View Full Version : Stop taking it for granted that we're all the same kind of geek

The Vorpal Tribble
2010-02-14, 12:24 PM

2010-02-14, 01:07 PM
Well, I think that's missing the point somewhat, the point of the Media forum is to: Talk about books, movies, TV, or music here, safe from the judging eyes of the outside world. :smallwink: Failing that, there's always Wikipedia.

In the spirit of the thread though, I will say that I'm not currently very interested in D&D optimization, play by post games, or discussing the Order of the Stick comic. :smalleek: Oh, and I generally don't read and post into a thread unless I started reading/posting when it was smaller than, say, 5 pages.

On this board, I'm disinterested with 90% of vs. threads, and most every thread about recent movies.

If there's a subject I feel unqualified for, it's probably Dr. Who continuity. I just haven't watched enough to know anything about that sort of thing.

Oh, and I find that Lovecraft, contemporary physics, furries, Baulder's Gate, and Team Fortress 2 show up out of context with startling frequency.

2010-02-14, 01:10 PM
Things that need to stop being brought up?

- " "

There we go.

People will talk about what interests them. It doesn't interest you? So what?

2010-02-14, 01:14 PM
It's not that the stuff doesn't interest him, more that in general 'geeky' conversation it's assumed everyone has a knowledge of many of these things. That is the point of his post. It applies both in real life and to forums.
I'm inclined to agree since I'm in the same boat. I have an interest in anime and enjoy it but people who talk to me about it 99% of the time assume I've seen everything under the sun. The same applies to Warhammer, I have an interest but again don't have an encyclopaedic knowledge of it though other players assume I do.

2010-02-14, 01:15 PM
Warhammer 40k was cool before the internet ruined it!


2010-02-14, 01:18 PM
So, let me get this straight VT.

You say "stop assuming we are all the same!"

And then you work under assumption that all Cthulhu Mythos fans believe everyone knows who the Mad Arab is, that all anime fans watch Naruto, and that in general all fans of X will consistently refer to X, all the time. Think of that what you will.

Also, just because you don't understand some reference doesn't mean nobody is allowed to use it. Don't boss others around. If someone talks with you and uses a reference you are not familiar with, perform some google search or, heavens forbid, say you don't understand what they mean and ask for an elaboration. You won't instantly lose the internet if you do that.

The Vorpal Tribble
2010-02-14, 01:19 PM
People will talk about what interests them. It doesn't interest you? So what?
What Jimp said.

But seriously, just those three topics I posted are included in almost every discussion. I understand its popular... for some. Explain yourself if you must reference it.

If you'd fully read the post you'd see that one of the mentioned topics IS one I'm interested in.

Also, just because you don't understand some reference doesn't mean nobody is allowed to use it. Don't boss others around. If someone talks with you and uses a reference you are not familiar with, perform some google search or, heavens forbid, say you don't understand what they mean and ask for an elaboration. You won't instantly lose the internet if you do that.
No one is being bossed, no one is forbidding. Read the post and adapt.

2010-02-14, 01:23 PM
No one is being bossed, no one is forbidding. Read the post and adapt.

This certainly reads as bossing/forbidding.

A list of things that need to stop being brought up, or if they must, explain what they have to do with anything.

Instructing people to reread your post (because of course, if we disagree with you it's just that we haven't understood you correctly) and adapt their discourse to suit you compounds it.

Bavarian itP
2010-02-14, 01:27 PM
Pickman stole my Deathnote and took it to Mordia :smallfrown:

2010-02-14, 01:28 PM
Things that need to stop being brought up?

- " "

There we go.

People will talk about what interests them. It doesn't interest you? So what?

The OP isn't saying that people shouldn't talk about X. What he is saying is that in a thread about X, people shouldn't assume that if they make a comparision to Y that everyone will understand the reference.

For example, if someone doesn't like anime then they won't read an anime thread, no big deal. However, suppose a poster in a thread about Lord of the Rings compares an anime character to Gandalf. LOTR fans who are not familar with that particular anime character and may not have any interest in anime at all will not understand the reference.

The Vorpal Tribble
2010-02-14, 01:29 PM
This certainly reads as bossing/forbidding.
Ok, it's assumed forum goers will understand that anything said by a non-mod is a suggestion, an opinion or a recommendation. Perhaps even an ironic jest. If you are one of those that do not understand this, whatever I say here is a suggestion, an opinion, a recommendation, or an ironic jest that will not in fact be enforced and I will not threaten, stalk or eat you because you violated it.

Instructing people to reread your post (because of course, if we disagree with you it's just that we haven't understood you correctly) and adapt their discourse to suit you compounds it.
If you understood correctly you would not be saying things such as 'you shouldn't tell people not to be interested in this' when an example given by myself is something I personally am interested in. The comment makes no sense.

I assumed you were unknowing rather than nonsensical. Gave you the benefit of the doubt as it were.

2010-02-14, 01:32 PM
*thumbs up to Vorpal Tribble*

The Vorpal Tribble
2010-02-14, 01:36 PM
If I was attempting to actually be mean and divisive I'd also add foxes and their relations to the list :smallamused:

2010-02-14, 01:43 PM
Ok, it's assumed forum goers will understand that anything said by a non-mod is a suggestion, an opinion or a recommendation. Perhaps even an ironic jest. If you are one of those that do not understand this, whatever I say here is a suggestion, an opinion, a recommendation, or an ironic jest that will not in fact be enforced and I will not threaten, stalk or eat you because you violated it.

Right. Because I have to think you have any power to enforce an instruction to find it rude that you issued the instruction.

For example, if someone doesn't like anime then they won't read an anime thread, no big deal. However, suppose a poster in a thread about Lord of the Rings compares an anime character to Gandalf. LOTR fans who are not familar with that particular anime character and may not have any interest in anime at all will not understand the reference.

Those LotR fans have the option of pointing this out to the poster, or simply ignoring it if they don't get the reference. This is a problem for the guy trying to communicate. If VT wants to offer suggestions to posters on how they can better make themselves understood, I'm sure many would welcome them. But a thread like this is simply insulting.

The Vorpal Tribble
2010-02-14, 01:47 PM

2010-02-14, 01:51 PM
I get what you're saying, but I still fail to see the problem. It strikes me as something along the lines of getting annoyed at someone whose vocabulary is larger than yours.

2010-02-14, 01:53 PM
I think you can expect a certain demography on this site. For example, you can assume most people coming here know at least the basics of D&D or at least it's genre and semantics like "Roll for Initiative" or "Skill check". I do agree with you though that it can be annoying if people reference something off-topic you know almost nothing about and they take it for granted.

2010-02-14, 01:54 PM

Hey, what's wrong with my Emma Frost/Lost Boys crossover? :smallmad::smalltongue:

The Vorpal Tribble
2010-02-14, 01:55 PM
Hey, what's wrong with my Emma Frost/Lost Boys crossover? :smallmad::smalltongue:

I wanna start a thread now for fanfics on the horrible deaths of certain characters.

2010-02-14, 02:01 PM
Warhammer 40k
- I looked it up and, oh, ok, it's some game. Futuristic Tolkien-based universe. Great. WE DON'T ALL PLAY IT OR EVEN CARE!

But...you are not a true geek until you play warhammer.... :smallconfused::smalltongue:

Roland St. Jude
2010-02-14, 02:11 PM
Sheriff of Moddingham: If it's within the Forum Rules people can discuss it here (in a manner that's also within the Forum Rules). If someone makes a reference you don't get, feel free to inquire - or research it. Telling others what to do here, particularly in an attempt to annoy them, is a bad idea.