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View Full Version : [3.5] Draconic Rite of Passage

Irreverent Fool
2010-02-25, 01:23 AM
I'll be playing a Dragonwrought Kobold Warmage 3 in an upcoming campaign. Warmage wasn't my first choice, but I'm determined to make the best of it. I've played under this DM before and we can be reasonably certain to make it into the higher levels.

My plan is to take Warmage 6 and gain Ray of Stupidity (SpC) via Eclectic Learning (PH2) and then PrC into Rainbow Servant (CDiv) as the DM agrees with the 'text trumps table' rule that grants Rainbow Servant 10/10 spell progression.

Well, I've had my character take Draconic Rite of Passage (RotD). For those of you unfamiliar with it, you basically trade 1 permanent hp to gain a Sorcerer spell of 1st level as a 1/day spell-like ability with a caster level equal to character level. This can be increased to 3/day via a feat.

The party so far looks like it will consist of an Artificer, a Monk, a Rogue, and my Warmage. Since the Artificer and the rogue (via UMD) can manage utility, I'm looking for a useful spell to use 1/day or 3/day.

So far, I've considered the following
{table]Lesser Shivering Touch|1d6 dex damage that lasts 1 min/level
Hoard Gullet|My kobold is small and weak, so a 1 hr/level bag of holding seems handy. I'm actually strongly considering this one.
Ray of Enfeeblement|Generally good, but I feel like I'd be wasting potential
Protection from X|Immunity to compulsions is great, but the 1 min/level duration makes me wonder if 1/day is enough
Shield|Obviously good, but I can use light shields which means this will eventually become useless
Power Word Pain|I don't really think the opponents will last long enough to make this worth it and it doesn't benefit from Warmage Edge
Grease|There's a rogue in the party. 'Nuff said[/table]

So my question and the suggested discussion are:

What do you consider the best spell to take with Draconic Rite of Passage and why?


2010-02-25, 04:51 AM
I'm AfB, but IIRC the SLA conversion clause doesn't include that the SLA will have expensive material components. So... Identify? :smalltongue:

Otherwise, I'd go for Hoard Gullet or Grease from your list.

2010-02-25, 10:09 AM
I went with Identify, but grease is always useful.

2010-02-25, 03:46 PM
Benign Transposition stays great at any level.

2010-02-25, 04:10 PM
I was looking into this awhile ago, and I think I'd settled on Corrosive Grasp (SpC), but upon review, Benign Transposition would be pretty rad as a 1/day SLA.

2010-02-25, 04:40 PM
Identify is probably the most useful one, though an Artificer can handle that role pretty trivially (the Artificer's Monocle is 1,500 gp, and grants, IIRC, a Spellcraft bonus, a UMD bonus for using Scrolls, and allows Artificer's Knowledge to Identify).

2010-02-25, 04:52 PM
I'd go with Hoard Gullet or Benign Transposition, since the former is just nice to have and the latter is always amazing to have.