View Full Version : Any Radiata stories players here?

2010-01-27, 11:09 AM
If so, I have two questions:

1) I'm having a deucedly hard time with the 'break parry' training missions. The concept is simple: There are a couple of moves which explicitly break parry. find an opponent who's blocking, then smack him with that move to break parry.

My problem is convincing an opponent to block. The default action seems to be to attack. I assume that if I hit him, he'll either drop to parry or jump back. Anyone got a surefire way to convince opponents to block, so I can break their parry?

2) I'm a little confused by the ending.

In both paths, I interpret the ending as: All the dragons are dead. Humanity and nonhumans have fought a war to near mutual annihilation. Both victors and vanquished are on their last leg. The Alcandars disease still exists. Humans and nonhumans are now faced with solving these problems *together* rather than trusting in dragons to solve their problems for them.

The difference is that on the 'human' path Ridley dies because Gawain isn't there to save her. Jack leaves Radiata alone. In the other path Jack and Ridley return to Radiata together, prepared to act as its guardians and mediate a settlement with the nonhumans.

Oh yes: Jack has some 'reverb' in his voice and has conversations with an inhabiting spirit in the post game. I assume that perhaps one of the dragons isn't quite as dead as everyone thinks ...

Have I interpreted the ending correctly? Is the Word of God from the game makers to further clarify or correct what I said above?


Brian P.

2010-01-29, 02:39 AM
The only one of those "break parry" things I had trouble with was the axe. I just flat out COULD NOT DO IT! I swear it was completely impossible. I did all the others with all the other weapons but no matter how many times I tried I just could not pass the "break parry" for the axe. After a while I just kinda gave up since the spear was way cooler anyway.

As for the ending: It's been some years since I played and I don't have it anymore so I'm a little fuzzy... I remember that it was mostly harder on the "Non-Human" path despite getting the other main characters (Ganz and Ridley) back after some time. The human path had some better characters (I don't remember thier names), especially the guild leaders.

I do remember that Ganz dies too in the 'non-human' path. I remember that bumming me out more than Ridley dying in the 'human' path

2010-01-29, 02:49 AM
The postgame is explicitly stated to be non-canon.

As for the ending: It's been some years since I played and I don't have it anymore so I'm a little fuzzy... I remember that it was mostly harder on the "Non-Human" path despite getting the other main characters (Ganz and Ridley) back after some time. The human path had some better characters (I don't remember thier names), especially the guild leaders.

In the human path, you have to deal with the far nastier elves as encounters, while in the non-human path you fight weaker soldiers.

2010-01-31, 09:58 AM
Well guys, thanks. I did figure it out.

Axe, spear, and longsword I did simply by spamming the parry move. Two-hand sword required a bit more artistry because the tw-hand break parry move knocks the target down as well.

What I learned to do was to 1) Face off with the target. 2) While it's not actually swinging a weapon, hit once with a very slow move (in terms of combo points) that doesn't knock the enemy off his feat, then follow up immediately with the 'break parry' move. It's important to do this while still fairly low-level (I did this in levels 20s) when you can't simply one-shot the training enemies.

My question on the ending was:

The TV tropes ending for Radiata says that you have the choice of saving Ridley, or saving the entire rest of the human race.

That's not MY interpretation of the two endings at all. Is there any canon backing for Tropes' interpretation?


Brian P.