View Full Version : Final Fantasy: End Of Champions

2010-02-28, 05:44 AM
Unless you're an Android, you wake up with nothing but rags in rusty yet sturdy iron cages, all lined up outside of and facing a makeshift fighter's ring, from which you hear pathetic grovelling, then frantic screaming. Such is quite routine, here, as the ring's owner, an Android Ranger calling himself Boss Walden, is particularly cruel to his slaves.

You've been here for various lengths of time, but the practices of the place have been easy to pick up. The ring travels constantly, ofttimes giving you exercise by having you keep up with their chocobos. Boss Walden grumbles about various connections that keep the ring out of legal sight and apparently demand too much of him. He and several others are only with the ring for the opportunity to hunt dangerous people and monsters down. Some are Adventurers, including two that are constantly vying for the position of right hand man: a Galkan Engineer named Hock Eye and an Elvaan Fighter named Bacherume.

At the moment, there are a few guards, part of the ring of sentries *** jailers that surround the whole place. One is chatting up one of the locals from the nearby town, one is seated on a box and glaring at the curtain doorway to the ring, wishing that he was able to watch, and the last is leaning on his staff and watching the horizon. They're an even mix of Elvaan, Hume, and Tarut.

As the screams start dying down, apparently due to the victim having lost the energy for it, from what you can tell, Boss Walden himself strides through the curtain and contemptuously spits a glob of oil on the dirt in front of you. He's an Android of massive girth and height, sporting a shock of red hair and one relatively delicate-looking arm that nevertheless looks plenty deadly, with a gun built into it.

He booms to gain the attention of the guards, "Look alive, men! Our professional Entertainer's gone and lost the crowd again, and I need something to keep 'em interested." He sneers as he points the six of you out to the scrambling guards. "Give all of them some gear and get them in, sooner rather than later, or you'll take the Entertainer's place!"

He stands aside with a predatory grin, as Grohm, a Galkan Geomancer and fellow slave, drags a male Vieran to a nearby cage. "Hopefully, this group won't be defeated too quickly, though they were captured easily enough!" He barks a laugh, then strides back inside. The Tarut hurries over and begins searching for the correct key to unlock each of your cages. The other guards stand ready to grab you and stuff you into some gear from a nearby crate that one has opened.

The rabbit-like Viera stays on the floor of the cage where he'd been deposited but laboriously shifts himself into a more comfortable position, attempting to look as if he intended to be just where he was. He grins painfully and calls, "Leave some for me, alright?". Grohm grunts and kneels in front of the Entertainer, bigger than the doorway he's blocking, and, after shoving a potion down his throat, begins poking and prodding to see if there's anything wrong that a potion couldn't cure. It shakes its head sadly at the damage and gives a sigh that's part growl as you're taken out of your cages, one by one. "Survive. We will be free. One day."

2010-02-28, 12:38 PM
Marrissa barely notices the events around her until the Tarut comes to her cage. Her dark mood from her capture and captivity was only agitated by having little to do when not being beat around for the slaver's amusement. Time that could be spent reading or doing anything productive was wasting away and there wasn't anything she could do about it. She noticed the Tarut opening her cage and snapped to attention. At least the upcoming fight would give her something to take out her aggression on.

She gives a small nod and smile to Grohm, trying to acknowledge him and reassure herself without grabbing the attention of nearby guards. There was no way to escape on her own, and despite the short time she was here, she almost didn't want to leave if it meant leaving the other slaves behind. Her attention turns towards the five who would be fighting along side her. Two other Humes, an Elvaan, an Android, and... a Moogle? A young one, apparently, and she wondered how she didn't notice it before. Well, they'd be an entertaining bunch, all right.

Yuki Akuma
2010-02-28, 12:47 PM
The poor little moogle girl has been crying for the better part of a day. She'd only been captured recently... and hadn't been put to use in the ring yet. She hasn't tried to escape - she doesn't really think she'd be able to. Her wonderful sword had been taken from her, and her cage was far too cramped to cast a Choco Ball...

But then, she's let out, blinking her tear-stained eyes in surprise! "H-huh...? Are you letting me go..."

Unfortunately, it soon dawns on her that, no, they are certainly not letting her go.

2010-02-28, 12:57 PM
Rugo raises an eyebrow.

More than one-on-one? This is new.

He steadily stands up from his kneeling position, smiling as equipment is offered to him.

I don't need, nor do I want, your equipment.

Stepping out of his cage, stretching out moderately toned, but small, muscles, Rugo moves forward, never afraid of a fight in this place. Never afraid to die.

2010-02-28, 03:35 PM
Avain stepped smoothly out of the Cage, taking his time. The Elvaan hadn't been captured for more then a couple days. He couldn't be sure without knowing how long he had been drugged and unconsious. He thought it was less then a day, but had no proof. It appeared that things were looking up, however.

This will end poorly... for them.

Avain wasn't going to get himself killed. If it was just the Humes, Galkans, and what not, Avain would go for it the minute they were foolish enough to give him his weapon back. But unfortunately. they were actual threats on the other side. Even pathetic Elvaan who allowed themselves to exist under the control of an Android could prove a threat to him in sufficient numbers.

I'll need back up. Have they released Dakath? Excellent.

It looked like they intended to have him fight some five others. Three Humes, an Android, and a Moogle who was apparently sobbing. Avain just smiled. They obviously had no idea who they were dealing with. He took his Spear when the Guard offered it, smiling as Dakath hovered close. Even seperated by space, their connection to one another hadn't vanished. However, the small Dragon liked to stay close. It also appeared to be hungry.

"This will be fun indeed."

The guards might have thought he was talking about fighting the other prisoners, but that would be a mistake.

2010-02-28, 04:08 PM
Sangiel, although he never has his eyes closed in the first place, seems to come to attention as the cages are unlocked. "What now? Are we entering another battle?" He had only been there long enough to fight 2 other fights, but already hated them strongly. "I really hope that this time, nobody needs to be hurt..."

He steps forward sorrowfully, taking only a piece of thick armor. He quickly dons it, holding his head down the whole time. He could try to use it for escape, but if he tried to run the guards would fight back. And he would have to fight and kill the guards, something he would not do except as a last resort.

2010-02-28, 06:36 PM
Marrissa silently watches the others as she selects her armor and weapon, a middle of the road piece of armor and a plain sword. She feels a pang of pity when she hears the young Moogle's words. I'll have to make sure she doesn't get hurt. She'll be my first priority when I high tail it. The Elvaan seemed ready for a fight. It figured someone of his race would be mentally prepared, though he didn't look like he was chomping at the bit to stick around.

The other Humes hadn't done anything to draw her eye, but she kept watching them to see any personality traits that surfaced. Her father always taught her to keep her eyes peeled, and finding someone to help plan an escape that won't blow it by being overeager was important. The man with well toned muscles seemed relaxed for someone in his predicament, she noted, and would probably be a valuable ally.

The Vieran man was probably captured for the rarity of his kind, but otherwise she wasn't sure about him. As much as she wanted to rescue everyone, taking him along would likely enrage their captors enough to hunt them to the ends of the continent, and would likely draw too much attention to stay hidden. On the other hand, anything that would spoil Boss Walden's day was a good move in her book. Provided she wasn't within range of his gun when it happened. The Galken looked cowed, but his words and demeanor showed he wasn't broken, and his encouragement probably kept others from breaking. Another priority.

Just as her interest starts to drift from the group, she hears the android- the one person she forgot to take stock of- speak. An android that dislikes fighting...? I've never heard of that before. Considering how long they've been around, it's probably seen some interesting things. I wonder if I can include it in my plans, ask it some questions about history.

Regaining focus for a moment, she whispers to the young Moogle. "It'll be alright, we'll get out of here in time." She needed to get closer to the others, so she might as well start by comforting the one that needed a bit of support.

2010-02-28, 09:17 PM
Not being let out yet, I see. Time is always a good thing to have...

Rugo sighed.

What are all your names? I'd like to know them before we all die some day.

He pauses for a moment, then smiles as he remembers his time-lost name.

I am Rugo. I...manipulate...time.

I do not control it though. No power can do that.

2010-02-28, 09:22 PM
Avain put on his armor, cracking his knuckles and throwing a wide smile as he worked out the kinks that being put in that cage had put him in. Holding his weapon, wearing his armor, having Dakath near him. Things were right in the world.

"Sorry Android, but I can assure you, somebody is going to get hurt. I don't appreciate the way I've been treated, and I am going to prove it. And Rugo, I'm Avain. Avain Miltara, Dragoon. This is Dakath. He's my comrade, and companion."

Avain spoke quietly, still adjusting the fittings of his armor as he did so. When he mentioned the Wyvern, he motioned toward the small White Creature. It was currently stretching it's wings, its Serpentine neck allowing it to inspect them closely.

"Anybody who wants to help me hand out some chastisement is welcome. The rest can do what they want. Either way, if you stay out of my way, you should be fine."

The Elvaan showed no sign of hesitation, nor self-doubt. A Dragoon, a Dragon Knight of the glorious Elvaan people vs. the pack of Slavers. It wouldn't be close, not once they gave him the room he needed to maneuver.

Yuki Akuma
2010-02-28, 09:37 PM
The young moogle is given a curved sword, which she looks at in confusion. She tilts her head to one side, walking over to the other female and tugging at her leg. "...Miss Hume? Why did they give me my sword back?" She sounds absolutely baffled.

2010-02-28, 09:51 PM
Rugo laughs a little, but too quietly for the moogle to hear.

I'm sorry to tell you this, but you're going to have to fight. It will either be us in a free-for-all, which is when all of us fight each other with no teammates, or it will be another enemy we cannot yet see. I vote for the latter. Your sword will help in this fight. I recommend you use it well.

He thinks for a moment about the curved blade, attempting to remember something of the users of the weapons. He knew something was unique about them...

Lore (General): [roll0]

Rugo quiets his voice.

Of course I will help in putting these ones in their place, if you think we're capable.

2010-03-01, 12:20 AM
Marrissa nods towards Rugo as she makes her finishing adjustments to her armor. "My name is Marrissa Pallet. I can use a little bit of the white and black magics, and I have some experience with a sword."

Finally satisfied with the fit, she pauses to smirk at Avain's comment, before responding. "Gladly. I need someone to work out my aggression on, and an Elvaan's abilities in combat is something I'd love to see."

At that point, she feels a tug on her pants leg. She blinks, then looks down to see the young Moogle. She opens her mouth to respond, but is beaten to the punch. "Mr.Rugo is correct. We'll be fighting in the arena, hopefully alongside one another. Be careful to stay out of harm's way, and keep close to us so we can protect you if something happens."

2010-03-01, 12:38 AM
Avain smiled at the question from the self avowed Time Mage. His armor settled into place, he smiled. At the worst, he'd have backing from the fellow who did something with time, and the woman who could use both Black and White Magic. He'd have done it without them of course, having all the support he needed from Dakath, but he wasn't about to refuse an offer of aid. Even if it was from Humes.

"Rugo, I don't know if you are capable. But I know I am. Follow, or stay back and do what you wish. I'm not playing by their rules."

Avain laughs, his hand shifting along the Spear. It felt good to hold one of the Weapons again. He'd spent most of his life with a Spear near at hands at all times. His captors would find out about that. Avain knew he was probably giving the impression he had a plan or something. Of course, he didn't. He had no idea of what he was going to do. He just knew he'd do it.

"Marrissa, I'll be glad to have you along. As for an Elvaan's combat abilities, don't worry. You will. Don't judge my kin by the guards, either. These pathetic folk have tossed away their place in Elvaan society."

Accepting orders from an Android.

Avain was still speaking quietly to the group. He might have been foolhardy, but he was also a consumate tactician. The advantage of Suprise was not to be given up so lightly.

"And... Moogle, they gave you your Sword back because they are expecting you to use it. I wouldn't worry to much about it though. Things aren't going to go the way they expect today."

2010-03-01, 12:39 AM
I'm already starting to like you. "Mr. Rugo..." Heh. Call me Rugo.

2010-03-01, 06:52 AM
As they're letting you out, the Galka and Tarut stiffen at Avain's insult at their Elvaan cohort, but that one just grins and laughs contemptuously, apparently equally arrogant. They snicker at the party's confidence, the Tarut muses on perhaps going in to town, later, for a nice meal, after he brings you your gruel.

Once you're out of your cage and don or are manhandled into your gear, you're shuffled into the tent, where a trepidatious-looking gaggle of guards keep an eye on you until the entire group is assembled. You can hear the announcer's voice ringing of desperation as you near the large iron gate to the ring. "Soon, folks, soon! These are some wild fighters we've got here, today! Might even turn on themselves, and you wouldn't want to miss that!"

The guards spot Walden rushing towards you, looking furious at the delay, and they shove or fling you out and clang the gate shut. "Oh! And here they are! Five, no, six of them!" You're in a ring two Medium lengths wide, with a couple of small trees that they didn't bother getting rid of and a chain net above you and walls about fifteen feet high. "And for starters..." the Hume announcer chimes as the gate across the ring opens, and someone throws a buzzing hive inside. The gate is quickly closed, and you can hear some yelping as guards hasten to cover the gaps with their shields.

Three Killer Bees dart out of the hive and, the party being the first things they see, assume to begin buzzing menacingly at you.

Rugo --->
Yep, that easily allows him to know the bit about Swords having the Reliable ability. But then, I was assuming that everyone would automatically know the starting abilities of most weapons.

2010-03-01, 11:51 AM
Marrissa stumbles slightly from the shove, before drawing her sword. She opens her mouth to respond when a familiar buzz in the air makes her blood run cold. The corner of Marrissa's mouth twitches. "Bugs... I hate bugs..." She starts reciting the words for a Blizzard spell, focusing on one of the Killer Bees and doing her best not to stutter.

HP: 20/20
MP: 18/18
ACC: 4
EVA: 9
ARM: 5
M.ARM: 5

STR: 4 (1)
DEX: 6 (2)
VIT: 6 (2)
INT: 7 (2)
CHA: 7 (2)

Weapon: Tier 1 Sword (STRx1)

Potion (25 HP)
Ether (25 MP) x2
Glowstone (minor light source)

2010-03-01, 01:42 PM
Rugo looks at the bees for a moment, then looks behind them to see if something else is coming.

That's it? Hm. Alright then.

The time mage raises his arm in the air, and where there was once nothing came his old wooden staff with a winged blue orb set at the top. As well, over his meager clothing, there appears a robe cut at the hip to make pants. The sleeves are cut, also, showing off just as much as Rugo's normal clothing.

Insects are the last thing we have to worry about.

Lore (Monsters) to know what the bees hate most out of what we can use: [roll0]

Yuki Akuma
2010-03-01, 02:10 PM
Kailana eeks a bit as the bees buzz in, her eyes growing wide. "Eek!" Okay, she has absolutely no compunctions against fighting bees. She doesn't like bees. She grips her sword, waiting for a few seconds, before darting in to slice at the closest one.

Attack roll
Damage on hit: 5

Stats:HP: 17/17
MP: 20/20
ACC: 3
EVA: 9
ARM: 2
M.ARM: 6

STR: 4 (1)
DEX: 6 (2)
VIT: 4 (1)
INT: 8 (2)
CHA: 8 (2)

Weapon: Tier 1 Sword (STRx1)

Potion (25 hp)
Ether (25 mp)

Lord Badguy
2010-03-01, 03:34 PM
(Sorry for the late post, I was a bit sick yesterday. Before the "====" line break is before battle, after the line break is in battle)

Maria kept an eye on the others as she suited up for the upcoming battle. But something didn't sit right. The guards were letting several of them suit up at once, something that Maria had never seen in her short time here. She had almost lost hope in time with the traveling ring, but a glimmer of hope began to shine through. Her sense of impending doom struggled against her urge to take this stroke of luck and run with it until she heard the young moogle speak.
She's just a kid, and they have her locked up down here... her expression turned sour she thought to herself. A breakout would be risky, but she'd need the help to get out anyway, and this ragtag group being rounded up for the next fight would be good as any. Even if they weren't all able to get out, if they could get the child out...

After checking the pockets of the armor she was provided (Jackpot! Two potions.) she cleared her head and moved forward. "My name is Maria, and I suppose we'll be stuck together out there for a while." holding up her knife she forced a smile "Lets raise some hell out there." Although to the observant, her strained expression would betray the false confidence that she projected.


Stepping out into the arena, Maria was relieved when she saw the insects. It's a good thing that they don't have us fighting people out here... Just bugs would be fine. A bit tougher to fight, no doubt, but much easier on the conscience.

Maria rushes forward and bobs back and forth in front of the bee that Kailana attacked, and lunges forward as soon as she sees an opening. Trying to keep herself between the bee and the moogle.

Attack Roll: [roll0]
Damage on hit: X+9Combat Stats:
HP: 23/23
Destiny: 0
Bad Luck: 0
ACC: 4
EVA: 11 (Includes +1 from armor)
ARM: 5

Weapon: Tier 1 Dagger (1xDEX)
Items: Potion (x2)

2010-03-01, 04:26 PM
Sangiel walks along with the others, allowing himself to be led. When the creatures appear to attack them, he lets loose a sigh of relief. "This won't be as hard as killing a man. That helps." With that, he quickly stretches out his arm, as a gunblade suddenly appears, coming out of his wrist.

He runs straight towards the bees as fast as he can, jumping at the last second to gain a height advantage. With that, he brings his blade down upon the nearest bee, twisting the blade to deal as much damage as possible.

Attack: [roll0] +5 Accuracy
+8 Strength damage.
Combat Stats: STR: 8 (2)
DEX: 6 (2)
VIT: 7+1 (2)
INT: 4 (1)
CHA: 5 (1)

HP: 26
EVA: 9
ACC: 5
ARM: 9
M.ARM: 5
Affiliation: 0

Traits: Grand Entrance, Guardian
Epic Ability: Bonecrusher
Innate Ability: Heroic Destiny
Special: Juggernaught
Job Abilities: Provoke, Cleave

Skills: Swords 3, Heavy Armor 3, Guns 3, Riding 2, Vehicles 2, Acrobatics 1, Awareness 1, Inquiry 1, Navigation 1, Negotiation 1, Swimming 1, Trade 1

Tier 1 Gunblade (STRx1+1d6/DEXx1+1d6) [Grafted onto right arm]
Bronze Bullets
Standard Plate
50 Gil

Auto-Repair (1)
Breathless (1)
Sleepless (1)
Weapon Attachment: Blade/Gun(?) (2)

2010-03-01, 05:00 PM
Avain walked out into the Arena, taking in the area quickly. He noticed the Chain Net with a smile. They were at least midly prepared. However, that was nearly enough.

"Marrissa, do you think you could blow a hole in that netting up there, with your magic? If I can get outside the ring, I'll be able to open up the gate for the rest of you."

Avain leaves her to consider that, smiling. The Guards had to have a plan to neutralize them once they were done fighting. Unless they did something unexpected before they managed to pull that off, he have to wait until the next time they let him out to try again.

I can deal with that if I have to do, but I'd much rather just do it now.

Howver, he had to deal with the Bees. The Elvaan dashed forward, charging the Bee that his comrades had not dealt with, and stabbing forward with his Spear. The little White Dragon belong him fluttered along beside him, hissing at the Bees.

+5 for Accuracy, +18 damage (go go Charging!)

2010-03-01, 05:44 PM
Marrissa nods at Avain, not halting her chant. She couldn't make the attack obvious and the guards would be suspicious if her spells missed the bees. Then I'll have to make it flashy. I'll aim below the bees, and have the spell change direction and spear it from below at the last second. If I make it showy enough, nobody will notice parts of it continuing upwards and hitting the net.

2010-03-01, 06:01 PM
Rugo --->
You can at least recall that Insects are plenty weak to Ice.

The crowd cheers as Rugo poofs his weapon into existence, but they boo at the addition of clothing. Some seem to be suggesting that he perform the opposite sort of maneuver on whomever their favorite combatant is.

Kailana and Sangiel close in and swing, but the Blue Mage barely keeps her balance as her blade swishes past her opponent, and the Fighter merely looks to have made his angry.

Avain, however, rips straight through Drone One, the Killer Bee with such a tragic backstory, that he's probably thankful for the swift end. Dakath, plenty jazzed by Avain's success, swoops in to rough the corpse up a bit. Patches, going for the guy who just gutted one his hive's best, claws at Avain ---> [roll0], as does Buzz Killington ---> [roll1]

Maria places herself between Kailana and Patches, a position from which she barely manages to strike the constantly moving Killer Bee.

Lord Badguy
2010-03-01, 06:15 PM
OOC: Here's the re-roll, since I goofed the first roll
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: (Higher die)+9

2010-03-01, 06:29 PM
Avain's charge swiftly carried him through Drone One, impaling the Creature through in one clean motion. Dakath breathed at the creature, the White Bolts of Electricity slamming into it as Dakath cast it off his spear. He'd have to talk to the Dragon about that. He was almost certain that it was overkill.

He might just be showing off for the crowd.

Avain easily dodged the attacks from the other two bees, hardly likely to be hit by such fools. Pivoting swiftly, he allowed the momentum to carry his Spear into Patches.

I rolled in the OOC. 8. Gives an Accuracy of 13, and Damage of 26.

Yuki Akuma
2010-03-01, 06:38 PM
Kailana nearly stumbles, just managing to keep hold of her sword! She frowns, but then her target is speared through... and so she heads for Buzz Killington to give him a good slash across the abdomen!

Attack Roll
Damage: higher result + 4

Lore (Monsters) to figure out whether eating one of these guys would be a good idea

HP: 17/17
MP: 20/20
ACC: 3
EVA: 9
ARM: 2
M.ARM: 6

STR: 4 (1)
DEX: 6 (2)
VIT: 4 (1)
INT: 8 (2)
CHA: 8 (2)

Weapon: Tier 1 Sword (STRx1)

Potion (25 hp)
Ether (25 mp)

2010-03-01, 06:41 PM
Marrissa finishes her chant with a dramatic flourish and declaration of "Blizzard!" She thrusts her pointer finger at the ground below the unharmed Buzz Killington. The spray of tiny ice fragments fly towards the spot at blinding speed, and at the last moment, Marrissa thrusts her finger upwards to have the shards fly straight up and slam into the killer bee in a burst of frost. The flashy display makes it difficult to see the few tiny shards that kept going until they struck the net above.

Satisfied, she dashes into close range (move a short range as an instant action) to finish what her spell started while the flying annoyance recovers from the sudden blitz of ice magic. She leaps upwards with her sword held up over her head, and crashes into the bee blade first with a dramatic yell.

Blizzard Damage:

Attack Roll:
[roll1] Accuracy is the higher result + 4, damage the lower result + 4.

HP: 20/20
MP: 12/18
ACC: 4
EVA: 9
ARM: 5
M.ARM: 5

STR: 4 (1)
DEX: 6 (2)
VIT: 6 (2)
INT: 7 (2)
CHA: 7 (2)

Weapon: Tier 1 Sword (STRx1)

Potion (25 HP)
Ether (25 MP) x2
Glowstone (minor light source)

2010-03-01, 07:25 PM
Kailana --->
Yep, they are definitely good for something. You know all about Pollen. You also figure that you'll get poisoned, upon eating one.

After murdering through Buzz Killington, the Blizzard spell crashes into the chain net. It's holding, but it looks plenty worse. The crowd just cheers at the display.

As a free action, Patches buzzes. Uh, it sounds plaintive.

2010-03-01, 07:47 PM
Rugo, as he summons his weapon and protection, walks forward slowly (Short range movement).

Seeing the bees getting mauled and the blizzard spell going off toward the netting, he understands the plan.


The time mage punches his staff forward quickly, spins it around several times, then pushes it into the ground, bringing up dust and dirt from the slam. A devious smile crosses Rugo's face.


Gravity works against the last bee as a dark grey ball suppresses its movement.

Action: Cast hold on the remaining bee.

Stats: HP: 20/20
MP: 12/22
ACC: 4
EVA: 9
ARM: 2
M.ARM: 6

STR: 3 (1)
DEX: 3 (1)
VIT: 6 (2)
INT: 9 (3)
CHA: 9 (3)

Weapon: Tier 1 Staff (STR*1+2d6)

Ether (25 MP) x2

2010-03-01, 09:14 PM
Avain didn't have the room to charge another Bee, so he just planted his feet, striking out again with his Spear, his mouth a set line of determination. Marrissa needed to open a hole in the roof soon. Avain might be able to just leap up there and break out with his strength, now that she had weakened it. However, that would me sacrificing the advantage of suprise.

Again, I could deal with it, but it isn't ideal.

[roll0] +5 ACC, +9 Damage.

2010-03-01, 09:37 PM
Rugo starts to float slightly off the ground and wills himself toward Marrissa.

Team attack on the net?

2010-03-01, 10:12 PM
"Right. Let's make it flashy- like it's all part of the show. That'll give Avain time to get out and do what he needs to do."

2010-03-01, 10:51 PM
Right on.

Rugo flourishes his staff as much as possible without dropping it, then starts a quick stomping dance. While he does this, flames start to appear on the end of his staff. He looks over at Marrissa, waiting for her to start her spell, while at the same time spinning, jumping, and stomping. As soon as her spell is ready, he grunts loudly, throwing his staff up in the air for all the audience to see.


Flames continue to dance around the staff as Rugo moves his arms and hands below. Around the staff, air distorts, as if time itself was slowing in the presence of the staff. When the weapon hits the chain, Rugo releases his spell, raising his arms straight into the air, fire exploding from his staff (in reality, it manifested from his mind, but the audience doesn't know that).

When the explosion goes off, Rugo sends his staff back to its dimensional safekeeping. It appears as if the fire consumed his weapon.

2010-03-01, 11:26 PM
[OOC:Just to note, Rugo and Marrissa's spells take place in the following two rounds after this one. Round four is when we start casting, round five is when it hits.]

Marrissa blows a kiss to the crowd and winks. As she starts chanting, she begins mirroring Rugo's movements and carefully spinning her sword. Her cloak exaggerating her flashy movements as light blue energy begins to form around her hands.


With a flourish, a group of ice particles fly from her hands and circle around the flames of Rugo's staff. The tiny crystalline shards reflect the light of the flames outwards like prisms. At the exact same moment Rugo completes his attack, so too does Marrissa send shards of ice towards the net. The explosion and contact with the net shatters the ice, creating a shower of dust-sized ice particles that reflect in the light- as well as distracting from any damage to the net the spells might have caused.

Lord Badguy
2010-03-02, 03:51 AM
[Taking place in round 3, before Rugo and Marrissa's spells start their cast time, if I'm understanding this correctly]

With her hit barely connecting, Maria begins to second guess jumping into the fray with her knife. Seeing Marrissa's ice hit the net gave her an idea though. The more distracted our captors and the audience are, the less likely they are to realize what they're preparing... Luckily distraction is something I have in spades. Holding her hands in front of her, three spheres of light form filled with flashing colors. Come on, don't fail me now... As the lights change color with increasing speed, Maria grows nervous.

Round 3:
Slots - Gambler's Reels:
[roll0] = Pair of threesNormal: +1 Extra XP for the party if the battle ends in 5 rounds.

The orbs crackle with energy as two of them merge together in a burst of green energy, bathing the unwilling combatants with a tingling sensation. "How's that?" She shouts to the audience with renewed energy, spinning back into a defensive stance and hoping that her light show doesn't result in a serving of venom.

2010-03-02, 11:15 AM
Round 3

At first, Sangiel seems almost oblivious to the plan. But as he sees the damage being done, his face dawns with enlightenment. "Ah, I see. What must be done..." He runs and slides underneath Patches, firing his gun directly upwards as he does so, so as to hit the ceiling as well as the bug. After finishing the slide, he spins back round on to his feet, blade at the ready.

Instant action to move just past.

13 Damage

2010-03-02, 08:07 PM
Patches, after being ripped apart by the Hold-assisted attacks, floats softly to the ground with one last buzz of defiance.

Rugo and Marrissa stop casting their spells, when they see that Sangiel managed to blast a hole in the chain net. The Killer Bee hive, however, stirs, and three more Killer Bees come out (for references, they're called Bee One, Bee Two, and You Killed My Destroyer).

The crowd has been having mixed responses to the show. Some sit and watch with renewed interest at something different, in this place, but more are protesting loudly that they came here to see blood, and when are these people going to turn on each other, as was promised?

They don't seem to notice or are primarily interested because of the net breaking, but Boss Walden, glaring hatefully at you from behind one of the gates, can be seen ordering minions about. They are scattering, but the ones that he's directing towards the ring hesitate.

2010-03-02, 09:18 PM
Round 4

Good to see everyone's up to speed. Marrissa notes as Maria creates a distraction and Sangiel angles his shot to hit both the last bee and the net. Now Rugo and I just need to--- she blinks as the android's shot tears the net, and stops her impromptu dance. That works too.

Marrissa just starts to relax when she spots the commotion behind the gate and a second wave of Killer Bees. Works all the better, actually. From the looks of things, we'll need to take care of some goons on the way out. After a pause, she restarts the incantation for Blizzard, eying Bee One warily.

HP: 20/20
MP: 12/18
ACC: 4
EVA: 9
ARM: 5
M.ARM: 5

STR: 4 (1)
DEX: 6 (2)
VIT: 6 (2)
INT: 7 (2)
CHA: 7 (2)

Weapon: Tier 1 Sword (STRx1)

Potion (25 HP)
Ether (25 MP) x2
Glowstone (minor light source)

2010-03-02, 10:10 PM
Round 4

Avain smiled as the shots from the Gun broke through the Net. He didn't know if Boss Walden was unhappy with the lack of bloodshed, or actually knew what was about to happen. It didn't matter either way.

"Good luck, you lot. Take care of the Bees for me, will you?"

With that, Avain pushed off the ground sharply, hurling himself into the air like all Dragoons learned to as a matter of course. The small Dragon followed it's master up.

Move quickly, seize the gate, and get it open. After that, I can really start having fun.

Yuki Akuma
2010-03-02, 10:29 PM
Round 4...?

Seeing the last bee go down, Kailana gives a small cheer... until three more buzz out, making her glare. "Stupid bees! Get lost!" She put sher hands together, sword stuck into the dirt, as she begins concentrating. Yellow energy crackles between her hands!

Begin casting Choco Ball.

HP: 17/17
MP: 20/20
ACC: 3
EVA: 9
ARM: 2
M.ARM: 6

STR: 4 (1)
DEX: 6 (2)
VIT: 4 (1)
INT: 8 (2)
CHA: 8 (2)

Weapon: Tier 1 Sword (STRx1)

Potion (25 hp)
Ether (25 mp)

2010-03-02, 11:51 PM
Round Four

Rugo stops his dancing fires, blinking his eyes rapidly, halfway through when he sees the gun's shot tear through the net easily.

He responds to Avain.

Hm. Indeed...on to the new targets then.

The militaristic time mage drops to the ground in a roll, making sure to keep his staff clear of the ground. When in range, he smacks the hive as hard as possible with the butt end of his signature weapon.

Drop the source, then the enemies--check.

Rugo smiles.

Actions: Instant action to move within range of the bee hive (or, if not possible, instant action to move within range for next round but as far away from the bees as possible), then standard action to attack it with his staff.

2010-03-03, 12:10 PM
Round 4

As Sangiel's attack destroys the net, he looks around at his allies. He sees Avain escape, and breathes a sigh of relief. When he sees Boss Walden order the troops around, his stance turns aggressive. He looks to the others, "You may wish to leave here. They're coming to take us back right now. Let's go now, quickly! I'll keep them distracted until I can follow."

He turns to the bees, and stands so low his body is almost touching the floor. Then, he suddenly sprints forward at the bees, jumping at them whilst spinning his blade, slashing all 3 of them at once.

Instant Action to move within short range of all of the bees.
Standard Action to cleave attack all of them.

(Wow, a critical with the only ability that doesn't allow them...)
7 Damage before ARM.

Lord Badguy
2010-03-04, 12:54 AM
As the net breaks Maria consider's fleeing, but quickly comes to her senses as she sees the new wave of bees. "We have a much better shot making it out of here as a group, and I'm not too keen on leaving anyone behind." she mentions to Sangiel as she closes the distance and lunges to skewer "You Killed My Destroyer"... And gets parried by the bees stinger, which flabbergasts Maria. How did that thing block my... oh nevermind.

Round 4Instand: Move short distance to the bees.
Standard: Attack "You Killed My Destroyer", [roll0] Critical failure >_<

2010-03-04, 06:12 AM
The crowd is several brands of excited about Avain's escape, but the majority are on the verge of panic. The regular announcer runs off, as Boss Walden arrives in his place before the crowd to growl, "All part of the show, folks! You're safe! Look at him! He's just a coward!" Walden desperately shoots through the net at Avain, attempting to contain his building fury. --->
[roll0] +3 to hit, Disabling Shot, no damage, but on a successful hit, Avain's EVA with be reduced by 2 for the remainder of combat.

Bee One is clipped by Sangiel's Cleavage and claws back at him. --->
[roll1]+4 to hit, -4 to the higher result for damage, due to their +5 for damage and his 9 ARM.

Bee Two jerks, managing to resist buzzing a joke about the name of the attack, but that just made him an easy target for it. He claws at Sangiel, buzzing with rage at the distracting attack. --->
[roll2] same as before.

You Killed My Destroyer is beaten to the side by Sangiel's attack, giving him the room to parry Maria's attack. He re-orients on her and attacks --->
[roll3] +4 to hit, the higher result is damage, due to their +5 for damage and her 5 ARM.

Yuki Akuma
2010-03-04, 06:32 AM
Round Five

The yellow energy ball grows to surround the little moogle's body. A sudden brief flash of a chocobo's image superimposed on her, and a mighty "KWEH!", and she spreads her arms wide. "Choco Ball!" The energy ball streaks through the air, smacking right into You Killed My Destroyer!

She then rushes in to slash at him and finish him off!

Choco Ball
[roll0] damage, doubled due to Killer Bees being Aerial enemies = 42 damage before M.ARM.

[roll1] accuracy, (2d6+3)[3][1](7) accuracy, 7 damage on hit.

HP: 17/17
MP: 20/20
ACC: 3
EVA: 9
ARM: 2
M.ARM: 6

STR: 4 (1)
DEX: 6 (2)
VIT: 4 (1)
INT: 8 (2)
CHA: 8 (2)

Weapon: Tier 1 Sword (STRx1)

Potion (25 hp)
Ether (25 mp)

2010-03-04, 07:59 AM
Round 5

Avain smiled as the crowd ran off. They were smart. Avain wasn't going to restrain himself because the watchers of this bloodsport got in his way. They were culpable as well.

Irrelevant now.

Boss Walden's shot hits Avain, but the Elvaan does his best to shrug it off and keep running. He swiftly crossed the net, heading into the stands as swiftly as possible.

2010-03-04, 11:11 AM
Round 5

With a cry of "Blizzard!", Marrissa finishes her spell and sends a burst of small icy particles at Bee One. Only after Blizzard tears into the Killer Bee does she notice Kailana's spell. That... was that Black magic or...? Focus, Marrissa. You're in the middle of a fight right now. She shakes her head and dashes over to Sangiel's side to assist, making a leap to close the remaining distance and use her momentum to drive her sword through Bee Two.


Finish casting Blizzard, targeting Bee One.
Lore check to find out what type of magic Kailana's using: [roll1]
Move short range to attack Bee Two
Attack Bee Two: [roll2] result+4=accuracy, higher roll+4-Bee's ARM=damage

HP: 20/20
MP: 6/18
ACC: 4
EVA: 9
ARM: 5
M.ARM: 5

STR: 4 (1)
DEX: 6 (2)
VIT: 6 (2)
INT: 7 (2)
CHA: 7 (2)

Weapon: Tier 1 Sword (STRx1)

Potion (25 HP)
Ether (25 MP) x2
Glowstone (minor light source)

2010-03-04, 05:25 PM
You Killed My Destroyer goes down with a spray of fuzz. Kailana's subsequent attack misses, as it falls, though.

Marrissa's Blizzard rips through Bee One, which now looks to be on its last wings. The crowd "Awww..."s with disappointment, when what ice didn't stop at the Killer Bee just flies into the wall, unimpressively. Her leaping attack at Bee Two wounds it, but it is looking much better than its companions.

Marrissa --->
What with the super-imposed Chocobo, the name of the attack being shouted, and the fact that Kailana looks nothing like your typical Black Mage, you're fairly certain that it's not Black Magic. You should probably know what it is, though. Possibly Blue.

As Avain continues to run at them, despite Boss Walden apparently striking true, the crowd closest to him backs away. Several of the weaker-willed run off, though, screaming about wild gladiator escapees challenging their government's highest seats of power.

2010-03-04, 06:42 PM
Round Five

Rugo studies his nearest target for a moment, then runs forward for a quick strike, jamming his staff straight at the bee, hoping to make something squirt out.

I'll squish you...like a bug.

Attack: [roll0] EDIT: Damage is 10 against Bee Two.

Lord Badguy
2010-03-04, 09:12 PM
Maria recoils from the attack that follows her flop, before seeing her attacker explode in a riot of fur and ghostly feathers. The kid did that? I guess she can defend herself better than I gave her credit for. Turning her attention to the remaining bees, she lunges for the next one, hoping to fare better than last time. The attack connects and cleaves a chunk out of her buzzing opposition.
Round 5
HP: 17/23
Instant: Move to bee 1 (Unless that was Rugo's target, then move to bee 2... the attack is against the bee I move towards)
Standard: Attack the bee (mentioned above) [roll0] hits for 14 damage before armor.

2010-03-05, 11:58 AM
Round 5

"Let's get out of here while we still can. You go ahead, I can take the hits." As Sangiel finishes talking, he jumps at Bee Two, hammering his blade into the top of its body, in an attempt to cleave it in two.

11 Damage before ARM.

2010-03-05, 06:07 PM
Rugo's attack connects, and one of Bee Two's limbs does squirt a little ichor, but it's still flying. Maria, noting which Killer Bee Rugo went for before attacking, handily finishes off Bee One. Sangiel leaps at Bee Two, but the nasty thing dodges with a buzz of victory. It then hovers a bit less menacingly, as it starts to cast something.

Meanwhile, Avain sees Hock Eye and Bacherume, Boss Walden's lieutenants, waiting for him at the back of the crowd. Hock Eye, a squat (for a Galkan) Galkan Engineer who's looking plenty peeved at the escapee, raises a hand and commands, "Stop right there, slave! Put down your weapon, and you'll live to entertain, some other day!" Bacherume, an impressive Elvaan Fighter, grins as he fingers his sword eagerly. "Or you could keep trying. You won't get through us, and even if you do, all of the guards are waiting for you. Might wanna calm down."

Boss Walden, on the other side of the ring, sees that his underlings have things in hand, nods at them, then surveys the ring with a confident grin. Beyond the gates to the ring, the guards have hightailed into other positions. Grohm, though, has shown up at the gate that you originally came through, from which he gestures placatingly to stand down.

2010-03-05, 06:55 PM
Avain isn't about to stop. He had few enough options, at the moment. Despite what the Galkan might say, he'd escaped the Arena. If they were smart, they'd kill him. That left him with few options. He could try running of course. Ditch those still in the Arena, and just flee. But that wasn't much of an option either.

They might not be Elvaan, but they did give me aid. I won't disgrace myself by failing to live up to my end.

After that, his option collapsed to just one.

"I don't think I'm ready to calm down yet. So if it is all the same to you..."

Avain leapt skyward, Dakath flying after him.

"...I think I'll take the other option."

Slow Action: Jump Ability, on Hock Eye.

2010-03-07, 10:58 AM
Round 6

I hope Avain can pull this off. In the mean time, I'll have to find an alternate escape route just in case... She looks at the surrounding gates, to see if there's any less defended then the others. She then looks to see if any trees are close enough to the hole for her to climb out and assist the Elvaan- Which, she noted, I should have thought of when I was making the hole.

Marrissa jogs over to the last killer bee at a leisurely pace, then leaps towards it at the last moment. She does a single, midair spin with her blade extended, and lands smoothly. She calmly rises off the ground, adjusting her hat with one hand while regarding the bee carefully.

Move short distance to meet the Killer Bee, attack it with a sword swing. Attack roll in OOC
HP: 20/20
MP: 6/18
ACC: 4
EVA: 9
ARM: 5
M.ARM: 5

STR: 4 (1)
DEX: 6 (2)
VIT: 6 (2)
INT: 7 (2)
CHA: 7 (2)

Weapon: Tier 1 Sword (STRx1)

Potion (25 HP)
Ether (25 MP) x2
Glowstone (minor light source)

2010-03-09, 05:36 PM
Round 6

Seeing himself and his allies trapped, Sangiel pauses to consider the situation. Risk the lives of his allies, or be forced back into the cells? For now, he would have to just keep on protecting them. He takes a quick step forward, swinging his blade straight up at Bee Two, to finish off the creature.

11 Damage before ARM.

2010-03-11, 07:22 PM
Bee Two wavers under Marrissa's attack but grimly continues casting (Huh. No Spellcraft, here. Lore (Monsters), I suppose). Sangiel tragically misses, with his swing.

Ah, and besides Hock Eye wincing and fumbling for a potion and Bacherume smirking and lazily bringing his sword up for use, the hive that Rugo struck with his staff falls back down after being hit through the net and eventually rolling back through the hole. It buzzes angrily where it bounces in front of Rugo.

Yuki Akuma
2010-03-11, 07:25 PM
Kailana peers at Bee Two. What is it doing...? That looks... almost familiar.

She rushes at the bee anyway, intent on skewering it before it does whatever it's trying to do!

Attacking Bee Two
10 acc, 9 damage.

Yuki Akuma
2010-03-11, 07:26 PM
Lore (Monsters) roll that I messed up in my previous post

2010-03-14, 05:48 AM
Kailana --->
It is casting Pollen on itself, frantically. Also, you hit it!

Also, she hit it! But Bee Two, being superly awesome, still flies.

2010-03-17, 11:53 PM
That's it. Come on! I've fought more fearsome mud crabs than you!

Rugo rushes forward, his feet moving supernaturally fast (especially for one of his declining physical power). His trusty staff falls down toward Bee Two, hopefully crushing it into juice he can drink after.

Attack: [roll0] 10 damage

2010-03-21, 04:36 PM
Bee Two's buzzing seems plenty weaker, but he's still alive. Maria then attempts to skewer the thing on her dagger.

[roll0]+4 for accuracy, +3 to the higher result for damage

2010-03-21, 05:07 PM
She, of course, misses widely. Bee Two finishes casting whatever he had been casting.

[roll0]+6 more HP for the guy

A yellow dust poofs up around the guy, after which, he looks a bit healthier. He then claws at Maria.

[roll1]+4 for accuracy, the higher result is damage

At the back of the stands, Hock Eye and Bacherume twiddle their thumbs and yawn expansively, since they can't do anything until the Dragoon comes down.

To edit, Bee Two just missed Maria.

2010-03-21, 05:27 PM
Avain, never one to keep an audience in suspense, falls from the sky like thunderbolt, slamming the Spear into Hock Eye with vicious smile.

[roll0] +5 for Acc, +18 Damage

2010-03-21, 10:21 PM
Round 7

...on second thought, he can handle himself just fine. Marrissa winces at the brutal strike, then turns her attention back to the particularly stubborn bee. "Die already!" She rushes towards the bee with her sword arm outstretched, leaping at the last second to somersault over it while dragging her blade through it's body.

Short move to Bee 2, basic attack. [roll0] accuracy, higher die + 4 = damage.

HP: 20/20
MP: 6/18
ACC: 4
EVA: 9
ARM: 5
M.ARM: 5

STR: 4 (1)
DEX: 6 (2)
VIT: 6 (2)
INT: 7 (2)
CHA: 7 (2)

Weapon: Tier 1 Sword (STRx1)

Potion (25 HP)
Ether (25 MP) x2
Glowstone (minor light source)

Yuki Akuma
2010-03-22, 08:45 AM
Kailana stares at Bee Two for a few moments. "That was..." But then she shakes her head. She can eat it later. "Haaaah!" And off she goes to try to slice the bee into pieces again.

Attack! [roll0]+3 for accuracy, higher die + 4 for damage.
So, 12 acc, 9 damage.

HP: 17/17
MP: 10/20
ACC: 3
EVA: 9
ARM: 2
M.ARM: 6

STR: 4 (1)
DEX: 6 (2)
VIT: 4 (1)
INT: 8 (2)
CHA: 8 (2)

Weapon: Tier 1 Sword (STRx1)

Potion (25 hp)
Ether (25 mp)

2010-03-22, 12:10 PM
Round 7

Sangiel looks at Bee Two for a moment in disbelief, even lowering his weapon. "You're just a BEE!" He shouts angrily, raising his sword to correct whatever mistakes the universe has been making so far.

[roll0] +5 Accuracy
11 Damage

2010-03-22, 03:55 PM
While straightening from Hock Eye's shredded remains, Avain and Dakath are rather surprised to see a Phoenix Down softly land on them, bringing the Engineer back to his feet. Hock Eye, looking relieved but winded, gasps at Bacherume, "What good are you, if you can't keep one little slave off of me?!" The Elvaan just "Tch!"s and sneers at his rival's tactics.

In the ring, Sangiel finishes Bee Two off, at last. Everyone gets 2 EXP, and 300 Gil can nonsensically be found among the bodies.

Yuki Akuma
2010-03-22, 03:57 PM
Kailana sighs a bit in relief! She peers around the bee bodies, finds the one that looks the most intact - but hopefully without its stinger attached - and... opens up her jaws wide...

And swallows the thing whole! What the hell?!

Then her eyes flash blue, and a faint buzzing sound can be heard... growing louder and louder... before it ceases abruptly!

2010-03-22, 03:59 PM
Avain doesn't hesitate, refusing to let a little thing like someone getting back up when they were supposed to be dead bother him. The Elvaan was grinning like mad, the adrenaline of battle flowing through him.

"It might be fun to see you try. Of course, that would require you... you know, to survive this particular encounter, which you won't."

Avain whirled about, jamming his Spear into Hock-Eye again.

[roll0] +5 Acc, +9 for Damage

This is the follow through Attack. He still gets another one.

2010-03-22, 04:11 PM
Additional roll

[roll0] +5 Acc, +9 Damage

2010-03-22, 04:30 PM
Hock Eye goes down again under Avain's follow-through, but he does get to make a gurgle of distress, this time. Avain then whirls on Bacherume, who is hit, but just grins and says, "Thanks for getting him out of the way, kid. I would have, but, you know, it wouldn't have been very professional."

Kailana's CHA check versus Poison --->
[roll0] She has to beat 10, or she's poisoned.

Yuki Akuma
2010-03-22, 04:32 PM
Kailana promptly flops down, holding her tummy. "...I don't feel too good..."

2010-03-22, 04:37 PM
Marrissa watches Sangiel splatter the last Killer Bee. She relaxes and takes a few drawn out breathes to calm down as she scans the area one more time. She leisurely strides around to help collect the Gil, pocketing 1/6th of it (300 gil means 50 gil for each of us, right?) for herself and holding on to Avain's share until she can hand it to him since he was busy massacring the slavers.

She double checks the area one last time to make sure she didn't miss any hostile insects. Finding none, her normally stoic persona reasserts itself. Thank goodness. I really hate- she happens to turn at the exact moment Kailana swallows a deceased bee whole. Marrissa makes a muted and hilariously uncharacteristic half gagging, half gasping noise at the sight.

Bees. "Oh...*urp* At least I'm not hungry anymore." After a short pause to gather herself, she remembers Kailana's earlier spell. Blue Magic... I've never seen it in person before. This group is a treasure trove of new information! She smiles, even giggles, as the situation escapes her attention for a moment.

Until Kailana's comment brings her back into focus. "Huh? ...Oh!" Marrissa rushes over to the Moogle girl's side to examine her.

2010-03-22, 04:54 PM
Rugo blinks, then comments on Marrissa's reaction.

Meh. I've seen worse be eaten. Then again, I've been in this place for quite a while. Hehe.

He moves toward the bees, picking up 100 gil (50 for himself, 50 for Kailana), then strolls calmly back to Kailana, dropping the gold at her feet.

There you go.

2010-03-22, 05:05 PM
Boss Walden, on his way to help out his underlings with the Dragoon, calls down to the rest of the party. "Alright, show's over, folks. Lay down your weapons, and you might even get a reward for giving us a good fight." He shows a lack of practice at the action of grinning, when he directs one at the crowd. "At least, now we know which of my patrons are cowards, eh?"

2010-03-22, 05:09 PM
Sangiel doesn't seem so much shocked upon seeing Kailana eat the bee, as curious. "I did not know that Moogles ate bees. I shall keep that in mind the next time I meet one." He blanks out for a moment, as he ponders the idea of a bee-feast. However, curiosity turns to concern when he sees her fall ill. "I suppose they must be properly cooked and prepared first." The final thing that he goes through, however, is shock as he finally pays attention to the situation above him. "Please, do not hurt each other! Surrender, please!" He looks around frantically for a way to reach the hole in the net.

2010-03-22, 05:25 PM
Rugo turns to the blabbering android, then up, following the metalhead's gaze.

Hmph. We could surrender to Walden...

His eyebrow raises mischievously.

Surrender? I'm up for some surrendering. How about you?

2010-03-22, 05:41 PM
Looking around, things haven't changed much. The hole in the net is fifteen feet up. None of the trees are directly underneath. They're small, and would only allow Kailana to climb to the top. You can't see any guards on the other side of either gate, at the moment, but that Geomancer Grohm dude is at the one that you originally came through. He is apparently agreeing with Sangiel's plan of surrendering and nixing Rugo's to get the slavers to consider it. Boss Walden is making his way over to Avain and Bacherume. He'll get in range in two rounds. The crowd has migrated to the side opposite the fight going on in the stands. Most aren't paying attention to the rest of the party, anymore.

2010-03-23, 03:15 AM
Marrissa sets tosses her sword onto the ground a short dash's distance away, as she kneels to help Kailana with her poison. She could attempt to retrieve the sword if the tension ignites another fight, and she was still good for at least one Blizzard if all else failed. But first, the problems at hand. Lemme see, I don't have any antidote on me, so I'll have to improvise... How do you treat ingested Killer Bee poison?

Heal check:
[roll0], the 4 added to the 2d6 is 1 rank of healing, an additional 1 because of Natural Aptitude, and the remaining 2 is her INT rating.

2010-03-23, 08:30 PM
Bacherume quirks a grin at all of the attention he's getting, then exaggeratingly slashes at Avain. "I wonder how much I'd get paid to do this in the ring!"
[roll0]+5 for Accuracy, +9 to the higher die for damage. Looks as if Avain is hit for 6.
Upon completion of his attack, he appears to have healed some of the damage he's taken.

In the ring, Marrissa manages to cure Kailana of the poison, but not before it horribly wracks her tiny frame for 1 HP's worth of damage.

2010-03-23, 08:40 PM
Avain winced as the blade cut deep, but refused to slow down. He stabbed the Spear forward again, jabbing it at the Elvaan. Dakath, hovering over Avains shoulder, hissed in fury.

"I don't know. It hardly matters, since I'm going to kill you and all."

[roll0] +5 for Accuracy, +9 for Damage

Str: 9
Dex: 9
Cha: 6
Int: 3
Vit: 3 (4)

HP: 14

Eva: 12
ACC: 5
ARM: 7
Afil: 0

2010-03-23, 08:50 PM
The Fighter blows a kiss at Dakath and barks a, "Ha! Don't make me laugh, slave!" He spots Boss Walden closing in and collects himself as he stabs his sword at Avain, this time trying to look as if this is all just a usual part of his job. "You should have given up! Now you'll have more sores when you repair the net you broke."
[roll0]+5 for Accuracy, +9 to the higher die for damage, which hits him for 8.
Also, he automatically heals himself up a bit again, and Boss Walden is just one round away from assisting.

2010-03-23, 09:16 PM
Is there anything in particular you should be doing instead of tending to some minor "food" poisoning? How about our elvaan friend who's about to get shot down?

Rugo floats back to the bees, hoping to salvage a stinger or two from their bodies.

I regret not being able to help out right now. Maybe the jumper will push someone down here.

2010-03-23, 09:37 PM
"There's not much we can do at the moment, unless he lures them back our way. I can't in good conscience let a little girl suffer the effects of poison, and we'll want to be at our best to deal with whatever happens next."

Marrissa finishes treating Kailana's poison with a very weak healing touch to the right places. "Feeling better now?"

Yuki Akuma
2010-03-24, 01:29 AM
Kailana whimpers softly, sitting up and holding her tummy. "..Owww..." She sniffles. Apparently, she hasn't really realised what the heck is going on!

2010-03-25, 07:29 PM

Rugo turns around without saying another word, dropping to the ground and walking calmly to Sangiel.

You're strong, aren't you? How about we get someone through that opening up there? The little sick one would be easy to throw. Otherwise, our elvaan friend may be alone to handle both Walden and the peon.

He pauses for a moment.

Not to mention any others we can't see.

2010-03-26, 07:49 PM
Marrissa rubs Kailana's back lightly, and nods. "Right, he may need some help. I think she may have learned that trick with the pollen that bee used to heal itself, so she could help from a relatively safe distance by keeping him in the fight."

She carefully considers how to word her proposal to the child in a way she can understand. "Um... Kailana. From what I've seen you do just now, I believe you can use blue magic. If so, you should be capable of healing people with that ability the Killer Bee was using." She paused for a second, before continuing. "Our friend Avain is up there helping us escape, but there's no telling how many guards he might have to fight. If you think you're able, can you let us get you onto the net so you can heal his injuries?"

Yuki Akuma
2010-03-26, 08:02 PM
Kailana tilts her head to one side, slowly standing up. "Huh? Blue magic?" she asks, blinking once. "...Choco Ball is yellow..."

She then nods her head firmly at the suggestion of getting her onto the net to help out Avain. "Okay." She's easy to convince!

2010-04-01, 11:25 AM
Sangiel turns back, hearing the exchange. "So if you get up there, you can save him?" Without waiting for a response, Sangiel grabs Kailana and hurls her into the air. "Stay where I can see and protect you!" he shouts after her, keeping his weapon trained in her direction to shoot off any would-be attackers.

Yuki Akuma
2010-04-01, 11:26 AM
Kailaina shrieks as she's thrown high up into the air! Her wings buzz furiously to prevent her from smashing into the net... oh hey, she has wings! They're pretty small, but they're there, poking out of her clothes...

2010-04-01, 02:44 PM
Avain smiled at the other Elvaan, pulling out a potion and draining it with a smile, smiling the entire time.

"Really? I'm sure that will be of great comfort to you on the Farplane."

Str: 9
Dex: 9
Cha: 6
Int: 3
Vit: 3 (4)

HP: 20

Eva: 10
ACC: 5
ARM: 7
Afil: 0

2010-04-01, 03:49 PM
Bacherume "Grr!"s at Avain's smiliness and peeks around him after missing horribly, wondering what's taking his boss so long. His attack ---> [roll0]+5 for Accuracy, +9 to the higher result for damage, yet again. Also, he heals himself up a bit, again.

Boss Walden finally hustles within range of the fight. With the crowd on this side gone, he can make a clear shot. He's hugging the arena wall, just above the east gate and hasn't noticed Kailana, since he's figured that the rest of the party is sensibly as well as merely waiting to be put back in their cages, and he is more occupied by sneering at the body of Hock Eye. "Huh! You may have been right, Bacherume! He might be more useful to me as entertainment than employee! Just make sure you don't end up with him!"

2010-04-08, 02:13 PM
Marrissa twiddles her thumbs idly, trying to think of anything else she can do to help. She waits below Kailaina, in case the young Moogle needs her help. "...hm. Do you think we can break out a section of the net so we can climb up it? If we make three cuts so one side will still be connected, it might hold our weight if we climb up one at a time. I don't know if we have enough time for that, but it's something to consider..." It was only a suggestion to pass the time, but there was not much else she could do in her current predicament and she might as well spend time making a back up plan.

Yuki Akuma
2010-04-08, 04:44 PM
Kailana lands on the net, nearly falling over in the process, as she looks towards Avain. She nods ehr head, and starts running over towards him!

Movin' a medium length. Yup.

HP: 17/17
MP: 10/20
ACC: 3
EVA: 9
ARM: 2
M.ARM: 6

STR: 4 (1)
DEX: 6 (2)
VIT: 4 (1)
INT: 8 (2)
CHA: 8 (2)

Weapon: Tier 1 Sword (STRx1)

Potion (25 hp)
Ether (25 mp)

2010-04-08, 06:09 PM
Avain laughed at the other Elvaan, shaking his head. His response to the Moogle was a wink, to show her that he had seen her.

"Well now, that was depressingly awful. Here, let me show you how it is done."

Avain shifted his feet slightly and stabbed the Spear forward in a clean motion.

[roll0] +5 Accuracy, +9 Damage

Str: 9
Dex: 9
Cha: 6
Int: 3
Vit: 3 (4)

HP: 20

Eva: 10
ACC: 5
ARM: 7
Afil: 0

2010-04-08, 06:38 PM
Marrissa. Jump on my staff.

Rugo steadies his staff in front of him, kicking the dirt a little to make sure his weapon stays firm.

Sangiel. Come here and hold the staff, then throw it up when Marrissa is on top.

...that is, if she gets on it.

2010-04-08, 08:36 PM
[Round 10]

Marrissa blinks for second before she catches on. Why didn't I think of that? She does as Rugo says, only pausing to retrieve her sword first.

Pick my sword back up as a Standard(?) action, short move to stand on Rugo's staff.

HP: 20/20
MP: 6/18
ACC: 4
EVA: 9
ARM: 5
M.ARM: 5

STR: 4 (1)
DEX: 6 (2)
VIT: 6 (2)
INT: 7 (2)
CHA: 7 (2)

Weapon: Tier 1 Sword (STRx1)

Potion (25 HP)
Ether (25 MP) x2
Glowstone (minor light source)

2010-04-11, 05:15 AM
When Boss Walden sees Kailana rush forward, he finally loses his cool, turns red, and starts spluttering with rage. "What are my guards doing?! Boys, get in here! Nobody's escaping, today!" He points his gun arm at Kailana. "You just signed up for monster cleanup for the rest of your life, little girl."

Some scrabbling is heard from behind the gates, Grohm sighs and abandons his spot at the west gate, and shortly after that, both gates open to admit three guards from each side. They're of various races, all with swords, all looking a bit nervous. Bacherume looks a bit nervous, too, as Boss Walden's attention strays from helping him out with his fight, but he grits his teeth and glares at Avain, this time with a bit of worry behind it.

2010-04-11, 01:02 PM
The Dragoon's eyes light up as the other Elvaan begins to worry. His opponent was showing weakness.

"What's this, not so sure about things now that your boss has elected to abandon you?"

Avain thrusted forward in another lightning fast motion.


[roll0] +5 Accuracy, +9 Damage

Str: 9
Dex: 9
Cha: 6
Int: 3
Vit: 3 (4)

HP: 20

Eva: 10
ACC: 5
ARM: 7
Afil: 0

2010-04-11, 01:28 PM
I expected as much.

Rugo pulls out an ether, guzzling down the contents as quickly as possible.

Effect: Rugo's MP is restored to the maximum amount (22) again.

OoC: Is there a specified action for using ethers? I imagine it's a standard action, but I couldn't find it.

2010-04-12, 05:42 AM
"I need no lessons from you, slave! Stay down!" Bacherume swings his sword at Avain, with intent to kill! ---> [roll0]+5 for Accuracy, +9 to the higher result for damage, which results in Avain getting hit for 12. Also, some more damage on him goes away.

Boss Walden sneers at Kailana, squints down the line of his gun arm, and fires. [roll1]+3 for Accuracy, +18 to the higher result for damage, which results in, let's type, 16 damage for her, just because.

OOC ---> Yep. Employing any kind of item seems to be a Standard action. Also, here's hoping that Boss Walden misses Kailana, since I just noticed that if he hits, she's dead.

2010-04-22, 05:04 PM
!!! Marrissa pales at the sight of the young moogle being hit. She twitches as she looks back and forth between her current situation and the moogle girl's. I can't- Kailana needs- I have to deal with the- her indecisiveness quickly turns to rage, her teeth clench and her grip on her sword tightens. Pure, undiluted fury is in her movements, even as her face slides back into a neutral stare- the poker face her father taught her.

"Here's what's going to happen." she says, turning towards one group while showing her back to the other. "You are going to leave, nice and quiet, while we go up there and help tend to the little girl's injuries. If ANY of you try to stop us, I will make you wish for a death that will not come. If you don't want to take my word for it, you can take it up with our Elvaan friend after he's done cleaning what was your employer's best body guards off his lance."

"Or you could stay, try and subdue 5 people with who knows how much physical and magical ability. With nothing to lose and every reason to want your employer and everyone who works for him dead. Your choice, gentlemen. Is whatever he's paying you worth dying for? The loss of your blade arm, or a leg? Never being found attractive by the other sex again? Or are you going to walk away and find a safer and easier way to make a few gil, that doesn't require dealing with any number of combat adept sociopaths on a regular basis? Cause even if you DO capture us, we won't quit, and we won't be the last."

So, do I make a Cha check, or is this purely role play? Is the length of the speech enough to count as a Standard Action, or do I still have one? If I do have to roll, can the others contribute any bonus to this check with an intimidating pose or words, or do they have to make their own checks if they want to scare off our guards?

Yuki Akuma
2010-04-22, 05:15 PM
Kailana lets out a cry of shock as she's shot, right in the gut. She looks down at her stomach in bewilderment. It barely even hurt... But when she saw the quickly spreading across the front of her clothes, she began to feel faint.

She suddenly remembers what Marrissa said. She could heal...? Well, right now she definitely wants to heal herself. She closes her eyes and concentrates. A faint buzzing fills the air...

Slow action! Castin' Pollen - which I just noticed heals MP as well. More than it costs to cast, even!

2010-04-22, 06:11 PM
Maria tosses a Potion up to Kailana, completely healing her. Boss Walden frowns at his gun arm.

OOC ---> That would be a Negotiation check, for intimidating the guards. With Natural Aptitude, it looks as if this is what should be rolled ---> [roll0] That'll count, to speed things along, why not? Also, Kailana can change her target for Pollen or just choose to do something else. I typed in the OOC thread that Maria would toss one of her Potions at you.

Additional OOC ---> I'll count the intimidation as a Standard action. And I was looking around but didn't see any kind of aid another sort of thing, besides that teamwork attack thing, which, apparently, only works with attacks. Anyone else is free to try their own Negotiation.

Yuki Akuma
2010-04-22, 07:15 PM
OOC:Bah, Avain could use a heal anyway.