View Full Version : (Vortex) Personnel Registry

2010-02-28, 12:20 PM

Characters are to be posted here!!!

The Vision
The idea behind the creation of Vortex it's supposed to be an epic space tale with humans and aliens a world where there are no black and white only shades of gray. This is a roleplaying experiment to bring the idea of goal based RP to the FFRP boards. This is intended to be a controlled slightly more rule heavy environment that can be run by any player towards one of the goals of either faction. The other idea I want to emphasize in this experiment is the idea of a well developed character a character who has his or her own personal goal in addition to the goal of their branch an idea I hope to spread to FFRP. Players are encouraged to run plots to further their own goals and that of their branch. This is a free RP setting with slightly more rules the most important of which is have fun!!

Character Restrictions!

Thematic, idea well developed characters only please deep RP is encouraged here
Your character whether human or some sort of alien is not invincible in fact is quite mortal this world is deadly! (IE power level 4-5 MAX)

Recommended Power Ideas:
Psychic powers: Weaker than some of the god like stuff we see around acro but generally powers from channeling mental energy. (Keep it reasonable if you think it might be OP then it is out)
Implants: These can give your character ways to be harder to kill, faster tougher smarter etc. (Keep in mind that these are enhancing your body past human limits thus your body will degrade faster. (Age) As well the more powerful the biotic that fast your body will fall apart)
Technology: Guns(Projectile primarily with limited energy weapons), and other tools your character might carry to defend oneself in the vortex.


Picture (optional):
Speaking Colour:
Equipment and Abilities:


Name: Simon Lucky
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Age: 35
Description: Simon is a fairly tall 6'2 man, with a rather lanky build. He is quite skinny but his scrawniness conceals powerful corded muscles. He has a pale almost wan complexion which is accented by his long jet black hair which always seems to hang just in his sharp green eyes. Overall he looks almost sickly but somehow it almost works for him, making him slightly terrifying accented by the fact that he never seems to smile. He is often dressed in a blue uniform with a thin layer of bullet resistant padding in it. Strapped to his leg is a combat knife and slung over his back is an assault rifle. On his left shoulder he proudly wears the emblem of delta squad.

Background: Simons background is relatively unknown to all but the highest up in the chain of command, he is an ex convict transferred to the station to work their as part of his sentence. What he did exactly to wind up in prison is a questions however that remains unanswered rumors however suggest he might have the been the man that butchered the presidents daughters.......

Goals: He's perfectly happy to start anew here in the vortex not wanted to go back to known space. Wants to make things happen and move up in the ranks, wants to make sure the project to return home fails even if it means compromising his own goal to set up here

Personality: Simon is quite anti social and even menacing, not much of a talker but when he does it's smooth and silk and perfectly Calculated
Speaking Colour: "Colour"
Equipment and Abilities: Simon has bullet resistant armor and a stab vest. He carries a combat knife, an assault rifle and three sticky grenades.
Miscellaneous: Simon is fond of terrifying the junior members of the station as well as civilians/non-military personnel

Character Questions

These are questions you should be able to answer as your character before you start

Why are you on station 5?
What would you describe as your flaws?
What would you say are the best things about yourself?
What is your life goal?
What have you done towards accomplishing it?
What challenges do you see standing in your way?
How do you feel about the Cataclysm and being stuck in the Vortex
What branch are you assigned to?
How do you respond to authority?
What do you like to do in your spare time?
Significant other?
Parents or Kids?
What would you say your special talents are?
Least favorite thing to do?
Are you religious?
If you had to describe yourself in one sentence what would it be?

2010-02-28, 01:02 PM
Name: Evanna Sophocles
Gender: Female
Race: Iljaien (character picture has basic traits highlighted)
Age: 27.
Description: Evanna is about 6'8" tall and thin, with pale grey skin. Her hair is shoulderblade-length and black. Her eyes are very large, almond-shaped, and glossy black. Her teeth are small, white, and sharp; her tongue is coal-black. She wears simple clothing; a long-sleeved top, long pants, half-gloves, and boots.
She is attractive in an alien sort of way.

Picture (optional): http://i134.photobucket.com/albums/q106/Beans-tastic/iljaien.png

Background: There was a small Iljaien ambassadorial ship that was coming to the station. The Iljaiens wanted to greet humanity after having watched them. However, the cataclysm dragged the ship in; the dying pilot, surrounded by his dead fellows, got the damaged ship to limp its way to the station before passing away.
However, Iljaien ships always have a Backup---a person in a sort of one-shot cryosleep chamber that is to wake up if bad stuff happens.
This Backup is Evanna.
The chamber was taken aboard the ship, and has just now (at the time of the inception of the RP) opened.

Goals: Evanna... just wants to live. She wants to get back to Iljai, or anywhere familiar.

Personality: Evanna is thoughtful, polite, and calm. She isn't averse to helping others at all.

Speaking Colour: Dim Gray.
Equipment and Abilities: Evanna is a pretty good mechanical worker and computer worker. She is able to speak English pretty dang well, with a few verbal pecularities.
Her eyesight is very good, and she sees better in low light than the average human. She is physically flexible to almost unsettling degrees, and her six-fingered hands are very dexterous.
With her in the pod, she stowed away a strange, narrow stringed instrument called a Kulai. (http://www.stonefingers.com/Frying%20Pan%20Guitar.jpg) She can play it well.
She also has a butterfly knife.

Miscellaneous: Her eyes have a malcondition that causes them to constantly leak oily tears at a low rate.

2010-02-28, 03:10 PM
Name: Trevenar Ta'lok
Gender: Male
Race: Human

Trevenar is human in appearance. About 5ft 11inches tall, well muscled, and has short brown hair. His eyes are an unusual shade of purple, and he is marked with three purple scales tattooed into his forehead. His features are a little strong and his face is lightly scarred, showing that he's been in a few scrapes. In public and in most private places, he will always be seen with Eclipsia(his assault rifle) nearby. Normally, Trevenar is quiet.

Background: When asked, Trevenar will tell others that he was part of a mercenary outfit hired to help Protect Station 5. All of his other team members had been off-station when the event happened.

Oddly enough though, most people can't seem to remember him being there, but then again, he's always been a bit of a recluse.
Goals: His goal is to survive.

Personality: Trevenar is usually quiet, and may seem withdrawn at times, even though he has a good sense of humor. Some of his mannerisms seem odd though, such as he'll sometimes mutter something in an unknown language.

Speaking Color: Teal

Sol Pattern Assault Rifle
Hermes Pattern Pistol
A cylindrical bladed knife
Medium Combat armor

Abilities: He's stronger and has quicker reflexes than his frame and build would suggest and he has been trained in both melee and ranged combat. His immune system is also much stronger than most humans for some odd reason.

2010-02-28, 05:43 PM
Name: Tomoya Knight
Gender: Male
Race: Human, cybernetics enhanced
Age: 29

Description: Tomoya stands at just over six foot. He has light brown eyes and deep brown, almost black, hair. His eyes are fairly large and round, usually focused on one thing, his research or experiments. He's usually seen in the scientist's uniform or the uniform of Operation Spyre.

Background: Tomoya was the second son of two of the highest ranking scientists on Station 5. His older brother by 15 years left the station to work somewhere else when Tomoya was still young. He still has a near perfect recollection of the Cataclysm. It was the day he lost all his family in a matter of minutes. His parents where killed in the explosion and he doesn't know what happened to his brother. He vowed to follow in his parents footsteps and try to better mankind through science.

Goals: Figure out what truly happened on the day of the Cataclysm and further science. He hopes to one day be recognized as one of the foremost scientists, up there with Newton and Einstein and all those guys. Shorter term goals would be to find some great new thing in the Vortex.

Personality: Is usually kind and good hearted. Though he's usually to absorbed in his notes or research to really notice if someone needs help. He thinks that sacrificing lives to further a goal is stupid unless that goal is for science.

Speaking Color: Speaks in Sea Green
Equipment and Abilities: Has cybernetic sensor and brain enhancements. His eyes can zoom in and focus on a fly across the room or zoom in to make sure wires aren't crossed when working with electronics. His ears have also been enhanced so he can hear a pencil drop from 30 feet away in a crowded hall and hear nothing else. He can also process information at a higher rate than most and also has a slightly higher ability over certain body actions, like heartbeat. He has a specialized sniper rifle he calls "truth". It was a side project he did when he was going through defensive and offensive training.

2010-02-28, 06:53 PM
Name: Corvinth the Protector
Gender: Male
Race: Hurda
Age: 35
Height: 8' 10"
Weight: 1567 lb.

Description: Hurda are a race of giants, with features comparable to elephants and rhinos. Corvinth is an average size Hurda standing about 150% the height of a human. He weighs a ton like most other Hurdas. His skin is leathery and light brown in color with hard, armor like patches on his face. He has three wide fingers and feet similar to an elephants. This is practically the standard to which an average Hurda is measured. He has herbivorous teeth and black pupiless eyes.

Backgound: Corvinth was the personal bodyguard to the chief of his tribe, but during a raid on his village he could not protect the chief and exiled himself, not wanting to face that shame. He later found a human settlement that he lived in until he could afford passage to station 5, where he hoped to live out a new life assisting the station.

Goals: Corvinth hopes to gain an honorable position amongst the people of Station 5. He is attempting to do this through aiding the escape of the Vortex.

Personality: Corvinth is rather happy, but incredibly dedicated to whatever assignment he is given, making him incredibly serious at times.

Speaking Color: Dark Orange

Equipment and Abilities:
-Hurdas can convert any gas into oxygen, allowing him to breath in any atmosphere. The further from oxygen the element is the harder it is to convert, so he will have increasing trouble breathing in different environments but will be able to breath.
-Corvinth is knowledgeable on tribal cultures and guerrilla combat.
-He is armed with:

Heavy Combat Armor

A Pair of Brass Knuckles(Made of a space age material.)
-All his equipment is specially designed and fitted for his imense size.

2010-03-01, 02:37 AM
Name: Daniel Roberts
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Age: 9
Description: A rather short lad for his age, usually dressed in sombre greys, blues, and blacks. His brown hair is quite messy and short. He'll frequently have bags under his eyes from lack of sleep, and he's usually very thin. He showers regularly however, so he's usually quite clean. He has a very intense look on his face at most times.
Background: His mother died early on in his life, and his father raised him until he was eight. His father was participating in a test of a new 'enhancement drug' after tests on rats proved promising.

The entire testing group died several days later after the drug proved poisonous to humans.

The boy went into mourning for a couple of months, before becoming reclusive. Despite the best efforts of the station's psychologists noone's been able to draw him out into a conversation longer than a couple of sentences. He speaks quite well and with no hesitation, however he rarely adds unnecessary frills to his language.

In his spare time he trains his psychic talents, discovered shortly after the death of his father, seeking vengeance against the doctors that killed his father.
Goals: To utterly destroy the doctors responsible for his father's death, and to ruin everything they attempt.
Personality: Extremely serious, and very abrupt, but likely to get excited when a scheme is coming together.
Speaking Colour: Royal Blue (6th column, 3rd row)
Equipment and Abilities: He has telekinetic abilities, able to lift small objects, around the size of a computer monitor. He has fairly strong empathetic abilities, able to tell what other people are feeling and to influence emotion with some conscious thought.

Ashen Lilies
2010-03-01, 07:37 AM
Name: Antares
Gender: Sterile Female
Race: Altrun, Expert-caste
Age: 32 (her caste reaches physical maturity at age 5, and health rapidly cuts off at 50-ish. Other castes may be more short-lived.)
Description: Antares stands at about one meter in height. By human standards, she would not be considered attractive at all. She is quite stocky, like the rest of her kind, though more slender than other castes. She has no hair, her skin is a dull grey color, and is thick and leathery. Her hands are slightly disproportionate, larger than the humanoid norm, which have 5 short fingers, which end in delicate points. Her head is large and squarish, with large batlike ears (somewhat like a gremlin's) and is dominated by large black eyes, each one the size of a clenched fist, set above a pair of nostrils and a wide mouth, full of humanlike teeth, hinting at an omnivorous diet. She has sets of eyelids. However, the mouth and nostrils are usually covered by a breath mask made out of smooth black plastic, which filters out nitrogen (toxic to her race in large amounts) and other trace elements. She typically wears a long heavy blue overcoat, which conceals her entire body, with a shirt and heavy workpants underneath. The overcoat has a pointed hood that can be raised, either partially or fully, connecting to her mask, resulting in a semi-sealed environment and allowing her to see out through two plexiglass panels.
Background: The Altrun are a eusocial race hailing from a young solar system not too far (in astronomical terms) from Sol. The Expert-caste, which is the caste that Antares belongs to, are the most individual and intelligent of the castes (besides the Queen), capable of complex and independent thought, and allowed a name. It is they who allow Altrun society to run in an advanced fashion. Having only recently developed FTL travel themselves, and just starting to explore the surrounding space, they were all to pleased to find another race making the same leaps they had had. And so they made first contact. In a gesture of good will, they sent a team to assist with the Human's own new engine design. Antares, along with her sisters Aldebaran and Mu Cephi (names chosen by themselves) were the core of this team, accompanied by a few Workers and a Soldier or two. After the Cataclysm, Aldebaran and Mu Cephi were dead in the explosion, and the surviving Workers and Soldiers, despondent from their separation from the hive, soon starved, lacking the motivation to do anything. Antares, with her increased individuality, did not.

Short Term - Return to the Hive. Serve the Queen. Work for the betterment of her species.

Personality: Antares is quiet and withdrawn, but an extremely diligent worker, doing her job with a commitment not seen in most humans, but of course, common in her kind. Has a tendency to refer to herself as 'we' or 'us' when stressed, but is usually able to grasp the concept of single person pronouns.
Speaking Color: Dark Slate Gray, Century Gothic (to indicate it being affected by the mask)

Zippable Overcoat - Capable, in conjunction with gloves, workpants, boots and mask, of providing a sealed environment.
Mask - Capable of filtering toxic substances from the air. Not capable of producing substances not present or sufficient.
Multitool - Large, contains screwdrivers, pliers, knives, saws and other such things.
Pistol - Standard sidearm. Experts don't typically carry weapons, but considering the death of the Soldiers and the hostile frontier, it was deemed necessary.

...and Abilities: Skilled engineer, familiar with the basic concepts of FTL physics, at least, as far as one can understand them before their mind starts to bend in uncomfortable positions. She was very much the novice in this regard. Also skilled technician. Capable of speaking English, and a few other human languages (German? Whatever the main languages on the station would be) quite fluently, as well as the three languages of her own kind (the pheromone and sign based languages used by all castes, and the unique spoken language of her own caste). Her eyesight and hearing are excellent, and her strength is much greater than her size would suggest, though not to the same extent as the Workers and Soldiers, which are quite ant-like in that regard.
Misc: Information about her race, and other things that don't fit in teh above may go here eventually.

2010-03-01, 04:49 PM
Name:Doktor Xenbio. Maria Frauenknecht
Age:38 (looks like 25 due to genetic enhancement)
Description:174 cm tall, brown hair bound in a ponytail,hazel eyes, Tanned Caucasian skin,athletic, usually wearing a white one piece suit, with the emblem of the FRoG,EU,and ESA stitched to the front
Background:20 years ago , she graduated fresh out of the University of Erlangen. maria is a Xenobiologist from Nürnberg, Germany, and works/ed for the German government owned pharmacy/chemical megacorp Bayer-Sandos. she was on Station 5, preparing to leave on an EU expedition into another local solar system. now she works in the medical bay, and the science labs as pharmacologist and chemist
long term Goals:Returning home to her family (Operation Catalyst)
short term Goals:finding out as much as she can about the local life, to bring back the research results, and hopefully grab a promotion when(or if) she returns
Personality:analytical,calm, cynical ,inquisitive, can easily get lost in her work.
Speaking Colour:Sienna
Abilities:Highly educated, with Doctors degree in Xenobiology, some army training (spent 6 months in the Bundeswehr(an option for both genders since 2035)),Speaks German, English, Latin, and some French, Spanish and Japanese.
Equipment: a comlink,a Light handgun, Identification,medical and scientific equipment,
Miscellaneous:Dyslectic,Lactose intolerant,plays the oboe and clarinet, hates beer with a passion

Earl of Purple
2010-03-01, 05:30 PM
Name: Oleksandr Tolstoy FRES, known as Oles to most
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Age: 45
Description: A quite tall, balding man with a beard. He is always wearing a white lab coat, often with jeans. He has green eyes.
Background: Born in Russia, his parents moved to the UK shortly afterwards where he was raised and educated in the best schools, becoming an entomologist focussing on how well invertebrates survive in space and on other planets.
Goals: To find a way to prevent the implants that increase his intelligence and memory from degrading his brain and higher functions, and possibly get some of his lost intellect back. Also, to discover see how well termites can survive on other planets.
Personality: Slightly odd, but usually kind. Has a habit of getting distracted, especially by invertebrates and other things.
Speaking Colour: Indigo
Equipment: Pistol and ammunition, selection of magnifying glasses and insect identification guides; also a mini-computer.
Abilities: Increased intelligence to just-above-human average by brain implants which are gradually damaging his mental ability; just about it.
Miscellaneous: Fellow of the Royal Entomologist Society, hence the FRES

2010-03-01, 06:59 PM
Name: Warrik Zeltik
Age:14 (Approximately 18 in terms of development.)
Race: Zalix's

Zalix's are a young race they are not very advanced in terms of technology. They stand at 5 feet at their tallest and they have a tendency to crouch low their legs bending much like a frog's would. As a matter of fact they look a lot like a frog would if they were humanoid. Their skin ranges from blue to green. Their heads are a bit big for their body, and accommodate their large eyes, and lobe-less ears. Their arms are long almost reaching the ground. They are entirely hairless.

The Zalix's are evolved from a amphibian creature that's DNA has been altered by a almost parasitic plant that has merged with them and became just as much a pat of them as the amphibian they are based off of.

Description: Warrik is an a fairly average looking Zalix. He stands at just over 4 feet, with a dull blue-green skin. His large eyes are gray and inquisitive. He wears a jumpsuit that was given to him by a member of Station 5.

Background: Warrik comes from a small clan of Zalix on a hostile planet. He lived there in relative peace for the majority of his life. He learned to hunt and protect the village he lived in and how to grow the plants that provide so much for his people.

When explores from Station 5 discovered his village while searching for supplies they made contact with the Zalix's. Warrik was fascinated by these strangers from the sky. He meet with them and showed them some of his people's ways in return for information about Station 5. In the end he decided to return to the station with them in hopes of learning more.

Now he lives on the station in his own room, where he tends several plants that he brought with him. They have shown remarkable healing properties and several other interesting properties.

Goals: To learn more about the technology that these people have, and just in general. He studies any new information he can get a hold of furiously.

Personality: He is energetic and optimistic. He likes meeting new people and hearing stories from them. Any new race he meets is especially interesting to him.

Speech: Green

Equipment: A plain jumpsuit modified to fit him. Several plants that are usually stored in his room that have unusual properties, including healing and rapid growth. He also keeps several potions/concoctions that are created from said plants. Mostly they can heal, but a few have other uses. And his most prized possession is his mobile computer, a tablet that he can quickly write notes, or look up information. He is often seen reading that when no one else is around to talk to.

Abilities: Warrik is a fairly capable warrior among his people, skilled in using simple ranged weapons like slings or spears. He is also skilled at hiding and moving quietly. Like all Zalix's he is still amphibious and can last long times underwater. Also being part plant he can last a long time without food if he is in sunlight.

2010-03-01, 07:15 PM
Name: Falkane Tynnel

Race: Human (cyborg technically)

Age: Late 30's or so

Occupation: Mechanic and ex-military pilot.

Nationality: American (if that still exists, if not then like Russia or something...)

Description: He's a gruff fella, stands at a 5' 8" with short brown hair, he's kinda big from his work (and a bit of his lifestyle). So not some pretty boy. You could say he's kinda normal even ugly looking. He's got a cybernetic arm going up to his shoulder, and a cybernetic leg that stops being cybernetic at his mid thigh, and a prosthetic eye all of which are on the right side.

Backstory: He has always been a Human fanboy, pumped up with patriotism for his country, race and planet. As a result he enrolled in the military as soon as he could and became a pilot for fighters. IN a skirmish he was forced to crash land... it didn't go well. His arm, leg and eye were all damaged beyond repair, thankfully he got a sweet set of cybernetic limbs and a discharge (I think after an accident like that it was acceptable), so he became a mechanic seeing as he had no higher schooling and he knew the in and out of machines and vehicles. Some higher up in the military put in a good word for him and before he new it Falkane was put onto Vortex 5 and frozen up and waited there until needed. He was unfrozen about 10 years ago due to a shortage of mechanics due to attacks on the station. (Up to cel, for the pilot thing to matter.)

Goals: Survive and make sure this bucket of bolts of a station makes it back to Earth in at least 3 pieces.
And to keep everything working.

Personality: Gruff, and patriotic, lives for the ideals of humanity. But can be kind, apparently some of that patriotism entails welcoming other races and people with open arms.

Equipment: Tools.
Lots of tools.
His arm has an attachment that can melt down a block of metal and reshape it to what he specifies to the computer. Usually uses it for making a specific tool, or certain pieces when they don't have the right ones available.
He does have a gun that attaches to his arm and uplinks to his eye, he designed that last part.
He doesn't use it much though.
And a knife, just a normal knife.

Speech color: Green.

2010-03-02, 04:54 PM
Name: Liiroai. (Pronounced: Lee-roy.)

Gender: Male.

Race: Hoomin.

Age: 22.

Description: About 5'4", brown hair, blue eyes, fairly thin, not overly buff/buff at all, and always has a backback slung over one shoulder.

Picture (optional): Umm . . . . LOOK OVER THERE! *runs away*

Background: He found that he is very good at hacking various electronic equipment, when he was about 11. He's made it his life's goal to hack/be able to hack any terminal he walks past. It doesn't always work, but he keeps trying.

Goals: To be the best hacker the universe has ever seen. And not get killed.

Personality: Somewhat timid, doesn't enjoy violence, (Although when it finds him, he can deal with it.), he likes cheese-its. Probably too much.
Tends to be quiet, and doesn't like being in positions of power over anyone but himself.

Speaking Colour: Orange.

Equipment: Besides his incredibly tweaked, changed, and upgraded laptop, he has a small, pistol-like weapon, (Looks like this. (http://www.platformnation.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/01/m9SMG.jpg) Which he hasn't discussed with anyone. So no info for anyone yet.) and various odds and ends. (Clothes, cheese-its, and so on.)

Abilities: Besides being able to hack well, be a pretty good shot with a sniper rifle, also a pretty good shot with his SMG.
Aaaand . . . more to come, I suppose.

Miscellaneous: Despises 'l33t' speak. Even though he is a hacker. Make sense of that. :smalltongue: