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View Full Version : Silly/Crazy/Interesting Character Ideas

2010-01-29, 11:35 PM
Hi, everyone. You may remember when I came here, not long ago, looking for advice for my VoP Chippendale/Monk, Jesus Menedez. Well, I fear his end may be in sight, half because I'm being exceedingly reckless with him, and half because he has 13 hitpoints left in a room filled with spinning blades.

As such, I want a backup plan. Now, I keep getting tempted to run a few builds I've wanted to try for a while, like the Warmage/Rainbow Servant, in this campaign, but, I have to stop myself. That could really ruin things for the other players, as the party is super unoptimized. We currently consists of:

Kalashtar Soulknife 6

Half-Elf Rogue 6 (wields a Halberd, has boots with Grease always on them)

Changeling Fighter 6

Stonechild Ranger of ECL 6 (I am unsure as to her actual composition, as we are using Pathfinder LA, which disappears over time, but a do know she at least has two racial HD and a level of Ranger)

Cleric 5/Wizard 1, intending on going into Geomancer

and, of course, Jesus Menedez, the dancing Monk love machine.

So, I don't really want to use anything at all optimized, because

1. It will put me way over the level of the rest of the party


2. I don't want to waste an optimized build in a situation where things are balanced for a much lower power level.

So, I want to have my next character be something really fun. It doesn't have to be super effective, it just has to be a fun time to play. You, as avid DnDers, I am sure have so awesome ideas stowed away, so hit me with them!

Material includes any non-Dragon 3.5 and Pathfinder.

2010-01-29, 11:38 PM
This sounds like the perfect time to play that PrC you always really liked the fluff of, but feel underpowers the character too much. I don't know whether or not one exists, but it's always worth the chance.

2010-01-29, 11:41 PM
bard spelltheif... steal your allie's mage armor. it can be fun :)

2010-01-29, 11:46 PM
Dragon Shaman/Marshal would be kinda cool, plus your throwing two different kinds of buffs on the group so they would actually love you for that. Though the entire time you could be converting them to serve in some army of a dragon your serve.

2010-01-30, 12:02 AM
This sounds like a great opportunity to play a bard/crusader devotee of heavy metal. Work with your DM to create a magic weapon/wondrous item that is your guitar/axe. Adamantine is a must. I'd go four levels of bard and crusader the rest of the way. Max perform, grab the feat that lets your Inspire Courage increase with Crusader levels, amd just have a rockin' good time. Your party needs another front-liner, but you'll be able to buff your team with IC and hopefully grab plenty of ranks in UMD. You'll be super useful AND super awesome. Listen to some ManOwaR and DragonForce for inspiration.

2010-01-30, 12:06 AM
This sounds like a great opportunity to play a bard/crusader devotee of heavy metal. Work with your DM to create a magic weapon/wondrous item that is your guitar/axe. Adamantine is a must. I'd go four levels of bard and crusader the rest of the way. Max perform, grab the feat that lets your Inspire Courage increase with Crusader levels, amd just have a rockin' good time. Your party needs another front-liner, but you'll be able to buff your team with IC and hopefully grab plenty of ranks in UMD. You'll be super useful AND super awesome. Listen to some ManOwaR and DragonForce for inspiration.

HAHA you would eventually get "mettle" at level 17 :)

2010-01-30, 12:10 AM
Ah... I already ran a Bard with a didgeridoo once, and I'm not much into metal. Maybe some other time.

EDIT: Current idea is an awakened Cat Rogue. Cat burglar, if you will.