View Full Version : Around the Eye of the Storm Earth Group IC

2010-02-05, 10:50 PM
Act 1- The Splitting of the Group

The group begins their journey together along a wide but beat up road. Along the road, they pass many tradesmen carrying goods from Earthsteel to Wintersteel. Near the end of the day, the group reaches the path up the mountain to Earthsteel, however, at the bottom of the path, is a gate and wall. At the gate, there is a bored looking dwarf guard.

2010-02-05, 11:24 PM
During the day as the group is traveling Tralin shares his view of the situation.

"There are forces which are driving us towards Earthsteel so that we may be used as pawns in some game.

The letter received is from Anton Bartolie. A relative and supporter of mine if the letter is to be believed. I will not be working under the assumption that things are as they seem. I have not made my presence known before reaching the town of Wintersteel so it is unlikely that the letter could have reached me unless one of two things has taken place. The first and obvious one is that the letter is a fake. The second is that Anton is an ally but is involved in a higher level of power struggles than I'm currently aware of. Either way the individual will try to use me for his own game. I tell you this as temporary companions you will be subject to the dangers of association.

The other thing to consider is this quest to 'save the family.' Frankly, I have a hard time imaging a situation where a good man could be pressed to attack an inn and commit murder. It isn't like the guy hung back hoping that the others would do the deed. He moved up and attacked. I think that the family >if it exists< is also likely to be tragically flawed. You should prepare yourself for that. I believe that is the hook that has lured the rest of you towards becoming used.

So my advice is that as we move forward we question everything we see and everyone's motives."

2010-02-05, 11:29 PM
Daigorro laughs. My friend, I hunt necromancers for a living. Nothing is ever as it seems. The dead walk, light is dark, dark is light and the soul suffers. Believe me, I have seen through trials far worse than the machinations of merchants and politicians. He gets a curious look on his face, and then turns to his companions. I do not believe we have been properly introduced! I am known as Daigorro Kelan. I am, as you may have guessed, not particularly fond of necromancers, their servants or their masters. I am an assassin by trade, and an aspiring master of weapons. May I have the pleasure of your names? He removes his hat and performs a dramatic, sweeping bow.

Mando Knight
2010-02-06, 05:21 PM
Kallista curtsies to her decidedly-lethal new friend. "Well met, Daigorro. I am Kallista. I haven't found such a handy title to my job yet, other than adventurer."

Upon reaching Earthsteel, she shouts out to the dwarf guard "Hail, Sir Dwarf! We are but a small band of humble adventurers, seeking entrance to the town!"

2010-02-06, 05:51 PM
The dwarf grunts and waves you through.

2010-02-06, 05:52 PM
Once through the gates, Daigorro speaks in hushed tones to his companions. So, where do we go from here?

2010-02-06, 09:35 PM
Don, unable to speak his name, merely sighs. His legs turn into crab legs and he scuttles through the gates. He looks around at the city.

2010-02-07, 10:00 AM
Don, unable to speak his name, merely sighs. His legs turn into crab legs and he scuttles through the gates. He looks around at the city.

In front of you see a huge cavern, and inside, there is a sprawling marketplace, with a lot of people of many races buying and selling goods. There are many tunnels leaving this first cavern, but only three big ones.

2010-02-07, 09:51 PM
Wow... It's literally earthsteel DOn thinks as he moves toward the market. He, of course, didn't have any money, but a little window shopping wouldn't hurt. Maybe if he found an old hat or a jar sitting around he could find a container and do a little begging

Perception: [roll0]

to see if he could find a container of some sort.

2010-02-07, 10:45 PM
An underground settlement? Oh, but they must have the finest of smithies! Alas, I lack the funds to go weapon shopping. The assassin sighs dramatically.

When he sees Don looking around, he gestures towards him. What ever are you looking for, my untalkative friend?

2010-02-08, 08:11 AM
Wow... It's literally earthsteel DOn thinks as he moves toward the market. He, of course, didn't have any money, but a little window shopping wouldn't hurt. Maybe if he found an old hat or a jar sitting around he could find a container and do a little begging

Perception: [roll0]

to see if he could find a container of some sort.

You find so many containers! Just to your left, there is one for 5gp, and to your right one for a modest 2cp!

2010-02-10, 08:48 PM
Don Triumphantly points at the container for 2gp. He thinks, then decides that it is better not to steal, he didn't want to be driven out of the town that he was supposed to be saving. He digs deep down in his rags, fails to find anything, then digs even deeper and pulls out the two coins. He smacks them down on the table, grabs the container, and finds a good spot out of the way, but still very noticable, to sit.

perception: [roll0]

to see if he can find any materials laying about for making a sign

2010-02-10, 08:54 PM
What is he doing? asks Daigorro out loud, to no one in particular. He turns to Tralin and Kallista. I am going to visit the mayor's office, if indeed this town has a mayor, in order to inquire about our deceased outlaw friends and warn him of the danger to the city. I will then go to the local Temple of the Dark Lady to report to the ranking priest there. If anyone wishes to accompany me, they are welcome. Otherwise, I will meet you all at the local tavern tonight, yes?

Mando Knight
2010-02-10, 09:03 PM
Kallista is distracted for a while by the sight of the dwarf-style city, then notices her weird mute companion scrambling around like a beggar and thwacks him lightly on the head with her spear. "Hey, no time for begging. We've got places to go, people to see. If all works out, you won't need to beg anyway." After that, she follows Daigorro.

2010-02-11, 04:09 PM
Don finds a bunch of scrap pieces of wood, some bent nails, and a badly made hammer. A dwarf approaches Tralin. "Greetings warrior, would you come with me?" He begins to go through the crowd, stops after a moment, turns and beckons for all of you to follow him.

2010-02-11, 10:18 PM
Ah, some direction at last! exclaims Daigorro in Elven to himself. Then, in Common, Why don't we follow this conveniently helpful dwarf? he asks the rest of the group, and he pulls his cloak tighter around him and moves to follow the dwarf. He has a sudden "eureka" expression, and taps the dwarf on the shoulder. May I have the pleasure of your name, good sir dwarf? I am known as Daigorro, and my companions are Tralin, Kallista and a talented mute who has had trouble conveying unto us his name. He tips his bowler hat and inclines his head.

2010-02-11, 11:01 PM
Don writes on the wood and begins making a sign

mute and homeless. Every gp cou-


Don reaches up and rubs his head. How come she always does that?...

He picks up his sign and follows after the others, studying the dwarf carefully.

Insight: [roll0]

At the mention of his lack of name, he spins his sign around and writes on the back


He then points at his name, his arms becoming furry with pride at his ingenuity.

2010-02-12, 08:15 AM
The dwarf sighs, "I was just sent for Tralin, but I suppose you could come to."

2010-02-12, 09:04 AM
Tralin simply nods and begins to follow waiting for the others to join in as desired. Is the dwarf businesslike, nervous, angry, impatient, etc?

Mando Knight
2010-02-12, 01:19 PM
Kallista nods and follows Tralin and his new dwarf acquaintance.

2010-02-12, 11:42 PM
The dwarf leads you through the crowd into a small tunnel. The tunnel leads to a small residential area. He approaches one of the houses and knocks. "Who is it?"

2010-02-13, 07:01 PM
Tralin looks to the dwarf, waiting briefly before answering "Tralin Bartolie. I believe I'm expected."

2010-02-13, 07:04 PM
Tralin looks to the dwarf, waiting briefly before answering "Tralin Bartolie. I believe I'm expected."

The door flings open. Inside you see a balding middle aged white man. "Ah! Tralin! Long time no see! You got my letter!"

2010-02-13, 10:01 PM
Don peers around the line of people

letter? but I thought the letter was fake!

2010-02-16, 10:24 AM
Tralin smiles in a friendly manner and walks in. "I did. Please tell me about your problem. Hopefully my companions and I can be of assistance."

2010-02-16, 04:37 PM
Tralin smiles in a friendly manner and walks in. "I did. Please tell me about your problem. Hopefully my companions and I can be of assistance."

He sighs, "Well, uh, the, uh, dueregar mafia has a hit on my head. BUT I DIDN'T DO IT!!! They're mistaking me for someone else."

2010-02-17, 08:43 AM
"Do what? Who would benefited from the deed or from your death? I'll also need to know more about this dueregar mafia."

2010-02-17, 04:31 PM
Yes, please do elaborate. I usually prefer to know who's head I'm to remove before I go about the task of removing it.

2010-02-17, 07:38 PM
Yes, please do elaborate. I usually prefer to know who's head I'm to remove before I go about the task of removing it.

"I don't know there leader, but I refused to pay there 'protection tax' a while back, and they put a hit on me! Can you please help me?"

2010-02-17, 08:59 PM
Insight: [roll0]

Mando Knight
2010-02-17, 09:01 PM
"The mafia runs deep enough to run a racketeering scam here?"

2010-02-18, 08:12 AM
Insight: [roll0]

Hes telling the truth.

2010-02-18, 08:13 AM
"The mafia runs deep enough to run a racketeering scam here?"

"Oh yes, yes they do. They are quite powerful, but for some reason, they have new momentum."

2010-02-19, 12:11 PM
"That it? You found me easily enough. Surely you have more."

Mando Knight
2010-02-19, 01:06 PM
"Indeed. Surely you don't expect a few newcomers to simply walk in and uproot a mafia without some intel, do you?"

2010-02-19, 05:39 PM
"Indeed. Surely you don't expect a few newcomers to simply walk in and uproot a mafia without some intel, do you?"

"No, I just want you to convince them not to kill me, ok?

2010-02-19, 05:45 PM
"No, I just want you to convince them not to kill me, ok?

If they are as powerful as you say, why in the Nine would they listen to us? Duergar are not known for their leniency, or for backing down from a confrontation. Or, for that matter, for their mercy.

2010-02-19, 05:52 PM
If they are as powerful as you say, why in the Nine would they listen to us? Duergar are not known for their leniency, or for backing down from a confrontation. Or, for that matter, for their mercy.

"Well, I couldn't get anyone else, and I knew I can always trust family!"

2010-02-19, 05:57 PM
"Well, I couldn't get anyone else, and I knew I can always trust family!"

Daigorro throws his hands in the air, and mumbles some profanity in Elven. He leaves the rest of the discussion with Tralin's naive brother to the swordmage friend, and casually begins pacing the room behind them, staging counter-ambushes in his head and analyzing its every detail - after all, the duergar could strike at any moment.

2010-02-19, 09:17 PM
Don, rather bored, roams off a little ways. Tralin's brother, friend whatever (he didn't care, and wasn't entirely paying attention) was of no concern to him. He finishes writing in his bad spelling

mut and homless. Every gp conts. mae yur god(s) bless u

He finds a good spot, not too far away from the group, but still collecting trafic, to sit and beg.

Diplomacy: [roll0]


2010-02-19, 09:34 PM
Don, rather bored, roams off a little ways. Tralin's brother, friend whatever (he didn't care, and wasn't entirely paying attention) was of no concern to him. He finishes writing in his bad spelling

mut and homless. Every gp conts. mae yur god(s) bless u

He finds a good spot, not too far away from the group, but still collecting trafic, to sit and beg.

Diplomacy: [roll0]


Some people give you some bread, 5sp, and 25cp.

2010-02-19, 09:45 PM
Don puts the coins in his rags, picks up his container and his sign, and begins walking over to the rest of the group. He looks at the bread, realizes that he is hungry, and begins happily munching on the bread on the way back to the rest of the group. When he gets back he finds a good tree, far out of reach from Kallista's cane, and leans against it, still happily munching on his bread.