View Full Version : star trek online

2010-01-27, 09:54 PM
so was anyone in the closed or open beta? your impressions of the game?

better or (gawd forbid) worse than the last mystic game(warhammer online)?

yah...it was champions online they made--not warhammer
brain fart while posting tired tryin to get it up before end of break

2010-01-28, 10:58 PM
so was anyone in the closed or open beta? your impressions of the game?

better or (gawd forbid) worse than the last mystic game(warhammer online)?

I am thinking of buying it when it comes out. I stayed away from the beta and have read little in the way of reviews until the past few days so my first experience will be fresh and hopefully exciting.

Also I think its being made by Cryptic, who made Champions Online (which I heard was a bit of a flop).

I hope I eat crow, I really do, for saying this but I am not expecting to get more than 3-6 months out of it. Theres a lot of potential but if they don't expand on it fast the community will die quickly, as is the trend in most MMO's, especially post WoW. On top of this the Star Wars MMO is a year+ away, and theres other games I want to dive into coming this year (Starcraft 2).

From the reviews it seems like standard MMO questing, just IN SPAAAAACEEE!!!111, from the few videos I saw it does look like they really captured space combat. Seems like it should feel a lot like the battles in the show as long as they don't get too repetitive (and its an MMO, so it probably will).

I also heard in reviews that the ground-based questing is the low point of the game. I think theres a lot of potential there, however, since if you think about it 99% of all star trek episodes could be easily transformed into quests.

I'll try to remember to give more impressions if I decide to get the game when it releases (next week I think?)

2010-01-29, 06:11 AM
I've heard there is new information concerning Species 8472. Apparently they are now known as Undines. Can anyone confirm this?

2010-01-30, 08:01 PM
Yes this is true, they are shapeshifters and are part of the over all meta plat of the game. They encountered the klingons and took over one of their ships. After the klingons discovered what happened they 'questioned' the surviving Undines. They told the story of what happened to them in the delta quadrent regarding a lost federation star ship. This has help fuel the anamosity wich caused a war between the federation and klingons.

The Undines are sorta on a chrusade to kill every one in the alpha quandrent in revenge. They really dont care to make special differences. Human, Klingon, Romulan, or Cardasian they are all the same.

2010-01-31, 11:27 AM
Ah, so they're back to their old genocidal and manipulative ways, good. Do you actually fight them during the game?

8472/Undine is my favorite Star Trek species, by the way.

2010-02-01, 10:04 PM
Back a while ago,in a text based star trek,i knew someone who made an item that gave him all the models for the ships,and then joined the romulans.He screwed up that game.

2010-02-02, 12:10 AM
Ah, so they're back to their old genocidal and manipulative ways, good. Do you actually fight them during the game?

8472/Undine is my favorite Star Trek species, by the way.

Yes Im Ive tangled with them alfready at level 9. The Undian was impersonating a Federation official. Its the only direct contact, but Ive had afew missions that mention them. Seeing as they are part of the over all settings plot for the MMO, Im sure higher level missions will have more contact with them.

2010-02-02, 10:15 AM
XD only ensign lvl 3,wer is my new ship?i ordered from bestbuy and its tuesday!?!
Say hi if you see a blond trill named dragon,thats me!

2010-02-02, 05:50 PM
Considering the mess that Champions Online is in at the moment, I would suggest staying far, far away from Star Trek Online.

Above all, I wouldn't even think about maybe considering getting a lifetime subscription.

2010-02-02, 06:15 PM
I was in OB and the Headstart and I can honestly this is the most conflicted about a game I have ever been. Its not a bad game.......but its definitely not a good game either. The starting content is rather bland in fact a majority of it is, when you encounter scripted Missions they are well done and the story they follow is rather good however they are a few gems in a sea of bland sand.

Every MMO I have tried has done get mission/quest, do mission/quest, rinse and repeat no real way to avoid that. But this game lacks something I can't put my finger on. And so it really sticks out, after doing the patrol X Sector by hitting Y Systems in it and each system consisting of relatively the same encounters just reskinned. And you will easily do 6 Sector Patrols before level 10, it wears thin. The Races all have the same strata of Ships and while each has slight deference in tactics the changes are minimal. The only difference between Gorn, Nausicans, Orions, Klingons, and eventually Romulans is that the skin changes and the Game tells you they are a different race.

The three trees for Officers Engineering/Tactical/Science are fine however having played science in OB and Tactical in headstart to about Lt Commander 5 in each (equivalent of level 15) the differences are negligible. Making Alting and re-playability fairly unappetizing.

The Differences between Ship type tactics is much more pronounced, the sapce combat seems far more refined than ground missions by leaps and bounds.

Klingon Faction PvE Content is not there, and I have yet to try PvP so cannot comment on it. The Klingons are more PvP oriented right now with the promise of PvE to come so I made my Klingon captain took my BoP for a spin then mothballed him for now.

There are good parts, the Concept of the extended character through your Bridge Officers is excellent and I love that. I can pick up officers train them and they are my team for away missions and my ship. So right now I have myself an Andorian Tactical Lt Commander 1 Tactical Officer 2 Engineers and 2 Science. And each one of those is broken down in their own skill sets, for example 1 of my Science officers is a Lt and has ground skills focusing on Medical Applications with Space Skills about shield transfer power. The other a Ensign can root and disorient enemies on the ground and fire a tachyon beam to pull down enemy shields in space faster. That level of customization is great.

And visually its quite good once in a system, Sector space is little more than a grid with repeating System and location Icons.

I am picking up the game today and will play it for the free month and maybe one after that but I don't know about any more than that. And I can say the only reason I am doing even that is its Star Trek and I am that much of a fanboy.