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View Full Version : Alternate Rewards (3.5)

2010-02-17, 10:21 AM
I'm playing a Vow of Poverty Druid in a game where the other characters are far less principled than myself. This has led to them winning large amounts of cash via fixed gambling games. While they were gambling with their shares of the loot I was giving my share away to the poor as is appropriate for a VoP character. Now the party is significantly above WBL. At 5th level they have around 15000gp each.
The DM's been trying to think of things to give me as a reward to put me on a similar level. He's been having a hard time coming up with anything though. Ideas?

2010-02-17, 10:25 AM
I'm playing a Vow of Poverty Druid in a game where the other characters are far less principled than myself. This has led to them winning large amounts of cash via fixed gambling games. While they were gambling with their shares of the loot I was giving my share away to the poor as is appropriate for a VoP character. Now the party is significantly above WBL. At 5th level they have around 15000gp each.
The DM's been trying to think of things to give me as a reward to put me on a similar level. He's been having a hard time coming up with anything though. Ideas?Letting you re-train VoP? :smallwink:

Otherwise, something cool and fluffy. Maybe you could grow angel wings from being such a saint?

Hmm, or have him look at the "saint" template, and maybe borrowing some of it's aspects.

2010-02-17, 10:31 AM
GRAFTS! Just refluff them to be less of ripping the wings of a devil and sewing them onto your back and more of the celestials giving you further blessings. Seriously some of the grafts are bad ass. Plus they don't count as magic items so they don't technically break VoP anyway as long as someone gives them to you as a gift (they can't be salvaged as treasure so they have no value once they are attached.)

2010-02-17, 10:37 AM
Already planning on going Saint at 6th level so borrowing from that would just be delaying the problem he's having.
What books are grafts found in?

2010-02-17, 10:46 AM
There are a bunch of really excellent grafts in the Fiend Folio. Most of them are fiendish grafts though so they would need to be refluffed. There are also some cool grafts in Lords of Madness that would work fine without too much refluffing. Libris Mortis has some undead grafts but not sure if any of those are good enough to bother with refluffing.

For ideas on refluffing the grafts take the Feathered Wings Fiendish Graft.

Its already feathered wings just say that they were a gift from a celestial instead of ripped out of a demon. Now you have Flight at 2X land speed. Also only 10k value.

Take Long Arm Graft. Instead of a clawed demon arm make it an arm of glowing light or something. +5 ft reach. 5k IIRC.

2010-02-17, 10:47 AM
So you have a group of 5th level characters who are carrying around vast sums of gold...

Bring in the Bandits! Not only will this help to restore WBL order, but it also creates the opportunity for a sidequest that the PCs really care about - recovering *their* money by routing the brigands.

Dusk Eclipse
2010-02-17, 10:48 AM
Already planning on going Saint at 6th level so borrowing from that would just be delaying the problem he's having.
What books are grafts found in?

Graphs are from many books, ofhand, Draconomico (Dragon ones), Libris Mortis (Undead), Lord of Madness (Aberrations) and fiend folio (may types) Serpent Kingdoms (Yuan ti) and in some Eberron book there are Warforged ones.

2010-02-17, 10:49 AM
Draconomicon doesn't have grafts- though I think Dragon Magic does.

2010-02-17, 10:57 AM
Depending on the campaign, fluff rewards could be fun. You know: titles, songs about your great deeds and goodness, free drinks in town...

Perhaps you could become the leader of your very own druid circle, or take over a keep you conquered, or attract loads of camp followers who want you to touch their sick children with the healing hand, or become lord protector of the king's forest, or...

I always like rewards such as this, but much depends on your DM.

2010-02-17, 11:14 AM
Me? I'd throw a Kolyarut (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/monsters/inevitable.htm#kolyarut) at them. It's one of the Inevitable Outsider Constructs that goes after people who break deals and oaths. Breaking the rules for the gambling game would constitute breaking the deal between the House and the Gambler. This solution is a punishment for the other party members for cheating.

Or the DM could give you a little power boost, like wings, or an extra feat. The problem with this solution is that not stealing money from people shouldn't give you a reward.

If your DM isn't into either of those because they're too extreme he could have the authorities find out that the other party members cheated and have government sponsored and level appropriate assassins come after the PCs. I did this in my campaign once to great effect.

2010-02-17, 11:19 AM
…attract loads of camp followers who want you to touch their sick children with the healing hand…That a reward?

"Yay, I get to keep healing the illegitimate children of the cheapest prostitutes, makes me feel really strong and heroic!"

2010-02-17, 11:24 AM
I think the idea is that they come and then stay, effectively giving the Druid the leadership feat.

2010-02-17, 11:31 AM
I think the idea is that they come and then stay, effectively giving the Druid the leadership feat.I don't know how much in character it would be for a VoP druid, aspiring saint, to keep around a bunch of camp followers.

Besides, finding a shadier sort of inn is probably not that hard, if that's how you wanna roll.

2010-02-17, 11:32 AM
Me? I'd throw a Kolyarut (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/monsters/inevitable.htm#kolyarut) at them. It's one of the Inevitable Outsider Constructs that goes after people who break deals and oaths. Breaking the rules for the gambling game would constitute breaking the deal between the House and the Gambler. This solution is a punishment for the other party members for cheating.

Or the DM could give you a little power boost, like wings, or an extra feat. The problem with this solution is that not stealing money from people shouldn't give you a reward.

If your DM isn't into either of those because they're too extreme he could have the authorities find out that the other party members cheated and have government sponsored and level appropriate assassins come after the PCs. I did this in my campaign once to great effect.

The problem with both of these ideas is
A) No house was involved they made a combat bet they knew they could win with money they didn't actually had (bluff check to convince rich people they did have it). They broke no deals or oaths.
B) The rules of the town are basically: anything goes as long as no one gets hurt. There aren't any authorities who care and their victims think it was a legitimate gambling loss.

2010-02-17, 11:33 AM
If your DM isn't into either of those because they're too extreme he could have the authorities find out that the other party members cheated and have government sponsored and level appropriate assassins come after the PCs. I did this in my campaign once to great effect.

Government funded Assassins and Kolyarut? Extreme and over reacting to the level of the situation. Now if they stole the royal signet ring from a drunk and foolish prince, or skipped out on a contract to slay a dragon those would be appropriate responses.

Anyways. Grafts. I think Magic of Eberron has both plant and elemental grafts. And what about a symbiont?

2010-02-17, 11:36 AM
Have someone else challenge them in the same manner who can beat them? The feat idea is starting to look better if your DM really wants to keep things balanced.

2010-02-17, 11:44 AM
Government funded Assassins and Kolyarut? Extreme and over reacting to the level of the situation. Now if they stole the royal signet ring from a drunk and foolish prince, or skipped out on a contract to slay a dragon those would be appropriate responses.

Anyways. Grafts. I think Magic of Eberron has both plant and elemental grafts. And what about a symbiont?I'm with Vizzerdrix in this, if the rest of the party is above WBL, just pull the remaining guy on the same level, up the encounter difficulty some and hold back on new loot until the party is in balance too. Or just don't put so much weight on WBL and let them stay above it, facing tougher opponents.

2010-02-17, 11:51 AM
Magical locations aren't magic items, but still have WBL ciost. So even VoP will get them.

2010-02-17, 12:01 PM
That a reward?

"Yay, I get to keep healing the illegitimate children of the cheapest prostitutes, makes me feel really strong and heroic!"
Depending on your player, yes. You're helping people, you're possible even making a difference in the world for the better. The more selfless characters may find this to be a great reward.

2010-02-17, 12:07 PM
Depending on your player, yes. You're helping people, you're possible even making a difference in the world for the better. The more selfless characters may find this to be a great reward.Right you are, of course, though it won't help much mechanically to keep up with the rest of the party (not that druid is likely to need help).

Not to mention it might start to annoy the player (who might not be a saint) in the long run, but that's rather subjective.

2010-02-17, 12:27 PM
You can always role with it.

The people in the party are your comrades and friends. (Right?)
If they are rolling in gold you can always ask them to combine some of their winnings to benefit the poor and needy in some way.

I'm sure a few gold coins can buy food, but a larger donated amount could build houses or accommodations. Donating to a nearby church or organization is always a win win situation. You gave us 9000 gold last month of course we'll heal your wounds, cure your ability damage, and resurrect your barbarian friend.

You could always get them to build a "base" with it under the stipulation that it has room and board for the poor so you can tend to them and their needs.

In the future you might not want to give away ALL your money at once.
Give away 80% of your earnings to the needy and give the last 20% to your companions. It's not your money but you can ask them to hold onto it in case they see an opportunity to help the needy with it or use it to generate more gold to help the needy.

Clearly its not your gold but you may make them see the light or atleast make them feel guilty about using it for selfish ends.

Whats the consequences on buying gear for your animal companion? Anyone know if that's a loop hole? You don't really "own" your animal companion. Your animal companion also doesn't benefit from VOP. So can you trick out your animal companion by giving him gifts of equipment? Anyone know?

2010-02-17, 03:22 PM
Maybe "drift" is more in keeping with the druid. The geomancer ability from Complete Divine. It's not very powerful to begin with put that could be tweaked.