View Full Version : Gamer survey

2010-01-28, 10:24 AM
A friend of mine is doing some research and needs people to fill out some surveys. Because the research is geared rather strongly towards the interests of my fellow Playgrounders, I figured some of y'all might not mind giving up a few minutes of your time to help her out. :smallsmile:

Hey everybody - help me out with research for my thesis! I'm creating a show on D&D and looking for input on social stigmas and stereotypes. If you play (or don't), or know someone who plays (or doesn't), take my survey and I'll love you forever! By the way, it's all anonymous, so forward to any friends you think would be helpful.

Link to the survey. (http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/KML6FN9)

2010-01-28, 10:39 AM
She forgot people from outside America in her survey. So I just didn't put down a state. :smallwink:

2010-01-28, 10:45 AM
A survey! My one true weakness! :smalleek:

2010-01-29, 02:24 AM
Thanks Cas, Prime, and anyone else who's taken the survey. :smallsmile:

She still needs a good deal more dakka data, though, so we'd really appreciate it if a few more people would give it a shot.

2010-01-29, 02:45 AM
Done and done.

Tell your friend good luck on the research.

2010-01-29, 05:05 AM
Done & Done.

2010-01-29, 05:31 AM
Done. :smallsmile:

2010-01-29, 05:32 AM
In the process of doing it. I would prefer an "I do it/I like it" between "I don't, but friends do" and "LOVE IT!"

What's the show gonna be on? I demand a copy!

2010-01-29, 05:37 AM
In the process of doing it. I would prefer an "I do it/I like it" between "I don't, but friends do" and "LOVE IT!"

What's the show gonna be on? I demand a copy!

I suggested the same thing. :smallbiggrin:

2010-01-29, 10:01 AM
Doing it now!

Lord Herman
2010-01-29, 10:14 AM
Done. :smallsmile:

2010-01-29, 10:15 AM
Have now done it! I look forward to seeing the results!

2010-01-29, 10:29 AM
I did it. Wish there was a voice of province for Canadians.

2010-01-29, 10:47 AM
I suggested the same thing. :smallbiggrin:

So did I. Submitted the survey anyway, though. I hope the OP's friend gets some good, usable data from it!

2010-01-29, 10:52 AM
In the process of doing it. I would prefer an "I do it/I like it" between "I don't, but friends do" and "LOVE IT!"

I agree with this sentiment. "I love it" is a far far different reaction than "I like it/do it". It's the difference between watching an episode or two of Bleach and being an Otaku, if you'll forgive an unnecessary hyperbole, and the fact that there's no difference represented in your friend's poll shows a lack of understanding in this concept. As a better, personal example, I like Facebook, and I use Facebook, but by no stretch of the imagination would I say I "Love" Facebook, yet that has to be the answer because it is the only accurate one.

2010-01-29, 10:52 AM
Done with all 'dat. Wasn't really all that bad, I suppose :smalltongue:

2010-01-29, 11:01 AM
Done. Just wondering, what did people put down for descriptions of Geek, Nerd, Jock etc.?

2010-01-29, 11:05 AM
I said a geek was a person into sci-fi and fantasy fiction, gaming (video games, war games, PnP, card games, etc), programming, stuff like that. A nerd was a geek who took it to annoying levels.

Lord Herman
2010-01-29, 11:07 AM
I wrote that a geek is mostly into fantasy, D&D, and books/films/artsy stuff, while nerds are more science/math/programming enthausiasts who are often also into sci-fi. Jocks are the people who stuff the above two into lockers.

2010-01-29, 11:19 AM
I wrote that a geek is a person with interests outside of mainstream culture, and is socially inept or awkward.

A nerd is a person who enjoys using their brain i.e pursues academic activities, especially the sciences, electronics and mathematics.

A dork is a person with unusual behaviour, dressing habits and speech patterns.

A jock is a person who plays sports competitively, especially football, soccer and basketball. I didn't include anything about picking on geeks, nerds and dorks.

A trekker is a geek primarily interested in Star Trek.

A prep is a person belonging to a certain clique in North American highschools characterized by an obsession with popularity, physical appearance and material possessions.

A normal person may show any of the above traits, but only to a moderate degree.

Wait, I think I missed one.

2010-01-29, 11:50 AM
I compared everyone to a geek with a special trait.
Then I forgot to write what being a geek is about. :smallannoyed:

2010-01-29, 12:23 PM
I wrote that a geek is a person with interests outside of mainstream culture, and is socially inept or awkward.

A nerd is a person who enjoys using their brain i.e pursues academic activities, especially the sciences, electronics and mathematics.

A dork is a person with unusual behaviour, dressing habits and speech patterns.

A jock is a person who plays sports competitively, especially football, soccer and basketball. I didn't include anything about picking on geeks, nerds and dorks.

A trekker is a geek primarily interested in Star Trek.

A prep is a person belonging to a certain clique in North American highschools characterized by an obsession with popularity, physical appearance and material possessions.

A normal person may show any of the above traits, but only to a moderate degree.

Wait, I think I missed one.
This is close enough to what I said.

Also, you forgot artist.

And, for dork, I listed "Dilbert".

2010-01-29, 01:00 PM
Seems interesting, did it.

2010-01-29, 01:23 PM
Did it.

I said a geek was interested in fantasy/sci-fi/etc to a high degree
A nerd was interested in computers/science and could overlap with geek or dork.
A dork was a geek to the extreme and had difficulties with social interaction with normal people (this is how my friends defined it for me since I had used the two terms interchangeably)... I am also defined by everyone I know as a dork or dork and geek.
Jock is someone highly into sports (I might have used the word excessively).
Trekkie I defined as a Star Trek dork... don't kill me.
Prep: I don't know, I don't use the term.
Normal: Boring.

Honestly I feel proud of being a geek, or even a dork. When my friends want to insult me they call me normal. Then again I have trouble with interpersonal interactions and all my friends are geeks and/or dorks (some are also nerds). This might be due to regular human interaction being foreign to me (homeschooled and went through years where my only regular human interaction was family or 1 or 2/week D&D game) and something I'm only now learning.

2010-01-29, 01:40 PM
done and as serpentine said: it needs "i like it" or "i don't like it" choice.

Maximum Zersk
2010-01-29, 01:50 PM

I wrote

A geek is someone who is addicted to a hobby.
A nerd is someone who is smart (Couldn't think of anything really)
A jock is someone who is addicted to athletic activities.
A prep (don't know much about them) is a person who dresses formally(?)
An artist is a person who draws, sculpts, takes photos, etc.
a trekkie is addicting to Star Trek. What else?
A normal person is boring

2010-01-29, 01:57 PM
I wrote the following things:
Geek:Smarter then you*
Nerd: Also smarter then you*
Dork: Someone who gives nerds and geeks a bad name
Artist: Someone who wastes their time doing trivial things.
Prep: A what?
Jock: A complete idiot.
Treekie: Someone who has good taste in sci-fi.
Normal: Uhhh...normal?

I also called WoW,fantasy football, and sports in general garbage.

I am serious.

*I don't mean your friend, just people in general :smalltongue: .

Maximum Zersk
2010-01-29, 02:52 PM
Hey gamerkid, why did you stop mid-word? Did you get lynched by Artists, Jocks, WoW players, and the like? :smalltongue:

Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll
2010-01-29, 03:39 PM
Somewhere in that post, he must have typed Candlejack in white text. Interestingly enough, I can't seem to fi

2010-01-29, 03:54 PM
Hey gamerkid, why did you stop mid-word? Did you get lynched by Artists, Jocks, WoW players, and the like? :smalltongue:

No, I just had to update my enemies list.

2010-01-29, 04:29 PM
That was fun.

I said:
Geek: someone with one or more important hobbies
Nerd: a geek interested in escapist media (fantasy, sci fi, etc.)
Dork: a geek whose hobby takes precedence over social skills
Jock: a sports geek, whether they admit it or not.
Artist: someone who creates art.
Trekkie: a geek whose interest revolves around Star Trek
Prep: someone who looks down on geeks of any type; OR a geek focusing around school grades
Normal: someone without a hobby or cultural specialization

Somewhere in that post, he must have typed Candlejack in white text. Interestingly enough, I can't seem to fi


2010-01-29, 04:53 PM
Geek: spends most of their time playing Video games/computer games.
Nerd: Straight A's all through school. cries if not valedictorian.
Dork: in a school band, or hangs with someone who is. Acts stupid or crazy just cause they can.
Jock: Males: play Football, Basketball, or Baseball. Females: play Vollyball, Basketball or Softball
Preps: Obsessed with popularity. Cheerleaders. Wears Hollister, AE, or A&F only.
Artists: anyone who's idea of fun involves: painting, drawing, writing, or sculpting.
Trekkie: obsessed with Star Trek
Normal: no such thing.

I slightly hyperbolized some of the stereotypes, but not a whole lot in my opinion. However, There are ALOT of types of cliques that the guy left out.

2010-01-29, 06:27 PM
In the process of doing it. I would prefer an "I do it/I like it" between "I don't, but friends do" and "LOVE IT!"

What's the show gonna be on? I demand a copy!


Tell your friend good luck with her research.

2010-01-29, 07:05 PM
For my part:

Geek: One who has an above-average interest in a topic. One can be a soccer geek as easily as one can be a technogeek. "Geeking out" or engaging in long-running, jargon-filled conversation is impolite when a non-member of the subculture is present, no matter the particular subculture. It is not any more polite to go on talking about "chop blocks" and "flea-flickers" with girls present than it is to go on about "motherboards," "BIOS," etc.

Nerd: One who has an above-average to extremely above-average interest in a topic to the expense of other things, potentially including social skills as well as success. More definably a "loser" than a geek is.

Dork: A nerd who does not possess the exhaustive expertise of a nerd. Generally socially awkward. The lack of expertise is crippling. Even more definably a "loser."

Jock: One who enjoys sports, and for who sports are a significant pursuit. Not necessarily a geek, altho they can cross-over. For instance, I may know a lot about "chop blocks" and "flea-flickers," but have never played a down of football in my life. Conversely, I may enjoy soccer, revolve my day around my soccer team, etc, but never know who is playing for the US national team in the World Cup this summer.

Prep: Frequently used by various subcultures to lump "the popular kids," even if those kids do nothing to encourage the label. Are probably concerned with dressing nicely, looking good, and having a lot of fun. Despite their clean-cut image, they can sometimes be the most debased group in a high school setting.

Trekkie: A nerd/dork concerned with Star Trek, less frequently, a geek of the same persuasion. Much more derogatory than "geek" however.

Artist: One who makes art.

Normal: :smallconfused:?

2010-01-29, 10:14 PM
Okay, as long as we're doing this.
Geek: Someone who knows a bit about a lot, or with humanities (e.g. film, gaming) type interests.
Nerd: Someone who knows a lot about a bit, or with sciences (e.g. maths, physics) type interests.

2010-01-30, 02:58 AM
I have done a similar survey on this very forum, so filled one in. :smallbiggrin:

2010-01-30, 03:06 AM
Okay, as long as we're doing this.
Geek: Someone who knows a bit about a lot, or with humanities (e.g. film, gaming) type interests.
Nerd: Someone who knows a lot about a bit, or with sciences (e.g. maths, physics) type interests.

I believe you may be the first person to group "gaming" with the humanities.


I assume you're talking about video gaming, altho if you're talking about other gaming, the point stands, but less sturdily.

2010-01-30, 03:16 AM
I believe you may be the first person to group "gaming" with the humanities.


I assume you're talking about video gaming, altho if you're talking about other gaming, the point stands, but less sturdily.

But it is an interesting idea... and it actually makes a sort of sense, I think. I dunno...

I said geeks like geeky things: RPGs, Video games, Board games, comics, etc. Nerds like Math and Science stuff. So I'm a geek, but not a nerd.
Dorks are social losers and Jocks are sport freaks (which is yes, a geek :p)

2010-01-31, 07:28 PM
I hope your friend gets useful info.

My definitions:
Geek: Someone with an above-average interest in a certain topic, no matter what that is.
Nerd: A geek whose topic of choice requires logic and analytical skills, or whose topic of choice is escapist in some way.
Dork: A nerd who is so obsessed with his topic that his social skills suffer. Note that it's not always their fault (i.e. homeschooled kids whose parents won't let them interact with ANYONE that they don't know personally).
Jock: Many people have said sports geek, but they aren't necessarily related. A jock is an athletic person that plays sports with passion.
Prep: Popular people that think they set the trend of pop-culture.
Artist: Someone who expresses themselves through a form of art, such as writing, painting, drawing, or music.
Normal: People who keep up with pop-culture trends. They may or may not be closet geeks.

2010-01-31, 07:41 PM
no offence to anybody, but i think that if you put down that you are normal, you dont realise that there is no such thing as normal when it comes to human beings! :smalltongue:

2010-01-31, 09:52 PM
no offence to anybody, but i think that if you put down that you are normal, you dont realise that there is no such thing as normal when it comes to human beings! :smalltongue:

I listed myself as normal.

And defined normal as "I don't know."

:smalltongue: back.

Waffle Iron
2010-01-31, 10:18 PM
I listed normal as dull as the sharp side of a sphere...

<-- My picture says it all

Zeb The Troll
2010-02-02, 03:28 AM
I put Normal as <undefined>. :smallcool:

I said there should be a way to say "I used to like/do <thing> but don't anymore".

I also said that playing WoW was incredibly narrow and it should have been broadened to something like "Play WoW or other MMO's" like she did with "D&D or other tabletop RPG's".

2010-02-05, 12:24 PM
Many, many thanks to everyone who helped with the survey! :smallsmile:

If I understand correctly, my friend reached the maximum number of responses for that survey (100). If anyone would still like to contribute, she's re-created it (with a minor alteration) here (http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/FRYQ6DJ).

In additon, she's created a new survey:

I made a new survey that goes more indepth on what is so great about D&D, lots of essay questions...

Link for those interested. (http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/FSBC7R7) We'd really appreciate a few responses. :smallsmile: