks to using the actual creature creator, rather than the cell to creature editor.
Except we don't because we have to find them all. Gorramit.


Different body parts give you new abilities, and everytime you equip a new body part you get taught how to use it by your parent. I want to say mum or dad or something definitive but I'm pretty sure everything in Spore is unisex and it's incredibly creepy.


Oh, hey, I evolved a brain.
This is your numero uno goal in Creature Stage of course, become intelligent. There are four stages of brain and with each upgrade you get to add someone to your pack to help you out.


Thus far I've been really nice to everybody as we kind of don't have any offensive capabilities. Or social capabilities. We can dance, and sing. That's it.
Hey this guy is going to kill us.


Fortunately at this early stage, other creatures can only sing, or maybe have the first level of charm. I've got level 2 singing, so everybody loves me and I get to live in their nests and make a big mess.
It's like having one of those friends who you let stay at yours whenever they like because they can sing really well but then they wreck all your stuff and you just don't know how to break up with them.
This nest is in a really weird spot actually, as it's en embankment between a lake and the sea. By process of common sense, whenever it rains the lake must flood over into the sea right where their nest is. I want to say it's really genius AI here, but it's probably sheer coincidence that these creatures have webbed feet.


Creature stage is actually really pretty. I don't know if it gets credited with that often, because its the stage where the change from the original 'realistic' graphics to these stylised ones is most apparent. Still, that's a darn pretty lake.


We got a few more body parts so lets upgrade again. I really lucked out here because it usually takes me absolutely forever to find those damn kitty ears.


Hey wait wat
No xp124, something important is going on.


Wait wait wait where are you going don't leave me here I don't have any teeth don't leave me here to die.


Parental Figure waves goodbye to them briefly before being left to die alongside us. I think it's because they know we're going to grow up to be the Vault Dweller of our species; straying from the safety of our home to have high adventures and be forever changed by what we find there.
Fallout - Spore... not a comparison I thought would ever be made.
Wait. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LnDnewDQc7U)


Yeah, so this is migrating. I absolutely furiously hate it and I don't know why.
It doesn't affect anything really, you still have your friend's nests nearby, you're not going to mate that often unless you're incredibly penickity, and it does actually give you a goal, encouraging you to go out and explore.
And yet everytime it happens something inside me screams and wants to break stuff.


Apparently the Cat-Muffin agrees. Or has learnt to defy gravity.


Because they're the only one around now, we're going to drag Parent around with us. I'd love to imagine some witty dialogue between the two, but we haven't evolved speech yet so it must just be a bunch of whalenoise.
'EEEEEEEEEEEYYYYYYYYoooooooooooooooooooooYYYYYYYoo oooooo'
*laughs had all around*


What the boop are they.


And now we're having problems. Other creatures in Spore evolve alongside you, developing in their own ways and developing their own attitudes because of it. These guys are a bunch of herbivores, so they'll developed a lot of high level social skills. They're also a trillion miles away from their nest.

I suppose I should really start talking about what's bad about this stage, and the social minigame is a good place to start. When you start chatting with another creature, a bar appears in the middle of the screen. The creature uses a social skill and that fills up some of the bar on their side. You then have to match it, to fill up your own side of the bar. Higher level skills fill up the bar high amounts. If the creature reaches the halfway mark they get tetchy and you fail, so you have to have the same skills and same levels to compete.
As you can see, we don't. Our singing is better and it helps raise the bar a lot, but they keeps trying to charm us and pose for us, neither of which we can do. Charm requires extra oddities to be plasted on your creature, and pose requires arms. We have neither of those. We have a foot we deny exists, and a mouth we hide from view. We almost had these guys, but the game decided it just wasn't enough.
Alright, that sounds all well and good, but why is it bad? Because it's boring. Really really boring. If you're a herbivore the game forces you down this route by giving you body parts with social skills and keeping away pretty much all the combat upgrades. Herbivores already have it kind of dull because they don't have to struggle for their food, but now they have no reason to ever risk their life because it will never ever be worth it.
We're technically an omnivore, but because I decide to socialise with early creatures the game has decided I must be a herbivore secretly so we're kind of stuck like this.


That's a pretty cool rock. The game does do a good job of making some interesting landmarks on your planet.
I shall name it: Annoying Ass Mountain, for the annoying ass creatures we found there.
But we don't have language yet, so we don't do anything.


Daaaaaaw, you guys are fuzzy wuzzy adorable. I love these guys, they're so cute. They were just east of those annoying ass creatures and we kind of stumbled upon them looking for bones.


Crap, we're getting too peaceful.

Can I?
Dare I?
Must I?



Our first kill.


As we ended the cell stage as omnivores, we get this ability to summon a flock of other creatures to help us with whatever. I could have used it to tip the balance with those creatures, but I totally forgot about it and accidentally summoned them here.


Ain't so adorable when you're dead.


We only managed to kill those guys because they were fluffy wuffy. These guys do not like us, which means they must be carnivores which means they will absolutely murder us.
Let's ignore them and hey!


It's the Wright Tripods!
When the first gameplay was shown, Will Wright made these guys with the creator to demonstrate how the game worked. These guys don't like us either, which makes sense because Wright did make them as vicious carnivores and began wiping out several other species.
It's weird thinking about that video. It had a lot of things in it like smaller 'prey' creatures for carnivores to hunt, more varied vegetation for herbivores rather than the one fruit we can eat now, the ability to manipulate corpses with claws and the like and better examples of evolution in work: become a big nasty predator and bigger nastier predators are formed to hunt you. However the bigger ones always operated alone, so you were encouraged to form packs to hunt them. It leads much better to the tribal stage than the actual method used.


Thaaaaank you Wright!
This a Rogue. They have no nests, there's only one and they're much bigger and much more powerful than any other creature out there. In the past I survived this stage by forming a full pack of Rogues and leading them on a thousand year reign of blood.


Now he's our bestest buddy and we never have to be afraid ever again.


Speaking of which look who it is.




Good God let's mate.
Yeeeaaaahh... right back to those Viva Pinata flashbacks. It's kinda like 'Nam, 'You weren't there man, you don't know. Eternally breeding Pengums, watching them dance in their little top hats just to keep paying the bills. It was crazy man, crazy.'


Well hey, that's looking much better. We'll be using different eyes but these look good for now. We're actually almost complete and only halfway through.


Yeah, Rogues get born next to you whenever you edit your creature. It's... a little odd, I mean, who mated to produce that?
Our Parent also gets born anew next to us. Biology has given up and gone home, where it's lover Zoology will neglect it while it continues an affair with Physics behind Biology's back.


Oh yeah. Let's go face the world.

So we've actually got a couple things we can vote on now we know where we stand with creature stage:

1. Do I continue socialising with other species, or start murdering everyone?

2. What do we name our Cat-Muffin?

3. What do we name our Rogue?

4. Do we like the Battle Cry?

2010-01-30, 03:29 PM
Name the rogue: Vader.

2010-01-30, 03:33 PM
Oh so that's what you were doing while I was pestering you...

Sorry folks. Just a bit of insight into my own Tribal Phase. No, they aren't going to get featured. :-p

2010-01-30, 03:43 PM


If I knew singing was so imba, I would've done so, but meh, being a flying predator was also fun.

It's also so annoying when the previews of a game show all kind of cool options, and then when the game actualy comes out they cut all those options with a chainsaw.

2010-01-30, 05:29 PM
Battle Cry: Meow, I am delicious!

2010-01-30, 06:44 PM
Hmmm...I can't help but think you need a narrower base for the cat-muffin, so that those plates bend down and in, forming a more connected base that also gets the slight angle of a real muffin wrapper. Any chance of that? :smalltongue:

2010-01-31, 02:25 AM
I sadly report that my allies the cat-muffins are being exterminated despite my best intentions to defend them from their agressor. I will do whatever I can to preserve their cultural heritage and even preserve their DNA by letting them inhabit in another planet.

2010-01-31, 08:08 PM
Man, reading this is making me want to play Spore.

Call the Rogue Snoopy. (A la WoW)

Yes, the battle cry is good. Need to be extended though, kinda like "Deeeliiiicouuuuuuuuuuus!!!"

2010-01-31, 09:39 PM
You need to kill more. The first of the Cat-Muffins have tasted blood, and they find it Delicious!

Name the rouge "Rogue".

2010-02-01, 12:23 AM
Let's see. A rogue and a leader of rogues. Hopefully, some day, a whole squadron of rogues, even.

Name him Wedge.

2010-02-01, 02:52 AM
Let's see. A rogue and a leader of rogues. Hopefully, some day, a whole squadron of rogues, even.

Providing flanking bonuses like crazy!

2010-02-01, 06:30 PM
Name him Wedge.

Wedge, I approve of wedge.

2010-02-01, 09:40 PM
Wedge is probably as good as it'll get.

2010-02-03, 01:55 AM
Rogues OWN!!! Wedge ftw!

EDIT: Rouge? I never typed that :shiftyeyes:

2010-02-03, 01:59 AM
Rouges OWN!!! Wedge ftw!

Rouge? I suppose he was Red 8, so that makes sense.

Still, his days in Rogue Squadron made him a legend.

2010-02-03, 03:39 AM
Yeah it's definitely Wedge.
I'm having internet and work troubles here, but an update should be up today or tomorrow.

2010-02-06, 01:09 PM
Bump up from second page so I can find it again in a few days :)

2010-02-09, 02:28 PM
What happened to 'today or tommorow'? Are you ok?:smalleek:

2010-02-10, 02:20 PM
A list of why this has been delayed
Train journey
Only chance to see best friend in 5 months
Another train journey
Another assignment
Family death
ANOTHER assignment
Which brings us to today and

Spore 3: Creature Stage Part 2: I know what GIMP is


Okay, where were we?


Oh right.


Yes, here we are again. All ready to go out and engage in a vague substitute for evolution. We've got our bestest buddy Wedge and our Parent and we're ready to go out and be friends with everyone!


Hi! Let's ignore the guys killing each other behind you and be best friends forever and bake things and have wonderful adventures!

No, wait a minute, weren't we killing everyone?


Yes, yes we were.


While we go out on a genocidal rampage, a pretty nifty meteor shower happens. Everybody freaks out and runs around but we hold our ground and kill them when they are weak and defenceless.
The meteors are pretty lacklustre to be honest. They're tiny and do no damage, and serve as nothing more than a pretty light show.


Oh, hey, our brain got bigger. And it seems all that friendliness was making us quite the nice guy, but our random slaughter has worked nicely to turn that around.


We wander over into this nest and steal a couple upgrades. Then I let Wedge kill everyone.


And this guy just sits and stares at me. Wedge is going nuts and killing this guy's family, he does not like me in the least, yet he seems to be absolutely mesmerised by my doughy torso.


Oh fabulous day what's this over here?


It's another Rogue! With two Rogues we'd be nearly unstoppable. Best get recruiting him with our fantabulous singing abilities then.


Or get killed by a nearby nest who hate us.
Grrrreeeeaaaaat. So we don't get that second Rogue. Wedge is still alive though, so we still have a chance to survive.
Rogues like this are a big risk. You want them, but if you don't start socialising they'll end up running away while you slaughter any nearby threats and you'll never find them again. In this case, the risk did not pay off at all.


And then we get ditched again.


Except we don't?
For some reason a bunch of Cat-Muffins spawned here anyway and just stuck around for a bit. That's never happened to me before.


And then this happens? My torso disappeared? Okay.


And then THIS happens.


Take 2.




Take 3 and we successfully kill one of them, which results in their entire species being wiped off the map forever more only to be found as fossils in the future.
By the way, we are 5 metres from our old nest, where we respawn after death.


What's that? I don't know but it looks scary. Glad I don't fly.


And what's that? I shall name it Stinky Ground Crack. Except again, no language. We should get right on that.


Ah, here's something I do understand. Weak, stupid creatures in need of a culling.


Not so weak not so weak!


God damn it.
This is where Creature stage is just frustrating. Overwhelming numbers, overwhelming attack abilities, trek from nest to enemy... it's not hard or anything, just really dull and time consuming. We keep going like this I'm just going to


Wait, what's that over there?


Another Rogue! Sweet Johesephat!


Best Friend Mode Activate.


Oh God. Two Rogues.
I think we're unstoppable now.




Woah, consciousness.
We're now sentient! Creature Stage is over! We're intelligent with emotions and a soul!

But we're not done. I want to go find my favourite eyes, and we still never found our new nest. Best go wrap that up huh?


Speaking of souls, these guys seem to be staring into mine.
I leave them alone because... dayum, them's freaky.


And I leave him alone.
In case you can't see, he's a big guy. A really big guy.
Giant monsters roam in every mode and they're called Epics. They are basically the Screw You buttons of each stage. Super strong, super tough, nigh unstoppable. Killing one requires serious spamming of ranged weaponry.


Great googly moogly look at them all. I wipe out the nest and reap my rewards. Except my eyes aren't there. Dayum.


But I have found my nest! Huzzah! Now we won't be cold and alone alone. Speaking of which...


A quick bit of mating later and we've made minor edits. Remember I spoke about the game giving you parts based on which you used? We can twig with this to get what parts we want easy. By equipping an eye of the same type that we do have, we make it much more likely that the eye we want will appear.
Another way this works is we've got an almost full set of combat upgrades now. Thanks to the Rogues, we've managed to wipe out so many nests that the game has showered us with combat body parts. Were we a social creature who decided to go aggressor without rogues, this would have been an incredibly arduous slog of equipping combat bits, finding bones and hoping.


Aaaaand it's another Epic, a few steps (for him) from my new nest. We spend half an hour running around him to reach nests to kill for parts. Eventually, in a pile of bones right next to him we find them. There's no screenshot because I spent this moment panicking and freaking out.


And here we are, fully evolved and ready to develop our mind and culture. With Biggs and Wedge, truly we will be unstoppable!

And that's Creature Stage. My least favourite of the stages. The second most thought through after Space, a lot of people say it's what the game wanted to be most. Well, no, not really. It's a minigame and pretty naff combat system and that's about it. This looks nothing like the Creature Stage as originally shown and is just a really watered down example of what could have been.
The big flaw really is the one we ran into most; a clear idea for what we want our monster to be, but the game forces us into using specific bits or else be rendered entirely useless. What would've fixed this all entirely is just a simple RPG system. Evolve, get points, invest them into the different skills. Make the actual creature cosmetic, allowing you to mix and match and make a creature exactly as you want without being little stronger than a fresh outta the sea slug while everyone else is shooting fire from their arse and dancing like black Michael Jackson with six extra legs.

Tune in next time (this being tomorrow, seriously) for Tribal Stage, Part 1: Populous The Beginning is a very good game!

Oh yeah, Tribal Stage Decisions:
Any ideas for how to dress the Cat-Muffins?
There are 5 other tribes. How many do we kill and how many do we befriend?

2010-02-10, 02:48 PM
Top hats and canes.

2010-02-10, 03:19 PM
There can be only one! (ally)

I second the top-hats and canes. These should be a civilized species of cold-blooded killer, with monocle-equivalents on at least half their eyes if possible.

Rustic Dude
2010-02-10, 04:15 PM
Naked. Strap all the items where they can't be seen. In it's little muffin heart.

2010-02-10, 06:01 PM
Tophat and steampunk goggles.

2010-02-10, 07:50 PM
Another vote for the top hat and cane here.

2010-02-10, 08:14 PM
Top hat, cane, and as many monocles as possible. Sophisticated and refined, ready to carve out your guts at any sign of weakness.

2010-02-11, 05:09 PM

Top hat, monocle. That's all the muffin needs.

Also: where did you hide the arms?

2010-02-11, 05:20 PM
Spore 4: Tribal Stage Part 1: Oh boop.












Oh God, how to describe what went wrong here.
When I first saw this cutscene, it was just about the funniest thing in the world to me. I'm going to get another creature here so I can record it and show this cutscene properly because Cat-Muffins boop this up so bad.
What's meant to happen is your creature realises you can use sticks as tools, they start to develop language, invent fire. It's pretty cool. However, it's assumed you have some kind of hand at this point.
We don't.
Not so bad, they prepare for this. If you don't have a hand, your creature instead holds the stick in their mouth. You can't make a creature without a mouth, they have to eat. Okay, yeah, that works fi-
You can't see our mouth. It's underneath the casing.
So instead our Cat-Muffins will now just sort of have our tools and weapons and stuff stuck to the bottom of our casing. In this cutscene, that stick is practically invisible behind the nest. It's just a Cat-Muffin wiggling a bunch until he throws it. It's ridiculous.


So, Tribal Stage.
Most people hate this stage. I kinda love it.
The whole thing is based on Populous, here's your tribe, make them powerful. They stated this so many times during development. It... really isn't. It's shallow like Creature Stage, lacks the scale of Civilisation stage and is probably the hardest stage of all.
But... it's just so personal. Every villager has their own name, they sit and talk to each other if you let them be, food actually becomes really important. It may not be Populous, but it's still really nice to see your little villagers actually live compared to the lifeless meandering of Creature Stage.


Of course, we're not the only creatures to advance to this stage. Yes, evolution means no one species has emerged as dominant yet and as such we'll have to contend with other villages for food, territory and our lives.
Mostly our lives.
First thing's first.


Now we're not naked.
Clothing does affect your stats somewhat. Apparently. I've honestly not noticed it much before, so you're free to dress them up how you like really. We're going for a leaf waistcoat, prototop hat and moustache right here.


So here's our little village. The altar is where we worship Cat'Thilli, The Dude, and where we store our food. Food is important. We use it to make buildings and spawn new Cat-Muffins.
The big hut is our chieftain's home and the heart of the village. It's even more important. We spawn new Cat-Muffins here, and losing our big hut means we lose our village.


We send the Cat-Muffins off to gather fruit. This is pretty much why I wanted to be am Omnivore. Carnivores would have to hunt down creatures here for meat or go fishing. Because fish evolved too. Yeah. As an Omnivore we can gather fruit and then hunt while we wait for it to regrow, so there's always food available.
Let's check out some of our surroundings then.


Oh... crap.
If I was playing this online and had friends, the game would be automatically downloading other people's creatures to fill in the ecosystem and build other villages and the like. But because I'm offline, it's decided to grab some of the stuff I made while bored.
As can be see by this horrible horrible bug thing.


A crystal mountain. We shall name it: Crystal Mountain.


And here's Biggs and Wedge!
Having other creatures in your pack when you build your village domesticates them. They'll defend the village and give us eggs we can harvest for more food. Normally they're a tad useless, but because Biggs and Wedge were Rogues they'll actually be able to hold their own against invaders. Way to go guys! And thanks for letting us eat your young!


Woah. This is obviously a cursed place. We're going to avoid this thing.


It's a Arachnid Swine. A Pig Spider if you will.
Mayhaps even a... Spider-Pig? (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EZEd3zsQgg4)


'Ello 'ello, wots all dis den?


That's all well and good, but I'm not done sight seeing.


Ooooo, mystic.


Speaking of mystic, Chieftain Kimbundoc can cast magic. Thanks to evolution.
You get different abilities for your Chieftain based on how you acted in the last evolution. Due to our Omnivore ways, we can summon lots of fish and hypnotise beasts to serve us. Because that's what Omnivores do.


Okay, let's go say high to the neighbours. With our SUPER AWESOME HORNS.
Socialising works like it did before, but instead of singing and dancing they requests instruments. Nobody has invented anything other than horns right now, so all they want to hear is horns.


Oh yeah, we're the best. Being nice is pretty sweet.


And now we've made a friend! I like these guys.


So they give us this wicked totem, and let us know Atheist God is playing Team Fortress 2.


Which upgrades our altar...


And makes our hut even bigger!
Sweeeet. Making friends is awesome.


Hey, more tribes.
They don't look very happy.


Nor do they.
And everybody's wearing those hats.


And it's another tribe of those guys!
In those same hats!
Well, nobody likes us. Crud. Those other two tribes are just jerks, but these guys have built their village right next to that Cursed Ground. It must be affecting them.


Uh oh, a silly hat invasion. These Yellow guys look tough.


But we're tougher.
They do kill a Cat-Muffin before we drive them off.
This is intolerable. Cat'Thilli desires retribution! We shall drive these tribes out of our sacred home and annihilate them all!
Oddly enough, while social skills don't carry over combat skills do. Don't give a villager a weapon and they'll engage with combat skills. It's kinda cool when you had the Spit ability to suddenly see a villager open fire with poison. A nice reminder your evolution does matter.


Our buddies the Pinkies bring us a basket of food. Aw, how sweet. They'll be spared the coming holy war.


We decide to invade the Teals to teach those Yellows a lesson. Haha, let's see how they like this!


We drag a nest of these rock monsters to help us purge the Teals.


It... doesn't work.

Kimbundoc is felled, and half our tribe dead. Only our fishermen survived, safe by the coast, while the Teals are already half strong.


Ooooooohhhhhhh craaaaaaaaaaap.
We are screwed.

There is only one thing we can do.


Prepare for WAR.

I intended to finish Tribal Stage in two updates. Then everything went wrong.
So, let's see what happens, shall we?

What do we call our village?

2010-02-11, 05:50 PM
The Litterbox.

The Muffin Dish.

The Litterdish.

The Muffinbox.

2010-02-11, 05:54 PM
Just wanted to say that I love this. I've never played Spore (my computer almost assuredly wouldn't even be able to handle it), but you explain it really well, and the Cat-Muffins are adorable. :smallredface:

2010-02-11, 07:10 PM
I like the whole feel of the tribal stage for the same reason; it's all very personal, and you get to see your critters interact as a small group. It's just rather lacking in gameplay. You quickly meet other tribes which you either beat up or hold concerts for, then the whole stage is over. I'd have liked a longer period of just helping your village survive.

The tribal stage is also the point where I realise that the standard Spore critter people make appears to be a nine foot tall six armed killing machine in full wardress, whereas the standard Spore critter that I make is a three foot tall cute colourful bird thing in an elaborate silly hat. Which makes it every more amusing when the bird things hold their own in a fight.

Edit: As for names, I like "Muffinbox".

2010-02-11, 07:15 PM
The Muffinbox.
I like the sound of this one. It shows our enemies what we are and where we can be found. A strong statement. A vertiable "Μολών λαβέ" one could say.

2010-02-11, 07:22 PM
The Oven.


2010-02-14, 08:15 AM
Okay, uh...

A Confession

The whole of this LP has been kind of one big joke. We were never going to play Galactic Adventures and it was just setting up the Cat-Muffins for a different game, based upon how we played Spore.
However, not only do I now have Galactic Adventures (because I don't have) but I also have a legitimate (and online) copy of Spore. This does however mean we've kind of lost all our progress thus far. I still have everything I made there, but no saved game of the Cat-Muffins thus far.
I was going to do a mini-update to show off Populous: The Beginning because I think it's such a fantastic game but that's not working right now. So, before I redo Cell and Creature stage again, if you have a Spore account and want to see some of your creations in this LP, just give me your Spore name or find me: Jibar (naturally).
Here's the upside of all this malarky:
1. We will actually play Space stage.
2. We will actually play Galactic Adventures.
3. We can redo what was an abysmal start to Tribal stage.
4. There won't just be Maxis creatures and my absurd monsters
5. Populous: The Beginning will appear at some point, and if it doesn't I totally call dibs on LPing it in future.
6. We'll still move on to that mystery game, just as planned.

Summary: Everything went wrong but we can fix this + We'll eventually be playing 3 games at once.

The Dark Fiddler
2010-02-14, 08:51 AM
I again link to my profile of crappy creations: go wild. (http://www.spore.com/view/myspore/TheDarkFiddler)

I full expect you to find the exact same Rogues when you catch up to where you were. Do not disappoint. :smallamused:

2010-02-14, 03:43 PM
I remember that when I played through, my race was so obscenely overpowered, that the only thing I saw in tribal stage was my race.

2010-02-14, 07:52 PM
I'm kpenguin222 (http://www.spore.com/view/myspore/kpenguin222) around the Spore-ish parts.

EDIT: Well, huh. I can't seem to find you on the Sporepedia, jibar.

Lord of Syntax
2010-02-14, 11:11 PM
I am (because of stupid :smalltongue:) KittenMolester

2010-02-15, 02:29 AM
KittenMolester? Not a kitten molester, but the kitten Molester? (capital M) :smalleek:

2010-02-15, 07:43 AM
You can grab some of my old stuff. I'm ObadiahtheSLim (http://www.spore.com/view/myspore/ObadiahtheSLim). Also if you want some pretty cool C'thulu stuff, Bryy_Miller (http://www.spore.com/view/myspore/Bryy_Miller) has some cool stuff as well.

Cristo Meyers
2010-02-15, 01:39 PM
What little stuff I have is under CristoMeyers (http://www.spore.com/view/myspore/CristoMeyers).

Lord of Syntax
2010-02-15, 09:14 PM
It should be illegal to not use Dirtymeat's stuff.

2010-02-16, 02:22 AM
Okay, this is really bothering me. Why can I not find Jibar on the Sporepedia?! Did he lie? Is his name not Jibar there? Grah.

EDIT: Found it. Many Bothans died to bring me the information.

2010-02-16, 03:10 AM
My stuff's under Trazoi (http://www.spore.com/view/myspore/Trazoi), although I could swear I had more creatures uploaded than the few that are there.

The Dark Fiddler
2010-02-16, 07:15 PM
My stuff's under Trazoi (http://www.spore.com/view/myspore/Trazoi), although I could swear I had more creatures uploaded than the few that are there.

Huh. I seem to have lost... at least a hundred creatures. I just never noticed it because I thought I was going insane.


2010-02-17, 02:14 PM
One of my friends (http://www.spore.com/view/myspore/tomme23)

2010-02-17, 08:47 PM
I think I shalst buy spore soon, I remember playing through quite a bit on my friend's computer.

2010-02-18, 04:56 AM
Hold on.

Is the LP going to pick up where it left off (at Tribal) or are you going to start from the beginning again?

2010-02-18, 05:39 AM
Hold on.

Is the LP going to pick up where it left off (at Tribal) or are you going to start from the beginning again?

Later today I'm going to run straight through Cell and Creature and do a mini update of anything amazing that happens there, and then go straight back to Tribal tomorrow. Hopefully without the massive failure that happened last time.

Also, kpenguin, I get that you like penguins but why have you made nothing but penguins. Why.

2010-02-18, 01:40 PM
Also, kpenguin, I get that you like penguins but why have you made nothing but penguins. Why.

Hey, I've made other things. Non-penguiny things.

Actually, your LP made me want to start playing the game again. And I decided to ease into playing by making lots and lots of penguins in the creators. Then starting a penguin race from the space stage.

Cristo Meyers
2010-02-18, 04:15 PM
Hey, at least the Little Penguins make for good neighbors.

Well, started a new empire from scratch, been to the center of the galaxy, met Steve, 'bout the only thing left to do is find Earth...and blow it up.

2010-02-18, 08:22 PM
Thought I lost the account, but feel free (http://www.spore.com/sporepedia#qry=usr-Belobog|500181477387) to add my religious flying boar people.

2010-02-19, 09:54 AM
My creations here (http://www.spore.com/sporepedia#qry=usr-xp194|500496841593)
And my ingame Spore name is xp194! Easy enough.

2010-02-19, 06:41 PM
Hey Jibar, why haven't you uploaded the cat-muffins onto the Sporepedia yet, hmm?

EDIT: It seems you've uploaded a Captain version of the Catmuffin. Fascinating.

2010-02-22, 01:50 PM
This is the worst LP ever because I put off playing, and then when I decide I will my internet falls apart.
So, to tide you over until I actually do everything I need to do for another update, I made an Adventure!

The Cyber Wizard Part 1 (http://www.spore.com/sporepedia#qry=sast-500547568385)

I originally intended to goof about with a silly experiment about a Cyber Wizard and accidentally spent 7 hours making this. And it's not finished. You're only allowed 8 Acts to an adventure, so this is half of what it should be.
And there's more! Sequels are planned.

So, have a play if you have Galactic Adventures and I'll get around to playing the game.

2010-02-25, 01:09 AM
I just want you to know, Jibar. I am very disappointed in you.

2010-02-25, 01:15 AM
I just want you to know, Jibar. I am very disappointed in you.

So say we all.

2010-02-25, 03:01 PM
Right. I'm putting this on an indefinite hiatus.
I do not have a stable enough connection to give you anything resembling regular updates.
I will do another LP, but one that isn't connected to Steam and doesn't require me to have an internet connection to play.
So thanks for reading while this briefly lasted.

2010-02-25, 03:03 PM
You can't open up steam in offline mode and still play Spore?

2010-02-25, 03:27 PM
You can't open up steam in offline mode and still play Spore?

To get Steam working again I have to reset my router and hope, but because I share a house I can't just reset the router when I need to. If I lose Steam, I loose it for at minimum a day.

2010-02-25, 04:11 PM
What happens when you set Steam to save your credentials? You should be able to open up steam in offline mode anytime.

2010-02-25, 04:17 PM
It's set to save my credentials. Everytime my internet bugs out, Steam loads with an Updating bar that never fills until it points out it can't get an internet connection. Asking it to start in Offline mode or Retry Connection just brings up an error message that something went wrong. Then it closes.
It's a problem with my internet, not Steam. Whenever Steam goes down I also can't access certain websites, such as my University log in or my email account.

2010-02-25, 05:34 PM
Did you do the recent update where it said "fixed offline mode"?

2010-02-25, 05:40 PM
Did you do the recent update where it said "fixed offline mode"?

When that downloaded I thought "Hey, so it's just been a Steam problem well okay then."
And it fixed nothing.
Such is my life.