View Full Version : The Last Airbender movie trailer

2010-02-06, 12:54 AM
It's short. It shows firebending, earthbending, waterbending, airbending, Appa (0:09 at left upper corner), Avatar state glow, South and North poles, and Earth nation people in shacks. Very, very short cuts in other words... and several of the visuals can be instantly traced back to a specific scene on the series.


Not bad! :smallbiggrin: Hope I won't be ninja'ed...

2010-02-06, 01:32 AM
What did you say?

There's a crazy twist?


Tiger Duck
2010-02-06, 01:48 AM
It looks a lot more awesome than I expected it to be. It is of course only a trailer.

Mystic Muse
2010-02-06, 03:00 AM
The first time I heard there was an avatar the last airbender movie I thought the idea of adapting a 22 hour or so series into a two hour movie I decided I wouldn't watch it.

after seeing this preview my opinion hasn't changed.

2010-02-06, 03:46 AM
The waterbending looked a little silly, but other than that I'm looking forward to it with cautious optimism.

2010-02-06, 04:44 AM
The visuals look ok, and a good balance between representing the cartoon faithfully and not making it look silly. I just hope they will remember about one thing: Avatar is not only about crazy elemental martial arts action, but also about humour. I hope it won't be completely Darker and Edgier.

EDIT: And shipping fuel. Can't forget that part.

2010-02-06, 08:20 AM
I'd be only too happy if they forgot the shipping fuel. :smalltongue:

Anyway, what I'm seeing in this trailer looks pretty awesome, but if what I'm hearing in the background is going to be in the actual soundtrack, color me significantly less enthused.

2010-02-06, 09:13 AM
Anyway, what I'm seeing in this trailer looks pretty awesome, but if what I'm hearing in the background is going to be in the actual soundtrack, color me significantly less enthused.

The earlier teaser trailer had different music much closer to the original, and that's still the background music for the official site. I hope they just try to lure the Superbowl audience with that...

Also, for some reason, this new trailer isn't available from the official site. :smallconfused:

Finn Solomon
2010-02-06, 09:22 AM
So they're gonna change the title now that James Cameron nicked Avatar for his own movie?

Green Bean
2010-02-06, 09:24 AM
The first time I heard there was an avatar the last airbender movie I thought the idea of adapting a 22 hour or so series into a two hour movie I decided I wouldn't watch it.

after seeing this preview my opinion hasn't changed.

Technically, they're adapting it into three two hour movies.

The Glyphstone
2010-02-06, 09:47 AM
So they're gonna change the title now that James Cameron nicked Avatar for his own movie?

This was the release title since before they started the script - but yeah, it was specifically because Cameron copyrighted 'Avatar' first.

2010-02-06, 10:04 AM
Very pretty. Though the waterbending could use help, the firebending and earthbending look pretty. <3 Also, Appa ftw!

2010-02-06, 10:49 AM
What a tweest!

2010-02-06, 02:50 PM
I have to admit, I was very skeptical when I heard this was going to be a movie, but the trailer looks awesome enough to be tolerated. :smalltongue:

2010-02-06, 03:16 PM
Technically, they're adapting it into three two hour movies.
Really? It's going to be a full trilogy? Not just one quick "lets take advantage of the series' popularity to make a quick buck" throwaway film? Huh.

You know, that, combined with the fact that that trailer actually looks decent and many of the scenes do seem to be straight out of the cartoon, makes me much more interested in it than I previously was. This might actually be worth giving a shot. At least for the first film.


2010-02-06, 03:27 PM
I am hopeful but at the same time a little worried.

2010-02-06, 03:43 PM
I'd be only too happy if they forgot the shipping fuel. :smalltongue:

Anyway, what I'm seeing in this trailer looks pretty awesome, but if what I'm hearing in the background is going to be in the actual soundtrack, color me significantly less enthused.

I wouldn't worry that much about it. The music, like the voice, is part of the standard teaser/trailer package.

As for the waterbending looking off, I think that's because it's slowed down. I did a little mucking about on my PC, and it looks way better when played at app. 1.5 times playback speed.

2010-02-06, 04:15 PM
Well, if you take away all the pointless slow-mo, the Preview Voiceover Man and the bad music, we're left with... Very short shots of pretty visuals and lots of kung fu in the dark. I'm probably going to see this movie because I'm such an avatard, but as far as teasers go, this is awfully generic. Well, at least the general visual style of the movie seems to be pretty faithful to the cartoon, with the costumes and scenery. I think. It's pretty to see anything because of the dark.

2010-02-06, 04:20 PM
You know I've never seen the TV show and all my friends say it's great but unless it's the Simpsons or something on Adult Swim or Comedy Central I usually avoid cartoons. My fear is that it's going to appear too much like a bad anime for me. Anyone recommend I get into it and if so know any online sites I could watch the episodes?

2010-02-06, 04:38 PM
Avatar is a great show; it was my introduction to anime (yes, I know it's not anime technically, but it's close enough for me). The show does take some time to get off the ground, but it has solid characterization, a well-written plot, and some epic battle scenes. Last I checked Megavideo has at least some of the episodes up. I would recommend watching at the very least the first season including the first season finale; in my opinion, while the first season of Avatar is good, it doesn't get truly into its own until the first season finale, which is EPIC.

Lord of Rapture
2010-02-06, 06:18 PM
As a continuation:

the second season - DOUBLY EPIC!

the third season - DARN YOU, NICKELODEAN :smallmad:

2010-02-06, 07:08 PM
I wouldn't worry that much about it. The music, like the voice, is part of the standard teaser/trailer package.Funny thing that - one of the biggest "movie trailer voice guys" is the voice of Avatar Roku (just listen (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SWmqmOEJPTc)). And his role in the series was basically to show up and tell Aang about something which is happening "THIS SUMMER". :smalltongue:

2010-02-06, 08:26 PM
What I've been seeing of this movie is alright, but is anyone else bothered by how ugly Aang is?

2010-02-06, 08:32 PM
Avatar is a great show

We're talking about the Last Airbender. Why would you bring up a story about blue cat-like humanoids that live in an alien world?

This has been Dr.Epic making lame, old jokes.

2010-02-06, 08:58 PM
What I've been seeing of this movie is alright, but is anyone else bothered by how ugly Aang is?

Maybe it's to avoid the whole Twilight thing.

...my searches for Katara find Nicola Peltz playing her. I wonder if she'll be getting a tan before the movie.

2010-02-06, 09:08 PM
I've never been much of a Avatar fan. I watched the series, found it very creative, but also a little, well, juvenile. Don't get me wrong, it's not that I'm against fun and I want everything to be very serious, and after all, it was designed for Nickelodian.

This, however, looks to be an improvement in that regard. As long as they keep somewhat faithful to the original story, I think this is looking very promising.

2010-02-06, 09:11 PM
I've never been much of a Avatar fan. I watched the series, found it very creative, but also a little, well, juvenile. Don't get me wrong, it's not that I'm against fun and I want everything to be very serious, and after all, it was designed for Nickelodian.

This, however, looks to be an improvement in that regard. As long as they keep somewhat faithful to the original story, I think this is looking very promising.

I only watched for the first season, since I actually watched TV then...and I watched Nickelodeon then. :smallamused:

2010-02-06, 09:22 PM
It looks like it at least respects the series. So I probably will watch it. The trailers look neat.

And yeah, Aang is ugly. But I don't think he was ever supposed to be really cute. :smalltongue:

2010-02-06, 09:28 PM
Maybe it's to avoid the whole Twilight thing.

Unless if you're twilight then you won't be twilight. No-ones going to break up with their boyfriends because he "isn't like my Aang". Although it would be hilarious ...

And yeah, Aang is ugly. But I don't think he was ever supposed to be really cute. :smalltongue:

>.> I think you're sarcasm, but it's the internet so I can't tell.

Green Bean
2010-02-06, 09:34 PM

Clearly this is the face of pure animal attractiveness.

Lord Seth
2010-02-06, 09:51 PM
You know I've never seen the TV show and all my friends say it's great but unless it's the Simpsons or something on Adult Swim or Comedy Central I usually avoid cartoons. My fear is that it's going to appear too much like a bad anime for me. Anyone recommend I get into it and if so know any online sites I could watch the episodes?Season one is good, but not particularly noteworthy. Season two is awesome, and season three takes everything that made season two great and throws it out the window. It's a lot like Gargoyles in that respect. That's not to say season three didn't have its good points, but it has a lot of really boring episodes in the first half of it that include the worst episodes of the series, and the finale is actually rather spectacular in how many things are wrong with it.

Still, despite my contempt for a large chunk of season three, I recommend the show if for no reason other than how great the second season was.

As for where to watch it, Nickelodeon has some episodes on their site that I think they rotate, and you can see the whole series on amazon.com or iTunes.

2010-02-06, 09:52 PM

Clearly this is the face of pure animal attractiveness.

Monkey! :smallbiggrin:

Mystic Muse
2010-02-06, 10:26 PM
wait. What was wrong with the third season. I liked the third season.:smallfrown:

2010-02-06, 10:42 PM
wait. What was wrong with the third season. I liked the third season.:smallfrown:

So did I. People have differing opinions.

2010-02-06, 10:49 PM
>.> I think you're sarcasm, but it's the internet so I can't tell.

Nope, I actually did mean what I said.

Aang never struck me as being particularly designed to be good-looking. Big, silly grin on his face, huge ears, no hair... while you may find that attractive, I don't think that he was especially created to be found attractive. When characters are designed to be attractive, they tend to have more of the "stereotype" of attractiveness. To appeal to a greater number of people, I guess.

Moff Chumley
2010-02-06, 10:56 PM
The waterbending looked a little silly, but other than that I'm looking forward to it with cautious optimism.


Avatar the Abridged Series? Anyone? :smallwink:

2010-02-06, 11:11 PM
I'm a little skeptical about the movie. My biggest problem is that they seem to be changing it from Fire nation (japan) Earth Nation (China) Water Nation (inuit/eskimo) Air Nation (shaolin monks) to Earth nation (white people) (water nation (white people) Air nation (the one asian kid) and Fire Nation (Arab). This just seems to be the polar opposite of PC.

2010-02-06, 11:39 PM
Nope, I actually did mean what I said.

Aang never struck me as being particularly designed to be good-looking. Big, silly grin on his face, huge ears, no hair... while you may find that attractive, I don't think that he was especially created to be found attractive. When characters are designed to be attractive, they tend to have more of the "stereotype" of attractiveness. To appeal to a greater number of people, I guess.

He's not *good looking* but his appearance is well matched to the character with youthful enthusiasm and the like. Looking at that Aang, I know that it'll be an epic stretch for me to be able to watch him for a whole movie. I'm literally not sure I'll even be able to watch him at all, his face annoys me that much.

No Aang isn't good looking, but he shouldn't be *that* ugly. He should just be a fresh-faced goofy looking boy, not someone who crawled up out of the gutter, pilfered belongings clutched to his greasy chest.

Lord Seth
2010-02-06, 11:45 PM
wait. What was wrong with the third season. I liked the third season.:smallfrown:Most of the episodes in the first half could've been cut out without losing anything, especially considering some were made entirely to build up things that never mattered (e.g. bloodbending, Sokka learning swordplay). Given that season two had a pretty good cliffhanger, it's a major disappointment to have it resolved offscreen between seasons and to then spend episode after episode with nothing happening. It also contained "The Beach" which was an episode so purely awful it makes "The Great Divide" look good. Also, I was really looking forward to learning more about Fire Nation culture, and we really didn't get anything at all about it. I learned more about the Fire Nation in the first five minutes or so of the first season episode "The Deserter" than I did in the entire third season, which was the season that was supposed to focus on it.

Still, when it finally came to Day of Black Sun, quality improved. It wasn't quite up to season two's quality, but was still good. I was ready to think "well, the season sucked for quite a while, but it definitely did improve in the latter half" and then came...the finale, which I can really best describe as "one bit of idiocy after another."

As for the movie, as with things like this, I'll just wait and see if it turns out good or not.

2010-02-07, 12:02 AM
I'm ambivalent. I'm still of the opinion that 90% of the revealed cast is trying to play the wrong part (The actor for Katara would be better served playing Azula, Ratheborn should play the Ember Island version of Toph (It's the only character who's Ratheborn's build is anything close to an approximation of) for example) or auditioned for a different movie entirely. And now with the revelation of how the bending styles will look, I'm very unimpressed. The writing and acting have to be freaking incredible, otherwise this is just a bad movie to bleed money off the fanbase.

2010-02-07, 12:04 AM
Really? It's going to be a full trilogy? Not just one quick "lets take advantage of the series' popularity to make a quick buck" throwaway film? Huh.

Interview (http://www.vidoemo.com/yvideo.php?avatar-movie-interview-with-m-night-shyamalan=&i=ZEJpR1JycWuRpYVgzRnM) with Shyamalan and the cartoon creators. He wants to do a movie with elements similar to the series, and he also wants to do The Last Airbender movie, and he's doing it with the two guys who made the series. That's good enough for me even though the whitewashing pops up everywhere the movie is discussed.

Nope, I actually did mean what I said.

In a different forum, there's been this idea about sarcasm tags. This is a sarcastic comment. I just love that. :P

wait. What was wrong with the third season. I liked the third season.:smallfrown:

The first two seasons gave the illusion, or at least a few hints, that this was not just a childrens' series, especially the endings. The third season ending was what you'd expect from a childrens' cartoon. It's actually pretty good, it just didn't live up to the awesomeness of the endings of the first two seasons, which had action but weren't so much about the action.

2010-02-07, 12:19 AM
In a different forum, there's been this idea about sarcasm tags. This is a sarcastic comment. I just love that. :P

There's zero need. English has in its possession something known as the irony mark. It looks like so: ؟

Learn it, and teach it.

edit: Oh yeah, the movie thing. Um... well, it exists, we know this much for sure. I hope that it's good, because I'd rather it not be bad.

2010-02-07, 12:33 AM
How does one make that symbol? I assume it's hold Alt and then press a 4 digit number combination, but I'm not sure on specifics.

Innis Cabal
2010-02-07, 12:33 AM
Nope, I actually did mean what I said.

Aang never struck me as being particularly designed to be good-looking. Big, silly grin on his face, huge ears, no hair... while you may find that attractive, I don't think that he was especially created to be found attractive. When characters are designed to be attractive, they tend to have more of the "stereotype" of attractiveness. To appeal to a greater number of people, I guess.

I have no idea what your looking at, but that kid was a dead ringer for Aang from what little I saw of him.

I'm not a fan of M.Night, no movie he's ever done has impressed, thrilled, or entertained me. So..a little leery but I'll still probably see it.

2010-02-07, 01:22 AM
How does one make that symbol? I assume it's hold Alt and then press a 4 digit number combination, but I'm not sure on specifics.

The Unicode's U + 2E2E. I'm less than positive on this, but I believe it's dependent on you having an actual num pad.

2010-02-07, 02:21 AM
I have no idea what your looking at, but that kid was a dead ringer for Aang from what little I saw of him.

I'm not a fan of M.Night, no movie he's ever done has impressed, thrilled, or entertained me. So..a little leery but I'll still probably see it.


The teaser trailer is where I'm taking my issues from tbh, the one this read is based around looks alright, at least.

2010-02-07, 03:57 PM
Waterbending looks remarkable like playing with a garden hose.
But rest looks really decent, it might actually be a good movie. Not like Dragonball :smalleek:

I really like the last scene with those Fire Nation warships.

2010-02-11, 02:34 PM
Well what do you know, they already released another trailer!


I think I'm starting to sound like a viral guy, so here's what I don't like it: Why did they reuse so much from the older trailers? The Iroh doesn't look at all like in the cartoon, and you don't really even notice Zuko's scar... the rest look somewhat similar to what they were in the cartoon, but that just means you can guess who they're supposed to be. And there was no sign of the music from the series... And the trailer was still mostly about action...

Still going to see it, but not because of the trailers but the cartoon. :(

Green Bean
2010-02-11, 02:50 PM
Trailers are always about action. They're all about bringing in new people, and as great as character moments are, they don't translate well to a 30 second scene.

2010-02-11, 02:55 PM
Katara looks very un-Katara-ish, to me. Still, apart from that and the Wilhelm scream, the trailer seemed okay. While the first waterbending stream still looks like the spray of a hose, the second looks much more like the waterbending we know and love.

I'll probably see it, but only if the first wave of cannon fodder gives it good reviews.

2010-02-11, 03:04 PM
You guys obviously haven't heard anything about the movie. I mean no one's even mentioned the surpirse ending where it's revealed Aang is actually an illusion, and the war was just a debate over crackers that blew grossly out of proportion. WHAT A TWEEEST

No, I'm looking forward to watching it. Just because I love AtLA so freakin' much. I might go out and but the show and watch it back to back before I go to the movies. Which would be awesome, but might make the movie suck in comparison.

2010-02-11, 03:09 PM
Looks like there's a chance that the Avatar State will make its first "full" appearance in the ending (there might be flashing eyes as foreshadowing or something) and that it will be the normal Avatar State rather than the Princess Mononoke Night-God ripoff.

John Cribati
2010-02-11, 03:17 PM
wait. What was wrong with the third season. I liked the third season.:smallfrown:

The third season (at least the first half) lacked drive.
Season 1, while disjoint, had the purpose of Getting to the North Pole, with the occasional fight with Zuko.
Season 2 was more straight, where Aang has to, in order, Find an Earthbending Teacher, Run from Azula, Go to a library to find the Fire Nation's weakness, try to survive the desert, Find Appa, Stop a drill from penetrating Ba Sing Se, Tell the Earth King about the invasion, and stop Azula from taking over Ba Sing Se.
Season 3 was basically "sit around with our thumbs up our arses until the invasion comes, go break Sokka's dad out of prison, then sit around some more until the Comet.

2010-02-11, 03:28 PM
Spoiler tags, please! People who haven't seen the cartoon might be interested in the movie... and that told the whole series in like 10 seconds! :smallbiggrin:

Fiery Diamond
2010-02-11, 07:34 PM
I don't know why people didn't like the finale of the series. The final battle was epic win. I mean, I still think Aang should have had to kill the dude rather than just suck away his bending but it was still an awesome battle.

2010-02-11, 07:48 PM

....they're going to ruin Iroh aren't they?

....I ....I think I need a hug.... :smallfrown:

2010-02-11, 07:53 PM
I'm in the process of watching the whole series from the start. Up to the last few episodes now.

I think this trailer looks great. It's got me a lot more excited about it than the others. They've really prettied up Aang's tattoos, hey?
On the "ugliness" of Aang: Aside from the aforementioned "he's not exactly Brad Pitt in the cartoon", the kid's about the right age, has a black belt (if I recall correctly), presumably is about as good an actor as any other they'd be able to get, and isn't disbelief-breakingly different-looking especially compared with the other actors. I don't think they would be able to get any better than this, and this is far better than could be expected.

John Cribati
2010-02-11, 08:04 PM
I don't know why people didn't like the finale of the series. The final battle was epic win. I mean, I still think Aang should have had to kill the dude rather than just suck away his bending but it was still an awesome battle.

I disliked that part a bit too, mainly the Deus Ex machina and the ensuing oh-so-homosexual light show. However, I really didn't want a 12-13 year old kid killing a guy. Furthermore, it's quite possible that Ozai could have come out of that with Avatar powers. That would have been scary.

The Rose Dragon
2010-02-11, 08:06 PM
the ensuing oh-so-homosexual light show

Light shows can have sex?

2010-02-11, 08:20 PM
I'm a little skeptical about the movie. My biggest problem is that they seem to be changing it from Fire nation (japan) Earth Nation (China) Water Nation (inuit/eskimo) Air Nation (shaolin monks) to Earth nation (white people) (water nation (white people) Air nation (the one asian kid) and Fire Nation (Arab). This just seems to be the polar opposite of PC.

I seem to remember (though I could be wrong) back when the first trailer came out Zuko was cast as a white guy, but then people were complaining about how whitewashed the film is so he was recast as an Arabic actor? If that is true, well, I love to use the phrase, "Dodged a pothole only to fall off a cliff," so I guess I can't really see it as a bad thing...

There's zero need. English has in its possession something known as the irony mark. It looks like so: ؟

Learn it, and teach it.

That... that is great. It's like I've been looking for something like this all my life without knowing what it was!

The final battle was epic win.

If by, "Epic win," you mean, "Replaced all the cool, well animated and choreographed fight scenes that made the fights in Avatar interesting and unique, something rare in cartoon fights, with bland displays of raw power, the sort of which one can find in basically any action cartoon."

Which, of course, you didn't, because that wouldn't make grammatical sense.

John Cribati
2010-02-11, 08:28 PM
Light shows can have sex?
Spoilery screencaps ahead.
And it gets worse from there.

Lord Seth
2010-02-12, 10:18 PM
I didn't really like the Aang vs. Ozai fight that much either. Sure, it looked cool, but there's not really much in it.
They just throw things at each other for a while, then Ozai starts winning, then Aang out of nowhere reawakens the Avatar State because he happens to his his scar on a rock which reawakens the Avatar State in some way that's never really explained. That's something I really hated. Since the start of the series, everyone has been wanting to see how they manage to beat Ozai. And it's...by pure, dumb, luck.

Now, earlier I mentioned they just "throw things at each other for a while." For a fight to work well, you have to manage to have "other things" going on. For example, Luke's fight with Darth Vader in Return of the Jedi is interspersed with the Emperor trying to tempt Luke to the Dark Side. It's not just people fighting with nothing going on between them. They tried to have something going on between them with that whole thing about Aang not wanting to kill Ozai, but that whole dilemma was so contrived to begin with and was resolved in a way that rendered the whole thing completely pointless, which I'll get to a bit later.

Now, this is something that RedLetterMedia explains in his review of The Phantom Menace. Look at about 6:00 into this (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ORWPCCzSgu0) video where he goes into it. What he says applies to Avatar's Aang vs. Ozai fight.

There was also energybending, which was one of the most blatant and just plain bad deus ex machinas I've seen. And the worst thing? If they didn't want Aang to kill Ozai (maybe Nickelodeon said no, or maybe they didn't think it would work right), they could've just cut out the whole ethical dilemma and things would've been fine! No, seriously. Ang would meet up with the Lion-Turtle who would give him energybending, and then at the end, Aang takes away Ozai's power rather than kill him. Suddenly, it's not a deus ex machina and doesn't render a large portion of the finale utterly pointless. It could easily be played off like the end of Cape Fear (the original) where the main character chooses not to kill Max Cady. Instead, he observes that Cady's about to be arrested for one case of murder and multiple cases of attempted murder, sending him to prison for life, and that letting him rot away in prison would be actually be a more harsh punishment. And when he does, it comes across as awesome, not a cop-out. They could've done something like that in Avatar. They get their cake and eat it too; Aang doesn't kill Ozai and it's not a giant deus ex machina.

Mind you, I found Aang's dilemma of not wanting to kill Ozai to be horribly contrived to begin with (as I said before), so, again, simply not bringing it up would have only helped the episode.

2010-02-12, 10:30 PM
I want to see the series before the movie comes out and I talked to a friend who has the whole series on his computer and he might let me copy it to mine. How many hours of my life will that consume?

Lord Seth
2010-02-12, 10:36 PM
I want to see the series before the movie comes out and I talked to a friend who has the whole series on his computer and he might let me copy it to mine. How many hours of my life will that consume?61 episodes*23 minutes each=1403 minutes=23 hours 23 minutes.

John Cribati
2010-02-13, 12:17 AM
I want to see the series before the movie comes out and I talked to a friend who has the whole series on his computer and he might let me copy it to mine. How many hours of my life will that consume?

I think you can find the entire series on livevideo if you look hard enough.

2010-02-13, 12:22 AM
I think you can find the entire series on livevideo if you look hard enough.

My dorm room lacks internet, I don't have headphones, and I don't want to disturb others by watching it on a computer in a public location.

John Cribati
2010-02-13, 12:25 AM
I didn't really like the Aang vs. Ozai fight that much either. Sure, it looked cool, but there's not really much in it.
They just throw things at each other for a while, then Ozai starts winning, then Aang out of nowhere reawakens the Avatar State because he happens to his his scar on a rock which reawakens the Avatar State in some way that's never really explained. That's something I really hated. Since the start of the series, everyone has been wanting to see how they manage to beat Ozai. And it's...by pure, dumb, luck.

Now, earlier I mentioned they just "throw things at each other for a while." For a fight to work well, you have to manage to have "other things" going on. For example, Luke's fight with Darth Vader in Return of the Jedi is interspersed with the Emperor trying to tempt Luke to the Dark Side. It's not just people fighting with nothing going on between them. They tried to have something going on between them with that whole thing about Aang not wanting to kill Ozai, but that whole dilemma was so contrived to begin with and was resolved in a way that rendered the whole thing completely pointless, which I'll get to a bit later.

Now, this is something that RedLetterMedia explains in his review of The Phantom Menace. Look at about 6:00 into this (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ORWPCCzSgu0) video where he goes into it. What he says applies to Avatar's Aang vs. Ozai fight.

There was also energybending, which was one of the most blatant and just plain bad deus ex machinas I've seen. And the worst thing? If they didn't want Aang to kill Ozai (maybe Nickelodeon said no, or maybe they didn't think it would work right), they could've just cut out the whole ethical dilemma and things would've been fine! No, seriously. Ang would meet up with the Lion-Turtle who would give him energybending, and then at the end, Aang takes away Ozai's power rather than kill him. Suddenly, it's not a deus ex machina and doesn't render a large portion of the finale utterly pointless. It could easily be played off like the end of Cape Fear (the original) where the main character chooses not to kill Max Cady. Instead, he observes that Cady's about to be arrested for one case of murder and multiple cases of attempted murder, sending him to prison for life, and that letting him rot away in prison would be actually be a more harsh punishment. And when he does, it comes across as awesome, not a cop-out. They could've done something like that in Avatar. They get their cake and eat it too; Aang doesn't kill Ozai and it's not a giant deus ex machina.

Mind you, I found Aang's dilemma of not wanting to kill Ozai to be horribly contrived to begin with (as I said before), so, again, simply not bringing it up would have only helped the episode.

Highlight to see spoilers. And don't quote.
Considering the Reawakening of the Avatar Spirit thing, one of Aang's lines specifically said that the 7th chakra was locked by Azula's lightning. Furthermore, Aang was able to remember the happenings While Katara attempted to untangle the energy that was blocked by the scar (which was in the Previously on Avatar segment for the finale episode). The blockage was physical, so re-opening the scar "unlocked" it.
It was still sheer dumb luck, though, I'll give you that.

John Cribati
2010-02-13, 12:30 AM
My dorm room lacks internet, I don't have headphones, and I don't want to disturb others by watching it on a computer in a public location.
Well, in that case, The download would take up a bit of space.
I have one low quality episode on my computer, and it takes up 132 MB
So you'll be storing 7892 MB of stuff on your drive. 7 GB in low quality.

2010-02-13, 12:35 AM
Well, in that case, The download would take up a bit of space.
I have one low quality episode on my computer, and it takes up 132 MB
So you'll be storing 7892 MB of stuff on your drive. 7 GB in low quality.

My friend say all the episodes consume 10 GB.

John Cribati
2010-02-13, 12:49 PM
My friend say all the episodes consume 10 GB.

His episodes are higher quality and take up more space

2010-02-15, 12:56 AM
Hm, so, I've been re-watching the first season lately, and I'm really beginning to wonder how they could possibly fit all the important stuff into a single movie.

Obviously, they have to cover the first three episodes (Katara & Sokka find Aang, first encounter with Zuko, the Southern Air Temple), as they set up the whole premise of the film. That can certainly be done in much less time than the episodes spent on them, but it'll still take a fair amount of time given the movie only gets, what, two hours?

Theoretically, they could cut out episode 4 (the first meeting with the Kyoshi Warriors) if they eliminated the Kyoshi Warriors from the overall plot entirely (I don't think they ever play a plot-central role, though granted I have yet to see season 3, so I may be wrong), but apparently they didn't, as the film's Wikipedia page says they have someone cast as Suki.

Episodes 5, 7, and 8 must also be covered in some way, to meet King Bumi, explain the Spirit World and the Avatar's relationship with it, and (especially) have Aang contact Roku and learn about Sozin's Comet. Episode 6 (the Earthbender prison) should be skippable, though, unless Haru becomes important later and I'm unaware of it.

Episode 9 (pirates & Waterbending scroll) can likely be skimmed mostly, but they probably will have to cover the group acquiring the Waterbending scroll that they get in that one in some brief fashion. Else there's no explanation for Katara and Aang having any real skill with Waterbending before reaching the North Pole.

Don't know about episode 10, the first encounter with Jet. I recall that he shows up again later in season 2, but I don't recall how important he was. Episode 11 (the canyon incident) can certainly be skipped though, nothing important there.

Episode 12, "The Storm," really shouldn't be included in the form it took for the cartoon, but the background stories of Aang and Zuko it gives will almost certainly have to be in there in some form.

Episodes 13 through 17 can probably be skipped, though it'll be a pity not to have some of their character-developing moments. They will have to work in Katara's acquisition of her healing talents somehow though, which occurred in 16.

Episode 18 could be skimmed or mostly skipped I suppose, but I really hope they don't cut out Katara's duel with Master Pakku from that one. That was too good of a fight to miss. And to have that they have to have at least some of the set-up for her getting so pissed at him, which may make skimming over much of the episode a challenge.

Obviously, episodes 19 and 20, the Siege of the North, have to be done big time, being as they'll be the climax of the film. Which means taking a big chunk of the movie's ending time.

Which, counting that up, gives only 7 or 8 episodes of the 20 which can be skipped, and a lot that will have to be skimmed. Gonna be a crowded couple of hours of events if they really try to fit all that in, yet I don't see too much they can cut out safely either...


2010-02-15, 01:10 AM
I'd imagine that the stuff about the comet could actually be saved for the next movie, for the most part, and the spirit world stuff could be contained just in the siege. There's also a lot of skippable/reducable material within each episode. For example, the whole bit with Zuko kidnapping Aang could be written out with some effort, I imagine. Heck, King Bumi isn't even a, strictly speaking, necessary character. He gave some background on Aang in the show, and served to demonstrate how old Aang really was, but that's not the sort of thing you typically include in a movie. He points them toward Toph in season 2, but they could easily meet Toph some other way, skipping the whole bit with the swamp as well.

If you allow for 10 skippable episodes, then that's around 5 hours of show that needs to translate to 2-3 hours of movie. Which is, at least, doable.

2010-02-15, 01:15 AM
Hm, I suppose you're right on King Bumi, though it seems to me that going to find his city conquered in season 2 and him, a known very powerful Earthbender, captured, was a bit important for the suspense and tension of the series.

I'm not so sure the comet can be saved for the second film. That's what gives Aang's quest its sense of urgency. Before then he was happy to skip around hitting places as much to have fun as for any practical reason. Plus the whole matter of having Roku to guide him in a pinch is a bit important in its own right, and the first time that happens is when he informs him about the comet.

And which incident with Zuko kidnapping Aang are you referring to? He captures him briefly so many times its impossible to keep them straight :smalltongue: .


2010-02-15, 02:41 AM
Heh, sorry. At the North Pole, I mean. The episode was completely vital, but that whole bit was less so.

Heck, Zuko could be Aang's motivation to get to the North Pole as a relative safe haven. You're probably right about the need to include Roku, though maybe Aang could meet him in the spirit world at the end of the film? Then Roku could tell him about the comet at the very end of the movie in order to provide motivation to see the next one.

I guess it could go either way. Roku isn't, strictly speaking, vital, but important enough that he'd be awkward to leave out.

Zea mays
2010-02-15, 07:46 PM
According to alternacoppa's DA blog (http://alternatecoppa.deviantart.com/), they made an action figure for "The Blue Spirit", so at least part of that episode would be included in the movie.

2010-02-15, 07:50 PM
According to alternacoppa's DA blog (http://alternatecoppa.deviantart.com/), they made an action figure for "The Blue Spirit", so at least part of that episode would be included in the movie.

That seems odd to include in the movie. Maybe it will just be a warmask and not a disguise? I'm actually genuinely interested in the movie now just to see how they're going to do this. (Badly, most likely. But still.)

2010-02-15, 08:11 PM
Hm, well, the whole Blue Spirit thing was kind of important during the Siege of the North, since it was how Zhou determined Zuko to be a traitor to the Fire Nation, which lead to his assassination attempt on him, which lead to... everything Zuko and Iroh did during those episodes. And if done right, that whole sequence could provide good character moments for Aang, Zuko, and Zhou. Whether it'll be done right though... well, we'll see I suppose.

Actually, speaking of Zhou, I did a double take when I noticed who Wikipedia said was playing him. Aasif Mandvi, who some of you may know as a regular "correspondent" on The Daily Show with Jon Stewart. I now have to see this movie, if only to see if he's actually capable of pulling that role off, because I simply cannot imagine him as Zhou is after having seen him on the Daily Show. He just doesn't seem like he could really come off as that threatening... or serious, for that matter. I'm sure much of it is simply that all I've seen of him is a comedy show where he plays a deliberately hyperbolically stupid role, but still.


2010-02-15, 08:27 PM
Hm, well, the whole Blue Spirit thing was kind of important during the Siege of the North, since it was how Zhou determined Zuko to be a traitor to the Fire Nation, which lead to his assassination attempt on him, which lead to... everything Zuko and Iroh did during those episodes. And if done right, that whole sequence could provide good character moments for Aang, Zuko, and Zhou. Whether it'll be done right though... well, we'll see I suppose.

Oh, doy. I need to re-watch the series, it has been too long, obviously.

D6 of Doom
2010-02-15, 10:15 PM
shame though that they had to drop "avatar" from this...but there is that other little movie out at the moment:smallwink:

2010-02-22, 06:58 PM
My thoughts upon seeing both trailers was "Meh." I've never seen the Airbender stuff before, and I didn't see anything that suggested I'd be interested in the characters etc. It just looked like a cheesy special effects bonanza.