View Full Version : LOL at this!

2010-02-07, 06:58 PM
The Spanish thing in fight between Belkar and Yikyik? Translated to English: Hey, I think I failed to notice something. LOL! :tongue:

Notation: the orb watching them, he thinks he failed to notice it.

2010-02-07, 07:49 PM
Huh? I'm spanish... Where did you see that?

2010-02-07, 07:57 PM
It's one of the earlier comic. When they first meet the Linear Guild.

2010-02-07, 07:59 PM

2010-02-07, 08:06 PM
Heh. I typically LOLed when I translated it with my iPhone.

2010-02-07, 08:08 PM
Heh. I typically LOLed when I translated it with my iPhone.

I translated it a long time ago. Yet I didn't really laugh... Must be because I don't really understand what he didn't notice...

2010-02-07, 08:14 PM
I'm guessing he means he fails to notice his trouser titan.

2010-02-07, 08:19 PM
I suspect it's meant to translate to, "Wait! I think I just failed a Spot check!" and what he failed to notice, is that they're being scryed on.

The Dark Fiddler
2010-02-07, 08:25 PM
I can't believe I never tried to translate that. :smallconfused:

2010-02-07, 08:31 PM
I can't believe I never tried to translate that. :smallconfused:

I didn't care, they were speaking spanish like Xykon said. That was enough for me.

2010-02-07, 08:41 PM
I must say that the sentence is pretty weird for a native speaker. The verb "fallar" (fail) doesn't need a pronominal construction when reflex. It would be more aceptable "Oye! Creo que falle de notar algo", but that's a sentence no speaker would choose, "Creo que no noté algo" could be more reasonable. In the Spot check version I would say: "Oye! Creo que fallé un chequeo de Avistar".

Luckily Teevo's SAP is better than the former scrying ball Xykon had. :smallbiggrin:

t3h l3g1t m4g3
2010-02-10, 07:52 PM
Lol. I kept meaning to translate that, but I kept forgetting about it. Thanks!:smallbiggrin:

2010-02-10, 08:29 PM
I suspect it's meant to translate to, "Wait! I think I just failed a Spot check!" and what he failed to notice, is that they're being scryed on.

It's this.

2010-02-10, 09:16 PM
Heh. I typically LOLed when I translated it with my iPhone.

Please don't use automatic translators. They botch the thing, usually beyond recognition. zql is very right in his/her/its translation. Could also be "una tirada de avistar" (lit: A spot roll), a construction that is often used by Spanish players.

2010-02-10, 09:53 PM
Hey is that a xorn in that strip?

2010-02-10, 09:58 PM
The ant-lion thing? Probably not. It doesn't look stupid enough to be a Xorn.