View Full Version : Arena Tournament, Round 83: Ax Battler vs. Muscles McGoo

2010-02-24, 12:10 PM
Arena Tournament, Round 83: Ax Battler vs. Muscles McGoo


XP Award: 300 XP
GP Award: 300 GP

Introbulus - Ax Battler (http://pifro.com/pro/view.php?id=3894)
thefurmonger - Muscles McGoo (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=173082)

All Combatants, please roll initiative and declare final purchases, if any

2010-02-24, 12:42 PM
Checking in, Buying a Greatsword (50Gp)

Init [roll0]

And a hearty good luck to you, it will be nice to have a match decided in good 'ol melee.

2010-02-24, 05:07 PM
Checking in, but I cannot make my purchases or initiative. We have very limited power. I won't be able to post for awhile. Please be patient, as it may take awhile for power to come back to our house. It could take all weekend.

2010-02-24, 09:29 PM
Initiative: [roll0]

((Will try to post my first move tomorrow.))

2010-02-24, 10:03 PM
Well since you can see me I may as well say that I am starting in M-23 Holding the Greatsword in one hand and a Javalin in the other. Also I have a loaded sling at my belt and I'm wearing The Studded Leather Armor.

2010-02-25, 09:35 PM
Well then...

Ax Battler, Round 1

I'll start in M4 with a potion in one hand, and my sword in another. I'll drink my Mage Armor potion, and move to H10, which will end my turn.


HP: 14/14
AC: 15 (+4 Armor, +3 Dex, -2 Misc)
Weapon in Hand: Greatsword
Square: H10

2010-02-25, 09:54 PM
MMG Round 1

Swift: Activate Travel devotion
Double Move: to F-14

End turn

AC: 14, FF, 13, T 11
HP: 17/17 (Rageclaws)
Loc: F-14
Travel Devotion (Rounds Remaining)10/10

2010-02-27, 10:54 AM
((Looking up Travel Devotion. This could take awhile...))

Round 2

Double Move to Q13.

End Turn

Same, but in Q13

2010-02-27, 11:17 AM
Well I dont feel like balance checks so here we go...

MMG Turn 2

Free: Rage
Free: Drop Javalin
Free: 2-Hand the Greatsword
Swift: Move to L-13
Move: To P-13
Standard: Attack Ax Battler
Attack [roll0]
Dammage [roll1]

AC: 14, FF, 13, T 11
HP: 17/17 (Rageclaws)
Loc: P-13
Travel Devotion (Rounds Remaining)9/10
Rage (Rounds Remaining) 9/9

2010-02-27, 11:18 AM
......... Seriously? A freakin 3?.......

Wow, your move.

2010-02-27, 02:00 PM
...Huh, I essentially have to hit you with a critical blow this round, or else you essentially just have to hit me once to finish me off.

...You know, I think I'll go for it. :smallamused: I'm going into rage mode, and swinging as hard as I can. Really no need to move anyway, since you'll be able to outpace me with Travel Devotion. I also might as well add my Power Attack bonus to damage. So then...here we go!

Round 3

Attack: [roll0]
Crit Roll: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]
Crit Damage: [roll3]


HP: 3/16
AC: 13 (+4 Armor, +3 Dex, -2 Misc, -2 RAGE)
Weapon in Hand: Greatsword
Square: H10

Augh...you still up. Your turn.

2010-02-27, 02:10 PM
Bravo, I have to say I really admire your spirit, I was really worried going into this fight that we would be chasing each other around all game. I love a good slugfest.

MMG Round 3
Free: Say I salute you sir.
Full round: Full attack Ax Battler
Attack 1: [roll0]
Attack 2: [roll1]

Damage 1: [roll2]
Damage 2: [roll3]

And for what its worth, yes travel devotion is the awsome.

I think im done, but maybe not.

AC: 16, FF, 13, T 13
HP: 5/17 (Rageclaws)
Loc: P-13
Travel Devotion (Rounds Remaining)8/10
Rage (Rounds Remaining) 8/9

2010-02-27, 02:11 PM
Doesnt matter but..

dammage [roll]2d6+10

2010-02-27, 02:12 PM
Why the hell i rolled 1d20s for damage is beyond me.

first hit [roll0]
Confirm [roll1]

Thats game.

2010-02-27, 02:31 PM
That it is. ^^; To be fair, it DOES matter, because you would still miss on a natural 1.

2010-02-27, 02:33 PM
When i said not that it matters i was talking about the confirm roll.

Even tho it was short I really did enjoy that. Glad your power came back on.

BTW, ending on the stairs so i couldnt charge you was BRILLIANT. I will be stealing that.

Again, good game.

2010-02-27, 02:34 PM
High Ref Sallera

Muscles provides Ax Battler with an introduction to the finer points of sharp shiny things.