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View Full Version : Primeval Bear warrior, does this stack?

2010-02-02, 05:01 PM
My question regards those two prestige classes. I want to know if the stats bonuses gained from both things stack with each other, they both work like polymorph so I don't think they will since it's pretty muh the same effect... but does not hurt to ask...

In addition to this, I am a bit confused about the items carried while using any of this two features. Some say they remain with you and work, somo others say they meld into your new form and remain useless until you are back in your own skin again.

can anyone clear any of this up?

Sinfire Titan
2010-02-02, 05:27 PM
Yes. Because the only thing scarier than a Bear is a Half-Bear T-Rex.

In all actuality, RAW:

Are the bonuses from Bear Warrior a Ploymorph-based effect?
Likewise for Primeval?
If no for one of those two, then yes, the effects stack. The Natural Weapons won't, but oh well.
If yes to both, then they don't stack with each other, but they do stack with your normal Rage benefits.

IIRC, Bear Warrior provides stat bonuses and alters your body slightly, but isn't based on Polymorph.

2010-02-02, 05:46 PM
The Bear Warrior is a little ambiguous. It says things like "similar to polymorph" and "as normal for polymorph." It seems like it is intended to not stack with other effects, at least.