View Full Version : Tialait's World

Lady Tialait
2010-02-16, 05:47 AM

A green flash. A loud bang. Appearing a thin woman, her eyes sparkling green, her hair the color of each ray of sun. The woman glowed with a green light as she looked into the void. It was time. She held out her hand a let fly five dots of light. The five circled each other, energies exchanging between the five. The first, floated before the woman, she smiled and tapped it. It pulsated, then flew to form the bases of an orb for her creations.

"Earth, the starting of all creation." her words both sweet and calming.

The woman then reached out and an orb flashing red landed in her hand. She quickly pulled her hand back kissing it softly a green glow curing the burn. She shook her head and blew the orb softly, it fell to the great ball of earth. She smiled as it fell to the world and melted great expanses of it. She nodded and watched the massive orb of earth and fire melt and grow then melt.

"Fire, to inspire change." this time her words were quicker.

Again, the green maiden looked to the three orbs that had yet to be added to the mix of the world. She smiled softly and waited for one to stop before her. Much time passed and the orbs did not stop. She frowned and quickly grasped one. A darkness cast over the orb as she held it. She peered at it for a moment before smiling and releasing it toward the world.

"Water, to end the cycles." her tone echoing her first.

The fires would melt the earth, and the earth would again solidify, but where water roamed the fires would not return. She smiled as soon the cycles ended, and they settled into a solid shape. Then the water started to leave to play with the other two orbs. She frowned, this could not be allowed. This world was perfect. She took one of the orbs and quickly added it to the world she was creating from the powers she had gathered. Earth, Fire, Water, and then as she saw Air.

"Air, to make it hold." she nodded to her own words, as if she had convinced herself.

The air did just that, it held the powers into the cycles they had settled on. Water did not escape after ending the fires that would destroy the earth. The air kept it all intact. She smiled, but one orb remained. She shrugged as she cast the orb into the world itself. Allowing it to join it's brother orbs in world keeping. She did not know that she had added magic. She had added the thing that would create Gods. All she knew is that she would be soon walking her creation to make 'life'. A tribute to her work, something to keep it safe and make it greater.

Little did she know. She knew nothing of life. She knew nothing of destruction. She would learn.

2010-02-16, 06:11 PM
The Material Plane

It was not long before one of the little orbs finally made contact in the material plane. Was it perhaps the first? No one knew, nor could anyone, since the world was devoid of any life. The orb floated down onto the world, and forsaking the skies from which it came, it avoided land and the fires erupting for it, as if guided by instinct, the Orb finally allows itself to drop into the world's oceans.

As it does, there is a flash, as every ocean, every lake, every river in the world starts to emit a bright light for just a moment, and then just as suddenly as it started, the light faded, calm returning to the world once again.

Save for the ocean, in the very spot where the Orb had landed, water started to churn, until a gigantic maelstrom was formed. And it was from this maelstrom that a titanic figure emerges.

It's entire body was covered in layers upon layers of cloth, while its facial features could not be seen due to the fact that a hood covered its face. Anyone peering into the hooded figure would feel as if they would be peering into the endless oceans.

The primordial god of water, Pelagos had arrived.


Looking around, Pelagos looks at the ocean which stretches to the horizon, the water reflecting this world's only source of light, the starry sky. All of a sudden Pelagos felt a great sense of loneliness, and knew that something had to be done. With hands extended, the primordial being started to mould the legendary creatures that dwell the oceans.

The first of the creatures were the sea serpents known as the Leviathans, followed by gigantic Kraken. Finally the last of the mythical creatures, were the Giant Turtles, turtles so massive that they spend centuries slumbering, causing their shell to turn into islands.

"This will still not do..." Says Pelagos, knowing that nourishment was needed for the creatures, and once again getting to work, proceeded to create one by one, all forms of aquatic life.

Finally satisfied with the work done, Pelagos is prepared to retreat back into the ocean. Looking at the maelstrom that was created upon the deity's birth, the idea of quelling it comes to mind, but Pelagos had another idea. With a swift motion the hand of the god of water descends next to the maelstrom, sending it on a migration course around the world, a testament to the divine birth which had occurred.

Nodding in satisfaction, the titanic figure retreats into the ocean.

AP 3 = 6-1

1AP: Create Mythical Sea creatures: Leviathans, Kraken, Giant Sea Turtles
1AP: Create Oceanic aquatic life
1AP: Create land: The Great Maelstrom (Not exactly land, but close enough)

Moose Fisher
2010-02-16, 07:21 PM
The Material Plane

Great pillars of fire erupted from the nascent mountains. The world's hot lifeblood spilled onto the surface, cooling to become one with the earth. Powerful beings were awakening.

From the largest mountain leaking lifeblood like a massive wound emerged Armok. Red with fury, Armok looked upon the land and found it lacking. A great howl rang across the world, rising the elements into action. This was not enough for Armok, the hunger for blood gnawing at the stomach. Armok reached into the waters, drawing up its bounty. With stunning speed and skill the multitudes of aquatic life were molded into forms fit for the land. The racing blood within the veins of life brought strength to Armok. The sight of spilled blood filled Armok with pride.

Confident in its abilities, Armok wrestled with Sea-beasts.


1ap Create Elementals
1ap Create Land Animals
3ap Grow in Power (d4 to d6)

6-5 = 1

2010-02-16, 08:25 PM
The sky, the dark blue sky with it's small points of light, congealed. It was as if a wound had been torn in the skies and winds themselves and that blood came together to form a blob. From this blob, a form emerged, a form much like a man, but a man that was at once gentle and destructive in his power.

And the man looked, his eyes bright stars, each breath he had causing a small gust here, a breeze there, a sigh becoming a tornado or a storm.

And the man looked at his form. His pulse was the swirling of the galaxies and the movement of the clouds in the sky. And his body was a perfect replica of this. And he looked upon the god of fire fighting in the seas, and the god of water churning the seas and creating more life.

And the man of stars looked up.

"You!" He pointed at a particularly bright star. "Come here." And the large, blue star came closer and closer, and burned a bright bluish white until the god of the skies ordered. "Stop." He then looked at the effect on the skies. "Hm... light blue on one side... black on the other... green and yellows and oranges and red down the middle... Yes... I like this..." And then the man stood upon a cloud and let out a heavy sigh, a tornado leaving in it's wake. He chuckles.

"Myes. This may be fun yet. Hrm... shame about those beasts being hurt though... But it is not yet time for my interference." And the man made of skies and clouds and stars leaned back in his cloud and stretched, waiting.

Spend AP: Create Sun (6AP - 1 AP = 5 AP)

2010-02-16, 08:38 PM
The Material Plane

The land beneath the sea quaked as the flame erupted, and land went with it, the rock and stone and miriad of ores.

And the will of a god.

From twisted basalt and gnarled iron oxides came a hand made of the land, and it pulled itself from the earth itself, not from beneath it. First came an arm, shoulders and a head, then came a torso and finally legs. Dust came from the armored hinges of this being, fully clad in black metal.

He, who was Eisenstein, kneeled on the newborn land, and a long metal staff came to his grip, which was then plunged into the earth, sending a quake all over the world.

The rock shuddered like no eruption could make it do, and impacted against itself, rising above the waves, it was a jagged growth, without straightness or congruence, without heigh, without limit.

A continent was shaped, vast like no other land could be, the dominion of the ocean was broken by this single titanic mass of earth.

And already the creatures of the land, small and frail, until then locked in small isles, scattered through the miriad terrains, but it was not enough, the vast was empty and what did exist was hard to find.

The staff hit the land again, and great statues came to being, monumental beasts fitting to povoate this world, with hide like the very stone, with fang and horn like shards of obsidian, with the might of the very mountains.

Eisenstain pulled his staff out of the ground, and stomped his foot upon it, infusing a shockwave of life on those magnificent beasts.


6 AP

1 AP: Create Land: Colossal Continent! (Pangea! Name pending, suggestions?)
1 AP: Create Populace: Dinosaurs.
1 AP: Create Populace: Behemoth, Bulette, Hydra.
1 AP: Create Populace: Gorgon, Basilisk, Purple Worm.

2 AP left.

Lady Tialait
2010-02-16, 08:45 PM
The Lady of All looked at the world, and sighed. The creatures were her concern, and hasty beings had created them without thinking of the smaller details. It would not matter, she would fix it. They were children, compared to themselves.


The single word held much power as the rocks burst forth with small grasses, tree stood tall over the grasses, and in the oceans the water itself seemed to form into strands of plant matter. Tialait smiled as she watched the growth, the animals of the world fed on the plant matter and grew bigger, the plant matter fed on the excrement and dead bodies of the animals, and grew. A cycle, it would do.

Still some of the trees grew old, and wise, and even could speak. Seldom did they speak, but they knew how.

Create Plants 1 AP
Create Populous: Treants 1 AP

2010-02-16, 09:15 PM

As Armok is busy fighting the sea creatures, he all of a sudden feels the strong currents of the oceans starting to pull him in, as the primordial god of water erupts from the depths, clearly irritated by his actions.

"Your trespassing shall not be tolerated!" comes the bubbling voice from within the hood, as Pelagos takes the initiative.

Combat roll: [roll0]

Moose Fisher
2010-02-16, 11:10 PM

As Armok is busy fighting the sea creatures, he all of a sudden feels the strong currents of the oceans starting to pull him in, as the primordial god of water erupts from the depths, clearly irritated by his actions.

"Your trespassing shall not be tolerated!" comes the bubbling voice from within the hood, as Pelagus takes the initiative.


Water boils as Armok's body heat rises and shines with an inner light. Even within the depths of the sea his flames burned strong.

"Nothing stops me!" roars the bloody god as a flaming fist homes in on the concealed face of Pelagus.

Combat roll: [roll0]

2010-02-17, 08:04 AM
Pelagos vs Armok

And indeed, Armok's clenched fist goes straight into Pelagos' hood. Though the bloody god does not feel his punch connecting, he is pleased to see the titanic form of the god of water shatter into a fine rain.

Raising his hands, the fire god lets out a howl of triumph, not realizing that the ocean seemed to have disappeared within moments. Indeed it was so sudden, that fishes could be seen flopping around in the mud, as the ocean retreated for hundreds of meters.

And then Armok saw it too late, a massive wall of water rushing at incredible speed towards him, as Pelagos hits him with the full fury of the ocean, sweeping everything in its path, and washing out the blood god several kilometres in land.

As the waters retreat, Armok can hear the voice of Pelagos, as if the voice was coming from the very waters

"Nothing in the world is more flexible and yielding than water. Yet when it attacks the firm and the strong, none can withstand it."

And along with the water, so too does Pelagos return to the ocean.

Lady Tialait
2010-02-18, 11:16 AM
Tialait, our lady of all, looked upon the world. Watching the huge creatures eat her plants, then kill each other. This caused more damage upon her plants. Eating her plants was fine, eating each other was fine. The battles were required for every meal, this meant that much of her creations were destroyed. She saw the solution, smaller prey. She grinned at her idea. Holding her hand out she flicked her fingers. A pole of wood formed in her hand, a giant green orb forming at the end. Spinning around the staff and shining the green light upon the world prey animals filled the world. Animals that would not fight back when eaten.

On the great Pangaea large creatures started grazing the world. If they were attacked they fell over helpless, surrendering to their fate. The same filled the seas, the period of fainting was short, only a few moments. However, this made for quick easy meals.

Gain Power 3: +1 AP in the form of her Staff.
Create Fainting Manatees and Cows 1
= 0

2010-02-18, 04:58 PM
The deepest Void

As the five spheres of creation came into being a part of the viod shook and swirled and coalessed into the form of the answer to these new things.

The viod itself has made its agent of balance for creation has upset the balance of the void.

The void swirled into a spiraling hole that grew until it collapsed upon itself and from that resulting eruption of pure destruction walked a very comical figure.

It was a man.

This man stood approximatly 4'5" and has an overlarge pair of hands with a head that seemed to belong to a large doll. Carried on his back are a pair of crossed large mauls.

HackHack had walked into exsistance. Hack is the uncaring harbinger of Doom and Destruction. He is the destroyer of creation and all other things.

HackHack spoke to the void itself.

I am called to bring about the end of creation.....


I am called to return everything to the void.....


Very well, I shall bring about the destruction of all things. I shall return to the void what belongs there.

HackHack ran towards the main offender of the balance of the void, the material plane.

6 ap
-3 Grow in power d6 combat die

edit: spelling and grammar fix

2010-02-19, 01:47 PM
And Halaner looked upon the land and sighed.

"Beasts of seas. Beasts of land. Why not follow suit?

Well, besides originality... but still. Something soft and fluffy, like my clouds, yet something strong and fierce, like those things down there. Hrm... I know!"

And so Halaner grabbed a cloud and formed it into a large beast, with amazing white wings and sky blue eyes. And he reached into the night sky and took shooting stars, and made them into claws and a beak of iron. And he made many small ones of these and a few large ones to fight the giant beasts on the land. And the new creatures swept down and grabbed the cows made by the All-Mother and carried them off in their talons.

And Halaner was pleased with these beasts. And he relaxed. But then he thought. He took one of the large scaly beasts and shaped it in characature of his rocs, and took one of the furry ones and made them another abstract. And he smiled as now too, his skies were full. Though some of his feathered beasts now ran on the land, he considered these a reminder to the land beasts and sea beasts to look up. The large white ones with a large bill ate the fish as they swam, and the large fluffy gray running ones with the naked heads ran around in flocks under the brown and green ones that flew in angles.

But this was not enough.

Halanar took the hues of the skies and the stars and made new rips in the sky to grab the skystuff of his own form. And he made beasts like the large scaled beasts, and gave them wings like his bats and fins like the sea beasts, and took aspects of the world to form each kind. And he smiled.

"Dragons. Brilliant." And these were not enough.

And he took his birds and made them into little caricatures of himself, with wings and arms and taloned feet, but longer legs, thinner torsos and feathers all over except their arms and legs.

"My raptorans. Master the skies."

1 AP = 5 AP - 1 AP (Make Rocs, Pteradons and Bats) - 1 AP (make birds in general) -1 AP (Dragons) -1 AP (Raptorans)

So, did I do good? :smallamused:

2010-02-20, 03:43 AM

Geheimnis was filled with a million questions. Not least of which being why she was filled with so many questions.

Why was fire hot?

And a flame that froze the air appeared.

Why is water wet?

Some rain fell onto a flower, which withered and died.

Why is the earth solid?

A cow fell suddenly dropped through the ground. It started to moo incessantly.

Why does the air conduct sound?

This made the cow very disconcerted, as it had always been able to moo before, but for some reason it could no longer hear itself.

So... all of these are really only truth's in principle. Good to know.

Hmm, time to start conducting some experiments!

Create Monsters: Extra dimensional cattle, Acid Spitting Cattle, Horrible Cattle -1 AP

Several days later...

"Okay, you can pass through solid matter..."
One batch of cows, which were bright blue acknowledged with their moos

"You can spit acid... ah!" Geheimnis ducked to the side as a white, yellow spotted cow shoots a glob of acid at her.

"And you're basically pure unfathomable evil."
Several black cows mooed menacingly. Gehemnis turned towards a dragon, having briefly been distracted by it, only to find that when she looked back...

All but the Horrible Cows had disappeared under mysterious circumstances.

"Okay, you're my favorites."

Create Concept: Domestication
-1 AP
4 left

2010-02-20, 03:48 PM
Pelagos, the Ocean

With the victory over Armok, the primordial deity returns to the depths. Looking at the ocean, Pelagos notices something disturbing, the oceans were in fact not moving at all. Oh sure Pelagos would with a hand's motion create some currents, but the deity knew that doing such gestures for eternity is not an option. Something else needed to be done.

Pelagos knew that the Great Maelstrom did part of the job of keeping the ocean in motion, but more was needed, for the sea creatures needed the ocean's help in order to migrate. Looking into the sky, Pelagos notices the sun, blaring in the heavens, and then an idea crossed the deity's mind...

"... a celestial body... big enough to attract the water with its gravity..."

Pelagos collects water and begins to compress it until it is the size of a ball, and then throwing it into the heavens, watches as it expands until it dominates the night sky, just as the sun dominates the day.

And so with the creation of the moon, the ocean's tides were also established as a natural order of the world.

AP2 = 3-1, Create Moon

Moose Fisher
2010-02-21, 10:59 PM

Armok laid on land for some time, staring up at the sky. Defeat was something he did not enjoy. The god of blood prepared to make fire rain from the sky, to boil away the ocean, but something fuzzy rubbed against his side. A cat was using his body heat as a warm bed stone. Armok stayed his hand.

The moon rose high into the sky, and a smile cracked across Armok's face. Sitting up, a crowd of cats and kittens hovering near, Armok reached out to the horizon. The world's lifeblood arose angry red, and piled high into the sky. The great mountain of earth and fire rose til it impaled the moon, locking it in place.

"You are struck by a rising mountain! Your eye is poked out!" taunted the fiery god.


1ap Create The Great Mountain

0ap = 1-1

2010-02-22, 10:44 AM

Deep in the ocean, Pelagos hears Armok's taunt. With a clenched fist, the primordial god of water is clearly irritated. The whole point of the moon was to keep it in motion. Looking at the immense mountain which had impaled the moon, Pelagos starts to consider what action to take next.

"It is time to show Armok that my influence reaches far beyond the Oceans..."

And with just a thought, Pelagos merges with the water.

The Great Mountain

Pelagos was more than just the ocean god, in fact, Pelagos was the water god. Unbeknownst to Armok, the primordial god of water was travelling underground, using the underground currents to be carried right beneath Armok's mountain. Then using the power of water, Pelagos starts to slowly but surly chip a passageway through the base on the mountain, and make its way towards the summit of the Great Mountain.

Then finally, after what may very well have been centuries, Pelagos comes to the conclusion that the water had dug high enough into the mountain, and with a swift motion, the water erupts from the mountain, snapping it in the middle, effectively freeing the moon that continued it's orbit, and at the same time, creating a waterfall from the Great Mountain which poured into the planes beneath it, creating a great river.

AP 1= Create Land: Create the Great Cascade
AP 1= Create land: Create a Nile-like river (name pending)
Total AP= 0

Pelagos looks at the moon, having resumed its orbit, albeit with a huge chunk of the mountain still lodged inside it. For now, it would have to do.

2010-02-22, 01:19 PM
And Halaner looked upon the moon and frowned.

"Hrm... I know what to do. To show off what will make this world more amazing. But it will take time... The first step shall be enacted." And Halaner flew into the skies and blended in as his body does and became one with the sky. And as he flew, he gathered meteors and dust and rocks and started to fly them around the world and place them and hold onto them.

"I must wait. Soon, I will not need to hold this in place."

0AP (-1 AP from making the Great Ring)

2010-02-22, 05:19 PM

Eisenstein walked besides a chasm, at the bottom of which ran a river. Soon he found a plain, whereupon the beasts of the world drank from the waters.

The lord of earth walked to the river and held some water in his palm, watching the unseen reactions that made the liquid polish and also dissolve the metal from his gauntlet, he then looked up to the sky, and saw a raptoran hunting party. Strange beasts those were, made by the lord of the air, capable of things the dinosaurs and other animals of the world could not.

Eisenstein took a bulette and a tyrannosaurus, and made them walk upright, he gave them hands and made them small, to better live in the shelter of the land, to the bullete he gave a skin like metal, to the kobold he gave a hide like rock. He made them both slimmer so that they could better stride the sinuous pathways beneath the world and gave them great minds, capable of great things.

"You both look well enough. Gnomes and Kobolds, yes. You both look like you can learn what I have to teach."

Eisenstein teached them things that were far ahead of time, knowledge to harness the powers of the world and to shape tools, to craft. Knowledge to change the world around them to better their lives.


3 AP:

1 AP: Create Race: Iron Gnome.
1 AP: Create Race: Stone Kobold.
1 AP: Create Concept (Craft): Artificer and Tinker.

2010-02-22, 06:22 PM
Just then, Gehemnis noticed a gnome coming by.
"Oh man! You really piss me off!"

The gnome looks back and forth and points at itself.

"Yeah, you. You're stupid!"

"Uh, I'm actually fairly smart."

"But that still doesn't make you any less dumb!"

"... Uh. It kind of does?"

"Look, who's the goddess and who's the dumb annoying bastard that's making me sick just looking at it. What the hell kind of concept is this? Your very existence infuriates me! You know what forget it. There's clearly only one solution to this!"

The Gnome suddenly is turned into pudding.

Create Concept: Pudding -1

"I clearly need to set an example. So that we always remember, and never forget this terrible tragedy that is the existence of these disgusting, revolting obnoxious creatures!"

Gain Extra Combat power

All of the sudden Geminis appears in front of Eisenstein, "That wasn't smart of Eisenstein! Making those stupid, stupid monsters!"

Geminis throws some nasty looking purple goo!

2010-02-22, 06:24 PM

blasted broken dice roller...

2010-02-22, 06:44 PM

Eisenstein takes goop to the plated face, and answered with a rumbling voice.

"Who is stupid, between the newborn mortals and the goddess who can't properly form her own words."

The iron god raised his staff, pointing it at Gehemnis' face.

"Your fickle outburst is unfit of an answer from myself."

2010-02-22, 06:48 PM
"I'm sorry, I couldn't hear you over the sound of your face melting! Ha!"

She points at Eisenstein.

"Don't do that again or I'll invert your center of gravity and turn your blood into pudding. Which I have just invented!"

After that very serious and intimidating threat, she poofs!

2010-02-22, 07:00 PM
Eisenstein removes his goo-covered melting helmet and throws it to the floor, shattering it.

Beneath the helmet... Is another helmet. Hah!

The earth god picks up a rock from the floor and throws it through the folds of space, aiming straight for the back Gehemnis' head wherever she is.


And missing horribly. Cue facepalm.

2010-02-22, 07:12 PM

"Okay that does it bucko."

Suddenly, Eisenstein's center of gravity is inverted, and his blood turned to pudding.

Wait how does that even work?

"And just for good measure..."

She throws a Salmon, "They're nutritious!"

2010-02-23, 06:22 AM
HackHack lands on the great cascade with a mighty crash causing the waterfall to spew out at twice its normal speed due to the much larger opening.

HA HA HA HA............... that was FUN

HackHack jumps from the now slightly larger and faster river and walks the grassy plains to the ocean itself.

As he walks behind him pops out of the ground bright red tomato plants laden with ripe succulent fruit.

And as Hackhack walked many Fainting Cows ate of the fruit as they were drawn to it like a moth to a flame.

However what was not readily visible was that the tomatoes were actually tommacco and poisoned tommacco at that!

Every Fainting Cow that ate of the ripe red fruit grew into a frenzy to eat more, as the tommacco was instantly addiccting.

Soon the few tommacco that had grow were eaten and the Fainting Cows that had eaten them were hastily looking for more as they had become unable to eat anything else.

Soon several Dinosaurs came upon a few of these poisoned cows and ate them most heartily, BUT, in doing so they too became addiccted to the tommacco tainted meat.

they gorged themselves on the tainted cows until there were none in the nearby area to feast upon and they found that thay cuold not eat untainted meat anymore it was at this time that they promptly fell over from hunger and slept.

Now it so happened that a pair of hydra came across a tainted sleeping dinosaur which woke and fought them but having taken one bite into them and their non-tainted bodies, promply retched and was killed and eaten.

One of these hydra upon eating the meat went in the opposite direction of the other in search of more tainted meat and attacked several behemoths and found that it could not stand the clean blood of them were beaten and devoured itself. The other hydra found a single purple worm which in an adicts frenzy attacted but found that it could not stand the clean blood of the purple wormans was swiftly devoured itself.

The four behemoths that ate the tainted Hydra immidiatly split into north south east and west directions because for some unknown reason no animal tainted my the tommacco would eat another of its own kind as if a giant invisible man with a whip were driving them away from one another.

The four behemoths encountered two purple worms that had been untainted and a small group of basilisks all of which fell to the taint of the tommacco and further spead it foul purpose.

Altogether at least 60% of every species of animal had been tained within a very short time this even included the fish who ate the tained carcass of a dying basilisk that fell into the seas. for tommacco even grew underwater from the seeds in the belly of the basilisk.

HackHack was pleased with his works but he needed a more constant force than fruit.

He then grabbed an untainted purple worm, hydra, and a basilisk and ground them into each other to make a new life form that would aid him in his quest for the return.

HackHack molded and shaped and even smashed with his maul a few times a new being that would be the first of HackHack most devout followers.

It was greyish in skin color about seven feet tall and although it didn't look like it it was ten times stronger and at least twice a hard to kill as any non-deific entity that would ever come into being until the end of time itself.

These were the demons.

They were created to further the cause of destruction in every way possible.

The demons were given the place atop the great cascade for a time until they found a more sutable area to habitate.

0ap= 3-2 (Pestilence (tommacco),-1 create populace (demons)

2010-02-23, 11:30 AM
And Halaner moved his hand and three large moons appeared to hold the ring in place, as more asteroids from the skies collided and melted and fused into the three large moons: A blood red moon, a sky blue moon and a verdant green moon, to compliment the scarred silver moon from Pelagos.

"This will do for now. " And Halaner looked upon HackHack and felt the gorge rise in his throat. He saw the beasts fighting and warring over a plant and became angry.

"This cannot stand... there must be another way..." And he looked upon the gnomes and kobolds and raptorans.

"Yes... we need a way to stop this..." And a whirlwind carried Halaner across the waters to Pelagos.

"Pelagos! I call upon your aid! We cannot allow this wanton destruction to continue! We must stop these plagues upon the creatures!"

And a beam of light from every moon hit Halaner and the light eminating from the stars across his body increased.

2 AP = 6 AP - 1 AP (moons) - 3 AP (Growth: d6 now)

2010-02-23, 08:29 PM
"Pelagos! I call upon your aid! We cannot allow this wanton destruction to continue! We must stop these plagues upon the creatures!"

HackHack is heard falling from above yelling.....



HackHack falls swinging his twin mauls and he yells...

I am called Da Masher and now you will know WHY!

As HackHack yells his battle-cry... his muscles bulge and grow and he moves more gracefully.

3ap=6-3 grow in strength 1d8 combat die
HackHack swings his twin mauls at Halaner.


2010-02-23, 08:54 PM

The water deity hears the words of Halaner, and decides to act, in a way different that others would expect.

"So... the living are now to be dependant on a substance? I shall not have that! The waters shall now and forever clear all mortal flesh from any addiction."

And with that Pelagos makes a hand gesture, and all waters start shining if for a brief moment. From that moment, any creature that would drink water would find themselves cured from any addiction. To make things worse, the Tommacco would find itself shrivelled if touched at all by any water, and unfortunately one can assume what happens if a plant lacks water...

AP 4 = 6-2 Nourishment, Waters of Purity

2010-02-23, 08:57 PM
The mauls crashing into Halaner's body cause the god to bleed light from his mouth and eyes. The pain causes flashes of lightning in the sky, stars exploding, meteors crossing the skies, entire areas of sky turning blood red. The power of HackHack's hits are felt around the Material plane. But the sun and stars still light up.

"... Hrm... You 'mashed' me and yet I still shine... how intriguing..." Halaner spat a bit of his lightblood at the mountain upon which the demons lived. Watching one recoil in horror made him grin.

"Fine then. You make our creatures require your affront to life, I will make yours recoil from it! A curse upon you creatures!
And a thousand meteors streak across the sky, and a thousand wounds open across Halaner's body where their paths were. And the liquid light poured from his wounds and from the skies upon the demons, seeking them out. Each demon was coated in the blood, blinding them, their screams deafening them, their bodies being burned by the light, their blood becoming like Halaner's blood, burning them from within.

"Your beings were made simply to cause pain to the likes of the gnomes and the kobolds and the raptorans. And so, I cause them to feel the pain you so wish them to cause! For I am the protector of all who's cries are heard upon the wind, those who look to the sky and hope! I am Halaner, and I-" At which point Halaner takes up a pose-"will stop the likes of you however possible!" A large wind blows behind Halaner, and a scarf appears on his form, blowing in the wind majestically, despite his injuries still bleeding around him.

0 AP = -2 AP (Pestilence)

And since I rolled below a 7 (as I was guaranteed to do with a d6), I just ran with getting beaten up.
See no chance of getting a 7 or higher.

Lady Tialait
2010-02-24, 05:12 PM
Tialait walked the world, smiling as she looked around holding a canteen of water to splash on the flowers letting them have their drink. Tialait looked around sighing. This world was so wondrous. She would miss it in the coming ages. She walked to a stone and sat upon it leaning back to see the skies filled with wonderful creatures. She sat her staff on the ground next to her and sighed.

"I will miss you world."

A tree leaned into her it seemed to respond to her woe. Tialait smiled at the tree.

"You are a Treant aren't you? Speak up..please."

The tree's branches rustled and a recognizable sound came forth, almost like a voice. The bark of the tree formed around into a mouth, eyes, and nose. Slowly the face formed and it smiled at Tialait.

"Yes, all mother. I am a Treant, my name is Oak. I am concerned."

The Goddess of Creation's brow quirked.


The tree's voice was soft, but heavy with burden of worry.

"You have just said you will miss this world. What do you mean by that? Is this not your home as it is our home?"

"No. My child this is not my home as it is yours. Your kind along with the other creations of the Gods will soon have to do without direct power from the Gods in your day to day life. We will still guide and protect, but we will not be here in person."

The tree recoiled, and seemed to be horrified.

"All mother! That is horrible! Please stop it. Please! We cannot be without our Gods. The forces of HackHack will crush us! The powers of the sea will drown us! The world will fall into chaos!"

Sap flowed on the bark of the Treant, it could be seen as either blood or tears, or a mixture of both. The All Mother just laid her soft hand upon the tree and stood.

"Stopping this is beyond my power."

Tialait took her staff in hand and tapped the crown upon a stone. Flowers and mosses grew on and around the stone quickly. Tialait smiled at the Treant.

"I will not leave you helpless, my child. Firstly, I shall leave places of my love, and my power for those who know me to draw on. Protect these places and I will always be with you at least in spirit.

Secondly, I shall leave you with the knowledge to use my powers to protect this world, and yourselves. Mine is the power of animals, and creation. Please, do not use this power in the ways of the Masher. Bring forth creation, not destruction."

Tialait ran her staff across the ground and a spark of power infused the land. The land itself seemed to bless the Treant with some mysterious power, the treant looked around and he could see the threads of power his mother had laid. He would use this knowledge to protect himself and protect his kind. He would be known as 'druid' by everyone.

7 - 2 Bless Land (place of power) - 1 Create Druid Class = 4

2010-02-25, 10:11 AM
Eisenstein had disentangled himself from the other deity, annoying little brat it was.

He had walked the land, and in his walkings he had gathered a following of his people, gnomes and kobolds, in a long march to a somewhat distant mountain range.

"Tialait is right. Even now I feel my time in this world waning, soon we shall depart. But not without preparing the world for them."

Eisenstein looked upon the mountains, vast and majestic, and lifted his staff towards them.

"These lands shall belong to you, with my blessing. There you will have the bastion of civilization to come."

The divine power of the lord of earth washed over the mountains, raising unending veins of ore closer to the surface. Einsenstein then walked to the lands, and used the ores and his knowledge of the craft to make great structures within caves in the mountains, divine forges empowered by the gods.

He manned the forges once, and the first thing to come out was a large man of metal, stone and wood.

"I call you forged. And I bestow you with life, to serve the races of the earth."




2 AP: Bless Land (Place of Power!): Mountains full of mineral riches.
2 AP: Bless Land? (Place of Power!): Creation Divine Forges!
1 AP: Create Race: WarForged!

1 Ap left.

Moose Fisher
2010-02-25, 09:31 PM
The bloody hands of Armok emerged from the soil, wrapping burning fingers around the ankles of the foul demons. Demons were dragged under, close to the burning lifeblood of the world. The surprised and weak were easily picked off, but resistance grew. Armok grew furious, and boiled the blood of mortals. He revealed the secrets of battle and warfare, and called for the removal of that not right with the world.

The worldly beings assaulted the demons, wounding and pushing them into the waiting arms of Armok. Deep into the earth they went, entrapped behind walls of adamantine. There they shall spend their days, unless those foolish and greedy break into the prisons. But even this could not stop the most powerful of the demons, the scant few who's names are whispered in fear. Armok rose from the earth in a fiery display and did battle with these lordly demons, spreading them to the far corners of the world.

Armok rested, and drew up strength. He called to the creator of demons, HackHack:

"You who brings destruction to this world without rebirth, pay for your crimes! Your ways do not bring change, they bring all to an end."

Armok summoned both the beasts and instruments of war, and rose to do battle.


1ap Create concept: War (Fighter and Barbarian)
2ap Pestilence Demons (It also creates Adamantine!)
3ap Grow in power (d6 to d8)
6-1-2-3 = 0

2010-02-25, 11:07 PM
As hackhack smashes Halaner to the ground. hackhack smashes one of his mauls into Halaner's face caving his nose into his skull and breaking his fingers on Halaner's left hand.

You think that my servants were ever afraid of anything!

You are a FOOL and you shall pay for this attempt to gain retribution upon me by proxy of my servants.

(HackHack vs Halaner)

HackHack blinks as Armok hit him with a very confused look on his face.


(hackhack vs Armok)

HackHack swings his mighty Mauls at Armok.

Moose Fisher
2010-02-25, 11:36 PM
Armok takes the full force of the mauls, blood splattering in a gory mess. The fires of the blood god die down to a faint glow as he lies on the ground. The god tries to get up, gripping dirt and shaking, yet a great weight presses down upon him.

"No... Ag..n..."

2010-02-25, 11:46 PM
A wind arrises and helps support Arnok's weight.


"Hrm... so it's not so good, seeing the creatures you created suffer, is it you mockery of the divine? But here's the thing. Fire can be extinguished, no offense Arnok. Water can be frozen and shattered as ice. Earth can be sundered. But wind? If you stop it here, it will blow somewhere else. Each star in the sky, the sun, the moons, the clouds, they all carry me in them. Even if I die, the wind will still blow. And the cries of this world will rise upon it, and I shall hear it and return! For I am not just the wind god! I am HALANER! I am THE WIND AND SKIES! I AM THE LORD OF RETRIBUTION! AND NO MATTER HOW LONG IT TAKES-" Halaner lets the word linger, as he enters another dramatic pose "I SHALL STOP YOU!"

Please let me roll a 6, PLEASE let me roll a 6...

Lady Tialait
2010-02-26, 12:10 AM
Tialait looked up, and rolled her eyes. She could feel the damage that the God known as 'HackHack' was doing. She snickered. Slowly she raised her hand to her mouth, then she laughed a small amount to herself. Softly she whispered into the wind, allowing her power to push the message to the God of destruction.

2010-02-26, 09:33 PM
A startling realization comes to Gehemnis.

"I have no mortals to abandon to their miserable fate! I must do something about this. Hmm, but if I'm going to do this, I'm going to have to do it right.

They should have the destructive power of demons! The frailty of those *&%$ing gnomes. And for added kicks I'll give them morality, a sense of superiority, and an inclination to learn. That'll have hilarious consequences!"

create race: humans -1

"Goes without saying I need to show them how to do fun things like reverse gravity and summon terrible cattle."

teach populous: magic -2

"... And someone is likely to get mad at me for some reason I'll feign ignorance about."

grow in power (d6-d8) -3

Moose Fisher
2010-02-28, 07:08 PM
Armok snaps to attention and reignites as Halaner ends his speech.

"We got the force and strength, we'll push you back! Blood begets blood, and the fire never dies!"

The beasts and instruments of war rose up once more, carried by the winds. Armok threw all faith into the wind, and the fire of his fist.

Armok and Halaner vs HackHack : [roll0]

2010-02-28, 10:29 PM

HackHack negates the attack of the two gods with a mighty cross swing of his mauls.

If this is the BEST you can do even combining your might you are truly weak and don't deserve to exist Halaner.

laughing mightily HackHack smiles on the wanton destruction the lord of fire has unleashed on the world
"you wish to make my job easy"

striking an amused pose HackHack points

"you think war does nothing more than end nations
and settle conflicts. What of the lives lost, is that not the basest of forms of destruction, VIOLENT DEATH. And this curse of Pestilence
I don't see it as a curse but a natural and inevitable end to the lives of meaningless demons. Bless You my servants for your fealty ."

ap 0= 3-2 bless demons ( aura of dissolution) -1 create race (ORKS)

their blood begins to boil as the blessing settles upon them and a wave of destruction rolls forth to their dieing forms but the life is not stolen merely changed and all non-demons near are affected.

{aura of dissolution}

From the decaying forms surrounding the demons a fungus grows prolific and pernicious. " I am sure this can be destructive."
HackHack reaches down and takes a handful of the vile muck. "very destructive indeed."
he sees the connections between the spores, sees the connections in the lifeform, and feels the bond of like to like that exists within every cell of the goo. Taking the slop in hand HackHack shapes it and molds it into something he can use and with a breath turns the life from aggressive without purpose to aggressive with directive and meaning. They were green like snotty fungus and tougher than most dinosaurs, with a thirst for combat in their personalities wider than a purple worm is long


These new servants of HackHack simply made him giggle, for as soon as they were made they went and attacked the nearest creature they could see ripped it to shreds and ate it.

The orks then had a grand melee where the winner became the boss.

The boss beat the weaker orks into doing what he says.

i will fix this shortly

2010-03-06, 05:37 AM
"Me damn it! This is too boring! I need to do something annoying to get things moving. Hmmm... Oh I know!"

And so it came to pass that a race LIKE the humans was created, the elves. They were even more obnoxious, and that's saying something because those humans were real jerks.

They were a little smarter than most of the other mortals, but they would only use this to determine more ways in which they were better than everyone else. They didn't do much of anything productive.

They spent a lot of time on the theory of magic, but didn't spend much time casting spells.

From then on, they would decide upon themselves that they would preserve the natural order of the world. Which they also believed they inherently knew.

And being cheap little bastards they would use projectile weapons on those times when anyone got pissed off enough to murder the bastards. Unfortunately, they were also shear masters of defense.

The final slap in the face was that their ears would be pointed a little above normal, as if to say that they were just that much more higher than the other races.

It goes without saying that the two of Geheminis' races did not get along.

Which only made the next part even worse.

"Have sex damn it!"

It turns out that Geheminis had made elves biologically compatible with absolutely everything. And made them fairly androgynous as to sow even greater confusion.

This event had caused both of the races to declare the other perverse and depraved. Which was as it happens how they were designed. The resulting half elves would face a harsh life filled with turmoil. Many of them became full of angst and would decide to pursue a career in adventuring.

This gave Geheminis another horrible idea.

"Augh! Why was I even born?!", stated the Half Orc/Half Elf after several years passed.

"I told you, because your dad was totally hot." His mother said, as she smacked him across the face, "Hurry up and go kill something you useless little pansy."

Create Race: Elf
Create Race: Half Elf
Unnamed emo will likely become an important character later.