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Mystic Muse
2010-03-20, 10:28 PM
Eh, no need to lie to me. If you plan on doing something horrible I will stop you but I'll be a bit more tolerant of Necessary evils than big bad and boring over there would be. Miralukese. very important detail.:smalltongue:

2010-03-20, 10:37 PM
Jawa Trade Language: "Oh yes. I'm not so good at trading. Don't like it. Rather shoot things. Or fix things. Or blow things up. I'm much better at that. Profit is good though. And Jedi. Jedi are good. They'll keep people from harassing me. No one likes Jawas.

Mystic Muse
2010-03-20, 10:49 PM
what's he saying? she'll ask T in Miralukese

2010-03-20, 11:06 PM
Smugglers Den

During the conversation you notice the lack of a particular Jedi companion. Dorn has seem to have gone missing.

2010-03-20, 11:07 PM
Miralukese: "He says he's good at blowing things up and fixing things, and that he likes jedi. I think he's a much more... combat-oriented jawa, than most are. Should be a good ally to have."

Jawa Trade Language: "I think this partnership will work out nicely. Currently, we are trying to find out if there is smuggling activity in the caverns here. I do not think you are safe here, because there is evidence of Sith influence here. The jedi say that there is a void in the force here, or.. something."

Mystic Muse
2010-03-20, 11:12 PM
Isabella will say in common uh guys? where did big bad and boring go?

2010-03-20, 11:18 PM
Basic: "I... do not know. I do not believe he would abandon the mission, and we just received evidence that he has more to do here. Most likely, he went off to investigate something on his own. Hopefully we see him again."

Mystic Muse
2010-03-20, 11:19 PM
use the force check to try and see where Dorn went. [roll0]

Can't find him. whatever is surpressing the force is preventing me from finding him.

she'll say in common.

2010-03-21, 12:14 AM
"Well... I suppose we should continue on our way then. Let's get going. I'll take lead for now."

T takes lead, heading deeper into this maze of crates.

Stealth [roll0] and Perception [roll1].

Mystic Muse
2010-03-21, 12:25 AM
Isabella will follow keeping her lightsaber out.

2010-03-21, 12:26 AM
Smugglers Den A - Smugglers Den B

The maze continues on for a minute or so, until the darkness takes hold again. Once more isabella is not the only one blinded. A mixture of the worn-out lights in the warehouse shorting out, and natural darkness forces the area to go black.

The lot of you begin stumbling apon bits of scrap, tools, rocks, and anything else left behind by the previous (or current) owners. After sometime you come to a larger section of the cave. Using your arms, or other meens, to navigate you cannot seem to notice any crates in this area. The "section" you are in is wide, a light breeze blows through, and the soft growling of a viscious animal can be heard..... wait... what?

Mystic Muse
2010-03-21, 12:28 AM
umm. Did you just hear that?

2010-03-21, 12:28 AM
T takes out his glow rod and activates it to get a better look around for the growling sound. "I hope not?"

Mystic Muse
2010-03-21, 12:30 AM
Isabella will ignite her saber. Well, I did. If there's something there I'm not taking any chances.

2010-03-21, 12:34 AM
Smugglers Den B


The stick flares to life, and you can immediately see the source of the growling. A large, black-skinned hairless hound with deep yellow eyes glares at you. Thankfully a long chain is latched around it's neck. Try as it might the beast cannot break free to get to your throat.

Everyone - You see the room is spacious indeed, however looking back you noticed it wasent just tools and the like you were hitting your feet against, but bones and scraps of meat as well. In the spacious "den" you can see a single, large, ferocious black "dog". It's deep yellow eyes glare hungrily. It's stomach is almost non-existant. The beast is chained to the wall by an old, rusty chain, however it seems like it can't break free.


2010-03-21, 12:41 AM
T hisses at it, "Quis es vos?"

Sith'ari: What are you?

"Another one of these... I almost don't want to kill it."

Mystic Muse
2010-03-21, 12:43 AM
I do. The thing looks tortured, corrupted and starving. Killing it would end its suffering. Plus, what do you think you could do? I doubt you could tame it.

2010-03-21, 12:43 AM

The beast meerly growls, swinging a claw at you if you get too close.

2010-03-21, 12:54 AM
T smiles and tosses some meat to it, "Predator, devourer. Feed."

2010-03-21, 01:23 AM

The beast picks at the meat, it's eyes not moving from you. After awhile it chokes it down, but it's feirce attitude does not falter.

2010-03-21, 01:24 AM
"After you, Isabella. I'd rather not waste the ammunition." He gestures to the creature.

2010-03-21, 01:26 AM
U'kitii follows behind the group, having a much easier time maneuvering due to his dark vision. Entering the large cave, and seeing the beast within, he quickly draws his rifle and puts his back to a wall, scanning around to look for either a place to hide or anything else that may be lurking in the dark.


Mystic Muse
2010-03-21, 01:26 AM
hmm. I have an idea although it'd take a while to implement. I don't feel like going into melee range of one of these things again in my current state.

Isabella will pick several pieces of meat up and throw a piece to the beast.

2010-03-21, 01:42 AM
T is obviously growing impatient, and starts fiddling with something in his robes, "Can't we just kill it..?"

Mystic Muse
2010-03-21, 01:43 AM
Yes. However I'm not getting close enough to it for it to hurt me. If you want to, or if you want to just use your blaster feel free.

2010-03-21, 01:44 AM
He groans and take out his blaster, then shoots the thing. Attack [roll0] for [roll1] damage.

2010-03-21, 01:45 AM
U'kitii looks at T, shrugs, levels his rifle and fires off a shot.

Blaster Rifle[roll0]

2010-03-21, 01:48 AM
Smugglers Den B

Two quick blasts are heard, and the beast gives a short whine before it slumps over.

2010-03-21, 01:50 AM
With that issue taken care of, the Jawa starts the circle along the wall of the cavern, taking cover in the darkness and seeing if he can see anything in the dark that the others may not be able to.

Stealth [roll0]

2010-03-21, 01:51 AM
Assuming there is nothing else odd, T will continue onward with his glow rod out, but not activated.

Stealth [roll0]
Perception [roll1]

Mystic Muse
2010-03-21, 01:53 AM
I thank both of you. she'll say in common.

2010-03-21, 01:56 AM
Smugglers Den B - Smugglers Den C

The group continues further through the complex. Afterawhile the familiar feel of metallic crates returns. No doubt you're closing in on your destination. However as you advance you can hear the soft whirr of gears and servos, no doubt from an active droid. The creature makes little sound though, and has yet to be seen.

2010-03-21, 02:06 AM
He whispers to the jawa, "take a peek, see what type of droid that is."

2010-03-21, 02:15 AM
Jawa Trade Language "Stay here. You're loud."

The jawa moves ahead of the other two, trying to pinpoint the source of the noise without being seen, rifle at the ready.


2010-03-21, 02:23 AM

You move ahead about 10 squares, turning corners twice. After your short sprint you cometo see a single figure around the corner. It is a single, tall, humanoid-droid. A protocal droid if your not mistaken, except it holds a blaster in it's arms. It's head turns slowly to your direction, but you duck away in time.


2010-03-21, 02:30 AM
T peeks out to see what's going on, making sure to only take a quick look.

2010-03-21, 02:31 AM
Staying hidden, U'kitii racks his brain to see if he can pinpoint exactly what type of droid that is, or if he knows anything about it.

Knowledge (Technology) [roll0]

2010-03-21, 02:34 AM

You can recall the name "HK-Unit" in your past endeavors. You remember it being called a "protocal droid". It seems to match the description at least.

2010-03-21, 02:43 AM
Trying his best to avoid notice, he sneaks back to the other two to relay the information. He mumbles to his droid in what sounds like jibberish, which then relays the information.

"My master says 'HK droid. He has a blaster rifle. Doesn't make sense to me.'"

Stealth [roll0]

2010-03-21, 02:44 AM
T pauses to think, then whispers, "I could go say hello."

Mystic Muse
2010-03-21, 02:45 AM
May not be a good idea unless you can deal with him if goes completely hostile Isabella will whisper back.

2010-03-21, 02:48 AM
Whispered: "Well... that's what you two are for, yes? Just... Keep a close eye on me and the droid, just in case."

Miralukese: "If nothing else, it will spend time shooting at me instead of you."

T is going to walk out into the room with the droid calmly, unarmed, and say, "Hello there."

2010-03-21, 02:50 AM
U'kitii follows behind T, sticking to the shadows in case the meatbag needs backup, blaster rifle already in hand.

Stealth [roll0]

2010-03-21, 02:51 AM
Protocal Droid-

Greeting: Hello meatbag. You are aware you are tresspassing on private property.
Threat: I suggest you leave immediately

2010-03-21, 02:57 AM
"Is that so? I'm here on important business though. Business your master is rather interested in. Are you so sure you should be driving me out?"

2010-03-21, 02:58 AM
Deception [roll0]

2010-03-21, 03:18 AM
Protocal Droid-

Irrate Reply: I doubt that, you have no connections with my master or this organization.
Obvious Lie: However I do believe you are unthreatning enough to not cause any notable issues. Please, if you will just hand over your weapons I will lead you to my master.

2010-03-21, 03:21 AM
"You are a protocol droid, correct? This means you are fluent in thousands of languages. I wonder... Operor vos narro is lingua?"

Sith'ari: Do you speak this language?.

2010-03-21, 03:24 AM
Protocal Droid-

Obvious Clarification: (Sith'ari) I am fluent in every known language in the galaxy, and a few obscure ones. But this is irrelevent.
(Basic) Harsh Demand: Now, hand over your weapons so that we may complete this little venture of yours.

2010-03-21, 03:35 AM
T shrugs and tosses him the hold-out blaster, "I do not intend for violence here anyway. I am here on business, as previously stated."

Perception [roll0] is anyone watching, other than Isabella and the jawa? Any cameras, other people, etc.? Also, where does the path lead next after we deal with the droid?

2010-03-21, 03:38 AM
Protocal Droid-

Snide Remark: Very good, fool.

Hurried Clarification: I ment to say, very good, follow me.

Assuming you will do so, the droid will lead you deeper into the compound. As far as noticing other "people" watching you, it's too dark to notice much other then the walls.

Mystic Muse
2010-03-21, 03:40 AM
Isabella will sheathe her saber in her sleeve and hold onto it. hoping the droid doesn't see it and use her second wind. she will then Follow T deeper into the compound.

(she'll walk with both her hands in both her sleeves. I'm sure you've seen pictures of what that looks like before)

2010-03-21, 01:12 PM
T makes random conversation with the droid, trying to trick it into revealing details about its master (Deception [roll0]) while at the same time maintaining a noise cover of his own voice, to mask the sound of his allies following.

2010-03-21, 01:14 PM
(( Fair enough to assume you are all moving on? ))

Smugglers Den C - Patrol Station - Hallway A - Hallway B - Hallway C - Atrium

Either giving up your weapons, or hiding them on your person you begin following the protocal droid. The droid leads you fairly deep into the compound, moving through room after room. Along the way you see some notable areas within the compound. The first is a large, empty cave section with plenty of lighting. Within which are no less then 50 of the patrol droids you saw before. Along with them are some more unique brands, some probe droids, and one single, large, spider-esque droid.

Unless you attempt to stop before your destination you are then lead through a series of empty hallways. Each hallway has a series of doors along the way. Taking the occasional peek you can see things such as labs, storage rooms, and even what would appear to be a training facility. However you do not lose pace, keeping up with the so called "protocal" droid.

Finally you come to your destination. The droid leads you into a large, circular room. Unlike many of the others it has been re-modeled to lack any signs of cavern. The walls are a clean chrome, the floors hard white wood, and the door a heavy iron. In the middle of the room you see one thing, a young Twi'Lek girl in black robes. She sits on the floor in a metitative stance, a lightsaber visible on her belt.

Unless you have acted differently so far, the protocal droid will attempt to leave, if not stopped you will hear the large metal door slam shut, with the obvious clicks of a magnetic lock.

Mystic Muse
2010-03-21, 01:29 PM
Hello. I assume you are this droid's master?


crap. please tell me it isn't her. please tell me it isn't her.

2010-03-21, 01:33 PM
T smiles and remains silent, watching the twi'lek carefully.

2010-03-21, 01:36 PM

Twi'Lek- I am. However he has free will. And may act as he chooses. You shoulden't have come here. You should have ran far away. The girl remains in her meditative state, not even botherin to open her eyes.

2010-03-21, 01:40 PM
U'kitii conceals his weapon beneath his robes, and then follows the protocol droid through the caverns. He looks around anxiously as they walk, but with a certain sense of wonder and curiosity. Arriving in the large circular room, he mumbles to himself and looks around nervously, looking for somewhere to run should this turn ugly.

Stealth to conceal weapon [roll0]
Perception looking around the circular room [roll1]

Mystic Muse
2010-03-21, 03:31 PM
I came here because I desired a lightsaber crystal to call my own. I'm guessing you're the one causing the force suppression?

2010-03-21, 03:55 PM

Assassin Droid, please have things prepared for me, my meditation will be ending early today.

Protocal Droid-
Correction: I am a protocal droid madam, and I do not believe you should scare our gues-

Enough, you have not fooled them, so I feel no need to keep your identity a secret. Now, please excuse us while I catch up with an old friend 47.

The droid nods and moves out of the room. However you do not hear the door magnetically seal this time.

That would be my masters doing, he believes that the force makes us weak and that we can only find true power if we overcome such a weakness.

The Twi'Lek stands, her hood falling back to reveal her face. Although this matters little to any of you, isabella can sense it. Vague, but noticable, she has a sort of "familiraity" with her voice, her movements, and with her prescence.
Reaching into her robes she removes her lightsaber, igniting it and pointing it at isabella. The double bladed saber is a deep, forboding red and humms softly.

You should not have come. Your life is in terrible danger

Mystic Muse
2010-03-21, 03:58 PM
Isabella sighs and saysI was hoping it wasn't you. what did he do to you? Is he still here? she'll ask as she draws her lightsaber.

2010-03-21, 04:00 PM

He is tied up at the moment. It seems there was an intruder recently. I suspected it was your doing, but it seems there are others here as well.Please, do not make me fight you. It will end horribly for both of us.

Mystic Muse
2010-03-21, 04:04 PM
I can't make you fight me. If we fight it'll be because you chose to do so. I don't want to fight you but I can't allow your "master" to do what he wants. Don't your remember what Nihilus did? why are you trying to help somebody like that? she'll say as she ignites her lightsaber just in case. (after taking it out of her sleeve of course.:smalltongue:

2010-03-21, 04:09 PM

Unfortunately your mind is clouded. I cannot let you leave, but I do not wish to harm you. Prepare yourself.

You can feel the energy in the air getting tense. She obviously plans to attack you.

((If your gonna fighht then roll initiative. If not, then yeah))

Mystic Muse
2010-03-21, 04:11 PM
intiative. [roll0]

This is my fight. I don't want any of you helping me. she'll say.

2010-03-21, 04:17 PM
U'kitii looks at Isabella, looks at T, looks at Isabella, looks at T, shrugs, and trots over to the wall to watch.

Jawa Trade Language:"I don't want to die. I'll sit here. I think we let them fight. Not my fault if someone dies."

2010-03-21, 04:19 PM
Atrium / Hallway C


Isabella- 9
Twi'Lek- 8
Droids- 12

You and the Twilek quickly cross blades. Sparks fly with each swing as the battle gets underway. At that same moment the large metallic door slides open, revealing a small army of droids, at least 10. Each one is armed with blasters which begin firing at T and U'kitii.

((U'kitii and T roll initiatives))

2010-03-21, 04:56 PM

Mystic Muse
2010-03-21, 05:13 PM
Isabella strikes at the Twi'lek apprentice. [roll0]

Mystic Muse
2010-03-21, 05:16 PM
forgot to roll damage. [roll0]

2010-03-21, 05:16 PM
The jawa creates as much space as he can between himself and the door, rolling to a prone position before firing off a shot at the nearest droid.

Acrobatics to drop prone as free action [roll0]
Blaster Rifle[roll1]

2010-03-21, 05:43 PM
Miralukese: "No help!? She'll kill you! Have you ever fought a sith before?"

T looks back, calculating the number of droids between him and the way to Dorn, and analyzing the positions he remembers to figure out the quickest route through the droids.

Perception [roll0]
Knowledge (tactics) [roll1]

2010-03-21, 05:44 PM
Initiative [roll0]

2010-03-21, 05:53 PM

T- 7
Isabella- 9
Twi'Lek- 8
Droids- 12

Tumbling to the ground you line up a quick and deadly shot. One of the ten droids collapses to the ground, sparking wildly.

Immediately a barrage of lazers streams through the hallway. Each droid is putting out a shot a second, making a nearly unavoidable wall of red heat stream towards T and Ukitii. Amazingly enough every laser flys right over the short sharp shooter, and only a few manage to catch T.

((17 damage to T))

You and the sith Twilek match blow for blow, each swing being blocked and parried by her own. The only difference in the fight so far is the speed and ferocity with which she fights, you barely manage to avoid a few dire swings.

2010-03-21, 05:54 PM
Negate Energy [roll0]

Mystic Muse
2010-03-21, 05:57 PM
[roll0] Vs Twi'lek apprentice. (still need a different name)

[roll1] damage

2010-03-21, 05:57 PM
Content with his place in the firefight, U'kitii squeezes off another shot, trying to cut a hole through their formation.

Blaster Rifle[roll0]

2010-03-21, 06:02 PM
T tosses his other ion grenade to the jawa, "Take them out!" before throwing his knife at the sith girl (attack [roll0] for [roll1] damage).

2010-03-21, 06:09 PM
Your knife is sliced in two during the saber clash.

Another fantastic shot pierces through the crowed. And yet another droid falls.
((8 remain))

The barrage of lasers continue, each one flying by meerly by inches. The droids, although poorly built, are dangerously skilled. Both T and Ukitii manage to dodge this barrage efficiantly.

Aayla & Isabella
The clash continues, and despite Aayla's speed and ferocity she lacks skill. Not a single cut has been landed, and sparks continue to lash out through the air with each block.

2010-03-21, 06:12 PM
Takes cover and aims for one of the droids with his sonic disruptor, attack [roll0] for [roll1] sonic damage.

2010-03-21, 06:13 PM
U'kitii catches the grenade, examines it, and stuffs it in his cloak, ignoring T. He then squeezes off another shot.

Blaster Rifle[roll0]

Mystic Muse
2010-03-21, 06:18 PM
I told you not to help! If I die then I die but I won't have you helping me. You might kill her.



2010-03-21, 06:25 PM
The group quickly thins as yet another one droids, sparks filling the room with each new droid destroyed.

You continue returning fire, making little difference.

The barrage continues, shot after rapidly fired shot hitting the roof, floor, and generally anything that isent T or Ukitii. One stray blast does stick, however, and just barely manages to catch ukitii.
((17 damage to ukitii))

Isabella and Aayla
Your dual finally comes from it's stalemate as you manage to catch the twilek girl on her arm. She has little time to recover from the attack however as the battle continues. A lucky strike is made on her part however, and she manages to return the favor.
((5 damage))

2010-03-21, 06:27 PM
U'kitii lets out a resounding "UTINNI!!" before returning fire with more fervor.

Two swift actions to Shake it Off and move back up condition track.
Battle Rifle[roll0]

2010-03-21, 06:30 PM
"You'd better not bloody die!!" T darts over behind the apprentice and throws a punch at her back, "You stupid, stupid Jedi always act like your life is meaningless, it's not! You're going to beat this stupid ****, then we're going to go find the other Sith and tear them down as well!"

Unarmed attack [roll0] for [roll1] damage (if nonlethal exists in this system, it is nonlethal). Lead by Example!

Mystic Muse
2010-03-21, 06:35 PM


2010-03-21, 06:41 PM
You abandoned the battle at hand to interfere with isabella and her dual. This proves unwise, unfortunately. As you prepare to positon yourself to strike at the sith, she catches your arm with the back of her lightsaber, cutting deep. The wound is thankfully cartariced, but nonetheless painful.

You remain in the gun fight, seeing things go sour. You do not manage to hit any of the droids, however they equally miss you with every shot!

Isabella & Aayla
Your battle is shortly interrupted by a now injured "T". The sith apprentice manages to catch him with an attack while aptly defending your own attacks. The twilek then turns her attention to both of you, set on taking out the "annoyance" and remaining alive in this current fight.

Begone traitor. Your black soul will be your own downfall.

A sharp blow is delivered, cutting T deep, and forcing him to slump to the ground, unconscious.

((-10hp to T))

2010-03-21, 06:44 PM

U'kitii sets his blaster to autofire and begins spraying down the droids, forgoing accuracy for speed.

Blaster Rifle Autofire[roll0] to wherever he can hit the most droids.

2010-03-21, 06:46 PM
Force point to regain negate energy when she gets her attack of opportunity. On her turn when she attacks me, my minimum roll is still a success at 10, negate energy and spend a force point to heal the damage dealt. Fluffing it as him blocking the first attack and keeping his arm locked against the saber.

T pulls at the energy within himself; even if the force within living beings cannot connect to others to form the energy field, he has more than enough power inside himself to deal with so crude an object as this searing beam. He clashes his arm against the blade as the sith strikes at him. "I've already fallen, twice now I believe - that's nowhere near enough to stop me!" Despite the success of his gambit, the unleashed energies of the force clashing so tightly with a lightsaber blade still burn his arm and subject him to a large amount of pain.

Mystic Muse
2010-03-21, 07:13 PM
attack Aayla again. [roll0]


2010-03-21, 07:21 PM
You unleasha barrage of lazer fire, knocking down droid after droid. Their numbers dwindle to 3, and the battle is finally in your favor. All too quickly you see a twi'lek girl in black robes and with a red lightsaber run past you, slicing at the droids in the crowed as she heads deeper into the tunnels and out of sight.

As the battle rages on you see beads of sweat drip from Aayla's brow. Through her fatigue she makes error after error, many times leaving herself open for a desvestating attack. However she quickly outmanuevers you, making for the exit. With quick reflexes she jumps over you, and dashes for the cave systems, slicing down the remaining droids that Ukitii was fighting.
((She is withdrawing so no AoO))

((Out of Initiative. Battle won, barely. 1,020 XP for isabella and 1,400 for both Ukitii and T))

2010-03-21, 07:30 PM
U'kitii stands, brushes himself off, and though it's hard to tell, it looks like he's glaring at the other two party members. He then quickly moves to scavenge the droids for parts, mummering to himself.


2010-03-21, 07:32 PM
"If you die, you die!? What the bloody hell was THAT!? Did you honestly expect me to leave after you say something like that??"

Mystic Muse
2010-03-21, 07:41 PM
No, not at all. But I could easily have gotten through that battle on my own. Next time me and her face off don't help me

2010-03-21, 07:50 PM
"Fine then, jedi, glorify yourself in martyrdom if it makes you feel better, I don't care. I'm going to go find my ride off this blasted rock, and make sure he doesn't get himself killed."

T starts heading off, quickly, the deeper into the caverns to try to find Dorn.

Jawa Trade Language: "I apologize for leaving you hanging like that, had she lost that fight the Sith would have killed us both."

2010-03-21, 07:53 PM
Compound Map

Smugglers Den A-C
Patrol Room
Hallway 1
- Medical Bay
- Training Grounds

2010-03-21, 07:55 PM
Jawa Trade Language:"I understand. She is your mate. Can we leave now?"

2010-03-21, 08:04 PM
T does a double take and almost shouts, Basic: "She-WHAT!?"

Then lowers his voice and says in a much more frustrated tone, Jawa Trade Language: "She is no such thing, she is a skilled warrior who happens to be willing to fight alongside me for the time being - we aren't even friends! Let's just.. go... find the other stupid jedi."

T heads off to the Medical bay.

2010-03-21, 08:06 PM
Jawa Trade Language:"She will make a good mate then."

U'kitii shrugs and skulks off down the halls, seeing if he can figure out where the Twi'lek went.


2010-03-21, 08:14 PM
Jawa Trade Language: "I'm sure, for someone other than me - assuming she survives that long."

Basic: "Let's check the medical bay. There might be something useful there, and it's as good a place as any to look for Dorn."

Mystic Muse
2010-03-21, 08:16 PM
Fine with me. I bet she's going back to her master and I don't think that I can take him and her alone. she's just an apprentice but he's a freaking master that took out a Jedi master.

2010-03-21, 08:18 PM
Medical Bay
The compound seems eerily quiet with no living beings around any longer. However, things are about to get worse. You step through the doorway to the medical bay, a immediate chill grabs you. The room is increadibly cold, and silent. The lights are bright and flourecent, and you can see the room clearly. Around the room are about twelve Bacta tanks, each with creatures floating in them. Most seem to house the odd "assassins" you've encountered before, lacking their outfits. It is a disgusting sight, seeing deformed humanoids floating in a soft green liquid. Most seem to be humans, however the seems to be a few of other races. Namely Cathar, Twilek, Wookie (hairless), Feeorin, and the most inconspicous one, Miralukan. Inside the last of the tanks is something completely unique. It's unlike any race you've seen in the galaxy so far.


Mystic Muse
2010-03-21, 08:25 PM
Any clue what this Last one is? she'll say pointing at the strange alien.

2010-03-21, 08:26 PM
The jawa tilts his head this way and that before approaching the closest tank, trying to discern exactly WHAT it's doing and HOW it's doing it.


2010-03-21, 08:29 PM
T draws his sith lightsaber and impales an assassin mutant.

2010-03-21, 08:34 PM
After close examination you determine that the technology uses micro-bacteria in the greenish water to speed up cell mitosis and allow for a far quicker healing rate. Along with the other materials in the tank you can determine that these tanks have been customized to apply a series of implants and cybernetics within the shortest amount of time possible, while having 0% risk to the subjects life.


You cut the tank, forcing the glass to break and strike you in a shower of fluids, glass, and a human body. Your arms and face are rittled with tiny cuts.

Mystic Muse
2010-03-21, 08:36 PM
Isabella will impale the other assassins to end their suffering.

2010-03-21, 08:37 PM
T walks over to another tank, and tries stabbing the mechanisms that control it.

2010-03-21, 08:37 PM
U'kitii reports his knowledge to his droid, which then passes it along to the others in clear basic, followed with a "I think I can sabotage it." He waits patiently for some guidance.

Mystic Muse
2010-03-21, 08:42 PM
Sounds good to me. Isabella will respond.

2010-03-21, 08:43 PM
The creature in the last tank hovers, bobbing gently within the bacta as myriad cables and electrodes wrap around its withered and emaciated frame like strangling tentacles. Shrouded within the gloom of the tank, the alien is difficult to make out at first, but as four glowing emerald eyes suddenly snap open, the rest of its form becomes clear.

The creature is enormous, nearly seven and a half feet tall with long, reverse-jointed legs ending in wicked predatory talons. A long, sinuous tail sprouts from the base of its spine, capped with a formidable-looking blade that brushes against the glass occasionally. Its body appears to be covered in thick, reddish scales, its spindly arms ending in awkward three-fingered hands that press against the glass wall of the tank in a mute plea for freedom. Its piercing, reptilian emerald eyes glow brightly amidst the murkiness of the bacta, and its head is topped with a second pair of eyes on what appear to be flexible, prehensile stalks that currently hang limply, drifting with the current inside the tank.

The alien struggles briefly within its prison as it watches you begin to embark on a swathe of destruction. Suddenly, an echoing, telepathic voice enters your minds through the Force, pleading, <Wait! Get me out of here! I am not one of them!>

Mystic Muse
2010-03-21, 08:47 PM
As you wish. How do you propose we get you out of there without hurting you?

2010-03-21, 08:52 PM
U'kitii moves to the last tank and begins opening the machinery, tugging at wires, and generally causing controlled mayhem in an attempt to disable the machine and release the imprisoned...... thing.

Reroll if less than 20[roll1]

2010-03-21, 08:53 PM
T tries thinking back to it through the force <Can you hear me? Does this work? Yes? No? Am I thinking really hard for no reason?>

2010-03-21, 08:57 PM
The alien gestures helplessly at the cables embedded into its flesh, then points its tail towards the console in front of its tank.

<That console should have controls and readouts about this chamber,> it explains. <These cables feed me nutrients and take blood and tissue samples at regular intervals, as well as providing me air. I cannot see the panel from this angle, so I have not been able to manipulate the controls myself. This is a hunch, but I am guessing that there should be controls regulating the level of bacta in the chamber, as well as the precise attachment settings and airflow settings for these cables. Walking backwards through what they did to put me in here, you should probably begin by retracting the tissue and nutrient cables. They are embedded into me, so it will hurt, but there is no other way to do it that I know of. Next, the bacta fluid will have to be drained. Lastly, the airflow should be disconnected and the tank emptied. There should be an Eject button at the end of the procedure that opens the tank.>

2010-03-21, 09:04 PM
The procedure goes quickly and with few issues. Despite being new to this level of technology ukitii handles it aptly with the aliens help. Most of the other chambers are destroyed, their subjects spilled on the floor in a disgusting slew of bacta fluids, blood, and glass. The alien however, escapes his prison easily and eloquintly.

2010-03-21, 09:05 PM
T kicks a sith assassin. "So, new guy... What should we call you, and what do you do to keep yourself alive when bad guys come shooting at you?"

2010-03-21, 09:15 PM
The alien lies on the floor, its ribs heaving as it gasps in the outside air, green blood oozing from the open wounds on its body where the cables were extracted. <Thank you, wanderers, for your unexpected and timely mercy,> its telepathic voice echoes again in the party's minds.

The creature groans a bit and heaves itself to its talons, looming head and shoulders over the rest of the party, seemingly unconcerned about its naked body as it gazes down at them with a piercing stare.

The prehensile eyestalks on its skull twist around to look at T in passing, then they widen and the creature whirls around, staring in shock at T's red lightsaber. Its deadly tail snaps up into an aggressive posture as the alien backs away from T warily, hands raised warningly. Its glowing eyes stare at him in a mixture of puzzlement and fear. <Have you come back to torture me some more, Sith?> The creature hisses at him telepathically.

Mystic Muse
2010-03-21, 09:32 PM
T isn't a Sith. he isn't exactly what I'd call good but he isn't one of them. I have a red lightsaber on me too but I got that from a Sith assassin. Here's my lightsaber she'll say igniting her blue one.

2010-03-21, 09:32 PM
T de-activates the saber and allows it float back into a hidden place in his dress clothes, before taking on a surprised look, "I would do no such thing! I am an adept of the force, not one of these vile Sith. I mean.. I'm not the most noble person, but these people... no, things, are monsters. I just took this saber from one that tried to kill me a while back, I'm trying to learn to use it more effectively." He glances over at Isabella and says, "Though the Sith may be right on one thing, Jedi can be very stupid, as I have recently learned... Very kind, fun to be around perhaps, but occasionally just stunningly stupid."

Mystic Muse
2010-03-21, 09:41 PM
Isabella glares at T as he feels like he's been hit by a small stone.

So, what is it that you do and what are you exactly?I've never seen one of you in the galaxy before.

2010-03-21, 10:11 PM
"Yeah... A telepathic, something? Does this mean you're attuned to the Force?"

Use the Force [roll0] to splash bacta fluids at Isabella. Playfully, not being mean.

2010-03-21, 10:46 PM
The alien slowly relaxes and its tail lowers down to rest on the ground. <Forgive my rudeness; my relations with the Sith have not been entirely friendly in the past,> it admits. It then straightens up and executes a solemn bow towards the party. <My name is Thaedras Jonaleth Kel'sai Teldarion Cy'anthos,> the alien declares. <I am a member of the Kelfiirian race, hailing from what you call the Unknown Regions, and I am a member of the Jedi Order specializing in telekinesis and turning my foes' attacks against them.>

Thaedras sighs. <I have been here for what feels like a very, very long time...I have lost count of how long I was imprisoned in that....that tube. I was captured in battle by the Sith who then brought me here to this...laboratory, I suppose you could call it. They tried to turn me into a twisted Sith abomination, much like those other poor creatures.> Thaedras gestures at the crumpled bodies of the tubes' former inhabitants littering the floor. <They had little idea of what my body was capable of. After....a dozen attempts? Two? They all blur together...After they failed, they settled for simply torturing me, thriving off my telepathic agony and using it to fuel their twisted source of power...I do not even know what year it is anymore.>

The Kelfiirian Jedi shudders. <I have no desire to recount what they did to me. It was unspeakable, and shall remain so. It has been a long, long time since I walked on my own two legs again.>

Thaedras glances an eyestalk towards T. <Yes, I am a natural telepath,> the alien explains. <It is as easy as breathing for me, much like auditory speech is for all of you. It is a natural manifestation of the Force among my people.>

Thaedras ponderously gets down on one knee, an interesting sight as its triple-jointed legs flex strangely to lower it down. <I am more grateful than I can express, and I owe you all my life.> The alien looks up at the party with all four reptilian eyes. <Command me,> it says simply, <for my blade and my powers are yours.>

2010-03-21, 11:07 PM
Miralukese: "I am amazed... I have never encountered a nobleman who could match this level of pretentiousness in speech. Much less a strange, scaly, naked red lizard creature. And it speaks into your head... Wow, just WOW. We have encountered a being with the ability to be more annoying I am. I do believe this counts as a challenge to my skill at being overly verbose and pretentious while driving those around me to the brink of madness."

Basic: "This is impressive."

Mystic Muse
2010-03-21, 11:09 PM
Tell us what you can about this Sith lord. He would have been walking around with a Blue Twi'lek.

2010-03-21, 11:32 PM
It's hard to read emotions in a mouthless reptilian face, but the rippling of Thaedras' eyestalks looks a bit puzzled. <Sith Lord...? That would explain....>

The alien shakes its head. <Every so often, between....sessions...a man and a young Rutian Twi'lek would come in and watch...watch me bleed. The other Sith paid great reverence to him, and if he ever deigned to notice me shouting in his skull, he did not show it. Beyond that, however, I fear I have little information to give. Having my arm ripped off is somewhat distracting,> Thaedras adds darkly, <even if it does grow back later.>

Mystic Muse
2010-03-21, 11:34 PM
While I do not wish to remind you of a past like that I'm afraid I must ask one more question. Did the Twi'lek delight in your pain?

2010-03-21, 11:44 PM
Thaedras shakes its head. <I think she did, but I do not trust my own assessment under those circumstances. I might be wrong, she could be entirely unrelated.>

((OOC: I have no clue who you guys are talking about lol, so I'll leave it ambivalent.))

2010-03-22, 01:40 PM
"We've spent too much time here already, Dorn may be at the mercy of a sith lord right now. Let's carry on. Thaedras, you are free to come along - we are going to find another jedi ally of ours."

T heads out through hallway 1 to the Training Grounds in search of Dorn.

2010-03-22, 02:13 PM
Training Grounds

((I will post concerning T, but it applies all who will follow him))

Leaving the medical bay you quickly make your way to the training grounds. Just before entering through the heavy metal doors you feel it, a powerful force, or lack there-of. A void, the focus of the void you have felt before. Your body turns cold, and your heart beats impossibly slow. You fear no good can come of this.

Pressing on you see it, an epic dual being had between the gruff, albeit noble Jedi Dorn, and the dark force you could only see fit to label as "sith lord". Dorn and this monster are locked in a heated dual, niether making any progress on the other. Taking a closer look you can see the monstrous sith in full. It's face is hideaously scarred, burnt, and ruined. You can barely make out a single eye in the mess of tortured flesh. His mouth is nothing more then a thin gash at this point. The monster wears a large sith-soilder uniform, like those in the great sith war and jedi cival war wore.

Apon entering the room you feel as if all connection to the force has faded. In this unhallowed sanctum you cannot find the prescence of the power which give jedi their strength.

The battle quickly turns sour, before you can act. The sith lord gets a few quick strikes in, severing one of Dorn's arms at the shoulder. However, before the sith lord can finish him, dorn acts quickly, repelling the sith lord long enough to make his escape. You find him running towards you, towards the entrance, the sith lord not far behind.

Dorn Hurry, we have to leave now!

2010-03-22, 03:07 PM
"I agree entirely, we need to leave VERY quickly!" T takes out his lightsaber and destroys the control panel to seal the door shut as soon as Dorn is out of the room, then runs.

Mystic Muse
2010-03-22, 03:47 PM
****! RUN! she'll say to the new ally guy.

2010-03-22, 07:54 PM
As the others turn to run, they notice that U'kitii is already several steps ahead of them, covering his head with his hands, his little feet scurrying as fast as they possible can.

"Nekkel juuvar obwegadada!" which, judging by the tone and inflection, means he isn't saying anything he'd be saying around his mother.

2010-03-22, 08:13 PM
Chase Scene ((Unless anyone has anything they want to do DURING this chase, I will move you guys on to a...less lethal part in the story.))

The six of you dash off through the compound. You pass by the ruins and remains of the damages you've inflicted. At every turn you find that the sith lord is hot on your trail, and gaining quickly. Your chase comes to a halt as dorn, in the lead, stops a few meters before the exit of the cave. You run past him, only long enough to see him lob a small, brown grenade into the room with all the large boxes. The sith lord is closing in fast, and it is almost too close, but thankfully all of you escape on the head of a ragining inferno. The explosion from Dorn's explosive, no doubt combined with whatever was in those storage Crates, had created an explosion large enough to nearly collapse the entire cave-network. All around you you see foothills begin to collapse and shift.

You escape the sith lord, but at what cost?

2010-03-22, 08:51 PM
U'kitii, breathless and heaving, turns slowly around, a predatory look in his gleaming orange eyes. He pauses for a few slow seconds and then rambles off a furious stream of Jawa curses and insults and expletives that seems like it goes on for several minutes, waving his arms and pointing at each of the others in turn. Finally, he takes a breath, and then his droid chimes in.

"My master says he is very angry with all of you."

2010-03-22, 09:15 PM
"I did say I would make this worth your while - I owe you for the assistance. I believe we are going to see more jedi shortly, our friend Dorn's mission has been completed. You are free to come with us, but either way, please take this."

T hands the jawa a mine (deals 6d6 sonic damage) as an initial reward for the assistance and adds, "The sith will come to this planet seeking answers.. You will not be safe here."

2010-03-22, 09:17 PM
The jawa eyes T warily, then quickly snatches the trinket and shoves it in his cloak.

Jawa Trade Language:"I think Jedi are less good than I did before. Sith are worse. Where is your ship?"

2010-03-22, 09:42 PM
"Dorn? I believe this is your area. The jedi council, will likely want all of our testimony as to the events here. We saw different things about the Sith compared to your experience. As such, it would be prudent to bring us with you."

Jawa Trade Language: "Thank you for your help, again. I will maintain a steady watch for ways to make this worth your time. If you want to help me with this goal, would you mind trying to get some information from Dorn regarding his ship, and this jedi council he works for? I would like some time to think on this, as I am sure you would too."

Mystic Muse
2010-03-22, 09:49 PM
Isabella panting will sayIt's her. she's alive. ****! ****! ****!

I can't believe she's alive. I don't know how I should be reacting to this. She's alive but she's a freaking Sith.

2010-03-22, 09:50 PM

The Jedi rubs his freashly cauterized arm joint, and speaks softer then usual.
Your right, The council will want to know of what has transpired this day.
He then pulls a small communications device out of his pocket, and speaks into it.

My ship will be touching down shortly.
Dorn slumps onto the ground in a metitative state.

2010-03-22, 09:57 PM
Miralukese: "She is, yes.. And as I have recently seen, the power the Sith tap has the ability to control you against your will. I believe am beginning to see why the jedi fight so hard against the dark side - your friend, was not herself, correct? It must have been like she was... someone else entirely, almost.." T seems worried, concerned, though it isn't clear what about.

Mystic Muse
2010-03-22, 10:00 PM
I haven't seen her in years. I don't know whether she was herself or not. However, if she was being controlled she wouldn't have called me out and asked me to leave. I......just don't know how to take this. she says crying a bit.

2010-03-22, 10:15 PM
"Dorn, how long will it take to get to our destination?"

Miralukese: "Well then... We will have to figure it out, won't we? I know the darkness, I know the Sith. I can use that, to help you with this."

2010-03-22, 10:34 PM
With that question you see the valley quickly shrouded by an emmense shadow. Although the ship itself is that of a collosal, it seems inadiquate compaired to most space vessels.

About a week or two. Now get aboard, time is of the esscence.

Dorn climbs aboard the ship as it docks.


Mystic Muse
2010-03-22, 10:36 PM
Okay, We should go to the Jedi council and inform them of this new threat. We can't afford to stay her any longer I don't think. If the Jedi council can't do anything I believe we're quite thoroughly screwed

2010-03-22, 10:40 PM
U'kitii follows dutifully behind Dorn onto the ship, but then excitement takes over. Ecstatic at finally being on a ship that he's supposed to be on, he runs off and begins examining things, figuring out what they do and how to work them. Looking for nooks, crannies, and anything in between.


OOC: Whatever roll is appropriate to figure out all the functions and trinkets the ship has, as well as where there might be any hiding places in case things start to go badly.

2010-03-22, 10:49 PM
T starts climbing aboard the vessel and says to her on miralukese, "Even if they can't - I will. A being that destroys the Force where it goes will not be permitted to live."

Mystic Muse
2010-03-22, 10:51 PM
Agreed. If they can't help us we'll do it ourselves.

2010-03-22, 10:56 PM
Thaedras plods after the group steadily, still weary as its pitifully underused leg muscles cry out in agony at every step. The alien simply steels itself against the pain, knowing that to complain of it would do nothing to improve it. Instead, the naked alien collapses into one of the seating areas in the ship with a telepathic groan of relief, closing its luminous reptilian eyes as it waits for the rest of the party to prep the ship.

2010-03-22, 11:00 PM
"Regardless what stands in our way! Hah hah! But first, I need to check out this ship. Want to come with?"

Jawa Trade Language: "I request you figure out what the internal defenses of the ship are. Security cameras, lasers, traps, steam vents, anything that might stand to harm us if we are attacked and something malfunctions."

Mystic Muse
2010-03-22, 11:04 PM
Isabella will ask Dorn Does this ship have any offensive systems or defenses? Lasers would be nice but invisibility would be much more effective I think.

2010-03-22, 11:13 PM

The ship has the following rooms and equipment:

1. Bridge
-Navigation Protocal Droid
2. Stairs to upper and lower decks
3. Crew Lounge
- Games Table
- Food Supply
4. Airlock/Dorsal Hatch
-Lift to the Ships Exterior
5. Crew Cabins (5)
6. Engine Room
-Outdatted Engine
- 3rd Degree Hyperdrive
- Sparking Bits
7. Forward Crawlspace (2)
- Used for storage (Holds Parts, Food, Equipment, etc)
8. Cargo Hold
- 1 Broken Speeder Bike
- 1 T1-Bulk Loader Droid
9. Junk Receptacles
10. Boarding Ramps
11. Air conditioning Vents


Actually no, we are pretty much sitting ducks. The hyperdrive has even been acting up lately.

Dorn takes a seat at the navicomputer next to the navigation protocal droid.

Hold on tight

You feel the ship begin to rattle violently as you become airborn, heading into the void of space.

2010-03-22, 11:21 PM
Stealing a few pieces of food from the crew supply, U'kitii then makes his way back up to the cockpit. He points at Dorn and then looks up at T.

Jawa Trade Language:"Tell him I'm fixing his ship. Ask what needs fixing first."

2010-03-22, 11:24 PM
"Dorn, what needs fixing? The jawa wants something to do."

2010-03-22, 11:28 PM

That's fine.

The jedi tells you, waving your question away as he works on the ships navicomputer.


Places that will looked damaged to you...

* Airlock
* Engine Room
* Speeder
* Loader Droid

2010-03-22, 11:48 PM
T goes with Dorn to watch him fiddle with the navicomputer, and pays attention to the activities of the "crew" over the next week, spending his time alone meditating and practicing with his lightsaber to try to develop a more cohesive combat style for himself. He spends a good amount of time talking to Isabella about jedi philosophy as well, explaining to her that he has become worried that the "dark side" might be an actual controlling force, that could be affecting him in ways he does not understand.

Mystic Muse
2010-03-22, 11:52 PM
Isabella spends her time talking with T, Meditating and HEALING. she'll occasionally train with T in lightsaber combat as well.

2010-03-23, 12:35 AM

The 15 days go by rather uneventful. You take your time out to study, train or relax. Whether it's a friendly game of pazzak, or sparing in the cargo bay you find a way to pass the horribly uneventful two weeks. However, something strange happens on the 15th day. Only seconds after comming out of orbit the ship loses all power. The lights go out, the doors lock you in whatever rooms you were in, and the ship's thrusters die.

No matter where you were trapped you can hear something strange through the air vents. It sounds like fighting. The bridge is locked to all of you unfortunately.

((So, pick a location to be "stuck in" other then the bridge. T has special privlages based on the plot. Nothing game breaking though. And yes you can break out of your trapped area, if your reasourcful.))

((Also everyone level up. Meenng if you had just 10 XP away from leveling, you have 10XP from leveling to the level after that.))

2010-03-23, 01:01 AM
T is trapped in the bridge, clutching a heavy wound and trying to repair the power to the ship to some degreee.

Mechanics [roll0]

2010-03-23, 03:42 AM
Thaedras has spent the last 15 days talking with the other members of the party, listening to their exploits and catching itself up on the latest galactic current events that had transpired during its imprisonment. It had managed to liberate a lightsaber and a set of robes form the Sith base before their escape, as well as one or two other items, and much of its time was spent meditating upon the crimson saber, disturbed by the evil whispers that seemed to speak in the alien's mind whenever it grasped the hilt. In an effort to dispell these, the lanky Kelfiirian sometimes joined Isabella and T in their sparring sessions. Other times, Thaedras would practice against small training remotes in reflecting blasterfire.

Of late, Thaedras had taken to practicing its telekinetic skills to reawaken them after its long captivity. Most of this was harmless parlor tricks such as juggling salt shakers in the kitchen or levitating small crates in the cargo hold. In fact, it was in the middle of Thaedras' attempts to telekinetically stack all the pieces of the game board in the Crew Lounge atop each other that the lights suddenly go out.

For a being of Thaedras' telepathic experience, it is not difficult to locate the two beacons in the Force that are struggling in the bridge of the ship, but the alien's attempts to communicate with them are blocked out by the duelists' concentration on the battle.

Thaedras instead contacts Isabella, the only other Jedi on the ship that it knows of. <We have a problem,> the alien informs her tersely, its telepathic "voice" echoing in her mind as it narrows to include her alone. <I can sense fighting on the bridge in addition to the ship losing power. I can probably cut my way there, but I am reluctant to damage the ship any further.>

2010-03-23, 08:31 AM
For the long 15 days U'kitii has been stuck on this ship, he has worked diligently at repairing the things that needed repairing. Starting with the biggest problem and working his way down, he manages to occupy himself well.

As he finishes repairs on the loader droid, the ship loses power. Cursing, he looks around quickly before heading for the door and pulling wires and switches to force it open.

Fixing Engine Room [roll0]
Fixing Airlock [roll1]
Fixing Speeder Bike [roll2]
Fixing Loader Droid [roll3]

Shorting out the door to force it open [roll4]

2010-03-23, 08:33 AM
Rerolling Mechanics for shorting out door

2010-03-23, 10:53 AM
T stops to focus himself, recovering from the pain (2 full rounds spent going back up the condition track), then tries to jury-rig the controls to ensure a safe landing on the planet below. Taking 10 on my mechanics check for a 21.

2010-03-23, 11:10 AM
Crash Landing

The ship continues to shake violently without power, however you can sense it in the force, you do not feel in danger, at least not immediately. Despite any further actions the ship continues to rattle violently until finally you feel it crash into solid earth. Although the impact had knocked you off your feet, it was not bad enough to harm anyone. With power totally down on the ship, and stranded on an alien planet, Deja Vu sets in.


You manage to get the ships controls back online, at least for awhile. Taking controls you begin aiming the ship for what looks like the last recorded route. The ship enters the planets atmosphere, and quickly you can see it's surface. A lush green planet, very little of which is open plains. The majority of the planet seems to be swamp land or small colonies/cities. Your ship quickly, but carefully, jetesons towards the middle of one of the many large swamps. After minutes you can see it, a small Jedi Temple lost in the swamp. It seems abandoned. However this is the corodinates the ship had last, and thats where you plan to crashland.


Over the course of the week you alone make this ship run far more efficiantly. You have single handedly taken the ship up to nearly perfect functionality. Which makes the blackout confuse you. Through your efforts you get the door to the garage open, however your no better off in the rest of the ship as you were in the garage.

2010-03-23, 11:20 AM
Thaedras groans as it climbs to its talons again and shakes its head glumly. This was not the grand escape it had envisioned from its captivity. Still, anything was better than that horrible tank. However, as the alien glances around, it notes that the ship is still without power and the doors out of the Crew Lounge are just as sealed as ever.

2010-03-23, 11:27 AM
U'kitii continues to make his way towards the bridge, rifle in hand, disabling or breaking doors as he goes and as is necessary. He curses himself, wondering why the power would go out after all his hard work. It was probably one of those jedi. They always break things. Grimacing, he begins walking more slowly, hiding in the shadows. He was going to get revenge on whoever messed up his work.

Stealth [roll0]
Mechanics [roll1]

2010-03-23, 11:59 AM
T remains focused on piloting the vessel, trying to avoid damaging it - it would be nice to be able to use the ship again. Pilot 19, taking 10.

Mystic Muse
2010-03-23, 11:59 AM
Isabella, stuck in the sleeping quarters responds <looks like the fighting has stopped. no need to worry about it anymore I guess. although it's a possibility one of our allies is heavily injured. we might have to break through anyway. Try and contact the Jawa, Dorn the big Jedi missing an arm, and T, the guy you mistook as a Sith..>

2010-03-23, 12:39 PM
T sends a telepathic message to Isabella, sounding extremely pained, "Help..." Then returns to focusing on his piloting efforts and recovering from the internal agony of using the Force.

Mystic Muse
2010-03-23, 12:40 PM
<never mind. sounds like T got badly hurt. I'll have to break out of here.>

Isabella will use her saber to break through the door and try and get to the bridge.

2010-03-23, 12:54 PM
When Isabella arrives, T is holding himself up against the controls, steering the ship down to the planet's surface. The corpse of Dorn, cut clean in two across the chest, lays in the corner across the room and T has a large gash from a lightsaber cut across his chest and into one of his shoulders. He looks extremely weak, and very shaken right now.

Mystic Muse
2010-03-23, 12:59 PM
Isabella will use vital transfer on T [roll0] I take half the damage I heal rounded down.

T you heal HP equal to 4 times your character level and Isabella takes damage equal to half that rounded down.

what the hell happened here? she asks

2010-03-23, 01:07 PM
"Dorn decided to confront me.. He believed that my actions with you were an attempt at getting close to you so as to turn you to the dark side, and that I would transmit the location of his jedi masters to my own dark lords, when we arrived. I tried to tell him that's not true, but he assumed I was lying. He drew his saber, I drew mine, he told me to lay down my weapon and allow myself to be searched and taken to the jedi as a prisoner, I told him that I absolutely would not do that, as they were likely to kill me for being what I am. The Jedi and Sith are at war, neither side has proven to have a habit of taking prisoners. There was a fight, and he used some strange power of the Force to... cut me off, from the Force. Trying to feel it, trying to connect, is hurts, it was almost unbearable just to send you that message... I resorted to my saber and lunged at him, and the blow was fatal... The power systems were damaged, thus the failure of the systems..." He is still shaking, partially from pain, though not as much so now that she has healed him some.

Mystic Muse
2010-03-23, 01:15 PM
perception to tell if he's lying. [roll0]

okay. It's a shame he had to die but if you were defending yourself from him killing you I guess I can let it go.

she'll then go over to Dorn corpse and take the Holocron and his lightsaber.

we'll give the lightsaber to the council to tell them that Dorn is dead. If we aren't on coruscant we can't afford to leave the body in the ship. It'll rot and not only will it stink up the ship forever, all manner of animals will constantly be attracted by the smell of dead rotting meat.

2010-03-23, 01:27 PM
"And if the Jedi we seek to find here don't take it so well? Being taken prisoner is still a danger, unless I can hide my nature from them.. It's fine if they think me a stumbling adept, they'll probably be relatively fine, if a bit suspicious. Are you willing to keep what I am, or rather was, hidden? Even from them?" T takes out his sonic disruptor, and disintegrates the lower half of Dorn's body.

Mystic Muse
2010-03-23, 01:34 PM
If they're willing to kill just because you use the dark side of the force occasionally I have no loyalty to them.

2010-03-23, 01:37 PM
<I cannot feel Dorn at all,> Thaedras admits to Isabella, <and I do not believe the Jawa will be able to respond to me. I will cut my way out and meet you outside the ship.>

Thaedras shrugs and ignites the lightsaber it found in the Sith base and goes to work as well, attempting to cut its way free of the Crew Lounge.

Mystic Muse
2010-03-23, 01:45 PM
<Dorn's dead. He attacked T and T was forced to act in self defense.>

Isabella puts the holocron in her pack.

2010-03-23, 03:20 PM
Jedi Temple Landing Dock

Although the ship is badly damaged it can be repaired with minimal effort. The ship is currently disabled, and will take a few days to get back up and running. All four of you are in the bridge now, having either cut or hacked your way inside. None of you have reason to disbelieve T, his tale is geniune.

Outside the bridge's largest window you can see you are stranded in a sort of vast swampland. To some of you, this area may be familiar. Right outside the ship is a large, ruined looking temple, crafted in the way the jedi would from ancient times. You have no doubt in your mind this is where the council is hiding.

(Knowledges to get a baring on your surrondings/ general history)

Mystic Muse
2010-03-23, 03:21 PM
okay. let's see [roll0] yay! a good roll!

2010-03-23, 03:40 PM
T tries to figure out where he is, what this place is, other than a deathtrap set by the jedi, waiting to crush him. Going to face a council of Jedi Masters, and he, not even an Apprentice level Sith yet? This does not bode well - trickery, he figures, will be his only method of survival... Just as usual.

Knowledge (galactic lore) [roll0]

2010-03-23, 03:57 PM

You identify this place as Belnar. The Khil home planet. However you were unaware that there was a jedi temple, even one as old as this, on this planet. The planet is primarily swamplands, with over 90% of it being uncultivated swamp and marshes.

Landing Pad

The landing pad is scorched, and cracked slightly thanks to your harsh landing. The jedi temple sits about 50 yards away, towering over you all, leaving you in awe.

2010-03-23, 04:03 PM
Thaedras stares out the window, its glowing emerald eyes haunted as it gazes at the structure, trying to dig down into centuries of memories.


2010-03-23, 04:10 PM
((Grr, let's try that again.


2010-03-23, 04:12 PM

You identify this place as Belnar. The Khil home planet. However you were unaware that there was a jedi temple, even one as old as this, on this planet. The planet is primarily swamplands, with over 90% of it being uncultivated swamp and marshes

Mystic Muse
2010-03-23, 04:34 PM
Well, this is Belnar, the home planet of the Khil. What master Ak'tun was. I guess there's nowhere to go but into the council at this point.

2010-03-23, 05:18 PM
The towering reptilian Jedi nods in agreement with Isabella. <Indeed it is,> Thaedras concurs in its spectral tones, <though I am surprised to find a Jedi Temple here. Hopefully they will grant us the sanctuary we need.>

Mystic Muse
2010-03-23, 05:32 PM
Isabella will make a use the force check to see if there's anybody in there first. [roll0]

Bah, horrible roll. She probably doesn't see anybody in there so she'll go on in.

2010-03-23, 05:53 PM
U'kitii crawls from the ship, grumbling and kicking at rocks, roots, and mud. He spends ample time glaring at everyone, blaster rifle still in hand. He begrudgingly joins the rest of the group, though he is far from happy about (presumably) walking into a temple FULL of Jedi, who he has learned cause far more problems for him than they solve, contrary to his initial perception. As he walks, he pointedly glares at anyone who glances in his direction.

Jawa Trade Language:"I am muddy. I am wet. My ship crashed. We are going to see more Jedi. This is a bad day."

2010-03-23, 06:06 PM
Jedi Academy

Before heading off into the academy you are greeted by the piloting protocal droid that dorn had with him at the bridge.


Excuse me. But would it trouble you terribly if I were to tag along? It was part of my masters instructions that I was to see the council on his behalf if he was unable. I also have news of recent events they would be more then happy to hear.

If allowed the droid will accompany as you walk into the temple.

Jedi Academy

Immediately after you reach the large, stone doorways they begin to shake and shift, opening up to the temple. At the entrance you see a lone wookie in heavy brown robes holding an unignited lightsaber at his side.


Greetins younglings. What is your buissness here?

* ((Translated by the protocal droid for those who don't know the language))

2010-03-23, 06:18 PM
Thaedras gives the Wookiee a formal bow. <Hail and well met, brethren,> the alien reptile replies warmly. <I am Jedi Learner Thaedras Cy'anthos, and these are my somewhat eclectic companions. Our ship has failed us and crashed, and we wish to seek shelter within your Temple walls.>

2010-03-23, 08:29 PM
Use the Force [roll0] to conceal my presence.

2010-03-23, 08:49 PM
T bows lightly, "We bring information about a Sith lord. We encountered one on Dantooine, and my friend here," he nods to Isabella and smiles, "dueled his apprentice."

2010-03-23, 09:04 PM
Belnar Academy

The wookie ushers you all in, leading you through a series of complex hallways; All of which seem to be below the swamp. After some time you are led to a large, circular atrium in the center of the temple. Sitting on large stone "thrones" are 4 other jedi. Two are humans, one male and one female. Another is Feeorin, strong and mighty looking. The last is Miralukan, she wears no hoo or blindfold, and it is obvious of her race.

The wookie-jedi speaks in his foriegn tounge once more, asking you all to take seats. The Human Female is the first to speak.


You stand before the new council of the jedi order. We are the last of a dying breed, so I hope you will forgive the secrecy. I trust you are dorn's allies? I sense his prescence around you, it is thick.
The women eyes "T" constantly during this conversation.

Mystic Muse
2010-03-23, 09:17 PM
Well, we would be his allies. unfortunately he's kind of dead. he tried to harm our friend T and T overpowered him. Judging by his injuries It was going to end in death no matter what.

2010-03-23, 09:28 PM
Jedi Council

The council does not take this news by surprise, rather they convene among themselves, some how able to whisper to such a level that you cannot hear them, yet they can understand one-another.

Next is the Feeorin's turn to speak, his voice booms over the atrium like a Kryats Roar!

Feeorin Male

Lies! The jedi dorn would not betry his teachings, or those of the order.

Each jedi in turn contributes to the speech...

Human Male

There is truth in your words, youngling. These truths are lies however, an intruiging paradox.

Miralukan Female

I do not sense the prescence within this one. He has been... injured. His connection, it matches his blackened soul.

Wookie Male

*(Translated by the droid)

Hrm, I sensed it as well. This is no jedi.

Finally the human female jedi, who you assume to be the head of the council, intervenes.

Human Female

Enough, it is not our way to accuse. We will have the traitor, no, the sith plead his case. It is true he is corrupted. We can all feel the prescence of the darkside. But there must be reasons behind this farse.

She stands from her stone throne, approaching the center of the atrium.

You are charged with the assumption that you are a sith, and the council believes you had a hand in the murder of our ally Dorn. Plead your case before the new jedi council.

2010-03-23, 09:41 PM
U'kitii stands wide eyed before the jedi council, moving very little. Then, slowly, as the jedi council accuses T of being a Sith, he raises his hands to the top of his head, pulls his hood down over his eyes, and lets out a small, high-pitched groan.

2010-03-23, 09:43 PM
T stands and tries (somewhat futilely) to contain his anger, "Sith!? I am no bloody Sith! That's what your jedi sentinel assumed as well. I am a force adept with experience with a lightsaber, and though I do use what you called the 'dark side' of the Force, I am no Sith. I hate the Sith, they torture and destroy without any apparent reason, not only is it offensive it is a horrible waste of resources." T pauses to calm himself, then continues, "I believe in following passion, living life to it's fullest. This is made easiest by co-existing with your fellows, not trying to dominate the galaxy, that's just stupid. Your sentinel decided me a Sith as well, and came to the conclusion that I was attempting to turn Isabella here to the dark side. He realized then that, apparently, as a Sith I would betray the location of the council to my masters if I found you. That is how we came to blows." T pauses, takes a breath, and recounts the tale of their battle, "He told me that he was going to tie me up, and bring his story to you. This would mean my imprisonment and likely execution, not to mention that I am not in a habit of allowing myself to be made vulnerable. Last time, I did that, I was tortured, and almost killed. He explained that he would not give me a choice, as it was the only safe option - he drew his lightsaber, I drew mine, and the fight started. I was using force powers and intended to subdue him, but near the end of it he used some... strange power on me, and severed me from the Force. It hurts to even try to feel it now... I had nothing to resort to except my lightsaber, and my blow killed him. We have his lightsaber for you."

2010-03-23, 10:11 PM
Jedi Council

After "T"s lengthy plea, the jedi are ready to sentence him. However they are interrupted when the protocal droid from Dorn's ship speaks up.


Master Jedi's, may I present to you my side of the story. I was in the room at the time of the allegid incident. If it will help the case in anyway.

The female human jedi only nods, motioning for the droid to stand at the center. The droid stands, replaying an audio-recording of the events that transpired only hours ago.


*You the sounds of lightsabers being ignited. The recording only picked up at the begining of the fight it seems*
*You hear clashing, two jedi are fighting with sabers, then you hear the first bit of vocals as the sounds of flesh being singed plays through*

-"That man only demonstrated a small taste, of the power the sith hold!"

* The sound of lightning crackling plays over. Grunts from dorn are heard*

- "It is not your path to journy into the darklands. Return, or else your reign shall be a short one, oh sith lord!"

-"The power of the jedi is one of light, and of truth!"

* You hear more sword dueling, the sounds of flesh being burnt again and again can be heard, as well as grunts of pain from "T" *

- "ayee!"

*This next part has little sound, it seems the battle has stopped momentarily. You can hear soft laughter as a painful yell escapes dorn. You can FEEL the prescence of the darkside in this, despite it only being a recording. *

*The battle continues. Swords clashes are heard, and more burning flesh noises are heard as the two swap blows*

* Next you hear the sound of someone being knocked into the nearest terminal. No doubt one of the two were pushed*

*The sounds of dorn grunting are heard, he sounds very weak*

-"You've left me no choice. I will sentence you myself sith. The council would have only given you death, I give you a worse fate!"

*You can hear sounds of emmence agony comming from "T", you can feel it, as if you were there. The force was severed at this moment, this is when "T" lost his ability to feel the force*

- "You fool, you think I need the Force to defeat you!? All I need to defeat you, to defeat any jedi, to destroy the Sith or conquer the Republic, is my own will!"

*One last thing is heard, you can hear the sound of heavy breathing on both ends, then you hear the sounds of saber cutting into flesh....*

Human Female

I will only ask once more sith. How do you plead before the jedi council?

The droid returns to his seat.

2010-03-23, 10:25 PM
"I spoke the truth to him, he had not seen the true power of the Sith, I have endured their torment, and learned their techniques. But I am not a SITH! Their teachings are utterly inane! All this proves is that when angry I become a large ham. He tried to force me to turn myself in for crimes I did not commit, for being something I am not. He assumed I was a Sith because I use the dark side of the force, am highly emotional and seek greater power. It is true my philosophy coincides, on the surface, with theirs. However, they think that power is in your ability to master others, I believe power is in the personal ability master oneself. They focus entirely on negative emotions, believing things like love and hope to be weak - I believe those two are especially potent and should be embraced. We both use similar dark side techniques of course, they have spent a lot of time learning to use that power. It would be foolish of me to not learn what I can from them. Preferably without ever having to talk to one at any great length. What is your accusation here?"

2010-03-23, 10:27 PM
Thaedras' emerald gaze hardens as it hears the recording of the fight. So my first instincts were right after all, it muses. Methinks he doth protest too much. If he is freed, I shall remain doubtful, but if he dies, so be it.

The alien Jedi remains respectfully silent, awaiting the verdict.

2010-03-23, 10:37 PM
Jedi Council

Human Female

Then our accusations change. We do not seek to force others to see our way. But we do not take kindly to those who would harm our brothers and sisters. You have allies who would be willing to vouche for you, I am sure, but from the evidence provided, we can only conclude that, sith or no, you are a threat to the jedi order.

Wookie Male

There is no emotion, There is peace.

Human Male

There is no ignorace, There is knowledge.

Miralukan Female

There is no passion, There is serenity

Feeorin Male

There is no Chaos, There is harmony

Human Female

There is no death, There is the force.

The Jedi code. You have shown to intentionaly work against the believes that govern the jedi. And although we cannot punish you for not believing as we do, we can however punish you for murder of a jedi master.

Tsielna, we the jedi council sentence you to exile. Once your ship is repaired you are not to return to this world, or any that hold influence of the jedi or their ways.

2010-03-23, 10:40 PM
T freezes when they say his name, almost looking truly terrified, "N-no.. How.. HOW do you know that!? Who told you... Was it... no, it couldn't be-! ... How do you know my name, jedi?"

2010-03-23, 10:44 PM
Jedi Council, Belnar

Human Female

You speak without listening, and you only listen with one ear. You have no desire to learn, sith. And I do not intend to teach you. Our ways are our own. The verdict remains.

At this the jedi remain silent, sitting atop their thrones.

Mystic Muse
2010-03-23, 10:47 PM
Ugh. I am thoroughly sick of you Jedi being so cryptic.Can you please tell us how you Know T's name?

2010-03-23, 10:52 PM
He pauses, looks slightly confused, "Wait... I didn't kill a jedi master. Dorn wasn't even as skilled a jedi knight, he was just a sentinel. You think I killed Isabella's master?? Have we given them the holocron yet, Isabella?"

2010-03-23, 11:01 PM
Jedi Council, Belnar

Human Female

Know your place youngling. Do you too reject the jedi way?


Silence exile! We accuse you of slaying the jedi master Dorn! Do not undermind the jedi's wisdom!

Miralukan Female

Calm yourself Rollock. The council has spoken. You must leave exile. Return to your ship, and do not approach the temple.

As for the rest of you, you may rest in the temple, recuperate from your trials. You must have much to discuss with us.

2010-03-23, 11:07 PM
U'kitii lets out a small growl and kicks a rock, turning and walking out of the temple. He mumbles for quite a bit on his way out, but turns and offers a harsh statement before he exits the door.

Jawa Trade Language:"I'm not talking to Jedi. I'm going to talk to MY SHIP."

2010-03-23, 11:11 PM
Tsielna imitates the Feeorin's voice, "silence exile! Hurf durf!"
Back to his normal tone, he says, "My apologies, I did not know Dorn was a master. I thought he was just some uptight shadow-in-training. And you are still mistaken, foolish woman. I am not a Sith. I am their bane, their anathema. Your exile is meaningless compared to the one they impose. Stupid Jedi, you hardly understand more than they do. At least I know, that my view is flawed, that my knowledge is incomplete. You sit on your thrones and decree your will be done, that's fine. Just leave me be, the only reason I came here at all was because it would be beneficial for my jedi allies. I am going to go back my ship now and start on repairs..." He turns to Isabella and sighs, placing a hand on her shoulder, "Try to learn what you can about the Sith here, will you? Surely they have some information that will help us destroy them. When you're done though, please meet me back on our ship, I'm sure you have questions for me. Here, takes this. You'll be able to contact me with it, though I won't be able to contact you." He hands her a long-range communicator, a small one that can be used as an earpiece.

He turns and follows U'kitii.

Mystic Muse
2010-03-23, 11:14 PM
Dorn was a master? some Master if T could kill him. Not only that, I suspect T is the one telling the truth here. Dorn didn't do a whole lot to earn our trust. What did he do to earn yours?

oh, and here's that Holocron T mentioned she'll say as she throws it to the Miralukan. Hopefully it'll help you. And no, T had nothing to do with the death of master Ak'tun. He was dead when we got there. He was killed by a Sith master, who's also a Nihilus wannabe and his Apprentice who used to be my friend.

2010-03-23, 11:24 PM
Jedi Council

Human Female

Know your place youngling. Dorn was a master, as any of us are. With our breed dying we need all kinds. The Watchmen, the knights, the masters. Dorn was one of which. He has earned his title time and again. You, however, associate with one so clearly seeped in darkness. Do not force the council to do something you may regret.

Miralukan Female

Please trust youngling, we do not accuse your friend of the death of Ak'tun. You cannot keep hiding your emotions. Search your feelings, please understand what this dark one has done. Come to accept it, learn from those emotions.

There is no passion, there is serenity

Mystic Muse
2010-03-23, 11:32 PM
I accept what he's done. I also trust him. Have you ever thought of maybe giving him a chance?
Isabella will turn her back on the council to leave with T, but before she leaves she says

I hate the Sith. They destroyed both my homes. I will never use the dark side to accomplish my ends. However, I will NEVER become one of you either.

2010-03-23, 11:40 PM
Jedi Council

The council watches as you leave, saying nothing. Now all that remains is the alien, he stands before the council, which slowly disbands before his eyes.

2010-03-23, 11:49 PM
Thaedras steps forward. <Hark, honorable Jedi Council of Belnar!> The alien proclaims telepathically, widening its spread to include everyone in the room, particularly targeted at the Jedi Council. The alien bows ponderously, and then kneels before them with reverence. <Lend thy ears and attention unto me, and forgiveth mine impudence for appearing before thee in such ill company. I beg but a moment of thy consideration. I am Thaedras Jonaleth Kel'sai Teldarion Cy'anthos, a member of this selfsame Jedi Order and a recent escapee from the clutches of the Sith.

In such a wide galaxy, 'tis but only the will of the Force that hath wrought this destination before mine eyes and brought my destiny into joyful reunion with thine. Would that these circumstances be more merry for all involved, but let not one dour note spoil thy goodwill, for glad am I to come before thee once again. Many and long hath been the years since I last learned 'neath thy wise and gentle tutelage, for in my long captivity thy teachings hath regrettably faded into the past like mist upon the morn.

Honorable Council, I beg of thee a boon, sirrahs. Let me rejoin my brethren once more within thy hallowed halls. Bring back unto the fold thy wayward wanderer parted so cruelly by the forces of Darkness. I was but a Learner when last I supped within the halls of mine brethren, but lend unto me but one of thy number as master and tutor and my joy shalt be boundless and manifold to serve beside thee once more. I desire once more to learn and to grow within the ways of the Force, for though I count a millennium and many centuries as well in my physical age, I am as yet still a hatchling in the ways of the Force, untutored and eager to learn. My vow hath been unto thy Order for all of my life, and all that I ask is to but continue mine servitude so that thy glory and thy Light shalt shine throughout the Galaxy once more.

Wilt thou grant merciful clemency unto mine boon, sirrahs?>

2010-03-24, 12:38 AM
Jedi Council

We will accept you Thaedres, and are honored to see more driven towards our cause, rather then from it.


With buisness concluded you go your seperate ways. Each of you go about your lives, seeking to further yourselves while keeping your goals close to heart. You leave Belnar with the knowledge that the jedi are not dead, nor are the sith. A war lays on the horizon, that much is true, it is only a matter of time.

Five years have passed since "T" was exiled, much has changed in the galaxy. The republic has fully stabalised, slowly spreading it's influence further then just the core worlds. And the jedi, although still hunted by the sith and bounty hunters alike, are slightly more frequent. There is a calm about the universe. But not one of peace, no rather the calm before a great storm!

The sith return the the galaxy. Although they do not carry the army they once did, between them, and their new-found mandalorian allies, the galaxy is forced to war once more.

The sith still remain in the shadows however, content with minor skirmishes. However that all would quickly change, for the worse.


You were the first to know of the dark events. The sith had found you! More specifically, they found the counsel's hidden academy. You had felt their prescence only recently. The masters had kept you in the dark until now. The sith stand on your doorstep, prepared to see the war between the jedi and sith to the end, today, at this moment.


Although you are unfamiliar to the ways of the force, even you feel the call. A call for help, a call filled with agony and fear. Something dark is brewing. You can feel it in your companions, and you can feel it in the universe.


Time had taken it's toll, you are now a new man, a changed man. However fate had other plans for you. Ever since your exile all those years ago, you had believed you'd have nothing more to do with the jedi that day. Unfortunately this was not to remain so.

A call reachs out through the void of space and pierces your mind. A call for help, somewhere near-by something horrible is about to happen. The call comes from the planet Belnar, where you were first officially exiled.

Just as well you're knowledge and influence of the sith has led you to believe that the sith were braving a major attack against the jedi soon, can these two events be related?


You have finally matured. No longer a padawan, but a full fledged jedi. With your new understanding of the force, comes new senses. You can see into the future, at least occasionally. You saw a glimpse of it many times, the jedi counsel was under attack, sith everywhere, laying waste to the temple, killing the younglings one by one. And then your mind is pierced by a horrible call. A shout like billions of souls crying out to you at once. You can feel it near-by, it originates from the planet belnar, something terrible is about to happen.

((So, feel free to post your backstories for the 5-year intermission, be sure to include how your character has changed, and where they are now. You guys can effectivly buy anything that is appropriate for your characters history, but keep within reason ( I dont wanna see any armadas out there).))

2010-03-27, 04:11 AM
Sorry about my delay, had to finish the whole extra character sheet (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=194874).

Thaedras Cy'anthos

During the interim, Thaedras Cy'anthos rejoined the ranks of the Jedi Order that it had been apart from for so long. Still retaining its old knack for telekinesis, Thaedras became the Temple's resident expert and specialist in telekinetic applications on the Force. With its long, millennium-spanning memory, Thaedras also became a crucial source of knowledge for the Temple Archives, writing and updating many entries form firsthand experience rather than fragmented tales and manuscripts. As the Kelfiirian Jedi advanced into Knighthood, it took up a young Rodian as its Padawan by the name of Col Seviir. Brash and loudmouthed as a youngster, Jedi training hadn't dampened his edge, and the Jedi Council hoped that by pairing the reckless Col with the calm and patient Thaedras, he might be shaped towards a more productive outlook as a Jedi.


So far, however, the apprenticeship had only brought Thaedras headaches. The two of them walk down the wide, echoing halls of the Jedi Temple as Col's constant chatter rises to the rafters. "All I'm sayin' Masta, is dat dey need ta put a drink machine outside da classrooms, knowwhaddImean?" He yammers, his Basic heavily accented with the regional twist of lower-level Coruscant that he was born in. "We needa dispensa ova here (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G2XKTZC77eg), is what I'm sayin'. Saba practice makes me damn thoisty all da time, yaknow?"

Thaedras does not pause, merely regarding its Padawan skeptically with its eyestalks. <...Indeed,> the old alien says at last, for lack of any other response coming to mind.

"So ennyway, tell me more 'bout dem guyz you was hangin' out wid, the ahh, whaddyacallem--dem bounnyhuntas."

Thaedras shrugs, a habit it had picked up from its time among humanoids. <They were mercenaries much like any others. I was more of a scout for them than an actual warrior. It matters little now. They have been dead for over two hundred years.>

Col sighs in disappointment. "Why're you so damn cryptic alla time, Masta? It ain't like I'm gonna blab to no one."

Thaedras snorts, its glowing reptilian eyes glittering with amusement. <I am 1,347 years old, Col. I am allowed to be cryptic when I want to be.>

Col simply sticks his hands in his pockets and sulks. "Yeh, mebbe."

Suddenly, Thaedras halts mid-step closing all four eyes in concentration as a tremor shifts in the Force. Col frowns quizzically and turns back. "Masta? Wassup?"

At length, the Kelfiirian Jedi Knight opens its eyestalks and regards Col in sudden trepidation. <Darkness. Vast and engulfing, it stands upon our doorstep,> Thaedras tells him heavily. <A tremor in the Force. I fear something terrible is about to happen...>

2010-04-01, 02:48 AM
Tsielna ir'Vamagat
NOTEThe following is Tsielna's life history, from before he was born to his current state. It should be rather obvious what parts your character does or does not know, but feel free to read as much or as little as you please.
Addendum: My creativity is still sapped from finals, so I am going to post a less colorful version of what he has been up to so that the game can get moving.

PART 1: Rise and Fall of a Republic War God
Young Tsielna ir'Vamagat was born into a fading line of nobility. His father, Malan ir'Vamagat, was a ruthless military officer in the Republic who made his name in the Mandalorian Wars by matching the Mandalorian brutality. Throughout the war, his courage and dedication to the continued safety of the Republic citizens was noted. He took massive risks to reduce civilian casualties at first, until he learned that he could save more lives overall by being willing to make the hard choices that others would not. He was a fast ally of Revan's forces and it was during these battles that he met his wife, a skilled jedi guardian. Together they attained victory upon victory, but throughout the war the horrors he saw, the endless misery of the Republic he once sought to protect, twisted his ideals and slowly drove his beloved to a state of deep depression. In the Jedi Civil War he sides with the apparent temporary victor, Malak, as he had decided by then that the Republic citizens would always suffer unless the strongest rose up - they would be able to fight for themselves, and avoid some of this misery, just maybe.

During the subsequent desolation of the Jedi and Sith orders, the once honorable defend of the Republic became one of its greatest enemies. His despair had nearly overwhelmed him and his beloved, though they labored on in hope of finding a way to rally the Sith once again. The battle they would lead together would either crush the Republic and bring about a new, stronger galaxy, or be the battle the Republic would need to pull out of the politic-laden stasis it was devolving into. The Sith were easy enough to rally, as Malan was a powerful warrior. His wife would have made a fine Sith lord if not that she still clung desperately to her old ideals, always trying to rationalize her wicked actions and alliance with the Sith with her former life, and always failing. When their life went from combat to slowly building a Sith army, her mind degraded more and more. Malan devoted any effort he could to trying to save his wife from herself, to little avail. Never-the-less she remained a glimmer of hope in his world, a connection to his original ideals and self that kept him from plunging into total despair. Though he may have to kill many, he would save the Republic from itself, from its enemies, from everything.

PART 2: Birth of the Black King
It was in his son that Malan found his great hope. The boy was intelligent, charismatic, and ruthless. He was a master manipulator from an early age, and grasped tactics easily. Most importantly, his innate power with the Force allowed him to accomplish truly amazing things that many Sith would risk everything for the power to replicate even once. He had found a true prodigy of the Force, one that would make the perfect Dark Master of the Sith. With himself as the iron fist of the military, and his son at the helm of the dark lords, his family's armada would be unbeatable. It was this plan that motivated him ever forward, and he kept the boy's powers hidden carefully from his forces, waiting for the day to reveal his powerful "new" ally.

Knowing that there were always risks, Malan's secondary plan was a far less impressive, but vastly more motivated, young man by the name of Chase. He was a force-sensitive whose father, a criminal by trade, had been killed by an over-zealous jedi knight. This, along with the teachings of the sith holocrons on Korriban, fueled his hatred of the jedi intensely. His physical mastery and zeal, combined with Tsielna's logistic mastery and support abilities, made them an excellent team. Chase grew to consider Malan like a father, and took his word as law. Through this new Sith order he would have vengeance on the Jedi, and he would always have a home to return to. Friendship, family, purpose - the things his original family never gave him - he had everything he desired.

It was in this strange environment that Tsielna was raised. He grew to master his powers in the force, and due to his lack of physical strength he learned to find ways to cheat his opponents out of their victories. Though his powers were impressive, his greatest asset was always his ability to manipulate others and succeed at elaborate machinations that often left others standing in mild awe (though usually they were just pissed at him, or dead). With Chase as his "knight" and Malan's forces as his "pawns," Tsielna grew to be an excellent commander in the field. As early as 15 he was accompanying sith and mercenary forces on scouting missions and skirmish battles on fringe worlds. Through these experiences, Tsielna learned his various skills and gained a cold, calculating outlook on life. If an enemy could be convinced to speak freely great, but if not then the pain of every nerve in their body flaring to agonizing life from a charge of Force Lightning could be called for. He discovered that, if a child was released to his parents, even military parents would welcome the child (who had been implanted with a detonite charge) back home (where said charge would then be detonated to kill the offending officers, and any nearby). When confronted with a truly horrific foe, many enemies will simply accept their defeat and forfeit.

PART 3: Moral Event Horizon
Despite being the favored son of his father's organization, Tsielna's desires did not truly lay in the realm of galactic domination. He merely wanted to pursue greater knowledge, and to exist peacefully with his allies. He did enjoy taking on great challenges and facing down impossible odds. The thrills of adventure appealed greatly to him, but his temperance was more suited to drifting across the galaxy freely, using whatever resources came his way as he needed them, than some pre-determined grand design. He knew from the start that he was vital to his father's plans, so he would need to rebel to escape. In his way was great security measures, his father's soldiers, and most importantly, the man himself - Malan. He could not compete with his father in the tactical arena, so he would need to use deceit and surprise. He needed something that would totally cripple the veteran warrior long enough for Tsielna to execute his grand design. In all the galaxy, there was only one thing with such a hold over his father...

Tsielna's mother was in a state of deep depression, unable to justify her own existence to herself. She desperately clung to the idea that what her husband was doing could do some good, but in her heart she knew it to be untrue. She knew that the man she loved was nearly dead, but when they were alone she still saw glimmers of the prideful, hope-filled war god she once knew. To cripple his father, Tsielna spent months re-establishing his relationship with his mother. Through this time, he helped her to delve deeper and in more greater clarity into the truth of what she had become. By the time they were finished, the ultimate end of her revelation showed her that she had betrayed everything she had every cared for and allowed the man she loved to become a monster without a peer. In a moment that would define his life for years to come, the young man chose not to guide his mother into the will to fight on and rejoin her former self, to rebuild with him and aid his escape, but rather he chose the quicker path to a guaranteed success. To ensure his escape, he broke his mother's will completely and left her with a slugthrower at her side, loaded with a single explosive shell.

PART 4: Spanner in the Works
Tsielna acted quickly upon his mother's death, igniting the powder-kegs of mutiny he had been sowing. He had convinced many of the mandalorian mercenaries his father hired that the truth was that Malan wanted revenge for the Mandalorian Wars, and was intending to send them on suicide missions where they would stand no chance of survival. He had convinced a few of Malan's officers that the old man had grown soft, that it was time for him to be replaced. When the Mandalorians got word that their boss was meeting with some old Republic war buddies (a lie told by T), they demanded to see him. As he was pre-occupied mourning the death of his beloved, they were refused. In the already-tense atmosphere, mutiny erupted. Once-loyal officers turned coat with their men and attempted to seize control, ambitious underlings tried to prove themselves violently, and Mandalorians with no cause to their lives fought in a total war once again. Amidst the bloody Chaos, Tsielna made his way to a ship that was about to leave for an important scouting mission. Those aboard had been cut off from the inside due to "technical difficulties" (they were unaware that T had caused them). He would take this shuttle out, and get off at the first stop.

Chase alone understood quickly enough. The timing of these events was too perfect to be a coincidence, and the only one around capable of such a stunt was his old friend Tsielna. He fought his way through the mutinous hordes to the only place currently disconnected from the network, and snuck aboard. T sensed his presence quickly and understood the danger at hand. The next few days were spent in a game of cat and mouse. Chase was not allowed aboard the ship, so he had to be careful, but T could not afford to confront his old friend and have the truth come out - the risk was too great. It was not until the stop at a small civilized planet to gather the "cargo" and cover for the ship, that Tsielna's plan truly fell apart.

The original plan had been for this ship to stop and gather a load of passengers, who it would ferry to Coruscant as a cover for the mercenaries and assassins Malan was sending to either work as double agents for the Republic, to work as spies, or to actually begin targeting and eliminating chosen marks. Tsielna would wait for the people to board the ship, then leave quietly and fade into obscurity without problem. At worst, he expected to have to spend some time evading Chase. To his surprise, his former friend attacked him as soon as he exited the space craft. Chase confronted him about what had happened and lashed out in anger at Tsielna for betraying "their father." They were supposed to be friends, companions! Together they were going to bring the Republic to its knees and usher in a New Sith Order across the galaxy, slay all the Jedi! All of his ambition and power would be wasted on meaningless travels across the galaxy - Chase would not allow his friend, his brother, to betray their ideals in such a way.

In the docking bay of a Republic station, the two Sith Apprentices dueled. Chase's raw physical power and speed met Tsielna's overwhelming mastery over the Force. Before long, the local security forces were involved. Their lightsaber duel dragged on, and T's power was waning in the face of the endless resolve his old friend displayed. Soon he would be on the holonet when the news arrived - he could not allow that to happen! In a move of desperation, T blasted his friend with a powerful storm of lightning, crippling him long enough for him to be lifted into the air and thrown into the glowing hot jet engine of the starship T would soon be on. The burning heat caught Chase's robes aflame, and though he escaped the vicinity of the starship, he was still engulfed in flames. Tsielna made his escape back onto the ship through a secret hatch and stowed away, watching his only friend he ever had slowly roasting, cursing his name. Possibly worse for him, the authorities at the next docking bay would be looking for him.

PART 5: A Touch of Destiny
T spent the next few days capitalizing on the friendships he had made in his attempts to evade Chase, gaining access to whatever parts of the ship needed minor repairs and setting deadly traps that were connected to the bridge computer. There were sith and Mandalorian soldiers alike on this vessel - what lies worked once to start mutiny would work again, this time with civilians in the crossfire. Using his new connections he had built, T gained access to the bridge. His skills as a Sith Apprentice were more than enough to execute the crew there (including the captain who thought he had made a new friend), and from that location he took command of the vessel's systems. Locking areas down and filling them with toxic exhaust gasses to kill the civilians (men, women and children alike), activating his traps to slay the mercenaries, opening a few airlocks at the right moments... His traps proved deadly, in a great many ways, to those aboard the doomed vessel. Once he had killed the crew and passengers down the last man to prevent any witnesses, he guided the vessel down to the nearest planet, a backwater world known as Dantooine, for a rough crash landing.

On a nearly forgotten world Tsielna met a wandering jedi padawan and her astromech droid companion - Isabella and "droidy." He hid his identity from her, and together they traveled through the tainted plains of Dantooine toward an old, ruined jedi enclave the miraluka had trained at when she was a bit younger. After a brief but tense interaction with the scavengers who had claimed the temple as their property in which Isabella dueled their leader for the authority to enter the temple (Tsielna provided a form of "moral support" through infuriating and confusing mockery of her opponent). His new ally was proving remarkably easy to deal with, as she had not yet sensed the darkness with her companion.

Inside the old enclave, she finally determined the nature of her dark side ally, and for reasons unknown to Tsielna she decided to allow him a chance as her ally rather than attempt slay him, as other jedi had done in reconnaissance missions he undertook earlier in life. After dealing with some Sith assassins, they encountered a temporary new ally - the mysterious jedi Dorn. Tsielna saw in this man a possibility at a ship to use to escape the planet, and so convinced him that there could be more information on the Sith beyond a holocron precious to Isabella that he had taken from her. With the deception in place (which conveniently turned out to be true, unbeknown to Tsielna, the lot of them travelled to the old lightsaber crystal caves, where T intended to repay his new acquaintance for giving him a chance to simply be himself around someone at long last.

PART 6: The Wicked One
As the group descended into the crystal caverns, they quickly discovered in a brawl with some droids that Tsielna's theory about smuggling here was correct, and Dorn set out to do his own investigation. Deeper into the caverns, the pair met a strange, violent jawa named U'kitii. Tsielna explained to him that his scavenging grounds were not safe, that this planet was not safe, and he set off to find the source of the danger with his new "jedi allies." With his new allies, potentially even friends, Tsielna found a strange protocol droid named "HK-47" that led the group to a sith apprentice who seemed to have known Isabella in her past. To her objection, Tsielna intervened in the fight with nonlethal attacks to the twi'lek's back to distract her. After a brief spat, they continued on their journey through the Sith compound to find a strange creature bound in a kolto tank. They freed the creature, which turned out to be an ancient jedi, and accepted his gratitude before heading forth to find the errant Dorn, who the apprentice said was dueling her master. Tsielna realized the stupidity of looking for a Sith lord, but every time he turned a corner on the blaster planet he seemed to find another strange creature that would start following him, so he needed that ship off-planet!

As expected, Dorn was not holding out well against the Sith Lord. For some reason being near the Sith made Tsielna feel as though he had been disconnected from the Force, so he and his his allies fled as quickly as possible. After collapsing the cavern complex on the Sith Lord, they summoned Dorn's ship and fled Dantooine at top speeds towards the planet where the Jedi council awaited. It was during this trip that Tsielna realized the dire nature of his situation. He was in a ship, with a Jedi who seemed to be a sentinel or member of the Shadow branch, headed toward the Jedi Council, and he was a Sith heir and active user of the Dark side of the Force. Dorn would turn him into the council, and they would use mind-reading techniques to determine his crimes. The punishment would be death. To prevent this unfortunate event from coming to pass, Tsielna trapped Dorn in the bridge of the ship with him and killed him in a duel. He explained to Isabella and his other allies that Dorn had attacked him and given him no choice but to defend himself.

Ignoring other issues at hand, the Jedi Council went straight to trying Tsielna for the crime of being a Sith. TO BE CONTINUED!

Tsielna has been preparing since then, for the time when he would have to wage war against his father, against the Sith, and possibly against other forces. As he became stronger and developed his personal philosophy further, he has focused his skill and resources toward the following goals, in no particular order.

Locating ancient sith artifacts and holocrons.
Seeking information about the current Sith.
Scanning the galaxy for a suitable apprentice.
Collecting droids that are fit for battle and positioning them in convenient places around various planets.
Destroying crime lords and gangs and taking all of their money and stuff, often by getting them to destroy themselves out of greed and mutiny, or getting two rivals to nearly crush each other before finish them off.

2010-04-01, 12:44 PM
( I don't normally like to break the IC threads flow like this, but I sort of forgot to type in the OoC thread anyways. Plus im here now...)

Anyways, these are looking AWSOME. Lets get Kyuubi and... the jawa ( I forget your name, sorry) posts in soon please. I know everyone is itching to get back to some sith slicing.

Mystic Muse
2010-04-02, 01:29 AM
Isabella was hunting down Sith, Training to be a better Jedi and looking for her friend.

there. I'm done.

2010-04-05, 04:02 PM

I apologize for me taking so long, I've had a lot of personal stuff going on recently that 1) I'd rather not get into and 2) has both drained my time and energy. I will definitely get something up tonight.

2010-04-13, 02:14 PM
So, is this game dead? :smallannoyed:

Mystic Muse
2010-04-13, 02:37 PM
So, is this game dead? :smallannoyed:

Not sure. I'll ask the DM next time he's on.

2010-04-14, 01:26 PM
I apologize for the delay everyone. One of my close friends recently passed away and I've been dealing with a lot of emotional and social chaos and have been having a hard time finding motivation to do much of anything. Once again, I'm sorry, but I hope that you guys understand.

Following the exile, U'kitii threw his lot in with T. For whatever reason, he was the one who had most earned the Jawa's trust. U'kitii followed him off Belnar and stuck faithfully by his side during his campaigns and trials. Preferring to keep to himself and avoid notice, the jawa spent most of his time aboard their ship, only leaving when it was absolutely necessary. As a result of his relative anonymity and skill with his blaster, he became T's "Phantom", taking out high priority targets with a swiftness and quietness few others could match. Feeling restless, and at T's advice, he followed (though he was none too happy about it) T back to Belnar, for reasons largely unknown to him. As long as he got to mess about his ship and shoot people, he was happy.

2010-04-14, 03:43 PM
I apologize for the delay everyone. One of my close friends recently passed away and I've been dealing with a lot of emotional and social chaos and have been having a hard time finding motivation to do much of anything. Once again, I'm sorry, but I hope that you guys understand.

Following the exile, U'kitii threw his lot in with T. For whatever reason, he was the one who had most earned the Jawa's trust. U'kitii followed him off Belnar and stuck faithfully by his side during his campaigns and trials. Preferring to keep to himself and avoid notice, the jawa spent most of his time aboard their ship, only leaving when it was absolutely necessary. As a result of his relative anonymity and skill with his blaster, he became T's "Phantom", taking out high priority targets with a swiftness and quietness few others could match. Feeling restless, and at T's advice, he followed (though he was none too happy about it) T back to Belnar, for reasons largely unknown to him. As long as he got to mess about his ship and shoot people, he was happy.

I understand exactly what that feels like. My older brother passed away just a few months ago in January, and I'm still having trouble finding the motivation to finish college and graduate. Internet condolences sound so incredibly fake at such times, but I hope something of what I'm saying gets through.

Personally, I'm still dealing with it, but in order to not let myself be crippled with grief, I've been immersing myself in daily activities, both school-related and gaming-related, because I know that if I stop and think and dwell on it for too long, I'll go insane with mourning all over again.

Mystic Muse
2010-04-14, 03:50 PM
I offer my condolences to both of you.:smallfrown:

Hopefully, everything I've ever believed about heaven is true and they both get to go there.

2010-04-15, 02:12 PM
Karl Logan

Born into the wandering remains of a Mandalorian tribe, Karl never really fit in. Albino in appearance and generally seen as a weakling he was always pushed aside by the others. As he grew up he began to display more reassuring signs to the leaders that Mandalorian blood did indeed flow within him. His finesse for rifles and pistols was quickly noted as his major strength and even at a young age he quickly proved to be one of the best shots in his tribe. Although life was still harsh, as expected of a Mandalorian, Karl was happy for the first time in his life, he seemed to have his place in the universe. This peace was not to last however.

Karl slowly came to question the Mandalorian honour, the system to which he was supposedly bound to uphold. There was always something about the whole idea that bothered him. Upon reaching his 17th birthday he had clashed repeatedly with the leaders of the tribe over choices they had made in the name of honour. He couldn’t understand why they had not learnt from history, how could they follow this code so blindly when in the past it had lead to his people being bent to the will of the Sith. Repeatedly he tried to make his case that it wasn’t honour they should follow, but instead what they judged to be right. He felt that honour should not be a prison of constraints, but should be something earned through fighting for the greater good. Eventually he’d had enough, and one night he gathered up his equipment and some supplies and slipped away into the night.

Ever since then Karl has worked as a merc for hire, or bounty hunter. He has a built up a fearsome reputation as an uncorruptable force that always finds his prey. His contract selection is very strict, only pursuing bounties he believed to be in the wrong, and only working for people he judged as wronged. It was this reputation that first caught the attention of the man known simply as “T”.

“T” set up a job through his contacts that he knew Karl would pick up, a seemingly straight forward tracking down of a group of criminals. However upon taking the contract and beginning his pursuit Karl quickly came to realise this was no simple job. Over the course of the job many moral grey areas came up, and the more Karl dug the less straight forward the whole situation got. Eventually Karl returned to the man who had contacted him to confront him over the deception. Upon reaching his employers base of operation Karl was confronted with an unconscious employer and a hologram of “T”. “T” apologised to Karl for the deception but deemed it necessary to judge Karl’s true motives. He had to be sure Karl’s reputation held up. “T” then went on to give Karl an offer that would change his life. From that day on Karl became “T”s personal bounty hunter and assassin, code named “The Ivory Knight”. The deal was “T” would assign him missions, which Karl could freely accept or refuse, that would appeal to his sense of good.

Since that day 3 years ago Karl has worked with this mysterious employer, never having met him in person, communicating through holograms. With “T” as his benefactor not only has his reputation increased but his equipment is much increased. Karl’s personal ship has gone from a junker to a very advanced heavily armed space transport named “The Tidebreaker”. He has also managed to amass a large personal armoury, and various trophies. His main trophies are two lightsabers he took from the corpses of two Sith assassins he was contracted to kill. The lightsabers have been modified by “T” specifically for Karl’s use and they act as a hidden last resort.

Personal Appearance
Karl stands at 5’11” and 162lbs. While he seems fairly toned his build looks deceptively thin and his skin is extremely pale. His hair is long, past shoulder length, and silvery white in colour. He is clean shaven except for a small soul patch on his chin and his eyes are a pinkish red.

He wears a long black leather coat and a bandoleer, with simple clothes underneath. However he remains bare chested showing the scars from his past adventures. Intertwined with the scars are various tribal tattoos. Visible on his person are two heavy blaster pistols in hip holsters and a customised blaster rifle slung across his back. However concealed on his person is an array of other weaponry.

2010-04-18, 12:01 AM
Well folks, it's been nearly a month. I think I can declare this game dead. It was fun while it lasted! :smallbiggrin: