View Full Version : Alliance, a game to play with your friends.

2010-02-23, 05:43 PM
Alliance is a game to play with your friends outdoors. It is a 100% original game I created with 4 of my friends.
Basic Rules:
The general concept of the game is to achieve world domination! To do this all other players must be dead or under your control, you have various ways of doing this.
Combat and Vassals:
The simplest way of getting someone under control is to tag their right shoulder. This causes them to become your vassal. If two people tag each other at the same time, no one is 'vassaled' and there is a 10 second wait where neither of the people can tag the other. Vassals fight for you, this means they cannot attack you and that anyone they tag becomes your vassal, although that person is also the person who tagged him's vassal.
John tags Bob, Bob is now John's vassal. Bob tags Sam, Sam is now Bob's vassal, and because Bob is vassal to John, Sam fights for John too. Jack comes and tags Bob. That makes Bob and Sam to become Jack's vassal.
Once everyone is under one person's control, the game ends in 5 seconds. 5 seconds because there are ways to get free of your master.
This game is best to play by a structure or somewhere where you can make a death zone. For example, my friends and I play on the structure at our school, and if you step off the structure you instantly die. When someone dies, all of their vassals are free, although in the example given above, if Jack fell now, Bob and Sam would stay a unit.

Those are the basic rules, but there are several other concepts in addition to those that depend on what addition you are playing.

Village Riot:
This is the recommended mode for your first couple games. This mode adds no additional elements. Everyone is a a villager and their only attack is tagging someone on their right shoulder.

Alliance, Classic:
This is the recommended mode until you become more comfortable with roles. In Alliance, Classic, at the start of the game everyone chooses a role. Tell your choice of role to no one. Your role decides what abilities you have in the game.
Alliance Classic Roles:
There are 4 roles in Alliance Classic.
Vampires are undead monsters that can never become people's vassals.
Vampire Immunities
Rebels are a normal human, except for the fact that they have 1 rebellion that is expended when they use it.
1 x Rebellion
Soldiers are skilled warriors that are experts in combat.
Combat Prowess
Mages are wielders of arcane power that call lightning down on their enemies (although only 1 bolt per game).
1 x Lightning Bolt

Alliance, Vampire:
This is by far the most complex mode, with religion and many new and improved roles and other mechanics such as Zombie-dom and duels..
In Alliance, Vampire at the start of the game characters also choose a religion for their character.
The Ashen Veil:
The Ashen Veil is the religion of evil. Characters who choose to take up the Ashen Veil gain a 1 time use Zombify or, if they are Necromancers, they gain a 1 use Rejuvenate.
1 x Zombify
or for Necromancers
1 x Rejuvenate
The Order:
The Order is the religion of justice and righteousness. Players who choose The Order gain a curing ability.
1 x Cure
Alliance Vampire Roles:
Alliance Vampire has 11 different roles.
Knight is a split role. Depending on your religion you become a different kind of knight.
Knight of Darkness:
Knights of Darkness are skilled fighters for the side of evil. Any knight from The Ashen Veil becomes a Knight of Darkness.
Combat Prowess
2 x Unholy Strike
Heart of Darkness
Knight of Light:
Knights of the Light are powerful fighters and paladins of justice. Any knight from The Order becomes a Knight of Light.
Combat Prowess
1 x Holy Smite
Pure Strike
Mages are wielders of arcana that have magical bolts and storms to use against their enemies.
1 x Fire Bolt
1 x Lightning Bolt
1 x Ice Bolt
Bolt Storms
Manipulators are cunning characters that use their abilities of identification and role-changing to the best effect.
1 x Identify
1 x Role-change
1 x Sleight of Hand
Samurai are deadly fighters that follow a strict code of honor.
1 x Kia Smite
2 x Parry
Mimics are creatures that tag people on the left shoulder to copy their abilities and religion.
Vampires are undead monsters that can never become people's vassals.
Vampire Immunities
Rebels are a normal human, except for the fact that they have 2 rebellions that is expended when they use it and the ability to 1 time betray their master.
2 x Rebellion
1 x Betray
Crusaders are holy warriors that have developed powerful tactics to use against characters of the opposite religion.
1 x Crusify
1 x Holy Shield
Necromancers are masters of the undeath with the ability to zombify the dead and curse the living.
Unlimited Zombify
1 x Curse
Ninjas are masters of stealth and assassination.
1 x Fade Slash
Masters of treachery and betrayal, it is best to watch your back when there is a rogue around.
1 x Betray
1 x Sleight of Hand
1 x Backstab

More Alliance Vampire coming soon.

Alliance Abilities:

Vampire Immunities: If you are a vampire you never truly become someone's vassal. When someone tags you, you remain free, you may pretend to be that person's vassal so they don't suspect you of being a vampire. The game cannot be one if someone is a vampire, because that person is never controlled. The only way to eliminate a vampire is to stake it. To stake a character you yell "Stake" and tag them on the back of the neck. If the person is a vampire, that person becomes a normal villager with no abilities, and is also your vassal. If the person is not a vampire, you become their vassal. Everyone starts the game with 1 stake, that is expended when you use it.
Rebellion: This ability is triggered when you yell "Rebellion", it is then used up, but everyone is instantly freed of their master.
Combat Prowess: This ability allows you to tag either of someone's shoulders to vassal them.
Lightning Bolt: This ability is trigger when you say "Lightning Bolt" and designate a target. The target person may not use abilities or vassal anyone while they are "lightning bolted". Each use of lightning bolt (although they are expended afterwards) lasts 10 seconds.
Fire Bolt: To use a Fire Bolt just yell "Fire Bolt" and designate a target other than yourself. The target of a Fire Bolt is instantly free of their master as if they were the sole target of a Rebellion.
Ice Bolt: To cast a Ice Bolt yell "Ice Bolt" and choose a target. That target is frozen in place for 5 seconds and not allowed to move. After an Ice Bolt the character cannot be attacked or attack for 3 seconds.
Holy Smite: To use this ability shout "Holy Smite" and tag an opponent anywhere on there body. That person instantly becomes your vassal, if that person was a Vampire they become a normal villager as if they were staked. If you Holy Smite a fellow Knight of Light you become that character's vassal.
Unholy Strike: You may use this ability when you tag someone on their shoulder, by saying "Unholy Strike". If that character is not a Vampire, Necromancer, or Knight of Darkness that person becomes a Zombie under your control.
Holy Shield: To use a Holy Shield simply say "Holy Shield". This means that for the next 5 seconds you are not affected by normal attacks, unholy strikes, or mimicking abilities.
Curse: To use this ability shout "Curse" and tag an opponent anywhere on there body. That person instantly becomes a Zombie under your control, if that person was a Vampire, Necromancer, or Knight of Darkness they are unaffected.

Any questions, comments, don't hesitate to ask/tell.
I will constantly edit this post as I update the rules!

2010-02-23, 10:26 PM
So... um, for fighting, do you just get into a brawl? You have a section titled Combat and Vassals, but all I see are Vassals.