View Full Version : Question about Moved Thread

2010-02-17, 01:27 PM
Recently I started a thread in Gaming asking for people to help me find an article in Dragon magazine.
This Thread was called "Need help finding a Beholder". When I tried to check it today I found it "Moved" and can't seem to find it anymore.
I was just wondering:

1) Did I do something against thread policy to cause my tread to be moved, and if so, what? I would like to know so I can prefent it from happening again.

2) Is the thread now located somwhere else or is it gone? As I have been unable to find it I would like to know if I can start it again somewhere else or if the content was viewed as disruptive.

Thank you.

Roland St. Jude
2010-02-17, 01:42 PM
Sheriff of Moddingham: It's not necessarily that you did something wrong. If you did, you'll get a PM telling you what. If you don't receive such a PM, then probably others did something that requires review of the thread.

If you can't access the thread, it has been moved to an area not accessible by posters. As with locked threads, please don't restart it. If the rules violations can be removed and thread restored, then it will be. If not, well, not.