View Full Version : Cethial's Underbelly IC

2010-03-02, 04:29 PM
There had been advertisements placed in a handful of taverns around town. "Lonely Elf with spare rooms - cheap prices and good furnishings. Willing to take unusual creatures and adventuring types."

Most people in these taverns would not have touched that ad. It was for a place in the Poor Quarter - who wanted to live there if they could afford better? Plus, it had a live-in landlady. Those were always trouble. And 'lonely elf'... that just reeked of some old hermit who wanted to let out her spare rooms so there was someone around in case she fell over and cracked a hip.

When the three who did respond to the ad made their way to the house, they would find a quite substantial, three-floor property. It certainly looked solid enough, with mainly stone construction, large windows, and high above, a roof made of slate, not thatch! Such luxuries were commonplace in the richer areas of the city, but who would have expected to find them in the poor quarter?

Alas, the house was closed, the lights were out, and the door was locked. A note was affixed to the knocker on the front door: It said, in common and elven, that the landlady apologised that she would be working late, and that any applicants for the spare rooms were invited to take the side gate into the garden and wait for her there.

2010-03-02, 05:04 PM
What a pleasant surprise. Tabrett thought to herself. This house is better than the one Adrian and I... she let the thought go, a flood of emotions flowing through here. She leaves the note undisturbed and goes around to the side gate, and looks a moment before entering. She steps back, out of the way, hoping to remain unseen as she waits.


Stealth: [roll0]

2010-03-02, 05:18 PM
The garden around the back is not especially massive - but sizeable enough. About the same size as the floor of the house, in fact. Flowerbeds run down either side, and a small lake covers the 'foot' of the garden.

In the exact center of the garden is a round marble table. Benches have been sat around it - two low wooden benches between the table and the corners of the foot of the garden: One larger couch facing across the table towards the lake. The couch has cushions and even a small awning over the top - the height of luxury in garden furniture!

On the table itself is a large jug of water, a plate of what appear to be homemade sandwitches and another note. Alas, there is also a lamp burning away on the table, meaning that approaching the table would ruin any attempt at hiding in the shadows at the edges of the garden.

2010-03-02, 05:24 PM
"May as well." Tabrett says to herself, but still out loud. She moves towards the table and takes one of the sandwiches. She drinks from her own waterskin, then refills it with the jug of water. She has a seat on the couch and waits the land lady's arrival.

2010-03-02, 09:34 PM
A swirl of dancing silks announces the arrival of a newcomer, and when she finally coalesces into view, you see a beautiful blonde hair, blue eyed woman. One look at her and your first reaction is "stripper girl" but then, what is a stripper doing with a pair of lethal looking short swords belted to her waist, and what seems to be a spell component pouch to the other side.
She smiles at whomever she sees when she enters, and moves up to the table. She checks over sandwiches, finding one to her liking, and pours herself a glass of water as well, making a bit of a face.
I would certainly prefer something a little stronger.
Before taking a bite however, she checks the second note to see what it says.

2010-03-03, 09:16 AM
Home... Home... Is that what the humanoids call it?.. - the little construct thought, getting closer to the place where he wanted to stay. Of course, being a construct and having little to no needs, he didn't really need a place to stay for a night. Perhaps, he just decided to try out what it's like to have a home.
Slowly, along with some noise of metallic object, even miniature sized, the Warforged has entered the house, swiftly going into the main room. He looked no different from the other Warforged Scouts - the same, basic model of one, however there was one thing different - there was no special seal or sign inscribed upon his head. He, however, wore a gray cloak with a hood, trying to cover his identity from the prying eyes, yet still it was seen, that he was not covering it fully.
The Warforged entered and saw a human and an elf in the room, sitting and eating. He, of course, decided to greet them. "Greetings, uh... Humanoids..." - the Warforged said in its usual mechanic voice. With that he continued to stand there, as if he was thinking about something.

2010-03-03, 10:36 AM
OOC: I'm going to assume you meant 'garden', Critical. Otherwise you've just broken your landlady's front door in order to have a three way conversation with yourself.

The note on the table:
The secret ingredient of all my sandwitches is evil.

...ha! Just a shame I couldn't see your reaction to that one.

I will be back about midnight. My apologies for the inconvenience, and please accept this food as a peace offering, landlady to prospective tenant(s).

Those who actually tried the sandwitches would find them to be fairly basic turkey concoctions. Which would be a little odd - that meat was a bit too upmarket for the setting - but fit in with the trend of everything about this place being a touch too rich for it's surroundings.

2010-03-03, 11:42 AM
Tabrett nods at the stripper... wait, no... maybe not a stripper, but she nods none the less. When the robot approaches however shes says nothing. When it speaks she offers an indifferent, "Hello".

2010-03-04, 07:52 AM

Zarabeth makes a small laugh at the note, offering it to the woman as she takes a bite of the sandwich.

Our prospective landlady has a sense of humour, much like mine. By the way, my name is Zarabeth, a sword for hire by trade.

2010-03-04, 10:10 AM
OOC: Yes, sorry.
And I believe I've taken blue...

The robot stood in silence. It kind of amazed him, that people weren't paying attention to him. He was a construct, after all, there should be at least something different in their behavior, in his opinion.
Seeker decided, it would be best to sit down and take the same position as the humanoids, he didn't even know why though. He calmly sat on the floor, and decided to introduce himself. "They call me the Seeker... And what is your name, fellow indifferent humanoid?" - he said, turning to the human.

2010-03-04, 04:03 PM
"Tabrett." offer the wood elf. Tabrett, on a few rare occasions, had the chance to meet a couple of other warforged before. That couple with the fact that little surprised her anymore was the reason she had little, if any reaction to the Seeker.

2010-03-04, 06:16 PM
"And I!" A voice called out from the garden path they'd all entered through, "Am! The FABULOUS! Kuali Diapai!" Very tall for an elf - about six and a half feet - and pretty, certainly. The colours were a little odd - her skin a little pale, her lips a little dark - but that could have just been makeup. She was also striking a pose on the pathway, that she held for an entire five seconds before laughing. "Drink it in, ladies and mechano-men. If we don't get on, you'll be meeting my stage persona a lot. So be warned, hm? Best behaviour, or I'll put on an ego the size of an entire quarter."

Finally moving from her pose, Kuali came out into the garden proper to join the others around the table. "Only three, hm? Well, I'll have a room spare still, but that is not so bad. Last night I had five applicants for the four rooms. All five of them had to be carted off to a temple with impromptu discussion related injuries. Still there I think. Aaaaanyway, to business. You can call me Kuali. What can I call the rest of you - apart from 'goldmines'?" With a wink, and a little bit of a flourish to her movements, Kuali drops onto the covered couch and snags one of her sandwitches as she goes. A mouthful or two would cover the gap where she listened to their replies.

2010-03-04, 06:52 PM
In elven Tabrett replies, "My name is Tabrett Ta'Nalinia, it is an honor to meet you Kuali Diapai." and then gives a courteous bow.

2010-03-04, 09:06 PM
And my name is Zarabeth Sanitar. I am pleased to make your acquaintance Kuali Diapai, and hope that we can get along, hopefully for mutual profit.
By the way, I dont mean to insult your hospitality, the sandwiches are fine, and the water is cold....but would you happen to have anything a little...stronger...to drink?

2010-03-05, 09:00 AM
"Drink it up? I don't drink, nor do I eat. And I believe I have made a mistake on the humanoid ethic code, excuse me. They call me the Seeker, and it's nice to meet you, Kuali Diapai." - the Warforged replied, observing the garden, and seeming rather excited. So, what is so special about the home?

2010-03-06, 09:53 AM
"Turn of phrase, Mister Seeker. Well, the basics are pretty simple. 10 Gold Pieces a week, pay a week in advance or I don't hand over any keys. And I have a lot of mead and a little wine inside. Sorry if you were hoping for beer or the like: I don't drink those."

Elven: "Elven wine, obviously."

Common: "Well... not at home, anyway. So, get your wallets out and I can show you around...

2010-03-06, 10:25 AM

I have few other options on where to stay, seeing as the College saw fit to rob me of virtually all of my possessions. And that rate seems fine anyway Zarabeth digs the coins out of her purse and hands them over 10 you say? here you are then

2010-03-07, 02:58 PM
As the elf said about the money, the Seeker opened his mouth and 10 gold pieces came out one by one with a "click" sound. He collected them all in his palm and handed over to Kuali. "Here you go."

2010-03-07, 03:09 PM
Tabrett reaches into her coin purse and pulls out 10 gold coins. She drops them into Kuali's outstretched hand wordlessly, but with a slight nod.

2010-03-07, 03:28 PM
"Pleasure dealing with you. Okay, in we GO!" Leaping back to her feet, Kuali spins around the side of the couch and heads for the back door into the house.

She has a key on her, which she lets the other three in with. They then move on to the tour.

There were five bedrooms in the house - The Seeker is given the one on the ground floor (and the keys to it and the front and back doors), Tabrett gets one of the two on the second floor, and Zarabeth is given one of the two on the top floor. Kuali points out the other top-floor bedroom as being her own, in case one of the others needs to chat with her at night.

She also shows them the Kitchen, the Lounge, an unfurnished room full, mainly, of musical instruments and what appeared to be Kuali's costumes, and the basement. The basement is where they could find a well - private wells being something of a luxury in this city. There was even a sewer down there!

At the end of the tour, she brought them all back up to the lounge. It, at least, had seats.

"So, my new housemates... what brought you to Cethial? I'll admit, I came because... well, let us say my comfortable living comes courtesy of rich men thinking with the wedding tackle. This is a *great* place to find bored rich men..."

2010-03-07, 03:38 PM
Tabrett, not really wanting to go into much detail about her background, gives a very generic response.

"I was born here."

2010-03-08, 06:54 AM
"I decided to try out having a "home", like you, humanoids call it..." - the construct replied in his usual mechanical voice.

2010-03-08, 07:51 AM

Zarabeth smiles at Kuali. You and I think much alike, although my hook is my dancing. As to how I ended up here, well, there was one time in my earlier dancing days that one of my ‘admirers’ decided that he wanted more than I was willing to give. He wouldnt take no for an answer. After that, I had to leave that city. My travels turned me into a sell sword along with my dancing still, and also awoke a long dormant power of sorcery. Hearing of the College in Cethial, and how they could teach someone to merge both, I headed here, and completed the study. But the elders, they didnt appreciate how I celebrated, or the fact that they had taught their precious skills to someone they thought was only ‘a stripper’, so they kicked me out and took all my possessions to boot. And so, here I am

2010-03-10, 07:30 AM
Kuali listened to all three sets of responses, and settled on the one that seemed the most promising as a topic of conversation - Zarabeth's.

"I have a friend, you know. Well, more of a client, but of a really odd kind. He sits on the board of governors for that college. Well... Let's just say I don't think any of the people who administer that place would have much of a ground to complain about your behaviour."

"Actually, come to think about it.. I'm going back there myself in a few days. Some illustrious former student's celebratory party or something. You should see the dress He bought me to bribe me to come... I have to wonder if you would be interested in having me leave a door open for you. Just in case your old things are still around, someplace. You know... they might have sentimental value."

2010-03-10, 08:28 AM

Zarabeth smiles in response

I dont think the professors kicked the decision about me upstairs to the administrators. And you know how stuffy some priests can be, its all work, work, work and pray, pray, pray. No time for partying. And yes, some of those old items do have value and more than centimental. Nothing outstanding, mind you, we're not talking about some Sword of Deathslaying here, but they served me well.

2010-03-10, 11:28 AM
Lenoran couldn't believe the house when he saw it, and he would have thought he made a wrong turn somewhere if everywhere he looked didn't scream Poor Quarter. Many sets of eyes were on him here, beggars and cut-purses, and Lenoran loosened his robes just enough to let his short swords and armor show to discourage any banditry. If this living arrangement doesn't work out, and assuming the old lady who posted the ad isn't some eccentric and powerful sorceress, I might be making a return trip if the interior is as nice as the outside.

There was a note on the door directing him to the rear of the house where he thought he heard voices. He made his way around back in time to hear the door close. Knocking briefly before entering, Lenoran came in through the back.

Hello, Miss? I'm responding to the ad in the tavern?

2010-03-14, 05:08 AM
I wonder what's keeping Critical and Xealot?

The knock at the back door briefly jogged Kuali out of her plotting. "Ah! What luck! I was almost afraid I'd have to leave one of the rooms empty." As Lenoran came in, he would find Kuali standing just inside the door, facing him, and grinning. "That'll be 10 of the old Gold ones, per week, in advance. And count yourself lucky I still had one spare. You don't want to get into a relegation brawl-off with the Warforged for the last room, trust me..." followed with a rather broad grin. She wouldn't stop blocking the doorway until he paid up, though.

2010-03-14, 10:06 AM
I just didn't see any confirmation that ShotgunPete is a player, so I thought he may be someone in without an invitation, lol :P

The Warforged listened to the women talking and was thinking something to himself. Parties, parties... What's up with these humanoids? What is so good about them? They dress, they make sure they look best... For what? I just don't get it. - Seeker thought. He patiently waited, until Kuali would show them their rooms.

2010-03-14, 12:28 PM
Tabrett smiled politely at the new addition, but made no other gestures.

I didn't see where my input was needed. I was waiting on something to move the plot forward. Is there something you were waiting on in paticular?

2010-03-14, 08:16 PM

So you think you can get us in there? Would we be guests of yours, or some other ruse? And with my...reputation...there, how will that be received.
And if we get in, what would the plan be? Look around and find my stuff, or something else?

2010-03-15, 10:58 AM
[spoiler]I don't believe my character has heard conversation on the plot discussed, so I to am waiting for plot advancement [/spoilerp

2010-03-15, 11:42 AM

The knock at the back door briefly jogged Kuali out of her plotting. "Ah! What luck! I was almost afraid I'd have to leave one of the rooms empty." As Lenoran came in, he would find Kuali standing just inside the door, facing him, and grinning. "That'll be 10 of the old Gold ones, per week, in advance. And count yourself lucky I still had one spare. You don't want to get into a relegation brawl-off with the Warforged for the last room, trust me..." followed with a rather broad grin. She wouldn't stop blocking the doorway until he paid up, though.

"Speech marks and italics are Kuali speaking in her posh stage voice.", whearas "speech marks and purple text are Kuali speaking in her own accent."

Kuali was still not letting Lenoran in through the door, but her attention at least had shifted back to the earlier arrivals. "I'm just going in as a guest of a 'friend' of mine, so I won't be able to drag in too many other people without raising a suspicion or two. What I can do, though, is slip away during the night and open a door or two... you'll be on your own when you're inside, and if anyone else is watching, we don't know one another."

2010-03-15, 03:46 PM

And once inside, what would our objectives or target be? Just my items, if they are even there, or something else? And if its just my stuff, Im not sure whats in it for the others?

2010-03-15, 04:28 PM
"Well, seeing as I'm a little short of cash... I'd be more than willing to go... if there is money involved." Tabrett says as nonchalantly as possible.

2010-03-15, 04:54 PM
Lenoran hands the coin to the outspoken lady elf, collecting his key and coming into the house, taking his longcoat off and running a hand through his orange-yellow hair. It appeared she was speaking of intrigue with the other guests, and he was thrilled for the first time in this wretched city at the possibility of lucking into proper work. He piped into the conversation the first chance he got, "'Scuse me folks, if infiltration is what your working at, I'm the man to talk to. I can render us invisible, as well as pick locks, magically if we're in a rush. But sneaking in is a risky affair. An even better idea in my opinion, if you had a copy of an invitation or a guest pass or some kind of official paperwork, I could replicate them easy enough to give any of us access with a little time and ink. Of course, I don't work out of charity, unless you can think of anything else good to grab while were in there."

2010-03-15, 05:28 PM
"I'm not hiring, Mister...? I was simply suggesting to one of my tenants that I could leave a door open. Which is a somewhat better idea than trusting to forged documents to buy you entrance to a magic academy. Just a hint. Anyway, you'll know what's in there better than I will, Zarabeth. You're the one who went there, I'm just the one who's friends with several of the governors."

2010-03-15, 05:34 PM
"My high technology could be put to a good use... and payment. It allows me to do interesting things..." - the Warforged said, walking up the walls and standing on the ceiling, looking down at everyone.

Spiderwalk invocation.

2010-03-15, 09:22 PM

Zarabeth taps her cheek thoughtfully.

Theres lots of stuff there, to be sure, but its probably warded. "My" stuff is probably gone, it was fairly low powered stuff, and its not like I was only kicked out two or three days ago. I imagine they sold it pretty quickly. Two swords barely better than masterwork and a cloak to boost my appearance, yeah, theyre likely gone; but there would be other things. I'm game for it. Magic to dispel wards and alarms is what we need. Do you have something specific in mind for us, or we just nose around and see what we can find?

2010-03-17, 05:05 AM
"I have nothing specific in mind for you - honestly, you make me sound like a run a thieves' guild or something! Fat chance, with my client list. The place just happened to come up with conversation, so I offered to do you a favour. That is all."

2010-03-17, 05:28 AM
"Sounds rather entertaining... this might just be enjoyable enough to do for free." The elf smiles for the first time tonight.

2010-03-17, 05:31 AM

I wasnt trying to imply anything of the sort, I was just wondering if you had an ulterior motive or not. But either way, Im in for it. Its not like I owe them any loyalty.

2010-03-20, 08:31 AM
"Oh, no ulterior motive. Just giving a hand to a fellow working girl. Got to watch each other's backs, hm?"

"Speaking of watching, I do recall a second piece of useful information - something that might keep one or more of you busy until the party starts. A client of mine got robbed, recently. Now, I don't normally get involved in this sort of thing, but I'd been dropping hints for weeks that I wanted this painting he had as a birthday present, and wouldn't you know it, it gets stolen! Now, not trying to get too deep into the breadth of my client list, but I cannot help but notice a week or so later, when I go on commission to a certain establishment here in our very own poor quarter, that this client is in posession of a painting astonishingly similar to the one that just disappeared..."

2010-03-20, 10:04 AM
"And where might this establishment be located, and what might it be worth for this piece of art to, "miraculously" reappear?"

2010-03-20, 10:33 AM
"My first client had a chest. Little wooden thing, about a foot across. Kept a lot of papers in there that even I wasn't allowed to glance at. He put a reward out for the chest's return - 10,000 gold pieces if the contents were intact. It was stolen at the same time. Some other things as well - jewellery and the like - but that's more likely to have been moved on by now. If I get the painting, you can hand the chest back in... and keep the reward."

2010-03-20, 10:35 AM
"Consider it done my lady. Oh, you wouldn't happen to have that address would you? I need to do a little... investigating."

2010-03-20, 03:07 PM
"Seems like a job for me... However, we might as well check out the contents - ten thousand gold ain't a sum to laugh at."

2010-03-20, 04:01 PM
"Stolen object retrieval, eh? Why, that's almost respectable work. That sounds like something I could help with." Lenoran faked a wide, reassuring smile, but knew there was no such thing as an easy job for 10,000 gold. Even split 4 ways he couldn't say no to such a thing in his financial situation. He hoped he wasn't accidentally setting himself up to burgle a crime lord or something.

2010-03-20, 09:44 PM

So do we have time to take care of both missions? Retrieve the painting and chest, and then visit the guild later in the evening?