View Full Version : N64 Vs. PS1

lord of kobolds
2010-01-28, 05:28 PM
This has been the subject of many shouting matches at my school, so I thought I would get the opinions of my fellow playgrounders. Which one do you think is better, N64 or PS1?

I personally favor N64, simply because it has the best games. The controller was weird, but it had Ocarina, smash bros., kirby 64, goldeneye, and other amazing games.

2010-01-28, 05:47 PM
I'd favor the PS1 because it has the best games. :smallbiggrin:

Metal Gear Solid, Soul Reaver, and Final Fantasy VII are all games I enjoy a lot. But I don't think there has ever been any game for N64 I ever remotely considered worth playing.

And the Dual Shock you could get for the PS1 later on was so good, that it was almost unchanged for PS2 and PS3. There's just nothing to improve about it.

Smiling Knight
2010-01-28, 06:02 PM
But I don't think there has ever been any game for N64 I ever remotely considered worth playing.

But.. but.. Ocarina of Time... SM64... *Cries*

Mando Knight
2010-01-28, 06:02 PM
The N64, despite its memory size issues. It had both Star Fox 64 and Star Wars: Rogue Squadron, as well as Yoshi's Story, Mario 64, Donkey Kong 64, Paper Mario, Super Smash Bros., Goldeneye, Ocarina, Majora's Mask...

2010-01-28, 06:06 PM
I like both. Fond memories of both. Nostalgia glasses for both.

2010-01-28, 06:13 PM
Liked both, though PS1's RPGs put it over the top for me. N64 had great multi-player games though.

2010-01-28, 06:15 PM
N64 was better technically, but lack of CD really killed it.

Still, programmers did wonders with that little capacity of the cartridge.

And the Dual Shock you could get for the PS1 later on was so good, that it was almost unchanged for PS2 and PS3. There's just nothing to improve about it.

No, that's stagnation. New Xbox's controller is so much better it isn't even funny :smalltongue:

2010-01-28, 06:16 PM
I prefered the N64 back when I was a kid, but now, I dont know which I would prefer. Some great games on both consoles.

Ill vote for N64 just because of all the great times playing Goldeneye.

2010-01-28, 06:30 PM
No, that's stagnation. New Xbox's controller is so much better it isn't even funny :smalltongue:

I'd say they both have their ups and downs. The 360 controller is superior for shooters and racing games. The PS3 controller is better for RPGs and fighting games. It's even for platformers, although I prefer the PS3 controller for GoW type games. Don't know why really.

2010-01-28, 06:35 PM
How is the PS3 controller good for fighting games? The fact that every direction on its D-pad is its own button makes it really hard to do things like a simple hadouken for me.

edit: Also, as an N64 owner, I really regret not getting a PS1 instead. Just felt like the PS1 had a lot more and more diverse games.

2010-01-28, 06:42 PM
I never had a PS1, and have played only a scant few games for it on my PS2 (which I only got after the current generation of consoles had come out and the price had dropped to not too far over $100, so I even got into that console late), so I can't really compare them.

That said, the N64 is one of my favorite consoles, ever. Ocarina of Time, Banjo-Kazooie, and Banjo-Tooie remain three of my favorite games of all time to this day. Nintendo's first-party games were, as always, spectacular - Mario 64, Paper Mario, Ocarina of Time, Majora's Mask, Super Smash Brothers. But what really helps is that that was the hey-day of Rareware, when they were putting out games just as spectacular as, and sometimes even better than, Nintendo's. Star Fox 64, Donkey Kong 64, Banjo-Kazooie, Banjo-Tooie, Perfect Dark, Conker's Bad Fur Day, Diddy Kong Racing, Jet Force Gemini - in that era, on that console, Rareware rocked.

The few great or good games from other companies for the console, like Ogre Battle 64, were just icing on the cake.


2010-01-28, 06:43 PM
How is the PS3 controller good for fighting games? The fact that every direction on its D-pad is its own button makes it really hard to do things like a simple hadouken for me.

I guess you're a minority. Everyone I know absolutely hates the 360 version of Street Fighter just because it's so awkward using the D-pad and the analog is just too annoying. One of my other friends, who plays Tekken 6 also complained about the D-Pad and stick.

I started my fighting game career on the GameBoy/SNES with Killer Instinct. I guess I just got used to the D-Pad.

2010-01-28, 06:50 PM
I mean the fact that the PS3's D-pad is actually four separate buttons, as opposed to, say, the SNES, which is a single pad. This means you can't so much as do a Sonic Boom without experiencing horrible friction.

2010-01-28, 06:53 PM
Most gamers have sweaty palms to fix that problem :smallamused:

I dunno, I guess I don't mind it having owned a PS1, PSP and PS3 (really missed out on PS2, I'm told :()

2010-01-28, 07:33 PM
Like the PS1 for the better graphics and the controller wasn't as weird.

HOWEVER, being a complete Nintendo nerd, I'm gonna have to vote for N64. Ocarina of Time...SSB...SM64...Paper Mario...Majora's Mask...Mariokart 64...so awesome.

2010-01-28, 07:47 PM
What is this, the year 2000?

Personally, I don't mind the Dual-Shock design at all. I did own a number of pre-rumble/analog stick controllers, and those were just funny.

2010-01-28, 07:49 PM
I could count the number of N64 Games I enjoyed on one hand.

Ocarina of Time, Goldeneye, Perfect Dark.

I have lost count of the number of PS1 games I have enjoyed, but I do know it's second only to the PS2 for me.

I prefer the PS1.

2010-01-28, 08:01 PM
PS1 by so much.

Why ?

Goldeneye was the only game that ever appealed. And it was certifiably brilliant. But one game that really floats my boat isn't enough. Those other games, they all have the major disadvantage of A: featuring Mario and Link, the two games characters that have, with the notable addition of Sonic and Crash Bandicoot, grated most consistently on my nerves since the early 1990's. B: Since they are featuring Mario and Link, probably being the usual Mario and Link type games. These have never, ever appealed to me and C: having the most cutesy graphics of all time.

This means that the N64 (and coincidently Nintendo in general, right from the days of the NES) just flat out doesn't do it for me. On the subject of best games... for games that I wouldn't want to play, (and coincidently the ones people are mentionning a lot...) they are even. Now, looking beyond the abomination that is platform games in general and the Zelda titles which have made the critical error of Link... The PS 1, you had Gran Turismo when it was fresh and new, which I practically lived on for years, Worms, Duke Nukem, Command and Conquer, that you could play a linked up game of against a friend, Driver when it was good, the Final Fantasys, Resident Evil, need I go on ?


Er, sorry.

Just while we're on the subject, the PS1 controller, which some people love to bash is hard wearing, comfortable and intuitive, something that I have never found the Xbox controller to be. The N64's controller, with that odd little joystick, was not. I don't think I could have subjected the stick on the N64 to half the grief that the PS1 pad got before it broke.

2010-01-28, 08:11 PM
N64 any day.

It had some of the best games ever made...

Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
Legend of Zelfa: Majora's Mask
Super Mario 64
Star Fox 64
Super Smash Brothers
Paper Mario
Kirby 64
Donkey Kong 64

To name a few.

What did PS1 have? Well, I'll grant it had Megaman X4 and Megaman X5... The three good Spyro games... but its also the system to blame for Final Fantasy VII, the single most overrated game of all time (to clarify, because I KNOW it'll come up if I don't and probably will even though I am: I think it is an OK game. OK, not great and certainly not "The best game ever! (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hs6TPOli6Hs)" FFI and FFVI are far better, and it irritates me to hell and back that all the fanboys make it possible for Squeenex to milk that game for more than its worth). Aside from that, not much worth mentioning. Pass.

2010-01-28, 09:03 PM
Final Fantasy VII, the single most overrated game of all time
Final Fantasy VII these days is UNDERrated. Why? Because EVERYONE says it's overrated.. seriously. No one thinks anything of it these days, at least that I've seen.

It used to be overrated but it no longer is, and even at its height.. Halo was more overrated.

Edit: Actually, I find Final Fantasy VI to be far more overrated nowadays than any other final fantasy game.. Seriously, it's cool to hate FFVII but not loving FFVI is a sin, it seems.

It irritates me to hell and back that everyone hates Final Fantasy VII for no good reason. People hate it because people like it, it's stupid.

Edit Edit: To clarify, I am not saying it's the best game ever. I just hate it when people complain about it being overrated when it stopped being so a couple years ago. When I tell people I like Final Fantasy VII they look at me like I'm an idiot for liking a perfectly good game.

The problem being that 95% of the people who dislike it don't have a good reason for doing so, and especially because people call it a bad game because "I don't like Cloud, he's too emo" "Sephiroth is too girly" or "It's overrated"...

The game has its flaws, but opinions about Cloud's being emo (Which he is for about five minutes in the game) or other things, aren't really the game's flaws so much as personal opinions.

2010-01-28, 09:24 PM
I don't hate it... its an OK game. But its nothing special.

What I hate is the fact that that a nothing special game is treated like its the best game ever. That a momma's boy like Sephiroth who DIED before the game even starts is considered the best villain ever by so many. And most of all, that a game that was merely OK has a movie and several spinoffs that sell solely because of all the fan-wank.

And then theres this...

(spoilered for stretch)

Kefka may have been an insane clown, but hes the the only Final Fantasy villain to ever accomplish his main goal.

2010-01-28, 09:30 PM
I don't hate it... its an OK game. But its nothing special.

What I hate is the fact that that a nothing special game is treated like its the best game ever. That a momma's boy like Sephiroth who DIED before the game even starts is considered the best villain ever by so many. And most of all, that a game that was merely OK has a movie and several spinoffs that sell solely because of all the fan-wank.
Did you play it when it first came out? Because it WAS something special.

It's NOT treated like the best game ever, and most people nowadays think it is and therefore just treat it like crap. Sephiroth is not considered the best villain ever these days so much as an interesting villain from an old game a momma's boy and the worst villain ever. You sound like you came from ten years ago when this stuff WAS true.

Advent Children was an interesting movie, entertaining even my Father who has never played the game. Dirge of Cerberus sucked and guess what? It didn't sell well. Where's the fan wank there?

Crisis Core, while flawed, is a fairly fun game in its own right, and didn't just sell because of fan wank.

And then theres this...


Kefka may have been an insane clown, but hes the the only Final Fantasy villain to ever accomplish his goal.
*eyes roll*

First off, omitting and including different things can make a LOT of stories seem a lot more similar than they are.

Second off: No he isn't. Exdeath accomplished his goal of releasing the void, and Ultimecia achieved Time Compression.

Edit: You seem to be biased against the game just because it used to be incredibly popular, I'm not going to bother arguing further over this because there's no point.

Mando Knight
2010-01-29, 12:55 AM
I'll admit that I've still got a bit of disappointment/resentment lingering from a couple of good franchises jumping to the PS1 from the SNES rather than perfectly rounding out the 64's repertoire...

But I still haven't found anything anywhere near as awesome of starfighter games as two of the N64's best: good ol' Starfox 64 and Rogue Squadron. Later games might have sharper graphics, better AI, or whatnot, but SF64 had near-perfect level design and a heaping helping of awesomely hammy lines.

2010-01-29, 03:03 AM
The PS1 has more games but the N64 had games that were some of the best ever. As much as people complain a lack of good third party Wii games it sure kicks the N64's ass.

Also the N64 was genius and it's a design that Nintendo has actually kept(but evolved), seriously. Hold a Wii Nunchuk to the middle of a Gamecube pad and behold!

Also the Dualshock is basically a SNES pad with the analog sticks and rumble that Nintendo introduced in the N64. If you can't see the clear evolution then compare it to the Classic Controller Pro.

Brother Oni
2010-01-29, 03:19 AM
I prefered the PS1 simply due to more extensive game library: you had all the big name series like Tekken, Streetfighter, Final Fantasy (Tactics and 7/8/9) and Resident Evil, most of which ran arcade perfect on the NTSC version (a big plus if you're in PAL regions).

You had better racing games - Grand Turismo, Ridge Racer and the like.

It had space shooters (Colony Wars, Ace Combat plus a whole bunch of others).

While I agree the N64 had some very good games, the PS1 had equal quality titles and more variety.

2010-01-29, 03:48 AM
The Nintendo 64, of course. With some of the greatest games ever, such as GoldenEye, Super Mario 64, Ocarina of Time, Majora's Mask, and Perfect Dark, it is an awesome little box indeed, and the games still have playability.

2010-01-29, 04:55 AM
PS1 had Suikoden 1, Suikoden 2, Azure Dreams and FF7. That's all it needs to be the best console ever imo. :smallamused:

Nothing can compare. Nothing.

2010-01-29, 05:02 AM
N64. Though it's a pretty tough call. PS1 has some amazing games, too.

2010-01-29, 05:05 AM
PS1, hands down. THE GAMES! There were so many good games.

2010-01-29, 11:53 AM
PS2 with a bunch of ps1 games. :smalltongue:

2010-01-29, 01:42 PM
N64, I was never really a fan of overrated games or controllers. And the PS1 was my first ever console, so he got the starry eyed wonderment looking over.

2010-01-29, 01:48 PM
I'm going with the PS1, I love the N64 to death, true Nintendo fanboy all the way but the PS1 just performed better and had more quality games.

The N64 had memory issues, and was too hard for outside developers to design for. Plus the controllers died after a while (I can't play mine anymore for instance. This makes me sad)

2010-01-29, 06:27 PM
I love both. I really do. But the N64 gets my vote. Rogue Squadron, Aidyn Chronicles, Diddy Kong Racing, Two awesome Turok games. (The others DO NOT COUNT), and a superb controller for shooters. Precise movement, and precise aiming. No clunking Analogue movement.

On the other hand, the PS1 had several awesome RPG's. Star Ocean 2, Final Fantasy Tactics, FF 7,8,9 and Legend of Dragoon.

Did the PS1 have more games? Certainly. Was the quality hurt by the ease of development? A bit. Is Nintendo experiencing the same with the Wii? Absolutely.

Did the lack of 3rd party hurt the 64? Not as much as you might believe. Did it hurt of quality of what did come out? No.

2010-01-29, 07:10 PM
PS1 has more better games. Every N64 owner I knew had the same exact collection of games. There were 7 awesome games for that system and everything else was crap. PS1 had so many good games that everybody had a different collection.

2010-01-30, 10:41 AM
Umm, sorry, no. Yes, there were seven excellent games. But there were far more that were also awesome.

2010-01-30, 10:42 AM
I'd favor the PS1 because it has the best games. :smallbiggrin:

Metal Gear Solid, Soul Reaver, and Final Fantasy VII are all games I enjoy a lot. But I don't think there has ever been any game for N64 I ever remotely considered worth playing.

And the Dual Shock you could get for the PS1 later on was so good, that it was almost unchanged for PS2 and PS3. There's just nothing to improve about it.

The playstation controller feels like a cheap piece of crap and I've always hated it. It is the worst controller I have ever used, next to the original NES controller. (Though the Dreamcast and Saturn looked like they had terrible controllers, I never used them.) The N64 controller was ergonomic perfection.

Then again, I have large hands.

2010-01-30, 10:45 AM
I'll have to say both. N64, like all cartridge game consoles, had little to no load times, but the PS1 had better RPGs and JRPGs than the N64...

2010-01-30, 07:15 PM
The playstation controller feels like a cheap piece of crap and I've always hated it. It is the worst controller I have ever used, next to the original NES controller. (Though the Dreamcast and Saturn looked like they had terrible controllers, I never used them.) The N64 controller was ergonomic perfection.

Then again, I have large hands.

*Crash tackle hugs*

Someone else gets it o.o

2010-01-30, 07:33 PM
The playstation controller feels like a cheap piece of crap and I've always hated it. It is the worst controller I have ever used, next to the original NES controller. (Though the Dreamcast and Saturn looked like they had terrible controllers, I never used them.) The N64 controller was ergonomic perfection.

Then again, I have large hands.

You see, I'd say that the N64 controller was the worst I've ever used and the PS1's was the best (and I have large hands).

I grew up with the Mega Drive (Genesis to the Americans). The PS 1 controller was logical, set out right and it worked. It was also, in my experience, nearly indestructible. The N64 on the other hand, felt dreadful in my hand. It necessitated, for me, having my hands crossed to use the buttons, because my right hand, my best hand for coordination, would be using that awful little stick because nothing I played really used the D pad. The PS 1, when the dualshock appeared, usually gave you the option of D pad or sticks (even now I still use the D pad for Gran Turismo). What I find most telling is that with the successor to the N64, the GameCube, Nintendo did kinda move away from the counter intuitive N64 pad and moved a bit closer to the Playstation in terms of layout. Ok, so it doesn't have the 2 sticks and all that, but it does have direction controls on the left (where my vastly superior right hand can't interfere) and buttons on the right. This suited me a lot better. The N64 pad was, IMO, a nightmare.

2010-01-30, 11:38 PM
The playstation controller feels like a cheap piece of crap and I've always hated it. It is the worst controller I have ever used, next to the original NES controller. (Though the Dreamcast and Saturn looked like they had terrible controllers, I never used them.) The N64 controller was ergonomic perfection.

Then again, I have large hands.

I... wha? I can understand not necessarily liking the Playstation controller, but in what universe do you live that you can call it a cheap piece of crap and laud the N64 controller, of all things? :smalleek:

The N64 controller is the lone piece of Nintendo craftsmanship I have ever seen break, in all my years of gaming. The analog stick inevitably wears itself down and becomes a floppy useless nub, and the buttons lose functionality with astonishing rapidity. I went through them like crazy, something I've never experienced before. The plastic doesn't even feel like typical Nintendo brand plassteel. And if, gods forbid, you actually open one up, you'll see a hideous mess, and all the buttons will leap out like they're trying to escape. And they will not go back in (By contrast, the inside of an Xbox controller is a work of art)...

Holding an N64 controller also felt hideously awkward to me, although from here I guess one's mileage varies. I just simply can't abide by it having the title of Perfect bestowed upon it. Nintendo has had a generally stellar record when it comes to their design work. But that controller is on a very short list of failures, I think topped only by the Virtual Boy.

On topic per the actual thread:

I liked both systems, owned both, and played both to death. But if I have to pick a winner, it's the Playstation, if for no other reason than it being the catalyst that finally shifted games from cartridges to discs.

2010-01-31, 01:43 AM
I've seen a roommate go through -three- Dual Shock controllers in a year. My N64 controllers - all of them - still work perfectly.

Mando Knight
2010-01-31, 01:46 AM
My N64 controllers - all of them - still work perfectly.

*Makes note to steal AstralFire's rare super-perfect N64 controllers*

2010-01-31, 02:01 AM
I've seen a roommate go through -three- Dual Shock controllers in a year. My N64 controllers - all of them - still work perfectly.

Your luck is supernatural. May I steal you and take you to Vegas? We'll make a killing.

2010-01-31, 02:22 AM
Re: Controllers - Don't see what the complaints about either are about myself. I like both. Sure, the N64 controller had that useless third handle and all but unused D-pad, but otherwise it was good, and I don't see wasted space that's off to the side and thus doesn't get in the way of anything as any big sin. Hell, I really like the back-of-the-controller Z button. I wish more controllers would use that design for a button or two - the only one I know of that has is the Wiimote and its B button.

My own N64 controllers still function, too - minor problems with the control sticks being loose and less responsive than they once were, but they're still good enough to get by just fine. They mostly just feel odd compared to more modern control sticks. I figure the damage mostly comes from spinning them around pretty violently doing Mario Party games years ago.

And I can't see any problems at all with the PS2 controller, which if I remember correctly is basically the same as the PS1 controller.


2010-01-31, 05:53 AM
Yeah I think I'm going to have to go for the PS1 too. As awesome as the N64 was and it had some stellar games the PS1 just worked for me, and I'm honestly surprised nobody has brought up the brilliant Oddworld PS1 games (you know the ones before the series went to Xbox and the dogs).

And everyone is hailing the PS1s RPGs, which are worth hailing, but they seem to be forgetting the brilliant platformers too. Hell they may not have been much by today's standards but I still lost many MANY hours on the old Spyro & Crash Bandicoot games. Sure they weren't as brilliant as Mario 64, but there were enough of them of good enough quality to make up for it in my eyes.

2010-01-31, 07:31 AM
Nintendo brand controllers had a much better record than the 3rd party controllers. On the latter the sticks failed much faster.

And the trident was never meant for a right handed stick user. It was designed so that all the buttons were in place for a right hand, and the stick and Z were there for the left hand. And few games ever used the L button either. Even Zelda only used it for the map, because it was out of buttons. Perfect Dark and Goldeneye both used it as an alternate R.

WE don't talk about the Virtual Boy. IT DID NOT happen.