View Full Version : Soldiers of Misfortune

2010-03-04, 03:11 AM
The clean white hall shone in the light of the neonbulbs. It seemed to go on forever, and the only thing breaking the dull white were several posters, placed at regular intervals. There were only two kinds of posters, but they must have placed tens of copies about the hall. The first poster showed a man in red spandex, a cape, and, more notably, a mask. The mask covered his entire face and a questionmark was drawn upon it. "Can you trust a man who won't show his face?" the tagline read. Beneath it there was some legal mumbo jumbo about how a normal person wasn't allowed to wear a mask in public either. The second poster showed a flying superhero reducing a car to cinders with his laservision. Beneath, it said: "What if your children were inside that car?" the tagline read. The legal talk beneath spoke of the illegality of bearing arms in public, and more specifically weapons of mass destruction.

"Next!" a voice at the end of the hallway shouted. A broadshouldered man in spandex with a small lightningbolt drawn on his chest got up from one of the many chairs lining the hallway and walked towards the door at the end, and lazily shut it behind him. The buzzing of the machines inside started up again.

It had been half a month since the passing of the superhuman registration act. All superhumans were to reveal their identities and powers, be classified as A (weapon of mass destruction), B (highly dangerous), C (dangerous) or D (benign) and even be implanted with a chip to show their whereabouts constantly. Not as much superhumans might have showed up if it weren't for Megaman, the patriotic superhero from Manhattan who had shown his support for the proposition on television. The superhero community sort of tended to follow in his wake. You all, however, had come here for different reasons: you had no possibility to move outside the law. Or barely anyways. You weren't technically superheroes. No human in his right mind would ever describe your powers as "super", but due to the presence of the others you all tended to get bunched together. The result was that the police had shown up on your doorsteps and demanded you take a trip downtown, to the registration office. Here you were seated, all across each other in the hallway: Numb, Midas, Squeak, Disaster, The Weatherman and the Absentminded Man.

Near them sat Wolf, the lycanthrope superhero, restrained to his chair with chains. All other superheroes had taken care not to be seated anywhere near the loserbench. This also meant you were seated closest to the end of the hallway, that is, furthest away from the registration office. The door outside, of course, was guarded by practically the entire policeforce, but there was hallway going to the left to, bereft of those colourful posters that lighted the atmosphere in here.

[Feel free to introduce your characters and perhaps engage in some dialogue with each other. While your powers have been determined your character may be flavoured as you please (though I would prefer not all of you are martial artists with excellent marksmanship) within the boundaries of their power.]

2010-03-04, 06:16 AM

Jackson Pacer, or Disaster as he was better know, was a fairly unassuming fellow. Dressed in plain lose fitting clothes that were notable for several small tears and a few blood and mud stains, he did however have a pair of well cared-for running shoes on.

Those who knew Jackson better knew that he was constantly on the lookout for more running shoes, and would never part with a pair unless under the most dire of circumstance, as such he was often running out of shoes and having to buy new ones.

Jackson leaned over to talk to Wolf, who was, naturally, seated next to him "Its just my luck you know. To be seated next to you. Its nothing personal, I just have an aversion to being torn limb from limb."

Jack looks up and down the hallway planning his escape route should the lycan escape. Hmm, I could jump out the window, but I can't see whats out there, from this angle, and I do recall there was a cactus convention sometime this week, I could head for the fire exit, but more than likely, when I get their I will discover fire... trying to exit, perhaps I could run into the registration room and hide among the paper work. Of course, I risk getting a paper cut or that fire catching up to me, but I think I have a few band aids left.

Jack then looks down at the chains holding Wolf "Does that look like rust to you?"

2010-03-04, 07:45 AM

Midas sat as far away from everyone else as possible. It wasn't a mean thing - by nature, he'd always been a friendly, amiable sort of guy - but the risk of casual contact was too great. He had constant nightmares about accidentally killing someone with an accidental brush of his fingertips, or at best, giving them a terrible (if profitable) injury or removing a limb. His only company was the Capuchin monkey perched precariously on his shoulder. The tiny simian looked dashing in his black bowler hat, and quietly munched from a bag of mixed nuts. Occasionally he would reach down, placing a morsel in Midas' mouth and he would sigh, chewing it. It wasn't even as if he particularly likes nuts - but he wasn't about to punish Mister Hands for being helpful. Besides, he might end up eating something far less pleasant. He glanced nervously at Wolf, then around the room, taking in the other occupants. He was less than impressed. Then again, he supposed he fit right in.

2010-03-04, 08:03 AM
DisasterJack then looks down at the chains holding Wolf "Does that look like rust to you?"
Wolf, still in human form but nonetheless a vicious looking fellow, looked down at the chains. He grinned.
"Thanks, mate" he said, and he started scouring the chains into the metal of his chair. Flakes of rust rained down on the floor. No-one else seemed to notice.

Description of the room, for those who care

The room is basically a single long, long hallway. It is quite broad, and lined on both sides with metal chairs with padded seating and, of course, posters on the wall. The pristine white hallway is lit with neonbulbs in the ceiling, each hidden under a glass panel. Also visible on the ceiling are a number of sprinklers, smoke detectors, and oddly two thin slits rimmed by metal near the end of the hallway (the end near the exit). There is another slit in the floor beneath them, but it is only about a centimeter deep. This slit continues along the walls up to the opening in the ceiling.

At one end of the hallway there is a plain white door in the right wall, the one through which every so often a woman in a labcoat appears to call the next superhuman in, and at the other end there's a double glass door leading to the steps outside. These steps have several well-armed police officers on them, and the bottom is surrounded by police cars and even a swat van.

Right before the glass doors, and after the slits, there's a hallway leading in the same direction as the regular door. It too is specless and white, but it has no chairs, nor posters, and seems altogether abandoned. It sports two double doors, one of them metal, and the other plain white, as well as a closet with cleaning supplies.

Nowhere in the building is there any sign of an emergency exit or windows.

2010-03-04, 10:03 AM
The Weatherman

Alec Prescott smiled glumly. The sound of the rain was rather faint from in here. Maybe if he plugged his ears, he'd have a moment of silence? He jammed his fingers in his ears, but chatter and bustle wasn't the same as silence. And that guy across the room was giving him a weird look. He shrugged and sat up miserably, picking absentmindedly at that spot on the knee of his pants. He'd need to get new ones at this rate.

"Why," he asked the cosmos, "is it always raining?"

Maybe he should go north. Maybe it would snow up there instead. Stranger things, you know?

2010-03-04, 10:21 AM
Absentminded man was having another one of those days, as he stared across the room at all the A and B listers, he thought to himself, "I could really use some gum, there are some famous people here."

When he reached for his Juicy fruit, he realized it was gone. Sighing heavily, he reached for his backup pack, noticing it was gone out of his boot as well.

Just my luck, he thought.

Do you have any gum, he asked a man with his fingers in his ears.

2010-03-04, 12:37 PM
Thomas Kane was feeling glum. Or rather, he thought he was. He never felt a thing, emotionally or physically. Hence the name " Numb".
" I hate life..."
He became aware of how bland the room was and wondered why he was even here.
" Its not like I can do any harm..."
Thats when he became aware of a particularly annoying monkey of some sort gnawing on his nose.

2010-03-04, 04:36 PM

"Mister Hands! Bad Monkey!" Yelled Midsas, waving his hands. The monkey looked at his master reproachfully, taking one last nibble on Numb's nose before returning to his perch. He turned to numb, a bashful, somewhat helpless expression on his face. "Sorry about that. He's usually pretty docile. Dunno what got into him."

2010-03-04, 04:55 PM
The Weatherman

The ear thing isn't working. It just makes all the sounds in the room that much more annoying. Like this guy, saying "mumble, mumble, mumble, gum." Alec looks over. The man is looking at him. "Sorry, can't help you," he mutters. Casting a baleful eye at the ceiling, he pulls out a Rubik's Cube with faded and splotchy stickers, and starts to fiddle with it, clearly making no progress at all.

2010-03-04, 06:13 PM
The door at the very end of the hallway opened again. The nurse, a relatively young blonde girl covered with zits, walked out into the hallway and called out "Next! Number forty-three!"

Disaster managed to tear his eyes away from the grinning lycanthrope. His little piece of paper read "43". Meanwhile, Absentminded Man noticed that his slip of paper was quite simply gone.

"Next!" the nurse repeated, her voice horribly shrill.

2010-03-04, 06:46 PM

Hearing his number called, drawing him away from the impending mauling he'd no doubt receive Jackson mutters "Thank god" then he considers the situation closer.... Had anyone come out of those doors yet? And what was those strange noises about...

Jackson decided then that whatever was through those doors can't be good, and that anything, anything at all was better than going through those doors. Then he looked back at Wolf. "Coming!" Jackson found himself yelling back at the nurse while moving at a half walk, half run towards her in an attempt to get away before Wolf broke free.

He glances up at the roof, the gods and the powers that be, in general "Yeah, I hate you too." With that, he joins the nurse and enters the room.

2010-03-04, 10:46 PM
Absentminded man, begins freaking out, how could i have lost my slip, it was right here in my pocket. Is there a chance anyone has found a slip laying on the ground? I seemed to have misplaced mine. Said absentminded man loudly.

Silver Coin
2010-03-05, 05:10 AM

Alex Stone looked around, bored. As usual, no one was looking at him. It was sort of expected for him to end up right next to wolf anyway. Whatever. Chances are, Wolf won't not ice him either, and will end up mauling someone else if he broke free. Reaching into his backpacked, he pulled out his PSP and started playing. This was going to take a while.

2010-03-06, 09:54 AM
The Weatherman

He looks up at the guy making the fuss. "Calm down, sir, I'm sure they have another system of figuring out when it's your turn to head through those doors. No bureaucracy is that... oh. No, you know what, you're screwed. Good luck." Grimacing, he turns back to his Rubik's Cube.

2010-03-06, 10:24 AM

"Hey, you there, the one with the monkey thing. What goes on in that room. No one comes out. Im feeling kinda worried."
Evryone knew he wasn't.

2010-03-06, 10:47 AM
Nervous in the face of impeding doom, as he always was and always had reason to be, Disaster shuffled out of the room and into the mysterious registration office, shutting the door behind him with a thud. This was when Wolf's chains snapped.

The lycanthrope superhero (though questions had been raised in various magazines concerning his heroism. There had been an unfortunate incident in a Chinese restaurant where most of the kitchen staff had ended up dead. He was still facing charges for this, but it was assumed no judge would convict him for fear of his own life. Then again, the registration act might change all that...) jumped up and howled, the hair in his neck rising and his unkempt fingernails held out as weapons.

It was true that the hall was filled with superheroes, if of questionable power, but they had all taken care to isolate themselves from the section Wolf and those with unfortunate powers had made their own. It was unlikely this had anything to do with Wolf, who most of them thought was actually not too bad of a guy if you got to know him. This left five nearly helpless men alone with the lycanthrope until rescue arrived from the other end of the hallway, or alternatively, the more nearby policecorps.

The Weatherman (who had luckily heard the commotion now that his fingers were no longer blocking his ear canals), Absentminded Man (who suddenly had something more urgent to worry about than the loss of a slip of paper), Numb (who really didn't give a damn but thought that maybe the whole Wolf affair might turn out to be unhealthy) and Midas were left to their own devices, at least for a certain amount of seconds that might be enough for Wolf to tear out someone's throat. Oh, yes, Ignored was there too...

Meanwhile, Disaster entered the dubious registration office. "Office" turned out to be a bit of an exageration, as the room only contained a single desk, and no chairs whatsoever. Forms had been piled high on the desk and from somewhere behind the many stacks a spectacled face looked up at Disaster.
"Ah, number forty-three, welcome, welcome. Please, sit down!"
The nurse whispered something to the doctor and he quickly corrected himself.
"Or stand! Yes, stand! You're a young man, after all, and in good shape. It'll do you good!"
He sighed and got up from behind the desk. It seemed he'd been sifting through the mess of files. He now held a virtually blank form in his hand.
"I apologise for the disarray you find us in. We've only just set up this branch, and we've had but a day to do our work in. In the rush, details like chairs and such got forgotten. The important stuff works though!"
He stretched his arm toward a large machine propped up against the wall as he said this.
"That is the Super Scanner. It's real name is far more complicated, and far less silly, but there's no use engaging in nomenclature when you're dealing with muscular men strapped in spandex, I presume. To put it simply: what we need of you is that you get into the scanner, and then we can decide upon the further handling of your dossier based on the machine's readings"
He pauses.
"So please, enter the machine!"

A description of the registration office, should you care
Spread about the room is a mess of machinery and wires, and at a converging point between all these wires stands the scanner, humming ominously as thousands of lights furiously blink on and off on it's surface. The machine provides room for a single human to stand in a small metal cabin which can be closed and locked. Attached to it, by means of both metal and rubber tubing, and yet more wires, are several sattelites, smaller machines that aid the scanner or perhaps attempt to interpret it's findings. One of these tubes runs straight through a largish hole in the ceiling while two others are connected to modified computers, precariously balanced on the edge of filecabinets.

Other furniture is restricted to said filecabinets and the desk mentioned above, both covered in mountains of paperwork. The room is altogether pretty cramped due to all the machinery, despite it being quite large. There are two exits, one being the door Disaster entered through, and the other a door leading further into the building. The nurse exits into this door as the doctor engages Disaster in conversation, allowing him a brief glimpse of the superhero with the lightningbolt on his chest, strapped down on an operation table with wires sticking out of his head.

2010-03-06, 11:08 AM
Absentminded man stepped away from the wolf, when he did a bottle opener fell out of his jacket, leaning down and picking it up he thought to himself, ive been looking for this.

2010-03-06, 04:52 PM

Glancing around at all the wires on the ground, Jackson decides that no body here had really thoroughly looked through OH&S requirements for a modern work place, or even considered the fire code in this devices construction.

This place is a disaster waiting to happen. *Sigh* must be why I am here.

Moving to examine the mechanism closely Disaster comments "Why does it need a lock?"

2010-03-06, 06:00 PM

Midas just sat there, rather at ease. Of everyone in the room, he felt he had the least to fear from the shapeshifter. One touch, after all, would have him as a very ugly statue.

Silver Coin
2010-03-07, 07:23 AM

Alex watched the development with curiosity. That's the role he tends to find himself in. A spectator. Not that it's bad thing. For most of his life, he's been quietly standing aside, watching the drama of life unfold before him like a bad soap opera, where the writer was clearly on drunk, high and had just been hit on the head several time quite hard. Needless to say, this particular writer probably never made it past primary school.

Well, at any rate, this was interesting. TO be honest, he had considered simply leaving in the chaos. Chances are, he would be able to pass unnoticed. Bureaucrats aren't exactly the most fearsome of creatures.

2010-03-07, 09:05 AM
In the chaos that ensued, Wolf leapt, over Absentminded Man, possibly missing him because he had just bent down. Instead of turning back to tear some of the underpowered men to shreds he kept going, in a straight line to the exit. before he could quite make it though one of the policemen outside shouted something furiously into his radiotransmitter and two sheets of metal dropped down from the ceiling, shutting down the hallway from any exit but the registration office. Wolf's hand was caught under the metal chrashing down and he howled something awful.

Then, much like the Hulk, Wolf burst out of his clothing, only this explosion was a much more hairy one (luckily so, as his transformation left him no shreds of pants to cover up his private parts. The fur was welcome is what I'm saying). He howled and beared his teeth at anyone in the vicinity, except Ignored, whom he aptly ignored. Then, much like his namesake, he started about gnawing his arm off, leaving time for frequent looks and growls at the crowd. Some of Wolf's blood splattered onto Absentminded Man.

He could very distinctly hear a commotion in the hallway. There were shouts, and running, and perhaps other brands of chaos. You never knew with superheroes.

Disaster had missed the doctor's answer through the distraction, and slightly irritated the doctor repeated himself.
"I said I don't know. Perhaps it's just an esthetic feature"
He walked over to the door to the hallway and bolted it.
"This door however has a lock for a very clear reason..." he sighed.
"Now please, get into the machine. The sooner we get this over with the sooner we can get out of here"

2010-03-07, 11:37 AM
......Awww i just had my suit dry cleaned!

2010-03-07, 02:25 PM
The Weatherman

People should not have fur. People also should not have superpowers or be followed by rain all the time, but that wasn't really the issue at hand. The issue at hand was that people should not have fur. Having ducked behind the guy the monkey was chewing on, when the wolf first got free, The Weatherman now backs away from the trapped wolf, clearly alarmed.

2010-03-07, 05:43 PM

Staring at the now locked door, Jackson looks back at the other, now shut door and wonders silently about the oxygen levels in the small room.

Atleast it would help stop any fires from breaking out....

With that, Disaster sighs seeing no other options he walks into the machine.

"Just don't lock it ok? I might need to run away."

Silver Coin
2010-03-09, 04:44 AM

Alex shook his head. This was just so typical. What on earth were the "real" superheroes doing anyway? Heck. He better do something before things got out of hand. Picking up the nearest heavy object (a bench or a flowerpot or metal trash can, somethong of the sort), he waited for an opportunity and brought it down heavily on Wolf's head. Super-powered or not, a cranium can only take so much before the stuff inside gets affected.

2010-03-09, 12:50 PM
The situation in the hallway was quickly dealt with when Ignored grabbed up one of the chairs and slammed it down on the Wolf, knocking him unconscious on the first try. Mister Hands made a little cry of joy and jumped on top of the knock-out superhero, beginning a fervent search for fleas in his thick fur.

This was when the other superheroes arrived at the end of the hallway. It seemed they'd taken days, odd, as one of them was Dynamo, known for his superspeed. Also among their ranks were Humungus, a hero with an absurd amount of muscle mass who though dressing like a Mexican wrestler was cool, Eyesse (pronounced Ice), a superheroine who quite literally had an icy glare, forcing her to spend her days blindfolded, Regent, who could grow back any severed limbs instantly and was mainly known in the media through his commercials for painkillers, the Goon Family, a bunch of inbred wackos with animalthemed powers, and finally a man dressed like a magician, who'd been spending his time in the hall by bending and unbending a spoon with his mind.

Unable to determine who had actually taken out the werewolf, Dynamo extended a hand to Midas to congratulate him as Humungus does the same for The Weatherman. The Absentminded Man took note that his newly bloodied vest had dissappeared as this happened. He just hoped the same wouldn't happen to his underwear.

As the door of the machine shut behind him, Disaster could hear the distinct sound of a bolt being slid shut.
"Yes, yes" the doctor said, absentmindedly, and he flicked some switches on an oddly positioned controlpanel. The machine flickered into life and for the briefest of moments Disaster was blinded by the scanning process. During this briefest of moments, he heard a terrible scream.

As soon as the spots somewhat cleared up, he could see the doctor, writhing across the floor. It seemed he had tripped across some wires, and had electrocuted himself. The man was probably dead by now, but the liquid fire kept making his body jump up and spasm, as if he'd invented some sort of new danceroutine. Arcs of electricity were shooting through the room, more than one hitting the scanner. Some sparks singed the hair on Disaster's arm, what little was left of it anyways.

The door to the back room opened, revealing the nurse.
"Doctor? What's going on?" she said, only to then shriek in panic.

2010-03-09, 12:55 PM
Pity, im tired of my clothes disappering into nothingness. Looking at wolf, wow it seems like thats not a way to get a head in life.

2010-03-09, 04:55 PM

Taking in the escalating disaster with all the calm of a rat on a sinking ship, Jackson starts trying to kick the door open off the machine, while trying to pry open the top with his finger nails.

"HELP! Quickly some one get me out of here! The Doctor needs help! Help us!" Jackson yells his voice getting louder as he does so.

His eyes latch onto the doctor, and he mutters quietly "I'm going to get blamed for this...."

2010-03-09, 06:21 PM
The Weatherman

Alec wasn't actually sure how he'd helped, but it was best not to argue with a man called humongous, so he shook the man's hand saying "I do my best to do my part," quite humbly and mumble-y. He cast his eyes about for some corner of the room to escape to, preferably with a chair, looking the picture of awkwardness.

Silver Coin
2010-03-10, 07:23 AM

Alex simply stayed in the corner and stared. Again, it was just typical. The cavalry always arrived after the crisis is over, usually with the death of the hostage or victim. Makes sense that normal people would want to regulate them.

Noticing the yells from inside the room, he pushed passed the throng and walked calmly up to the door, yanking it open without hesitation, thoroughly unsurprised by the chaos inside. Arthur Dent would have been proud.

2010-03-10, 06:21 PM
Both handshakes had unfortunate consequences. Humungus almost crushed The Weatherman's hand with his famous grip while Dynamo, rapidly catching Midas' hand, screamed in pain too. By the time Midas managed to let go half of the world's fastest man had turned to gold. He fell to the floor with a loud clang and begged to be killed, tears flowing down his face. His arm, part of his chest and his groin had all been turned to gold, and his legs had thusly been cut off from the rest of his body. They were still attached to the gold, but clearly useless. He called out for god, helplessly, but no answer came.

Meanwhile Ignored rushed for the door to the registration office, finding it locked. Inside the nurse managed to get all the way to Disaster's cage, and even unbolted it, before she too was struck by one of the arcs of electricity. She shuddered, and fell back, joining the doctor in his spastic choreography. Disaster could hear banging on the door.

Silver Coin
2010-03-11, 03:29 AM

Alex lowered his shoulder, took a couple of steps back and rammed into the door, hoping that it would give way. The screams of pain from behind him reminded him of the time when he had seen some guy being tossed into a pile of glass shards, his eyes already blinded.

Suppose life does made sense. Then he wouldn't be doing this any more.

2010-03-11, 04:40 AM
The door to the registration office gave way to Ignored's violence. He stumbled into the room, his shoulder slightly bruised. On the floor were the two medics, dead as can be but still moving. The place smelt like burnt meat. Electricity arched through the room, from metal surface to metal surface, and through the second door they could see the superhero who had entered earlier strapped to the table, his brain connected to the network of wires that ran all over the place. His brain too was riddled with electrical waves.

Silver Coin
2010-03-11, 06:53 AM

Alex scratched his head. This was a little more than he expected but not really by much. Well, could be worse. At the worse, there's just going to be another casualty. Insulating his had as best he could, he walked up to the machine and started looking for the power plug. If found, unplug. If not, start detaching wires. Assuming he doesn't get electrocuted to death as well.

2010-03-11, 05:57 PM
The Weatherman

The weatherman winced in pain. He should have seen that coming. Or rather, he did see it coming, because it was just a handshake, but...

No matter. Something was going on in the back and that something was far away from this disturbing man half turned to gold, so time to head over and see what was happening?

2010-03-11, 11:11 PM

Midas looked down at Dynamo, somewhere between horror and weariness. He shaded his hands with his eyes, sighed, and shook his head. "That." he said in dolorous tones. "Is a perfect demonstration of why you should *ask* what someone's super powers are before doing anything else. Someone want to come take care of this guy?"

2010-03-11, 11:12 PM
How should we take care of him, gold turning man?

2010-03-12, 01:20 AM
OOC: Sorry, I could have sworn I posted


Seeing the door open and some random hero from outside standing there Disaster sighs with relief and makes his way past the chaos inside to come back out to the hallway. He looks around taking everything in "Oh, well this isn't too bad. I wonder what the goverment will do now that two of there scientists are dead though..."

2010-03-12, 01:39 PM

"Well, seeing how every one is either dead, gold or unconcious, I think we should get out of here. Its only a matter of time before the cops get here. So stick together. I count 1,2,3,4 people. Oh and the really annoying monkey thing. So... I think we should... RRRRRUUUUUUNNNNNNN!!!!!!!

2010-03-12, 05:34 PM

Tilting his head slightly, he realizes that most people consider over half a group surviving to be a terrifying and dreadful experience, instead of simply a normal day with a surprisingly low death count.

"I actually thought more of you would be dead by now, what with the raging werewolf, the heavily armed cops, and the random gold turning."

Jackson looks back the way he came "Ya know, I think there might be a back door. The others having to be leaving some how. I think that will be our best bet for leaving."

Looking the group over carefully Jackson comments "We just have to get past the room with all the arcs of electricity."

2010-03-13, 05:39 AM
Looking the group over carefully Jackson comments "We just have to get past the room with all the arcs of electricity."
Ignored grinned and simply walked into the room without any sort of protection whatsoever to look for the plug. Just as he'd found it and was about to yank it out of the wall he was hit by a surge of electricity, and blasted back out into the hallway in a cartoonish manner, slamming into the wall in a less humorous and actually quite painful manner. This time everyone had noticed him. Then the Weatherman joined them in that part of the building and suddenly all the equipment in the room sizzled. There was a hole in the roof of the registration office and now a torrent of water was pouring through from outside. After a few seconds, all of the machinery stopped functioning and the scientists ceased their macabre dance.

Numb, who was uncharacteristically upset about the whole affair, joined them in the back and decided it was smart to get out of there as fast as possible. To do so he took the only available door: the one in the back of the registration office. Beyond it he found what can only be described as an Operation Room. In the centre of the room stood a metal table, to which a superhero with a lightningbolt emblem on his red spandex was strapped. The top of the hero's skull had been removed and there were wires sticking out of his brain, connected to the jumble on the floor. Electricity was oddly still surging here, in small arcs across his brain. The room also contained numerous surgical equipment (some of them quite alienlooking), a cardboard box with small devices and a door to the right, leading to the hallway they'd seen earlier.

In the registration office, the scanner spit out one last sheet of paper, a puff of smoke, and was then silent.

Dynamo, in terrible pain, was ignored by everyone.

Further description of the second room, for those who care
As mentioned, the room is dominated by the large surgical table. There's a small table on wheels next to it with some surgical instruments on ( a scalpel, some sort of laserpen, a bonesaw, one of the small devices from the cardboard box and what can only be described as a small gluegun). there's more surgical equipment hanging from hooks on the walls, a lot of them cutting implements. There's also a single metal cabinet with glass doors which contains syringes and lots of bottles with liquids to go with them. The cabinet also contains a single pictureframe.

The superhero on the table is drooling slightly and his eyes keep moving around rapidly. In his hand he's clenching a single sheet of paper. There's still a syringe stuck in his arm, empty.

Silver Coin
2010-03-13, 10:10 AM

Alex shook his head to clear his mind. Another thing to add to his pack-list: Leather gloves. And he should have remembered his rubber raincoat. Well, at least he's not noticeable, for the moment, and the room was now safe. Walking up to the printer, he picked up what remained of the print outs and placed them in his backpack. They would probably be useful, and there was no point in leaving them in the rain. The dude lying on the table will be fine. Probably.

2010-03-13, 12:19 PM
The Weatherman

The scene in the back room was even worse. Overwhelmed by nauseousness, it took Alec a second to register the sudden change. Then he got it. Typical, even inside the rain found him. Shaking his head, he continued on to the back room and the scene that greeted him there was even stranger. "Okay, time to wake up now," he muttered. The electrical man was making him nervous. With all this rain... he looked for something raised to stand on.

2010-03-15, 05:10 AM

Jackson looked out at the scene before him, it was a time to take risks. And Jackson, why Jackson was a master of taking risks. When walking out your front door can result in a sudden and unpredicted tidal wave in a land locked state, you come to understand risk in a very personal way.

Prepared with the knowledge that no matter how badly things went, they couldn't possible be worse than what tomorrow would have to offer, Jackson steeled himself and walks into the room, pulling out the paper from the super hero's hand and reads it out loud to everyone.

2010-03-17, 08:15 AM
Ignored snatched the printout from the scanner. It didn't really say much.

ERROR---ERROR---magnetic-magic deduction patterns causing---ERROR---ERROR---OVERFLOW---ERROR---PURGE---ERROR---class F---UNIDENTIFIED QUANTITY---CORRECTING---class E---ERROR--
Everyone moved on to the next room, it being the only exit. The Weatherman crawled on top of the by now soaked cardboard box of devices. Meanwhile, Jackson snatched the sheet of paper from the superhero's hands and read it to everyone.
"Electrical impulses magnifying inherent chi flows, capable of supercharging the frame and concentrating energy by mental exercise. Superhero class B"

This was when the door they hadn't tried yet was kicked open and the room suddenly filled with smoke. By the door some noise was to be heard and several lights swatted about eagerly.
"Neutralise all threats!" a voice yelled out. There was a shot.

2010-03-17, 12:17 PM
The Weatherman

Something dangerous and not too happy with him. The Weatherman knew how to deal with this. Time to play dead. Knowing the water in the room was no longer a danger, what with the door open, Alec dove to the floor, his face a mask of sheer terror. He curled up behind the cardboard box, letting a couple limbs splay out slightly and his face take on a dead look. He thought dead thoughts and wished the rain would do something useful for a change.

Silver Coin
2010-03-17, 08:41 PM
Ignored squished himself into a corner, careful not to attract attention this time. This was turning out to be a lot more fun than he had thought it would.

2010-03-19, 02:02 AM

It could always be worse

Jackson kept reminding himself of this as he took cover behind, well, anything he could find.

Unsure of where to go from here, he looks around for an exit while yelling out. "We surrender, we're unarmed!"

2010-03-22, 07:03 AM
"You shouldnt have said that." Thomas sighed...