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View Full Version : ReBoot Werewolf: WARNING; INCOMING GAME [Game started]

2010-02-22, 06:55 PM

The computer city of Mainframe: It is often plagued by games, and the virus Megabyte has recently been stealing energy from games and the principal office, but the guardian Bob and his friends are always there to save the day. Megabyte has been planning something though, and he will soon invade.

The Good Guys:
http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/reboot/images/thumb/c/c5/Bob2.jpg/300px-Bob2.jpgBob - Baner - Bob is Mainframe's resident guardian. His duty is to mend and defend. Once per night phase, Bob may chose a player to protect from Megabyte and his viral minions.
http://images3.wikia.nocookie.net/reboot/images/thumb/8/85/Dot_Matrix.jpg/300px-Dot_Matrix.jpgDot Matrix - Spy - Dot owns most of mainframe, and is aware of most things that happen within it. Once per night phase Dot can chose a player. If that player uses an action which targets another player, Dot learns which player was targeted.
http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/reboot/images/thumb/c/c1/Itbotb655r.jpg/180px-Itbotb655r.jpgEnzo Matrix - Witness - Enzo has an astounding tendency to be there when important things happen. Once per night phase Enzo can target a player, and learn the names of all other players who targeted the same player with a night action in the same phase. (if the target is killed by the virals, Enzo only gets the name of the viral who sent in the kill, as well as all other players whose actions targeted Enzo's target)
http://images1.wikia.nocookie.net/reboot/images/thumb/4/48/Phong.gif/300px-Phong.gifPhong - Seer - As the system administrator, Phong has access to all of the information in mainframe. Once per night phase Phong may target any player and learn their role.
http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/reboot/images/thumb/9/90/Mike.jpg/275px-Mike.jpgMike The TV - Fool - The other robotic hero, Mike thinks he has all of the information, but is overly dramatic and easily misled. Once per night mike may target a player to attempt to learn their role, but his information is rather inaccurate.
http://l-userpic.livejournal.com/79587285/3659698Binomes - villagers - The binomes are the ordinary people of Mainframe. Unique and varied as they may be, they have no special powers. Well, not unless they're...
http://images1.wikia.nocookie.net/reboot/images/thumb/e/ee/CapacitorGlitch.jpg/300px-CapacitorGlitch.jpgThe crew of the Saucy Mare - Masons - Having ceased their piracy in favor of legal data trade, Captain Gavin Capacitor and his crew are on good terms with Mainframe, and want to help with the current virus problem. Every member of the crew starts the game knowing the identity of every other member of the crew.

http://images1.wikia.nocookie.net/reboot/images/thumb/e/e5/Megabyte_invading_principal_office.jpg/180px-Megabyte_invading_principal_office.jpgMegabyte - Devil - The leader of the virals, Megabyte may not be the system administrator yet, but he still knows who everybody in Mainframe is. Once per night phase Megabyte may target a player and learn their role.
http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/reboot/images/thumb/3/3d/000020-I_am_Hack._And_I_am_Slash..jpg/180px-000020-I_am_Hack._And_I_am_Slash..jpgHack and Slash - ~voider~ - Hack and Slash aren't very threatening robots, but they can certainly get in the way. As long as both are alive when the night phase begins, Hack and Slash may target one player each night phase. This target's night actions (if any) fail. In addition, while Megabyte is alive and either Hack or Slash is dead, the virals may chose to give up the night kill to bring the deceased robot back into play.
http://images1.wikia.nocookie.net/reboot/images/thumb/8/82/Better_Cyrus.jpg/300px-Better_Cyrus.jpgCyrus - Undercover agent (Alpha like) - Even after clearly being infected, nobody ever suspects Cyrus of serving the virals. If Phong or Mike target Cyrus, they will see him as an ordinary binome. In addition, if Cyrus sends in the night kill, there is a chance of Dot and Enzo overlooking it.
http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/reboot/images/thumb/1/1e/Agent_six2.JPG/180px-Agent_six2.JPGhttp://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/reboot/images/thumb/1/19/Talnght1119r.jpg/250px-Talnght1119r.jpgInfected Binome - Wolf - These binomes have been infected by Megabyte to serve him in his attempt to take over Mainframe.

Hexadecimal - Chaos incarnate - Megabyte's sister with transfinite power. What can she do? How does she win? Is she even in this game? Good luck finding out if you aren't her.

Assorted rules:
Autolynches: Take place after two days of inactivity. Away messages may be posted or sent to me, but don't expect me to see ones posted in central.

Day/Night Phases: Day phases will last a 48-72 hours, and Nights 24-48, depending on when I have time.

Helgraf’s Scry Interference Rule: Is in play.

Role Claiming: If you want to die, feel free.

Players [19/28]
Bishfish - Mason - autolynched day 2
Crown of Thorns - Cyrus - lynched day 3
Fleeing Coward - binome - killed night 3
Jontom Xire
Lin Bayaseda
Lord Fullbladder, Master of Goblins
Murska - binome - killed night 2
Mustiado - Enzo - autolynched day 2
Oddity - Megabyte - killed by Hexadecimal night 3
The Bookworm - Slash - autolynched day 3
The Bushranger
The Fiery Tower
Thurfir - binome - Lynched day 1
Wolfbane - Mike the TV - killed night 1

If somebody would like to co-narrate, it would be helpful, but I'm willing to narrate on my own if necessary.

2010-02-24, 08:53 PM
*signs up, because it's Alphanumeric!*

2010-02-24, 09:40 PM
I'm in, of course.

2010-02-24, 09:46 PM
I remember this. In.

The Bookworm
2010-02-24, 10:15 PM
In! In! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Fleeing Coward
2010-02-24, 10:23 PM
Count me in.

2010-02-24, 10:31 PM
I can really on say one thing: IN :smallbiggrin:

2010-02-24, 10:39 PM
because here is a filler opportunity

Lord Fullbladder, Master of Goblins
2010-02-24, 11:39 PM
Do not count the Fullbladder as out, because he wishes to be counted as 'in'.

2010-02-24, 11:55 PM
In please.

2010-02-25, 12:43 AM
In! Totally in!

2010-02-25, 02:12 AM
I am as in your system as DAEMON.

2010-02-25, 02:42 AM
for a penny, in for a pound.

2010-02-25, 02:59 AM
I'm in. But first, a song! rules question:
I don't see the point of the ability to resurrect Hack or Slash. They'll just get immediately lynched again. So, why?

2010-02-25, 05:03 AM
I am as in your system as DAEMON.

"Application Secret Role has been compromised! End task!"

Disclaimer: No, Daemon will not be making an appearance as a secret role, although I did consider the idea earlier on.

I'm in. But first, a song! rules question:
I don't see the point of the ability to resurrect Hack or Slash. They'll just get immediately lynched again. So, why?

It might have its uses, but mostly I included it because they practically existed to be destroyed and rebuilt.

2010-02-25, 05:59 AM
In, I'll read the rules when I have more time.

2010-02-25, 07:13 AM
It's got robots. I'm in.

2010-02-25, 07:18 AM
It might have its uses, but mostly I included it because they practically existed to be destroyed and rebuilt.

It's only useful if the resurrected Hack/Slash is ignored. And why would they be, given their role is known?
It goes like this:

Night x: Hack/Slash has been lynched some time back. Team Evil decides to resurrect them.
Day x+1: They get lynched again. Team Evil are now in the same position as we were at the start of Night x, plus a couple of scries.

And if Team Evil just keep resurrecting again and again, it just gets boring.
Is there some other way of executing the idea?

2010-02-25, 08:49 AM
In, in! And i think maybe Hack+Slash is not so much resurrected as others get their roles.

2010-02-25, 12:46 PM
I'm just followin Mustiado around. In.

2010-02-25, 01:07 PM
In, with Cake!

But a quick question regarding...

Role Claiming: If you want to die, feel free.

Why is that in, and why has become more and more common in games right across the board?

2010-02-25, 01:44 PM
I believe it's meant in the way that if you claim a role you'll probably get killed by players. You're a village power role, wolves will probably kill you and vice versa. But of course, I could be wrong.

That said, I'll join this one.

2010-02-25, 01:51 PM
I believe it's meant in the way that if you claim a role you'll probably get killed by players. You're a village power role, wolves will probably kill you and vice versa. But of course, I could be wrong.

That said, I'll join this one.

Ah, I see. I always got the vibe that the narrators would kill you for it. Makes much more sense now.

Lin Bayaseda
2010-02-25, 02:07 PM
I'm in yur game, lynching yur playerz.

In other words, in please.

2010-02-25, 02:11 PM
I'm in. But first, a song! rules question:
I don't see the point of the ability to resurrect Hack or Slash. They'll just get immediately lynched again. So, why?

I can think of a time when this will be useful, when you need 1 more wolf to win. (Ie resurrect one of them after the night kill and now # of wolves> than villagers)

Also and forcing the villagers to waste a lynch is never a bad thing..... It ranks up their with convincing the villagers to lynch the banner/seer.

2010-02-25, 03:57 PM
In if I may

2010-02-25, 06:07 PM
Also and forcing the villagers to waste a lynch is never a bad thing..... It ranks up their with convincing the villagers to lynch the banner/seer.

It doesn't force them to waste a lynch though, since you have to give up the night kill to resurrect. As I said, you get back to the same situation as before, plus a couple of scries.

2010-02-25, 09:48 PM
"Application Secret Role has been compromised! End task!"

Disclaimer: No, Daemon will not be making an appearance as a secret role, although I did consider the idea earlier on.

It might have its uses, but mostly I included it because they practically existed to be destroyed and rebuilt.

Yeah, but it stalemates the game until their devil has scried everyone because you can't decrease the wolf numbers with unlimited resurrections.

2010-02-25, 10:06 PM
Unless the villagers stop going after the wolf they know will just come back.

2010-02-26, 01:18 AM
In, I'll read the rules when I have more time.

Quoted, as you didn't include me in the list of players.

2010-02-26, 01:40 AM
Yeah, but it stalemates the game until their devil has scried everyone because you can't decrease the wolf numbers with unlimited resurrections.

You only can't decrease the numbers while Megabyte is alive. Smart thing to do would be to simply avoid constantly killing Hack and/or Slash until Megabyte dies.

Or if the seer's still alive do the same thing the devil's trying to do.

The Bushranger
2010-02-26, 06:20 AM
Eh, why the heck not? I'm dying in a lot of games - and have been rather sub-par as of late. I need to get my game back on. I'm in.

Jontom Xire
2010-02-26, 07:29 AM
If there's any space left - IN. If there isn't...can anyone who is in let me know their address so i can create a "vacancy"? :smallbiggrin:

2010-02-26, 12:06 PM
I'll play as well if there is space.

2010-02-26, 12:42 PM
There's plenty of space. I haven't set a cap.

2010-02-26, 12:50 PM
Then I want to join.

2010-02-26, 01:56 PM
aww, I wanted to be Mouse. I'll join anyway.

2010-02-28, 08:56 PM
I'll join.

Lin Bayaseda
2010-03-02, 01:37 PM
There's plenty of space. I haven't set a cap.Well, maybe you should, cause there haven't been new recruits for a while. Just saying.

2010-03-02, 02:22 PM
Well, maybe you should, cause there haven't been new recruits for a while. Just saying.

Your point being...? I don't think setting a cap will encourage more new recruits.

2010-03-02, 03:36 PM
The game starts on the eighth. I will not turn down anybody who chooses to join before then because the game is "full".

2010-03-02, 08:35 PM
The eighth, you say? I'm in.

2010-03-07, 11:22 PM
Tomorrow! Tomorrow!


2010-03-08, 10:10 PM
Role PMs sent. Introductory post coming soon™. PM me if you haven't received your Role PM.

Fleeing Coward
2010-03-08, 10:22 PM
Would it be wrong to break the game because the narrator chose to use different wording for the role PM to what's posted on the opening role page and has not yet posted said role PMs publicly? :smalltongue:

2010-03-08, 10:34 PM
I'd hope so, FC. I remember what happened in Harry Potter. And I was on the receiving end of that. It's no fun for either side. :smallannoyed:

2010-03-08, 10:41 PM
I was actually about to post them anyway, I just forgot to earlier.

Your role in this game is:
Binome: You are an ordinary citizen of mainframe. You play a critical part in finding and defeating the virals, but unfortunately have no abilities which help you to do so.

Your role in this game is:
Bob: Your format is Guardian. To Mend and Defend. It is your duty to protect the people of mainframe, and you're the best sprite for the job. You are the Baner. Once per night you may target any player. Any night kill targeting that player will fail.

Your role in this game is:
Cyrus: Even after being exposed system-wide as a servant of Megabyte, people continue to trust you. Megabyte finds this useful. If you are scried by Mike or Phong, the result will be villager. If you send in the virals' night kill, there is a chance of Dot or Enzo overlooking it.

The viral team is:
You wish

Your role in this game is:
Dot Matrix: You own most of mainframe, and are aware of most things that happen within it. Once per night phase you may chose a player. If that player uses an action which targets another player, you learn which player was targeted.

Your role in this game is:
Enzo Matrix: You have an astounding tendency to be there when important things happen. Once per night phase you can target a player, and learn the names of all other players who targeted the same player with a night action in the same phase.

Your roles in this game are:
Hack and Slash: You aren't very threatening robots, but you can certainly get in the way. As long as both are alive when the night phase begins, you may target one player each night phase. This target's night actions (if any) fail. In addition, while Megabyte is alive and either of you are dead, the virals may chose to give up the night kill to bring the deceased robot back into play.

The viral team is:
Not likely

Your roles in this game are:
Infected binomes: Ordinary binomes which Megabyte has infected, who now serve him willingly. They're not too smart, and have no special abilities, but are vital members of the viral team.

The viral team is:
It's not going to happen

Your role in this game is:
Megabyte: You are leader of the virals, the virus himself. You may not be the system administrator yet, but you still know who everybody in Mainframe is. Once per night phase you may target a player and learn their role.

The viral team is:

Your role in this game is:
Phong or Mike the TV: You are the mechanical sprite with all of the information in mainframe. Once per night you may scry somebody and learn their role.

Your roles in this game are:
The crew of the salty mare: Former data pirates, you know each other well, and know you can trust one another. You are this game's masons.

2010-03-09, 12:41 AM
Once again, Bob is repairing his car outside Dot's diner.

"Trouble with the interoceter again" Asks Enzo.

"If I could just figure out what keeps causing it-" Bob begins to reply as Glitch beeps and Phong's face appears on the display.

"Bob! Megabyte is attacking The Principal office!"

"Again? I'll be there as soon as I can." Says Bob, slamming the hood of the car as Enzo climbs into the passenger seat. The two immediately speed off.


"Today we will seize the principal office and conquer all of mainframe." Declares Megabyte as his armored binome carriers begin to take control of the airspace.

"Think it'll work this time?" Asks Hack, standing a short distance behind Megabyte.

"It's always a possibility." Replies Slash

"Silence you fools! And keep a look out for the guardian. I don't want him showing up without me knowing."

""Oh, you mean Bob? He just flew by while you were talking."

"By the way, he's here boss."

""I just told him that."

"Well I thought he wanted me to tell him that."

Megabyte brings his hand to his face in self pity, then turns around to look for Bob, who seems to quickly be turning the tide of the battle. Bob soon notices that he has gained Megabyte's attention and drives over.

"What was your plan this time Megabyte? Steal the core energy and hope I didn't notice?"

"No Bob, I already have enough energy for this freeze program command!" Megabyte declares while activating that command. Quite literally freezing the car and everything in it "What's that thing you say so much? Stay frosty? AHAHAH-"


"What? No! Not again!"

The game landed on the entire fight, the ground below, and part of the core, unfreezing Bob and Enzo in the process. The game appears to be yet another installment in Rocky The Rabid Raccoon's cartoony chase series.

"Everybody, Reboot and split up. We'll meet up back at the Tor when the game is over."


"Let Megabyte and his Virals get away? I don't think so. Reboot!

Game Start!

Not every day will take place inside of one of the games, and you can feel free to roleplay as either inside of it or outside, but I felt the first day should start with a reboot.

2010-03-09, 04:28 AM
Fleeing Coward, so I can go from zero day one points in his direction to two in the space of five minutes :smallbiggrin:

Jontom Xire
2010-03-09, 04:37 AM
Hooray, Murska is playing and I got the first day one point in at him before everyone else decided to do it!

2010-03-09, 04:51 AM
Jontom Xire because he posted just above me and therefore is blocking the sunlight.

2010-03-09, 04:55 AM
smuchmuch, as he and JX are crushing me.

2010-03-09, 07:26 AM
hap_hazard sounds like a viral to me...

2010-03-09, 07:39 AM
Thufir. Revenge point and TPAM. Wh00T!

2010-03-09, 11:13 AM
Points at Thufir.
For he is an Englishman. Or something.

2010-03-09, 11:16 AM
EleventhHour. Never trust catgirls... besides, she scratched me.

2010-03-09, 12:07 PM
Crown of Thorns, for NOT being an Englishman! :smallyuk:

The Bookworm
2010-03-09, 12:20 PM

2010-03-09, 12:41 PM
Switching to Crown of Thorns, for disrespecting my Gilbert & Sullivan...

2010-03-09, 12:45 PM
Kyouhen because I can never remember how to spell his name..

The Bushranger
2010-03-09, 04:39 PM
Thufir, just because I need somebody to point at.

2010-03-09, 04:51 PM
crown of thorns

2010-03-09, 05:12 PM
*sees threads up* Jontom Xire *runs to class*

Fleeing Coward
2010-03-09, 05:52 PM
Jontom Xire for pointing at Murska before I do and for a third bandwagon choice :smalltongue:

2010-03-09, 06:10 PM
Crown of Thorns is my choice, sugar.

2010-03-09, 06:24 PM
Jontom Xire because.

Lord Fullbladder, Master of Goblins
2010-03-09, 08:12 PM
"There's a Littlebearlost in the woods tonight," whispers a rectangular figure stalking along the highway sections of the game, dressed like a cliche hitch hiker and wringing its hands in nefarious fasshion.

2010-03-09, 08:14 PM
"Come on, we're in a game. If everyone's ready?" With a glance around at everyone else standing stock still, it became rheotical without choice. "REBOOT!" She cheerfully tapped the icon on her chest!

...And used the new-found game contextual items to whack Lord Fullbladder in the back of the head, entirely by accident, mind you. "Sorry!"

2010-03-09, 09:17 PM
*points at Thufir*

For a three way tie. On day 1, no less :smallamused:

Lin Bayaseda
2010-03-09, 09:20 PM
Oddity, for being the odd one out.

The Bookworm
2010-03-09, 10:14 PM
I'm going to Greece until the 22nd with sporadic internet access at best. Please don't AL me.

2010-03-10, 02:53 AM
Oddity, for being the odd one out.



2010-03-10, 04:23 AM
Ahh, two good players both on the choppa block.


2010-03-10, 06:43 AM
Lord Fullbladder, for being the 7th person to weave my name into a Day 1 Point.

2010-03-10, 09:22 AM
JX asked me nicely to point at Thufir.

Jontom Xire
2010-03-10, 09:37 AM
In return I'm pointing at Thufir too.

Murska and I have both had too many early deaths recently, so we decided to be nice to each other.

Incidentally, can the bad guys PLEASE not kill me too early? That's happened twice in very recent games now.

Just because I steered team good to victory in YOW, and helped a lot with a team good in SEU, doesn't mean I'm necessarily going to do something like it here. Certainly not until several days have gone by anyway.

2010-03-10, 11:37 PM
Inside of the game, things are getting fairly hectic, as they often do in Rocky the Rabid Raccoon games. Two kills against Rocky have already been achieved when EleventhHour accidentally hits Lord Fullbladder in the back of the head with a ball while playing tennis against Rocky for the extra life coin. This causes the stereotypical hitchhiker that Fullbladder rebooted into to drop his bindle stick, which unwraps revealing-

"Food!" declares Rocky as he runs off toward it, abandoning the match.

Meanwhile, a nearby binome aims a cannon at Rocky. "This should splatter that rampaging rodent and win us the game" he says before firing the cannon.

Unfortunately for our heroes, he fired just as Rocky took off for the food "Haha! You missed me!" declared Rocky, preparing to snatch up Fullbladder's meal.

However, that is not the last to be seen of the cannonball. It flies off into the nearby woods,where it hits a conveniently placed tree which launches a beehive out of the woods, which is followed by an enraged bear. "Uh oh!" Shouts Rocky as the bear hits him.

"We did it!" declares the binome which fired the shot, not noticing the bear was charging him.

"GAME OVER" declares the system. However, when looking around the people of Mainframe notice that one of the pirates binomes who entered the game didn't return.

Thurfir was lynched. He was Mr. Andrew, a member of the crew of the Saucy Mare.

Night one begins

EDIT: Sorry, there was a mistake due to the narrator being too tired to proofread. Thurfir was not a member of the crew of the Saucy Mare, he was a binome.

I'll do my best to avoid letting that happen again.

2010-03-11, 02:42 AM
Well damn.

At least his role was vaguely appropriate to his "theme".

2010-03-11, 07:04 AM
Right, now that's cleared up, I can get back to basking in my first ever day 1 lynch...

2010-03-11, 08:59 PM
Less than three hours left until the update, and I'm missing quite a few night actions. I'd suggest getting those in if you have the chance.

2010-03-11, 11:55 PM
"Earlier this cycle Megabyte's attack on the principal office was thwarted only by the fortunate timing of the arrival of a game cube. I'm Mike the TV and I'm reporting live from outside the Silicon Tor, hoping to catch a glimpse of the virals' indignant return. But first, a word from our sponsor.

It's the Bucket-O-Nothing! Free for only 99.99.99!"

"What was that you said you were waiting for?" comes Hack's voice from behind Mike

"I think he said he was waiting for us to return indignantly." Slash responds.

"I know that Slash. I was trying to scare him."

"Well then why did you ask him the question instead of-"

"Silence you two! Take this sprite away to be deleted. It is time we set an example for all of mainframe."

All three robots gulp, but Hack is quick to respond "Yes sir!"

"Right away boss." Slash will add as they grab Mike by the arms and roll away.

"Wow! Deletion. He really is mad at you Mike."

"Yes. He is certainly quite indignant."

By this point Mike has gone beyond panic, and once again becomes serious. "People of Mainframe. As you see me being taken away to the deletion chamber ask yourself: will this be your fate too? Are you safe from the virals?" He then begins to squirm and asks Hack "Any chance of you letting me go?"



Wolfbane was deleted (well, to be honest, he probably escaped, it is Hack and Slash, but either way he's out of the game) He was Mike the TV (fool)

Day 2 begins.

Night action results to be sent out soon.

2010-03-12, 12:05 AM
Thanks to whoever killed me. I was going to be asked to be replaced anyways due to RL, but I'm even more grateful for being killed as Mike the TV. That's something I wasn't going to be able to withstand...:smalltongue:

2010-03-12, 12:06 AM
Helgraf for having one scary avatar.

2010-03-12, 01:08 AM
Thanks to whoever killed me. I was going to be asked to be replaced anyways due to RL, but I'm even more grateful for being killed as Mike the TV. That's something I wasn't going to be able to withstand...:smalltongue:

But Mike was the best character in the entire series! :smallfrown:

2010-03-12, 02:06 AM
But Mike was the best character in the entire series! :smallfrown:

My favorites were Matrix, Hexidecimal and Hack and Slash. I can't choose between them.

Fleeing Coward
2010-03-12, 08:06 AM
Wolfbane as fool getting killed night 1? Sounds like something Murska would do to me :smalltongue:

2010-03-12, 08:28 AM
I don't like it when Fleeing Coward starts using emoticons. It's usually bad news.

2010-03-12, 08:29 AM
That's a good point, Mordokai.

However, billtodamax on a hunch.

Jontom Xire
2010-03-12, 09:27 AM
Fleeing Coward because, if I remember correctly, it was he who started a badnwagon against me yesterday and almost got me lynched on day 1. Well, eye for an eye and all that :P

2010-03-12, 10:48 AM
Murska, to even up the bandwagons.

2010-03-12, 10:51 AM
Hmm. What bandwagons?

Why is this guy protecting Fleeing Coward? Masons especially should take note of this.

2010-03-12, 03:21 PM
Fleeing coward.

2010-03-12, 04:52 PM
Fleeing Coward.

Any particular reasoning, or just a hunch?

2010-03-12, 05:19 PM
I'll join the Fleeing Coward camp. Yeah, getting the Fool killed on the first night sounds like something Murska would pull off, but you were a little quick to assume it was him.

...Of course now I'm going to end up regretting this when in 3-4 days when we finally decide to kill Murska we find out he's actually Megabyte.

Lord Fullbladder, Master of Goblins
2010-03-12, 05:50 PM
"Oh dear."

Fleeing Coward

Fleeing Coward
2010-03-12, 05:53 PM
That's convenient. The one time I don't try breaking a game by preempting the narrator with my villager pm and I get lynched day 2.
Just lynch Murska tomorrow please :smalltongue:

The Bushranger
2010-03-12, 06:12 PM
Fleeing Coward, agree to lynch, I do.

2010-03-12, 07:10 PM
*points at The Bushranger*

For aboveness.

Lin Bayaseda
2010-03-12, 07:16 PM
Fleeing Coward

2010-03-12, 07:36 PM
Fleeing Coward for the bandwagon, sugar.

2010-03-12, 07:47 PM
Well, it looks like Fleeing Coward is gone.

2010-03-12, 07:55 PM
Fleeing Coward.

2010-03-12, 08:56 PM
Fleeing Coward for the free not auto lynch vote.

2010-03-12, 09:13 PM
Fleeing Coward

Fleeing Coward
2010-03-12, 11:20 PM
Considering the size of this wagon, how many of you fools still think I'm a wolf? :smalltongue:
Also, anyone think Jontom's asking not to be killed early because he's actually a wolf?

2010-03-12, 11:52 PM
Sorry FC. Jontom Xire. Although it's like pulling a tree limb out of a bonfire..

2010-03-13, 02:10 AM
Sheesh giant wagon. Probably wolves jumping on it to be able to push another lynch at me later. And FC just didn't act quite like I'd assume from a wolf. Then again, he is unpredictable, but a boring old accusation at me is not nearly what his wit should be capable of.

Fleeing Coward
2010-03-13, 04:44 AM
Well, let's just say it hasn't been a good week for me both on here or irl.
Everything that can go wrong is going wrong :smallfrown:

2010-03-13, 04:47 AM
Sympathy point at Jotom Xire then.

2010-03-13, 03:49 PM
Jontom Xire.

Don't like this FC wagon. Too big, too fast, no seer confirm.

2010-03-13, 11:41 PM
After Mike's abduction there has been quite a bit of paranoia, and the cowardly nature of one of Mainframe's residents has grown drastically.

"Hey Fleeing Coward, I didn't see you helping in the game last cycle." Comments a binome snidely as he walks by. Fleeing Coward is startled by this and, fearing a viral attack, sped off.

"Hey Fleeing Coward, what are you running from this time?" asks another binome, whom he also flees.

"Hey Fleeing Coward, What's the hurry?"

"Hey Fleeing Coward, any clue what's wrong with Bob's car?"

Hey Fleeing Coward, have you ever wondered what your last thoughts will be?

"Is Fleeing Coward a viral?"

By this point Fleeing Coward is so panicked that he isn't actually listening to them. A crowd of binomes is chasing him. He darts all the way across Floating Point Park trying to lose them before crossing one of Mainframe's main roads without noticing the car coming right at him. (don't ask why he crossed the road. You don't want to go there.)

Anyway, I'm assuming you can guess what happens next...

Or at least, that's what I would have said if Hexadecimal hadn't chosen that precise moment to show up, that precise car to destroy, and that precise crowd to start on fire, laughing the entire time. Leaving Fleeing Coward there, alone in the road, watching the mayhem.

Fleeing Coward Would have been lynched, but was saved by Hexadecimal.
Bishfish was autolynched. He was Mr. Andrew. A member of the crew of the Saucy Mare. For real this time.
Mustiado was Autolynched. He was Enzo.

2010-03-14, 12:54 AM
Huh. So... Is that a good thing or a bad thing? :smallconfused:

2010-03-14, 01:19 AM
Yes having a mason and a good power role auto-lynch is a good thing. (Sarcasm)

I'll assume you meant Fleeing Coward being saved by the neutral I am going to go out on a limb here and say..... I have no idea. :smallfrown:

Fleeing Coward
2010-03-14, 03:18 AM
Thanks Hexadecimal whoever you are.
It's nice to have something to be happy about after a horrible week in general :smallsmile:
I'm just one more body in the way of a wolf victory so guess it's sort of good for the villagers even though we lost 2 powerroles to the auto.

2010-03-14, 10:23 AM
Yes having a mason and a good power role auto-lynch is a good thing. (Sarcasm)

I'll assume you meant Fleeing Coward being saved by the neutral I am going to go out on a limb here and say..... I have no idea. :smallfrown:

See, it would be so much easier to figure out if Hex was working with the wolves if she wasn't so damn insane. Seriously. For all I know her win condition could be "Get 10 people to question what your win condition is".

Damn you Hex!

2010-03-14, 07:57 PM
:smallannoyed: Once again, I would like to remind the power roles that their abilities don't just work on their own, they actually have to send things in.

Fortunately for them, and unfortunately for the rest of us, I'm going to be too busy to write a narration until tomorrow night, so this night phase will extended an additional 24 hours.

2010-03-14, 08:15 PM
Well at least now we're sure hexadecimal is in the game and we know what ne of her power is.

2010-03-15, 09:46 PM
A binome is walking through Ghetty-Prime, attempting to learn some secret of the virals, when Cyrus approaches him. "What have we here? An uninfected binome? Surrender Your PID and I won't call in the ABCs."

"Who? Me?" asks the binome, quickly thinking of an excuse "I'm one of Megabyte's underc- Hey wait a minute. How do I know you're not a spy. Show me your PID or I'll sound the alert."

"Me? I'm Cyrus, one of Megabyte's direct underlings. And I think I'd know if-"

By now the binome had heard enough. Cyrus really was working for Megabyte, now to get out, getting that PID if possible. "Cyrus? Wasn't there this huge announcement on the public VidWindows that you were a traitor? Wow. Unless you can give me a really good reason to trust you, like the information on your PID, I really should sound the alarm."

This got Cyrus worried. He didn't want that fiasco coming back up. Not at all. "Fine, If it'll get you to trust me. Here, check my PID, but then I want to see yours." he says as he hands the icon over.

The binome snatches the icon and makes a run for it. Cyrus is momentarily shocked, but quickly gives chase. "Calling all Armed Binome Carriers. An uninfected binome has just stolen a valuable icon and is headed toward the principal office."

Two ABCs begin to chase the binome, one quickly stopping to pick up Cyrus. they easily close the distance to the binome, but he manages to dodge every shot. "Use your targeting system," advises Cyrus, "That's why you have a targeting system!"

By this point, the binome has almost made it back to the principal office. "Everybody! I've found something important!" he shouts "One of Megabyte's high ranking agents is-"

Then the ABCs finally hit, deleting the binome immediately. they land, and Cyrus retrieves his icon. "That'll teach you binomes to snoop around where you don't belong."

Murska was killed by the virals. He was a binome.

Day 3 begins.

Action results being sent out shortly

2010-03-16, 06:11 PM
To get the ball rolling...


Fleeing Coward
2010-03-16, 06:15 PM
I still think Jontom is guilty with his "request" to not get night killed but then again, I was wrong about Murska.

2010-03-16, 06:36 PM
smuchmuch Randumb point

Jontom Xire
2010-03-17, 03:31 AM
I know Murska, Fleeing Coward and myself all have a bit of a history of mutual backstabbing, betrayal, and general rivalry, and I generally do day one points at Murska for that reason. But carrying it on past day one is a bit over the top.

It seems to me that on almost every day in every game FC points at either Murska or me.

I'm a bit bored of it.

Fleeing Coward
2010-03-17, 04:11 AM
It seems to me that on almost every day in every game FC points at either Murska or me.

Now you're just trying to blow it out of proportion. This is the first game in a long time where I've pointed at you for more than 1 day and it's because your "don't kill me wolves" seemed completely off to me especially when combined with you choosing to convince Murska of all people to point off you day 1 considering said history.

As for pointing at Murska, I never succeed in getting him lynched even when I do try put logic behind my points so it's sort of a challenge for me to get him lynched for absolutely no reason one of these days :smalltongue:

Jontom Xire
2010-03-17, 04:39 AM
Maybe it just seems like that, and yes it's mainly aimed at Murska, but I feel I end up getting a bit of it too. I just can't find the posts right now. I did find (admittedly several of these are day 1):

That's convenient. The one time I don't try breaking a game by preempting the narrator with my villager pm and I get lynched day 2.
Just lynch Murska tomorrow please :smalltongue:

I believe I usually point at Murska because he will try manipulate and backstab anyone and everyone no matter which side he's on or which game he's in :smalltongue:

Because I'm a very evil person/horror?

Also, switching to Sanity702 because of my believe the opposite of everything Murska says principle :smalltongue:

Jontom Xire for pointing at Murska before I do and for a third bandwagon choice :smalltongue:

2010-03-17, 04:54 AM
*points at Crown of Thorns*

Just a quick random.

Fleeing Coward
2010-03-17, 05:09 AM
Maybe it just seems like that, and yes it's mainly aimed at Murska, but I feel I end up getting a bit of it too. I just can't find the posts right now. I did find (admittedly several of these are day 1):

And you will also notice that my success rate of getting Murska lynched is pretty much a big fat 0 which is why I keep trying :smalltongue:

I feel that I've rarely ever targetted you for a lynch (because it's much easier to just kill you day 1 when I'm a wolf and I want to get rid of you). It's just that this game, from the moment you made the "don't kill me" comment, my gut told me you're not an ordinary villager and I'm placing my money on you been a wolf.

Jontom Xire
2010-03-17, 05:35 AM
Hmm I'm not sure I trust you or your gut. I just wanted to stem the tide of "Let's kill Jontom on night 1 or 2" night kills that has happened in the past when I got night killed in 4 or 5 games in a row.

I am currently in 2 games (not including Vampire which is a bit dead) whereas usualyl I am in a lot more. Why? Because I got night killed in Spytrap and Werewolf X very early on.

I didn't want to end up in only one or no games at all (Looks like Reverse WW will end soon). That's it.

Sorry that you find my wanting to stay in game suspicious, FC. Check out the archives from last time it happened to me and you'll find me begging bad guys not to night kill me there too.

2010-03-17, 05:53 AM
I don't really mind random points at me as long as I don't get lynched, ever. :smalltongue:

Anyway, I'm usually willing to switch my point if asked. Unless I have a reason for said point. Which I usually don't.

2010-03-17, 06:03 AM
*points at Crown of Thorns*

Just a quick random.

^What he said.

2010-03-17, 06:10 AM
Orzel, for obvious bandwagoning.

2010-03-17, 08:26 AM
Lostlittlebear, because I'm feeling out of it, and... well. He posted before me, that nefarious binome/virus/sprite!

2010-03-17, 09:55 AM
EleventhHour for... are you drunk? Already? It's still early in the morning!

Lin Bayaseda
2010-03-17, 10:23 AM
I'll go with Orzel too

The Bushranger
2010-03-17, 01:23 PM
Fleeing Coward works for me.

2010-03-17, 01:38 PM
Killing the Coward that is always fleeing

Fleeing Coward
2010-03-17, 04:55 PM
If you guys want to help the wolves by spending 2 days to lynch me, go ahead. I expected to be dead yesterday anyways.

I still stand by my views on Jontom but in the interest of self defence, I'd like to point out this will be 2 days Crown of Thorns survived a bandwagon if he lives today.

2010-03-17, 08:31 PM
Crown of Thornes.

2010-03-18, 02:12 AM

2010-03-18, 02:38 AM
Orzel for self preservation.

2010-03-18, 06:53 AM
I'll bite, the Crown Of Thorns logic is the best in my opinion.

Jontom Xire
2010-03-18, 06:58 AM
*points at Crown of Thorns*

Just a quick random.

There was logic?

Fleeing Coward
2010-03-18, 07:01 AM
There was logic?

Of course there is. He ain't me therefore him getting lynched is better than me getting lynched. Great logic from my point of view :smalltongue:

2010-03-18, 08:09 AM
Nope, this was though...

I'd like to point out this will be 2 days Crown of Thorns survived a bandwagon if he lives today.

In my humble opinion at least. If he dodged today as well we would have to assume a body of people are trying to prevent him from being lynched, could be masons but I doubt it.

Jontom Xire
2010-03-18, 08:27 AM
Years ago, in a lot of early games, it would be me doging the lynch day after day - and it would be the masons and experienced players saving my neck. I always got lynched in the end, and always turned out to be a villager, so the whole experience has left me a bit cold to the whole "He was almost lynched several times so let's finish the job this time" theory.

So sorry, but that "logic" doesn't get my vote.

Incidentally, it's unlikely that either masons or wolves (virals or whatever) are going to vote as a block to try and save a fellow mason or viral. So your theory about him being saved by someone requires a bunch of very naive bad guys (or masons).

2010-03-18, 01:55 PM
The update will come late tonight.

currently at risk of autolynch: The Bookworm

2010-03-18, 06:37 PM
So sorry, but that "logic" doesn't get my vote.

Hey man, don't worry. I wasn't pushing my argument on anyone, or even asking people to agree with me. I was just identifying which point made me choose Crown Of Thorns for my vote seeing as you had mistakenly assumed I was following Aemoh, which I wasn't. :smallsmile:

2010-03-18, 07:15 PM
Orzel, because that following up looked a little to planned...

2010-03-18, 10:11 PM
Today the virals have a simple plan. The virals have noticed that the crew of the saucy mare has been helping mainframe far too much, and have decided to capture the ship and crew, or delete them. However, the pirates are proving that to be no easy task.

"Mr. Norton! Mr. Edwards! Arm the turrets and take down those Armed Binome Carriers. Princess Bula prepare to repel boarders. Everybody else, draw your guns and assist where possible." Orders Captain Capacitor

"Aye sir!" ring out the voices of the rest of the rest of the crew, hurrying to their appointed tasks. save for one binome.

"Sir, perhaps it would be best to collect our icons and hide them, so that Megabyte can't infect them."

"Excelent idea lad" the captain replies, not even turning to face the binome addressing him. "I'll set Mr. Christopher to the task immediately."

"Mr. Christopher is too busy" The binome responds "I'll do it instead"

This time Captain Capacitor will turn to face the binome "Mr. Christopher is- You're not one of me lads"

The binome panics "No, you see-"

"I know every member of this crew by name, and I don't know you, viral" he says, now pointing his gun at the mysterious binome.

"You've got it all wrong. I'm not a-"

However, he has lost his chance at fooling the Captain, who fires off a shot directly at him, and with that Cyrus is deleted.

"Sir! We can't hold them off for much longer." Comes the voice of Mr.Edwards in a vidwindow.

"You won't have to lad. Look to the horizon." Capacitor responds, indicating an approaching squad of CPU cars led by Bob. The virals seem to also notice them and begin to retreat, but not before Princess Bula manages to knock Slash straight into the energy sea.

Crown of Thorns and Orzel were tied for the lynch, but Crown of Thorns made it to the number of votes first.
Crown of Thorns was lynched.He was Cyrus.
The Bookworm was autolynched, he was Slash.

Night three begins

Fleeing Coward
2010-03-18, 10:27 PM
Incidentally, it's unlikely that either masons or wolves (virals or whatever) are going to vote as a block to try and save a fellow mason or viral. So your theory about him being saved by someone requires a bunch of very naive bad guys (or masons).

Well, how about we assume the bad guys this time are naive and go for Oddity tomorrow? :smalltongue:
Even though I still think Jontom's guilty

2010-03-19, 12:05 AM
Two virals? Sweet. :smallbiggrin:

2010-03-19, 02:28 AM
Crown of Thorns was lynched.He was Cyrus.[/CENTER]

Hooray! My logic may have been shoddy, but it was correct!

2010-03-19, 02:41 AM
Darn. I was hoping someone would scry me.

Jontom Xire
2010-03-19, 03:21 AM
So is it just me or is that 5 power roles in 2 or 3 days, 2 of them by auto-lynch?

The lynches and night kills are fair enough, although I've never seen so many go down so quickly. But losing two to auto-lynch - that's rude to the narrator, guys!

2010-03-19, 10:10 AM
Hah. You see, we could have got the undercover agent day 1 if you'd listened to me. No-one who disrespects G&S can be trusted!
But no, you had to go and lynch me instead...

Lin Bayaseda
2010-03-19, 10:44 AM
The Fiery Tower, for yesterday's attempt to save CoT.

2010-03-19, 10:51 AM
Ha, well, you're dead. As am I. Oh, the humanity. I'm dead. How can this be? Poor me.
I definitely respect G&S. But I'm still dead. How can this be?

2010-03-19, 02:31 PM
Well, as I read the rules, the virals just lost their voider until Megabyte upgrades a wolf binome. That's a plus for us. The bigger plus, of course, is the fact that their unscryable has bit the dust.

A very satisfying day for Mainframe.

2010-03-20, 01:50 PM
Balls, I'm sorry guys. RL was too much.

2010-03-24, 10:31 AM
*prods with a stick*

Hullo? Anybody here?

Jontom Xire
2010-03-24, 10:35 AM
I'm here. Just hanging waiting for night to end.

2010-03-24, 10:39 AM
That was basically not a very subtle poke at the narrator to go and do an update :smallbiggrin:

2010-03-25, 10:43 PM
Yeah, sorry about that people. Real life has been requiring more from me than usual this past week, and I had no inspiration when I was able to post. The update will come within a few hours.

2010-03-26, 12:55 AM
Once again there is somebody in Ghetty-prime who doesn't belong. This visitor, however, will not be attempting to fool anybody. The virals all know her, and all of the sane ones fear her. None attempt to stop her on her way to Megabyte in his Silicon Tor, for they know it would be suicidal.

"Well well, somebody has been busy lately, hasn't he?" Hexadecimal comments as she approaches Megabyte

"Indeed I have. Now tell me, to what do I owe the pleasure of a meeting with my beloved sister?"

"Why do you think I'm here?" She asks angrily, then quickly changes to a much calmer mask and tone "I felt it was time to take care of our rivalry once and for all"

"Once again?" asks Megabyte, extending the claws on the backs of his hands. "It's never worked before."

---War room---

The events earlier this cycle were a great victory, and most of mainframe's defenders are celebrating. However, Phong seems to be rather nervous as he approaches Bob.

"Bob. I would like your opinion on some odd readings I've acquired."

"Sure Phong. What's processing?"

"I'm detecting large energy spikes in Ghetty Prime." Phong notes, indicating them on the city display.

"Wow. Right at the Tor even. Either Megabyte is using a lot of power for something, or he's fighting Hexadecimal again. i still have to wonder why they- They've stopped!" Bob comments, astonished. "Should I go check it out?"

"That may not be the wisest course of action. Whether it is some new program or Hexadecimal, going there would put you in unnecessary risk."

"Alright, but I have to wonder what just happened"

Hexadecimal killed Oddity. He was Megabyte.


Unlike Bob, Lutenant Chauncy of the virals did see what happened, and he is rather disturbed with it.

"Men, today we lost our leader, but we have not lost our drive. We will finish what he started and if, by some chance, Megabyte returns some day, we will be rewarded for our loyalty. I propose we begin by-"

Suddenly an exhausted looking and clearly uninfected binome bursts through the doors of the room. Murmurs of "Who is he?" and "What is he doing here?" fill the room, and the binome bolts toward another exit. The virals are quick to react, however, and the cowardly binome is soon surrounded by infected binomes seeking a target for their rage at the loss of their leader.

The virals killed Fleeing Coward. He was a binome.

I'm sorry once again for the delay. Action results will be sent out shortly.

Lin Bayaseda
2010-03-26, 01:08 AM
Dear Narrator: can the player list in the opening post be updated please? It still shows 26/28, and I have no idea who's alive and who's dead.

For now, however, I'll still point at The Fiery Tower, for yesterday's attempt to save CoT.

2010-03-27, 06:48 PM
Purely for the fun of it... Jontom Xire.

2010-03-27, 09:36 PM
What an unusual chain of events.

Why would Hex bother keeping a binome alive?

The viral team seems to be dropping like flies.

Hexadecimals' victory condition concerns me. If she's absorbed Megabyte, in the series they turned into this sort of super-virus when that happened.

Thoughts on Orzel?

The Bushranger
2010-03-28, 06:54 PM
Jontom Xire sounds good to me.

2010-03-28, 07:29 PM
Nobody has any ideas on who else might be viral?

Guess I'll go... Orzel. Let's see who ends up with a bandwagon. :smalltongue:

2010-03-28, 09:14 PM
Why have two when you can have three?

*points at The Fiery Tower*

2010-03-28, 10:28 PM
Helgraf, because I hate bandwagons :smallfrown:

2010-03-29, 12:17 AM
The fiery tower lynches are required

Jontom Xire
2010-03-29, 02:51 AM
The Fiery Tower. Someone apparently using logic suggested it and I'm too busy to check.

2010-03-29, 08:10 AM
The Fiery Tower.
, sugar.

Lin Bayaseda
2010-03-29, 09:59 AM
Since the narrator won't update the list of who's dead and who's alive:

19 alive:
Jontom Xire
Lin Bayaseda
Lord Fullbladder, Master of Goblins
The Bushranger
The Fiery Tower

9 dead:
Thurfir - binome - Lynched day 1
Wolfbane - Mike the TV - killed night 1
Bishfish - Mason - autolynched day 2
Mustiado - Enzo - autolynched day 2
Murska - binome - killed night 2
Crown of Thorns - Cyrus - lynched day 3
The Bookworm - Slash - autolynched day 3
Oddity - Megabyte - killed night 3
Fleeing Coward - binome - killed night 3

2010-03-29, 04:04 PM
Fiery Tower

2010-03-29, 09:18 PM
The Fiery Tower.

2010-03-30, 01:31 AM
Jonton Xire, the Fiery Tower wagon grew to fast!

2010-03-30, 02:06 AM
Since the narrator won't update the list of who's dead and who's alive:

19 alive:
Jontom Xire
Lin Bayaseda
Lord Fullbladder, Master of Goblins
The Bushranger
The Fiery Tower

9 dead:
Thurfir - binome - Lynched day 1
Wolfbane - Mike the TV - killed night 1
Bishfish - Mason - autolynched day 2
Mustiado - Enzo - autolynched day 2
Murska - binome - killed night 2
Crown of Thorns - Cyrus - lynched day 3
The Bookworm - Slash - autolynched day 3
Oddity - Megabyte - killed night 3
Fleeing Coward - binome - killed night 3

Holy sh*t. I really thought I was killed like night two. Sorry everyone, especially Hyozo.

The fiery tower.

2010-03-30, 08:53 AM
You know, looking at all those autolynches, I'd have been happy to take any of those roles and actually play it...

2010-03-30, 09:05 AM
I don't like how fast JX's wagon grew, Bushranger

2010-03-30, 06:03 PM
Due to the delay on night three, and because I would really prefer the number of autolynchees not be at risk of outnumbering the deaths through other means, I will not count today for autolynches.

The update will be posted later tonight.

2010-03-30, 07:43 PM

>.> We can pretend this was before that, right?

2010-03-31, 02:55 AM
The people of Mainframe are already celebrating the defeat of Megabyte, even though it wasn't really by their hands. The Mainframe Strolling Players are planning a new performance (much to the dismay of everybody else), and Dot is organizing another talent night. The disappearance of Fleeing Coward has gone mostly unnoticed. Unfortunately Mainframe's problems have not just got up and left, as the system itself is kind enough to remind them.

"Warning: Incoming Game. Warning: Incoming Game" announces the system voice as Bob and a company of binomes race toward the descending cube.

"What do you think it'll be this time?" Asks one of the binomes.

"Beats me. Let's find out." Bob replies just before the team enters the cube.


As it turns out, the game sets them within the walls of a medieval castle. The atmosphere is surprisingly calm, at least for now, and nothing seems to be happening. After a quick look around, Bob comments "Well, this could be just about anything. Glitch. Game stats" A few moments later, glitch has produced the appropriate information. "The game is Siege Warfare. The user is about to send an army to attack this castle, and wins if one of his sprites manages to delete the king game sprite inside. The user loses if he is forced to retreat, which will happen if more than half of the sprites under his command are deleted. I think it's time to reboot."

The binomes reboot into a relatively even spread of elven styled warriors and archers. Bob himself reboots into a well armored knight. They manage to take their positions on the wall just as the users troops begin to show up. After some experimentation the archers discover that they can take time to charge a shot with fire, and use this skill to take out some troublesome catapults. Meanwhile Bob leads an overwhelmingly successful defense of the walls from enemies attempting to climb them. All seems to be going well until one of the users siege towers makes it to the castle walls. "Finally, a way to take the fight to them!" shouts one overly enthusiastic binome as he leaps onto the tower.

"No!" shouts Bob "The archers are about to burn the whole thing down!" However, his cries fall on deaf ears as the binome gleefully bests several unsuspecting enemies, and Bob can only watch as the flaming arrows fly toward the tower. It begins to burn slowly, but the binome doesn't seem to notice, he's too busy fighting. The tower burning fully signals the user's retreat, but as the cube disappears, it is clear that the binome has been lost.

The Fiery Tower was lynched. He was a binome.

2010-04-02, 11:01 PM
Lutenant Chauncy stands before the infected binomes once again. "The people of mainframe need a reminder." he begins, "A reminder that, while Megabyte may be gone, his legacy remains. They too have taken heavy hits recently. We are still a great threat to them, as we will soon demonstrate. Hack! Bring in the prisoner."

"Yes Sir!" says Hack before leaving the room. He soon returns, dragging a file-locked binome behind him. "This is him boss! He's one of the pirates that deleted Slash." Hack looks like he could cry on making this comment.

"Yes. Cyrus too, if I remember correctly." Chauncy says, unlocking the pirate "It seems we virals owe you pirates a great deal of revenge."

"Yar, delete me if you will, but ye'll never be gettin' information out of me." He replies in what he hopes sounds like impressive bravado.

"Deleting you would be too merciful. Herr Doktor, do with this binome as you will." Retorts Chauncy. Herr Doktor looks upon the pirate with an evil grin, and orders that he be brought to the lab.

Fin's screams of pain are heard throughout Mainframe.

Fin was killed. He was Mister Edwards, a member of the crew of the Saucy Mare.

Smuchmuch, Yimmythesneak, and Lord Fullbladder, Master of Goblins must vote today or be autolynched.

2010-04-03, 10:24 AM
Billtodamax, for a baseless hunch.

The Bushranger
2010-04-03, 11:41 AM
billtodamax sounds good to me!

2010-04-03, 03:35 PM
Not me sounds good to me!

2010-04-03, 04:14 PM

2010-04-03, 08:16 PM
Zombieninja in hope of a three-way.

2010-04-03, 08:54 PM
Three-ways sound fun. Zombieninja, go!

2010-04-04, 12:05 AM
Kyouhen for a four way?

Jontom Xire
2010-04-04, 02:39 AM
I'm losing track. Lord Fullbladder because I haven't pointed at him in ages. We've had plenty of bad guy deaths so there should be material for analysis but it'll have to wait until I'm not cross-legged on the floor at a friends house after a night of heavy drinkin and poker.

2010-04-04, 03:21 AM
Screw this Aemoh tactic of trying to tie up as many bandwagons as possible.

Lostlittlebear is giving me a bad vibe.

EDIT: LLB is still suspicious to me, but we'll give him a break for the moment until someone calls him out on his masonhood.

2010-04-04, 06:05 AM

Don't lynch me people, I'm a MASON. Which means I'll need a bane. Seer, if you need to confirm me give me a scry, but get in touch.

I must say, Billtodamax seems much more suspicious now - I random point at him and suddenly a counter-wagon springs up from nowhere and targets me?

2010-04-04, 07:43 AM
In that case, lets see what billtodamax is made of.

Lin Bayaseda
2010-04-04, 10:15 AM
Billtodamax sounds good to me as well.

2010-04-04, 04:21 PM

Don't lynch me people, I'm a MASON. Which means I'll need a bane. Seer, if you need to confirm me give me a scry, but get in touch.

I must say, Billtodamax seems much more suspicious now - I random point at him and suddenly a counter-wagon springs up from nowhere and targets me?

I'm sorry, the first two points of the day were at me, I do a simple retaliatory point, everyone attempts to tie it up (for reasons unknown to me).

I would be the worst wolf ever if I got a counter-wagon to spring up because of two points.

I actually admitted earlier in the thread that I thought I was dead for three days (sorry again Hyozo) thus explaining my lack of activity!

I'm clearly not a wolf. Changing to Helgraf, in hopes of saving myself.

He put the extra vote on LLB at a crucial stage during the wagons, possibly hoping to lynch a mason. It's not much, but I don't really want to be lynched.

2010-04-04, 04:54 PM
Helgraf power, go!

2010-04-04, 08:25 PM
Yeah, I knew someone was going to drag out the "he's a tiebreaker pointing at a mason" chestnut. Which is worthless because it's day 1 and I'd have no way of knowing that already.

I broke the tie to break the damn tie because 3-way, 4-way, whatever ties irritate me on principle, and voting -just to create a tie- does the same thing. No more, no less.

All we have is llb's word he's a mason; and nobody's stepped forward to back him or call him on it. Crying mason to save one's hide is a trick that's been used before, sometimes successfully, sometimes not.

But since you decided to bring this pain, then it's only fair I give it back to you.


2010-04-07, 08:54 PM
I keep forgetting to vote during this phase, heh.

*points at Helgraf*

Since he doesn't believe in THE BALANCE :smallbiggrin:

Also, it's totally not day 1.

2010-04-07, 09:15 PM
Aemoh, for ressurecting the game. What a sneaky fellow. Wait... that's not really a bad thing... Oh well, I wrote it on the calendar. In red ink, even.

2010-04-08, 05:39 PM
Sorry this day dragged on for so long. At first it was due to lack of inspiration, depression, and anger at how many autolynches we have.

Then it started to be because of certain computer viruses more troubling than the ones seen in this series.

Now that's been handled, I'll end the day later today, regardless of any lack of inspiration, depression, or anger

2010-04-08, 05:51 PM
Kyouhen sorry about almost forgetting to vote.

2010-04-08, 07:28 PM
I keep forgetting to vote during this phase, heh.

*points at Helgraf*

Since he doesn't believe in THE BALANCE :smallbiggrin:

Also, it's totally not day 1.

Yeah, bad english usage on my part.

Rephrased: Because it -was- Day 1, and I'd have no way of knowing he was a mason at that point.

2010-04-09, 12:52 AM
I'm sorry for the lack of narration, but I don't want my lack of inspiration (which, despite what might be expected, has only increased due to the virus attack on my computer) to delay this update any longer.

Billtodamax was lynched. He was a binome.
Smuchmuch and Lord Fullbladder, Master of Goblins were autolynched. They were also binomes. (possibly Binky and Algernon)
Yimmythesneak was also autolynched He was Phong.:annoyed:

Also, from now on, if you're going to change your vote, please cross out the old one.

2010-04-09, 06:27 AM
Sigh... and now there goes my chance of being confirmed. Although if someone banes me and the wolves miss the nightkill, you'll know I'm reliable.