View Full Version : I Can't Tell if I'm Crazy Here

2010-02-06, 12:07 AM
OK, a long story.

Recently, my D&D group's been on hold. No sessions for over a month, no reason nor explanation for why. My group normally gets together at my friend(for the sake of this thread, I'll call him Tyler)'s house for D&D since his house is equidistant to everyone else's, but word's come from Tyler that we're relocating to another friend(we'll call Friend #2 Dylan for the sake of this post)'s house. I asked why just a few hours ago, during a phone call. The following is a roughly paraphrased transcript of that call.

Me: So, what's the deal? D&D tomorrow?
Tyler: Nah, on hold for another week.
Me: Dude, it's been a month.
Tyler: I know, I know. Next Saturday, though, Dylan's house.
Me: Wait, why Dylan's house? We put the game on hold for a month, and all of the sudden we're going to Dylan's house?
Tyler: I...I can't tell you. Someone might be listening in. I'll tell you in person. 1:00 PM, sharp. Don't be late. *hangs up*

I quickly got in touch with other members of my D&D group, to either check in and let them know, and ask if they know anything about it. Same response from no less than six other individuals, with a few variations; 'be at Dylan's house, 1:00 PM, sharp. Can't tell you why. Someone could be listening.'

Everyone made very sure to point out that someone could be listening in on the call, and made certain to tell me to be at the session at 1:00 PM. Normally I'm a little late, but they were telling me, flat-out, one o-clock sharp.

Am I crazy, or is there something else going on here?

2010-02-06, 12:11 AM
Yes. You're crazy. There is no conspiracy to kidnap you. Just be at Dylan's, 1:00 sharp. Don't bring a gun. Be sure to drink the water. I can't tell you why.

Probably your friends are having a little fun at your expense.

2010-02-06, 12:12 AM
Well, I tend to think like Rorschach in that everything's a conspiracy. On this I have to say something is definitely going down. Tough break on the no D&D. My old DM got a girlfriend last semester and our game just sort of died out.

2010-02-06, 12:21 AM
Yes. You're crazy. There is no conspiracy to kidnap you. Just be at Dylan's, 1:00 sharp. Don't bring a gun. Be sure to drink the water. I can't tell you why.

Probably your friends are having a little fun at your expense.

:smalltongue: Well, it wouldn't be the first time Dylan's done it, but it's the fact that, if this is a prank, Tyler's in on it.

Tyler's sort of like our group's straight man. He doesn't 'do' pranks, especially something that'd get the perpetually-freaked-out-GM(IE. Me) scared about something he doesn't even know. If this is a prank, the rest of the group must've made Tyler one heck of an offer.

2010-02-06, 12:27 AM
last time I had a gamer tell me to go to his house at a time like that it was just because he was bored, but he made it out to be something. I went in ready for a fight, because i'd been getting the vibe that he and another friend were starting to see me as the odd guy out, but like i said he just wanted to hang out.

maybe the 1 sharp is because they think you're occasionally a little to late?

2010-02-06, 12:27 AM
It may be a surprise party. Is your birthday coming up?

Darklord Bright
2010-02-06, 12:38 AM
Arrive an hour early.

Mystic Muse
2010-02-06, 12:42 AM
Arrive an hour early.

I like this solution.:smallbiggrin:

I don't know though. If I heard my D&D group saying something like this I'd at least bring a knife if I was going to go at all.

2010-02-06, 12:54 AM
Well, it's not my birthday, since that was a month ago.

Arriving an hour early might put them off guard, but I'll consider it. I doubt it's some kind of kidnapping or assassination attempt. We're all in high school, for cryin' out loud.

2010-02-06, 12:59 AM
We're all in high school, for cryin' out loud.

That changes everything. You're about to become a Power Ranger.

Mystic Muse
2010-02-06, 01:01 AM
I doubt it's some kind of kidnapping or assassination attempt. We're all in high school, for cryin' out loud.

three words. School shout-out. (I'm not saying this would happen. I'm saying being in highschool doesn't preclude something like that from happening)

2010-02-06, 01:09 AM
Maybe youfinally got accepted into one of those cool sects everyone keeps talking about!

the doomed one
2010-02-06, 01:38 AM
No, paranoia is a perfectly reasonable response to this situation.

as for advice...

Show up at on of your friend's houses unannounced when they are not there go to that friend's room and wait where you can not be seen from the door and when they get home demand answers. Alternatively, if you go to the same school, you could ask about it there.

also you should just randomly switch to playing paranoia

EDIT: I hate my spell check...

Zeb The Troll
2010-02-06, 02:01 AM
Alliteratively, if you go to the same school, you could ask about it there.Come on! That answer had NO alliteration whatsoever. :smalltongue:

2010-02-06, 02:22 AM
Wouldn't worry, wait a while. When it happens, have a payback plan with you.

Oh and say goodbye to your loved ones first

2010-02-06, 02:45 AM
So, how do we know it's you once you come back to the forums to tell us the result of this encounter?

2010-02-06, 03:36 AM
Do you have an annoying relative that might want to tag along? Could it be that they want to trap you into a Call of Cthulhu game?

Well, that or the Power Ranger thing.

2010-02-06, 03:42 AM
Bring a taser.

And if you have any contacts in the illuminati, now's the time to use them.

2010-02-06, 04:28 AM
This is the kind of thing that turns my mind to bizarre quantum-mechanical stuff and makes me feel very very small and sorry for myself. The fact that things like this actually happen in real life, instead of in my head (which is its own real life too...)

On topic, you would appear to be somewhat coherent, so not gibbering crazy anyway. Tell you what: go to Dylan's house at about, say, noon, and rock on up to the door. Then play it by ear. Specifically, play it so that the very large piece of wood that you have with you is briefly by, and then on, their ears.

2010-02-06, 04:46 AM
This all reeks of a prank. Go along at 1:00 PM, don't bring anything that you wouldn't mind getting damaged if it involves water etc. and just bloody well enjoy the ride! :smallbiggrin:

2010-02-06, 05:33 AM
You will all be playing a real-life horror campaign.

And the Slender Man (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/TheSlenderManMythos) is the DM.

Grey Paladin
2010-02-06, 05:36 AM
The plastic tips at the ends of shoe laces are called anklets. Remove them before entering his house, but out of public sight. Their true purpose is sinister.


Zeb The Troll
2010-02-06, 05:39 AM
The plastic tips at the ends of shoe laces are called aglets (http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/aglet). Remove them before entering his house, but out of public sight. Their true purpose is sinister.


Grey Paladin
2010-02-06, 05:43 AM
No, anklets. They want you to think they are harmless aglets.

2010-02-06, 06:25 AM
It's them who're crazy! RUN! Run while you still CAN, man, for the love of Pelor! Make sure you're stocked up on tinned soup, weaponry, and petroleum, and hit the road! One o'clock shall ne'er CLAIM your LIFE!

Alternatively, it's a prank that will end amusingly, or a surprise party (sure, not your birthday, but perhaps there's something else about you that's worth celebrating), as previously suggested. Just make sure people know where you're going. Perhaps have a non-DnD friend park outside?

2010-02-06, 06:25 AM
Don't take weapons, that could go very wrong.

Meet up with another player before hand and turn up together, that way you have someone to trip over if you need to run like hell from the Demons that are obviously possessing your friend.

2010-02-06, 07:34 AM
You're the GM, right?

So, just in case, I'd prepare another game for this week. one about conspiracy theories. There are several of those.

2010-02-06, 07:45 AM
No sessions for over a month

Well, it's not my birthday, since that was a month ago.

It's going to be a surprise birthday thing. From your posts, I assume that your group hasn't had a session since before your birthday for whatever reason, and they'll try to do something fun of it.

Don't make a big issue of it. There is absolutely no need to bring anything silly like a weapon, and bringing a non-DnD friend will only mean that said non-DnD friend will just either get to go home again, or will end up really bored once you guys start your DnD session.

The Dark Fiddler
2010-02-06, 07:46 AM
Oh dear... this is not good.

They've obviously disturbed the Slender Man, and are going to bring you into it, without knowing what danger they're putting you in.

You will all be playing a real-life horror campaign.

And the Slender Man (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/TheSlenderManMythos) is the DM.

I like this version better, actually. Listen to this guy.

And bring along a video camera.

The Succubus
2010-02-06, 07:47 AM
I really don't see the problem. They already told me what was going to happen - both Tyler *and* Dylan did.

Although using a domestic appliance in that way surely voids the warranty, no?

2010-02-06, 08:45 AM
You're here => you're crazy.

Regarding your actual post, clearly some sort of joke/prank/surprise/whatever on the part of your friends.

2010-02-06, 08:53 AM
Congratulations. They're accepting you to the cult. One of us, one of us.

2010-02-06, 08:54 AM
Even better than showing up early... Don't show up at all.
They'll be liek, "DDuuuude... You didn't rok upz!"
Then you can say, "BAHAHAHAHA... Jokes on you..."

Actually, that's a terrible idea. My advice is to spring the trap. Wearing an al-foil hat.

2010-02-06, 09:25 AM
They're screwing with you. I have friends like that. Actually, pretty much all of the people I'm on good terms with will come up with a plan like this eventually if for some reason they all get together and I have to beg out or am unavailable for some reason.

2010-02-06, 09:52 AM
That changes everything. You're about to become a Power Ranger.

This made my day. :smallbiggrin:

2010-02-06, 11:42 AM
Am I crazy, or is there something else going on here?

Can't answer that question. Someone could be listening.

Remember: 1:00 P.M. sharp.

2010-02-06, 02:44 PM
While I know what the Slender Man is, I highly doubt it's that. :smalltongue: The fact that I've just witnessed a guy in a black suit with no face and tentacle-like arms hanging around outside my window proves nothing.

Anyways, just got off the phone with Tyler again, bugged him about it a little before he snapped at me(He wasn't acting, I could tell from the tone of voice), told me that if I want to know I need to be at Dylan's house at 1:00 next Saturday, and hung up before I could apologize for getting him angry. Tyler's not one to have a short temper, and if this is a prank, they had to have strongarmed or bribed him somehow.

So, once again, I can't help but think something's up. Whatever's going on, it's actually got me pretty rattled.

Then again, I'm off my rocker half the time as it is, in various ways, so, I dunno. Maybe I'm just jumping at shadows. <_< >_> In fact, I'm probably just jumping at shadows.

Gotta go shoo away that black-suited guy with the tentacles again.

2010-02-06, 02:53 PM
Anyways, just got off the phone with Tyler again, bugged him about it a little before he snapped at me(He wasn't acting, I could tell from the tone of voice), told me that if I want to know I need to be at Dylan's house at 1:00 next Saturday, and hung up before I could apologize for getting him angry.

Yep, my two cents, this is some kind of a surprise party. I acted the exact same way when one of my friends was bugging me about something I couldn't tell her because otherwise I'd ruin the surprise.

You know, either that, or the secret cult thing. Hey, joining a secret cult is even cooler than a surprise party!

2010-02-06, 02:56 PM
At 1:00, flip on your theme song and kick down the door. Nothing bad can happen to people whose theme song is playing.

Zeb The Troll
2010-02-06, 02:58 PM
For your birthday you're being admitted to a secret cult. :smalleek:

Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll
2010-02-06, 03:02 PM
This thread is giving me wonderful, horrible ideas...

2010-02-06, 03:17 PM
Paranoid Schizophrenia.

Your friend has lost his mind, believes that wizards are scrying his every phone call, and that the only way to save himself, and the world, is to slay the evil beholder masquerading as an average guy.

That guy is you.

Bring a sword and shield ... and the county mental health professional.


2010-02-06, 03:18 PM
For your birthday you're being admitted to a secret cult. :smalleek:

I didn't know the Power Rangers were considered a cult??!?

2010-02-06, 03:19 PM
For your birthday you're being admitted to a secret cult. :smalleek:

Awwww, all I got for my birthday were books... no one ever gets me amything nice like that :smallfrown: :smalltongue:.

2010-02-06, 06:27 PM
Awwww, all I got for my birthday were books... no one ever gets me amything nice like that :smallfrown: :smalltongue:.

Hey, books are awesome.

2010-02-06, 06:45 PM
And so are power ranger cults.

Wait, what kind of power ranger?

2010-02-06, 07:33 PM
Hey, books are awesome.

Be happy if you get books. I get letters with some money inside from all my relatives, and a card saying "buy yourself some books, we don't know what you like to read".

2010-02-06, 07:33 PM
Be happy if you get books. I get letters with some money inside from all my relatives, and a card saying "buy yourself some books, we don't know what you like to read".
Money with which to buy books is nearly as good as actual books.

Innis Cabal
2010-02-06, 07:37 PM
OK, a long story.

Recently, my D&D group's been on hold. No sessions for over a month, no reason nor explanation for why. My group normally gets together at my friend(for the sake of this thread, I'll call him Tyler)'s house for D&D since his house is equidistant to everyone else's, but word's come from Tyler that we're relocating to another friend(we'll call Friend #2 Dylan for the sake of this post)'s house. I asked why just a few hours ago, during a phone call. The following is a roughly paraphrased transcript of that call.

Me: So, what's the deal? D&D tomorrow?
Tyler: Nah, on hold for another week.
Me: Dude, it's been a month.
Tyler: I know, I know. Next Saturday, though, Dylan's house.
Me: Wait, why Dylan's house? We put the game on hold for a month, and all of the sudden we're going to Dylan's house?
Tyler: I...I can't tell you. Someone might be listening in. I'll tell you in person. 1:00 PM, sharp. Don't be late. *hangs up*

I quickly got in touch with other members of my D&D group, to either check in and let them know, and ask if they know anything about it. Same response from no less than six other individuals, with a few variations; 'be at Dylan's house, 1:00 PM, sharp. Can't tell you why. Someone could be listening.'

Everyone made very sure to point out that someone could be listening in on the call, and made certain to tell me to be at the session at 1:00 PM. Normally I'm a little late, but they were telling me, flat-out, one o-clock sharp.

Am I crazy, or is there something else going on here?

You ever think for a moment this might be a set up for the game you'll be playing?

2010-02-06, 07:40 PM
Nope! :smalltongue:

2010-02-06, 07:41 PM
And so are power ranger cults.

Wait, what kind of power ranger?

The Kind that uses two-weapons. Bows are for sissys.

Innis Cabal
2010-02-06, 07:46 PM
Nope! :smalltongue:

Thats what it sounds like to me

2010-02-06, 07:50 PM
Paranoid Schizophrenia.

Your friend has lost his mind, believes that wizards are scrying his every phone call, and that the only way to save himself, and the world, is to slay the evil beholder masquerading as an average guy.

That guy is you.

Bring a sword and shield ... and the county mental health professional.


If its a paranoid delusion then the one having it is the poster. We dont have any proof his friends even exist.

2010-02-06, 07:58 PM
OP: They're ****************** and want to kill you. Do them in first. And make sure you have alerted your next of kin.

You ever think for a moment this might be a set up for the game you'll be playing?

Nah. Trying paranoia on RPG players tends to lead people to getting stabbed to death before they can yell out PUNKED.

Or stabbed after they do so, anyway.

The Dark Fiddler
2010-02-06, 08:01 PM
And so are power ranger cults.

Wait, what kind of power ranger?

The kind that doesn't go flying if a bullet goes anywhere within three feet of them.

Needless to say, a very rare breed.

2010-02-06, 08:02 PM
Thats what it sounds like to me

>_> Don't see why they'd be doing this for a game set up.

A) It's my job to decide on what game we're going to play, and to set it all up, not their's. Normally, I take their requests for what they want to play, as far as system and setting.

B) <_< I don't think anyone in my group's really displayed violent tendencies. A lot of that stuff seems to be circulating here in this thread, and it's kind of making me uncomfortable. >_> Some of this is outright silliness, but declaring that my friends are going to kill me and I should kill them first is kinda...missing the punchline, I should say. <_<

Zeb The Troll
2010-02-06, 08:03 PM
Nah, they're totally hooking you up with America's Next Top Model.

2010-02-06, 08:10 PM
I like this solution.:smallbiggrin:

I don't know though. If I heard my D&D group saying something like this I'd at least bring a knife if I was going to go at all.

It's a house rule in my group that the firearms have to be left in the armory, 'cause otherwise the command gets cranky.

<_< I don't think anyone in my group's really displayed violent tendencies. A lot of that stuff seems to be circulating here in this thread, and it's kind of making me uncomfortable. >_> Some of this is outright silliness, but declaring that my friends are going to kill me and I should kill them first is kinda...missing the punchline, I should say. <_<

I'm sure Ed Gein's neighbors and friends thought he was a pretty normal guy, too. Just sayin'... you might wind up a suit.

2010-02-06, 08:19 PM
missing the punchline, I should say. <_<

Well, humor is a touchy thing.

But yeah, they probably want to harvest your brain.

Also, you should remember to wear lots of leather and bring 50 feet of rope.

At 1:00, flip on your theme song and kick down the door. Nothing bad can happen to people whose theme song is playing.

Unless this is your theme song. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oYLjE2lzMME&feature=related):smallwink:

2010-02-06, 08:29 PM
Well, humor is a touchy thing.

But yeah, they probably want to harvest your brain.

Also, you should remember to wear lots of leather and bring 50 feet of rope.

Unless this is your theme song. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oYLjE2lzMME&feature=related):smallwink:

May I recommend this song (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0l__jSgTAmQ) as a good theme song.

And I second the rope. If nothing's wrong, you can laugh it off. But if it comes time to go to war, always side with the guy with the duct tape over the guy with the tank. Duct Tape makes you smart.

2010-02-06, 08:33 PM

I could have gone without getting linked to Slender man stuff and Marble Hornets.

Damn damn damn. >.<

2010-02-06, 10:28 PM
How about you have your parent's and/or friends in the armed forces drive you. Tell them to wait ten minutes and then come in guns blazing unless you give them the signal.

2010-02-06, 11:56 PM
Someone's rolled a nat-1 on their Sense Motive check.

2010-02-07, 12:22 AM
This made my day. :smallbiggrin:

I'm glad. I really am.

And so are power ranger cults.

Wait, what kind of power ranger?
The kind who duel-wield dinosaurs! We have no idea what kind. If he's a new Power Ranger, it's a new series.

Edit: Unless he's the Green Ranger!

Moff Chumley
2010-02-07, 12:27 AM
Sounds like something my players would do, the tricky bastards. Jokes on them, though, because I have all of their phones wiretapped, and have at least three articles of blackmail on each of them, so turning them against eachother shouldn't be to hard... :smallamused:

2010-02-07, 01:08 AM

I could have gone without getting linked to Slender man stuff and Marble Hornets.

Damn damn damn. >.<

I watched less then a minute of the first Marble Hornets video and had to stop watching it just because I was really paranoid and was scaring myself out about what I was about to see. :smallfrown: and I had to go to sleep last night with my light on.
I get freaked out waaayy too easily. I barely even know what the slender man is and I'm still terrified.

as for the original post, I think its going to be a surprise party of some sort. or maybe they're just doing it to pull some sort of prank. I wouldnt worry about it too much. I doubt you'll be kidnapped.

How about you have your parent's and/or friends in the armed forces drive you. Tell them to wait ten minutes and then come in guns blazing unless you give them the signal.

and if you are really that worried, just follow Lupy's advice.
policemen are good alternatives. if you get desperate I suppose some firefighters would be good too. :smalltongue:

2010-02-07, 03:49 AM
How about you have your parent's and/or friends in the armed forces drive you. Tell them to wait ten minutes and then come in guns blazing unless you give them the signal.

This is probably the best idea that has come up yet, but I would like to add the following:

Tinfoil Hat
Thick Cloths/any armor that you can get
A weapon, something non lethal, coz you know, you really don't want to kill some one over a prank.
A cell phone set to call the police (unless there out side waiting in the car)
Friends, two of them that do not normally play DND, this way they will not be in on what ever it may be, get them to wait in the yard until you give the all clear. You may need to pay them or something to make it worth there wile to come over with you.

Of course it may just be a joke, but remember:

"Just because your paranoid doesn't mean that there not out to get you"

On a different note

Nah. Trying paranoia on RPG players tends to lead people to getting stabbed to death before they can yell out PUNKED.

I am so sig-ing that!

2010-02-07, 03:57 AM
I am so sig-ing that!

For better or worse though, the cops usually arrive while they're still divvying up loot, so, some justice is still served.

In regards to the tinfoil hat, construct it in such a way that when the coast is clear, you can just tweak it slightly by raising up some sections which were bent down into some kind of crenelated crown configuration thing.

The Dark Fiddler
2010-02-07, 07:01 AM
I get freaked out waaayy too easily. I barely even know what the slender man is and I'm still terrified.

It gets creepier. I hate horror stuff, but I watched all of the videos at night in the dark alone, and I love every minute of it.

I always knew something was wrong with me. :smalleek:

2010-02-07, 11:54 AM
My first response to this thread was going to be "It's probably fine, I wouldn't worry too much about it". But then I followed the TvTropes link and I just watched the entirety of Marble Hornets.

Now my advice is just don't go outside. Ever again. Ever.

2010-02-08, 07:31 AM
Probably a more important question would be to ask yourself;

"What would Belkar do?"

2010-02-08, 08:59 AM
Probably a more important question would be to ask yourself;

"What would Belkar do?"

Save fluffy white cats. How does that apply to this situation :smallconfused: :smalltongue:

2010-02-08, 09:10 AM
Senseless paranoia? Sign me up!

...In fact... That's probably what you want me to do, isn't it! Well I'm not falling for that. Too cunning for you.

2010-02-08, 09:29 AM
Save fluffy white cats. How does that apply to this situation :smallconfused: :smalltongue:

"I AM A SEXY SHOELESS GOD OF WAR!!!" (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0439.html)

2010-02-08, 09:41 AM
"I AM A SEXY SHOELESS GOD OF WAR!!!" (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0439.html)

Oh you meant that (http://i23.photobucket.com/groups/s266/MG79OLL6V8/oots8.png) type of advice. My bad :smalltongue:

Moff Chumley
2010-02-08, 06:28 PM
It gets creepier. I hate horror stuff, but I watched all of the videos at night in the dark alone, and I love every minute of it.

I always knew something was wrong with me. :smalleek:

I did that too. Good fun.

Really, I don't get what's so scary about The Slender Man. So, you get murdered and decapitated by a supernatural entity that slowly drives you insane first. It's not the end of the world, people. :smallconfused:

2010-02-08, 06:48 PM
Go along completely unsuspecting. If it is a prank/party, you get on pulled over on you and everyone laughs. If it's not, you don't look like a lunatic. Everyone wins. Please do not bring a knife and stab your skinny friend because you think he is the Slender Man. :smalleek:

purple gelatinous cube o' Doom
2010-02-08, 07:03 PM
Well, if you're convinced that they're trying to mess with you, you should turn it around and get them before they get you. You could cook up some excuse that something has come up and you can't make it when they want you there, hatch some devious scheme against them, and go pull it off. I'm sure fellow playgrounders would be happy to devise this evil scheme against your group as well.

The Dark Fiddler
2010-02-08, 07:10 PM
I'm sure fellow playgrounders would be happy to devise this evil scheme against your group as well.

:smallconfused: Are you sure you aren't thinking of the Something Awful goons?

2010-02-08, 07:18 PM
I barely even know what the slender man is and I'm still terrified.

This is the problem. I had night terrors for 2 nights after first reading about Slender Man. Today, I watched all of Marble Hornets and spent a good hour after researching everything I could (easily) find on him. I am relatively sure that I will sleep soundly tonight.

The greatest terror is the unknown. Read up, especially anything you can find about how SM is just a silly internet meme started by people with nothing better to do.

And as far as the OP being crazy, probably not. Friends like to screw with each other sometimes. It's part of the relationship. Don't kill/stab/shoot/physicallly or mentally assault anyone. It's a bad idea.


purple gelatinous cube o' Doom
2010-02-08, 07:20 PM
:smallconfused: Are you sure you aren't thinking of the Something Awful goons?

Seeing as I had no idea what you were referring to until about 30 seconds ago, that would have to be a negative.

The Dark Fiddler
2010-02-08, 07:24 PM
Seeing as I had no idea what you were referring to until about 30 seconds ago, that would have to be a negative.

Oh. Cause they have a history of planning things. (http://www.zug.com/pranks/powerbook/)

2010-02-08, 07:40 PM
While I know what the Slender Man is, I highly doubt it's that. :smalltongue: The fact that I've just witnessed a guy in a black suit with no face and tentacle-like arms hanging around outside my window proves nothing.

Anyways, just got off the phone with Tyler again, bugged him about it a little before he snapped at me(He wasn't acting, I could tell from the tone of voice), told me that if I want to know I need to be at Dylan's house at 1:00 next Saturday, and hung up before I could apologize for getting him angry. Tyler's not one to have a short temper, and if this is a prank, they had to have strongarmed or bribed him somehow.

So, once again, I can't help but think something's up. Whatever's going on, it's actually got me pretty rattled.

Then again, I'm off my rocker half the time as it is, in various ways, so, I dunno. Maybe I'm just jumping at shadows. <_< >_> In fact, I'm probably just jumping at shadows.

Gotta go shoo away that black-suited guy with the tentacles again.



...I can't explain. Not here, where there are people. Remember, 1:00 sh--

Oh, God. It's here. RUN! RUN WHILE YOU CAN!

Oh, God. It has me.

I...don't have much time left...remember...don't ever say Candlejack under any circum

2010-02-08, 07:48 PM
You know, shortly before reading the above post i happened to, while on the Slender Man thread, mention Candlejack and i dont think the fact that these two coincide is a co

2010-02-08, 07:50 PM
...You'll blow my cover, you fool! If people find out about the Slender Man/Candlejack [DATA EXPUNG

The Succubus
2010-02-08, 08:36 PM
:smallconfused: Are you sure you aren't thinking of the Something Awful goons?

Certainly not. Having seen the level of filth and moral vacuum otherwise known as the Crack thread, I have little doubt that the denizens of this forum will be able to help you in whatever evil scheme you desire.

The Dark Fiddler
2010-02-08, 08:50 PM
Certainly not. Having seen the level of filth and moral vacuum otherwise known as the Crack thread, I have little doubt that the denizens of this forum will be able to help you in whatever evil scheme you desire.

*cough* That does wonders for my self-esteem. Thank you. :smalltongue:

2010-02-08, 09:23 PM
Wait, didn`t he say it was this last saturday (6th)? Shouldn`t we know the outcome by now?

Is the OP dead?

2010-02-08, 09:29 PM
Isn't it obvious? Your "friends" have been planning something diabolical from the start. "Tyler" played the straight man to gain your trust for exactly this. Don't bother with any of the "arrive early" or "bring backup" ideas from this thread; you'll only be playing into their hands. They know where you live. Just give in to whatever it is they're up to. Don't bother struggling. It will just make things worse.

Good luck.

The Dark Fiddler
2010-02-08, 09:47 PM
Wait, didn`t he say it was this last saturday (6th)? Shouldn`t we know the outcome by now?

Is the OP dead?

No, last week was when he learned of this. It's going down this Saturday, the 13th.

2010-02-08, 10:33 PM
Two suggestions:

1) go talk to "tyler" again, in person this time. Explain to him that you're getting really freaked out about this whole thing. If he's as much of a straight shooter as you think, he'll probably cave.

2) Take someone else with you without letting them know before hand. Make sure it's someone you don't mind sacrificing. Send them in first.

2010-02-09, 12:20 AM
Wait. Tyler?

I didn't notice this before, but your friend's name is Tyler?

Ah. That could complicate things. Has Tyler, at any point, suggested you hit him, as hard as you can?

2010-02-09, 03:15 PM
Wait, didn`t he say it was this last saturday (6th)? Shouldn`t we know the outcome by now?

Is the OP dead?

:smalleek: Whoa, whoa, whoa! Not dead! Still alive, relax!

Wait. Tyler?

I didn't notice this before, but your friend's name is Tyler?

Ah. That could complicate things. Has Tyler, at any point, suggested you hit him, as hard as you can?

Uh....no? :smallconfused:

Two suggestions:

1) go talk to "tyler" again, in person this time. Explain to him that you're getting really freaked out about this whole thing. If he's as much of a straight shooter as you think, he'll probably cave.

2) Take someone else with you without letting them know before hand. Make sure it's someone you don't mind sacrificing. Send them in first.

Well, he lives in a different town; See, I mentioned his house was equidistant to everyone else. Not quite true, but his house is closest to me, while staying close to everyone else. The way it worked out was that I went to their school (in a different county from mine) for the sake of better schooling than the one offered in my own county. The plan worked, and as a side effect I met Tyler and the others, none of whom had played D&D until I showed up. Tyler and five other players(not counting myself)now meet at Tyler's house every few weeks for D&D.

In other words, I can't just go out to meet him in person; It's a half-hour long trip, and my parents aren't likely to go burning gas money like that on a whim. I'll need to wait till our scheduled D&D game this week...which is at Dylan's house, apparently, as mentioned in the OP. The change in location was coupled with my requested arrival at 1:00 PM instead of 1:30-ish like usual(I always ran past this, but that's not the point), and no explanation for the change in location or time, and the insistence that none of them could tell me why, on account of the possibility that someone was listening in on the call.

Which brings us to where we are now.

2010-02-09, 03:27 PM
...Uh....no? :smallconfused:

Watch Fight Club.

2010-02-09, 03:43 PM
Wait. Tyler?

I didn't notice this before, but your friend's name is Tyler?

Ah. That could complicate things. Has Tyler, at any point, suggested you hit him, as hard as you can?

Uh....no? :smallconfused:

It's a reference to Fight Club (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0137523). If you haven't seen it, you should. Just stay away from the spoilers before you do. ^^ (Edit: Ninja'd.)

Anyhow, your friends are definitely up to something, so no, you're not crazy. However, I doubt they're trying to hurt you in any way. The whole "1 pm sharp" thing might be due to your perpetual lateness; I have the same problem, and my friends tried to solve it by telling me to be somewhere up to an hour earlier than we needed to be (it didn't work, but it didn't stop them from trying). Sometimes something that's "never been an issue before" has actually been an issue for a while, and they're just afraid to bring it up.

As for the whole "someone might be listening" thing--you guys are in high school, correct? Are Dylan's parents going to be home, or at the very least, know you guys are going to be there?

2010-02-09, 04:03 PM
Haven't really asked. I'll need to call Dylan about that, see if they'll be there.

2010-02-09, 08:27 PM
A few random questions, despite the fact that I'm not sure even quite how some of them are relevant...

If you're DMing, have the players, at any time during the last three sessions, especially NOT before a major battle of some sort, went to the side to discuss tactics without you?
Has there been a session in which every player except for you has gone to the washroom at least once?
Does Tyler seem to be nervous when you speak to him? Possibly more importantly, what about when the others speak to him?
If you're with them at school, do you see less of them than usual? If they're all in the same class as you at some point [unlikely but possible] do they all show up late for a period and/or all go to the washroom, either simultaneously or closely together?
Can you show up 1 hr early?
Will you actually show up 1 hr early?
Can you pack Paranoia books? Don't know if you have them, but you should. Alternatively, some Ravenloft could work.
If you can, and this ever happens, go to the washroom at the same time that two or more of them go to the washroom [if not at the same time, any time between the second (or first if only two) and last should be okay. Look for notes - I've heard people hide them behind mirrors sometimes, and under the garbage could be possible. Try to check every toilet stall, too.

Moff Chumley
2010-02-09, 08:42 PM
Watch Read Fight Club.

There, fixed it for you. Wait a sec, what if Tyler Durden is Candlejack! AND The Slender Man! OH MY GOD, BUCKETHEAD IS THE S-

2010-02-09, 08:54 PM
There, fixed it for you. Wait a sec, what if Tyler Durden is Candlejack! AND The Slender Man! OH MY GOD, BUCKETHEAD IS THE S-

And they're all... Chad Feldheimer!

Wait. Hold it. Geeze, that just drains all the tension, don't it?

2010-02-10, 12:17 AM
Watch Read Fight Club.

I think thats one of those books that the author himself prefers the film of.

Also, this just goes back to a comment i made a page or two ago about how it might not be his friend that is delusional, since we have only his word that his friend exists at all.

2010-02-10, 01:51 AM
I think that's one of those books that the author himself prefers the film of.

Quoted for Truth. I must say that the book was just not terribly good at all. This is the ONLY movie that I have ever thought was better than its corresponding book. I know, I know, it breaks the laws of the universe. But really, watch the movie.

And try not to turn it off the first time you see Brad Pitt. This is the movie that makes him into a real actor.


Mystic Muse
2010-02-10, 01:53 AM
And try not to turn it off the first time you see Brad Pitt. This is the movie that makes him into a real actor.

as opposed to say this? http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/CoolWorld

2010-02-10, 02:20 AM
Or Twelve Monkeys?

2010-02-12, 03:22 PM
A few random questions, despite the fact that I'm not sure even quite how some of them are relevant...

If you're DMing, have the players, at any time during the last three sessions, especially NOT before a major battle of some sort, went to the side to discuss tactics without you?
Has there been a session in which every player except for you has gone to the washroom at least once?
Does Tyler seem to be nervous when you speak to him? Possibly more importantly, what about when the others speak to him?
If you're with them at school, do you see less of them than usual? If they're all in the same class as you at some point [unlikely but possible] do they all show up late for a period and/or all go to the washroom, either simultaneously or closely together?
Can you show up 1 hr early?
Will you actually show up 1 hr early?
Can you pack Paranoia books? Don't know if you have them, but you should. Alternatively, some Ravenloft could work.
If you can, and this ever happens, go to the washroom at the same time that two or more of them go to the washroom [if not at the same time, any time between the second (or first if only two) and last should be okay. Look for notes - I've heard people hide them behind mirrors sometimes, and under the garbage could be possible. Try to check every toilet stall, too.

1. Oh, no, not at all. They either don't do it at all, or discuss it all prior to starting a battle. Usually the latter. Their teamwork and coordination is impressive, to say the least.

2. Not that I've paid attention to in recent memory. I'll keep an eye out tomorrow for any kind of cycle to washroom trips.

3. We don't go to the same school since we went on to High School. We went to school together back in Middle School, and kind of stuck together for D&D. Same with most of the 'old-timers' for our group; People who've been with the group the longest joined back in middle school. We've picked up a few new 'recruits' since then. Only times I ever see Tyler in person are at the D&D sessions - Usually held at his house. If he seems nervous, I'll probably notice it.

4. See above. Ergo, nein.

5. Again, nein.

6. Again again, nein.

7. Quad-nein! Also, don't see how that's relevant, our D&D campaign's nearing it's endgame. The Ravenloft and Paranoia books aren't really necessary. :smallconfused: Planning to run a Dark Heresy campaign for them afterwards, if that means anything.

8. Not happening. No...just no.

2010-02-13, 09:00 PM
Ooh, doublepost. Daring.

Anyways, I just got back from my session. What's going on? I'll be straight with you.

I got out of the car, headed inside, and the first thing that happens is Dylan asking me if I was followed. I said 'no.' He checks out the window in the front and back of his house, 'to be sure', everyone else seems to be keeping an eye out at various windows. Tyler says he got a video in his e-mail at some point over the last month, and pulls up his e-mail account on Dylan's computer.

Everyone kept an eye out at various windows while Dylan patted me down for anything I might be carrying, like a weapon or something(I didn't bring any).

Next thing I know, I'm being Rickrolled.

The whole thing was a prank; A set-up for what might possibly be a fairly epic Rickroll. I was a bit pissed, to say the least. Everyone was scaring the crap out of me over the last week or so, and here I was, being Rickrolled.

Tyler got bribed with twenty bucks to help everyone else, and a good laugh was had by all.

Needless to say, a TPK ensued at tonight's session. Take that, jerks.

2010-02-13, 09:14 PM
Hah! I have to agree with you there, sir. That RR can only be described as epic. I mean, think about it. He managed to Rickroll not only you, but a solid majority of the playgrounders as well.

Well, indirectly anyway.

Anywho, I'm glad no one was injured (out of game) and that you didn't get captured by Slender Man.


The Dark Fiddler
2010-02-13, 09:14 PM
Needless to say, a TPK ensued at tonight's session. Take that, jerks.

Serves them right; that's a fairly underwhelming surprise for what we were all expecting.

I think you should demand they sacrifice you to some messed up cult as an apology. :smalltongue:

2010-02-13, 09:16 PM
Okay, now it makes sense. They were just using the subliminal messages implanted in "Never Gonna Give You Up" to recruit you into the Nazi cult (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N1Uaml0iEmw) of Rick Astley. Nothing to be concerned about.

2010-02-13, 09:19 PM
Sadly, the OP has been replaced. Alas, poor unnamed DM. We hardly knew ye.

2010-02-13, 09:20 PM
Sadly, the OP has been replaced. Alas, poor unnamed DM. We hardly knew ye.

You fool! Now they know we're on to them!

2010-02-13, 09:22 PM
:smalltongue: In all seriousness, I descended into Angrish when the Rickroll played.

Rough transcript:

*Rickroll starts and everyone starts cracking up*

Me: ...

*laughing continues*

Me: :smallfurious: MOTHERFRICTUPMURK NARKIT RIPPIT *this goes on for about five straight minutes*

Not even kidding, I actually said 'NARKIT' and 'MOTHERFRICTUPMURK'. And 'RIPPIT.'

2010-02-13, 09:25 PM
That's a pretty good Rickroll.
Now you need to get revenge.

2010-02-13, 09:27 PM
Well, they would've gotten suspicious if some of us hadn't seen through their flimsy cover story.

2010-02-13, 09:28 PM
Now you need to get revenge.

Oh, I plan to.

They called down the thunder. I am very, very angry with them. They just made their GM an evil GM. And I mean 'evil' evil. Killer evil. Not 'goofy, just messing with the players' evil. I mean 'guaranteed TPK' evil.

"Nuclear launch detected", says the computer. "Impact in five minutes. Evacuate." 'o.o But there's no landers!' "This is what happens when you guys Rickroll me after making me paranoid for a week." :smallannoyed:

2010-02-13, 09:36 PM
Well, they would've gotten suspicious if some of us hadn't seen through their flimsy cover story.

Of course! Why didn't I think of it sooner? Clearly, blackout is the real conspirator, and is using this to divert our attention to the Nazi Astley cult.

2010-02-13, 09:49 PM
Ooh, doublepost. Daring.

Anyways, I just got back from my session. What's going on? I'll be straight with you.

I got out of the car, headed inside, and the first thing that happens is Dylan asking me if I was followed. I said 'no.' He checks out the window in the front and back of his house, 'to be sure', everyone else seems to be keeping an eye out at various windows. Tyler says he got a video in his e-mail at some point over the last month, and pulls up his e-mail account on Dylan's computer.

Everyone kept an eye out at various windows while Dylan patted me down for anything I might be carrying, like a weapon or something(I didn't bring any).

Next thing I know, I'm being Rickrolled.

The whole thing was a prank; A set-up for what might possibly be a fairly epic Rickroll. I was a bit pissed, to say the least. Everyone was scaring the crap out of me over the last week or so, and here I was, being Rickrolled.

Tyler got bribed with twenty bucks to help everyone else, and a good laugh was had by all.

Needless to say, a TPK ensued at tonight's session. Take that, jerks.

Clearly, this story is false. He has been replaced by the child of Cthulhu and the Slender man.

Fuzzie Fuzz
2010-02-13, 09:53 PM
Clearly, this story is false. He has been replaced by the child of Cthulhu and the Slender man.


2010-02-13, 10:06 PM
I dunno. This seems like a perfect time for a "James Bond". Sneak in early, and wait on the couch with a nerf gun.

If not that, show up at 1:00 the day before.

2010-02-13, 11:27 PM
Oh, I plan to.

They called down the thunder. I am very, very angry with them. They just made their GM an evil GM. And I mean 'evil' evil. Killer evil. Not 'goofy, just messing with the players' evil. I mean 'guaranteed TPK' evil.

"Nuclear launch detected", says the computer. "Impact in five minutes. Evacuate." 'o.o But there's no landers!' "This is what happens when you guys Rickroll me after making me paranoid for a week." :smallannoyed:

My friend, you can be so much more evil than that.

Cast Rick Astley as a kender.

2010-02-14, 12:21 AM
Shame on them.

That much effort, and they just bring up a nine tenths dead meme?

Bare minimum, I'd fake a murder in that sort of scenario.

Death is too good for them. Make their PCs wish for death.

2010-02-14, 01:19 AM
Totally laughed so hard I nearly choked. Epically Rickrolled and they even got the straight man in on the act! Can't say it was even remotely unexpected though, I said they were screwing with you.

Of course you need to get revenge, but it shouldn't be an in-game thing. At best, it's an out of game thing that might just happen to occur when everyone's in a gaming session. You need an accomplice. Or maybe up to three. Possibly Tyler, though he may not be reliable at this point.

The problem is, now that they've got you, they're going to be expecting repercussions. Do nothing for the time being, just smile innocently when they bring it up :smallsmile:, maybe give a reassuring wink :smallwink:, and calmly let them know they've got nothing to worry about. Secretly plot your revenge to take place two or three months from now. You want to catch them just when they'e begun letting their guard down. They'll be still just a bit paranoid, but they won't be as vigilant, perfect time to strike. :smallamused:

Or, you know, just acknowledge that it was a pretty good joke, have a laugh over it, and move on with your life. Then secretly plot your revenge. :smallwink:

2010-02-14, 02:33 AM
TPK's are too easy, too petty, and take the fun out of it.

Slowly unravel everything the PCs work to build, but make it seem as if they can fix/prevent such, and let them scramble, plan, and spend resources trying to do so...and eventually take it all away anyway.

...then send in the rust monsters.

2010-02-14, 12:55 PM
Well, to me, it's not that I was Rickrolled, it's the...circumstances. The way in which they got me into position to be Rickrolled. It seemed like a jerk-ass way to do it. If they wanted to Rickroll me, what kept them from doing it when I strolled in, worry-free, and began setting up the table for the game?

The fact that they lied to me(kind of necessary), got me worried(not necessary at all), and put on an act as I was walking in the door, is what's got me angry.

Yes, it was an epic Rickroll. Execution needed a bit of work, in the 'not giving ulcers to an already-perpetually-worked-up GM' sort of way.

But yeah, TPK-happy GM is in the house.

2010-02-14, 02:32 PM
Well, to me, it's not that I was Rickrolled, it's the...circumstances. The way in which they got me into position to be Rickrolled. It seemed like a jerk-ass way to do it. If they wanted to Rickroll me, what kept them from doing it when I strolled in, worry-free, and began setting up the table for the game?

The fact that they lied to me(kind of necessary), got me worried(not necessary at all), and put on an act as I was walking in the door, is what's got me angry.

The reason is that it was part of the prank. The whole set-up was to make you think it was some big-secret-thing, and then for it to turn out to be a simple RickRoll. I doubt that they thought that you'd be so worked up over it. Confused, perhaps, but not worrying that it was some awful thing.

If you're honestly upset with them, just tell them plainly. If they are friends they should understand. They probably thought it was funny, and had you not been so worried, you probably could have too. Acting vindictively (in a way that is not a friendly reciprocation of pranking) is uncalled-for.

2010-02-14, 09:38 PM
Eh. I guess you're right.

I guess I can just really mess with them. I'm paving the way for a Dark Heresy game, after all. :smallamused: I figure I can put Insanity and Corruption points to good use.

2010-02-14, 09:51 PM
Ooh, doublepost. Daring.

Anyways, I just got back from my session. What's going on? I'll be straight with you.

I got out of the car, headed inside, and the first thing that happens is Dylan asking me if I was followed. I said 'no.' He checks out the window in the front and back of his house, 'to be sure', everyone else seems to be keeping an eye out at various windows. Tyler says he got a video in his e-mail at some point over the last month, and pulls up his e-mail account on Dylan's computer.

Everyone kept an eye out at various windows while Dylan patted me down for anything I might be carrying, like a weapon or something(I didn't bring any).

Next thing I know, I'm being Rickrolled.

The whole thing was a prank; A set-up for what might possibly be a fairly epic Rickroll. I was a bit pissed, to say the least. Everyone was scaring the crap out of me over the last week or so, and here I was, being Rickrolled.

Tyler got bribed with twenty bucks to help everyone else, and a good laugh was had by all.

Needless to say, a TPK ensued at tonight's session. Take that, jerks.

This is why i carry nerf guns to asll suspicious events. Instand retribution.

2010-02-15, 07:35 AM
So totally worth following the thread. Enjoy your revenge, few DM's have earned more than you :smallbiggrin:

Mystic Muse
2010-02-15, 12:40 PM
TPK's are too easy, too petty, and take the fun out of it.

Slowly unravel everything the PCs work to build, but make it seem as if they can fix/prevent such, and let them scramble, plan, and spend resources trying to do so...and eventually take it all away anyway.

...then send in the rust DRAGONS

fixed it for you. (In the Draconomicon. Just in case you didn't know OP)

2010-02-15, 11:22 PM
The reason is that it was part of the prank. The whole set-up was to make you think it was some big-secret-thing, and then for it to turn out to be a simple RickRoll. I doubt that they thought that you'd be so worked up over it. Confused, perhaps, but not worrying that it was some awful thing.

If you're honestly upset with them, just tell them plainly. If they are friends they should understand. They probably thought it was funny, and had you not been so worried, you probably could have too. Acting vindictively (in a way that is not a friendly reciprocation of pranking) is uncalled-for.

Nonsense. Disproportionate revenge is always called for.

2010-02-15, 11:54 PM
Well, remember that your friends care enough about you to rickroll you.

Seriously, I must say that it is a wasted prank. They could've done all sorts; the Slender Man live-action for one.