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View Full Version : Unlikely Hypothetical the Third

2010-02-05, 02:33 PM
You may remember this (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=138128), and this (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=138421).

(Perhaps yet again) Things have changed. You awaken, tomorrow, in a new, and different world. In a new, and different, you.

The world itself is much the same. The recognisable environment still gasps for breath, similar wars still rage, the same films still bust the block or bomb dramatically, the landmasses of the Earth are as they were, cats still scratch and purr, dogs bark and chase the aforementioned cats, the same books litter high-school English classrooms, celebrities, as they were, suffer from scandals.

You, and things related to you, have, seemingly been the only change.

For you have woken up as someone else. You are an attractive member of your own sex, twenty-five years old, living in the nearest developed English-speaking nation to the state you're currently residing in (so, Canadians, you're in the US, and vice versa...). You live in a nice apartment, tastefully furnished.

Once the initial panic passes (assuming it does), upon walking around, you find photo albums, phone books, memoribilia, clothes, letters, notes, books, and other tidbits that suggest this new you lives a comfortable and happy life. Currently single, they live in a large city a few states/counties/districts away from a family they get on well with, photos suggest. Your new family, that is, who you have no memory of.

And, upon further investigation, you discover you have a job. Friends. Colleagues. Enemies. A postman. Perhaps a dog, or a diary briefly detailing a happy and interesting life - though perhaps the latter's too easy. Bank and messaging and photo accounts - all with passwords you inexplicably know. Your old family, friends, and suchlike do not remember you. As with the last hypothetical shift, their memories have been quietly adjusted to never feature you, and reality has shifted to accomodate such new memories. There are no seeming visible reasons why you have arrived where you have, in the manner in which you have.

So. You have a nice enough life, an attractive body and job prospects, in a field you're interested, but no obvious way to return to your old life - if it ever existed.
What do you do?

2010-02-05, 02:38 PM
Enjoy the new life, after bumping my head into something and feigning a head injury or such, so that people will not get suspicious when I suddenly appear (a bit)different or do not remember things.

2010-02-05, 02:40 PM
Diligently research the parameters of my new life - who I know, what I should know, etc. - and try to live it as if it wasn't new to me. I wouldn't try very hard to figure out what happened, nor would I tell anyone what had happened to me.

2010-02-05, 02:55 PM
For you have woken up as someone else. You are an attractive member of your own sex, twenty-five years old, living in a developed English-speaking nation closest to the state you're currently residing in. You live in a nice apartment, tastefully furnished.
What do you do?

Nearest English-speaking country to this one? I'd be recreated Oirish. :smallyuk:

Next nearest? Malta, then Canada. I could live there.

2010-02-05, 02:59 PM
Take up my new life, going with the touch of amnesia I have about my new family and the like, as that's really the best description for it. Then, hope that my new self's interests and work in life so far parallels my own closely enough that I am capable of doing and enjoying the work.

V for Victory
2010-02-05, 03:12 PM
Live the new life, have loads of fun

2010-02-05, 07:35 PM
Find whoever is using my body, and kill them.

EDIT: Oh wait, nevermind, read post the wrong way. Simply enjoy this new life.

2010-02-05, 07:46 PM
Wow, you people are weird. I'd totally want to know what happened. Not necessarily to reverse it, but just to figure it out. I mean, that's something huge.

Most likely, I would assume that the problem arose from me. I mean, lets face it- a shift of that magnitude with only those sort of features changing? I don't think it's the universe changing, it's probably something up with me. So I'd likely try and figure out if I'd had some kind of weird delusional experience. If that turned up nothing, I'd try other directions that may or may not present themselves that are relatively testable. What did I do the day before? What did the person I now allegedly am do the day before? I'd be really interested to know. I'd also feel it was important. What if it happened again, except not nearly as nice? You think I want that? Definitely not- and if it happened once, why not again? I've got no way of knowing unless I try and figure more out.

If I discover something outside of myself that changed, it would be an enormous find. If I figure out that it was me, then hopefully I can make sure that it isn't detrimental in some way. But there's no way I'd just let that slide.

Mando Knight
2010-02-05, 08:09 PM
living in a developed English-speaking nation closest to the state you're currently residing in.

Meaning? The closest English-speaking nation besides my own is several hundred miles away, in an environment that is most definitely not conducive to my happiness.

Speaking of which, how different is the before-me person? Do I obtain any of his technical knowledge? His memories? Anything?

2010-02-05, 08:32 PM
But... I'd be in New Zealand.

This is going to be a problem.

2010-02-05, 08:34 PM
If this new person is anything like me, and I get his technical memories... I just skipped three and a half years of nursing school :D I'd love that.

2010-02-05, 08:42 PM
Live my new, happier life like nothing happened. I would probably try to contact my current family at some point though.

2010-02-05, 09:02 PM
I would try to live my new life while finding out what happened. The answer to that would guide my actions in terms of whether or not I would attempt to 'reverse' the change.

But there are only a few people on this Earth for whom I would make an effort to reincorporate into my life, even if they did not remember me. Some, like my children, it's unclear whether or not they would even exist or if there would be some doppleganger in my parental role. But should they exist, and should I not be able to be their mother, I would find a way to be involved in their lives, even if as a friend not parent.

Otherwise, I would make the best of the situation I had.

2010-02-05, 09:15 PM
First of all, I'd be in America. Freakin' America
As for what I would do, I'd most likely start freaking out, get sent to an nsane asylum, and spend the rest of my life as a digrace to my 'family'.

2010-02-05, 09:40 PM
But... I'd be in New Zealand.

This is going to be a problem.

Oh dear... It's so true.

I'd contact my old friends and somehow know everything about them. It'd be awesome.

Otherwise, why not just continue on with that life? If it's a good one? What the hell! Lets do this thing!

2010-02-05, 10:02 PM
Lets see, since the English speaking country closest to America is...America, looks like I stay right where I am, and since I'm already drop dead sexy, I look the same.:smalltongue: I'm just 7 years older, in a apartment instead of my house. Sounds fine to me. I'd just go on and live my new life.

Mystic Muse
2010-02-05, 11:51 PM
Find my current D&D groups again.

I'd probably try talking to my previous family but if that didn't work I'd probably just try and move on.

2010-02-06, 12:22 AM
First, I'd check here and on facebook to see if the identity I remember actually exists. If it does, I would post a note explaining that I had switched bodies with someone. If not, I would seek medical attention immediately.

2010-02-06, 06:31 AM
Lets see, since the English speaking country closest to America is...America, looks like I stay right where I am, and since I'm already drop dead sexy, I look the same.:smalltongue: I'm just 7 years older, in a apartment instead of my house. Sounds fine to me. I'd just go on and live my new life.

You're in Canada.

Meaning? The closest English-speaking nation besides my own is several hundred miles away, in an environment that is most definitely not conducive to my happiness.

Speaking of which, how different is the before-me person? Do I obtain any of his technical knowledge? His memories? Anything?

Unclear first post edited to make more sense. You've been relocated to the nearest developed Anglophone country, if it wasn't clear. If it's not a lovely place, then, yeah. Sucks to be you.

You do not receive any of the person's knowledge, save for things like pin numbers and log-in codes (so that you can more easily access money, and details about his/her life).

2010-02-06, 11:08 AM
But... I'd be in New Zealand.

This is going to be a problem.

Right there with ya'. :smalltongue:

Anyway, I suppose I'd just chill, relax, come online, be online me, try to covince the world of the truth of my condition, go to a mental asylum, beg them to give me internet access...

The usual.

2010-02-06, 11:36 AM
I'd wake up in England, then panic. When I've calmed down I'd want to figure out more about what has happened to me aswell. I'd probably quit my job, develop an obsessional bordering on Lovecraftion interest in whatever might cause this, most likely also a more than healthy taste for alcohol. After a decade of delving deep into every legally, and illegaly obtained piece of information about every clandestine organization I could find, and not coming out any wiser I guess, I would write a book about this and make a ton of money on the movie-rights to my new life. I mean, this is really worth atleast one sequel.

2010-02-06, 12:58 PM
Well, I'd be mortified, probably. I'd try to get back with my wife and kid, no matter what.

If things don't work out (:smallfrown:) and I can't court her with my new me, I'd be super depressed and assume I was somehow psychic and insane, like maybe I hit my head and forgot what was my real life, but the psychic me kicked in and gave me all this information randomly that my brain processed as a different life.

If they do I'd live a fractured existance, unable to comprehend what happned and just trying to make it through each day without letting the questions eat me alive. I mean I'd have a job I actually want and an attractive body, so those are bonuses. I'd probably not try to link back up with most of my friends or my other family, they can live without me. Oh, and I'd post what had happened here as some small way to get my word out.

As it comes to my 'new' life I'd probably make up some excuse *coughDrugAddictioncough* and never see them again. I don't need to try and form bonds with those strangers, and I wouldn't feel obligated to stick around or lie any more than I have to.

2010-02-06, 04:20 PM
I would adapt to my new, better life.

2010-02-06, 04:32 PM
I would check myself in to a mental hospital.

2010-02-06, 04:56 PM

Last time, the robbery of self was the only thing, but now it's not the most important thing. Now I have been implicated in removing this someone else from where she belonged in life. I already have the belief (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=6067967&postcount=50) that someone is living the life I was intended to lead, but never found the person whom I had displaced. Now I have. The need to curse at the sky and take revenge on the destroyer is strong, but almost as strong is the wish not to destroy the trappings of this innocent whose life I am occupying. How do people find people? I have no idea! So out into the nearest bit of nature I can find, taking what art or written word I found in the flat, not notifying this existing social circle or workplace (for I am still I, and tend not to remember to notify people in the best of mental outlook), there to sit, and think, and sit. . .

(Side note: If it weren't for my migration, which drops me in the U.K. instead of the U.S., I would have jumped to the conclusion that it was my sister pulling the motherlode of all pranks upon me by dropping me into her life, and gone and slapped her upside the head several times, while demanding what she'd done with her life that was so bad I needed to take the fall in her place. That delusion would be very difficult to dislodge.)

2010-02-06, 05:15 PM
But... I'd be in New Zealand.

This is going to be a problem.

I think the one you're in counts as the one nearest to you, silly.
Oh wait, I just reread that. Oh yeah, you'd be screwed.

I'd enjoy being freed of some of the shackles of my past and annoying things of growing up.

I'd probably do some cursory investigation of things, wonder what happened to some of my best friends and attempt to see what had happened to them.

I think I'd be most interested to find out what field I'd've ended up in.

Hope that in addition to the whole knowing passwords I shouldn't have, the way to behave in a large city and at work would come to me from the residual memories of the body I was implanted in over a bit of time. otherwise I'd have to attribute any wonkiness to some kind of minor amnesia.

I sort of feel bad that I don't really have anyone in my life that I'd try to really fight for to get back like that. A part of me wonders whether I could look up a couple of old flames that had some bad timing on both of our parts and see what was up with them, but another part of me views that as something sick and wrong to even contemplate.

Kill myself unless I find Canadian medecine to be worth the sacrifice of being from the land of poutine.