View Full Version : Least favorite song by your favorite band.

2010-02-26, 04:49 PM
Basicly as the title says, what's your least favorite songs, made by your favorite bands.
Guess I should start out.

David Bowie - Young Americans ( I mostly prefer his earlier stuff, this is one of my least favorite albums. )

Queen - Get Down, Make Love ( This is purely rubbish, that such a great band could make this.. It saddens my heart )

Beatles - If I fell ( Hated the songs since our teachers forced us to play this song, of all the great songs in Across the Universe, for our school musical )

And... Now it's your turn :smalltongue:

2010-02-26, 05:43 PM
Hm, least favorite Bowie song...It's hard to think of one I genuinly dislike, as my favorites change with my mood. I went through a phase where Aladdin Sane was THE ALBUM for a while, and I just got out of a Young Americans phase. And that was after a huge 1. Outside phase. Oh wait, John I'm Only Dancing (Again). Silly disco. Of course, it could've been FAR worse than it was.

My least favorite Beatles song is Yesterday 95% of the time.

2010-02-26, 06:45 PM
This'd be... Be Quick or be Dead, from Iron Maiden. One of the reasons Fear of the Dark is my least favorite album from them.

2010-02-26, 07:00 PM
Queen - We Will Rock You. Especially the kids version. To add insult to injury, this is one of the few Queen songs that are more well-known among the non-initiated.

2010-02-26, 10:57 PM
Led Zeppelin - Fool in the Rain

Cannot agree MORE with We Will Rock You

Boston - Foreplay(The good part)/Long Time(The NOT good part)

I could name more but when put on the spot I always draw blanks.

2010-02-26, 11:10 PM
Planet Caravan, Changes, or Laguna Sunrise for Black Sabbath.

The covers of Styrisvolurin and Olavur Riddararos on the "How Far to Asgaard" album by Tyr. The ones on "Eric the Red" are good, but the covers make my ears bleed.

(I will be amazed if I spelled either of those correctly.)

2010-02-26, 11:33 PM
Speaking of covers:
Whiskey in the Jar - Metallica
Not technicaly sure if it's a cover since it's a folk song but I just prefer the Thin Lizzy version over theirs.

2010-02-27, 12:46 AM
Blind Guardian - Valhalla, Born in a Mourning Hall, and Lost in the Twilight Hall. They play those at every single concert, but should never have been rated higher than "filler" on the albums.

2010-02-27, 02:08 AM
The Long and Winding Road is such an incredibly blargh song it's inconceivable the Beatles could do that.

2010-02-27, 02:32 AM
Beatles= The Ballad of John and Yoko
Queen= We are the Champions

2010-02-27, 05:08 AM
Avenged Sevenfold-Dear God and Warmness on the Soul... I know they're supposed to be "different" for those reasons but I just can't stand these songs.

Metallica-The Unforgiven, Pt. 3. Just..ugh. I despise this one.

Rammstein-Amerika(english Version). This song just doesnt compare to the original

2010-02-27, 06:43 AM
Pink Floyd - The dogs of war. Not that it is absolute rubbish. It's just not Pink Floyd.

2010-02-27, 08:43 AM
Radiohead - Treefingers (just doesn't do anything)
The Dresden Dolls - The Sheep Song (although I'd still happily listen to it)

Lord of Rapture
2010-02-27, 09:38 AM
Queen - We Will Rock You. Especially the kids version. To add insult to injury, this is one of the few Queen songs that are more well-known among the non-initiated.

But, but, but....that's the only song I like by them! :smalleek:

2010-02-27, 10:31 AM
Wake Dead Man, Wake- As Cities Burn

That CD as a whole isn't exactly great, but this song... ugh. It evens sounds like it might be good by the intro it gets at the end of the song before it, but then when it starts playing it you just want to turn it off.

Fifty-Eyed Fred
2010-02-27, 11:07 AM
To add insult to injury, this is one of the few Queen songs that are more well-known among the non-initiated.
Wholehearted disagreement time!
Maybe in Poland. Many Queen songs are well-known by the non-initiated here in Britain, but then they were a British Band, so...

Let's see; a good example from a band I like...
Bon Jovi's Livin' On A Prayer just doesn't do it for me. It's not bad, I just think it doesn't deserve to be their biggest hit.

That's about all I can think of. :smalltongue:

Maximum Zersk
2010-02-27, 03:38 PM
Avenged Sevenfold-Dear God and Warmness on the Soul... I know they're supposed to be "different" for those reasons but I just can't stand these songs.

Metallica-The Unforgiven, Pt. 3. Just..ugh. I despise this one.

Rammstein-Amerika(english Version). This song just doesnt compare to the original

I didn't mind Dear God much. Though, I'm slightly crazy. I also am ot very good with judging music, so don't mind me.

Isn't all of Amerika in English anyway?

2010-02-27, 03:52 PM
Pearl Jam - Last Kiss, i know it's a cover but it's god awful
Phish - Weigh

Fifty-Eyed Fred
2010-02-27, 07:24 PM
Isn't all of Amerika in English anyway?

No, some of it's in Rammstein's native German.

2010-02-27, 10:39 PM
Pearl Jam - Last Kiss, i know it's a cover but it's god awful
Phish - Weigh

Yeah... What was up with weigh? Seriously it's just weird.

2010-02-27, 11:30 PM
Pink Floyd - The dogs of war. Not that it is absolute rubbish. It's just not Pink Floyd.

This is how I feel about 95% of the songs released after Waters left. I know he was a jackass and could barely play his instruments, but the man could write.

2010-02-27, 11:36 PM
This is how I feel about 95% of the songs released after Waters left. I know he was a jackass and could barely play his instruments, but the man could write.

It was ok at best but not really Pink Floyd to me. Bonus points if anyone remembers Syd Barret

2010-02-28, 02:30 AM
No, some of it's in Rammstein's native German.

Yeah. the song has lyrics that are intemixed with german (we're all living in amerika, amerika, ist wunderbar), is both english and german, and theres parts that are in german, and parts that are in english. But the english version keeps the chorus, and changes the rest of it to english..

also to the guy who mentioned Dear God, I'm not saying its bad, just that I don't like that kind of music.

2010-02-28, 03:33 AM
It was ok at best but not really Pink Floyd to me. Bonus points if anyone remembers Syd Barret

Wait, there is someone that doesn't remember Syd Barrett?:smalltongue:

2010-02-28, 03:41 AM
Sonata Arctica - Replica

Man this song is just lame. It's one of the few songs that I actually skip every time it comes up on a playlist.

2010-02-28, 03:55 AM
Iron Maiden - Two Minutes to Midnight. I don't get why everyone loves this song; it's definitely not one of their better ones.

Red Hot Chili Peppers - Around the World.

And, since two of my favorite three Power Metal bands (BG, SA) have been mentioned, let's not forget Cain's Offering; This one's gotta be More than Friends. One of those songs that sticks out as pretty awesome the first time, but just goes downhill from there...

@We Will Rock You and We Are the Champions haters: Imagine not even liking Queen and having to endure that popular trash... :smallyuk:

2010-02-28, 03:56 AM
Queen - We Will Rock You. Especially the kids version. To add insult to injury, this is one of the few Queen songs that are more well-known among the non-initiated.

There's such a thing as a Queen initation? :smallconfused: What?

Hm... Arka Satana's "You Pooped On Us". :smalltongue:

Nirvana's "Pennyroyal Tea". Just... not quite my forte.

2010-02-28, 02:12 PM
Queen - We Will Rock You. Especially the kids version. To add insult to injury, this is one of the few Queen songs that are more well-known among the non-initiated.

I like some of Queen's stuff, but I'm not really a fan. Unfortunately, the material by them that I like the least tends to be their most popular songs.

I guess my least favorite song from my favorite band would be "Don't Let Go the Coat" by The Who.

The Glyphstone
2010-02-28, 02:21 PM
Weird Al's Genius In France. Almost everything else Al's written I enjoy but this one just sets my teeth on edge for some reason.

2010-02-28, 02:46 PM
Rush - Losing It, off the Signals album, although Im not familiar with their stuff after Roll the Bones.

Moff Chumley
2010-02-28, 06:47 PM
But, but, but....that's the only song I like by them! :smalleek:


2010-02-28, 07:11 PM
I'd have to say "My World" by Guns N' Roses. *Shudders*

2010-02-28, 10:43 PM
Wait, there is someone that doesn't remember Syd Barrett?:smalltongue:

Probably...Syd Barrett... When he was alive

2010-02-28, 11:10 PM
Dream Theater's I Walk Beside You. It sounds like U2. :smallfrown:

EDIT: I don't like U2. I'm not slighting anyone who likes U2. It's just an opinion.

2010-02-28, 11:59 PM
Probably Fight Fire with Fire by Kansas. It's the only song of their later CD's that I own, and it's the reason I'm not planning on buying any of their later CD's.

Also, I think it's funny how a lot of these songs being mentioned are some of my favorite songs by these bands.

Lord of the Helms
2010-03-01, 12:06 AM
Iron Maiden - Two Minutes to Midnight. I don't get why everyone loves this song; it's definitely not one of their better ones.

Disagrement aside (I'd say it's at least one of their top 30-40 or so songs), Maiden had too many inevitable, and luckily poorly-remembered stinker fillers during their thirty-year and fourteen-album career for something like Two Minutes to Midnight to qualify. Worst overall for me are Fear is the Key and The Apparition from the Fear of the Dark album. Least favorite Maiden songs that people actually remember and, worse, the band plays or has played live, would be Can I Play With Madness and Stranger in a Strange Land. An honorary mention has to go to Wrathchild for being the one and only song from Killers that they play live on a regular basis, even though it's by far the weakest song from an otherwise insanely good album.

Virgin Steele, while overall an amazing band, have had the decency to put almost all their terrible songs onto one album together, so I'll just say "anything from the Life Among The Ruins album". Which is kinda funny because they have a song called Life Among the Ruins on another album, and it's actually one of the most awesomest pieces of music ever made. Go figure.

2010-03-01, 02:28 AM
Free speech for the dumb - metallica

My local radio is having illegitimate children with this song, and I die a little inside every time I hear it.

2010-03-01, 02:35 AM
National Anthem- The Postal Service.
Just not the tune I'm used to from them.

2010-03-01, 02:44 AM
Disagrement aside (I'd say it's at least one of their top 30-40 or so songs), Maiden had too many inevitable, and luckily poorly-remembered stinker fillers during their thirty-year and fourteen-album career for something like Two Minutes to Midnight to qualify. Worst overall for me are Fear is the Key and The Apparition from the Fear of the Dark album. Least favorite Maiden songs that people actually remember and, worse, the band plays or has played live, would be Can I Play With Madness and Stranger in a Strange Land. An honorary mention has to go to Wrathchild for being the one and only song from Killers that they play live on a regular basis, even though it's by far the weakest song from an otherwise insanely good album.Hah, I like The Apparition. Fear is the Key is pretty meh. :smalltongue: Definitely doesn't stick out much, though. I just feel like Two Minutes to Midnight is a little... Aimless. I intentionally left out most of their filler stuff because I can just skip it; when Two Minutes to Midnight is played so frequently in concert, being in Guitar Hero, and loved by my friends, I tend to dislike it a little more than their other stuff.

I'll have to agree with Can I Play With Madness and Stranger in a Strange Land. Strangely, I don't actually think I've heard Wrathchild enough to remember anything about it.

I just wish they'd play Alexander the Great a few times. :smallsigh: Definitely one of my favorite songs of theirs.

2010-03-01, 10:30 AM
This Free Will and A Passion Play (sadly, that one's an entire album) by Tull. The first is musically and lyrically a waste, and the second just misses all of my Tull buttons.

Faith by Marillion. "What I have here in my hand is like faith but not faith..." Really?!?! How does one not go for the obvious auto-eroticism jokes?

2010-03-01, 11:20 AM
The first time I heard Uprising by Muse on the radio I was pretty disappointed. It's got a nice beat but the lyrics are so retardedly American Idiot ("yeah, those FATCAT SUITS who finance our label? **** 'em!") I didn't want to believe it was the same band that did Knights of Cydonia, Hoodoo, etc. (And yeah I know Muse has always had that anti-authority element or whatever, but this was above and beyond the pale.)

And St. Anger. All of St. Anger. I'm someone who still thought Metallica was great even after they slowed down in the 90's, thank God their new album has been a return to form.

2010-03-01, 03:28 PM
The first time I heard Uprising by Muse on the radio I was pretty disappointed. It's got a nice beat but the lyrics are so retardedly American Idiot ("yeah, those FATCAT SUITS who finance our label? **** 'em!") I didn't want to believe it was the same band that did Knights of Cydonia, Hoodoo, etc. (And yeah I know Muse has always had that anti-authority element or whatever, but this was above and beyond the pale.)

And St. Anger. All of St. Anger. I'm someone who still thought Metallica was great even after they slowed down in the 90's, thank God their new album has been a return to form.

I'm not exactly the biggest Muse fan but I liked their first couple albums. But for some reason that song just irks me. You're right I just feel like they're playing into the whole " look at us we're fighting the man we're cool now" scene.

2010-03-01, 05:30 PM
Decemberists - The Tain.

Not sure exactly why- I don't think it's especially uncharacteristic of them- but it just doesn't do it for me.

2010-03-01, 08:04 PM
+1 to "I Walk Beside You" by Dream Theater. Why, James... why?? :smallfurious:

Red is a Slow Colour: The Gathering. I just can't get into this one. :smallconfused: The face here <---- is not meant to be punny (listen to the lyrics).

Now playing: Dethklok - I Tamper With the Evidence At the Murder Site of Odin (http://www.foxytunes.com/artist/dethklok/track/i+tamper+with+the+evidence+at+the+murder+site+of+o din)
via FoxyTunes (http://www.foxytunes.com/signatunes/)

Shas aia Toriia
2010-03-01, 08:09 PM
Muse's Supermassive Black Hole.
Terrible song. Awesome band.

Maximum Zersk
2010-03-01, 08:19 PM
Yeah. the song has lyrics that are intemixed with german (we're all living in amerika, amerika, ist wunderbar), is both english and german, and theres parts that are in german, and parts that are in english. But the english version keeps the chorus, and changes the rest of it to english..

also to the guy who mentioned Dear God, I'm not saying its bad, just that I don't like that kind of music.

They translated the whole song?:smallfurious:

That makes me angry with rage!!!

Rage, I say! RAGE!!!

Dear God: Ah, I see. Well, people have there own preferences about music.

2010-03-01, 11:25 PM
They translated the whole song?:smallfurious:

That makes me angry with rage!!!

Rage, I say! RAGE!!!

Dear God: Ah, I see. Well, people have there own preferences about music.

well,the part that irks me the most are the translated parts- theyre sung very, very high pitched, and the lyrics arent even a direct translation...oh well. I didnt like the Du Hst english version either...

2010-03-02, 12:07 AM
But, but, but....that's the only song I like by them! :smalleek:

I like that song but for different reasons than I like other Queen songs, and it would seem that they have different audiences.