View Full Version : If your favorite MMO was a single-player game, would you still play it?

2010-03-01, 03:50 PM
In other words, lets say you are a fan of...WoW. lets say someone traveled back in time or whatever and made WoW a single-player game ( and a single player game only), would you still play it? Obviously, some stuff would be changed (Raids or your fav MMO's equivalent would either become easier or let you bring a large group of NPCs) and some stuff would be right out (i.e auction houses.) Would you still have bought it and played it?

2010-03-01, 03:54 PM
Not only is the answer "Yes," I would still be playing it, which I'm not as it stands.

2010-03-01, 03:55 PM
Yes, yes i would have.

I'm actually not very fond of MMO's, i prefer single-player games.
Might have something to do with how most MMO's end up having such a crappy community, flaming and trolling everywhere i go!

Random player: If u gime ur paswird i giv u realz munny!1!
Random player 2: Ur ugly, u suck!!11!!ONE1!1111!!

"We believe you have a point for once"
"We are merely pointing out that you are often wrong"

Zen Monkey
2010-03-01, 03:55 PM
I would. Throw in a pause button and the ability to make a team and it would essentially be baldur's gate, icewind dale, etc. Those games certainly had some fans. Even without a group, it would still be another neverwinter nights.

Take World of Warcraft for an example. Making your own instance party would let you experiment with different characters and use the various good items you'll find. And the horde/alliance difference would mean at least one more trip through the game to see the other side of things.

2010-03-01, 03:56 PM
My MMO of choice is DDO. I was pretty seriously addicted to it. I realize it's an inferior game to WoW, and for that reason I will never play WoW. If DDO could steal my soul as well as it did, I'd hate to see what WoW can do.

I wouldn't play DDO as a solo game. It's meant to be played in parties of 6. Lowering the difficulty so it can be soloed would just water down the experience.

I would however play DDO as a solo game that lets you control multiple characters. I'd absolutely love to build a whole party myself and run each of them. I suppose this can be accomplished now that accounts are free, but alas there is no AI for getting teammates to follow you. Even if my computer could handle 6 copies of the game (or if I could VNC into 6 computers running the game) I just wouldn't want to move that many characters through the level. Some amount of AI (even if it's just something that could follow whichever PC had focus) so that the DDO engine, system, and quests could be played like Dragon Age would be awesome. I'd buy that in a heart beat, even at new game prices.


As others have mentioned, pausing is essential. I can't play MMOs because I won't let down my team even when it's time to quit. I'd need the ability to pause mid combat and put the game down whenever possible to even consider picking up a game like this again. I kinda assumed this functionality would be present, but need to reiterate because it's that important to me.

2010-03-01, 04:20 PM
I don't know. If Anarchy Online was turned from an MMO into an LAN game, then yes. If it went from an MMO to single player only, no. The people are the best part of it, and doing things with them, in competition with them is awesome.

Plus the people in my org on AO are awesomeness incarnate :3.

Mr. Mud
2010-03-01, 04:33 PM
Depends how large the community around it was. I mean, if it's three neckbeards and I in a underground cult type thing then "Nay."

If it was me and several thousand fellow neckbeards in an underground cult thing, then a definite "Yes." :smallwink:

I just hate the feeling of being alone played a single player game. So I'd probably be on Vent./Teamviewer with other people geeking out.

2010-03-01, 07:38 PM
Two things,

- Maplestory WAS being made for the Nintendo DS (Not so sure how that'll turn out.)

- World of Warcraft already was a single-player game. It's Warcraft, Warcraft II: Orcs V.S. Humans, and Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos + The Frozen Throne.

And to answer your question, I would. But only if said MMO had some online connectivity, like TESIV's massive modding community. That's what I'm all about in single-player PC games. Mods. No mods, no me. Most of the time.

2010-03-01, 07:45 PM
WoW could be a decent single player game if they put in the story and cutscenes to go with it.

If MMO turned single-player game just means single-player grinding instead of multiplayer grinding, then the answer is a resounding no. That's exactly why I stopped playing WoW. I have enough work to do IRL.

2010-03-01, 07:53 PM
- World of Warcraft already was a single-player game. It's Warcraft, Warcraft II: Orcs V.S. Humans, and Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos + The Frozen Throne.

er. trisc you know that WoW and the warcraft games are of two different genres right

annyway no in fact I don't like mainstream MMOs in the first place because all the worth while stuff you do is so late game I will be bored by the time it rolls around I'll have given up.

2010-03-01, 08:58 PM
Considering my favorite MMO is Eve, and I have the X-series, I feel as though the question is redundant. But yes anyway.

2010-03-02, 07:14 AM
MMOs often lack:

-a real, gripping storyline
-variable, non-repetitive gameplay

MMOs, instead, bring to the table:

-the chance to do different things in an open world with your friends with a real feel of a community

So, take out the latter and ask me if I would play the game with only the former? No.

The people, no matter how stupid, are the only thing that justify the existence of MMOs in the first place, I think. Without them it would be just a boring grind all by yourself in a static world that offers extremely limited interaction.

2010-03-02, 07:23 AM
I don't know. If Anarchy Online was turned from an MMO into an LAN game, then yes. If it went from an MMO to single player only, no. The people are the best part of it, and doing things with them, in competition with them is awesome.

Plus the people in my org on AO are awesomeness incarnate :3.

I wish I could like add five stars to this post haha. I love anarchy online sooo much! Back before SL AO was my favorite MMO of all time, if SL didnt come out I would still be playing. I loved the game because you could literally do anything with any character you wanted!

2010-03-02, 07:51 AM
The only MMO I've ever played is WoW, and I pretty much played it single-player throughout--so I'd probably have played it single player too. I probably wouldn't have played it for 14 months, as I did with the multiplayer one, though.

2010-03-02, 01:39 PM
I would not play any MMO I'm familiar with if it was a single-player game. The reason I stopped playing Guild Wars was because I felt that due to its heavy use of instancing it possessed the gameplay of an MMO and the interactivity of a single-player game: the worst of both worlds.

2010-03-02, 01:50 PM
Well, I've only played WoW. I eventually got fed up of the endless grinding and how many things are designed to waste your time.

I think that single player it would need a bit more focus on the plot and npc's. I think WoW has real potential on that front. On the other hand, they'd need to have a world that actually reacts to what quests you've completed. It's lame to finish all the quests in a zone, and see the place look as devestated and damaged as before you got there.

Also, it would need a better way of directing you to quest objectives. The game's too big to not do that. I had enough trouble when there were people around I could actually ask for help.

2010-03-02, 01:53 PM
Considering my favorite MMO is Eve, and I have the X-series, I feel as though the question is redundant. But yes anyway.

Yay another Eve Player!:smallbiggrin:
Yes I would still play if it was a Single Player Game. There is enough to do on your own that it could still be years of fun.

Elder Tsofu
2010-03-02, 01:55 PM
MMOs often lack:

-a real, gripping storyline
-variable, non-repetitive gameplay

MMOs, instead, bring to the table:

-the chance to do different things in an open world with your friends with a real feel of a community

So, take out the latter and ask me if I would play the game with only the former? No.

The people, no matter how stupid, are the only thing that justify the existence of MMOs in the first place, I think. Without them it would be just a boring grind all by yourself in a static world that offers extremely limited interaction.

Got to agree with you here - what keep me to an MMO is the people in it. Without them I'd probably finish it twice and then move on, compared to 6-8 times with much chatting in between.

I might have bought it, depends really on how much impulse control I had the particular day.

2010-03-02, 02:30 PM
That's how I play it anyway.

2010-03-03, 05:30 AM
I would. WoW especially, since it's got a lot of story elements, although I'd probably get sick of the grinding and quit before I learned them all. Everquest 2 springs to mind as well - and that practically is a single-player game these days, especially at the lower levels and on the emptier servers.

2010-03-03, 05:41 AM
There are many single player games that offer slow, repetitive grinding for some non-story purpose; the Disgaea series is a great example.

That being said, though, I would not. The only thing keeping me playing games like Atlantica Online and Mabinogi are the social interactions, to the point that I spend many days sitting in town and talking. Remove the multiplayer interactions, and I might as well grind in Final Fantasy Tactics or some other game with a bit more of a challenge (if I don't decide to just play another game instead). Even though I am semi-interested in single-player grind, I get bored of them in one week, if that.

2010-03-03, 05:58 AM
I play DDO, and I usually only solo, so... it wouldn't make a difference. I guess the support net wouldn't be there if I needed it, but that's what hirelings and walkthroughs are for.

2010-03-03, 06:51 AM
since my favourite mmo (as it were) is Guild Wars, I would definitely say yes. They'd probably have to make a few changes to drop rates, turn traders into regular merchants with fixed prices, but you're actually already halfway there as it is. They could also allow a full party of heroes, since even with the henchmen skill update, customizing your entire team would be even better.

2010-03-03, 07:18 AM
I would still play it (World of Warcraft), but probably not to the extent I am now. As a hardcore roleplayer, it wouldn't be that fun if I didn't have anyone to roleplay with.

However, if they included such things as editors and cheats, I would definitely play it a lot.

2010-03-04, 12:52 AM
Yes... I'd actually enjoy most MMOs more as single player games. That's just because I'm usually more interested in just playing the game quietly and at my own pace than having to deal with all the stuff that comes along with a mass of players: kill stealing, spawn camping, spamming, begging, lag, trying to get a large group through a dungeon successfully, etc.

2010-03-04, 01:15 AM
Yes, yes i would have.

I'm actually not very fond of MMO's, i prefer single-player games.
Might have something to do with how most MMO's end up having such a crappy community, flaming and trolling everywhere i go!

Yay! Someone who agrees with me! :smallsmile: My significant other plays. I tried, once (wow and Aion) then gave up. I would have definitely continued if they were single-player games.

2010-03-04, 02:39 AM
If my favorite MMO, WoW, would be turned into a singleplayer, and the only thing that would change would be that they refitted everything so that you can play it alone, I would maybe play for a month or so, look at everyhing, do everything I always wanted to do. But I bet it would become real shallow soon. Outwitting the AI is no problem, and everything else is just moar EpiXXX. Without other people, it would soon become boring.

If they turned it into a REAL singleplayer game, kind of like Morrowind, with an open world and quests everywhere you go, but with more emphasis on story, character development and all the things that make a singleplayer RPG, I'd give my left arm to play it.