View Full Version : Let's Play Fallout!

2010-02-04, 05:07 AM
Salutations, its time to load up on guns and bring your friends, because we don't want to lose. This is not pretend.

I have always loved the Fallout series, but have never played the original. So this will be a first time run for me. Until I get a machine that can handle Fallout 3, I'm stuck with this and the other two (nobody mention BOS).

Let's get started.

I chose to play a smooth-talkin' gunslinger with a knack for opening things people would prefer stayed closed. I named him Blaze.

Blaze's Stats are;
S 3
P 8
E 4
C 8
I 4
A 10
L 4

Tagged Skills
Small Guns (65)
Lockpick (49)
Barter (56)

Small Frame
Fast Shot

10mm Pistol (75 rounds)
Flare (2)
Stim-paks (4)
Lockpick set

Blaze now stands on the edge of the only world he knows. He would have much preferred stay within the safety of Vault 13's walls, but he is their only hope for replacing the broken Water Purification Control Chip (referred to hereafter as the WPCC). According to the Overseer, the leader of vault 13, vault 15 lies a few days hike away. It is doubtful their WPCC still works, but it is a good start. Perhaps Blaze will at least learn of other vaults. He must hurry, however; Vault 13's drinking water supplies will only last about three months!

Blaze is a bit concerned by the, ah, morbid reminder next to him of how dangerous the outside world is, but his gun gives him comfort.http://i47.tinypic.com/10nujph.jpg

He decides not to waste his precious 10mm ammo on these pathetic rats, so he runs around stabbing them. (I am an OCD RPer, I MUST kill every enemy and finish every quest). He takes a few hits, only needing to use one Stim-pak for rat bites.

Finally he emerges from the cave that houses the vault entrance. His pale skin is scorched by the sun that beats down on the wasteland. As he gazes out over the parched sands, Blaze is simultaneously in awe of the sheer massiveness of the world beyond the vault, yet terrified by that land, almost certainly full of vile creatures and mutated freaks. But he knows the people within the vault need his help to survive, so he squares his shoulders, and begins walking towards the other vault the Overseer told him about.

He completes about half of the journey, when he is surprised to see a settlement, a walled inclosure with humans walking about it. Blaze is wary of the guards holding large guns at the main gate, but he realizes that he will need supplies if he is to survive life in the wasteland. He holsters his gun, and cautiously approaches, hoping the people are welcome to visitors.

See ya next time!

Cast your votes! should Blaze be an evil jackass? Or will he be the savior of the wastes? Just put them in your post and I will count votes on Sunday

2010-02-04, 08:40 AM
Savior. Being evil to not be good is as cliche as being evil to be evil.

And give him a german accent.

2010-02-04, 09:18 AM
Savior. Being evil to not be good is as cliche as being evil to be evil.

And give him a german accent.

How about an intelligent evil? Help people if it's in your interest. Otherwise, ally with powerful factions who can help you. Hell.. you might even want to become a supermutant, if ya wanna to.

Don't do things because "it's the right thing to do" or "it's the wrong thing to do". Do it because that's what you like, because that's what's in your best interest.

I can monologue Kreia for u if you want.

2010-02-04, 10:01 AM
I'm with Solka. Lawful Evil sounds like a good way to go. Evil for evil's sake tends to get boring after a while.

2010-02-04, 10:13 AM
I'm with Solka. Lawful Evil sounds like a good way to go. Evil for evil's sake tends to get boring after a while.

Eh... I just found a good way of describing this kind of behavior:

Make the Karma Meter your bitch. Yo-yo it into submission! :smallamused:

2010-02-04, 01:50 PM
Yeah, one of the best LPs I've ever read was an Obsidian RPG with a Lawful Evil protagonist.

Seriously, someone doing evil as something other than "I will eat all of your babies"?


2010-02-04, 07:26 PM
When you think about it, there's only one true way to finish the game entirely -- take whatever path gets you the most XP and the greatest, most important and best rewards, then once you've finished the game and every quest, go back and slaughter everything.

Purge the Wasteland.

I can monologue Kreia for u if you want.

Slight problem there: Kreia suffers from a bad case of "Everything you do is wrong" at times.

2010-02-04, 07:34 PM
Savior. Being evil to not be good is as cliche as being evil to be evil.

And give him a german accent.

The good version of Hitler?

2010-02-05, 07:53 AM
No. Of course not.

Himmler. With less shortpants.

2010-02-05, 11:49 AM
So far we have a Lawful Evil German guy.

The only problem with playing him as an intelligent manipulator is that he has an intelligence of 4. Which is Fair, but he doesn't really have the brainpower to be a mastermind. As it is, it could be fun to play him thinking he is a lot smarter than he really is.

To help me get an idea of that sort of character, does anyone know of a book or movie with that kind of villain?

Things could change, so keep voting! Next game post on Sunday.

2010-02-05, 11:57 AM
The only problem with playing him as an intelligent manipulator is that he has an intelligence of 4. Which is Fair, but he doesn't really have the brainpower to be a mastermind. As it is, it could be fun to play him thinking he is a lot smarter than he really is.

To help me get an idea of that sort of character, does anyone know of a book or movie with that kind of villain?

Intelligence doesn't necessarely mean low wits. Just low intellectual power. He won't really do intense mathematics, or sciency stuff.

But he can see people's button, and when to press them :smallamused:

2010-02-06, 03:40 AM
A villain who thinks he plays everyone when he really can't?

Making Money, Discworld. Poor idiot doesn't know how stupid it is to go against Vetinari.

2010-02-06, 07:33 AM
Precisely, a false Machiavelli.

2010-02-07, 02:07 PM
Sad news, folks. I suffered a major virus and had to wipe my hard drive:smalleek:. I managed to back up the files I could, but I lost most of my games. I may restart this LP at a later date, but for now I have a lot of stuff to redo.:smallannoyed:

On the bright side, I hadn't gotten that far in the story, so it will be easy to get back to where I was.

I'll leave this up a few days, then delete the thread.

Viruses suck. Maybe I should try Linux...