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2010-02-03, 09:58 AM
So... a few of my thoughts about Mass Effect 2, as much spoiler-free as possible. To not repeat other opinions, and to start a discussion, I'll just state a few (IMHO) major points:

Game. Well, it took a bit of accustoming to (simplified) skills, different controls, magazines and all - but in the end, I haven't minded it, really. ME2 is one example of casual done right - all of this is much more "immersible" than first ME. Graphics are gorgeous, signs of texture-raping for consoles show up only occasionally, and it works much better than ME 1 on the same machine. ME 1 was a really bad port, this game works flawless, except for loading times*.

My only gripe is this - loading times, especially on Normandy, that is, place you're going to be visiting constantly, and weird loading when you want to change your weapons before the mission.

Also, first 10 minutes of the game are un-skippable, which made checking which of the 5 saves of my ME 1 character had the choices I wanted teeth-gnashing experience - in the end, I had to kill the game with CAD if the save was wrong, to avoid it, but it was one time trouble.

*and yet, the internets are full of tools bashing this game because it doesn't work right on their ancient single-core processors and GF 7300 cards. Seriously, people, what's wrong with you? These were museum-grade components over three years ago! :smallsigh:

Storyline. Well, compared to Dragon Age, the other big Bioware title... The game feels very different. Just as if completely another studio made it. It has few similarities to DA, very few. To make a comparison - Dragon Age is Epic Fantasy Movie. ME2 feels like Space Opera Series - there's starting two-parter, most episodes dedicated to companions (as 75% of the game is really recruitment-driven), occasional episode reminding you of the threat you face, maybe one or two episodes unrelated to the story (N7 missions) ending with mini-arc related to opening. It's... different, to say the least. Any potential players must ask themselves if they would be okay with more episodic (really episodic) narration - but at least it's new, fresh experience. Good experience, though I don't know if bits of this will be actually replayable. Better than this whole damn Orzammar, though, in this regard.

As for working with Cerberus - well, they went over the top with it in the first game. I see from where people saying they don't want to work with it come from, but really, there is no other option. Regardless of what you think, if Cerberus is lying to you and is as bad in the first game, or if those were odd, unfortunate incidents warping its image (as the crew choice of Normandy II would suggest, but they can be a part of propaganda, too) - Cerberus is the only choice with all assets already in place to combat the Collectors. Two years is a lot of time, your ties with Alliance and Council loosened, and they are mostly powerless in Terminus anyway.

The Geth also get this treatment - from cardboard enemies into interesting race*. But, still... I don't buy this brainwashing they try to pump into the player. If "Rebels" act this way because Nazara virus-ed them, they're brainwashed right now, and you're only returning the natural state of things.

And after you get to know them, well... Quarian plans to recover their planet seem really hopeless and irresponsible now.

*Their description... indicates they evolved from MS Windows. Goddess, this explains so much :smalltongue:

Characters. I liked renegade Shepard much more now - from ME 1 mostly-duck he turned into Badass. Indiana Jones Level Badass*. You're antihero, but still heroic enough do the job, to know you're the only one who can do it and you're doing it, whatever it takes. Some of these scenes are really done with humor, too, especially "Charge!" incident related to Samara**.

*Think Jones "dueling" with Arab swordsman, and you'll see what I mean.

**Samara... why they had to pick a name of old, obsolete Soviet car (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lada_Samara) allegedly made from tank parts? Also a river in Russia, too. It was really distracting to me.

They're a bit... undeveloped, though. We never learn why Garrus was betrayed, don't have a chance to talk with traitor, nothing. Grunt is "perfect" - but what does this mean? Strength? Speed? Ancestors? Fertility? Morinth - we can recruit her, but the game doesn't bother to explain why, why she stays, she has little dialogue not borrowed from Samara. A pity, as most of these things were really easy to establish, and the player has to rationalize them on his own.

Note that this might have been because I was a Renegade Male - some of these companions had suspiciously little to say to me, despite their loyalty. I'll check if they change on Paragon Female now. Still, sometimes it seems the player, despite being their commander has to beg them for opportunity to speak - and given how long the game loads between Normandy decks (why they couldn't have been just one level? Normandy as a whole certainly isn't bigger than Citadel) it means speaking to some of them is a chore.

I loved the amount of little details they have, though - it shows how much time went into polishing. Check Zaed, for example - only midgame I noticed he turned one Cerberus emblem* into a throwing knife board. Or that window, smashed by Grunt# - still there. I wonder why they all have to have their own rooms, though, especially given the fact that no one seems to mind an unstable assassin^ in ship's life support system room, or walking computer virus in Normandy's server room :smallsigh:

And if we talk about our lovable virus - only now, when I had the chance to actually examine Geth and Quarians in the party up close, I realized they look exactly the same - same legs, feet, hands, arms, even that helmet/mask look is exactly the same (sans visor) - which is interesting, because if Quarians walked without suits before, why they based their post-exile suits on Geth design? :smallconfused:

And about Quarians - Tali raises a few interesting points about their diseases. Ok, they can't really be affected by alien bacteria. Ok, sterile ships cause allergies. But it doesn't add up - sorry, if your immune system is weak, allergies aren't a problem. Allergy is your system battling itself; it it's weak, the reaction is weak! Not the opposite. Also, sterile ships means your diseases are extinct - you left them on the homeworld, remember? Weak immune system means nothing if there is nothing to infect it, and to add insult to injury - we have to listen to mother babbling about her children implants on citadel dozens of times. One of these is immune booster - is it really so much more expensive than a suit? If alien bacteria aren't a threat, you should kill your immune system anyway and cease wearing these suits, nothing is specifically evolved to attack you and few things that can attack can be killed with antibiotics neutral for your bodies :smallsigh:

And there's the whole matter of alternative clothes for NPCs, if you gain their loyalty - most of these are far better than their default ones - except for Garrus and Legion. What, you guys went to trouble of acquiring second suit damaged in the exact same way as the first? Garrus, why you have to walk in something punctured by tank cannon? Come on, I'll buy you a new suit! :smallsigh:

*seriously, what's with those people? Why they had to paint gigantic Cerberus logos on ship going to all major planets? Aren't they illegal band of alleged terrorist or something?

#Um, why they don't give the option of awakening potentially murderous Krogan with a full squad of armed crew in armors? Seriously, Shepard behaved like idiot going there unarmed, in casual clothes.

^Yes, I hate Thane. He's repulsive (and useless) - much more so than the rest of mass murderers and madmen you're recruiting this time around. Really, NPCs, all of them, save for 3-4 people, have issues or ugly backstory the size of Russia. And you know what? It's much better than it sounds. Still, look at it this way - raging Krogan is (I think) the noblest NPC this time now, and it shows :smallbiggrin:

2010-02-03, 11:22 AM
Hmm..call me crazy but I've actually been having trouble finding armor pieces. Either that, or there isn't that many armor pieces out there. Most importantly, I've only ever found two armor pieces for the head. Visor (bonus damage on headshots) and the Death Mask. Anyone have a list of where to find armors?

2010-02-03, 11:25 AM
A few points, not really spoilers:
The woman shopping for implants or whatnot for her kid? That was a human family from ME1 that lost the husband and Shepard helped them to talk through how to care for the unborn child (Paragon-> no injection thing following mom's 1/300 lead, Renegade-> injection following 1/50 uncle's lead) and that the child is the most important thing to either of them. Basically they're both incredibly paranoid of anything that will risk the little bundle of joy.
The hacking games and the removal of skill requirements for them is great, I really like all of the little stylistic interface changes they made as well.
The Paragon/Renegade interrupts have been universally awesome so far. I just wish they were a bit brighter or more distinct as I don't always see them right away. Still, each time I've managed to see one the result has been pretty much what I would have preferred to see Shepard to do to 'fix' the situation.

Only thing I haven't liked so far is the scanning each and every planet for resources. Really tedious and boring, especially when you need massive amounts of some of the materials for near-trivial things like the med bay. Load times haven't been too annoying, I guess I'm kinda used to it after waiting for 1-2 minutes every time I boarded a Citadel elevator.

2010-02-03, 11:30 AM
Sorry this is going to be long. If anybody has interest in some basic Biology concepts like I do feel free to read. Otherwise it's pretty dry stuff.

And about Quarians - Tali raises a few interesting points about their diseases. Ok, they can't really be affected by alien bacteria. Ok, sterile ships cause allergies. But it doesn't add up - sorry, if your immune system is weak, allergies aren't a problem. Allergy is your system battling itself; it it's weak, the reaction is weak! Not the opposite.

Allergies are the release of Histamines. Histamines at the best of times are only mildly linked to your immune system by opening capillaries to allow white blood cells and Antibodies to move around your body. Their prescense doesn't prove a strong immune system.

Also, sterile ships means your diseases are extinct - you left them on the homeworld, remember? Weak immune system means nothing if there is nothing to infect it, and to add insult to injury - we have to listen to mother babbling about her children implants on citadel dozens of times. One of these is immune booster - is it really so much more expensive than a suit? If alien bacteria aren't a threat, you should kill your immune system anyway and cease wearing these suits, nothing is specifically evolved to attack you and few things that can attack can be killed with antibiotics neutral for your bodies :smallsigh:

Wrong on so many counts. Natural diseases being extinct means that your species is a wide open environmental niche that won't be able to respond strongly to any new diseases. After all Diseases mutate and evolve to fill new niches. For example we have Swine flu making the switch from pigs to infect humans, SIV making the switch to infect humans and several other diseases that have shown capabilities to switch species.

Add that to the fact that there isn't a single creature alive that can actually survive without the bacteria that have colonized their body since birth. Humans couldn't survive without the E.coli in our digestive tract helping us break down food and fighting off infections from more serious strains of bacteria. We evolved along with our bacteria and you take that away the species is lessened possibly dangerously so.

And then they are already using immune boosters and probably countless other techniques to keep their immune systems in some kind of shape. But it isn't working they are still very suseptable to oppurtunistic infections that can rampage around the flotilla if they aren't careful.

2010-02-03, 12:25 PM
Hmm..call me crazy but I've actually been having trouble finding armor pieces. Either that, or there isn't that many armor pieces out there. Most importantly, I've only ever found two armor pieces for the head. Visor (bonus damage on headshots) and the Death Mask. Anyone have a list of where to find armors?

First, a big chunk of these are DLC. Second, yes, pieces of armor, any upgrades, really, can be really easy to miss as they're often in hidden spot in loyalty missions, or worse, N7 missions, these hidden on remote planets you need to scan to find. My first completionist PT wasn't able to research 2 upgrades, as I haven't fond prerequisites, despite checking everything and consulting the list of places in ME2 Wiki :smallsigh:

Here you go:


Submachine Gun Damage

* On Omega, right before the assault on Archangel. There is a door you have to bypass close to the gunship (easily missed).

* Sold on the Citadel at Rodam Expeditions.
* Sold on Ilium at Gateway Personal Defense.
* During Thane's recruitment mission, just before the windy bridge.
* On Ilium during Miranda's loyalty mission. Found in a shipping container after riding the first elevator.

Heavy Pistol Damage

* Sold on the Citadel at Rodam Expeditions.
* Sold on Tuchanka at Fortack's Database.
* On Tali's recruitment mission on Haestrom, at the bottom of a stairwell at the first fight with the geth (easily missed).
* On the Citadel during Thane's loyalty mission, immediately at the beginning on the 800 Wards on a datapad.
* On Aeia during Jacob's loyalty mission, just after the barricade is destroyed with the rigged mech.

Assault Rifle Damage

* In the quarantine area on Omega, just after a barricade of mercs.

* Sold on Ilium at Gateway Personal Defense.

* During Zaeed's loyalty mission on Zorya, on a computer, but only by sacrificing the workers (have to choose between Heavy Weapon Ammo and Assault Rifle Damage).
* Sold on Tuchanka at Fortack's Database.
* On Tali's recruitment mission on Haestrom, in the room blocked by the collapsed pillar.

* During Samara's loyalty mission, on the wall in Morinth's apartment.

Shotgun Damage

* Sold on Omega at Kenn's Salvage.
* On Purgatory on a dead guard right after destroying the first large mech.
* Sold on Tuchanka at Fortack's Database.
* After Grunt's loyalty mission, awarded by the shaman automatically.

* On the Derelict Reaper ship in the middle of a bunch of Scion and husk fights.

Sniper Rifle Damage

* Sold on Omega at Omega Market.
* On Korlus at the top of the stair case after the waves of Krogans.

* Sold at Rodam Expeditions on the Citadel.

* On the Derelict Reaper ship at the end of a long catwalk where Legion snipes some husks.
* On the Citadel during Garrus' loyalty mission, in a hackable terminal just before raising the shutters.

Biotic Damage

* On Horizon world on a dead collector when you first meet a Scion, after finding Delan (easily missed).
* During Samara's recruitment mission in the small room with Elnora, the asari hiding behind the desk.
* Sold on Tuchanka at Fortack's Database.
* Sold on Illium at Serrice Technology.
* On Pragia during Jack's loyalty mission, on a hackable computer right before fighting Kureck.

Tech Damage

* On the main floor of Archangel's house during the assault.
* Sold at Saronis Applications on the Citadel.
* During Collector Ship Mission, after fighting the Praetorian.
* Sold on Illium at Serrice Technology.
* After Tali's loyalty mission, awarded after trial if Tali is found innocent either through Paragon/Renegade scores or by handing over evidence (and losing Tali's loyalty permanently).
* Sometimes rewarded after Normandy Crash Site (DLC only), however appears to be a bug and does not show up.

Heavy Skin Weave

* Sold on Omega at Kenn's Salvage.
* On a dead collector on Horizon, just after first seeing husks, before examining dead Husk. If you examined husk, you are too late and won't be able to go back.
* Sold on Illium at Gateway Personal Defense.
* On the Derelict Reaper ship in a computer after fighting your first Scion of the level.
* On an N7 mission: N7: MSV Strontium Mule (Arinlarkan System, Omega Nebula). Located at the end of the mission on a hackable terminal with the payload.

Damage Protection

* On Purgatory in a destroyed YMIR mech right after freeing Jack.
* Sold on the Citadel at Saronis Applications.
* During Collector Ship Mission on a research terminal before encountering any collectors.
* Reward for N7: Anomalous Weather Detected on Canalus (Dirada System, Pylos Nebula).
* Sold on Illium at Gateway Personal Defense. ?Does not sell it until after Collector mission

Geth Shield Strength

* On a computer during Tali's loyalty mission, just after the first room.
* During Legion's loyalty mission on a geth terminal. Found in a room sparking the conversation about the size of the ship.
* Sometimes rewarded after Normandy Crash Site (DLC only), however appears to be a bug and does not show up.

Medi-Gel Capacity

* Complete Dr Chakwas' side mission (brandy).
* Sold at Sirta Foundation on the Citadel.
* On Omega, inside Mordin's clinic in the quarantine zone.
* Sold on Illium at Serrice Technology.
* On Illium at during Miranda's loyalty mission on a dead merc after the first elevator ride and sub-machine gun upgrade (easily missed).

Heavy Weapon Ammo

* On Freedom's Progress on the dead YMIR mech just outside Veetor's shack.
* Sold on Omega at Kenn's Salvage.
* During Mordin's mission on a hackable research terminal after the boss.
* Sold on Tuchanka at Ratch's .
* During Zaeed's loyalty mission by the fire extinguisher controls, only if trying to save workers (have to choose between Heavy Weapon Ammo and Assault Rifle Damage).
* Reward for N7: Blood Pack Base (Shrike Abyssal, Xe Cha System, Planet Zada Ban)
* Reward for N7: Blood Pack Communications Relay

Krogan Vitality

* On Korlus in the same room you find Warlord Okeer.
* On Tuchanka during Mordin's loyalty mission, in the same room as the dead female Krogan.


Assault Rifles:

M-8 Avenger

Fully automatic assault rifle, manufactured by Elkoss Combine.

M-15 Vindicator

Five round burst battle rifle, manufactured by Elanus Risk Control Services.

M-76 Revenant

Fully automatic light machine gun, only available to the Soldier class during the mission aboard the Collector Cruiser.

Geth Pulse Rifle

Aquired while playing the 'Recruit Tali' mission on Hardcore or Insane difficulty.

Collector Assault Rifle

Bonus item included in Collector's Edition copies of Mass Effect 2. Its model is similar to the rifles used by the Collectors in-game. The weapon is subtly animated as if alive, and is fully automatic. Fires pellet-looking anti-shield projectiles.

Heavy Pistols:

M-3 Predator

Manufacturer: Elanus Risk Control Services
Rounds per minute: 120
This weapon is obtainable in a locker at the start of the game.

M-6 Carniflex Hand Cannon

Manufacturer: Elanus Risk Control Services
Rounds per minute: Unknown
It can be obtained while recruiting Mordin Solus on Omega.

Submachine Guns:

M-9 Tempest

Manufacturer: Elanus Risk Control Services
Rounds per minute: 925
Rounds per Thermal Clip: 50
It is acquired from a dead quarian during Tali's recruitment mission.

M-4 Shuriken Machine Pistol

Rounds per Thermal Clip: 24
Acquired while landing on Freedom's Progress to investigate the vanishing of the humans there.


M-23 Katana Shotgun

M-27 Scimitar Assault Shotgun

Found during Samara recruitment mission. Can be found in room with weapon terminal after taking elevator to mercenary base.

M-300 Claymore Heavy Shotgun

Can be acquired and used by Shepard if you choose it as advanced training when the option arises. You can also research the weapon on your ship, but only as an upgrade for Grunt. No other characters can use it.

Sniper Rifles:

M-92 Mantis Sniper Rifle

Found when helping Archangel.

M-97 Viper Sniper Rifle

Can be found during The Assassin recruitment mission.

M-98 Widow Anti-Material Rifle

The Widow was never designed to be carried and fired by a human. Although this modified model can be carried, no ordinary human could fire it without shattering an arm. Powerful sniper rifle that can be chosen as bonus on the collectors' cruiser. Legion can be given this rifle as an upgrade.

M-29 Incisor Rifle

Available as DLC for digital deluxe editions of Mass Effect 2.


M-100 Grenade Launcher
Popular Manufacturer(s): Elanus Risk Control Services
Rounds per minute: 125

ML-77 Missile Launcher
Popular Manufacturer(s): Armax Arsenal
Rounds per minute: 80

M-622 Avalanche
Popular Manufacturer(s): Unkown

M-920 Cain
Popular Manufacturer(s): Unknown

Collector Particle Beam
Popular Manufacturer(s): Unknown
The Collector Particle Beam can be found on Horizon.

M-490 Blackstorm Projector
Popular Manufacturer(s): Unknown
The M-490 Blackstorm Projector is a retail bonus item available exclusively when pre-ordering Mass Effect 2 from certain retailers.

M-451 Firestorm
The M-451 Firestorm can be found during Zaeed Massani's loyalty quest. Zaeed and his quest are available as a downloadable content pack for Mass Effect 2.


Available armor sets for Commander Shepard are the N7 Armor (default), Blood Dragon Armor, Terminus Assault Armor, Collector Armor and Inferno Armor (these 4 specific models being available through DLC).

The chosen armor set slightly (3 to 10 % bonuses typically) affects multiple characteristics of Shepard (such as field regeneration, health, size of thermal clip stores, ...).

For the specific armor sets, although the starting bonus sets can be interesting (up to 20%, but limited number of bonuses), they do not evolve, as these sets cannot be customized. At the contrary, the standard N7 Armor set can be customized for look and characteristic bonuses (certain options being available immediately, others can be retrieved during field missions or in some shops):

N7 Helmet

* Increases health by 5%.

N7 Breather Helmet

* Increases health by 5%.


* Increases headshot damage by 10%.

Death Mask

* Increases negotiation bonus by 10%.

N7 Chestplate

* Increases power damage by 3%

Capacitor Chestplate

* Reduces the delay before your shields start recharging by 10%.

Aegis Vest

* Increases health by 5%.

Shield Harness

* Increases shields by 5%.

N7 Shoulder Guards

* Increases weapon damage by 3%.

Amplifier Plates

* Increases power damage by 5%.

Strength Boost Pads

* Increases melee damage by 25%.

Asymmetric Defense Layer

* Increases health by 5%.

N7 Gauntlets

* Increases health by 3%.

Stabilization Gauntlets

* Increases weapon damage by 5%.

Heavy Damping Gauntlets

* Increases shields by 5%.

Off-Hand Ammo Pack

* Increases spare ammo capacity by 10%.

N7 Greaves

* Increases shield strength by 3%

Stimulator Conduits

* Increases storm speed by 10%.

Life Support Webbing

* Increases health by 10%.

Ordnance Packs

* Increases spare ammo capacity by 10%.

By the way, when I ended the game, it said Heavy Weapons will be available freely in future playthroughs. Yet, I cannot find them. Hmmm.

The hacking games and the removal of skill requirements for them is great, I really like all of the little stylistic interface changes they made as well.

Only thing I haven't liked so far is the scanning each and every planet for resources. Really tedious and boring, especially when you need massive amounts of some of the materials for near-trivial things like the med bay. Load times haven't been too annoying, I guess I'm kinda used to it after waiting for 1-2 minutes every time I boarded a Citadel elevator.

1) Yup, they're part of this whole "casual done right" stuff. Still, I wish there was more of "code tagging" game as opposed to "pair matching" one, as it is much faster and less tedious, especially at first (mini-time limit hurts when you have to match 2 being far apart).

2) Yeah, I was like this at first, but then, I realized it is the wrong way. You don't scan the planet until you find 'rich' one, take anything until it hits 'medium', then leave. These will give you 1000-3000 of resource per sweep, much less tedious. I never bothered with cosmetic med-bay though, I liked my Sith-Lord knockoff look.

3) I hate load times. I think I'm going to invest in SSD drive to see if that helps.

2010-02-03, 12:28 PM
The load times aren't bad for me. The big thing I think they could have done better is the ammo system. Why can I carry 10+ clips each for assault and sniper rifles and SMGs, but I can only carry 3 for my pistol and 2 for my shotgun? Why does the number of spare clips I can carry change for the same type of weapon? Aren't all thermal clips the same size? There's no in-game explanation, nor is there any reason given you can't grab a clip from your pistol stock and put it in an assault rifle.

If they must limit ammo, give all characters space for 20 or 30 clips, which are shared among all the weapons the character is carrying. But I would still prefer to remove the thermal clips from the game entirely while retaining the reload mechanic to keep people from making the infinite guns of ME1. Make cooling weapons a power to which cooldowns don't apply, for example.

Edit: Correction to your list - the Ordnance Packs (leg armor) give 10% more heavy weapon ammo.

2010-02-03, 12:45 PM
I don't think I'd be able to do without the med-bay, unfortunately.The last thing I want is for Shepard to start looking like friggin' Palpatine just because s/he shot, or even just threatened, some bastards who desperately deserved it. Even at his/her most Renegade, the Shep is not and should not be evil. The entire genius of this particular Karma Meter, in my mind, is that you don't choose between Stupid Good and Baby-Eating Evil, but between being Superman or being Dirty Harry.

Is there an in-game explanation of why you get Sith Scars?

2010-02-03, 01:07 PM
I don't think I'd be able to do without the med-bay, unfortunately.The last thing I want is for Shepard to start looking like friggin' Palpatine just because s/he shot, or even just threatened, some bastards who desperately deserved it. Even at his/her most Renegade, the Shep is not and should not be evil. The entire genius of this particular Karma Meter, in my mind, is that you don't choose between Stupid Good and Baby-Eating Evil, but between being Superman or being Dirty Harry.

Is there an in-game explanation of why you get Sith Scars?

Yes, but it's a little feeble. Basically, at the start of the game you're awakened and pressed into combat before you're 100% ready; "thinking positively" (going Paragon) will help the healing process continue, possibly resulting in the scars disappearing, while "thinking negatively" (going Renegade) will impede the healing process, or even cause it to go awry.

Okay, it's more than "a little" feeble.

2010-02-03, 01:35 PM
And there's the whole matter of alternative clothes for NPCs, if you gain their loyalty - most of these are far better than their default ones - except for Garrus and Legion. What, you guys went to trouble of acquiring second suit damaged in the exact same way as the first? Garrus, why you have to walk in something punctured by tank cannon? Come on, I'll buy you a new suit! :smallsigh::

I think this would be one of my big complaints in general. They let us customize our armor, but didn't give us very many choices, and those choices are tied to the abilities of the armor, so you either look like crap and have a good bonus, or you look cool and have a meh bonus. Then they only allowed us to customize Shepard's armor, while everyone else gets into firefights and unbreathable atmosphere in their street clothes.

It's more of a letdown than anything else. Why go to the trouble of allowing us to customize armor if that customization is so subpar?

2010-02-03, 01:36 PM
I think the scarring is a neat effect and I'm having a lot of fun with my renegade character at the moment.

I basically imagine it as an effect of Shepard living a stressfull life, always pushing forward and not taking the time to rest between missions and let the tech-magic within her finish the job it was meant to do.
This results in her body breaking up under the stress, which basically puts a time-limit on her mission. Feeling her body slowly breaking down stresses her out even more, resulting in even more radical actions and rude behaviour. Which, in turn, results in even more malfunctioning in her body-machinery.

That's how I rationalize it for my current female renegade adept anyway. Paragons take things a lot more zen, so their body doesn't start reacting violently to all the tech that has been inserted there to keep Shepard alive.

2010-02-03, 01:37 PM
My only gripe is this - loading times, especially on Normandy, that is, place you're going to be visiting constantly, and weird loading when you want to change your weapons before the mission.

Maybe because i am on PC i don't experience that much load time it at max 10 seconds. definitely better than ME1. I like their load animations it is fun to watch.

They're a bit... undeveloped, though. We never learn why Garrus was betrayed, don't have a chance to talk with traitor, nothing. Grunt is "perfect" - but what does this mean? Strength? Speed? Ancestors? Fertility? Morinth - we can recruit her, but the game doesn't bother to explain why, why she stays, she has little dialogue not borrowed from Samara. A pity, as most of these things were really easy to establish, and the player has to rationalize them on his own.

to explain Grunt and garrus

from the game you glean that grunt is genetically enhanced. he has the best qualities of all the greatest warlords. he starts listing them in his loyalty mission to wrex. in pedigree he is top notch, just think of him as a super solider among krogan. he also appears to gain those warlord memories as he also recites about one against the turians. he is the answer to the genophage, basically don't win by quantity win with quality.

garrus below

Garrus was berayed because the mercs cournered th guy and gave him an ultimatum. either he dies or he betray his friends. he betrayed his friends and now he apparently lives every day with that on his soul. he doesn't sleep well every night he see their faces and have then accuse him of being a traitor. he explains if you run the paragon path blocking garrus from ever shooting him

2010-02-03, 02:44 PM
As for Morinth, she joins because she's as attracted to you as Samara thought she'd be, and then you spared her. She honestly thinks that if anyone could survive mating with her, it's Shepard, and that intrigues her as well. That said, I was also disappointed at how little conversation she has. Your first conversation in the ship seems to cover everything she'll talk to you about.

2010-02-03, 02:50 PM
to explain Grunt

from the game you glean that grunt is genetically enhanced. he has the best qualities of all the greatest warlords. he starts listing them in his loyalty mission to wrex. in pedigree he is top notch, just think of him as a super solider among krogan. he also appears to gain those warlord memories as he also recites about one against the turians. he is the answer to the genophage, basically don't win by quantity win with quality.

Grunt's "memories" are a result of Okeer's mysterious imprint while he's in the tube. I find it strange that the personality isn't carried over as well, given the physical components of memory. And of course psychological connections color our memories, no matter how unbiased we try to be. Somehow Grunt only got the raw factual information in the process.

2010-02-03, 03:03 PM
Grunt's "memories" are a result of Okeer's mysterious imprint while he's in the tube. I find it strange that the personality isn't carried over as well, given the physical components of memory. And of course psychological connections color our memories, no matter how unbiased we try to be. Somehow Grunt only got the raw factual information in the process.
Well, that is mentioned by EDI if you ask about his mood before you wake him up. He apparently only inherited pictures; 'he knows what Okeer's views are, but does not necessarily share them'. The fact that he does do that and becomes a 'real' Krogan is his entire character development.

Archpaladin Zousha
2010-02-03, 03:06 PM
*and yet, the internets are full of tools bashing this game because it doesn't work right on their ancient single-core processors and GF 7300 cards. Seriously, people, what's wrong with you? These were museum-grade components over three years ago! :smallsigh:
Well, when you've got a family like mine, where only one person really plays PC games (myself), and the rest only use the computer for the internet, Microsoft Word and the occasional game of Solitaire, getting a new computer with high-end graphics and processors isn't exactly high on the priority list. Especially if PC gaming is passive-aggressively discouraged by the people who controll the pursestrings. :smallsigh:

2010-02-03, 03:18 PM
According to EDI, Grunt is genetically optimized using legendary warlords as templates. Grunt has absolutely no "junk data" in his DNA (except for the genophage). He is, physically, everything a krogan should be - a perfect specimen.

Okeer's belief was that the genophage was encouraging too much genetic garbage to get through - weaklings who should have been scooped from the gene pool are allowed to remain, weakening the race. Grunt represents an attempt to attain a new genetic template that is the absolute ideal of the Krogan physiology. If all newborn krogan were like Grunt, even the genophage wouldn't matter, because the 0.1% that survived would still be able to curb stomp any species that looked at them funny.

Where the perfection fails is the training. Okeer's imprinting gave him a lot of data with no subtext, which has left Grunt grasping for meaning. As such, he has greatly imprinted on Shepard (and clan Urdnot).

It is worth noting that the tank he's found in is supposedly capable of keeping him in stasis for another year without damage to him, so he's obviously meant to have a role in ME3 whether you release him or not.

2010-02-03, 04:22 PM
Maybe because i am on PC i don't experience that much load time it at max 10 seconds. definitely better than ME1. I like their load animations it is fun to watch.

to explain Grunt and garrus

from the game you glean that grunt is genetically enhanced. he has the best qualities of all the greatest warlords. he starts listing them in his loyalty mission to wrex. in pedigree he is top notch, just think of him as a super solider among krogan. he also appears to gain those warlord memories as he also recites about one against the turians. he is the answer to the genophage, basically don't win by quantity win with quality.

garrus below

Garrus was berayed because the mercs cournered th guy and gave him an ultimatum. either he dies or he betray his friends. he betrayed his friends and now he apparently lives every day with that on his soul. he doesn't sleep well every night he see their faces and have then accuse him of being a traitor. he explains if you run the paragon path blocking garrus from ever shooting him

I have PC and it varies, 30-90 seconds. Damn :smallannoyed:

As for Grunt:

Yes, yes, perfect template, genes from warlords. But what's the point? First, whatever mate he finds, she will have old, inferior genes. That's loss of about half that potential in any offspring. Second, Okeer mentions Krogans being weak because Genophage interferes with fetuses in womb. Unless these genes magically counteract that, it is another major hit to any offspring - and even if they do, another Mordin will just adjust the Genophage accordingly. Third, superios genes mean nothing if the end product is further weakened by subpar, feudal culture and if the species as a whole has limits, say, on intellect. Say, dumb is genius among idiots, but that doesn't make him match actual thinkers.

Yes, but it's a little feeble. Basically, at the start of the game you're awakened and pressed into combat before you're 100% ready; "thinking positively" (going Paragon) will help the healing process continue, possibly resulting in the scars disappearing, while "thinking negatively" (going Renegade) will impede the healing process, or even cause it to go awry.

Okay, it's more than "a little" feeble.

Um, no. That's not the healing process - it's Shepard's body rejecting all these kilograms of implants used in project Lazarus. You don't give yourself peace to heal, and the wounds begin showing underlying metal instead of healing. Your old doctor from Normandy mentions this when you first met her.

And on a side note - damn. My first PT was Renegade Shepard starting in this game. My second, current, is character imported from ME 1 - and I've already run into five NPCs that weren't there the first time, mentioning events from ME 1. And they're so minor, that I don't remember the from that game. And you know what? Party characters react to them. This game must have over hundred thousand lines of speech :smallsigh:

2010-02-03, 04:27 PM
Hey guys, I'm still real early into this game and capable of changing over to another file. Wanted an opinion on the romances:
Should I go female (my preferred) for Jacob and/or Kelly, the Yeoman? Or male, for Miranda and Tali? What's most interesting? Or do they not really add much to the plot aside from eyecandy?

2010-02-03, 04:41 PM
Male gets Tali, Miranda, or Subject Zero.
* Tali's is sweet, in my opinion. She's probably the nicest ally you get other than Jacob. She's also my personal favorite character from both games.
* Miranda's is not that special. "I'm perfect, you're perfect, let's throw down in the engine room" is about all there is to it.
* Subject Zero is a bit deeper than the others, if you can stand the girl in the first place. She's a bit like Baldur's Gate 2's Anomen: good if you get to know her, but very difficult to want to get to know.

Females get Jacob, Thane, and Garrus. I haven't played a female much, but I'd guess you have the choice between the nice guy (Jacob), the repentant badass (Thane), and the old friend (Garrus). I think Jacob is the most interesting of the three, but Garrus is a lot of fun to banter with.

Yeoman Chambers is not really a relationship in the same sense. There's some flirting and some dancing going on, but I get the impression she's there simply so you'll have SOMEONE once the game's over.

2010-02-03, 04:46 PM
And if we talk about our lovable virus - only now, when I had the chance to actually examine Geth and Quarians in the party up close, I realized they look exactly the same - same legs, feet, hands, arms, even that helmet/mask look is exactly the same (sans visor) - which is interesting, because if Quarians walked without suits before, why they based their post-exile suits on Geth design? :smallconfused:

Not really sure if this needs spoilering, but what the hell, why not.

Their bio-suits aren't based on Geth design. It's Quarian design, as is the Geth's design. The bio-suits were likely around beforehand for whatever sort of HasMat situations they needed to handle. I very much doubt they'd change the design just because it somewhat resembled the robots what ousted them from their homeworld.

Avilan the Grey
2010-02-03, 05:40 PM
...Soldier or Infiltrator? I love the stealth path in FO3, but you never get into those kind of situations in ME2... When it's combat it is always a blur, it seems.

Archpaladin Zousha
2010-02-03, 06:26 PM
From what I've seen, the cloak isn't so much for sneaking past enemies as much as it is about getting a breather in combat or lining up the perfect shot.

Thanatos 51-50
2010-02-03, 07:01 PM
From what I've seen, the cloak isn't so much for sneaking past enemies as much as it is about getting a breather in combat or lining up the perfect shot.

I often use the cloak to circle around to a flanking position or make it from cover to cover without getting my six shot off.
Also: The assassination cloak makes melee combat a viable strategy, as in "I'll punch you to death, Okeer, and theres nothing you can do about it!"

Archpaladin Zousha
2010-02-03, 07:19 PM
I often use the cloak to circle around to a flanking position or make it from cover to cover without getting my six shot off.
I thought that's what I said? My point was that Mass Effect doesn't treat stealth like most games that have stealth do. The traditional idea of stealth, as far as I know, was pioneered by the Thief series, where the goal is to avoid detection completely and use fighting only as a last resort, or better yet, never fight at all. Mass Effect's run-and-gun style of play isn't really conducive to that kind of stealth.

Also: The assassination cloak makes melee combat a viable strategy, as in "I'll punch you to death, Okeer, and theres nothing you can do about it!"
Hadn't thought about that. Then again, I didn't really view Mass Effect as the kind of game that encouraged melee anyway, given that most enemies, if they got close to you, would curb-stomp you.

2010-02-03, 10:54 PM
So, I've started a second file, importing my second character from ME1 (had to go back and finish his play-through, since the release of Dragon Age caused me to drop him, but fortunately he had reached the Citadel during the endgame anyway, so it didn't take much to finish). Male Renegade Infiltrator. I actually considered changing his class to Sentinel or Vanguard, but I decided I'll do those on a future play through (which will likely be with non-imported characters, as I don't feel like playing through 1 again every time I want to play 2).

After playing through the finale for 1 again so soon after finishing 2 for the first time, it strikes me that Bioware has set themselves up to have a lot of variables from these two games to account for in Mass Effect 3, mostly due to the great increase in the number of them you have in 2. Just a quick run-down:
From ME1
- Kaiden or Ashley: who died?
- Wrex: dead or alive?
- The Council: dead or alive?
- Human/Chief councilor: Anderson or Udina?
- Romance partner: did you have one? If so, who?
- Various minor characters from side-quests who did carry over to 2 and may or may not still carry over all the way to 3.

From ME2
- Did you do the loyalty quests for each crew member? (May or may not matter in some instances, almost definitely will in others.)
- Who survived the final mission and who did not? There are many possible combinations for this, especially when you factor in your crew members, such as Kelly.
- Did you leave Grunt in his pod?
- Did you leave Legion deactivated?
- Did you send Legion to Cerberus?
- Did you kill Morynth or Samara?
- Did you reprogram or destroy the Geth heretics?
- Did you encourage or discourage the Quarians to go to war?
- Was Tali exiled?
- Did Mordin acquire the data on the Genophage cure? (May also matter if he killed his former student or not.)
- Did Zaeed get his vengeance or not? (May not matter if they decide not to pursue that in ME3 if he didn't.)
- Did you help Liara or not? If so, how did it turn out?
- Romance: did you cheat on a romance from ME1 in ME2? Has many permutations with 2 partners in ME1 per sex and 3/4 (depending on if Kelly will carry over at all) per sex in ME2.
- Did you destroy the Collector base or not?
- How did you deal with that obsessive fan?
- If they follow the pattern established with the ME1 to ME2 progression, various other side-quest characters and events may be carried over.
I mean... damn, that is a lot of stuff to track. And I'm not even sure I got everything. Mass Effect 3 could wind up playing incredibly differently depending on how all of those variables fall out.


2010-02-03, 11:00 PM
Zevox, do you have the PC or Consol version? If it's the PC, try this (http://www.annakie.com/me/home.htm) site.

2010-02-03, 11:06 PM
Zevox, do you have the PC or Consol version?
Console - my PC couldn't handle these games. Besides, I tend to prefer console games to PC games. I find controllers much more comfortable for gaming than a keyboard (mouse is okay, but has too few buttons to work on its own for many games).


2010-02-03, 11:29 PM
Um, no. That's not the healing process - it's Shepard's body rejecting all these kilograms of implants used in project Lazarus. You don't give yourself peace to heal, and the wounds begin showing underlying metal instead of healing. Your old doctor from Normandy mentions this when you first met her.

If "Shepard's body rejecting the implants" doesn't constitute "the healing process going awry," then what does? :smalltongue:

Thanatos 51-50
2010-02-04, 12:22 AM
I thought that's what I said?

That was, in fact, not what you said. Neither of the examples I gave are used for lining up perfect shots or taking a breather. All three are active, aggressive uses of short-term invisibility. Especially of the kind that comes with a damage buff.
But yes, I see your point, it's not stealth like a stealth game, because Mass Effect ISN'T a Stealth game.

Archpaladin Zousha
2010-02-04, 12:27 AM
Circling around to a flanking position seems like lining up a perfect shot to me.

Moving from cover to cover without getting shot at sounds like a breather to me.

Using it for melee combat seems like a combination of both, allowing you to get close to the enemy without being shot at (breather), and then launching a hard punch (perfect shot).

Avilan the Grey
2010-02-04, 01:58 AM
I think I am starting over as a Soldier this time. On the look of it, it seems like the "Boring Vanilla" class, but hey since you don't get true Stealth warfare (more "hide and seek")... And I think I need something simple and Vanilla since I am so untwitchy.

One more: Sentinel? Seems like the "tank" class, although I don't really see why you should have a Tank in this type of game? What is it good for? (honest quetion, not snark)

2010-02-04, 02:11 AM
It should be noted that Infiltrators get more than stealth. Their class special also includes a slow-time effect when sighting with a sniper rifle. When you specialize as an assassin, this can become quite fun. With a good sniper rifle (Widow, for instance) you can pull off headshots on an entire opposing squad without any regard for cover (at normal difficulty, at least). It's quite satisfying.

Thanatos 51-50
2010-02-04, 02:17 AM
Circling around to a flanking position seems like lining up a perfect shot to me.

Moving from cover to cover without getting shot at sounds like a breather to me.

Using it for melee combat seems like a combination of both, allowing you to get close to the enemy without being shot at (breather), and then launching a hard punch (perfect shot).

In this case, I believe we have had a miscommunication. I read "Getting a breather" as "Ohcrap, I'm bein' shot, time to aggrowipe" and lining up a perfect shot as popping it right before peeking over corner so you didn't get your face shot off while you were aiming.

2010-02-04, 02:20 AM
One more: Sentinel? Seems like the "tank" class, although I don't really see why you should have a Tank in this type of game? What is it good for? (honest quetion, not snark)
Not really. They have one ability that boosts their defensive stats (in ME2, anyway - in ME1 they didn't have any such thing, and were about as physically capable as an Adept), but their real hallmark is having a mix of biotic and tech powers. They have only limited weapons skills (pistol and sub-machine gun, same as an Adept) and aren't as tough as more physical classes, but they can mix up different powers of different types, making them versatile. In theory, anyway - I've yet to see how one plays out in practice. They didn't appeal to me in the first game, but for some reason I'm much more interested in the class in the second.


Avilan the Grey
2010-02-04, 02:39 AM
Not really. They have one ability that boosts their defensive stats (in ME2, anyway - in ME1 they didn't have any such thing, and were about as physically capable as an Adept), but their real hallmark is having a mix of biotic and tech powers. They have only limited weapons skills (pistol and sub-machine gun, same as an Adept) and aren't as tough as more physical classes, but they can mix up different powers of different types, making them versatile. In theory, anyway

Just after posting this I watched a few gameplays on youtube. One guy had a simple time using a Sentinel on normal by basically constantly running the Armor power, only taking cover when it goes out (as he puts it: LET them shoot you, they die when the Armor explodes, then duck) and Push Slam. That was basically all he did.

I think it's between Sentinel and Soldier for me now, leaning towards Sentinel.

As for Infiltrator...
I have problems with the sniper rifle because it zooms in too much, I loose my sense of where I am when using it. I guess I have to break the habit from FO3 to stay zoomed in and moving from target to target and let it zoom out in between. But "Damn You, Muscle Memory!!"

2010-02-04, 04:58 AM
Console - my PC couldn't handle these games. Besides, I tend to prefer console games to PC games. I find controllers much more comfortable for gaming than a keyboard (mouse is okay, but has too few buttons to work on its own for many games).

Um... now, I'm curious what kind of mouse do you have. Any decent one these days has at least 5 buttons, and you can buy excellent A4 Glaser for less than 9$ - with 8 buttons. More than a pad :smalltongue:

And I find mouse much more comfortable. To each its own, I guess.

Circling around to a flanking position seems like lining up a perfect shot to me.

Moving from cover to cover without getting shot at sounds like a breather to me.

Using it for melee combat seems like a combination of both, allowing you to get close to the enemy without being shot at (breather), and then launching a hard punch (perfect shot).

Actually, there's an achievement in the game that requires you to do just that - punch enemy, then shoot him, 25 times. Weird.

Also, am I the only one who found shotguns to be absolutely useless? :smallsigh:

Carnifex and Widow are better in any conceivable respect, and I wished, as a Soldier, to have an option of leaving it in the base as it only cluttered my gun wheel.

Plus, the Vanguards are about useless now. I had Vanguard in ME 1 - this time I played her 20 minutes and decided the class trump skill is nicely camouflaged frustration/suicide in one. Sigh. Soldier's skill is so much better (basically, one big I WIN button), and the Adept I have now is also starting to be fun, spamming upgraded Magic Missiles at enemies. I justified it by saying by first PC lost her Vanguard's biotic abilities in Lazarus, while the second cannot hold most guns any longer. Still, fun.

Oh, and if we are talking about BIG returns from ME 1. I just meet certain Asari, who turned out to be... [DUN DUN DUNNN!]

The Ambassador of the New Rachni Empire. Huh, I guess decision to let them live wasn't as naive as I thought :smallbiggrin:

They apparently all become pacifists or something, and the ambassador lost the map with coordinates, but at least they promised to help me with "The Battle with Song-Corrupters". Man, I can't wait for ME3 :smallbiggrin:

Especially watching the council wet their collective pants and ensuing panic when their fleet arrives at Citadel when I start gathering allies for final battle :smalltongue:

There is also a boatload of minor NPCs, often replacing NPCs that originally give quests, or giving new ones. I'm now angry, because I wasted 100.000 credits in two shops that give no discount in "pure" ME2 - it turns out that doing quests for returning NPCs does give discounts in them :smallannoyed:

2010-02-04, 05:21 AM
Also, am I the only one who found shotguns to be absolutely useless? :smallsigh:

I found them good for scions and husks. Not much else.

Rustic Dude
2010-02-04, 05:24 AM
I found them good for scions and husks. Not much else.

I find them pretty useful with Adrenaline Rush. A quick run towards the covered enemy, he shows the head, and boom.

Okay, you can do that with almost any weapon. But hey! It's satisfying.

Avilan the Grey
2010-02-04, 05:36 AM
Tied into my difficulty to choose class:

Is there any way to skip the intro?

2010-02-04, 05:51 AM
Don't underestimate melee. I like it and for my soldier it is a viable option.

Don't rush into groups of enemies. You can melee one to death but his buddies shot you to pieces.

If you can knock it down it's a free kill. Don't try to melee YMIR mechs. DON'T

Oh and after a bit of training (2h screaming) I managed to hold my own on INSANE in my first playthrough. I'm really happy the game is generous with medgel.

Two problems: Ammo and big bunches of YMIR mechs. Any valid + idiotproof tactic against them?

My ammo problem however is simply due to the fact that I try to keep the enemies at long range. Melee is viable against single enemies but not against 3-4.

2010-02-04, 06:39 AM
I think I am starting over as a Soldier this time. On the look of it, it seems like the "Boring Vanilla" class, but hey since you don't get true Stealth warfare (more "hide and seek")... And I think I need something simple and Vanilla since I am so untwitchy.

Are you kidding? :smallamused:

They have just as much options as all other classes. Sure, you don't have fancy skills, but access to AR and SR weapons more than makes up for if, Inferno/Disrupting ammo is great force multiplier, and their special skill is one big I WIN button. More durable, too.

TL/DR - They kick ass so hard that Chuck Norris run away crying :smallbiggrin:

I found them good for scions and husks. Not much else.

Um, no. If 3-4 are rushing you, you simply can't shot them fast enough with most shotguns, even if you're targeting legs, which are for some reason their weakest point. SMG or AR is infinitely more preferable in such circumstance, especially given that first shots stun them allowing for easy kill.

Tied into my difficulty to choose class:

Is there any way to skip the intro?

If you mean first 10 minutes of the game, only one - CAD.

2010-02-04, 06:50 AM
Yes, but it's a little feeble. Basically, at the start of the game you're awakened and pressed into combat before you're 100% ready; "thinking positively" (going Paragon) will help the healing process continue, possibly resulting in the scars disappearing, while "thinking negatively" (going Renegade) will impede the healing process, or even cause it to go awry.

Okay, it's more than "a little" feeble.

"I'm sick of this scar business."

*blows brains out*
*turns to dust*

Avilan the Grey
2010-02-04, 07:17 AM
Are you kidding? :smallamused:

They have just as much options as all other classes. Sure, you don't have fancy skills, but access to AR and SR weapons more than makes up for if, Inferno/Disrupting ammo is great force multiplier, and their special skill is one big I WIN button. More durable, too.

TL/DR - They kick ass so hard that Chuck Norris run away crying :smallbiggrin:

Well I think I have settled for Sentinel this time around though. But yes, Soldier sounds like a badass.

Edit: Ok, Sentinel it is. I will also download a ME1 savegame to enjoy some of the perks (more money, more skills).
Now to decide: Male or Female...?

2010-02-04, 09:26 AM
Not really. They have one ability that boosts their defensive stats (in ME2, anyway - in ME1 they didn't have any such thing, and were about as physically capable as an Adept), but their real hallmark is having a mix of biotic and tech powers. They have only limited weapons skills (pistol and sub-machine gun, same as an Adept) and aren't as tough as more physical classes, but they can mix up different powers of different types, making them versatile. In theory, anyway - I've yet to see how one plays out in practice. They didn't appeal to me in the first game, but for some reason I'm much more interested in the class in the second.


ME 1 they had barrier. I loved played them as they are every class (well except soldier). I beat 1st game with them quite easily.

Thanatos 51-50
2010-02-04, 09:35 AM
Two problems: Ammo and big bunches of YMIR mechs. Any valid + idiotproof tactic against them?

Have a good anti-shield skill (Warp, right?) and a good anti-armour skill (Like Incinerate) on-hand.
The shield was the trickiest part for me as an infil.

On the plus side, I just beat the game the first time.
Spoilers below:
I sent Legion through to hack the first doors, as he IS tech and he's NEVER alone.
Miranda lead the alt-fireteam at all times.
I sent Jacob with the rest of the crew. Contemplated choosing Grunt, but didn't want him to break formation and jeopardize the crew, plus, Jacob has some tactical skill.
Samara held up the biotic barrier. Contemplated SuZe, but decided she was too undisciplined. Contemplated Thane, but decided he wouldn't have the biotic power nessecary.
I took Tali and Garrus with me forward, and left everyone else to hold the line. Contemplated taking Grunt and Zaheed, but figured I needed as many front-line soldiers as I could get holding the rear flank, as the rear flank was where the enemy was massing. Plus, Tali and Garrus have been in this since the beginning.
Killed the Human-Reaper with an Assassin-Cloaked Widow Round through the Left eye. It was glorious. I ran out of Collector LASER ammo fighting the big dude, but ignored all his cronies, as my cronies handled them beautifully.
Harbinger-Collector was pretty pathetic, and couldn't stand up to my Widow, Tac Cloak and Incinerate. I almost considered letting him pop into every Collector, but decided I might need the sniper bullets (I did.)
Nobody died, but I had a huge scare there for a moment, where Shep was talking like someone had, and then the Long-Service Medal and Mission Accomplished achievements popped up, and I was staring intently at the screen, asking who died.
Tricksy game only popped it after I finished chewing out TIM and "Politely" informing him that this show is one I'm running, now.
Also, blew the base to kingdom come.

Avilan the Grey
2010-02-04, 09:35 AM
...Why do I always feel like they have missed some obvious comment triggers (doesn't matter what game):

In this case (for example)... If I have the Collector Armor DLC (which I have), wouldn't a certain traumatized alien react REALLY badly if I walked into his hideout wearing it?

Also, since the Blood Dragon Armor in this game apparently is a sporting the logo of a sports team, I would have liked some comment about me being such a devoted fan that I had sprayed the logo on my unique Battle Armor...

2010-02-04, 10:06 AM
Playing insanity as a Sentinel, so far its really enjoyable. Battles are tough but winnable. Two things - AI guys will get themselves killed if you don't tell them where to stand (they sometimes decide to run out into the middle of everyone and get gunned down, and even if they do stay put they pop out of cover too long and get shredded) and the second thing, the mission where you have to save the crates from being destroyed by a bunch of YMIR mechs - impossible. I cannot see anyway of doing this unless you bring the Cain with full ammo and nuke the whole place. I can't kill the mechs fast enough and they all converge on me. Am I doing something wrong here?

2010-02-04, 10:26 AM
Also, am I the only one who found shotguns to be absolutely useless? :smallsigh:

Carnifex and Widow are better in any conceivable respect, and I wished, as a Soldier, to have an option of leaving it in the base as it only cluttered my gun wheel.

Plus, the Vanguards are about useless now. I had Vanguard in ME 1 - this time I played her 20 minutes and decided the class trump skill is nicely camouflaged frustration/suicide in one. Sigh. Soldier's skill is so much better (basically, one big I WIN button), and the Adept I have now is also starting to be fun, spamming upgraded Magic Missiles at enemies.

I found the combination of Vanguard and shot gun to be a winner actually, did my first playthrough as one (Was soldier in Mass Effect 1, figured they gave her biotic abilities to 'upgrade' Shepard) and hardly had any trouble. And yes, I charged around like crazy. It was fun as hell, specially once I got the Claymore shotgun. That thing did excellent amounts of damage once you zipped up to the enemy and all the pellets would hit. The only down side was it's small clip size (I only had 11, but none of the ammo booster reserves) and that it had to eject a clip after every shot.

For Biotic Charge, I would never recommend charging into the middle of the enemy though, that's just silly. Unless you've upgraded charge to the point you get a slowdown effect at the end of the charge, then charge in with shot gun, nail an enemy you didn't hit with the shotgun, have your squadmates distract the enemy/kill them with their own abilities.

2010-02-04, 10:47 AM
Um... now, I'm curious what kind of mouse do you have. Any decent one these days has at least 5 buttons, and you can buy excellent A4 Glaser for less than 9$ - with 8 buttons. More than a pad :smalltongue:
Um, a basic mouse. Two buttons, three if you count the ability to "push" the scroll wheel in between them, though outside of instantly opening internet links in new tabs I've never seen a use for that. I've never seen a mouse with more (well, I've seen some that had three, one in between the usual two, but they had no scroll wheel). How the nine hells would you fit eight buttons on a mouse and have it be arranged so they're easily useable? I mean, mice are rather small to begin with, and designed to be used with just a single hand...

And I find mouse much more comfortable. To each its own, I guess.
*shrugs* I don't find a mouse uncomfortable. Like I said, it's okay. But not more comfortable than a console controller. It's keyboards that I really find uncomfortable for gaming purposes.


2010-02-04, 10:58 AM
Just after posting this I watched a few gameplays on youtube. One guy had a simple time using a Sentinel on normal by basically constantly running the Armor power, only taking cover when it goes out (as he puts it: LET them shoot you, they die when the Armor explodes, then duck) and Push Slam. That was basically all he did.

I think it's between Sentinel and Soldier for me now, leaning towards Sentinel.

As for Infiltrator...
I have problems with the sniper rifle because it zooms in too much, I loose my sense of where I am when using it. I guess I have to break the habit from FO3 to stay zoomed in and moving from target to target and let it zoom out in between. But "Damn You, Muscle Memory!!"

I loved the Infiltrator. The trick with the sniper rifle is to have your crosshairs centered over your target before you zoom in. Use the couple seconds of time dilation to get your shot perfectly lined up with the target's head and snap it off, then duck behind cover. Admittedly, hearing your squadmates congratulating you after every shot may get tedious...

The vanguard isn't terrible if you focus your talents on maxxing out shockwave first. Shockwave is a terribly useful power because it goes through cover. "That assassin thought he was hidden and safe until I blasted him 30 feet into the air." If Miranda is with you, have her pop slam on it when it's at the highest point in the arc for good times. I chose Neural Shock as my bonus power because I thought it would synergize nicely with my other knockdown/stun abilities.

Shotguns were a lot better in ME1. They fired clouds of pellets. Now they fire 4 pellets, but have the same random spread as the clouds in the first game. They're pretty much only powerful at point-blank range, but they're devastating there. The vanguard's biotic charge ends with an AoE blast that knocks your target and nearby enemies off their feet - good time to run around with your shotgun.

Oh, and for those that may not be aware, biotic powers with knockdown/around effects don't work on shields, barriers, or armor. So don't use biotic charge on a Krogan right when he appears unless you want to find out just how fast he can bend you over.

On another note, is anyone finding the AoE forms of evolved powers to be useful? I'm noticing that the enemies are usually far enough apart that I'm still only hitting one target, so the more powerful single-target form is much better.

2010-02-04, 11:08 AM
On another note, is anyone finding the AoE forms of evolved powers to be useful? I'm noticing that the enemies are usually far enough apart that I'm still only hitting one target, so the more powerful single-target form is much better.

It was useful with incinerate for me, but that was the only one I really found so. Mostly because you don't HAVE to target a creature with incinerate, so you can aim between two/three/whatever and still catch'em both in the blast. I imagine it'd work with overload too, but I never leveled it up that far.

2010-02-04, 11:14 AM
On another note, is anyone finding the AoE forms of evolved powers to be useful? I'm noticing that the enemies are usually far enough apart that I'm still only hitting one target, so the more powerful single-target form is much better.
I found the AoE version of Pull quite useful. Enemies may often be a distance apart, but they cluster often enough to get some use out of it, especially when dealing with enemies that want to charge into melee like Husks. I sent up to four enemies into the air at once with that, though of course smaller numbers were the norm.

Besides, the alternative for that power was to increase it's duration, which wasn't in the least bit needed.


2010-02-04, 11:17 AM
I found the AoE version of Pull quite useful. Enemies may often be a distance apart, but they cluster often enough to get some use out of it, especially when dealing with enemies that want to charge into melee like Husks. I sent up to four enemies into the air at once with that, though of course smaller numbers were the norm.

Besides, the alternative for that power was to increase it's duration, which wasn't in the least bit needed.


I have a question about that actually, or rather if anyone else has noticed this, but do the telekinesis related powers seem to instantly kill husks for anyone else? Whither it's throw or shockwave (don't use Pull that much unless I hit the target with a warp right after), it was extremely rare in my experience for a husk to survive either.

2010-02-04, 12:11 PM
At least part of that is due to falling damage. I've seen enemies with more than half their hp die from the impact with the ground after shockwave, particularly when I blast them off ledges.

2010-02-04, 01:36 PM
I have a question about that actually, or rather if anyone else has noticed this, but do the telekinesis related powers seem to instantly kill husks for anyone else? Whither it's throw or shockwave (don't use Pull that much unless I hit the target with a warp right after), it was extremely rare in my experience for a husk to survive either.

it is all about placement if they end up not on a floor they instant die. i have seen some stay alive but if you max it out you can expect them to die. for aoes shockwave big aoe is pretty good against those only health bar people. i also found Ai hacking Aoe to be most effective as most time they are grouped pretty well. doing garrus' loyalty mission it really shows the effectiveness.

as an aside playing an infiltrator felt OP. assassin widowmaker and warp ammo. you could kill the one with two layer protection in 1 shot. the harbringers took 2-3 shots. then again i was on normal.

Thanatos 51-50
2010-02-04, 03:03 PM
as an aside playing an infiltrator felt OP. assassin widowmaker and warp ammo. you could kill the one with two layer protection in 1 shot. the harbringers took 2-3 shots. then again i was on normal.

I think that was just the effect of having skills maxed out, a bunch of sniper rifle research done and good shooting.
Plus, stacking damage effects.

But, yeah. Blowing through two layers of protection with a headshot wasn't particularly uncommon for me.
Geth, husks and Vorcha pretty much always fell down dead after a Widow round anywhere on their person, even after no damage-boosting effects.
Scions, YMIR Mechs and Harbinger gave me the most trouble (And, as previously mentioned, Harbinger was a pushover. Giving him some Health under that armour wouldn't be amiss. Usually all it took was a cloaked headshot before slapping him with heavy incinerate to take him out.
YMIR mechs constantly have me switching to my SMGs to chew up their shields, incinerating away their armour, and then chewing through their low health pretty quickly.
Scions were annoying games of "Incinerate, wait to cooldown, incinerate again" for the first half of their health before I got bored and took the rest out with a sniper round to the sac of redundant organs.
But I was being cautious and conserving ammo.

2010-02-04, 04:08 PM
Well I think I have settled for Sentinel this time around though. But yes, Soldier sounds like a badass.

Edit: Ok, Sentinel it is. I will also download a ME1 savegame to enjoy some of the perks (more money, more skills).
Now to decide: Male or Female...?

Why not just get a copy of ME1 off of Steam and play through it? You'll be much better able to appreciate all the little things that are referenced in ME2 that way, not to mention ME1 is still a really good game.

2010-02-04, 04:11 PM
Well I think I have settled for Sentinel this time around though. But yes, Soldier sounds like a badass.

Edit: Ok, Sentinel it is. I will also download a ME1 savegame to enjoy some of the perks (more money, more skills).
Now to decide: Male or Female...?

Female. Jennifer Hale nails the role from all I've heard.

2010-02-04, 04:15 PM
Scions were annoying games of "Incinerate, wait to cooldown, incinerate again" for the first half of their health before I got bored and took the rest out with a sniper round to the sac of redundant organs.
But I was being cautious and conserving ammo.

That reminds me. The weak spot on a Scion is its tiny, redundant head, right? I could never really be sure, since I never really had the chance to compare damage values.

Archpaladin Zousha
2010-02-04, 04:39 PM
Well, I found some more information about the guns and stuff, so I won't need to ask about that anymore.


However, the reviews are all over the place on this. Here are two I found, and they are not kind to it.

A mediocre WRPG/TPS hybrid with a meagre plot: 6/10
This review is spoiler free. Mass Effect 2 is an RPG/TPS hybrid. It strips out the customization of an RPG while keeping the mindless resource grinding, and tries to be an TPS yet fails with clunky controls/terrain and boring combat.

Plot, Character Development

Mass Effect 2s plot is dull, lacking in direction and narrative. The main enemy group are the vaguely defined Collectors, and the plot reveals about them are hardly surprising or dramatic. The majority of the game is one large side quest dealing with recruiting teammates then helping with their personal issues to gain their loyalty so they don't die in the final mission. The recruits are just not that compelling to warrant taking up 75% of the games main content. There is no nemesis like ME1s Saren to drive the plot, and if you cut out all of the recruiting and loyalty quests, you're left with a 5 hour game at most. Even worse, the final boss and new plot reveals are shockingly corny and just plain 'jumped the shark' silly, even for a mainstream sci-fi tale. The game feels like one big diversion, with the final mission payoff being a laughably corny and just plain bad plot reveal.

The main content of the game is incredibly boring - recruiting your allies almost always involves taking out color coded merc cannon fodder, and the loyalty quests are either mercs or parent/daddy issues. Compare that to the epic scale of the missions on Feros, Noveria, the Prothean ruin, Virmire, the final ME1 mission, or other top WRPG plots. ME2 is a boring soap opera in comparison.

There are rarely any big decisions that make the player feel like they've made a large impact on the game world (I counted two total, both near the end of the game). None of the quests are open ended with multiple methods of completion, unless you count failure of the quest. Fans of WRPGs who enjoy the open ended quest options of classics like Fallout 3 will be highly disappointed in the braindead, decision-less missions here. The one compelling and plot-heavy character (the last one recruited) could have had a much more involved presence in the game, instead of being dumped in your lap during a mission. There's plenty of wasted potential to go around. Almost all of the quests involve Shepard going around taking out bland color coded merc groups that have no plot presence other than to be cannon fodder. Even ME1 was better in this regard.

The side quests, or should I say side-side quests, are meaningless and empty. They consist of the same short segments of running around blasting generic mercenaries or robots, with almost nothing in the way of plot development, moral based decision making, or even voice acting. Once again even ME1 wasn't this bad, even though it re-used room layouts.


The combat is a fairly dull TPS affair, even on an Insanity New Game. Enemies scale poorly vs your gear and ability upgrades, to the point where formerly threatening enemies are cannon fodder by mid-late game. 95% of the games fights are 'take cover far back enough that you don't get flanked', and the other 5% are 'kite the husks'. A good 2/3 of the fights in the game can be won just by putting your squadmates behind cover and letting them kill everything. Due to auto-regenerating health, the only way to die is to be caught out of cover, so once you find a good spot it usually doesn't matter how long you take, you are going to win eventually. The game lacks any sort of scoring system to encourage the player to perform more efficiently in combat.

The cover system is clunky and glitchy. Bioware tried to shoehorn TPS combat onto an RPG engine and the results are predictably under par. For example you have to crouch behind something before you can leap over it, which is a pain when there is no other way around the barricade. Further adding to the irritation, the run and crouch buttons are the same, meaning you can be trying to move somewhere quickly in close quarters and suddenly find Shepard cluelessly attaching him/herself to a structure you didn't intend. I assume this is because they ran out of buttons on the 360 controller. In addition there are quite a few pieces of terrain or objects that are impossible to use as cover, even though you should be able to. Not to mention that it's common to get stuck on terrain, due to the clunky movement and terrain boundaries that hinder the TPS experience. On Insanity if Shepard is out of cover for more than 2-3 secs he/she will die, so it can be frustrating to lose in an unfair manner due to poor cover controls and poorly coded cover areas.

There is very little creativity in any of the games battles. This is made worse by the lack of abilities and character customization. It's all endlessly running from cover point to cover point, using the same 1-2 abilities and shooting the same looking/behaving enemies. Boss battles are similarly boring and uninspired. The lack of creativity is so apparent that you can tell exactly where enemies will pop up ahead of time just by looking ahead and spotting the next rows of conveniently placed rows of cover. The TPS genre has seen far more exciting, creative, and strategic battles before, and you won't find any of them in this game.

The planet scanning and resource farming is a complete waste of time. Players will not enjoy the tendinitis that ensues from fighting the controller/mouse drag. Having to fly the Normandy around using fuel is similarly pointless. Why they kept the time wasting elements of the RPG genre while snipping the character customization remains a mystery.

There are better open ended morality based WRPGs and far better TPSs out there. Go play the best of either of those genres and avoid this mediocre hybrid.

One Step Forward, Two Steps Back: 4/10
While there are some definite improvements in Mass Effect 2 over the previous installment, not all of the streamlining this game went through was for the better. In the end, this game feels like a less enjoyable experience than the first title, mostly due to Bioware's insistence on not really fixing the problems from the first game and instead just removing anything that had problem areas. What you are left with in the end, is some decent dialog in an otherwise sub-par third-person shooter.

Story: 3/10

While some of the new characters are entertaining and the ability to interrupt people with paragon and renegade actions is a nice touch, the overall story of Mass Effect 2 feels more like filler between Mass Effect 1 and Mass Effect 3. Just when you think they are getting back to the real story, the game is over.

I took issue with the first game for basically feeling like half a game due to where the story ended, but this game does not even pick up where the last one left off. It feels more like it ends basically in the same place and everything inbetween is just wasting time.

What plot there is is predictable and nonsensical at the same time. There are some gaping plot holes and many returning characters who seem to have done a complete 180 personality-wise. The little homages to sci-fi series like Star Trek also seem forced and really unnecessary. The first game was popular enough without the gratuitous ship computer and Scottish engineer, were these elements really necessary?

Graphics: 5/10

One improvement from the previous game is the graphical presentation. Your cast of characters do look a bit more varied compared to the last game. I never really cared for Bioware's use of the character generator to make every character in the game. The results were typically a bland and generic looking cast. Major characters seem to have a bit more personality to them this time around. Dialog animations also seem less stiff and repetitive, which is a pretty big plus. Textures seem a bit more detailed on the major characters and the customization on Shepherd is a nice touch.

Still, though, the game really does not offer anything special graphically. It IS a step up from the first game, but still nothing spectacular. It is also kind of disappointing that customization options for the party members this time is nearly nonexistent. You may unlock a different color scheme for each character, but with almost no inventory system, your squad members are stuck with the same basic outfits throughout the game, even if those outfits don't make much sense.

The interface is obviously designed for the 360 and not the PC version. Visual queues point to actions you cannot perform in the menus and can make things fairly confusing at times when you are trying to navigate through the game. The menus are often redundant and overly convoluted. Do we really need to go to a separate menu to select a gun for each category? Navigation through the star map is also often confusing, offering a back button in some places, but requiring the player to hit escape in others.

Gameplay (Non-combat): 3/10

This is where I find the most flaws in the game. The level system is bland and offers the bare minimum in RPG elements. Normally, I would not consider this a problem, but the game has not be classified as a third person shooter, but as an action RPG. The dialog options may be enough to bump the game up to an Action/Adventure category, but there really is not enough here to classify this as an RPG.

Equipment management is handled outside of combat, now, and there are simply no weapon or armor drops in the game. Rather than have a variety of weapons to choose from, the player is presented with a handful of guns in each class. The advantages and disadvantages of each are not really obvious to the player as the player is never presented with any stats on the weapons' performance. It also does not help that descriptions are vague with most guns supposedly being good against everything.

You can swap out som pieces of your standard armor for some different effects, which seems interesting until you get forced into using something that looks silly simply because it is better than something that looks cooler. It is nice that you can change the color of the basic armor, but disappointing that DLC armors cannot be modified in any way, even to take off the helmet. Also disappointing is that your squad mates do not wear any armor, or at least you cannot customize or change their armor in any way. This looks odd when you have a combat team involving people wearing almost nothing or casual clothing. It made more sense in the last game to see your squad mates actually wearing the same kinds of armor Shepherd was wearing.

You do get some additional bonuses to stats through the upgrade system, but this kind of relies on one of the worst additions to the new game, planet scanning. Many people hated driving around on barren worlds with the Mako in the first game. To address this problem, Bioware has seen fit to add something even more tedious. You no longer explore worlds to find artifacts, mineral deposits, or side quests. Instead, you spend all your time moving a cursor around the planet's surface looking for four minerals on the surface. This involves spending way too much time traveling from planet to planet and then moving the mouse back and forth while watching a meter. It's about as fun as watching paint dry and unlike the planet exploration of the first game, is unfortunately required in this game if you want the minerals needed to fully upgrade your ship and squad members.

Most of the classes seem to be handled well enough, although I find myself wondering why my old teammates seem to have forgotten how to use certain weapon classes. I also have to wonder why the soldier, the supposed weapons master, is the only class incapable of using the sub machine gun. Is that not supposed to be the point of the soldier class, to be able to use every type of gun?

There are some fan service elements to the game, like collecting stuff for your cabin. I kind of wish your fish didn't die so easily, but that's forgivable. It is a cute addition to the game, but one totally unrelated to the actual gameplay and it simply does not make up for the flaws in the game.

Gameplay (Combat): 4/10

The more precise aiming may seem like an improvement, but the lack of any leveling system for any combat elements, makes the game feel more like a generic third person shooter. Your skills with a gun never really improve, so the gameplay can feel repetitive and you do not get a good sense of advancement in the game.

While ammo is a pretty standard thing in shooters, here it makes little sense. The concept is that guns now use heat sinks that have to be swapped out. The problem with this is that all guns use the same kind of heat sinks, but the game does not allow the player to reapply ammo from one gun to another. You will find yourself frequently switching guns when you run out of ammo with your preferred weapon. Even if you ignore the fact that this is an obvious downgrade in technology from the first game, the logic behind the ammo system does not even make sense in the context of THIS game. If I run out of heat sinks for my sniper rifle, why can't I just use the heat sinks reserved for my hand gun or assault rifle with the sniper rifle? If they all use the same kind of heat sinks, why specialize the ammo?

One improvement in the combat system is the ability to change your weapon properties on the fly. It is nice being able to switch to incendiary shots using a skill rather than having to change your weapon upgrades. Unfortunately, this is the only element which really adds any strategy to the combat. Otherwise, all fights are basically the same. You find an area with cover, the enemy pours in from the far side and you kill them before they can get beside you. Most missions basically involve moving from one large open area with lots of cover to the next open area with lots of cover, planting yourself and your squad behind cover and killing a wave of enemies before moving on again. Eventually you get to a miniboss before the mission ends.

Environmental hazards seem less useful this time around. They are not as frequent as the previous game and can often be hard to use to your advantage during a fight. It is easier to simply spend your time firing at the enemy, and not at the explosive canisters. This game could have easily been livened up with more and more effective environmental hazards to utilize against the enemy. It would have broken up some of the monotony of the combat engine.

Control-wise, the game seems to be missing some things. The hotkeys for bringing up menus and switching out your weapons are gone. Instead, you will need to go through the standard menu to find anything. While not a major problem, it just feels less efficient than the previous game. Guns can be switched out with the mouse wheel or by bringing up the HUD. Both methods are slower than simply hitting a function key pertaining to each weapon slot. For some reason the button config has been completely altered in the game. If you want the classic controls, it is possible to remap the keys for something more familiar, but be careful as the in-game tutorial always references the default controls and will not update based on your changes. This seems like something that could have been an easy fix.

Sound: 8/10

The soundtrack is about on par with the original. You get some epic sounding music at times and it usually sounds appropriate for the situation and the setting. The voice acting is pretty much as good as you would expect from an native release. Some of the celebrity voices seemed more like cameos than actual characters and felt like kind of a waste. I would have rather seen them spend that money on something better, but overall the sound works well enough.

Overall: 4/10

With the new tedious elements and the repetitive combat, I just do not find this game to be very fun. If you are looking for a good RPG, look elsewhere because this game really is not an RPG. Plus, while the dialogs can be entertaining, the story is bland and predictable and feels more like filler than a main entry in the series. If you want a good shooter, you are still better off looking at more dedicated shooters which will feature more depth and variety in their gameplay

Rustic Dude
2010-02-04, 06:24 PM
In the first review, when I red.

"Fans of WRPGs who enjoy the open ended quest options of classics like Fallout 3"

I stopped reading. :smallyuk:

2010-02-04, 06:44 PM
In the first review, when I red.

"Fans of WRPGs who enjoy the open ended quest options of classics like Fallout 3"

I stopped reading. :smallyuk:

Yeah, I can see the issue, even aside from Fallout 3 hate.

You need Somewhere between five and ten years to call something a classic. Unless it's from Valve.

...And there's the fact it's a Gamefaqs review. Any idiot nine year old with a poor vocabulary and a total lack of writing skills can write a review there.

Stick with British game journalists. They should steer you right. I posted a link to Tom Francis somewhere around here.

Archpaladin Zousha
2010-02-04, 06:50 PM
The thing is, those are only two reviews out of several. All the other reviews are a 9 or 10. But I don't trust reviews that give something a 9 out of 10, because I worry that it's just unadulterated praise that doesn't give me any indication of whether or not the game has features or things that I won't like.

And the only "British" reviewer I've ever had any experience with has a self-professed bias against BioWare's style.

2010-02-04, 07:02 PM
The thing is, those are only two reviews out of several. All the other reviews are a 9 or 10. But I don't trust reviews that give something a 9 out of 10, because I worry that it's just unadulterated praise that doesn't give me any indication of whether or not the game has features or things that I won't like.

And the only "British" reviewer I've ever had any experience with has a self-professed bias against BioWare's style.


Is it a secret Australian?

I was thinking of, lessee, Tom Francis, the guys at Rock Paper Shotgun (seriously, best gaming website) and to a lesser extent Richard Cobbett.

All very good at their jobs. Really, unanimous praise spooks me too, but if the lone dissenter is a random person on the internet, I tend to assume they're just random idiots. I mean, somewhere in the world, there are people who hate Pratchett.

Archpaladin Zousha
2010-02-04, 07:06 PM
Who do you think? Ben "Yahtzee" Croshaw!

2010-02-04, 07:08 PM
Who do you think? Ben "Yahtzee" Croshaw!

Right, thought so. Included a white text mention of Australia on that hunch, even.

Archpaladin Zousha
2010-02-04, 07:11 PM
Oh...I didn't even think to check for that. :smallredface:

Archpaladin Zousha
2010-02-05, 12:24 AM
I've been doing some more snooping around, and I was wondering something.

Which of the upgrades is better for the Soldier, the Widow or the Revenant? From what I've seen so far, the Widow is indeed a powerful gun, but I'm not entirely certain how effective a sniper rifle is in the hands of a Soldier. I know they pwn all in the hands of an Infiltrator, having played one in the first ME before I uninstalled it, but I've never had a chance to see just how the Soldier performs at sniping. From what I've seen of the game on YouTube, sniping appears practically essential, especially near the endgame.

2010-02-05, 12:42 AM
Well, Infiltrators get a 2 seconds slow-down for 50-60% every time they scope. But Soldiers have a 70% slow-down for as long as 5 seconds whenever they feel like it. So Infiltrators are better at sniping if you're lazy (Like myself), but otherwise they're both pretty good at it.

Avilan the Grey
2010-02-05, 01:53 AM
The thing is, those are only two reviews out of several. All the other reviews are a 9 or 10. But I don't trust reviews that give something a 9 out of 10, because I worry that it's just unadulterated praise that doesn't give me any indication of whether or not the game has features or things that I won't like.

And the only "British" reviewer I've ever had any experience with has a self-professed bias against BioWare's style.

I know I keep saying this but it all depends on what source. I know for example that PC Gamer in different countries (UK) has a reputation of adding 30 points on everything to make it Awesome, but I trust Swedish PC Gamer to guide my shopping any time. Not only do they routinely cut a game low (scores below 50 are common, and they do not shy away from giving them to hyped titles) but I have also read that magazine since it first started and I know the reviewers and where their taste differs from mine.

...Anyway, I just couldn't decide, so I am now running three characters parallel:
One male Soldier, One female Infiltrator and one Male Sentinel.
As for alignment, I foresee them all being quite even leaning towards Paragon, simply because it seems unless you are going out of your way to insult everyone at every opportunity, you get about 30% more Paragon points than Renegade points. I gave the Infiltrator the "Ruthless" background so I'll make her more cold hearted, but I have a feeling it won't matter much in the long run.

2010-02-05, 04:16 AM
Lucky find... everything that's been confirmed to transfer over to ME2:

- Rich Yes/No

- Full Paragon/Renegade bar
- Paragon/Renegade points
- Childhood choice Spacer/Earthborn/Colonist
- Reputation choice Sole Survivor/War Hero/Ruthless
-?Quartermaster licenses

Party Members:
- Garrus recruited Yes/No
- Wrex recruited Yes/No
- Garrus is Paragon/Renegade
- Tali side quest done Yes/No
- Romanced someone Yes/No
- Romanced Ashley/Kaidan/Liara

- Dr. Chloe Michel blackmailer Killed/Persuaded
- Asari Consort sidequest done Yes/No
- Asari Consort sexytime Yes/No
- Interview outcome Refused to do interview/Punch out/Apologize
- Had first conversation with The Fan (Conrad Verner) Yes/No
- The Fan last conversation outcome Paragon(Stay at home)/Renegade(Threaten)
- Harkin talked to Yes/No (tied in to Garrus recruitment)
- Accepted quest from Chorban to scan Keepers Yes/No
- Number of Keepers scanned
- Jahleed quest outcome (Chorban) Scared off/Killed
- Fist outcome Let go/Killed
- Old Friends quest (Earthborn background ONLY), talked to Finch Yes/No
- Old Friends quest (Earthborn background ONLY), Finch killed Yes/No
- Talked to your mom after talking to Lieutenant Zabaleta Yes/No (Spacer background ONLY, Citadel: Old, Unhappy, Far-Off Things)
- Citadel: I Remember Me (Colonist background ONLY), Talitha talked down from killing herself Yes/No
-?Possibly a 2nd check for Citadel: I Remember Me present, whether you Forced/Convinced Talitha to take the sedative
- Citadel: Homecoming Body returned to Samesh Yes/No
-? might be relating to whether or not you gave Schells the Salarian gambler his data or gave it to the bartender. OR Citadel: Reporter's Request Handed over data to the reporter Yes/No.

-?The company man (Ethan Jeong, ExoGeni Corporation representative) outcome good/better
- Number of colonists killed
- Colony outcome Best/Good/Fail/Renegade
- Possessed Asari (Shiala(Thorian plant)) Freed/Killed

- Gianna Helped(evidence handed over)/Betrayed/Evidence handed over to Lorik
- Han Olar talked to Yes/No
- Rachni Queen released Yes/No

- Wrex killed by player/killed by Ashley/killed by Ashley without permission
- Geth Flyers disabled Yes/No (Captain Kirrahe saved or not)
- Asari assistant in lab dead Yes/No
- Rescued Ashley/Kaidan

- Old Council Saved/Killed
- Choice for new council Anderson/Udina
- Game complete Yes/No

- UNC:Hostile Takeover Accepted Money/Persuaded to disband gang
- Know about Slaver Asari quest Yes/No
- Slaver Asari quest outcome (Killed Sister) Yes/No
-?UNC: Lost Module, unsure what is actually tracked here. Likely whether you found the silver sphere
-?UNC: Cerberus Heard of Cerberus Yes/No (ie did you do UNC: Missing Marines leading to this quest or not.
-?UNC: Hades' Dogs Cerberus files found. Not sure what is tracked, probably if you returned them or gave to the Shadow Broker.
- UNC: Hostage Chairman died Yes/No
- UNC: Hostage Biotics Surrendered/Killed
- UNC: Dead Scientists Killed Scientist/Convinced Corporal Toombs to lower weapon

DLC (Bring Down the Sky):

- Humans rescued Yes/No

...MAN that's a lot.

And I now know that in all my playthroughs, I still missed a few options. I always scanned all the keepers and traded the info to the Shadow Broker since both seemed just logical.

Anyway, a question for when I play. My uber character from ME1 was a Vanguard, but with the changes, he's not going to be anything like he was unless I can get him a good defensive ability for his extra skill. Which is the most useful one? Copying Grunt's Fortification ability looks good, but I can't tell if it's as good as it sounds.

Avilan the Grey
2010-02-05, 04:21 AM
Speaking of ME1 saves.

Is there a save game editor for ME1? If I download a ME1 save I am stuck with the name, for example. I want to be able to change that.

2010-02-05, 05:04 AM
Anyway, a question for when I play. My uber character from ME1 was a Vanguard, but with the changes, he's not going to be anything like he was unless I can get him a good defensive ability for his extra skill. Which is the most useful one? Copying Grunt's Fortification ability looks good, but I can't tell if it's as good as it sounds.

Fortification is a carbon-copy of barrier and both are good defensive abilities (increase shield by 25/50/75% for 60 secs on 12sec cooldown), I currently use barrier for my infiltrator.

2010-02-05, 05:28 AM
Fortification is a carbon-copy of barrier and both are good defensive abilities (increase shield by 25/50/75% for 60 secs on 12sec cooldown), I currently use barrier for my infiltrator.

So for a PC, it doesn't matter whether you're defending with a biotic ability or armor, unlike for enemies?

All right, that means I can just get whichever is available first.

2010-02-05, 05:36 AM
I freakin LOVE reave. You can hit anything with it, regardless of shields/armor, and it does really good damage when fully upgraded and taking the increased damage evolution. Using that meself, and having Samara cast it could take the... Overseer... yellowish/crackledy collector thingy.... down to less than a quarter of his armor bar left with no bullets on him.

2010-02-05, 10:41 AM
Beat the game last night.


Did a playthrough on my imported Male Paragon Soldier. No romance (staying true to Liara!:smalltongue:). Got all crew members, got all members loyal.

Told TIM how things were.

I ended up taking Warp Ammo as my power; sticking that on the Light Machine Gun was a dream. Man, I love that gun. If you zoom and use bursts, the inaccuracy isn't a big deal.

About the only really hard fights that weren't just me being stupid were ones with lots of Husks, Abominations, and a Scion thrown in.


2010-02-05, 10:41 AM
Lucky find... everything that's been confirmed to transfer over to ME2:

- Rich Yes/No

- Full Paragon/Renegade bar
- Paragon/Renegade points
- Childhood choice Spacer/Earthborn/Colonist
- Reputation choice Sole Survivor/War Hero/Ruthless
-?Quartermaster licenses

Party Members:
- Garrus recruited Yes/No
- Wrex recruited Yes/No
- Garrus is Paragon/Renegade
- Tali side quest done Yes/No
- Romanced someone Yes/No
- Romanced Ashley/Kaidan/Liara

- Dr. Chloe Michel blackmailer Killed/Persuaded
- Asari Consort sidequest done Yes/No
- Asari Consort sexytime Yes/No
- Interview outcome Refused to do interview/Punch out/Apologize
- Had first conversation with The Fan (Conrad Verner) Yes/No
- The Fan last conversation outcome Paragon(Stay at home)/Renegade(Threaten)
- Harkin talked to Yes/No (tied in to Garrus recruitment)
- Accepted quest from Chorban to scan Keepers Yes/No
- Number of Keepers scanned
- Jahleed quest outcome (Chorban) Scared off/Killed
- Fist outcome Let go/Killed
- Old Friends quest (Earthborn background ONLY), talked to Finch Yes/No
- Old Friends quest (Earthborn background ONLY), Finch killed Yes/No
- Talked to your mom after talking to Lieutenant Zabaleta Yes/No (Spacer background ONLY, Citadel: Old, Unhappy, Far-Off Things)
- Citadel: I Remember Me (Colonist background ONLY), Talitha talked down from killing herself Yes/No
-?Possibly a 2nd check for Citadel: I Remember Me present, whether you Forced/Convinced Talitha to take the sedative
- Citadel: Homecoming Body returned to Samesh Yes/No
-? might be relating to whether or not you gave Schells the Salarian gambler his data or gave it to the bartender. OR Citadel: Reporter's Request Handed over data to the reporter Yes/No.

-?The company man (Ethan Jeong, ExoGeni Corporation representative) outcome good/better
- Number of colonists killed
- Colony outcome Best/Good/Fail/Renegade
- Possessed Asari (Shiala(Thorian plant)) Freed/Killed

- Gianna Helped(evidence handed over)/Betrayed/Evidence handed over to Lorik
- Han Olar talked to Yes/No
- Rachni Queen released Yes/No

- Wrex killed by player/killed by Ashley/killed by Ashley without permission
- Geth Flyers disabled Yes/No (Captain Kirrahe saved or not)
- Asari assistant in lab dead Yes/No
- Rescued Ashley/Kaidan

- Old Council Saved/Killed
- Choice for new council Anderson/Udina
- Game complete Yes/No

- UNC:Hostile Takeover Accepted Money/Persuaded to disband gang
- Know about Slaver Asari quest Yes/No
- Slaver Asari quest outcome (Killed Sister) Yes/No
-?UNC: Lost Module, unsure what is actually tracked here. Likely whether you found the silver sphere
-?UNC: Cerberus Heard of Cerberus Yes/No (ie did you do UNC: Missing Marines leading to this quest or not.
-?UNC: Hades' Dogs Cerberus files found. Not sure what is tracked, probably if you returned them or gave to the Shadow Broker.
- UNC: Hostage Chairman died Yes/No
- UNC: Hostage Biotics Surrendered/Killed
- UNC: Dead Scientists Killed Scientist/Convinced Corporal Toombs to lower weapon

DLC (Bring Down the Sky):

- Humans rescued Yes/No

I'm not so sure that list is accurate. It mentions Quartermaster licenses, for instance, but those don't exist in ME2. It also says that whether or not you slept with the Consort carries over, but I've now played with two imported files that had different results in that regard, and all I saw of her was the same message sent to my private terminal - the one for the file that did sleep with her contained no reference to this fact. It also says that whether Garrus is paragon or renegade carries over, but I've noticed no difference in him during my renegade file as compared to my paragon one (and yes, I did definitely encourage him in different directions in ME1 with them).

I freakin LOVE reave. You can hit anything with it, regardless of shields/armor, and it does really good damage when fully upgraded and taking the increased damage evolution. Using that meself, and having Samara cast it could take the... Overseer... yellowish/crackledy collector thingy.... down to less than a quarter of his armor bar left with no bullets on him.
Really? That wasn't enough to kill him? Huh. My Adept's Heavy Warp was able to drop his barrier or armor completely by the endgame in my first play-through. Never combined it with another party member using it as well (I usually just used my SMG to take down his barrier then tossed out Warp to finish the job), but that would probably have been enough to finish him.


Emperor Ing
2010-02-05, 10:46 AM
I'm probably an idiot for just realizing this, but I was playing through KotOR a bit yesterday, and as soon as I got to the Endar Spire escape pods and met Carth, it hit me.

"Holy crap is that Kaidan Alenko?!"

So yeah, I just realized that Kaidan and Carth are voiced by the same guy. :smalltongue:

2010-02-05, 11:31 AM
I'm probably an idiot for just realizing this, but I was playing through KotOR a bit yesterday, and as soon as I got to the Endar Spire escape pods and met Carth, it hit me.

"Holy crap is that Kaidan Alenko?!"

So yeah, I just realized that Kaidan and Carth are voiced by the same guy. :smalltongue:

Having played KOTOR right before ME, I recognized the voice from the get-go. Reason #1 why Kaidan never made it off Vermire in my game... :smallamused:

Archpaladin Zousha
2010-02-05, 03:10 PM
I know I keep saying this but it all depends on what source. I know for example that PC Gamer in different countries (UK) has a reputation of adding 30 points on everything to make it Awesome, but I trust Swedish PC Gamer to guide my shopping any time. Not only do they routinely cut a game low (scores below 50 are common, and they do not shy away from giving them to hyped titles) but I have also read that magazine since it first started and I know the reviewers and where their taste differs from mine.
I don't think I'd be able to get a Swedish magazine here in America.

2010-02-05, 05:00 PM
Well, just finished the game, and overall, I thought it was excellent. I played through as a Male Soldier, imported from ME1.

The ammo system was pretty frustrating. Your ammo capacity was tiny, so much so that if you went through a fight or two where the enemies didn't happen to drop any, you were pretty screwed. And can someone explain to me why I can carry a dozen "universal" heat clips for my SR but only four for my AR? And why I can't just sit still for a while and wait for convection to cool it off? It would make more sense if it worked like heat in the Mechwarrior games, where I could either wait for it to cool down or pop a clip to get rid of heat instantly.

I'm still not sure I like the way dialog is handled. I figure the system is built to be easy on the console gamers, but every so often I'll choose a line and say something completely different than what I thought I was going to say. I really liked the addition of the mouse actions, which were a good way of adding some action to the dialog.

Scanning planets was lame.

How does the M920 Cain work? I tried it a few times, but couldn't figure out how to fire it.

The graphics were pretty impressive, though the loading times were not. I bought it on Steam, so everything comes from my HD, and it still took it's sweet time. Had no problems with performance in the actual game, however.

The rest of this contains some level of spoilers:

Does anyone know what determines who (if anyone) dies? I lost Mordin at the very end. Is it based on how fast you complete the last sequence, or what?

I didn't romance anyone, though it sounds like they gave you a few more options than most Bioware games, which is nice. I might try hooking up with Tali on my next playthrough (I hadn't thought she was an option,) she seems nice. I thought Bioware had some kind of rule against allowing the player to romance someone without a mountain of issues.

It did seem a little light on missions that were directly part of the storyline, though I liked having missions for every squad member.

I didn't like Legion much. His intro was a bit painful (I mean, does the world really need another "New guy saves you from a handful of enemies you could have easily taken out on your own in the actual game" character introduction?) And Shepard's reactions to his fight with Tali seemed a bit lukewarm - I think geth stealing tactical data from another crewmember would be a bit more of a concern than Jack and Miranda's squabble. Especially when the compromise position worked out to pointing out to Tali that her father had been so horrible as to try to take over Geth by hacking them, y'know, exactly what Legion had just wanted me to do to the heretics. The whole business felt a bit like someone was trying to bring the Geth out of the bad guys a bit clumsily.

I kind of liked the addition of the messages system. Getting updates on how my missions turned out was kind of cool.

Being able to get stuff for my cabin was a nice touch, though I would have liked a bit more in the way of options (then again, I say that every time an RPG with the ability to decorate your home base comes out.)

The armor customization wasn't a bad idea, but their weren't many pieces to get. Also, a "Hide Helmet" option should exist in every RPG with helmets.

Archpaladin Zousha
2010-02-05, 05:03 PM
I'm interested in the "endorsement" options you get if you have a high Paragon score at the shops on the Citadel. I heard something bad will happen if you do it with multiple stores. Is this true?

Green Bean
2010-02-05, 05:10 PM
Well, hearing your voice say the same clip every ten feet gets really annoying, if that counts.

Archpaladin Zousha
2010-02-05, 05:13 PM
Well, hearing your voice say the same clip every ten feet gets really annoying, if that counts.

Quoi? :smallconfused:

Green Bean
2010-02-05, 05:19 PM
Quoi? :smallconfused:

If you endorse a store, you record a clip of you saying "I'm Commander Shepard, and this is my favorite store on the Citadel." This will play every time you get within ten feet of any store you endorse. You will hear it. A lot.

2010-02-05, 05:28 PM
the M920 cain will only fire iff you have 100+ on its ammo, each shot takes 100, and does arseloads of damage.

2010-02-05, 05:28 PM
The Cain is basically a charge up Fat Man (Fallout 3). You need to have 100% to fire it, more is fine but won't get used. You hold down the fire and it charges for 5-10s, then releases an essentially mini nuke that obliterates everything.

Archpaladin Zousha
2010-02-05, 05:29 PM
This bit from TV Tropes is why I ask:

A minor one while on the Citadel in the sequel. If you're a Paragon, you can get a discount at any of the stores by offering to advertise for them, saying "I'm Commander Shepard, and this is my favorite store in the Citadel." Standard enough, right? What The Hell Hero comes into play when you then repeat the same line for every other store for their discounts!
I may be wrong, but my impression of What The Hell Hero was that it's when characters actually call the main character out for doing something douchy. What you're saying seems to imply there's no consequence aside from hearing your own voice everywhere you go. If it were truly WTHH, one or more store owners would confront you and say "You gave the same endorsement to every store you've been to. You can't have more than one favorite! What the hell, Shepard?!"

Green Bean
2010-02-05, 05:33 PM
Your impression is right, and the example is wrong. Some people misinterpret the trope as meaning any bad thing a hero does. It's cut now, thanks to wiki magic.

2010-02-05, 05:33 PM
The Cain is basically a charge up Fat Man (Fallout 3). You need to have 100% to fire it, more is fine but won't get used. You hold down the fire and it charges for 5-10s, then releases an essentially mini nuke that obliterates everything.

I see, I guess I wasn't charging it enough. I held down th emouse for a bit, but nothing happened, and after a few tries I just switched to other weapons.

Incidentally, one other spoiler I forgot to mention:

What was that mission you ran off in the shuttle for anyway? I mean seriously, you have the IFF, you just need a few hours to install it, and then you just decide to take all the combat capable characters on the ship and joyride around the system for a few hours?

2010-02-05, 05:33 PM
This bit from TV Tropes is why I ask:

I may be wrong, but my impression of What The Hell Hero was that it's when characters actually call the main character out for doing something douchy. What you're saying seems to imply there's no consequence aside from hearing your own voice everywhere you go. If it were truly WTHH, one or more store owners would confront you and say "You gave the same endorsement to every store you've been to. You can't have more than one favorite! What the hell, Shepard?!"

TVTropes being TVTropes I'm pretty sure. They like to stretch their own tropes past the breaking point.

2010-02-05, 06:03 PM
I see, I guess I wasn't charging it enough. I held down th emouse for a bit, but nothing happened, and after a few tries I just switched to other weapons.

Incidentally, one other spoiler I forgot to mention:

What was that mission you ran off in the shuttle for anyway? I mean seriously, you have the IFF, you just need a few hours to install it, and then you just decide to take all the combat capable characters on the ship and joyride around the system for a few hours?

It's not a matter of charging it more. If you don't have enough heavy weapon ammo (specifically, enough to get to 100%), it just won't fire. The same thing happened to me (not firing).

Honestly, I just use the missile launcher. The black hole gun is kind of nice, but the charge time is a copper plated. The missiles only take a second or less of trigger pressure.

2010-02-05, 06:07 PM
It's not a matter of charging it more. If you don't have enough heavy weapon ammo (specifically, enough to get to 100%), it just won't fire. The same thing happened to me (not firing).

Honestly, I just use the missile launcher. The black hole gun is kind of nice, but the charge time is a copper plated. The missiles only take a second or less of trigger pressure.

I had some problems in with the missile launcher in the 'rescue the Eclipse crates' mission. About 2/3 of the shots zagged away from the Ymir mechs at the last moment to go hit a cliff.

2010-02-05, 06:16 PM
Just finished insanity mode - it gets a bit easier the more you upgrade and skill up. Sadly my only casualty was Mordin :(

He died holding off the enemy while I fought the boss - apparently it is very common for him to die at that stage, so much so it is recommended he either is in the boss fight or escorts the crew back to the Normandy so that he survives.

2010-02-05, 06:29 PM
thats odd, I used garrus as the head of both the teams, sent tali through the pipe, grunt with the survivors, Samara to make the shield, and took Legion and Samara to the boss and had no casualties at all.....

2010-02-05, 06:31 PM
thats odd, I used garrus as the head of both the teams, sent tali through the pipe, grunt with the survivors, Samara to make the shield, and took Legion and Samara to the boss and had no casualties at all.....

Huh. Yeah, I left Mordin behind for the final battle too and he didn't disappear on me either. Go loyalty!

Archpaladin Zousha
2010-02-05, 06:31 PM
Did you say "We should hurry" just before setting off to fight the last boss? If you don't set up a rear-guard, then the longer you take to kill the final boss, the more likely one of your companions will die.

2010-02-05, 06:39 PM
Oh, I left everyone behind as a rear guard, I didn't know there was an option not to.

Archpaladin Zousha
2010-02-05, 08:13 PM
So no one calls you out for endorsing multiple stores?

2010-02-05, 08:15 PM
So no one calls you out for endorsing multiple stores?

Not that I've seen. I figure it's called "capitalism". :smalltongue:

2010-02-05, 08:35 PM
So no one calls you out for endorsing multiple stores?

They're not exactly the same branch, so why would anyone care? :smallconfused:

2010-02-05, 08:38 PM
What was that mission you ran off in the shuttle for anyway? I mean seriously, you have the IFF, you just need a few hours to install it, and then you just decide to take all the combat capable characters on the ship and joyride around the system for a few hours?

Booze and hookers. You can't expect your team to go on a suicide mission without them, can you?

The nuke and black hole gun both take a long time to fire. And yeah, I had trouble with missiles suddenly shooting off in random directions to hit something else, too. Which is why I stick with the Collector laser. None of the other heavy guns compares in usefulness.

2010-02-05, 08:42 PM
They're not exactly the same branch, so why would anyone care? :smallconfused:

I don't think any of them are really in any kind of competition with one another either. They all sell different stuff, if I remember correctly.

2010-02-05, 08:47 PM
Yup. One shop with arms, one with medical/armor supplies, one with general junk, and one with souvenirs, but that might have been the shop where you get discount for being Citadel bureaucracy employee.

Archpaladin Zousha
2010-02-05, 09:42 PM
Still, it's kind of hypocritical to call each one "my favorite store on the Citadel." You can't have more than one favorite store.

2010-02-05, 10:11 PM
Re: Heavy Weapons - I've been using ones I didn't my first time through this time around, and I think the only one I haven't used is the nuke-launcher being discussed. My favorite remains the Black Hole Gun. Yes, it has a charge-up time, but that's a non-issue since your shields always last long enough to get a shot off. And once that shot is off, anything human-size in the general direction of the shot is screwed, and anything bigger is going to be hurt, bad. Now that is what I call a heavy weapon.

After it, I like the Collector laser best. Powerful and efficient. From there, I'd take the grenade launcher, then missile launcher, then ice cannon, then flamethrower (seriously, who would take the flamethrower anywhere except maybe against the Husk hoards on the derelict Reaper?). I'll have to see where in that progression the nuke launcher fits later.

Huh. Yeah, I left Mordin behind for the final battle too and he didn't disappear on me either. Go loyalty!
Loyalty doesn't have anything to do with it. I had all of my companions loyal, yet still lost Mordin during the rear-guard action my first time around. I suspect that part is at least partially randomized, honestly.

On an unrelated note: does anyone else get the impression that they may have intended Jack to be a romance option for a female Sheperd at one point? I mean, while asking her about any relationships she might have, she responds that if you're asking about "boyfriends or girlfriends, then no," and she also mentions that at one point she had been sleeping with another woman and her boyfriend in a three-way relationship. Both of which seem to imply she finds both men and women sexually attractive. Yet she is only a romance option for a male in the final product. Odd, that.


2010-02-05, 10:37 PM
Still, it's kind of hypocritical to call each one "my favorite store on the Citadel." You can't have more than one favorite store.

Eh. None of them sell the same stuff, so it could be "my favorite medical store" or some such.

Also known as: It's just business.:smallwink:

2010-02-05, 11:08 PM
Well... I've now completed Mass Effect 2 twice, once as male paragon soldier and once as female renegade adept.

I'll prolly play one final time and use a male paragon infiltrator as my character for ME3.

2010-02-05, 11:13 PM
Still, it's kind of hypocritical to call each one "my favorite store on the Citadel." You can't have more than one favorite store.

Yeah well they didn't pay me to offer an exclusive endorsement. In fact they didn't pay me at all I dropped allot of money in their stores because their "discount" sucks.

Also Hypocrisy doesn't really enter into it. Disingenuous, lack of integrity, manipulative all better words to describe what you can do that Hypocritical.

2010-02-05, 11:14 PM
My heavy weapon of choice for most of the game was the Collector Laser. I'd use it to deal with shields and then switch to the AR with incendiary rounds for the armor and flesh underneath.

On an unrelated note: does anyone else get the impression that they may have intended Jack to be a romance option for a female Sheperd at one point? I mean, while asking her about any relationships she might have, she responds that if you're asking about "boyfriends or girlfriends, then no," and she also mentions that at one point she had been sleeping with another woman and her boyfriend in a three-way relationship. Both of which seem to imply she finds both men and women sexually attractive. Yet she is only a romance option for a male in the final product. Odd, that.


I didn't really look into her romance on my playthrough (I'm thinking of replaying ME1 and then ME2 again) but it wouldn't surprise me. Romances are near the top of the list of things Bioware cuts for time (NWN 2 probably being the most blatant example.)

Also, did anyone else think it was a bit weird that Ashley (or presumably Kaidan, if you saved him) just sort of disappeared? I mean, I was expecting her to join the squad at some point, or to rescue her from the Collectors, or to fight some kind of cyborg-abomination-Ashley near the end, but she just disappeared in the colony attack and that was that.

I'm curious what your crew will look like in ME3, seeing as so many of them had the potential to die in this one. It seems unlikely that Bioware would take the trouble to make characters into full-fledged companions who might never be in this game, but getting rid of the whole crew again seems a bit much. At the very least I'd like to see Garrus and Tali back in the sequel.

2010-02-05, 11:18 PM
Loyalty doesn't have anything to do with it. I had all of my companions loyal, yet still lost Mordin during the rear-guard action my first time around. I suspect that part is at least partially randomized, honestly.


I think every option is partially randomized. I send Legion through the tunnel without his upgrade and he came out the picture of health while my friend who upgraded him says he gets shot.

Jack I'm pretty sure will always get through the shield portion without killing anybody. The rear guard... What did you say to them before you left? Maybe that plays with the numbers?

2010-02-05, 11:33 PM
I believe who survives the initial two phases are based on who you choose. Tali or Legion should go in the vent, Garrus or Miranda should lead the other teams (your friend is probably choosing a poor leader for his first fire team,) and Samara or Jack should use the barrier.

I don't know about the rear guard, I've seen it suggested that you should say something about holding them off rather than telling people to hurry up when you're talking to your team at the final point, but I don't know for sure.

Archpaladin Zousha
2010-02-05, 11:44 PM
Yeah well they didn't pay me to offer an exclusive endorsement. In fact they didn't pay me at all I dropped allot of money in their stores because their "discount" sucks.

Also Hypocrisy doesn't really enter into it. Disingenuous, lack of integrity, manipulative all better words to describe what you can do that Hypocritical.

What claiming "This is my favorite store on the Citadel" in one store and then going to the store across the street and saying THAT store is your favorite store isn't hypocrisy? You're saying one thing is your favorite, and then turning around and saying something else is your favorite. Note that you don't specify what kind of store it is. So you are saying it is your favorite on the basis of it being a store (customer service, price, atmosphere, etc.) which are all things that can be attributed to any store. In essence, you're lying about these stores being your favorite because you're going around to all of them claiming they're your favorite. When something is your favorite, only one thing can occupy that position. That's why it's favorite, singular. How is it Paragon to basically lie to every store manager on the Citadel by using the same sound bite for the endorsement, basically resulting in all the stores going,

"We're Shepard's favorite store on the Citadel!"

"No, WE are!"

"No, you're both wrong, WE'RE his favorite!"

And then they all sue you for misleading them.

2010-02-05, 11:54 PM
I didn't really look into her romance on my playthrough (I'm thinking of replaying ME1 and then ME2 again) but it wouldn't surprise me. Romances are near the top of the list of things Bioware cuts for time (NWN 2 probably being the most blatant example.)
Actually, Neverwinter Nights 2 was not made by Bioware. They let Obsidian do that one, just like they did with Knights of the Old Republic 2. Every game that Bioware has done since Jade Empire has had some nicely done romances in them, with the sole exception of Sonic Chronicles (and romances really wouldn't have fit in that game anyway).

Also, did anyone else think it was a bit weird that Ashley (or presumably Kaidan, if you saved him) just sort of disappeared? I mean, I was expecting her to join the squad at some point, or to rescue her from the Collectors, or to fight some kind of cyborg-abomination-Ashley near the end, but she just disappeared in the colony attack and that was that.
"Disappeared?" She confronted you at the end of that mission and made it pretty clear that she's loyal to the Alliance, and does not trust Cerberus in the least. And you don't really interact with the Alliance at all in this game. So, no, I don't find the fact that she wasn't involved after that one mission odd at all.

I'm curious what your crew will look like in ME3, seeing as so many of them had the potential to die in this one. It seems unlikely that Bioware would take the trouble to make characters into full-fledged companions who might never be in this game, but getting rid of the whole crew again seems a bit much. At the very least I'd like to see Garrus and Tali back in the sequel.
I'm very curious to how your crew will work in the third game as well. Given Mass Effect is planned as a trilogy, my first expectation would be for them to bring everyone from the first two games together, plus give some new companions. But that'd get pretty insane. Between them, the first two games add up to 15 companions (counting Zaeed - more if/when more DLC companions are added to ME2), only one of which is guaranteed to be dead at the start of game 3 at this point. Just including the option to have the full potentially surviving 14 for your crew would be pretty difficult, let alone adding more. Yet, if the series does end after 3, it'd be a bit disappointing if most of the companions from the first two weren't available in the third. Certainly, at the very least, I'd expect all of the previous games' potential love interests to be available; but that's 8 characters right there! (Actually, technically 9, since even though Ashley and Kaiden can't be in the same play-through, both would need to be included.)

However they work it, it'll either have to be a pretty massive party, or we'll have to accept simply not having some characters around for the big finale.

The rear guard... What did you say to them before you left? Maybe that plays with the numbers?
Told them to form a rear guard (as opposed to the "better hurry" option) and encouraged them Paragon-style.


2010-02-06, 12:15 AM
Actually, Neverwinter Nights 2 was not made by Bioware. They let Obsidian do that one, just like they did with Knights of the Old Republic 2. Every game that Bioware has done since Jade Empire has had some nicely done romances in them, with the sole exception of Sonic Chronicles (and romances really wouldn't have fit in that game anyway). You're right, now that you mention it. I forever have Bioware and Black Isle/Obsidian mixed around in my head.

"Disappeared?" She confronted you at the end of that mission and made it pretty clear that she's loyal to the Alliance, and does not trust Cerberus in the least. And you don't really interact with the Alliance at all in this game. So, no, I don't find the fact that she wasn't involved after that one mission odd at all. You saw her get abducted by the Collectors on Horizon afterwards. If it had just ended after the first encounter I'd agree with you, but after she got abducted by the bad guys i figured there would have been some kind of closure for that.

Green Bean
2010-02-06, 12:18 AM
You saw her get abducted by the Collectors on Horizon afterwards. If it had just ended after the first encounter I'd agree with you, but after she got abducted by the bad guys i figured there would have been some kind of closure for that.

Err, when did she get abducted? She got paralyzed during the initial Collector attack, but Shepard drives them off before they can load her onto the ship. That's how she was able to talk to you. :smallconfused:

2010-02-06, 12:22 AM
You saw her get abducted by the Collectors on Horizon afterwards.
Er, no you don't. The Collectors have already been driven off Horizon when she talks to you. Where did you get this idea :smallconfused: ?

Edit: On my second play-through, I even recently passed that point. Right after completing the first thing I did afterward, I even got a message from Ashley on my terminal - given the content, apparently because I romanced her in ME1 with this character.


Archpaladin Zousha
2010-02-06, 01:21 AM
I have a silly question.

Which is the best advanced weapon for soldiers? The M-300 Claymore Heavy Shotgun, the M-76 Revenant, or the Widow Anti-Material Rifle?

I've been told that shotguns are completely useless, but I didn't want to discount the Claymore out of hand. The Revenant appears to be able to have a lot of ammo, which looks pretty tempting, but the Widow apparently is a win button. I've used sniper rifles before, but they seem to only work best when you have time to line up the shot and can take your time, and are useless in a close-range firefight. While I haven't yet used Assault Rifles in Mass Effect, they're much better for close-range fighting.

I have no idea which to pick, because I'm one of the most indecisive people on the planet, so I'm asking the Playground for advice.

2010-02-06, 01:56 AM
I'm very curious to how your crew will work in the third game as well. Given Mass Effect is planned as a trilogy, my first expectation would be for them to bring everyone from the first two games together, plus give some new companions. But that'd get pretty insane. Between them, the first two games add up to 15 companions (counting Zaeed - more if/when more DLC companions are added to ME2), only one of which is guaranteed to be dead at the start of game 3 at this point. Just including the option to have the full potentially surviving 14 for your crew would be pretty difficult, let alone adding more. Yet, if the series does end after 3, it'd be a bit disappointing if most of the companions from the first two weren't available in the third. Certainly, at the very least, I'd expect all of the previous games' potential love interests to be available; but that's 8 characters right there! (Actually, technically 9, since even though Ashley and Kaiden can't be in the same play-through, both would need to be included.)

However they work it, it'll either have to be a pretty massive party, or we'll have to accept simply not having some characters around for the big finale.

Ohh! I can shed a bit of light on this one! The trilogy (barring executive meddling from EA) will end with number three, but in an interview one of the developers said that they had to work so that Mass Effect 1 and 2 had enough in common that people who beat the games had similar experiences with different moral choices to set them apart, but since Mass Effect 3 is the end-game...well the guy all but spelled out the game is going to spiral madly away for different people since they don't have to tie it together at the end for another sequel.

However, while I respect and admire their decision to end the Mass Effect trilogy at three, I really hope that it isn't the last time they visit the universe. There's tons of potential for more stories there besides just Shepards.

Avilan the Grey
2010-02-06, 02:38 AM
I don't think I'd be able to get a Swedish magazine here in America.

Not to mention it would be in Swedish... My point is "know your source" though

2010-02-06, 02:49 AM
So, for my current Renegade play-through, I think that when I get to the endgame I'm going to deliberately get my more good-aligned teammates killed off, so that if the team does carry over to the next game, it will be composed mainly of fellow renegade sorts. Thing is, I'm not entirely sure about some of them. So far, I figure:

Keep: Jack, Grunt, Legion, Morynth, Zaeed.
Kill: Jacob, Tali, Samara (killed to exchange for Morynth).
Uncertain: Miranda, Mordin, Garrus, Thane.

I'm leaning toward killing Miranda. She starts off seeming more renegade-ish, what with the killing that traitor right off the bat, but the more you get to know her, the more she seems like a fundamentally good person, if a bit deluded about Cerberus.

Leaning toward keeping Mordin. He has his ethics, but he seems more than willing to do just about anything to accomplish most goals. He even encourages you to take the Illusive Man's advice about the Collector base at the end.

I really don't know what to do with Garrus. You can encourage him either way in the first game, but that doesn't seem to have affected him in the second. And, frankly, he's sort of a 50/50 paragon/renegade sort near as I can tell. Eh, maybe seeing how he reacts to the renegade ending of his loyalty quest will help me decide.

I'm leaning toward killing Thane. He may be an assassin, but he seems to have some pretty firm principles, and he does indicate that he has sort of left his old life behind him. As much as he could manage, anyway.

On a side note, I'm really mostly keeping Legion because he's an interesting character. I don't honestly have the first clue how to rate him morally.

Ohh! I can shed a bit of light on this one! The trilogy (barring executive meddling from EA) will end with number three, but in an interview one of the developers said that they had to work so that Mass Effect 1 and 2 had enough in common that people who beat the games had similar experiences with different moral choices to set them apart, but since Mass Effect 3 is the end-game...well the guy all but spelled out the game is going to spiral madly away for different people since they don't have to tie it together at the end for another sequel.
Well, that's quite interesting. Though it doesn't really shed any light on how the party will work in terms of size and composition.

However, while I respect and admire their decision to end the Mass Effect trilogy at three, I really hope that it isn't the last time they visit the universe. There's tons of potential for more stories there besides just Shepards.
Agreed. Bioware could build their own solid Sci-Fi and Fantasy franchises between Mass Effect and Dragon Age, even if they don't want to continue following their first main characters after a certain point.


2010-02-06, 06:12 AM
Which is the best advanced weapon for soldiers? The M-300 Claymore Heavy Shotgun, the M-76 Revenant, or the Widow Anti-Material Rifle?

Shotguns suck.

Widow isn't that great - it's the Adrenaline Rush that turns it into WIN button, and even then, in some situations. Reloading really hurts.

Assault Rifles are always handy. They're top weapons in the game, along with SMGs.

By the way - I just got to the place where my Soldier grabbed one of these weapons, only with Adept. It turns out that you can't grab them, you just get sucky "X Traning" (for example, Assault Rifle Training, letting you use default AR, not the Revenant) cluttering your tidy weapon choice :smallmad:

Please, tell me I'll be able to grab that later. Even though using ARs is nice, SMGs do basically the same thing, and Adepts don't need Sniper Rifles at all. If it turns out only Soldiers profit at this point, I'll be pissed :smallannoyed:

Also, I think DLC weapons never upgrade - if so, that turns them from Mary Sue weapons of DA into worthless junk. I'll have to test.

I'm leaning toward killing Thane.

Kill! KILL! KILL! :smallfurious:

I hate him just as much as I hate Kit Fisto, his lookalike. KILLLLLLL! :smalltongue:

What claiming "This is my favorite store on the Citadel" in one store and then going to the store across the street and saying THAT store is your favorite store isn't hypocrisy?


then missile launcher, then ice cannon, then flamethrower (seriously, who would take the flamethrower anywhere except maybe against the Husk hoards on the derelict Reaper?).

Um, anyone seriously using these? They're worthless, just about every other weapon is better than them, even pistols.

On a side note - I've never been able to use Cain. Yes, it fires, but despite firing at point nearly 100 meters away, the blast always seems to kill me. Meh.

2010-02-06, 07:24 AM
By the way - I just got to the place where my Soldier grabbed one of these weapons, only with Adept. It turns out that you can't grab them, you just get sucky "X Traning" (for example, Assault Rifle Training, letting you use default AR, not the Revenant) cluttering your tidy weapon choice :smallmad:

Please, tell me I'll be able to grab that later. Even though using ARs is nice, SMGs do basically the same thing, and Adepts don't need Sniper Rifles at all. If it turns out only Soldiers profit at this point, I'll be pissed :smallannoyed:

This is exactly why I chose a sniper rifle for my adept, because believe it or not, there are situations where it comes in handy. Like when you are so far away from a target that your bionics won't lock on...

2010-02-06, 08:01 AM
This is exactly why I chose a sniper rifle for my adept, because believe it or not, there are situations where it comes in handy. Like when you are so far away from a target that your bionics won't lock on...

Um, what? :smallconfused:

Warp is like Magic-Missile - never misses. You can shoot it around corners, cover, whatever. It also deals MASSIVE DAMAGE :smalltongue:

Really, it is better even than Widow, and the basic Sniper Rifles can't even compare to it - and they're all you get anyway, no Widow for Adepts. Add to that you don't need to swap weapons (which is huge), as you're able to Warp/shoot at the same time, and it becomes much better choice to use it with conjunction with AR/SMG, especially with it being ammo-less.

Incidents where subject is too far to be locked on don't bother me at all, as they're rare, and you still can aim warp manually, just like sniping. Plus, closed enemies are much larger issue then, giving too far ones time to enter range, and even if there are only too far ones around, you can simply close range or snip them with warp with impunity.

2010-02-06, 09:52 AM
By the way - I just got to the place where my Soldier grabbed one of these weapons, only with Adept. It turns out that you can't grab them, you just get sucky "X Traning" (for example, Assault Rifle Training, letting you use default AR, not the Revenant) cluttering your tidy weapon choice :smallmad:

Please, tell me I'll be able to grab that later. Even though using ARs is nice, SMGs do basically the same thing, and Adepts don't need Sniper Rifles at all. If it turns out only Soldiers profit at this point, I'll be pissed :smallannoyed:
Er, what? How is that "sucky?" I mean, I can understand not wanting to pick up a shotgun, but the Assault Rifle has the distinct advantage over the sub-machine gun of being effective against both armor and shields (instead of just shields), and the sniper rifle's very long range complements the Adept's pistol (moderate-long) and sub-machine gun (short-moderate) quite nicely. I picked up the sniper rifle and got a lot of use out of it with my Adept. I very much like the ability to acquire a new weapon proficiency there, both in theory and practice.

Um, anyone seriously using these? They're worthless, just about every other weapon is better than them, even pistols.
Don't know. I didn't use them at all in my first file - just stuck with the Black Hole gun. My second file I'm trying out all the heavy weapons I didn't use, so I did use those each briefly, on one mission each. Ditched them afterward and am currently packing the Collector laser cannon.


2010-02-06, 10:27 AM
Er, what? How is that "sucky?" I mean, I can understand not wanting to pick up a shotgun, but the Assault Rifle has the distinct advantage over the sub-machine gun of being effective against both armor and shields (instead of just shields), and the sniper rifle's very long range complements the Adept's pistol (moderate-long) and sub-machine gun (short-moderate) quite nicely. I picked up the sniper rifle and got a lot of use out of it with my Adept. I very much like the ability to acquire a new weapon proficiency there, both in theory and practice.

Why? I like my dakka, TYVM, and AR (with 96 bullets) simply can't give as much as SMG (400 bullets - and even more with upgrades) :smalltongue:

Still, I took assault rifle, but I felt cheated by it not being Revenant. Sniper rifles are really redundant for Adepts, and besides, the whole thing doesn't make sense - as a Soldier, you take a rare weapon for yourself. Okay. As any other class, you look at the rare weapon, mysteriously learn how to use it in a 5 seconds, then leave it in place instead teleporting a gun from Normandy which you never used, despite having all kinds of experts that could have taught you on board. What? :smallsigh:

2010-02-06, 10:44 AM
Why? I like my dakka, TYVM, and AR (with 96 bullets) simply can't give as much as SMG (400 bullets - and even more with upgrades) :smalltongue:

Still, I took assault rifle, but I felt cheated by it not being Revenant. Sniper rifles are really redundant for Adepts, and besides, the whole thing doesn't make sense - as a Soldier, you take a rare weapon for yourself. Okay. As any other class, you look at the rare weapon, mysteriously learn how to use it in a 5 seconds, then leave it in place instead teleporting a gun from Normandy which you never used, despite having all kinds of experts that could have taught you on board. What? :smallsigh:

The SMG does disappointing damage per bullet, and is far harder to aim. Those 96 bullets from the AR deal FAR more damage than 400 from the SMG. And you can get headshots with them, something decidedly difficult with the SMG.

Adepts benefit from both the Sniper and Assault Rifles, as warp's lock range is not very large. The Sniper Rifle allows you to take out pesky things like missile-launching geth. The Assault Rifle gives you some significant damage potential between castings of your other powers, rather the the disappointing supplementary value of the Pistol and SMG.

Archpaladin Zousha
2010-02-06, 01:06 PM
What about shotguns makes them suck, specifically? I've never used them in ME (my only playthrough before I uninstalled was an Infiltrator, so I only used SR and P).

Also, I've heard that DLC armors don't recieve the benefits of upgrades. Is this true? If it is, why? That renders them subpar to upgraded armor, and you can't alter the armor's appearance anyway, so why even bother with them?

2010-02-06, 01:22 PM
Shotguns do negligible damage at any range beyond point-blank; many enemies in this game are perfectly happy to keep their distance. Those that will attempt to close the range create a different problem: the shotgun fires slowly, and those enemies tend to travel in packs.

2010-02-06, 01:45 PM
Also, I've heard that DLC armors don't recieve the benefits of upgrades. Is this true? If it is, why? That renders them subpar to upgraded armor, and you can't alter the armor's appearance anyway, so why even bother with them?
If you mean researched upgrades, I believe they do. Certainly I know I was able to use the upgraded medi-gel capacity with them. Don't have any way to objectively measure the other armor upgrades, though.

As for their use, I find them mainly good for early-game use, before you have access to good pieces for your customizable armor. They do give nice benefits, albeit to fewer in variety than your customizable armor does.


2010-02-06, 02:00 PM
Personally I went with the Widow. The Revenant is considerably less accurate than the Vindicator, and I like going for the head. I'm not sure what it looks like if you have AR accuracy researched, but without it the gun just sprays bullets all over the place.

I thought the assault shotgun was pretty handy against enemies who charged you (or if you charged them) but the slower shotguns, not so much.

Avilan the Grey
2010-02-06, 03:03 PM
Zaeed Massani: Where on normandy does he end up? I can't find him when I am on the ship.

2010-02-06, 03:11 PM
Zaeed Massani: Where on normandy does he end up? I can't find him when I am on the ship.

He is in the Cargo bay on the opposite end of Deck 4 from Grunt. Basically take the elevator down to Deck 4 bang a right immediately and go straight down the hall.

2010-02-06, 03:18 PM
He doesn't really say much though. It's hardly worth visiting him.


2010-02-06, 03:36 PM
Personally I went with the Widow. The Revenant is considerably less accurate than the Vindicator, and I like going for the head. I'm not sure what it looks like if you have AR accuracy researched, but without it the gun just sprays bullets all over the place.

I thought the assault shotgun was pretty handy against enemies who charged you (or if you charged them) but the slower shotguns, not so much.

I had a bit of accuracy trouble, but between upgrades, and using short bursts, it ended up working pretty well. Warp ammo helped make it tear through stuff pretty well.

2010-02-06, 03:50 PM
The SMG does disappointing damage per bullet, and is far harder to aim. Those 96 bullets from the AR deal FAR more damage than 400 from the SMG. And you can get headshots with them, something decidedly difficult with the SMG.

Um, nope. The AR fires in annoying 3 shot bursts, which are slow, and acceptable only in long range. They're too slow to kill packs of enemies close by, like Husks or Krogans. On Insanity, you'll be killed just because that dumb junk decided to take a break after 3 shots :smallannoyed:

SMG let's you fire all 50 bullets with much faster fire rate with one long burst, and Adept has Biotics for long range where SMG is weak anyway. I just tested it, and you can kill perfectly fine from outside of "locking" range with manual aim, as these have nonexistent deviation.

Adepts benefit from both the Sniper and Assault Rifles, as warp's lock range is not very large. The Sniper Rifle allows you to take out pesky things like missile-launching geth. The Assault Rifle gives you some significant damage potential between castings of your other powers, rather the the disappointing supplementary value of the Pistol and SMG.

Warp does that perfectly well too, as do other powers. Sniping is really redundant for Adepts :smallsmile:

What about shotguns makes them suck, specifically? I've never used them in ME (my only playthrough before I uninstalled was an Infiltrator, so I only used SR and P).

Well, let's just say they're marginally less useful than Prima Guides, but a bit more useful than two-handed fighting, to make an easy comparison :smalltongue:

Also, I've heard that DLC armors don't recieve the benefits of upgrades. Is this true? If it is, why? That renders them subpar to upgraded armor, and you can't alter the armor's appearance anyway, so why even bother with them?

Yeah, they're so subpar they only give 5-8x times greater bonuses than upgradeable armor :smallsigh:

He doesn't really say much though. It's hardly worth visiting him.

He does have a number of amusing stories, like that one about Hanar :smallamused:

I think he says more than some of the party members, you just have to visit him more often as he doesn't have "normal" dialogue tree.

Archpaladin Zousha
2010-02-06, 04:35 PM
Well, let's just say they're marginally less useful than Prima Guides, but a bit more useful than two-handed fighting, to make an easy comparison :smalltongue:
No offense, Trixie, but I'm really getting tired of you making fun of me like this. :smallannoyed:

2010-02-06, 04:37 PM
Yeah, they're so subpar they only give 5-8x times greater bonuses than upgradeable armor :smallsigh:
:smallconfused: Where do you get that? The highest bonus I've seen on one is the 15% shield boost from the DLC armor that came with the Black Hole gun, and that's only 3x the bonus that you can get from one piece (out of five) on customizable armor.


2010-02-06, 04:47 PM
Um, nope. The AR fires in annoying 3 shot bursts, which are slow, and acceptable only in long range. They're too slow to kill packs of enemies close by, like Husks or Krogans. On Insanity, you'll be killed just because that dumb junk decided to take a break after 3 shots :smallannoyed:

Seriously...? You... just press the button again... It's not that hard... And if you know how to aim, the AR kills any basic red-bar enemy in one burst. I never had any trouble with the AR on Insanity.

SMG let's you fire all 50 bullets with much faster fire rate with one long burst, and Adept has Biotics for long range where SMG is weak anyway. I just tested it, and you can kill perfectly fine from outside of "locking" range with manual aim, as these have nonexistent deviation.

Warp's range is only medium-ranged at best so if your enemy moves, unless you wasted your Warp Specialization on AOE, you'll miss. And it's fine and dandy that you can fire 50 bullets in a couple of seconds with the SMG, but 12 shots from the AR do more damage, and take just as much time.

Warp does that perfectly well too, as do other powers. Sniping is really redundant for Adepts :smallsmile:

But the powers have a much shorter range, and there's many circumstances when you're outside of that range, and running up to use your powers will get you killed.

Archpaladin Zousha
2010-02-06, 05:12 PM
:smallconfused: Where do you get that? The highest bonus I've seen on one is the 15% shield boost from the DLC armor that came with the Black Hole gun, and that's only 3x the bonus that you can get from one piece (out of five) on customizable armor.


I won't have access to that armor, since I didn't pre-order the game. Since I don't think I'll be getting the Collector Edition, that means the only DLC armor I'll have access to is Blood Dragon. From what I've read, that gives the following benefits:

+15% Power Damage, +10% Shield Strength

It also says "This armor cannot be used with any upgrades, and offers no customization." The no-customization part I can understand, but what about the former part? Can the armor be upgraded or not?

Those look okay, but I'm going to be playing a Soldier, so the damage bonus for biotic and tech powers won't really help, and Shield Strength can be boosted by the following items:

Heavy Damping Gauntlets: 5%
N7 Greaves: 3%
Shield Harness: 5%
Sentry Interface (Dr. Pepper Promo): 5%

That's a lot more powerful than the Blood Dragon Armor. Or do these percentages not stack? What are the most useful armor piece bonuses for a Soldier anyway?

2010-02-06, 05:20 PM
By the way - I just got to the place where my Soldier grabbed one of these weapons, only with Adept. It turns out that you can't grab them, you just get sucky "X Traning" (for example, Assault Rifle Training, letting you use default AR, not the Revenant) cluttering your tidy weapon choice :smallmad:

Please, tell me I'll be able to grab that later. Even though using ARs is nice, SMGs do basically the same thing, and Adepts don't need Sniper Rifles at all. If it turns out only Soldiers profit at this point, I'll be pissed :smallannoyed:

You can only get one of the special weapons if you're already proficient with that type. Makes me wonder about replaying with a character - if you went through with, say, an adept once and picked up sniper rifles, would you be able to pick up the Widow the second time through?

On heavy weapons, I experimented with all of them during my first playthrough. Second, as soon as I got the Collector laser, that's all I've bothered with.

2010-02-06, 06:41 PM
The no-customization part I can understand, but what about the former part? Can the armor be upgraded or not?
If I had to guess, I think it's referring to the various interchangeable pieces the custom armor gets. Like I said, I know my medigel upgrades were working just fine with Blood Dragon and Terminus armor, and they are armor upgrades, so I think those should work with the full suits of armor.

What are the most useful armor piece bonuses for a Soldier anyway?
Well, based on the ones I picked up in my first play-through, my Adept was using:

Head: Visor (+10% headshot damage) (partially because I didn't want to wear a helmet)
Body: Capacitor Chestplate (Reduces time before shields recharge after taking damage by 10%)
Shoulders: Amplifier Plates (+5% power damage)
Arms: Off Hand Ammo Pack (+10% ammo capacity)
Legs: Life Support Webbing (+10% health)

I'd say most of those qualify for the "best" in their respective slots based off what I found, particularly the Capacitor Chestplate and Off Hand Ammo Pack. And the only one that a Soldier wouldn't want is the Amplifier Plates in the shoulder slot. Other armor pieces I found were:

- Death Mask (Increases negotiation bonus by 10%)
- N7 Helmet (+5% health)
- N7 Breather Helment (+5% health)

- N7 Chestplate (+3% power damage, default equipment)
- Aegis Vest (+5% health)
- Shield Harness (+5% shields)

- N7 Shoulder Guards (+3% weapon damage, default equipment)
- Strength Boost Pads (+25% melee damage)
- Asymmetric Defense Layer (+5% health)

- N7 Gauntlets (+3% Health, default equipment)
- Stabilization Gauntlets (+5% weapon damage)
- Heavy Damping Gauntlets (+5% shields)

- N7 Greaves (+3% shields, default equipment)
- Stimulator Conduits (+10% storm speed)
- Ordinance Packs (+10% heavy weapon ammo)

You can only get one of the special weapons if you're already proficient with that type. Makes me wonder about replaying with a character - if you went through with, say, an adept once and picked up sniper rifles, would you be able to pick up the Widow the second time through?
You really think your weapon selection at that point in the game will carry over to the New Game+ file? I just assumed it wouldn't, to avoid anyone going through the game a bunch of times and getting access to every weapon in the game.


Avilan the Grey
2010-02-06, 06:47 PM
That's a lot more powerful than the Blood Dragon Armor. Or do these percentages not stack? What are the most useful armor piece bonuses for a Soldier anyway?

I don't care if they stack. They look cool (the DLC armors) for about 10 minutes; then you realize you can customize the "normal" armor to look SOO much cooler.

Archpaladin Zousha
2010-02-06, 07:10 PM
How are power damage increases good for Soldiers? They don't use tech or biotics.

I'm alsot trying to decide between Commando and Shock Trooper. I like having as many dialogue options at my disposal as I can, so Shock Trooper's negotiation bonus is tempting, but weapon damage seems good too. I'm not certain what aspect is the most important for a soldier. Health? Weapon damage? Shield strength? I have no idea how to build the character or his armor. :smallconfused:

2010-02-06, 07:24 PM
Kinda depends on your playstyle; all of them are useful.

I had all the charm/paragon options open to me the whole way through (I was very much a goody-two-shoes, so not many renegade options).

But either way, you get most all the bonuses, just varying numbers. Kind of up to you, really.

@Zevox: I don't know about play-throughs on other classes, but my soldier kept the machine gun when I started a new file on ME2 with him after beating the game with him (not going to play it much for a bit, but I do want to get him to 30, get all upgrades, do a little better on some dialogue). I don't know how that plays out with other classes getting extra weapons skills.

Archpaladin Zousha
2010-02-06, 07:28 PM
Kinda depends on your playstyle; all of them are useful.

I had all the charm/paragon options open to me the whole way through (I was very much a goody-two-shoes, so not many renegade options).

But either way, you get most all the bonuses, just varying numbers. Kind of up to you, really.

I have no idea what my playstyle is! I haven't played a Soldier before!

The reason I'm asking all this is because I'm thinking of selecting the Widow, and I want to get the most bang for my buck from my choice. I'm centering all my character building on which of the three ULTIMATE WEAPONS I choose.

2010-02-06, 08:09 PM
I have no idea what my playstyle is! I haven't played a Soldier before!

The reason I'm asking all this is because I'm thinking of selecting the Widow, and I want to get the most bang for my buck from my choice. I'm centering all my character building on which of the three ULTIMATE WEAPONS I choose.

You should be able to make the decision yourself by the time you get there. If you feel like you don't have a lot of long range power, pick up the Widow. Otherwise, pick up the Revenant.

2010-02-06, 08:14 PM
If you're getting the widow, that suggests you're going to try doing lots of sniping.

In which case, I'd say the one that boosts damage.

I recall that I took the same with my machine gun user, but I might be wrong.

If a Soldier took the shotgun, I'd say the health boost skill would be better; you're going to be up close more often.

Honestly, I can't tell you what play style works best. Experiment. Have fun. It is a game, after all. The soldier is a very forgiving class in that respect; you can snipe, rapid fire, or shotgun, and it ought to work no matter what, so long as you think things through a bit.:smallwink:

Also, take a breath. It is just a game. :smallwink:

Archpaladin Zousha
2010-02-06, 08:30 PM
You should be able to make the decision yourself by the time you get there. If you feel like you don't have a lot of long range power, pick up the Widow. Otherwise, pick up the Revenant.
Yeah, but the Revenant is weaker and less accurate than the Vindicator.
And it looks like, from the videos I've seen, you need the Widow, or need to take a risk using heavy weapons to stand a chance against Harbinger and the Human-Reaper Larva.

Archpaladin Zousha
2010-02-06, 08:31 PM
If you're getting the widow, that suggests you're going to try doing lots of sniping.

In which case, I'd say the one that boosts damage.

I recall that I took the same with my machine gun user, but I might be wrong.

If a Soldier took the shotgun, I'd say the health boost skill would be better; you're going to be up close more often.

Honestly, I can't tell you what play style works best. Experiment. Have fun. It is a game, after all. The soldier is a very forgiving class in that respect; you can snipe, rapid fire, or shotgun, and it ought to work no matter what, so long as you think things through a bit.:smallwink:

Also, take a breath. It is just a game. :smallwink:

Yeah, but I like to plan my gaming out in advance. I hate surprises and going into things blind. Comes from my Asperger's Syndrome OCD-behavior, I'm told.

2010-02-06, 08:36 PM
So, my Infiltrator just got to the Collector ship, and I picked up the Widow. And... meh. It's basically just a powered-up Mantis. Barely any more ammo than that thing, and no more per clip. Which means it still suffers from all the problems of low ammo and rate of fire that made me prefer the Viper over the Mantis. I almost want to go back and replay the mission to select Assault Rifle training instead, since that could basically replace my pistol and sub-machine gun outright in general use.

Still, I guess I'll stick with it for a while, and see if it grows on me at all. I might wind up just ditching it for the Viper anyway, though. Oh well.

On another note, I've been using Jack a lot in this run, since I'm not a biotic myself this time and I'm romancing her. Recently maxed out her shockwave ability. And damn, that thing kicks ass. Makes me regret deciding not to use it with my Adept.


2010-02-06, 08:45 PM
Yeah, but the Revenant is weaker and less accurate than the Vindicator.
And it looks like, from the videos I've seen, you need the Widow, or need to take a risk using heavy weapons to stand a chance against Harbinger and the Human-Reaper Larva.

I'm...pretty sure the Revenant hits about the same as the Vindicator (though, again, this might have come from research+warp ammo+maxed passive boost skill). Certainly I only ever needed short bursts on anything not a Geth Prime, Geth Destroyer, big Mech, or some such.

And you totally don't need the Widow, or heavy weapons. One 5-8 round burst from the Revenant killed each tube. Seriously, I pumped missiles in, and they didn't bust. Switched to that puppy, and it was a dream.
If you're talking the more mobile form...eh. That's a PITA fight no matter what. I did fine, you just have to be patient. Aim for the chest or eyes. Also, I had Grunt there with the Vindicator and Claymore, don't recall which he was using. I don't recall dying during that stage, not once.

Archpaladin Zousha
2010-02-06, 08:52 PM
What about Harbinger? I've heard he's an even bigger pain in the ass than the HRL, especially since he's constantly harassing you throughout the Collector Base

2010-02-06, 08:56 PM
What about Harbinger? I've heard he's an even bigger pain in the ass than the HRL, especially since he's constantly harassing you throughout the Collector Base

Harbinger's not a problem as long as you have someone with Warp or Reave. So just keep Miranda, Thane, Jack or Samara around and you'll be fine.

Archpaladin Zousha
2010-02-06, 09:02 PM
Here's what Tv Tropes has to say about that:

Demonic Spider (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/DemonicSpiders?from=Main.DemonicSpider):

The Harbinger in ME2 on Veteran or higher difficulty settings. A high-powered Collector mook with Armor/Barrier instead of the usual Health/Barrier (which means he takes MUCH less damage when you punch through his Barrier) with extremely powerful weaponry that constantly spams biotic throws at Shepard while rushing at him in melee. The fact that he can "respawn" by mutating any other nearby Collector when you kill him once doesn't help either. The "easiest" way to be rid of him is meticulously taking out mooks so that he can't respawn while being assaulted by said biotic abilties and trying to keep away from the Harbinger himself who's constantly approaching you to blast you in the face. So Yeah. (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/SoYeah)

2010-02-06, 09:06 PM
Maybe he scales better on higher difficulty settings. It's the praetorians and scions I have problems with.

2010-02-06, 09:13 PM
I've never had any problems with Harbinger, either on normal in my first play through nor on veteran in my second. Sub-machine gun his barrier down (and you can do that while he's still in the process of possessing a Collector, if he's close enough at the time, which he usually is in later levels), then warp/incinerate + pistol his armor, and he goes down without any real trouble. Just takes a little longer to kill than the average enemy.


2010-02-06, 09:14 PM
Yeah, I've only played casual. I hate praetorians and scions.

And husk swarms.

Did I mention I hate praetorians and scions?

2010-02-06, 09:14 PM
I didn't have much trouble with Harbinger by the end game - just pump some Vindicator or Widow rounds in his face (easily done while he's floating around transforming) and he goes down easy. Admittedly I've only played normal, but he hardly seemed to qualify for Demon Spider status.

I was a soldier, and I mainly used Widow on nasty human opponents while using the Vindicator on the rabble. It seemed to work pretty well, especially since I could use Adrenaline Rush to score easy headshots with the AR.

The Carnifex pistol actually did quite a number on the tubes in the endgame. I managed to take down two in one cycle with it. That said, it might be less useful if the tubes are significantly tougher in Insanity.

2010-02-06, 10:14 PM
And husk swarms.

I hated Husks until I found out they die instantly if they leave the ground. Pop a Singularity in a chokepoint and laugh as they run headlong into it. Unless you're not an adept, of course.

2010-02-06, 10:17 PM
I hated Husks until I found out they die instantly if they leave the ground. Pop a Singularity in a chokepoint and laugh as they run headlong into it. Unless you're not an adept, of course.

Neural Shock also seems to be surprisingly effective against them. I always make sure to steal borrow Mordin's ability when going up against Collectors.

2010-02-06, 10:18 PM
I hated Husks until I found out they die instantly if they leave the ground. Pop a Singularity in a chokepoint and laugh as they run headlong into it. Unless you're not an adept, of course.

*Points to all the times I talked about being a Soldier and using a Light Machine Gun*

Archpaladin Zousha
2010-02-06, 10:38 PM
Here's another question, but completely unrelated to guns:

I'm wondering about the squadmate confrontations, both Miranda and Jack's and Tali and Legion's. I know that these are triggered when you complete the loyalty missions of both crewmates involved, and that if you take sides in them, you will lose the loyalty of the teammate you sided against, and if that character is romanceable, lose the opportunity to romance the character. I also know that you can get them both to calm down if you have a high enough Paragon or Renegade score.

My question is, if you settle it using the persuasion options, does that affect romances in any way? If you get them both to back down, does that lock any romance with the characters involved?

I suppose an example might be needed to show what I'm driving at. In the Miranda/Jack confrontation, if you use the Paragon option, do you lose the chance to romance them, since the romance sort of starts when you pick a side in those arguments? In the Tali/Legion confrontation, does getting them to cooperate mean you can't romance Tali? I'm uncertain.

2010-02-06, 10:44 PM
Here's another question, but completely unrelated to guns:

I'm wondering about the squadmate confrontations, both Miranda and Jack's and Tali and Legion's. I know that these are triggered when you complete the loyalty missions of both crewmates involved, and that if you take sides in them, you will lose the loyalty of the teammate you sided against, and if that character is romanceable, lose the opportunity to romance the character. I also know that you can get them both to calm down if you have a high enough Paragon or Renegade score.

My question is, if you settle it using the persuasion options, does that affect romances in any way? If you get them both to back down, does that lock any romance with the characters involved?

I suppose an example might be needed to show what I'm driving at. In the Miranda/Jack confrontation, if you use the Paragon option, do you lose the chance to romance them, since the romance sort of starts when you pick a side in those arguments? In the Tali/Legion confrontation, does getting them to cooperate mean you can't romance Tali? I'm uncertain.

As long as you retain their loyalty you should still be able to romance whoever.

Also, I'm finding that I'm really bad at playing Renegade. I never have enough points for Samara's loyalty quest.

2010-02-06, 10:50 PM
I'm afraid you're misinformed about the romances. I don't know if you're right about them being cut off if you pick sides, but they most certainly do not start from those confrontations. They start from you speaking with the character you want to romance after completing their loyalty quest. Nowhere else. Thus, I cannot imagine solving the confrontation with a charm/intimidate option impacts that. I can definitely say that solving the Jack/Miranda one with an intimidate option has not impacted my current character's ability to romance Jack at all.

But something you may wish to be aware of about those, since you didn't mention it in your rundown. I don't know if it works for all options, but I was actually able to keep the loyalty of a crewmate after picking a side in one of those. In my first play through, when I hit Jack and Miranda's fight, I didn't have enough paragon points to pick that option, and had to side with someone. Chose Jack. Afterward, I picked up a rank in my class skill to boost my paragon points, and talked to Miranda. With a charm conversation option, I was able to convince her that I had sided with Jack out of necessity, since she was unstable and unlikely to listen to reason. After that, Miranda was loyal again.

Archpaladin Zousha
2010-02-06, 10:55 PM
I'm afraid you're misinformed about the romances. I don't know if you're right about them being cut off if you pick sides, but they most certainly do not start from those confrontations. They start from you speaking with the character you want to romance after completing their loyalty quest. Nowhere else. Thus, I cannot imagine solving the confrontation with a charm/intimidate option impacts that. I can definitely say that solving the Jack/Miranda one with an intimidate option has not impacted my current character's ability to romance Jack at all.

But something you may wish to be aware of about those, since you didn't mention it in your rundown. I don't know if it works for all options, but I was actually able to keep the loyalty of a crewmate after picking a side in one of those. In my first play through, when I hit Jack and Miranda's fight, I didn't have enough paragon points to pick that option, and had to side with someone. Chose Jack. Afterward, I picked up a rank in my class skill to boost my paragon points, and talked to Miranda. With a charm conversation option, I was able to convince her that I had sided with Jack out of necessity, since she was unstable and unlikely to listen to reason. After that, Miranda was loyal again.
You're right, I didn't know that! That changes everything!

2010-02-06, 10:59 PM
So. I managed to test out the Cain heavy weapon during an N7 mission to recover some smuggled cargo. It took out two heavy mechs and ended the mission in a single shot.

Sure, it takes a half-hour to charge up and it seems to have brought my heavy weapon ammo down from about 700 to 15, but damn.

2010-02-06, 11:11 PM
So. I managed to test out the Cain heavy weapon during an N7 mission to recover some smuggled cargo. It took out two heavy mechs and ended the mission in a single shot.

Sure, it takes a half-hour to charge up and it seems to have brought my heavy weapon ammo down from about 700 to 15, but damn.

To end the mission in one shot it would actually have to take out three heavy mechs in one shot. Even better.

2010-02-06, 11:21 PM
To end the mission in one shot it would actually have to take out three heavy mechs in one shot. Even better.

Wow, really? There must have been one hiding behind the rocks. I couldn't exactly investigate, since the only thing left was a steaming crater.

2010-02-06, 11:25 PM
...of course, a blast like that on that mission must have destroyed most or all of the crates you were supposed to be trying to save from the Mechs to begin with, resulting in little reward for completing the quest...


2010-02-06, 11:44 PM
On Normal difficulty, at least, the Cain hits hard enough to one-shot a Colossus. Of course, one shot is all you get with it.

Green Bean
2010-02-07, 12:26 AM
The first time I used a Cain was on that floating Collector robot thing during the Horizon mission. It took out the baddie in one hit. Along with myself and the rest of my team. :smallredface:

Archonic Energy
2010-02-07, 02:52 AM
Just finished it... yay
i'm now installing ME to have a complete run through... or 3

2010-02-07, 07:08 AM
No offense, Trixie, but I'm really getting tired of you making fun of me like this. :smallannoyed:

Um, I have nothing against you, I just really dislike Prima Guide. Noofense :smalltongue:

And I've checked the stores on Citadel again - no one cares that I've given them all advertising.

:smallconfused: Where do you get that? The highest bonus I've seen on one is the 15% shield boost from the DLC armor that came with the Black Hole gun, and that's only 3x the bonus that you can get from one piece (out of five) on customizable armor.

What I meant was these armors give you 15-20% bonus to something. Regular armor gives 3-5%. Even assuming 5 pieces of customizable armor stack, the most you'll gain is 15-18% bonus to something. DLC armors give you 25-40% bonus in total - totally impossible in regular one.

I won't have access to that armor, since I didn't pre-order the game. Since I don't think I'll be getting the Collector Edition, that means the only DLC armor I'll have access to is Blood Dragon. From what I've read, that gives the following benefits:

+15% Power Damage, +10% Shield Strength

It also says "This armor cannot be used with any upgrades, and offers no customization." The no-customization part I can understand, but what about the former part? Can the armor be upgraded or not?

Those look okay, but I'm going to be playing a Soldier, so the damage bonus for biotic and tech powers won't really help, and Shield Strength can be boosted by the following items:

Heavy Damping Gauntlets: 5%
N7 Greaves: 3%
Shield Harness: 5%
Sentry Interface (Dr. Pepper Promo): 5%

That's a lot more powerful than the Blood Dragon Armor. Or do these percentages not stack? What are the most useful armor piece bonuses for a Soldier anyway?

No no no. You're comparing DLC armor for Adepts with one minmaxed for shields - and yet, DLC is still better (25% bonus) compared to 18% (even assuming that stacks, and I'm not sure about that). Ok, it's a bit better when it comes to shields, but for the sake of comparison you should include a few power-enhancing pieces in there, and then it will be much worse. Or compare your armor for Soldiers, to Terminus armor, actually meant for Soldiers, and regular one will be completely outmatched.

Yes, DLC armors work well only for a few classes, but these work much better for that class. As for upgrades, I'm not sure, as DLC weapons seem to not upgrade, but I think armors do. I'll test that.

Oh, and they're free, while you have to find and pay for customizable armor pieces. Plus, DLC armors look cool, don't look like they've been cobbled from different pieces, and have cool helmets. There is no good looking helm for standard armor, and I simply can't roleplay a Soldier on modern battlefield without good helm - lack of helmet looks just stupid to me :smallfrown:

But I'll give you that - on my Soldier PT, I often used customizable one for a few bonuses not available on DLC armors, as these are mostly for people with biotic/tech skills.

Seriously...? You... just press the button again... It's not that hard... And if you know how to aim, the AR kills any basic red-bar enemy in one burst. I never had any trouble with the AR on Insanity.

What? :smallsigh:

I'm pushing the button the whole time. And it's still slow. Besides, no one cares about mooks. Try that trick with Krogan Berserkers, Scions, Geth Prime/Hunters, Praetorians, or swarms of Husks on Insanity, you know, the enemies that are actually dangerous up-close, especially when their allies are shooting at you, and told us how well that worked for ya.

Srsly, look at the weapon table - that thing has 0.625 refire delay. You know what this means? Unless you cheated that away, more than half second passes between bursts :smallsigh:

Wait, you don't happen to have console version of ME2? That would explain so much.

And please, don't insult me. You "need to know how to aim" on console only. On PC, steady hand and good mouse guarantee headshot pretty much every time. I had Headshot Achievement before I even met Jacob for the first time.

Warp's range is only medium-ranged at best so if your enemy moves, unless you wasted your Warp Specialization on AOE, you'll miss. And it's fine and dandy that you can fire 50 bullets in a couple of seconds with the SMG, but 12 shots from the AR do more damage, and take just as much time.

Again, what? Warp is long range. I've killed enemies beyond 200 meters with it :smallsigh:

Enemies at long range tend to move to you in straight line, or stand still - no marksmanship required. Still, what if they move to the side? You launch another Warp 4 seconds later, no sweat. It's not like it uses ammo.

And as for SMG - using table Zousha posted, 50 bullets of Tempest will do 700 damage. With 50% damage upgrade, 1050. Guess how much damage 12 shots from Vindicator do?

Yup, that's right, 147.2. Winner with more damage right there :smallamused:

Except not, it is over 7 times less.

If you fire full clip, 24 bullets, it is 294.4, with 50% upgrade it is 441.6. But wait! SMGs have another upgrade - ammo capacity (ARs can only improve accuracy). With it, you can take 725 bullets, compared to 120 for Vindicator, and SMGs have greater penetration bonus upgrade (50%) than ARs (25%).

So, 1050 vs 440, or, if we compare full ammo, 15225 vs 2208 - that's over 7 times less damage. In about the same time. So yeah :smallamused:

And that damned .625 second delay means enemy can recover and fire a shotgun in your face. SMG fires one long burst keeping enemies stunned. Better much?

Really, the only AR that barely comes close to SMG damage is Revenant, with 11928 damage on full ammo, but that thing has twice the error of SMG, making it more similar to SMG, as the only advantage of AR, range, evaporates in this case.

But the powers have a much shorter range, and there's many circumstances when you're outside of that range, and running up to use your powers will get you killed.

Um, what, again? :smallsigh:

Why run? I'm bombarding them with Warp while they run to close range with me. It's not the enemies far away I have a problem with. I love them. It's these tougher ones who spawn close to player, which cannot be killed with Vindicator's pitiful damage fast enough that I hate :smallsigh:

Finn Solomon
2010-02-07, 07:55 AM
I used the McCain (I can't stop calling it the John McCain gun, for some reason. "It has the record, and leaves the scars to prove it") on the big ass Geth Colossus on Haestrom during the recruit Tali mission. When you make a Quarian Marine voiced by Jayne Cobb Adam Baldwin yell in shock and awe, you know you're wielding the mother of all guns.

Concerning romances...

Tali is the nicest girl, but since Quarian and human physiology are tragically, star-crossed-loveresque incompatible, she's never gonna have little hybrid babies with my Shepard. Plus she seems to like Jayne Kal'Reegar, considering how often she asks you to save his life. So I decided to be the gentleman and not go after her, although her hesitant manner and embarassed babbling was very cute.

Miranda is the perfect woman. She's smart, sexy, self-confident and with physical assets granted by God Almighty. But she's such an ice-queen (being polite). She basically likes Shepard only because he's a bloody legend, much the same reason Morinth does. You can get her to loosen up a little and there's an awesome bit in the final mission where she tenders her resignation to Martin "TIM" Sheen in the most awesome way possible, but I get the feeling that Shepard will be unhappy with her in the long run. They don't really have much in common. It's the typical go after the hottest girl at the party and hook up based on mutual sexual attraction and then after many years of vague dissatisfaction broken up by random marathon sex sessions, you realise you don't really have anything to talk about. It's an xkcd-type relationship.

Ah, SuZe. I've always been attracted to girls of her type. Punk/Goth hellraiser with a secret vulnerable centre. Kinda like a cuss-spewing Ferrero Rocher. She's actually very beautiful, once you get past her tats and Patrick Stewart hairstyle, with the Angelina Jolie lips and lithe athelete's body. She's immature and juvenile and murderous and foul-mouthed and all the rest of it, but she's the one that feels the most 'real' to me, particularly after completing the Paragon romance. You have the most heart-warming conversations with her, I feel. Basically she's River Tam turned up to eleven, and I cannot deny my Goddess Tam. Plus the visual of my Shepard raising a family with her is too funny to miss out.

Little girl: Daaaaad, can I get a tattoo and my nose pierced?

Shepard: Go ask your mother...wait, belay that.

Kelly Chambers is very cute, but she's too much a xenophiliac for my liking. She'd probably be happier with Garrus or somebody.

No romance options for Samara and Dr. Chakwas? What do you have against older women, Bioware?!

Bloody great game, ME2. Can't wait for ME3 where you lead an army of vengeful krogan with Wrex/Grunt at the head, send in the Migrant Flotilla with Admiral Tali'Zorah vas Normandy calling the shots, summon an army of rachni in tandem with a massive wave of Geth assisted by the Council Forces together with Earth's Alliance Fleet commanded by Ashley/Kaidan. Gonna be epic.

2010-02-07, 09:26 AM
I used the McCain (I can't stop calling it the John McCain gun, for some reason. "It has the record, and leaves the scars to prove it") on the big ass Geth Colossus on Haestrom during the recruit Tali mission. When you make a Quarian Marine voiced by Jayne Cobb Adam Baldwin yell in shock and awe, you know you're wielding the mother of all guns.

Does Kal'Reegar always give that line (something like, that Colossus didn't stand a chance!), though, or is it just when you drop The Bomb?

Finn Solomon
2010-02-07, 09:40 AM
Does Kal'Reegar always give that line (something like, that Colossus didn't stand a chance!), though, or is it just when you drop The Bomb?

The first time I played he said that line, when I dropped it with my Viper rifle. But when I unleashed the McCain on my second playthrough he just let out an involuntary startled 'ARGH!'. It scared the tar out of me, I thought he got caught in the blast and died. Luckily he didn't.

2010-02-07, 09:50 AM
Hehe, I thought he died when he said that to, was actually surprised he hadn't. But yeah, the Cain is tons of fun when you finally get enough ammo for it to fire. Oddly enough, it always seems to happen about the time of the Collector abandoned vessel when my Shepard is running for the shuttle.

The Praetorian, Harbinger, and the other drones on that ship NEVER stand a chance.

My deepest desire is to manage killing the final boss with the Cain though...

Neon Knight
2010-02-07, 10:36 AM
So, Mass Effect 2. Wasn't quite a fan (or perhaps true fan) of the first one, but the last Bioware RPG I wholeheartedly loved without reservations was Jade Empire.

Now, it's time to head back in. Importing my ME1 save, Adrian Shepard, Paragon Soldier of goody goodness, playing on Veteran difficulty. Not quite done, but getting close. My thoughts, in a stream of conscious list, spoilered so I can weave in and out of spoilers without having to worry about it:

First off, addressing the basic mechanics of play: The ammo powers are not pleasing to me. ME1's inventory switching was hardly ideal or convenient, but it definitely beats out this annoying system. Why do I have to set ammo for every individual weapon? Why can't I just have one ammo type active that just affects all weapons, especially since all weapons apparently use the same type of ammo? It's just plain annoying to have to set up my entire arsenal at the start of every mission, unless I just decide to drop all pretensions of balance and just set the AR and SR, since every other gun is pretty much worth crap.

I personally found the ammo system itself to be pretty unsatisfying too. Ammo pickups give you ammo for every gun that you carry; I only ever ran out when I was in the middle of big fights, always had another weapon to switch to (and always something other than the sidearm, although the sidearm is probably the second best all around weapon after the AR.)

I have to admit, I find ME2's casual approach to be very unsatisfying when it comes to combat. I may be a relative heavyweight when it comes to shooters, and ME2's combat-lite just doe snot have enough meat to it. I've played much better designed third person shooters on my 360. Maybe this just means I'm not in ME2's target audience.

The sniper rifle is my main killer. Body shots claim single health bar mooks in one shot, and 1-2 headshots take second and third tier enemies out with barely any effort. Armor health bars crumple in a single shot, and disruptor ammo helps give shields a solid thrashing in a similar amount of shots.

The shotgun is a joke. It might have some use when it comes to husks/varren/etc, but in general I'm using it on them so I don't have to use AR and SR ammo on them.

Heavy Weapons in general are really eh. The grenade launcher was somewhat useful. The rocket launcher seems to be very not useful. The collector particle beam is a reaper and the cryo gun isn't all that useful, but it is mildly amusing to watch a cluster of enemies topple over as frozen ice statues. Still not all that useful.

Shields/Biotics/Armor health bars blocking certain powers seems to be very annoying. I can strip them away quick enough with my high grade firepower, but I imagine many other classes might have difficulty dealing with them without my beloved armor raping sniper rifle. Judging from other's experiences here, though, it seems like I may have underestimated the utility of the SMG and the powers that can be used against targets even with protective life meters in play. I'm at shootist at heart, anyway, so Sentinel is the only other class I'm really even slightly interested in, and it keeps the SR.

Certain Paragon dialouges seem rather... dickish for space Jesus. Several times I was raising my eyebrow at the behavior of my paragon; freaking out the injured guy on the mission to get Okeer/Grunt, shameless corporate shilling on the Citadel, and another incident or two come to mind.

I think they really oversold how bad Cerberus is. My paragon was basically rolling his eyes any time the Illusive Man tried to portray himself or his organization as anything other than a baby eating, puppy kicking monster. I really felt like Shepard was being antagonistic towards them. And when Cerberus was being evil, it was rather over the top. Basically, my eyes were rolling a good 70% of the time during conversations about this topic. And then, when I talked to Alenko, Shepard basically dropped all his earlier talk and pretty much stood up for Cerberus. I have never been more pissed at dialogue choices than I was during this scene. Why wasn't there a "Yeah, they're enormous pricks, and I'm only going along with this until the Reapers are gone. Second that's dealt with, I'm hunting their asses down." I kind of wish I'd gone Renegade, except I also hate how Renegade covers Cerberus loyalty/pro-human agenda. Why can't I be an equal opportunity jerk?

During the Garrus recruitment mission, why is sabotaging the gunship a Renegade action? Sabotaging the mechs isn't. I didn't take the option because I'm trying to be a boy scout (and I still end up being a jerk anyway).

The writing can be charming. Half of the time it works, and the other half of the time it doesn't manage to overcome the general irked feeling I get when playing this game.

Scanning for minerals isn't fun. It is terribly boring busy work, for the most part.

No particular enemy has managed to earn my ire. Harbinger was terribly anti-climactic. I find him even easier than usual to land headshots on, since he doesn't take cover. Adrenaline headshots have never been easier. YMIR mechs are the closest thing to a constantly annoying enemy I have found, and any ill will they may gain by having three health bars is negated by how awesome it is when their fusion cores go and take out everything next to them, Mechwarrior style.

2010-02-07, 10:51 AM
What I meant was these armors give you 15-20% bonus to something. Regular armor gives 3-5%. Even assuming 5 pieces of customizable armor stack, the most you'll gain is 15-18% bonus to something. DLC armors give you 25-40% bonus in total - totally impossible in regular one.
Hardly. You can almost reproduce the two full suits of armor I know of (Terminus Assault Armor and Blood Dragon Armor) with the regular armor, and can certainly match their total bonuses. Observe:

Terminus Assault Armor: +15% shields, +10% ammo capacity, +10% storm speed.

Customizable Armor:
- Arms: Off Hand Ammo Pack (+10% ammo capacity)
- Legs: Stimulator Conduits (+10% storm speed)
- Remaining 3 slots could reproduce the armor fully if all had +5% shield pieces available, but they don't. Only one does. You can get three +5% health pieces from them, though, for the same net bonus percentage-wise.

Blood Dragon Armor: Power damage +15%, Shield Strength +10%.

Customizable Armor:
- Body: Shield Harness (+5% shields)
- Arms: Heavy Damping Gauntlets (+5% shields)
- The +15% power damage cannot be fully reproduced, as there is only power damage +5% piece available to the custom armor. But the +15% total bonus can be equaled, or even exceeded, since the leg slots have a +10% health item which can be combined with the shoulder and head slots for a total +20% health.

And ultimately, it is things that the custom armor provides you with that full suits don't, such as a 10% reduction in the time you have to wait for your shields to recharge, bonuses to heavy weapon ammo, bonuses to headshot damage, or even bonuses to melee damage if you feel like it, combined with the simple fact that you can change it around as you wish (both for its bonuses and in its appearance), that make it more appealing than the full suits of armor. I could see a dedicated power-user choosing to use the Blood Dragon armor for that +15% bonus to power damage, but that's it, really. And I wouldn't even do that myself, since I don't like not being able to see my character's face.


2010-02-07, 11:17 AM
Hardly. You can almost reproduce the two full suits of armor I know of (Terminus Assault Armor and Blood Dragon Armor) with the regular armor, and can certainly match their total bonuses. Observe:


Exactly. You can't reproduce them. I haven't took health upgrades into account, as my impression was that shields are much more resistant to enemy fire point for point, and besides, shields are your main defenses, especially against enemy powers and on Insanity, where HP means jack squat (you can be one-shot-headshotted too). If enemy started to dig into your HP meter, you're doing something wrong or at least that's what my PC rationalized to himself.

And ultimately, it is things that the custom armor provides you with that full suits don't, such as a 10% reduction in the time you have to wait for your shields to recharge, bonuses to heavy weapon ammo, bonuses to headshot damage, or even bonuses to melee damage if you feel like it, combined with the simple fact that you can change it around as you wish (both for its bonuses and in its appearance), that make it more appealing than the full suits of armor. I could see a dedicated power-user choosing to use the Blood Dragon armor for that +15% bonus to power damage, but that's it, really. And I wouldn't even do that myself, since I don't like not being able to see my character's face.

Um, sorry, but you repeated exactly what I wrote above - my Soldier took custom armor for these little bonuses absent on custom ones. Every other class is better off with DLC armor.

And for graphic artist, like me, custom armor is really poor - all these neon blue lights really clash with 90% of the customization options available, making it look very poor in 95% cases (unless you go for looks, not bonuses, but then, DLC armors wipe the floor with looks based custom ones). DLC armors were engineered as one piece from the beginning, have solid design all around, without one piece of armor ruining the look of the rest, and they don't look like they were piled from trashcan.

And I don't understand that no-helmet fascination from DA:O and ME2 at all, especially with people cheating to have helmet benefit with it being invisible - I'm play a Hero, not some tourist that doesn't have to worry about little things like headshots, and I expect to look like one. IMHO, of course.

Archpaladin Zousha
2010-02-07, 01:13 PM
Um, I have nothing against you, I just really dislike Prima Guide. Noofense :smalltongue:

And I've checked the stores on Citadel again - no one cares that I've given them all advertising.
Sorry. It's difficult to determine when someone's laughing with me or at me when text and smilies are all I have to go on. Besides, I don't have the Prima Guide for this game anyway, and I've played through Dragon Age enough that by now I know where everything is anyway. I could play that game in my sleep. I don't need no stinkin' Prima Guide anymore! :smallamused:

No no no. You're comparing DLC armor for Adepts with one minmaxed for shields - and yet, DLC is still better (25% bonus) compared to 18% (even assuming that stacks, and I'm not sure about that). Ok, it's a bit better when it comes to shields, but for the sake of comparison you should include a few power-enhancing pieces in there, and then it will be much worse. Or compare your armor for Soldiers, to Terminus armor, actually meant for Soldiers, and regular one will be completely outmatched.

Yes, DLC armors work well only for a few classes, but these work much better for that class. As for upgrades, I'm not sure, as DLC weapons seem to not upgrade, but I think armors do. I'll test that.

Oh, and they're free, while you have to find and pay for customizable armor pieces. Plus, DLC armors look cool, don't look like they've been cobbled from different pieces, and have cool helmets. There is no good looking helm for standard armor, and I simply can't roleplay a Soldier on modern battlefield without good helm - lack of helmet looks just stupid to me :smallfrown:

But I'll give you that - on my Soldier PT, I often used customizable one for a few bonuses not available on DLC armors, as these are mostly for people with biotic/tech skills.
Unfortunately, as I said, I won't have access to the Terminus Assault Armor. I didn't pre-order the game at all, so the only DLC armor I'll have access to is the Blood Dragon Armor, which seems better for non-soldier classes, since they all actually have tech or biotic powers. Don't get me wrong, I don't discount that the DLC armors look incredibly cool (except for the Collector armor, I don't wanna run around lookin' like a Yuuzhan freakin' Vong), but the only one I'll have access to just works better for the other classes.

But no good looking helm for Standard Armor? The Death Mask looks pretty damn cool to me. Kinda has a Darth Vader-esque feel to it, and it increases your negotiation score, which sounds very valuable.

I never understood the whole "no helmet" issue either though. I thought Dragon Age's helmets looked pretty cool too (yes, even the mage cowls), and the same with Mass Effect 2's.

Avilan the Grey
2010-02-07, 01:58 PM
Um, I have nothing against you, I just really dislike Prima Guide. Noofense :smalltongue:

What I meant was these armors give you 15-20% bonus to something. Regular armor gives 3-5%. Even assuming 5 pieces of customizable armor stack, the most you'll gain is 15-18% bonus to something. DLC armors give you 25-40% bonus in total - totally impossible in regular one.
Oh, and they're free, while you have to find and pay for customizable armor pieces. Plus, DLC armors look cool, don't look like they've been cobbled from different pieces, and have cool helmets. There is no good looking helm for standard armor, [SIZE="1"]and I simply can't roleplay a Soldier on modern battlefield without good helm - lack of helmet looks just stupid to me :smallfrown:

Taste definitely differs - I feel the total opposite. I refuse using the two DLC armors I got (Collector and BLood Armor) because of the following reasons:

1. The bonuses are for the wrong things
2. You cannot customize their looks
3. The overall looks of them are stupid and / or ugly
4. The helmests are ugly. All helmet options for standard armor looks better

Concerning romances...

Tali is the nicest girl
Kelly Chambers is very cute, but she's too much a xenophiliac for my liking. She'd probably be happier with Garrus or somebody.

Tali has the sexiest voice. The slight Russian accent is adorable.

Kelly... Depending on my Sheperd... With the mean badass Infiltrator I am playing the most right now (yes I started over again) I think it would work out... She is a regular subsciber of that Alien Porn magazine anyway and I assume Kelly would find a copy of it at some point... :smallbiggrin::smallwink:

Archpaladin Zousha
2010-02-07, 02:12 PM
Tali has the sexiest voice. The slight Russian accent is adorable.

Russian? I thought it was Indian. :smallconfused:

Avilan the Grey
2010-02-07, 02:16 PM
Russian? I thought it was Indian. :smallconfused:

All her friends on the small settlement speak with a heavier Russian accent; her accent is definitely Russian but less obvious.

2010-02-07, 02:22 PM
Not all Quarians have an accent though. I wonder why it's just a select few. :smallconfused:

Avilan the Grey
2010-02-07, 02:24 PM
Not all Quarians have an accent though. I wonder why it's just a select few. :smallconfused:

Isn't there an universal translator involved? If Tali and her task force comes from a part of her home planet with a heavy accent, maybe that accent carries over and is translated into "closest human equivalent"?

Archpaladin Zousha
2010-02-07, 02:24 PM
Actually, I think we're both wrong. Admiral Shala'Raan vas Tonbay is voiced by Shohreh Aghdashloo, an Iranian actress. Admiral Han'Gerrel vas Neema is voiced by Simon Templeman, so he sounds like Loghain. Admiral Daro'Xen vas Moreh is voiced by Claudia Black, so naturally she sounds like Morrigan. As for Tali, nothing seems to identify her voice actress, Liz Sroka's, nationality.

Avilan the Grey
2010-02-07, 02:28 PM
Actually, I think we're both wrong. Admiral Shala'Raan vas Tonbay is voiced by Shohreh Aghdashloo, an Iranian actress. Admiral Han'Gerrel vas Neema is voiced by Simon Templeman, so he sounds like Loghain. Admiral Daro'Xen vas Moreh is voiced by Claudia Black, so naturally she sounds like Morrigan. As for Tali, nothing seems to identify her voice actress, Liz Sroka's, nationality.

If you listen to her talk, the accent is definitely there. And if her "voice" is not russian IRL, then it was put there on purpose.

Wild theory: She's supposed to be the attractive russian spy in a cold war movie. Or rather the equivalent. :smalltongue:

2010-02-07, 02:41 PM
Exactly. You can't reproduce them.
Not precisely, no. But I was talking about your assertion that they give more total bonuses than the custom armor can, which is patently false.

I haven't took health upgrades into account, as my impression was that shields are much more resistant to enemy fire point for point, and besides, shields are your main defenses, especially against enemy powers and on Insanity, where HP means jack squat (you can be one-shot-headshotted too). If enemy started to dig into your HP meter, you're doing something wrong or at least that's what my PC rationalized to himself.
It doesn't seem to me as though your shields are particularly more resistant than your health, they just tend to be higher numerically (for instance, my level 20 Infiltrator currently has 269 health and 325 shields, and that's with the +10% health leg armor on and health boosts from a maxed-out class skill), plus those annoying red lines that pop up when you take hp damage tend to give a feeling of panic. And being able to take a little more to your health if you do get shot while your shields are down is always going to be helpful. Also, not everyone plays on insanity - I sure don't.

Um, sorry, but you repeated exactly what I wrote above - my Soldier took custom armor for these little bonuses absent on custom ones. Every other class is better off with DLC armor.
I'm afraid there's a disconnect between our thinking somewhere here. I said I could see "dedicated power-users" picking the Blood Dragon Armor. To me, that means an Adept, Engineer, or Sentinel who uses his powers as much as possible and his guns as little as possible. It would exclude Vanguards and Infiltrators, as well as power-based classes who still make significant use of their weapons.

And for graphic artist, like me, custom armor is really poor - all these neon blue lights really clash with 90% of the customization options available, making it look very poor in 95% cases (unless you go for looks, not bonuses, but then, DLC armors wipe the floor with looks based custom ones). DLC armors were engineered as one piece from the beginning, have solid design all around, without one piece of armor ruining the look of the rest, and they don't look like they were piled from trashcan.
'Fraid we're justing going to have to disagree here, because I think that custom armor can look much better than the full suits you're given.

And I don't understand that no-helmet fascination from DA:O and ME2 at all, especially with people cheating to have helmet benefit with it being invisible - I'm play a Hero, not some tourist that doesn't have to worry about little things like headshots, and I expect to look like one. IMHO, of course.
I like actually being able to see my character's face. Don't give a damn about whether it makes sense for them to be wearing a helmet or not, I spent a fair amount of time customizing that thing, so I don't want to be staring a stock helmet instead of my unique character.

Incidentally, I didn't mind helmets in Dragon Age, because you rarely got shots of your character's face anyway, and those mostly occurred in camp, where no one wore helmets. The mage hats did look rather goofy, but that was about it.


2010-02-07, 02:45 PM
Not all Quarians have an accent though. I wonder why it's just a select few. :smallconfused:

Because Jayne/Casey/Kal'Reegar doesn't need an accent to be Awesome.......

Only reason I could think of.

2010-02-07, 03:03 PM
Because Jayne/Casey/Kal'Reegar doesn't need an accent to be Awesome.......

Only reason I could think of.

Probably because Russian accents are associated with communism, and Space Casey is having none of that.

2010-02-07, 03:30 PM
Quarians - just like humans - have a wide range of accents. (Heck, most of the aliens in ME do.) The fan theory with the quarians is that accents are ship based.

2010-02-07, 03:38 PM
Probably because Russian accents are associated with communism, and Space Casey is having none of that.

This is now my personal canon. No other explanation will do.

2010-02-07, 04:19 PM
Quarians - just like humans - have a wide range of accents. (Heck, most of the aliens in ME do.) The fan theory with the quarians is that accents are ship based.

I guess that makes a little sense, though I thought it was pretty cool how they handled accents in DA:O.

2010-02-07, 04:32 PM
Historically, helmets tend to be the first piece of protective gear adopted any time armor comes into fashion, and the last piece abandoned when it goes out again. Since the human head is fragile, packed with delicate "equipment," and very very exposed, this only makes sense. To be fighting in body armor, but without a helmet... it just doesn't compute.

But. You know all the cutscenes where NPCs are shocked to see you? How exactly is it that everyone you meet keeps recognizing you if your face is completely concealed by your helmet, as it is with the Blood Dragon, Collector's and Death Mask helms? That also bugs the heck out of me.

As to the looks of the DLC armors generally, I give 'em a big ol' bleah. Dressing up in a Collector suit seems like it might not be the best idea in a firefight: the Collectors themselves are all hive-minded, so you're not going to fool them; your squad, on the other hand... The Blood Dragon suit just looks very very impractical, with its eye-catching bright red and polished silver color scheme. And again, both helms completely hide your face, rendering several cutscenes implausible. (For my custom suit I went with the camo pattern, dark gray with medium gray mottling, on the least shiny material I could find. I'm certain some will call that choice boring; I say Shepard's a soldier, not a freaking disco ball.)

2010-02-07, 04:48 PM
(For my custom suit I went with the camo pattern, dark gray with medium gray mottling, on the least shiny material I could find. I'm certain some will call that choice boring; I say Shepard's a soldier, not a freaking disco ball.)

My infiltrator did the the same thing - mottled gray camo in the non-reflective material. It looked freaking awesome. Much better than the DLC armors.

Vanguard went with dark blue and gray trim. Again, looks better than the DLC armors.

My sentinel would probably benefit more from the bonuses of the BD suit, but her shiny dark red and black is amazing. It looks about as good as the Quarian Colossus armor from ME1.

2010-02-07, 06:44 PM
Actually, I think we're both wrong. Admiral Shala'Raan vas Tonbay is voiced by Shohreh Aghdashloo, an Iranian actress. Admiral Han'Gerrel vas Neema is voiced by Simon Templeman, so he sounds like Loghain. Admiral Daro'Xen vas Moreh is voiced by Claudia Black, so naturally she sounds like Morrigan. As for Tali, nothing seems to identify her voice actress, Liz Sroka's, nationality.

Hmmm, they don't. At least to me, I had to concentrate to find out who is who on my second PT when you mentioned this. Maybe I'm poor at recognizing English voices, but they were definitely voiced in a very different way.

And Sroka? Sorry, that's not Russian name :smalltongue:

But. You know all the cutscenes where NPCs are shocked to see you? How exactly is it that everyone you meet keeps recognizing you if your face is completely concealed by your helmet, as it is with the Blood Dragon, Collector's and Death Mask helms? That also bugs the heck out of me.

Um... Implanted HUDs? :smalltongue:

And there is something that bugs me:

What is the right choice when it comes to Legion? Destruction (DS) or Overwriting (OW)?

Destruction - well, game characters say it's preferable to indoctrination. But is really OW an indoctrination? To me, it's correcting Nazara's work. Still, Legion raises another point - after Rebels return, their knowledge will be integrated into collective - including Reaper tech (which Geth don't want) and things they did while serving Saren. It is ambiguous - Legion suggests true Geth reliving these memories might change their viewpoint slightly (in favor of the Reapers?) but just as well nothing might happen, as they have not compromised hardware. Also, you're not helping someone who doesn't want help.

Overwriting - you're correcting virus, but over time, these Rebels evolved into something a bit different than Geth. It's (supposedly) indoctrination, which will reunite Geth, making them stronger allies - but it might backfire if Quarians decide to attack. Or if they will be further indoctrinated by Quarian hacker admiral. It might be a peace gesture from humanity towards Geth, but will it be accepted? Legion's voice slightly favored overwriting; why he was fearing it so much that he wanted destruction almost as much, though? It wasn't sufficiently explained.

Also, I don't understand what was so bad in Tali's father's work that warranted so harsh punishment.

Green Bean
2010-02-07, 06:51 PM
What is the right choice when it comes to Legion? Destruction (DS) or Overwriting (OW)?

Destruction - well, game characters say it's preferable to indoctrination. But is really OW an indoctrination? To me, it's correcting Nazara's work. Still, Legion raises another point - after Rebels return, their knowledge will be integrated into collective - including Reaper tech (which Geth don't want) and things they did while serving Saren. It is ambiguous - Legion suggests true Geth reliving these memories might change their viewpoint slightly (in favor of the Reapers?) but just as well nothing might happen, as they have not compromised hardware. Also, you're not helping someone who doesn't want help.

Overwriting - you're correcting virus, but over time, these Rebels evolved into something a bit different than Geth. It's (supposedly) indoctrination, which will reunite Geth, making them stronger allies - but it might backfire if Quarians decide to attack. Or if they will be further indoctrinated by Quarian hacker admiral. It might be a peace gesture from humanity towards Geth, but will it be accepted? Legion's voice slightly favored overwriting; why he was fearing it so much that he wanted destruction almost as much, though? It wasn't sufficiently explained.

Also, I don't understand what was so bad in Tali's father's work that warranted so harsh punishment.

It compromised the Migrant Fleet. He was basically building fully functional Geth in his ship. If they'd been able to take control of his ship before the Admiralty found out, they'd have able to kill thousands, if not millions.

Remember, they were willing to exile Tali for doing accidentally what Tali's dad did deliberately.

Archpaladin Zousha
2010-02-07, 06:54 PM
Hmmm, they don't. At least to me, I had to concentrate to find out who is who on my second PT when you mentioned this. Maybe I'm poor at recognizing English voices, but they were definitely voiced in a very different way.

And Sroka? Sorry, that's not Russian name :smalltongue:

I never said it was a Russian name. I was the one who thought the Quarian had Indian accents.

2010-02-07, 07:22 PM
It compromised the Migrant Fleet. He was basically building fully functional Geth in his ship. If they'd been able to take control of his ship before the Admiralty found out, they'd have able to kill thousands, if not millions.

Remember, they were willing to exile Tali for doing accidentally what Tali's dad did deliberately.

Yeah, but so what? It was an accident. They had safeguards in place that made controlling the ship impossible, and besides, even if Geth tried anything, half of the flotilla had guns trained on that vessel. They did minimal damage (only victims paid for their "crime"), there was no danger at all. Everyone who endangers one ship is not only exiled but also literally erased (as Tali explained) from Quarian history? :smallconfused:

And it seemed even touching Geth is anathema. How exactly Quarians are supposed to regain their homeworld without studying them? Do they want to have cookie and eat cookie?

Remember, the other Exile example Tali gives was someone who give fleet's defense plans to Batarian Pirates. It threatened every single ship, and yet, she wasn't erased from history, but made a hero as she died from her own mistake - just like Tali's father.

What, can't they build ship without wireless network (so that Geth cannot hack it) for purpose of studying them? :smallconfused:

And besides, there is another JBM moment - when Shepard reactivates the Legion, the body is guarded with armed trooper we never saw on the ship. From where he came from? And why he is guarding harmless Geth, while releasing potentially dangerous Krogan seems to be beneath his notice as he is absent then? Hmm, come to think of it, maybe he was genre-savvy.

2010-02-07, 07:59 PM
Regarding Tali's loyalty quest...
I thought the geth threat was not necessarily violence, but instead intel/counter-intel. If an active geth is able to gain control of communications and/or research data they can broadcast information about Migrant fleet location, current Quarian operations, Quarian anti-Geth protocols, extent of Quarian knowledge on the geth, etc. Thus while its not great for them to have a geth controlled ship in with them, its the possibility of the spread of geth intel on the Quarians that has them scared. In your example, the pirates gained intel on Quarian fleet strength, vulnerabilities, and construction parameters. That exact data plus research directions, possibly Pilgrimage and Quarian covert ops locations, and who knows what else could get sent to a geth, and subsequently to all geth at FTL speeds. Sure they don't necessarily like a geth controlled ship in their midst, but its not the offensive capabilities that are their primary concern.
Admittedly, that's just my interpretation from playing it through once at 2 in the morning so I may not have grasped the whole situation. I just thought the situation was similar to that past exile in that massive amounts of data about the Quarians was/could have been leaked. It threatens the entire fleet as the Quarians greatest enemy is potentially gaining vital defense data on at least Migrant fleet numbers and current (possibly past as well) positions.

Green Bean
2010-02-07, 08:22 PM
Yeah, but so what? It was an accident. They had safeguards in place that made controlling the ship impossible, and besides, even if Geth tried anything, half of the flotilla had guns trained on that vessel. They did minimal damage (only victims paid for their "crime"), there was no danger at all. Everyone who endangers one ship is not only exiled but also literally erased (as Tali explained) from Quarian history? :smallconfused:

And it seemed even touching Geth is anathema. How exactly Quarians are supposed to regain their homeworld without studying them? Do they want to have cookie and eat cookie?

Remember, the other Exile example Tali gives was someone who give fleet's defense plans to Batarian Pirates. It threatened every single ship, and yet, she wasn't erased from history, but made a hero as she died from her own mistake - just like Tali's father.

What, can't they build ship without wireless network (so that Geth cannot hack it) for purpose of studying them? :smallconfused:

It was an accident, but the Admiralty board doesn't really care about intent. The other Exile you mentioned didn't give information to pirates; she gave plans to Batarian contractors who needed them to install upgrades who in turn sold them to pirates. It was still a crime because the loss of even one ship is something almost impossible for the Quarians to replace. Not only do they lose crew, but they lose living space for future generations.

And it may have been an accident, but they still ignored safety rules. Criminal negligence is still a crime. The quarians have no problem taking apart Geth for study. What they do have a problem with is activating them on board a ship.

Finn Solomon
2010-02-07, 08:50 PM
I know Indian accents, and there is no way Tali has an Indian accent. More Russian/Eastern European, which would fit the Space Gypsy theme.

2010-02-07, 08:58 PM
And Sroka? Sorry, that's not Russian name :smalltongue:

I think it's Polish. Which would make sense, as Polish accents sound fairly similar to Russian ones, IMO.
Re: The Legion/Tali fight, I thought that one was pretty weird, seeing as Legion advanced a plan to do pretty much exactly the same thing Tali's dad was, and pretty much made it clear that the Geth were going to come gunning for the Quarians some day. Personally, I thought Tali was pretty justified with the "shoot him" response.

Overall, it felt a bit like the Geth were being retconned, mostly to make them less the bad guys. In ME1, Tali specifically says they don't have a hive mind, but then in ME2 you've got programs flitting between bodies and "There is no I, only Geth" stuff going on.

Archpaladin Zousha
2010-02-07, 09:14 PM
Overall, it felt a bit like the Geth were being retconned, mostly to make them less the bad guys. In ME1, Tali specifically says they don't have a hive mind, but then in ME2 you've got programs flitting between bodies and "There is no I, only Geth" stuff going on.
It's not a hive-mind in the traditional sense. A hive-mind basically implies that all the bodies share a single conciousness. The Geth don't have a single conciousness that controls all of them, or else the scenario with the Heretics would never have come up. Rather, the geth have many conciousnesses that use the geth bodies as a means of getting around. While there is that "There is no individual, we are Geth," it's not because the Geth have a hivemind, but rather the Geth don't have the same "one body, one conciousness" that organics tend to have.

2010-02-07, 09:22 PM
Overall, it felt a bit like the Geth were being retconned, mostly to make them less the bad guys. In ME1, Tali specifically says they don't have a hive mind, but then in ME2 you've got programs flitting between bodies and "There is no I, only Geth" stuff going on.

I don't disagree overall. However, in ME1, when asked about the Geth, Tali says that she can only tell you about their origin. Also, keep in mind that the Geth have been living in isolation for 300+ years. They're bound to have changed in ways that the Quarians, or anyone else for that matter, can't determine from just fighting them.

Thanatos 51-50
2010-02-07, 09:45 PM
RE: Armour:
My Infil ParaShep used the following pieces.
AEGIS vest
Strength Boosting Pads
Off-hand ammo pack
Stimulator Pads.

Non-reflective Black in colour with the white camo for a old-school "Urban Camo" feel.
It looked awesome, especially when pared with his inhumanly bright green eyes, jet black high-and-tight and going for that skin option which makes it look like he's been awake for the past thirty-seven hours.
I like to think my Shep is an insomniac, because when he was starting his military career, he spent so much time just staying awake so he could operate effectively as an tech specialist/sniper (Something Earthborn ganglife suited him for rather uniquely), and that didn't really change until the Skylian Blitz.

Incidentally, the Earthborn background is also how I can justify naming him "Thanatos Shepard".

2010-02-07, 09:48 PM
And there is something that bugs me:
What is the right choice when it comes to Legion? Destruction (DS) or Overwriting (OW)?

Destruction - well, game characters say it's preferable to indoctrination. But is really OW an indoctrination? To me, it's correcting Nazara's work. Still, Legion raises another point - after Rebels return, their knowledge will be integrated into collective - including Reaper tech (which Geth don't want) and things they did while serving Saren. It is ambiguous - Legion suggests true Geth reliving these memories might change their viewpoint slightly (in favor of the Reapers?) but just as well nothing might happen, as they have not compromised hardware. Also, you're not helping someone who doesn't want help.

Overwriting - you're correcting virus, but over time, these Rebels evolved into something a bit different than Geth. It's (supposedly) indoctrination, which will reunite Geth, making them stronger allies - but it might backfire if Quarians decide to attack. Or if they will be further indoctrinated by Quarian hacker admiral. It might be a peace gesture from humanity towards Geth, but will it be accepted? Legion's voice slightly favored overwriting; why he was fearing it so much that he wanted destruction almost as much, though? It wasn't sufficiently explained.
Well, the game puts re-write as Paragon and destroy as Renegade. Which gives you an idea of what the developers thought.

Personally? I'd have reversed that. I value free will above life, and see brainwashing as a fate worse than death. Such a thing destroys your identity, eliminates what makes any sapient being who they are and replaces it with something else entirely. It replaces you with someone else entirely. And that's what "reprogramming" the Heretics amounts to. That is one of the game's better instances of forcing you to make a not-clear-cut choice, though. They seem to have actually done better at that in Mass Effect 2 than they did in Dragon Age, even though the latter was advertised as being a more morally ambiguous game.

Also, I don't get where you're getting the idea that Sovereign had used the virus on the Heretics from. Legion states quite explicitly that the virus is a creation of the Heretics (which he hadn't even expected to be completed), intended for use on the Geth. Heck, he also mentions that when the Heretics first formed their consensus in favor of following Sovereign, the other Geth disagreed, but understood their decision, and thus allowed them to depart peacefully. Implying that they were, at the time, linked. Which would mean that if a virus was used, the Geth who permitted their departure should have been affected as well.

Re: Why Legion was divided - recall that he mentions that Geth believe all sapient races should have the right to self-determination. That's more or less another way of expressing what I said about valuing free will. They were simply conflicted over which course was more acceptable - what amounts to murder (taking away life), or what amounts to brainwashing (taking away free will/self-determination)?

Re: The Legion/Tali fight, I thought that one was pretty weird, seeing as Legion advanced a plan to do pretty much exactly the same thing Tali's dad was, and pretty much made it clear that the Geth were going to come gunning for the Quarians some day. Personally, I thought Tali was pretty justified with the "shoot him" response.
Er, what? Legion indicated that he was sending information about the Quarian plans for war back to the Geth, so they could be prepared for that. He did not imply the Geth were going to attack the Quarians, nor is there any comparison to his actions there and what Tali's father did.

Overall, it felt a bit like the Geth were being retconned, mostly to make them less the bad guys. In ME1, Tali specifically says they don't have a hive mind, but then in ME2 you've got programs flitting between bodies and "There is no I, only Geth" stuff going on.
I disagree, I think the new information we got on the Geth here makes perfect sense and was a very well-done way to bring them out of the flat enemy race status they had in ME1. They are a sapient race, and as such should not be expected to be a monolithic group. For different factions of them to have formed over the years makes perfect sense, especially given the information we got about how Geth minds work here.

Zousha's response about the hive mind thing is also quite accurate. Something which may not have been clear (it wasn't initially to me), for instance, is that Legion is not connected to some other set of Geth off somewhere else in space. He is one body with many Geth programs - or consciousnesses - all inside him. That is what he's referring to when he says things like "we are building consensus." It's why he is able to retain full sapience without the presence of other Geth bodies nearby. Geth consciousness exists as a computer program of sorts, so they are not limited to the single physical form per consciousness the way we are. Hell, they aren't even limited to the same type of body, which is why the Heretics on the station weren't active - their programs/consciousness were mingling in whatever the central computer of the station was, leaving their bodies behind. It wouldn't surprise me if they didn't even have specific, personal, assigned bodies, but each program could move between bodies as it wished given the opportunity.

Edit: Since the "references in Mass Effect 2" thread has fallen off the first page (and really should have been in here anyway), I'll post this in this thread.

Looks like there's another Lovecraft reference in the game I didn't notice the first time around. Samara's loyalty quest, when examining that girl's room. A message from Morinth to the girl says she sent her a hologram of a sculptor's work. The message describes it as "sublime," but warns "don't stare at it too long, or you may go mad." Sounds kinda like that bas relief of Cthulu in The Call of Cthulu.


Avilan the Grey
2010-02-08, 01:48 AM
Historically, helmets tend to be the first piece of protective gear adopted any time armor comes into fashion, and the last piece abandoned when it goes out again. Since the human head is fragile, packed with delicate "equipment," and very very exposed, this only makes sense. To be fighting in body armor, but without a helmet... it just doesn't compute.

But. You know all the cutscenes where NPCs are shocked to see you? How exactly is it that everyone you meet keeps recognizing you if your face is completely concealed by your helmet, as it is with the Blood Dragon, Collector's and Death Mask helms? That also bugs the heck out of me.

As to the looks of the DLC armors generally, I give 'em a big ol' bleah. Dressing up in a Collector suit seems like it might not be the best idea in a firefight: the Collectors themselves are all hive-minded, so you're not going to fool them; your squad, on the other hand... The Blood Dragon suit just looks very very impractical, with its eye-catching bright red and polished silver color scheme. And again, both helms completely hide your face, rendering several cutscenes implausible. (For my custom suit I went with the camo pattern, dark gray with medium gray mottling, on the least shiny material I could find. I'm certain some will call that choice boring; I say Shepard's a soldier, not a freaking disco ball.)

Exactly. Of course my main character right now is primarely a sniper (and only lvl 9) so she is wearing the visor that gives (5%? 10%?) increased Headshot damage. Looks damn cool, too.

I think DA:O did it right; remove the helmet in cutscenes. But then the engine for FE2 can't do that.

As for color patterns: My Soldier (who I will restart later) was wearing a Desert sand camo pattern on his suit. My female Infiltrator is a pitch black suit with dark purple details.
Later I am thinking of a female engineer with an all-pink suit. Just because. :smallbiggrin:

...Oh and I have just had my first actual run-in with the Collectors. Damn!! I am tempted to switch difficulty to "Casual", I am very ashamed of myself but I keep getting my ass kicked. As you know I am not very "twitchy" at all and this is (even on normal) getting too intense for me. It is several notches above breaking Jack out of prison or getting Grunt, or even saving Archangel.

2010-02-08, 03:02 AM
...Oh and I have just had my first actual run-in with the Collectors. Damn!! I am tempted to switch difficulty to "Casual", I am very ashamed of myself but I keep getting my ass kicked. As you know I am not very "twitchy" at all and this is (even on normal) getting too intense for me. It is several notches above breaking Jack out of prison or getting Grunt, or even saving Archangel.

What's giving you a problem? It's always the paired Scions that do it for me.

Avilan the Grey
2010-02-08, 03:11 AM
What's giving you a problem? It's always the paired Scions that do it for me.

Due to my lack of twitchiness: The husks. I can deal with anything at a distance; when I have to remember to leave cover, punch them in the face, switch to gun (from sniper rifle) and shoot, then take cover again and change back to sniper rifle... I always just panic and either try to shoot them with the rifle (missing, wasting ammo, and then gets ripped open and shot in the head at the same time), or get my head blown off by the Harbringer as I forget I have left cover.

Makes me long for the easy Ymer mechs.

2010-02-08, 03:20 AM
But I would still prefer to remove the thermal clips from the game entirely while retaining the reload mechanic to keep people from making the infinite guns of ME1.

Except for most guns in ME1 the cooldown time was synonymous to a reload, unless you had a gun with a bad heatsink (I forget what the stat was called) and gave it every upgrade that made that worse, and even then it was 2-3 seconds, no different from reloading a particularly complex rifle. I found it ingenious, you had a sci-fi form of gun reloading. Now, I'm just mostly disappointed in ME2's swappable "generic" heatsinks.

Avilan the Grey
2010-02-08, 03:23 AM
Except for most guns in ME1 the cooldown time was synonymous to a reload, unless you had a gun with a bad heatsink (I forget what the stat was called) and gave it every upgrade that made that worse, and even then it was 2-3 seconds, no different from reloading a particularly complex rifle. I found it ingenious, you had a sci-fi form of gun reloading. Now, I'm just mostly disappointed in ME2's swappable "generic" heatsinks.

My two issues with the "heatsinks":

1. To me it would be more logical to call them "cooling rods".
2. Why can't I buy them in stores, if everyone uses them all the time?

Thanatos 51-50
2010-02-08, 04:55 AM
Due to my lack of twitchiness: The husks. I can deal with anything at a distance; when I have to remember to leave cover, punch them in the face, switch to gun (from sniper rifle) and shoot, then take cover again and change back to sniper rifle... I always just panic and either try to shoot them with the rifle (missing, wasting ammo, and then gets ripped open and shot in the head at the same time), or get my head blown off by the Harbringer as I forget I have left cover.

Makes me long for the easy Ymer mechs.

Xbox version: Holding X switches to your previously used weapon, which is pretty helpful in situations like that, as is switching before you leave cover.
Husks are vulnerable to spells like Incinerate due to their low health.
Don't forget your class skill, either - which is always hotkeyed to "Y". If you're an Infil or a Soldier, it's pretty useful for entering or exiting engagements, and reduces the need for twitchyness.
Use your squadmates' skills - which you can hotkey up the the left and right D-pad.
Infil class skill ("Operative") gives you time slowdown every time you sight down the sniper scope. You can pop in and out for an easy time aiming.
Soldiers may want to make use of fire ammo.
As for Harbinger: Fast-firing weapons (SMG, Assault Rifles) get bonuses against Shields and Barriers. Slow-firing weapons (Sniper rifles) get bonuses against armour.
Incinerate works wonders against armour, as do fire bullets.

Don't be afraid to fall back - especially if you're an infil. Pop your tac cloak and sprint away from the engagement, so you can get some breathing room before sighting in.

2010-02-08, 07:18 AM
My two issues with the "heatsinks":

1. To me it would be more logical to call them "cooling rods".
2. Why can't I buy them in stores, if everyone uses them all the time?

You know, now that I think about them - where are the extra heatsinks stored? To me, it begins to look more and more they're in the weapon, as the reloading animation seems to be Shepard pushing a button that ejects red-hot sink, not inserting something. That would also make sense why you have different amount of sinks per weapon, as weapons come pre-loaded before mission, but not why having an arm pouch you never reach anyway would increase your total.

Of course, the metagame explanation why there is different heatsink amount per weapon is probably the one that some weapons (Widow, Claymore) eat them like candy, so staying in one weapon for too long would take away all your ammo and make you defenseless (plus, the current system favors Soldiers, as it should).

Due to my lack of twitchiness: The husks. I can deal with anything at a distance; when I have to remember to leave cover, punch them in the face, switch to gun (from sniper rifle) and shoot, then take cover again and change back to sniper rifle... I always just panic and either try to shoot them with the rifle (missing, wasting ammo, and then gets ripped open and shot in the head at the same time), or get my head blown off by the Harbringer as I forget I have left cover.

Don't be afraid to use melee (in the beginning I disliked it, especially as Soldier, for he has no reason to ever enter melee) - but as the Adept I've begun using it more and more. It's fun. Also, shoot their legs - they're the only enemy that can't be headshotted, but has glass legs.

I don't remember who advocated using powers on them, but I agree - they're WIN button against them. Singularity, for example, means no one will ever reach you, save for one or two last Husks, that can be meleed. Nice! :smallbiggrin:

When I think how madly I fired as a Soldier in the parts my Adept breezed through... Yes, AR is really that useless compared to SMG :smalltongue:

The Blood Dragon suit just looks very very impractical, with its eye-catching bright red and polished silver color scheme.

Dark red and dark gray are among the least noticeable colors (hence why military aircraft are painted that way) and I'll take them over glorified Christmas tree that is default armor any day for camouflage :smalltongue:

But no good looking helm for Standard Armor? The Death Mask looks pretty damn cool to me. Kinda has a Darth Vader-esque feel to it, and it increases your negotiation score, which sounds very valuable.

It looks nice - from the front. That's it. For one, it has pingpong balls on sticks on the sides, and huge hump on the forehead. It's Ugly. Remove the balls and make forehead straight, and it will indeed kick ass.

I think it's Polish. Which would make sense, as Polish accents sound fairly similar to Russian ones, IMO.

Of course it is. And no, they don't, most of the time.

I'd be very surprised if she knows any Polish, though.

2010-02-08, 07:50 AM
Dark red and dark gray are among the least noticeable colors (hence why military aircraft are painted that way) and I'll take them over glorified Christmas tree that is default armor any day for camouflage
Right, but the Blood Dragon armor isn't "dark red and dark gray," it's bright blood-red and polished silver - or at least, that's the way it appears on my monitor. Also, what military aircraft are you looking at that are commonly painted red?

Also, you do know you can choose different color schemes for the default armor, right? And not just colors, but designs as well - including a not-completely-unsightly camo pattern. If you're looking at a "glorified Christmas tree," you can fix it.

EDIT: Fired up the game just to look at the Blood Dragon armor and see if it's as bad as I recall. And okay, the metallic areas are closer to "stainless steel" than to "polished silver" - but it's still a highly reflective metallic, and not remotely low-vis.

2010-02-08, 08:40 AM
Also, what military aircraft are you looking at that are commonly painted red?

Only the most famous one (http://www.aikensairplanes.com/images/RedBaron.jpg) in history! :smallbiggrin:

It was good enough for Baron, it is good enough for me. Especially the Dragon.

Also, you do know you can choose different color schemes for the default armor, right? And not just colors, but designs as well - including a not-completely-unsightly camo pattern. If you're looking at a "glorified Christmas tree," you can fix it.

Of course I know. I outright stated that 90% of customization clashes for me with all these neon lights. It was these little, bright blue neons that I referred to as "Christmas tree" - dozens of them on your helmet and armor. Let's take Death Mask, for example - it has 14 blue lights in front of the helmet alone! :smallsigh:

If it was possible to change color of all these lamps, say, to red, I'd agree that customization would mean something and the armor would kick all kinds of ass, but as of now, it is ugly, not that customizable, and telegraphs your presence (especially in the dark) far better than dark red splodge on gray steel.

Yes, I like the camo pattern, but on default armor it covers maybe 1/3 of the armor, you can't change the color of the really noticeable pieces (say, that wide band on arms), most armor area can't be changed, and the colors/tints react sometimes in really weird and unpredictable ways, making use of some hues impossible.

EDIT: Fired up the game just to look at the Blood Dragon armor and see if it's as bad as I recall. And okay, the metallic areas are closer to "stainless steel" than to "polished silver".

See? :smalltongue:

Avilan the Grey
2010-02-08, 08:47 AM
EDIT: Fired up the game just to look at the Blood Dragon armor and see if it's as bad as I recall. And okay, the metallic areas are closer to "stainless steel" than to "polished silver" - but it's still a highly reflective metallic, and not remotely low-vis.

...And again, it's a wonder no one shoots Shepard on sight when she is wearing the Collector's armor.

2010-02-08, 09:45 AM
Camouflage is pointless in the Mass Effect universe though, since presumably everyone has an HUD like Shepard does. The 'practical' point of stuff like Blood Dragon Armor is to look intimidating.

2010-02-08, 10:41 AM
What's giving you a problem? It's always the paired Scions that do it for me.

I found the best way to deal with Scions was SRs. Aim for the head that's sticking out the side, and you should be able to take them fairly quickly.

Of course it is. And no, they don't, most of the time.

I'd be very surprised if she knows any Polish, though.

If it was that obvious, you should have felt free to mention that in the beginning. And I'd say the fact that half the people on here guessed Russian initially is de facto evidence that they do sound a bit similar.

2010-02-08, 12:10 PM
Another question: I'm confused as to why the weapon selection screen for squadmates exists. So far as I can tell, they've always just got two weapon types to choose from, and each weapon type has a base model and an upgrade. The upgrade's always selected, and I can't find any reason one would ever want to switch to the base model. Is there some detail I'm missing? (If it weren't for picking the heavy weapon, I'd be arguing the same thing about the PC.)

2010-02-08, 12:24 PM
Might want to use the Mantis instead of the widow, especially if you're switching around your heavy weapon- say to the Cain. You need more bullets with your rifle to make up the difference there.

Armor thing- Come on, who uses Camo? Seriously, the only real snipers in this game are Shep, Shep's robot fanboy, and someone Shep showed how to snipe in the LAST game.

In ME 1 I beat the end boss with a SR. ME2 same thing. The Protheans diddn't lose to the Reapers due to being tricked, out-teched, or outnumbered. They lost because they never thought to use Sniper Rifles against the planet eaters.

So there's no point to trying to remain undetected. Some Geth can stealth, but that's about it. There's the gentelmen's agreement of the Galaxy to respect here, people! That means no shooting weapons that can penetrate a table, glass banister, or other chest high wall, and no armor designed with camo in mind!

2010-02-08, 12:36 PM
For sniper companions, I usually find that the starter SR is better than the Viper. They tend to only take one shot while they're out of cover anyway, and the...erm, Mantis, is it? does more damage per round.

Having now completed a game with the vanguard, there are some areas that it was a lot easier than the infiltrator. The swarms of husks, for instance - the infiltrator switched to SMG and went to traditional spray'n'pray tactics; the vanguard laughed and oneshot them all with shockwave (which is on an absurdly short cooldown). The infiltrator was constantly having to wait for targets to lean out of cover; the vanguard laughed and spat shockwave at them, then charged into melee with the shotgun while they were scrambling to their feet. Besides which, it's extremely satisfying to watch Vorchas' hp bars refill while they're in midair, then abruptly empty as there's no ground underneath for them to land on. Or to see Harbinger take over a Collector drone while it's flying up and instantly die because I blasted it over an edge.

Might want to use the Mantis instead of the widow, especially if you're switching around your heavy weapon- say to the Cain. You need more bullets with your rifle to make up the difference there.

The Widow has a bigger magazine than the Mantis. I assume you meant the Viper? At any rate, the Collector laser cannon outclasses every other heavy weapon in the game.

Armor thing- Come on, who uses Camo? Seriously, the only real snipers in this game are Shep, Shep's robot fanboy, and someone Shep showed how to snipe in the LAST game.

The camo pattern looks cool. That's really the only benefit, but aesthetics count.

In ME 1 I beat the end boss with a SR. ME2 same thing. The Protheans diddn't lose to the Reapers due to being tricked, out-teched, or outnumbered. They lost because they never thought to use Sniper Rifles against the planet eaters.

I couldn't nail Saren with my sniper rifle on my infiltrator game, but then that was my first playthrough and I wasn't using my allies' powers very efficiently. Second game, as a vanguard, lift + shotgun made very short work of him. But then, he wasn't an actual Reaper - it took a huge swarm of ships hitting him from all angles to put Sovereign down.

Archpaladin Zousha
2010-02-08, 12:36 PM
Camouflage is pointless in the Mass Effect universe though, since presumably everyone has an HUD like Shepard does. The 'practical' point of stuff like Blood Dragon Armor is to look intimidating.

Took the words right out of my mouth, Serenity. As I've stated before, Mass Effect does not have much use for stealth. You're forced into firefights, with practically the only way to avoid them being to talk the enemy down. As a result, camoflauge really doesn't help you, since you can't sneak around anyway.

And honestly, who needs camo when the tactical cloak can make you invisible?!

2010-02-08, 12:46 PM
Took the words right out of my mouth, Serenity. As I've stated before, Mass Effect does not have much use for stealth. You're forced into firefights, with practically the only way to avoid them being to talk the enemy down. As a result, camoflauge really doesn't help you, since you can't sneak around anyway.

And honestly, who needs camo when the tactical cloak can make you invisible?!

But if I'm invisible, the bad guys can't see how much cooler my armor looks than theirs! They need to know that they were beat, not only in a firefight, but also in fashion!

Besides, during Thane's loyalty quest, he mentions skulking in shadows as a method for avoiding detection. Kind of implies that visible camouflage still has its uses.

Rustic Dude
2010-02-08, 12:54 PM
Well, I've beaten the game as Paragon Soldier. Funky final boss, at least it managed to blow my shields, unlike that pestering Harbinger. Miranda died, though...dead by a falling piece of debris.

You bastard, debris!

The funny thing is that he had lost her loyalty because of the Jack/Miranda catfight, but she still pulled a Shepard on the Ilusive Man when he orders to not blow the station. :smallconfused:

2010-02-08, 04:04 PM
Only the most famous one (http://www.aikensairplanes.com/images/RedBaron.jpg) in history! :smallbiggrin:

It was good enough for Baron, it is good enough for me. Especially the Dragon.
Now you're directly contradicting yourself. In your previous post, you claimed that red is a low-visibility color used on military aircraft for camouflage. But in the example you cite the color was chosen specifically for high visibillity, so that his squadron mates could find him and rejoin formation during and/or after a furball.

Of course I know. I outright stated that 90% of customization clashes for me with all these neon lights. It was these little, bright blue neons that I referred to as "Christmas tree" - dozens of them on your helmet and armor. Let's take Death Mask, for example - it has 14 blue lights in front of the helmet alone! :smallsigh:

If it was possible to change color of all these lamps, say, to red, I'd agree that customization would mean something and the armor would kick all kinds of ass, but as of now, it is ugly, not that customizable, and telegraphs your presence (especially in the dark) far better than dark red splodge on gray steel.
You "outright stated" that, did you? Where? As best I can tell, this is the very first time you've mentioned the lights, at least in this thread. And really, let's look at them. Aside from the ludicrous Death Mask* (which has two giant glowing "eyes" on the front of the helmet plus 6 barely-visible pinpoints on the breather apparatus, for a total of eight lights on the front - not fourteen as you claim), what other lights are there on the front of the default armor, where it matters most? Two small dim lights on the N7 helmet, or four small dim lights on the N7 Breather helmet - too small and too dim to give your presence away unless you're in pitch darkness, or within melee range. None at all on the torso or limbs. Now, on the back of the armor there are a couple of large, bright lights... but you'll usually only see those in the customization screen, as they mark the attachment points where weapons will be slung and are concealed when you're actually wearing the armor.

And once again, the red on the Blood Dragon armor is not dark. It is a bright, glossy red splotch on a bright, shiny metal suit. (Apparently the hope is that in well-lit areas the glare off the suit will blind opponents.)

* In addition to being a hideous bug-eyed monstrosity, the Death Mask is also clearly meant to be used for the "talky bits" of the game rather than for combat since the only bonus it confers is to negotiation; and yet, it falls into the "conceals your entire face" category that makes so many of the game's NPC interactions so implausible.

Yes, I like the camo pattern, but on default armor it covers maybe 1/3 of the armor, you can't change the color of the really noticeable pieces (say, that wide band on arms), most armor area can't be changed, and the colors/tints react sometimes in really weird and unpredictable ways, making use of some hues impossible.
One third? Bull. The camo pattern covers more like two thirds to three quarters of the suit, depending on the specific pieces you use, and more than that on the front and sides. There is a wide stripe down one arm when using some armor pieces, including the default shoulders and gauntlets; but you certainly can change its color - assuming you're hell-bent on using one of the shoulder pieces which features the stripe, rather than one of the ones that doesn't.

Finally, while I certainly don't claim to have tried out every possible combination of tints and colors, I've had no trouble at all in getting results suitable for arctic, desert, forest/jungle, and urban use. That pretty well covers the usual bases. So I don't know what your problem is or what colors you're trying to combine, assuming you're not just making it up.

See? :smalltongue:
What I see is you deliberately cropping a quote in order to take that bit out of context. Really, at this point it's like you're just quacking for the sake of being a duck.

Camouflage is pointless in the Mass Effect universe though, since presumably everyone has an HUD like Shepard does. The 'practical' point of stuff like Blood Dragon Armor is to look intimidating.
Except... it doesn't look intimidating. It just makes Shep look like a tool, kinda like driving around in a 1982 Honda Civic with 22" rims.

Also, fun historical fact time: Camouflage went out of fashion for military aircraft (particularly in the US armed forces) for a few decades. It came back. It turns out that presenting a reduced visual signature is helpful, even against well-trained opponents equipped with modern avionics.

2010-02-08, 04:35 PM
Death Mask is also clearly meant to be used for the "talky bits" of the game rather than for combat since the only bonus it confers is to negotiation;
So, does it mean that the game wants you to change your helmet every time you get into a fight?

2010-02-08, 04:41 PM
Maybe, but you can't. You can only change armor in the CO's cabin aboard Normandy between missions.

Archpaladin Zousha
2010-02-08, 04:46 PM
So...are you saying that all armor manufacturers in the ME universe aside from Armax Arsenal, Rosenkov Materials and Hahne-Kedar are morons? :smallconfused:

2010-02-08, 05:54 PM
Frankly, I don't care for the appearance of the Blood Dragon armor either. It's mostly due to the big funky-looking jowl thingies that light up when you talk. It's still a vast improvement over the DA:O version, though.

I've never used the Death Mask. It's easy enough to max out your Para/Ren points throughout the game so you have all those dialog options. My Vanguard had a full meter before I finished all the loyalty missions, but at that point switching paths would have been out of character so I just kept going with it.

Archpaladin Zousha
2010-02-08, 05:57 PM
So if the Death Mask is essentially useless, what's the better helmet?

2010-02-08, 06:10 PM
Visor. Hands down.

Edit: Well, visor for snipers, at least. If you're using powers or not getting a lot of headshots for some other reason, N7 helmet for the hp buff.

2010-02-08, 06:12 PM
The visor's +10% headshot damage is nice, especially if you have a sniper rifle.

Otherwise the only other options are two +5% health helmets.


2010-02-08, 07:11 PM
Man, I really need to find more time to play, but midterms are killing my time. That and Insanity difficulty.

From what I can tell, Sentinels defensive powers are necessary on harder difficulties - Even with the best shields possible, I don't last more then 5 seconds in direct fire, and the enemies will last longer then that. Makes it a rather interesting battle of attrition that Sentinels are very good at. Well, Attrition, and abusing AI.

One thing that really bugs me about Insanity is the "Secure the Smuggled Cargo" Mission. You pretty much need the Cain to even bother attempting it, as the shields, armor, and health of the mechs, combined with the lack of good places to hide or run around, makes it an extremely difficult mission.

Archpaladin Zousha
2010-02-08, 10:28 PM
Question about our dear old friend, Conrad Verner:
In all the videos I've seen of the reunion with him on Ilium, he references the gun thing, but some videos seem to do a complete 180 with Shepard being nice to Conrad and setting him straight once again. Is there a bug with Mass Effect 2 that causes the paragon ending of the original Conrad Verner quest? Does the game simply not acknowledge the other options, which would mean Conrad is completely delusional, thinking Shepard pulled a gun on him, even if he/she did no such thing? Or does EVERYONE aside from me find him so annoying they can't resist pointing a gun at him to make him cry?

2010-02-08, 10:38 PM
Probably just those individual players' choices.

Oddly, in my Renegade file, he didn't even show up. I don't remember exactly how the whole thing with him fell out in ME1, but I don't think it should have been anything preventing him from being his usual stupid, delusional self in ME2...

2010-02-08, 10:43 PM
Question about our dear old friend, Conrad Verner:
In all the videos I've seen of the reunion with him on Ilium, he references the gun thing, but some videos seem to do a complete 180 with Shepard being nice to Conrad and setting him straight once again. Is there a bug with Mass Effect 2 that causes the paragon ending of the original Conrad Verner quest? Does the game simply not acknowledge the other options, which would mean Conrad is completely delusional, thinking Shepard pulled a gun on him, even if he/she did no such thing? Or does EVERYONE aside from me find him so annoying they can't resist pointing a gun at him to make him cry?


No it doesn't matter he says the same thing regardless.

Green Bean
2010-02-08, 10:43 PM
Question about our dear old friend, Conrad Verner:
In all the videos I've seen of the reunion with him on Ilium, he references the gun thing, but some videos seem to do a complete 180 with Shepard being nice to Conrad and setting him straight once again. Is there a bug with Mass Effect 2 that causes the paragon ending of the original Conrad Verner quest? Does the game simply not acknowledge the other options, which would mean Conrad is completely delusional, thinking Shepard pulled a gun on him, even if he/she did no such thing? Or does EVERYONE aside from me find him so annoying they can't resist pointing a gun at him to make him cry?

Verner said I waved the gun in his face on both of my Paragon files, even though I didn't actually do it in the first game. I imagine it's just a minor bug.

2010-02-08, 11:04 PM
I don't understand all of the argument over which assault rifle to use. The geth one was by far the best option in the game. Good damage, accurate, and continual fire rate. (Also 500+ rounds!)

And I will say that Harbinger is a huge pain in the butt on insanity. It's not that he's very tough...but if you let his biotic move hit too close to you it will stagger you back out of cover. 9 times out of 10 if I let this happen to me I would be dead before regaining cover. (Insanity is a little unforgiving...) He also takes at least 2 solid headshots with the widow to kill.

Archpaladin Zousha
2010-02-08, 11:09 PM
I don't understand all of the argument over which assault rifle to use. The geth one was by far the best option in the game. Good damage, accurate, and continual fire rate. (Also 500+ rounds!)

And I will say that Harbinger is a huge pain in the butt on insanity. It's not that he's very tough...but if you let his biotic move hit too close to you it will stagger you back out of cover. 9 times out of 10 if I let this happen to me I would be dead before regaining cover. (Insanity is a little unforgiving...) He also takes at least 2 solid headshots with the widow to kill.

Um...yeah. No way I'll get that on my first playthrough. That's only obtainable on Hardcore or Insanity modes, and I'm haven't ever played those modes in the original Mass Effect (I was going to, but I uninstalled the game before I got too far.)

2010-02-08, 11:16 PM
Apparently, there's going be to some new DLC available (http://social.bioware.com/forum/1/topic/103/index/1074772) tomorrow. A new suit of armor and a new shotgun.

The armor is the Cerberus Assault Armor, which will give +10% heavy weapon ammo, +10% shields, and +10% health. Meh. That you actually could fully replicate with customized armor.

On the other hand, the shotgun, called the M-22a Eviscerator, is described as "a longer-range shotgun with armor-piercing loads." Longer range in particular sounds very nice. Could be a very nice thing to have if I decide to make my next character a Vanguard.


2010-02-08, 11:28 PM
Um...yeah. No way I'll get that on my first playthrough. That's only obtainable on Hardcore or Insanity modes, and I'm haven't ever played those modes in the original Mass Effect (I was going to, but I uninstalled the game before I got too far.)

Well...couldn't you just up the difficulty right before starting that mission and then turn it down again once you get the gun? As I recall you can get it fairly close to the start of the mission.

Also, was warp really that effective for people on the lower difficulties? I had Miranda's warp maxed out and I found it to be virtually useless.

Archpaladin Zousha
2010-02-08, 11:32 PM
More silly questions. How many talent points do you get anyhow? The GameBanshee Advancement Table (http://www.gamebanshee.com/masseffect2/advancementtable.php) says that by the time you reach level 30, you'll have 50 talent points total to spend. But all the builds I've been seeing on the Mass Effect wiki (like the ones in this Soldier Guide (http://masseffect.wikia.com/wiki/Soldier_Guide_(Mass_Effect_2)), for example) don't spend more than 23 talent points overall. Which is correct? Or can you not get to level 30 on a single playthrough? I'd like to have my facts squared away before I start planning my character build.

Archpaladin Zousha
2010-02-08, 11:35 PM
Well...couldn't you just up the difficulty right before starting that mission and then turn it down again once you get the gun? As I recall you can get it fairly close to the start of the mission.

Also, was warp really that effective for people on the lower difficulties? I had Miranda's warp maxed out and I found it to be virtually useless.

And die every two seconds? That would be EXTREMELY frustrating, especially for a noob like me.

2010-02-08, 11:40 PM
More silly questions. How many talent points do you get anyhow? The GameBanshee Advancement Table (http://www.gamebanshee.com/masseffect2/advancementtable.php) says that by the time you reach level 30, you'll have 50 talent points total to spend. But all the builds I've been seeing on the Mass Effect wiki (like the ones in this Soldier Guide (http://masseffect.wikia.com/wiki/Soldier_Guide_(Mass_Effect_2)), for example) don't spend more than 23 talent points overall. Which is correct? Or can you not get to level 30 on a single playthrough? I'd like to have my facts squared away before I start planning my character build.
You probably won't reach level 30 on a single playthrough, no. I got to 27 in my first file, and I checked every planet for side-quests, so I'm pretty sure I got everything I could.

You get 2 squad points per level for levels 1 through 20 (yes, you start with 2 already acquired at level 1), then 1 squad point per level for levels 21 through 30. That gives you 50 points total - 40 for those first 20 levels, and 10 for the last 10.

Edit: Glancing at the guide you linked, I think I see your problem. You're assuming all ranks in those skills cost one point each. They don't. Rank 1 costs 1 point, rank 2 costs 2, and so on through rank 4. So to max out a skill at rank 4 costs a total of 10 points, to get it to rank 3 costs 6, and so on.


Archpaladin Zousha
2010-02-09, 12:05 AM
You probably won't reach level 30 on a single playthrough, no. I got to 27 in my first file, and I checked every planet for side-quests, so I'm pretty sure I got everything I could.

You get 2 squad points per level for levels 1 through 20 (yes, you start with 2 already acquired at level 1), then 1 squad point per level for levels 21 through 30. That gives you 50 points total - 40 for those first 20 levels, and 10 for the last 10.

Edit: Glancing at the guide you linked, I think I see your problem. You're assuming all ranks in those skills cost one point each. They don't. Rank 1 costs 1 point, rank 2 costs 2, and so on through rank 4. So to max out a skill at rank 4 costs a total of 10 points, to get it to rank 3 costs 6, and so on.


Oh...right. I forgot about that part. *facepalm*

But if that's true, then one of the builds has two too many points, and is impossible to build.

2010-02-09, 12:10 AM
True. The second one on there comes to 52 points. Which means it can't be done.


2010-02-09, 12:13 AM
I don't understand all of the argument over which assault rifle to use. The geth one was by far the best option in the game. Good damage, accurate, and continual fire rate. (Also 500+ rounds!)

And I will say that Harbinger is a huge pain in the butt on insanity. It's not that he's very tough...but if you let his biotic move hit too close to you it will stagger you back out of cover. 9 times out of 10 if I let this happen to me I would be dead before regaining cover. (Insanity is a little unforgiving...) He also takes at least 2 solid headshots with the widow to kill.

Huh, didn't know that was Hardcore+ only.

The harbinger really isn't a problem on Insanity, once you understand how to dodge his attacks. Its the Scions, with their stupid amounts of armor that become the issue. If you screw up attacking the Harbinger, and get thrown from cover, they will just destroy you and thats that.