View Full Version : Bored at work - an appeal for games

2010-02-23, 08:19 AM
So here's the deal. At my job, I basically sit and wait for people to come to me to need help/request an item checkout/etc. As a result, I'm left with a LOT of downtime, and have internet access.

Long story short, I need to find something to do to kill time. I can't really download anything onto the computer, so browser-based is ideal. Great Dungeon in the Sky was great for a few days of messing around, but I need something new.

I've messed around with Adventurequest and Dragonfable, but those have a habit of getting exceptionally repetitive. Kingdom of Loathing is fun, but has that annoying adventures-per-day cap.

So come on, Playground, toss me some ideas!

2010-02-23, 08:20 AM
Dungeons and Dragons, play-by-post on these very forums.

2010-02-23, 08:23 AM
Dungeons and Dragons, play-by-post on these very forums.

Now see, that could work - I've never done PbP before, but I'd be willing to try it.

However, I'd imagine that it would still take awhile whilst people post their, erm... posts. Which would lead to downtime, would it not? A considerable amount at that?

Plus, I don't have DDI access, so no real books with me to speak of.

2010-02-23, 09:31 AM
Hum... i guess you could try your hand on some Tower Defense or adventure games over at armorgames.com. :smallconfused:

Hunter Noventa
2010-02-23, 09:55 AM
Now see, that could work - I've never done PbP before, but I'd be willing to try it.

However, I'd imagine that it would still take awhile whilst people post their, erm... posts. Which would lead to downtime, would it not? A considerable amount at that?

Plus, I don't have DDI access, so no real books with me to speak of.

You should be able to reach the SRD for 3.5, though I don't know just how stringent your firewall there is...

2010-02-23, 10:15 AM
Ahh, right, SRD! Gotten too used to 4E, where there's no such free handy reference.

Been awhile since I've played 3.5, but I'll give it some thought. Thanks!

2010-02-23, 10:20 AM
If you are into roguelikes you can try these two:

Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup: http://crawl.akrasiac.org/

or Nethack: http://alt.org/nethack/

I've never actually played them online, but as far as I know you don't need to download anything. ASCII graphics may also be a problem, though I believe you'd get used to them eventually.

2010-02-23, 10:22 AM
If you have headphones plenty of radio stations have a stream off their websites if it isn't blocked.

2010-02-23, 10:28 AM
Turn-based games are easy to drop the instant someone requests your attention, and usually only take negligible resources when they're running on the background.

Newer and resource-heavy games such as Civilization 4, Galactic Civilization 2 or Heroes of Might and Magic 5 would be out, but older and/or smaller games are light enough to work without installation, even from an USB stick. King of Dragon Pass, Alpha Centauri, Dominions 3, X-Com games, roguelikes, Master of Magic/Orion 1-2...

Can't help with the browser games, unfortunately.

Lost Demiurge
2010-02-23, 10:31 AM
Now see, that could work - I've never done PbP before, but I'd be willing to try it.

However, I'd imagine that it would still take awhile whilst people post their, erm... posts. Which would lead to downtime, would it not? A considerable amount at that?

Plus, I don't have DDI access, so no real books with me to speak of.

Yeah, it takes a lot of time. Then someone gets bored and wanders off and doesn't tell anyone, and you're stuck waiting until the GM decides "Hey, this guy's not coming back." Then more people forget about this due to the downtime because of the waiting, and wander off and don't post, and-

Ah, forgive me. I'm a little bitter. Just about every time I get into or try to run a cool game, this is about how it goes. :D

2010-02-23, 11:17 AM
If you have a flash memory stick, you'll be able to run some older games/free games off of it, such as Heroes 3, Battle of Wesnoth and x-com.

2010-02-23, 11:54 AM
Well....it's not games, but if you feel like reading, there are a few sites that the publishers/authors have authorized to have free electronic copies of their books.

Baen.com (http://baen.com/library/defaultTitles.htm) has a free library, with new titles added about twice a year.

Similarly, Thefifthimperium (http://baencd.thefifthimperium.com/) has electronic copies of the promotional disks released by Baen with flagship titles. Currently there's about 30 CD's available, although there is a lot of overlap since each time a new title in a series comes out they tend to include the previous novels on the promotional CD.

2010-02-23, 05:54 PM

2010-02-23, 06:12 PM
Pfft, you guys are weak. buy a rubik's cube. then buy the 4x4 version. then the 5x5.
or, buy a sudoku book.
or, buy a book.

2010-02-23, 06:21 PM
armorgames.com has tons of good games. I recommend The Last Stand, The Last Stand 2, Juggerdome, and Warfare 1917.

2010-02-23, 08:33 PM
Pfft, you guys are weak. buy a rubik's cube. then buy the 4x4 version. then the 5x5.
or, buy a sudoku book.
or, buy a book.


Also, what kind of games do you want to waste your time with? If you like turn based games, a series called Battlion by urbansquall (http://www.kongregate.com/accounts/urbansquall) on Kongregate is essentially Advance Wars, but with changes made based off of the creator's opinion.

warty goblin
2010-02-23, 09:17 PM
I had a job like that once. I used the time to read the entire Penny Arcade archives, the entire PvP archives, the entire Daily Victim archives, most of the truly broken things you can do with wizards in 3.5 D&D, and also damn near every game review on IGN.

I came to that job a kid. Nine months later, I left a nerd.

2010-02-23, 09:20 PM
I would also note that Mibbit, www.mibbit.com is a free chat service that is entirely browser based. And Otherworlders is a channel on it entirely dedicated to games. #fudge is loaded with fudge games, and #game-design or #enworld is probably enough to get other kinds. Although the community of #enworld is kind of sketchy.

2010-02-23, 11:26 PM
Homebrewing on google docs.

A basically unlimited time sink that'll look somewhat like you're working.
Admittedly, it saps creativity like parched earth soaks water.

2010-02-23, 11:39 PM
You could try Runescape! coolface.jpg

2010-02-23, 11:39 PM
X-Com on a flash drive.

X-Com is love.

2010-02-23, 11:41 PM
Homebrewing on google docs.

A basically unlimited time sink that'll look somewhat like you're working.
Admittedly, it saps creativity like parched earth soaks water.

...that is a surprisingly good idea.

I should start doing this more often.

2010-02-24, 08:03 AM
Wow, the replies came pouring in!

I'll try my best to respond in kind.

Don, Endo, et al. - No downloads/USB of any kind. It's sort of considered a company risk, so they aren't allowed. EA regulations and all that...

Tribble - I would, in a heartbeat, but it HAS to be computer-based. Books and other sundry items don't "look professional" whereas web-surfing does. Funny, that.

Warty Goblin/Demented - That's actually exactly what I've been doing for the past 3 months. I've now reread all of OOTS, 8-Bit Theatre, Penny Arcade, and then OOTS again. I'm tapped out on webcomics. And the time not spent on that is spent lurking the boards here, chiming in with the occasional post.

Everyone else - Good suggestions, all! I'm trying to avoid real-time games where possible, because I need to be able to stop at the drop of a hat when someone comes to the window needing something. If it can be paused, though, more power to it! I'd actually really like to try out a few rogue-likes, but they all seem to be (admittedly miniscule) downloads, which is an issue.

2010-02-24, 08:29 AM
I personally found Mech Quest more enjoyable than Adventure Quest. Yes, it's just as repetitive, but there are more options to play with.

Plus, ya know, robots.

2010-02-24, 02:39 PM
Wow, the replies came pouring in!

I'll try my best to respond in kind.

Don, Endo, et al. - No downloads/USB of any kind. It's sort of considered a company risk, so they aren't allowed. EA regulations and all that...

Tribble - I would, in a heartbeat, but it HAS to be computer-based. Books and other sundry items don't "look professional" whereas web-surfing does. Funny, that.

Warty Goblin/Demented - That's actually exactly what I've been doing for the past 3 months. I've now reread all of OOTS, 8-Bit Theatre, Penny Arcade, and then OOTS again. I'm tapped out on webcomics. And the time not spent on that is spent lurking the boards here, chiming in with the occasional post.

Everyone else - Good suggestions, all! I'm trying to avoid real-time games where possible, because I need to be able to stop at the drop of a hat when someone comes to the window needing something. If it can be paused, though, more power to it! I'd actually really like to try out a few rogue-likes, but they all seem to be (admittedly miniscule) downloads, which is an issue.

I would just like to point out that while the books at the links I posted can be downloaded, they don't have to be. There's a "Read Online" link on the start page for each book that will open a browser version of the text.

2010-02-24, 02:57 PM
As far as games go Sonny (http://armorgames.com/play/505/sonny) and Sonny 2 (http://armorgames.com/play/2900/sonny-2) on armor games gave me a lot of fun in downtimes like this. Both are turn based browser games so you can just minimize your browser or switch to another tab when you have to do some work.

Ogame (http://www.ogame.org/) is another browser game that comes to mind. Its MMO game set in space ... you build ships, colonize planets, molest weaker players than you and so on :smallsmile:. Warning, may become very addictive and may take much more time on faster universes (thats why I quit).

As far as comics go Looking For Group (http://www.lfgcomic.com/) is a very good one and Erfworld is also good if you skipped it. Erfworld was confusing and boring to me for the first 30 or so pages but then the more I read the better it was.

Hope any of these help save you from the boredom :smallsmile:.

Edit: If you were a caster with some magic item crafting feats you could craft some items ... there is never enough downtime for crafting ... just saying you know :smallbiggrin:

2010-02-24, 03:30 PM
Browser-based only? Here's a list of web browser games (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/WebGames).

2010-02-24, 03:32 PM
Now see, that could work - I've never done PbP before, but I'd be willing to try it.

However, I'd imagine that it would still take awhile whilst people post their, erm... posts. Which would lead to downtime, would it not? A considerable amount at that?

Plus, I don't have DDI access, so no real books with me to speak of.

Try FFRP instead. You'd practically have to be unemployed to keep up with that one.

2010-02-24, 10:56 PM
get a flash drive and load some old fashioned games on it. by "old fashioned" i mean "would fit on a USB flash drive and have no DRM" starcraft works. really anything DRM free and small would work.

2010-02-24, 11:18 PM
get a flash drive and load some old fashioned games on it. by "old fashioned" i mean "would fit on a USB flash drive and have no DRM" starcraft works. really anything DRM free and small would work.

Can't work. Said above. I made the same mistake.

As for browser games, Rock Paper Shotgun highlights a fair deal of good ones, and is a good read in its own right.

2010-02-24, 11:46 PM
I know the feeling (working part time at a library during the summer when no one shows up for hours on end . . . :smallsigh: ) - my own solution is the Let's Play Archive/ (http://www.letsplayarchive.com/) . It's a compendium of Let's Plays by residents of the Something Awful forums, and I'd estimate it's killed over 100 hours of my boredom. Quality and format vary, but if Let's Play is your cup of tea you're sure to find something good. (The commentary on some of the playthroughs is pure gold and make reading the playthrough better than playing the actual game, IMO.)

And, of course, there's TV Tropes (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/HomePage) - but TV Tropes will ruin your life (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/TVTropesWillRuinYourLife) . . .

2010-02-25, 06:56 AM
Adult Swim has a lot of off the wall games to play that are browser based, it is the late night series of shows on Cartoon Network.

2010-02-25, 08:35 AM
Replies, round 2!

Breltar - I used to be an avid Adult Swim watcher when I lived in the States, and I remember some of their browser-based games pretty fondly. Flight of the Monarch was fun, especially, as was their biblical fighting game. But I'm looking for something with a bit more substance, if possible.

Clintodon - Now THAT is something that sounds appealing. My only concern is, naturally, that the SA forums are involved. Hence, work safety, even with headphones on, would be a concern of mine. As far as TVTropes, well... aside from webcomics and lurking these boards, that's where most of my time so far has gone :smallsmile:

Dr.Feelgood - That list is pure jackpot. Thank you so much.

As for those continuing to advocate PbP, I'd certainly get into it, but the issue is that my job is going to be changing around the first or second week of March. As a result, I can't really get into anything TOO long-term. I apologize for not mentioning this earlier, but it sort of slipped my mind.

2010-02-25, 07:27 PM
There's even the time sink that is Wikipedia. Not quite as life-ruining as The-Site-That-Shall-Not-Be-Named, but still good for being lost in.

2010-02-26, 10:33 PM
OH LOVE (http://games.adultswim.com/robot-unicorn-attack-twitchy-online-game.html)

2010-02-27, 04:26 PM
Tribble - I would, in a heartbeat, but it HAS to be computer-based. Books and other sundry items don't "look professional" whereas web-surfing does. Funny, that.

In that case, try online sudoku and crosswords.

2010-02-27, 08:04 PM
Readin' time!
"The Call of Cthulhu"
"The Shadow out of Time"

Try not to take any SAN damage, dude.

Thane of Fife
2010-02-27, 08:21 PM
"Megaman vs Metroid" and "Megaman vs Ghosts 'n Goblins" (http://www.brokenfunction.com/) are both a fair bit of fun.

2010-02-27, 09:37 PM
Adult Swim has a lot of off the wall games to play that are browser based, it is the late night series of shows on Cartoon Network.

Oh, there is always various online TV stuff (Hulu, Adult Swim ect) if you are in the US.

Mr. Mud
2010-02-27, 10:06 PM
Puzzle Pirates isn't a browser based game, per say, but it's sort of like a pseudo-downloadable in browser thing. Basically, you just download the patchs, and the site launches the game for you. It consumed... probably 1500 hours of my life.

However, I had the equivalent of Dreadnaught Battlegear in WoW.

It's an MMO with some RPG elements, a unique in game economy run by the players, and filled with, as the name depicts, piratey puzzles. There are Oceans (servers) that are free, and some that require subscriptions.

Check it out, if you're running out of options. However, in the mid of this post, I started browsing around the website (found here (http://www.puzzlepirates.com/)), and it might not be launchable from the browser anymore... Hmph. Lemme do some investigating and get back to you.

2010-02-27, 10:23 PM
Design your own turn-based RPG using Microsoft Excel and Vbasic. The benefits are that you look like you're working all the time. Simulating battleships or chess with a computer opponent is also fun if you can figure out a way to macro the AI's decisions. (My current project is battleships; very time consuming if you don't use the internet to look up solutions)

2010-03-01, 01:47 PM
Well.... there's always browser based MMORPGs.... granted, most of them suck, but they can be excellent time sinks for about an hour or two a day.

SigmaStorm (http://www.sigmastorm2.com/?ref=1645067)

This one's more sci-fi themed, which is an interesting take on the browser MMORPG. Not saying it's good, but it will kill some time.

2010-03-01, 01:54 PM
Well, Doom's first chapter is free on browsers these days. Should kill an afternoon.

And an open request to the internet:

Marathon. In browser. Make it happen.

2010-03-02, 01:35 PM
Now see, that could work - I've never done PbP before, but I'd be willing to try it.

However, I'd imagine that it would still take awhile whilst people post their, erm... posts. Which would lead to downtime, would it not? A considerable amount at that?

Plus, I don't have DDI access, so no real books with me to speak of.

Waste your time posting up homebrew and/or articles/discussion of homebrew.

Or google 'evony', which is a decent feudal style strategy game.

And does Doom's first chapter seriously take an afternoon?

Lord Loss
2010-03-03, 04:44 PM
Hallpass is one of the less known games sites, but it's very, very, very good.

http://www.hallpass.com/ (http://Hallpass/)

It's also got a ton of videos, but these don't work in some countries.

Lord Seth
2010-03-03, 07:35 PM
You can try Merlin's Revenge (http://themetalbox.com/?page=merlin_1), Merlin's Revenge 2 (http://themetalbox.com/?page=merlin_2), and/or Merlin's Revenge 3 (http://themetalbox.com/?page=merlin_3).

2010-03-05, 11:47 PM
You can try Merlin's Revenge (http://themetalbox.com/?page=merlin_1), Merlin's Revenge 2 (http://themetalbox.com/?page=merlin_2), and/or Merlin's Revenge 3 (http://themetalbox.com/?page=merlin_3).

the site you linked to has a buggy version. the only website I've found that doesn't crash that game is bonus.com.

Lord Seth
2010-03-07, 12:41 AM
the site you linked to has a buggy version. the only website I've found that doesn't crash that game is bonus.com.Really? Didn't really try them, but The Metal Box is the official site, so I figured that they would be the ones to link to. But if that doesn't work, give bonus.com a try.

There's also Apocalypse Outpost to play, if you want.

2010-03-07, 12:47 AM
Waste your time posting up homebrew and/or articles/discussion of homebrew.

Or google 'evony', which is a decent feudal style strategy game.

And does Doom's first chapter seriously take an afternoon?



Spyware slipping onto your machine, scuzzy ad tactics, addicting without being fun, all bad things.


Yeah, Doom could take an afternoon, if you look for all the secrets, play the other two games in the triple pack, and try other difficulties.

2010-03-07, 06:07 AM
If you like anime Billy vs Snakeman is a fun free webbased game, but there is a stamina limit.

Shopping Cart Hero 1 and 2 are fun aswell, but are very obviously games, so no good trying to pretend they are work.

What I do is when I go to do something with alot of sitting down and waiting is I bring my pad of paper with 2 character sheets and my print out of exalted character creation, then I sit down, start doodling, then come out with a concept I then expand. My all time favourite character, The-Walker-Out-Of-Storms, came from me doing that, and he has since then expanded into a massive time sink for me, with me writing lore about him.

2010-03-07, 09:01 AM
You got a DS? If so, there's whole bunch of good games for that, like New Super Mario Bros., Sonic Rush, The World Ends With You, etc.

If you're stuck laptop, then I suggest you take a visit towards Kongregate (http://www.kongregate.com/), which has a lot of the suggested Flash games.

2010-03-08, 05:11 AM

It's a text-based adventure/RPG thing. Different, and as such, refreshing.

2010-03-08, 08:04 AM
If you have an SSH client (like puTTY) you could play a roguealike game. Just gotta know the address of a server and the login info.

Mushroom Ninja
2010-03-08, 08:18 AM
OH LOVE (http://games.adultswim.com/robot-unicorn-attack-twitchy-online-game.html)

Robot Unicorns? HELL YEAH!

2010-03-08, 04:34 PM
STEEEEEEEEEEAMBIRDS (http://armorgames.com/play/5426/steambirds) :smallcool:

2010-03-09, 09:16 PM
If you have an SSH client (like puTTY) you could play a roguealike game.
Just gotta know the address of a server and the login info.
Nethack (http://alt.org/nethack/) can be done with standard telnet:

To play NetHack on this server, just telnet to nethack.alt.org (telnet://nethack.alt.org) or use this Java (http://alt.org/nethack/jta/) or this Flash (http://alt.org/nethack/soiled/) telnet applet.

Also WeeWar (http://weewar.com/), a turn based strategy game for up to 6 players

No downloads and no setup required!