View Full Version : Crossover concepts that should (not) exist.

Mercenary Pen
2010-03-04, 11:14 AM
Basically, this is a place to discuss all those crazy crossover ideas that are either so good you can't get them out of your head or so horrible that they haunt your every waking moment...

My first has to be a crossover between Gundam Wing and The Prisoner, if only for the interaction between Gundam Wing's characters (with numbers in place of names) and the whole "I am not a number" thing that The Prisoner focussed on.

2010-03-04, 11:19 AM
The Matrix, and Hanna-Barbera cartoons.

Either Johnny Bravo:

"Ahm gonna hurtcha bad, Mister Agent Man. Hiia! Whooa! Cha! OOF!"

Or The Flintstones:

"And so we redesigned the Matrix to this... the peak of your civilisation."

Can't you just see Johnny hitting on Trinity and being an ass, or the Agents wearing those Flintstones suits with their feet poking out the bottom?

2010-03-04, 11:34 AM
My take on crossovers when they're in cartoons like Scooby Doo are: Anything goes. No one's analyzing the plot, really.

In comics, to be honest..... it bugs me a bit. You generally assume that they're all connected, because they cross over a lot, but usually it doesn't appear like they're connected. Well, I'm not a comic book fan, anyway, so my opinion doesn't carry much weight, but as I said, it just bugs me.

Crossovers where both works cross into each other and actually work with each other, like in the case of Tsubasa Chronicle and xxxHOLiC, those I'm fine with. Both Manga show the scenes where they cross from different perspectives before going on with their own independent stories, and both put a lot of work into making sure that they don't cause plot holes to each other.

And finally, I'm also OK when works cross over in a way Work A has characters from Work B, but Work B, does not have from Work A. In other words, in A, B is cannon, but in B, A is not cannon, as is the case in Kingdom Hearts Or the aforementioned Tsubasa Chronicle:
Simba exists in Kingdom Hearts's Universe, but Sora doesn't exist in the Lion King's.

2010-03-04, 11:37 AM
the Matrix and Firefly

With the Alliance being run by the Machines, and the border worlds are the free humans.

2010-03-04, 12:58 PM

'nuff said

2010-03-04, 01:06 PM

'nuff said

Awww man, I was gonna say that one. Anyways, I think the Superman Vs. Mohammad Ali crossover was pretty dumb.

Forever Curious
2010-03-04, 01:07 PM
Spoiled for pichttp://theuniblog.files.wordpress.com/2008/10/archie_meets_punisher.jpg

'nuff said

...is this real...?:smalleek:

2010-03-04, 01:17 PM
...is this real...?:smalleek:

Yes. It happened. It can't un-happen, although our top scientists are working on it.

I'd like to see Edward Cullen encounter Buffy, Blade, Simon Belmont, Van Hellsing, and Commander Vimes. That would be...fun.

And I want a comic featuring Deadpool, Ambush Bug, and Plastic Man. Hilarity would inevitably ensue. Those guys could sit down to lunch and talk about last night's episode of Lost and it would be hysterical.

And a Discworld/Harry Potter crossover would be grand. I picture Granny Weatherwax beating the tar out of Voldemort in about five minutes. And then Captain Carrot arrests him for conspiracy to cause an affray. Rincewind would take down most of the Death Eaters by running away, getting chased, and accidentally leading them into a field of Whomping Willows.

Hmmm. No anime examples. How about Lupin III meets L from Death Note? Talk about "Unstoppable force meets immovable object."

2010-03-04, 01:22 PM
...is this real...?:smalleek:


Worse? It's one of the best Punisher stories of all time.

2010-03-04, 01:30 PM
It started off as a joke, then they got carried away...

2010-03-04, 01:44 PM
Watchmen and Neon Genesis Evangelion.

A few years after the events of Watchmen the Soviet Union does indeed fall and the 90s resemble our own greatly right down to the Gulf War.

Veit realizes he needs a constant alien threat to keep humanity calm but an ongoing threat would leave him more vulnerable to exposure. Instead he comes up with the concept of Instrumentality because if humanity is one entity there cannot be any war.

So he spends the next while creating the Angels and a fake Illumananti group called SEELE. In 2000 he is almost exposed so he causes the unfinished Angel Adam to activate early which destroys Antartica, himself, everyone who knew the truth and half the world's population.

Fifteen years pass and Evangelion happens as the finished Angels begin to activate.

2010-03-04, 01:48 PM
I had an idea for a story set after Metroid Fusion where the Galactic Federation is trying to hunt down Samus for destroying the X Parasites... only for Captain Falcon to discover what happened, and the GF trying to capture or discredit him before he uses his fame to turn the people against them. Falcon displays the ability to breathe in space, and never removes his helmet (even to put on another helmet when he's in disguise). Eventually it turns out the Space Pirates experimented on him with Ridley DNA as a child (giving him inhuman glowing eyes), and he has vague memories of being saved by giant birds.

To help bring them in, they upgrade the armour of a guy they found floating in space in cryogenic suspension and send him after them. Said guy's armour was green, hint hint (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VybS1C-4CAk). Eventually he teams up with them when he discovers that the GF have captured his AI partner and are trying to dissect her (the methods for creating those kinds of AIs were lost long ago).

2010-03-04, 01:49 PM
FF7 and DBZ.

Oh the wonderful idiocy of it all.

"Vegeta, what did we say about handing out free shots to the enemy?"

Damn cheese...
Damn munchkins even more so.

2010-03-04, 02:00 PM
X-Men/Star Trek. Even by the sketchy standards of Trek, the X-Mens' powers are just too bizarre to be sci-fi. It also raises the weird question of why the hell there are no mutants in the 24th century ("uh divergent timelines... you see, caused.... eugenics wars.... uh.... don't worry about it.")

And Marvel actually printed this comic, apparently all in the service of a lame "now we have two Dr. McCoys!" gag.

2010-03-04, 02:23 PM
I had another idea based on some alternate romanisations of Quillish Wammy, Watari's real name from Death Note.

What if his name was "Kelsey Wayne"? Maybe that doesn't sound too interesting to you. Well, what if I said that his father's name was Bruce? He wasn't able to take up his father's work, so he searched for someone who could match his intellect, someone who had also lost their parents and had a strong sense of justice, eventually finding L.

But wait, there's more! The Waynes were a noble family in the Holy Empire of Brittania, and Bruce Wayne's company was involved in the development of early Knightmare Frames. In fact, the reason Batman could predict the behaviour of criminals was because he invented the DRUID system (also known as the Batcomputer). The Gawain (http://www.mahq.net/MECHA/codegeass/geass-tv/ifx-v301.jpg) was based on his designs.

Plus, those of you who read the Death Note prequel novel might recall a guy called "Beyond Birthday" or "B.B." who the narrator claims was born with shinigami eyes. Well, isn't that a coincidence? Code Geass has guys with double-initial names who run around handing out eye-based powers, and if yours get strong enough you can take their place.

Batman also had a Geass, one with effects based on either fear or concealing his presence. The guy who gave it to him may or may not be a version of Ra's Al-Ghul. Batman may or may not have traded his Geass for immortality and faked his death, in which case he was in hiding until he noticed some guy with excellent fashion sense causing a ruckus in Area Eleven.

So, Light "Kira" Yagami vs. Lelouch "Zero" Lamperouge vs. L vs. immortal!Beyond Birthday vs. immortal!Batman. I have no idea what would happen, but it would be awesome. Maybe it would end with Lelouch using his Geass on Ryuk.

2010-03-04, 02:39 PM
I had another idea based on some alternate romanisations of Quillish Wammy, Watari's real name from Death Note.

What if his name was "Kelsey Wayne"? Maybe that doesn't sound too interesting to you. Well, what if I said that his father's name was Bruce? He wasn't able to take up his father's work, so he searched for someone who could match his intellect, someone who had also lost their parents and had a strong sense of justice, eventually finding L.

But wait, there's more! The Waynes were a noble family in the Holy Empire of Brittania, and Bruce Wayne's company was involved in the development of early Knightmare Frames. In fact, the reason Batman could predict the behaviour of criminals was because he invented the DRUID system (also known as the Batcomputer). The Gawain (http://www.mahq.net/MECHA/codegeass/geass-tv/ifx-v301.jpg) was based on his designs.

Plus, those of you who read the Death Note prequel novel might recall a guy called "Beyond Birthday" or "B.B." who the narrator claims was born with shinigami eyes. Well, isn't that a coincidence? Code Geass has guys with double-initial names who run around handing out eye-based powers, and if yours get strong enough you can take their place.

Batman also had a Geass, one with effects based on either fear or concealing his presence. The guy who gave it to him may or may not be a version of Ra's Al-Ghul. Batman may or may not have traded his Geass for immortality and faked his death, in which case he was in hiding until he noticed some guy with excellent fashion sense causing a ruckus in Area Eleven.

So, Light "Kira" Yagami vs. Lelouch "Zero" Lamperouge vs. L vs. immortal!Beyond Birthday vs. immortal!Batman. I have no idea what would happen, but it would be awesome. Maybe it would end with Lelouch using his Geass on Ryuk.

How it ends?

I quote history.

One punch!

One punch!!

One punch!!!

2010-03-04, 03:15 PM
Mass Effect/Firefly. Wash and Joker must meet!

2010-03-04, 03:40 PM
What about Godzilla vs. Barkley?

The slogan on the front:

"Read in awe as Godzilla battles Charles Barkley in a cataclysmic game of hoops the likes of which has never before been witnessed by man!"

The local comic shop has that one proudly on display.

2010-03-04, 04:01 PM
X-Men/Star Trek. Even by the sketchy standards of Trek, the X-Mens' powers are just too bizarre to be sci-fi. It also raises the weird question of why the hell there are no mutants in the 24th century ("uh divergent timelines... you see, caused.... eugenics wars.... uh.... don't worry about it.")

And Marvel actually printed this comic, apparently all in the service of a lame "now we have two Dr. McCoys!" gag.
There was a novel as well that ended up in the STNG era, and everyone was commenting on how Picard looked like Xavier.
This was before the movie I believe.

2010-03-04, 04:07 PM
There was a novel as well that ended up in the STNG era, and everyone was commenting on how Picard looked like Xavier.
This was before the movie I believe.

1) Find that writer
2) Capture him
3) Make him predict the next lottery numbers
4) ??????
5) Profit!! :smallbiggrin:

2010-03-04, 04:14 PM
Doctor Who and Being Human.

It just works in my head, somehow. :smallwink:

2010-03-04, 04:19 PM
Star Trek verses Star Wars.
It would either be the worst thing ever, or the best.

2010-03-04, 04:24 PM
I would have loved to see the planned crossover (http://memory-alpha.org/en/wiki/Star_Trek:_Enterprise#The_would-be_Season_5) between Star Trek Enterprise/Doctor Who...but Enterprise got canceled before it was aired. :smallfrown::smallsigh:

2010-03-04, 05:29 PM
Iron Giant and Transformers, with Megatron in place of the giant:
"You are not a gun!"
"But I am a gun!"

Azumanga Daioh and One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest. Taking place in the mental hospital of course. The former will bring very, very little to change the atmosphere.

2010-03-04, 05:43 PM
Azumanga Daioh and One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest. Taking place in the mental hospital of course. The former will bring very, very little to change the atmosphere.

That could work, it just becomes ungodly depressing.

2010-03-04, 05:47 PM
Hello Kitty + Call of Cthulhu = Hello Cthulhu (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/HelloCthulhu)

Not exactly a crossover per se...Cthulhu for children; The Adventures of Lil Cthulhu (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FOHJUrcVdJk)

Lord of Rapture
2010-03-04, 05:54 PM
Azumanga Daioh and One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest. Taking place in the mental hospital of course. The former will bring very, very little to change the atmosphere.

You keep your crappy anime out of my literary masterpiece! :smallmad:

Anyway, WH40K with.... everything. You know it works.

We know these several facts:
1. Everything can either hail the Immortal God Emperor of Mankind, or not.
2. If it does hail the Immortal God Emperor of Mankind, it is a reference to WH40K.
3. If it does not hail the Immortal God Emperor of Mankind, it is HERESY!, and thus a reference to WH40K.
4. Everything either hails the Immortal God Emperor of Mankind or not.

Therefore, we can conclude that:



Thank you for taking time for this public service announcement. You may return to your regularly scheduled crossover insanity.

Mercenary Pen
2010-03-04, 06:16 PM
You keep your crappy anime out of my literary masterpiece! :smallmad:

Anyway, WH40K with.... everything. You know it works.

We know these several facts:
1. Everything can either hail the Immortal God Emperor of Mankind, or not.
2. If it does hail the Immortal God Emperor of Mankind, it is a reference to WH40K.
3. If it does not hail the Immortal God Emperor of Mankind, it is HERESY!, and thus a reference to WH40K.
4. Everything either hails the Immortal God Emperor of Mankind or not.

Therefore, we can conclude that:



Thank you for taking time for this public service announcement. You may return to your regularly scheduled crossover insanity.

Heresy predates WH40K by at least 39,000 years. Therefore, WH40K does not have exclusive rights to all heretical behaviour.

On the other hand, I demand a Mobile Suit Gundam/Patlabor/Firefly crossover.

2010-03-04, 06:34 PM
...I... you know, actually, for the last couple days, since I've been playing Ace Attorney Investigations, I've had an extremely odd crossover idea bouncing around my mind and making me laugh without fail.

Namely, as I heard the Investigations soundtrack, and noticed how hotblooded it got in places, and how many of the themes would fit straight into Super Robot Wars... I've been having the image of the Ace Attorney characters in Super Robot Wars etched in my brain, with their own original mecha and special move sequences and stuff.

I'm not sure whether it's stupid, or awesome, or what, but I know I'm having a ball and that I'm sad I don't have the skills to animate this thing in Flash :smalltongue:.

Thane of Fife
2010-03-04, 07:13 PM
I had an idea for a story set after Metroid Fusion where the Galactic Federation is trying to hunt down Samus for destroying the X Parasites

Hmm, I've considered a crossover where Samus gets caught by the Federation, and is put on trial, given some young woman as a lawyer. And the prosecutor's this really arrogant jerk. And then, just as Samus is about to break down in despair, her attorney channels Mia Fey and we get the most epic courtroom battle of all time.

Oh, and definitely Batman and Carmen Sandiego. I would definitely watch / read that. (What do you mean she stole the Batcave?) Also see this (http://mk01.deviantart.com/art/Stop-Stealing-My-Cave-106242684) piece over at Deviantart.

Lord of Rapture
2010-03-04, 08:12 PM
-deleted for heresy-

HERESY! :smallbiggrin:

2010-03-04, 09:11 PM
I saw "Twilight meets Godzilla" manifest under the name "Edward vs Mothra." The premise? The werewolf decides that Eddy needs to be out of the picture, and works on the logic that Edward is incredibly sparkly -> moths are attracted to sparkly things -> Mothra will pursue Eddy to the ends of the earth.

I never read it, but I wanted to so badly.

I'd like to see Edward Cullen encounter Buffy, Blade, Simon Belmont, Van Hellsing, and Commander Vimes. That would be...fun.

Well. We got one (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RZwM3GvaTRM)of those.


Animorphs meets Scrubs was one that I never would have thought of, but actually rather enjoyed the odd fanfiction combining the two.

Lord of the Rings // Star Trek: The Next Generation is one that never should have happened. Same with Harry Potter // The Backstreet Boys.

2010-03-04, 09:25 PM
You keep your crappy anime out of my literary masterpiece! :smallmad:

Anyway, WH40K with.... everything. You know it works.

We know these several facts:
1. Everything can either hail the Immortal God Emperor of Mankind, or not.
2. If it does hail the Immortal God Emperor of Mankind, it is a reference to WH40K.
3. If it does not hail the Immortal God Emperor of Mankind, it is HERESY!, and thus a reference to WH40K.
4. Everything either hails the Immortal God Emperor of Mankind or not.

Therefore, we can conclude that:



Thank you for taking time for this public service announcement. You may return to your regularly scheduled crossover insanity.

Hasn't there been a fanfic about a mega crossover between WH40k, mangas, superheroes, and other elements?

2010-03-04, 09:31 PM
Hasn't there been a fanfic about a mega crossover between WH40k, mangas, superheroes, and other elements?

There have been many.

2010-03-04, 09:36 PM
There have been many.

Shinji and Warhammer 40k! (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/FanFic/ShinjiAndWarhammer40K?from=Main.ShinjiAndWarhammer 40K)

2010-03-04, 09:46 PM
Hasn't there been a fanfic about a mega crossover between WH40k, mangas, superheroes, and other elements?

There have been many.He's playing in one, in fact. So far, the Space Marines find Eva-02 glorious but think the Spartan-IIs are wimps. And Yoda has befriended River Tam. Samus Aran is hunting down Jake Scully, and Megas XLR and Visser Three are also running around.

I should probably also mention the Twilight and Eragon threads. Currently Raistlin Majere is seeking the aid of Lina Inverse to fight an Arioch-empowered ghost Eragon (using an Orb of Dragonkind to force Saphira to eat Eragon probably wasn't the best way to make friends), since the Black Knight and the 300 Spartans can only hold him so long, even if Lu-Tze the Sweeper did teach them genre-savviness and kung-fu. And... I know little about the Twilight threads, except that they included the Terminator and Deadpool.

2010-03-04, 10:03 PM
Oh, and definitely Batman and Carmen Sandiego. I would definitely watch / read that. (What do you mean she stole the Batcave?) Also see this (http://mk01.deviantart.com/art/Stop-Stealing-My-Cave-106242684) piece over at Deviantart.

Ordinarily, I dislike the idea of crossovers as it's merely an excuse to create something inherently stupid and get away with it. But this I gotta see.

2010-03-04, 10:31 PM
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and Naruto.

2010-03-04, 10:50 PM
Hmm, I've considered a crossover where Samus gets caught by the Federation, and is put on trial, given some young woman as a lawyer. And the prosecutor's this really arrogant jerk. And then, just as Samus is about to break down in despair, her attorney channels Mia Fey and we get the most epic courtroom battle of all time.

Oh, and definitely Batman and Carmen Sandiego. I would definitely watch / read that. (What do you mean she stole the Batcave?) Also see this (http://mk01.deviantart.com/art/Stop-Stealing-My-Cave-106242684) piece over at Deviantart.

Samus has been on trial before.

It turns out, she isn't locked in there with you, you're locked in there with her.

Not that she's cruel and restrictive. A month in solitary or a month in the infirmary. Your choice.

2010-03-04, 11:39 PM
Castlevania and Twilight.
I'd love to see Edward be killed by Richiter or Simon to the tune of Beginning. Or Bella get her throat torn out by that/a werewolf boss/enemy from Portrait of Ruin/Symphony of the Night. TAKE THAT, JACOB!

No doubt it wouldn't work. I don't know if it's a good thing or a bad thing, I've just been looking for a place to post this idea.

The Demented One
2010-03-04, 11:50 PM
Green Lantern crossover with Exalted. You know you want it.

2010-03-05, 01:35 AM
Green Lantern crossover with Exalted. You know you want it.
Green Lantern with Roger Rabbit. Think about it, 'Toons already have reality altering powers. Pair that with a Lantern Ring and. . .:smallamused:

2010-03-05, 01:37 AM
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and Power Rangers... which already happened.

2010-03-05, 02:13 AM
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and Power Rangers... which already happened.

Not according to Laird or Bandai both of whom deny that The Next Mutation was ever made.

2010-03-05, 02:46 AM
I just had an idea.

Planescape: Torment and The Dresden Files.


Two talking, lecherous skulls.

I mean, they are either the same character or long-lost twins anyway.

Avilan the Grey
2010-03-05, 03:17 AM
I have always wanted to see Star Trek vs Dr Who. Mostly because of the obvious Dr vs Q moment and the PWNING ofthe Borg by the Daleks. :smallbiggrin:

2010-03-05, 03:28 AM
Why come up with a bad crossover idea when you can have a generator (http://kaction.com/badfanfiction/) do it for you?

2010-03-05, 04:36 AM
Green Lantern crossover with Exalted. You know you want it.

This already happened - they called it Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann.

2010-03-05, 04:46 AM
Green Lantern crossover with Exalted. You know you want it.

Stuff that.

Avatar the last Airbender crossover with Exalted. :smalltongue:

2010-03-05, 04:53 AM
Some of you might have heard about it already(especially if you have facebook), but I really want to see a crossover of Twilight and Blade. :smallamused:

2010-03-05, 05:47 AM
I have always wanted to see Star Trek vs Dr Who. Mostly because of the obvious Dr vs Q moment and the PWNING ofthe Borg by the Daleks. :smallbiggrin:

I like the notion of a merger- especially given the Borg time-travel as well- if the merger ended, both would exhibit a little trace of the other's personality:

Daleks: "We are the Daleks. You will be exterminated. Resistance is futile."

Borg: "Assimilate! Assimilate!"


Lord of Rapture
2010-03-05, 05:58 AM
World of Warcraft and A Song Of Ice And Fire. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4XvA1VSDlbY&feature=related)

2010-03-05, 06:02 AM

Actually, the Dresden/Torment crossover works better than I initially thought.

We start with Harry waking up, naked, on a metal slab in a dark room. He sits up, groans, curses, and sees Bob hovering next to him. Asking Bob where they are and why the Skull is hovering gives him the response "Guv, you're confusing me with someone else. Name's Morte. Did you know someone tattooed half a novel on your back while you were out?"

Now, Harry can't actually remember how he got there. After dispatching a few zombies, he gets the bad impression that, somehow, Necromancers are behind this, again.

However, the real shock hits him later when he finds out that he is in the city of Sigil, which he has never heard about in all his time as a wizard. A mortal city in the Nevernever? That sounds like an enormously stupid idea.

Soon, he is joined on his quest to find out where the hell he is by a fallen Githzerai Knight of the Cross, a young Tiefling in a skimpy outfit, a ghost trapped in a suit of armour, a trigger-happy pyromancer and Lash, who for some reason has been incarnated in a new Succubus body. She now calls herself "Grace".

On their journey, they find (and often fight) a nation of peaceful necromancers, the unseelie noble Ravel Riddlewell, the imprisoned Denarian Trias, wererats, the gates of hell, demons and various monstrosities, until finally they find out what happened to Harry and why his wizard-healing factor is apparently even bringing him back from the dead now...

2010-03-05, 06:06 AM
Avatar the last Airbender crossover with Exalted. :smalltongue:

I already imagined Avatar to be a Lighter and Softer version of Exalted.

Avilan the Grey
2010-03-05, 06:17 AM
I like the notion of a merger- especially given the Borg time-travel as well- if the merger ended, both would exhibit a little trace of the other's personality:

Daleks: "We are the Daleks. You will be exterminated. Resistance is futile."

Borg: "Assimilate! Assimilate!"


Personally I would just love to hear the one voice over over the o ther:

(On Enterprise)
Borg transmissions overriding everything:
"We are the Borg! Resistance is futile. We will add your..."
Dalek transmission overriding the Borg one:

Edit: Oh and if your idea happens: Please do NOT make 7 of 9 into a salt shaker with high heels! :smalleek:

2010-03-05, 06:21 AM
Maybe it's just me, but me imagining the borg vs. Daleks goes something like Daleks vs. Cybermen. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qu1_AguulJ8)

Avilan the Grey
2010-03-05, 06:54 AM
Maybe it's just me, but me imagining the borg vs. Daleks goes something like Daleks vs. Cybermen. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qu1_AguulJ8)

No, it's me too. That's why I suggested it. Plus of course Q getting utterly humiliated by the Doctor.

2010-03-05, 07:23 AM
Didnt someone wanted to have a deadpool meets McNinja?

Aaaanyway, the craziest, yet awesome (not quite a) crossover I've seen, wich is actaully a RPG, is CthulhuTech, in other words Cthulhu meets Evangelion.

I'm working on my Fallout/Pokemon project =P

Avilan the Grey
2010-03-05, 07:36 AM
How about Deadpool / Johnny Bravo?

How I met your mother / 2˝ men (or rather, Barney vs Charlie)

Power Girl / Big Bang Theory

...For that matter... Numb3rs / Big Bang Theory.

2010-03-05, 07:38 AM
what about Pinky and the Brain / Dexter's Lab?
Brain and The Brain try to take over the world, Pinky becomes Dee Dee very best friend 4 ever and Dexter is, uh, doing something, and so is snowball.

2010-03-05, 08:08 AM
Army of Darkness (Or Evil Dead in general) with Resident Evil. They just mesh so well, and Ash would definitely be able to destroy Tyrants.

2010-03-05, 08:27 AM
The Legend Of Spyro/Eragon.

I see some horrible humiliation on the Eragon characters part coming on the horizon here.
That, and a lot of dead people.
And undead, don't forget the undead.
Or crazy monkeys...crazy life-force stealing skeleton monkeys.
Or golems...Goddamn bastard lovechild of a Balrog and a stone collosus.

Eragon: What do you mean the dead are getting back up? *Get's stomped on by a golem*

The Varden: What do you mean that dragon just spit a giant lazor at us? and why is the ground cracking and spewing lava?

Galbatorix: Shruikan...why is your entire body wreathed in shadows? And why are you spitting lazors instead of fire...AND STOP TRYING TO KILL ME!

Yes, very many dead people indeed.

Kingdom Hearts/Dragonball Z

Recipe for disaster.

Goku: What's a heartless?

*Half the universe goes bye-bye because one of the villains became a heartless*
Heartless Cell...yeah...not good :smalleek:

2010-03-05, 09:09 AM
I'm working on my Fallout/Pokemon project =P

*Said in the voice of the Intro* War. War sadly has changed. Until the 21. century, war has been waged for a multitude of reasons. Greed. Desperation. Lust for Power. Until nuclear fire finaly consumed the earth, changing it forever.
The animals, unable to shelter themselves or adapt, like humanity always will, were hit the worst. Now, war has changed. Sensing the opportunity, the few surviving humans crawled out of their bunkers to tame and train the now barely recognizable animals, and, in an almost biblical way, gave them silly names. These are the new weapons of war, more dreadful than any weapon ever devised. War now isn't fought about coin, or country, but to acquire small medals, and become the very best. You, too, have been sent by your tribe, to be like no one ever was. The wasteland awaits you...

2010-03-05, 09:13 AM
*Said in the voice of the Intro* War. War sadly has changed. Until the 21. century, war has been waged for a multitude of reasons. Greed. Desperation. Lust for Power. Until nuclear fire finaly consumed the earth, changing it forever.
The animals, unable to shelter themselves or adapt, like humanity always will, were hit the worst. Now, war has changed. Sensing the opportunity, the few surviving humans crawled out of their bunkers to tame and train the now barely recognizable animals, and, in an almost biblical way, gave them silly names. These are the new weapons of war, more dreadful than any weapon ever devised. War now isn't fought about coin, or country, but to acquire small medals, and become the very best. You, too, have been sent by your tribe, to be like no one ever was. The wasteland awaits you...

This is so going to be in the PDF if I ever make one.

2010-03-05, 09:19 AM
Now I want to see Supermutants in arena duels. Or the Brotherhood of Steel.

And of course:

"Here is your very own Pokédex3000".
"Liberty prime, I choose you!"

Finn Solomon
2010-03-05, 09:24 AM
Mass Effect/Firefly. Wash and Joker must meet!

This has gotta happen!

2010-03-05, 09:30 AM
Now I want to see Supermutants in arena duels. Or the Brotherhood of Steel.

And of course:

"Here is your very own Pokédex3000".
"Liberty prime, I choose you!"

I still need a good reason why Kanto got Nuked and I also wanted to add a little bit of cyberpunk to the setting, I mean what's cooler than a 10 year old with a gunshot fighting pokemon in the nuclear waste?

2010-03-05, 09:46 AM
Take the story of Fallout and change it to fit the Pokémon world. Specifically, there has to be a rare natural resource, which occurs only in a neighboring region, and an aggressive nation which takes over said region.
Now the Kanto military (was there ever anything like a government visible? There's the police in the anime, but not much else, is there?) decides to strike back, developing power armour by mimicry of steel pokémon. In retaliation, the other nation develops the new "nuclear" type monsters, and uses them to devastate the landscape.

2010-03-05, 09:51 AM
Maybe the goverment hired team rocket as a paramilitar organization to help in the conflict, wich started once jhoto decided not to trade jhoto only pokemons anymore, anyway, team rocket's super weapon, Mewtwo goes nova all over the world with his psychic powers and nukes the pokemon world.

2010-03-05, 09:52 AM
There ya go. Makes sense, I'd say. The Pokéball trade is collapsing, Giovanni is hired, Mewto goes nuclear.

Bonus points for:

"The new Team Rocket Vaults keep you safe from the harsh reality of the psychic wasteland."

2010-03-05, 09:55 AM
Castlevania and Twilight.
I'd love to see Edward be killed by Richiter or Simon to the tune of Beginning. Or Bella get her throat torn out by that/a werewolf boss/enemy from Portrait of Ruin/Symphony of the Night. TAKE THAT, JACOB!

No doubt it wouldn't work. I don't know if it's a good thing or a bad thing, I've just been looking for a place to post this idea.

I want to see Twilight v. Angelus(from Buffy).
The main question would be; Does Angelus just kill Edward outright because his existance is an affront to all vampires, or does he torture him, Jacob, and all of their "vampire and werewolf" friends, forcing Bela to watch, eventually driving her insane, and then turning her into a REAL vampire, and letting her kill them all herself. Yeah!:smallyuk:

2010-03-05, 10:08 AM
There ya go. Makes sense, I'd say. The Pokéball trade is collapsing, Giovanni is hired, Mewto goes nuclear.

Bonus points for:

"The new Team Rocket Vaults keep you safe from the harsh reality of the psychic wasteland."

My only question is, who would play the Brotherhood of Steel role?

2010-03-05, 10:31 AM
I want to see Twilight v. Angelus(from Buffy).
The main question would be; Does Angelus just kill Edward outright because his existance is an affront to all vampires, or does he torture him, Jacob, and all of their "vampire and werewolf" friends, forcing Bela to watch, eventually driving her insane, and then turning her into a REAL vampire, and letting her kill them all herself. Yeah!:smallyuk:

One signature I've seen on the forum reads "Then Buffy staked Edward and they all lived happily ever after."

Mercenary Pen
2010-03-05, 11:04 AM
Now the Kanto military (was there ever anything like a government visible? There's the police in the anime, but not much else, is there?)

The third Kanto gym leader was Lt. Surge, and has an army backstory.

Besides, aren't pokemon Colloseum and Pokemon XD a step in the right direction.

2010-03-05, 11:56 AM
I've thought about this. How would it be if you moved the story into the Fallout world, instead of just taking the Fallout-y background.
Japan has been devasted just like any other country. And after the toxic wasteland is not THAT toxic anymore, the survivors emerge only to find that the animals they were told of in books and holovids have grossly mutated, making Japan their home. Realizing that these animals are highly dangerous, but, due to radiation effects, not very aggressive and very docile, they rebuild their civilization. But fierce individuals take the idea of living together with the new, so called Rad-mon, a step further, making the giant, abandoned halls of industry and sport their new homes, and gathering a team of equally hard gangsters with them to form gangs that terrorize the lands. Each gang forms a style for themselves, putting together wasteland folklore, bits and pieces of remembered Japanese myths, and whatever of Western culture the holovids contained and decorating themselves and their arenas accordingly.
On group takes this idea even further, dreaming of a Japan reborn in the glory they have dimly heard of. Realizing, however, that a return to the old ways of order and peace is impossible, the take the name of the fallen, lordless warrior, forming TEAM RONIN!
On the other hand, a group arises, vowing to drag Japan's technology back from beneath the ruins and reforge Japan into the technological superpower it once was (or, making it as they IMAGINE it was). Opposing Team Ronin in every way, they, clad in the modified O-yoroi armors of the late 21. century, call themselves the SAMURAI OF STEEL!

2010-03-05, 12:04 PM
haha, OK, it's really good but lets take this discussion somewhere else.

Like here! (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=8015091#post8015091)

2010-03-05, 01:24 PM
Plus of course Q getting utterly humiliated by the Doctor.
... what?:smallconfused:

2010-03-05, 04:45 PM
I already imagined Avatar to be a Lighter and Softer version of Exalted.

Um, how so exactly?

2010-03-05, 04:50 PM
Of course you could have a crossover of everybody, if you set it in Cynosure, the city where Grimjack hangs out.:smallbiggrin:

2010-03-05, 04:50 PM
Um, how so exactly?

Martial artists with links to the classical elements.... That's about all I see.

The Demented One
2010-03-05, 04:58 PM
Um, how so exactly?
Dragon-Bloods and element-benders map on each other pretty well. And magic elemental kung fu, of course.

2010-03-05, 05:08 PM
The four nations as well; very similar to the 5 poles, they are.

2010-03-05, 05:09 PM
Dragon-Bloods and element-benders map on each other pretty well. And magic elemental kung fu, of course.

That makes more sense. Thank you.

The Demented One
2010-03-05, 05:13 PM
The four nations as well; very similar to the 5 poles, they are.
It honestly irks me that Avatar is not five-element. I've gotten to used to Exalted's cosmology (which, funnily enough, doesn't line up with any real world cosmology–the only five-element system has Metal instead of air, and the only system with air is four-element).

2010-03-05, 05:43 PM
Of course you could have a crossover of everybody, if you set it in Cynosure, the city where Grimjack hangs out.:smallbiggrin:I have no idea what you're talking about, but it should be crossed over with Bleach so that Grimjack can fight Grimmjaw Jaggerjacques.

2010-03-05, 06:18 PM
I have no idea what you're talking about, but it should be crossed over with Bleach so that Grimjack can fight Grimmjaw Jaggerjacques.

Grimjack was a comic from First Comics in the '80's Created by John Ostrander and Timothy Truman, about a Sword for Hire who lived in a City called Cynosure; a city where all dimensions and realities meet. Each reality has it's own physical laws, so magic works some places, guns work others, and swords work pretty much everywhere. The series has recently(within the last couple of years) been reprinted. Highly recommended.

2010-03-05, 07:36 PM
Couple of years ago, some friends and I challenged ourselves by taping up a bunch of manga/cartoons/computer game names on a wall and throwing darts at them to randomly pick crossovers.

I ended up with Naruto, She-Ra, World of Warcraft, and Aspects of Valor (an older computer game we played back in the day).

I happen to think it worked :smallbiggrin:

2010-03-05, 07:45 PM
Venture Bros v John Quest

...something I need to read

2010-03-05, 07:47 PM
Um, how so exactly?

A generational hero that embodies the heroism of bygone ages, whose role was essential to the natural way things work has been sealed away for a long period of time during which a militaristic organization has brought most of the world to heel and who hunts after this generational hero with all its might.

This hero's prison in the ocean has shattered, allowing him to embark on a journey to make up for past mistakes and set right the world.

Avatar was so much Exalted that if they made an Exalted animated series, people could easily accuse it of ripping off Avatar.

2010-03-05, 08:07 PM
Venture Bros v John Quest

...something I need to read

Thats canon for Venture Brothers. Johnny is a pill popping mentally unstable recluse now though.

2010-03-05, 09:33 PM
Avatar was so much Exalted that if they made an Exalted animated series, people could easily accuse it of ripping off Avatar.

Until they started pulling out Sidereal Martial Arts. :smalltongue:

2010-03-05, 09:42 PM
It honestly irks me that Avatar is not five-element. I've gotten to used to Exalted's cosmology (which, funnily enough, doesn't line up with any real world cosmology–the only five-element system has Metal instead of air, and the only system with air is four-element).

Well, it technically is, with spirit filling the 5th slot.

Personally, I'm a fan of having 6 "elements", like in the Codex Alera(Fire, Water, Earth, Air, Metal, and Wood), but that's just me.

Really, though, there are some really interesting crossovers that work, largely due to the author being good. Of course, most fail hard, but I know of a Stargate/Avatar crossover that works well, so anything is possible.

Magnor Criol
2010-03-05, 09:49 PM
A generational hero that embodies the heroism of bygone ages, whose role was essential to the natural way things work has been sealed away for a long period of time during which a militaristic organization has brought most of the world to heel and who hunts after this generational hero with all its might.

This hero's prison in the ocean has shattered, allowing him to embark on a journey to make up for past mistakes and set right the world.

Avatar was so much Exalted that if they made an Exalted animated series, people could easily accuse it of ripping off Avatar.

Yeah, but that concept - of a reincarnating hero - has been around for way longer than either Avatar or Exalted.

Honestly, I don't see it. I'm not a player of Exalted, I'll admit, and that may make the difference. But I am familiar with the setting and ideas. I can see similarities, but I have trouble believing that the designers of a cartoon show really decided to rip off a roleplaying game.

Besides - in Exalted, there's more than one reincarnating hero, right? In the avatar world, there's only one.

2010-03-05, 09:51 PM
Gurren Lagann meets Hogan's Hero's.

Of course, if nobody's linked it yet there is a program for this sort of thing. Here, watch and be amazed... (http://kaction.com/badfanfiction/)

2010-03-05, 11:15 PM
Archer v Burn Notice
Sesame Street v Resident Evil
Seinfeld v Cloverfield
Silence of the Lambs v Iron Chef (guess what the secret ingredient is...)

2010-03-06, 08:22 AM
Yeah, but that concept - of a reincarnating hero - has been around for way longer than either Avatar or Exalted.

Honestly, I don't see it. I'm not a player of Exalted, I'll admit, and that may make the difference. But I am familiar with the setting and ideas. I can see similarities, but I have trouble believing that the designers of a cartoon show really decided to rip off a roleplaying game.

Besides - in Exalted, there's more than one reincarnating hero, right? In the avatar world, there's only one.If anything, the Avatar was based on the Dalai Lama (http://www.dalailama.com/biography/a-brief-biography) and the Air Nomads were based on the people of Tibet. They even use the same method for finding the next Avatar as is used to find the next Lama. And part of the Dalai Lama's name is always Gyatso, which was also the name of the head of the Air Temple where Aang lived. His title means something like "Guru as great as the ocean" - now watch the episode with Jeong-Jeong again.

I don't think the Dalai Lama can shoot tornadoes out of his hands though. I could be wrong. :smallconfused:

2010-03-06, 08:32 AM
Your challenge is to write crossover fanfiction combining Big Brother and West Side Story. The story should use tornadoes as a plot device!

Edit: now the generator is not even trying anymore.

Moulin Rouge/Phantom of the Opera. Plot device is a theatre.

Lord of Rapture
2010-03-06, 08:40 AM
I got:

Your challenge is to write crossover fanfiction combining 4chan and King Arthur. The story should use a tournament of some sort as a plot device!

I smell F/SN-4chan crossover! :smallbiggrin:

2010-03-06, 09:40 AM
Your challenge is to write crossover fanfiction combining Shrek and I, Robot. The story should use bondage as a plot device!

This is certainly...interesting. So is it the book or the movie they refer to?

2010-03-06, 09:43 AM
I smell F/SN-4chan crossover! :smallbiggrin:How do you cross something over with 4chan anyway? Instead of speaking the summoning incantations you post them, and the Servants get summoned into the Internet?

In most places, both Archers would be banned for spamming.

Finn Solomon
2010-03-06, 09:50 AM
I've got it!

Silent Hill / Sesame Street

Sesame Hill - You don't want to be told how to get there...

Lord of Rapture
2010-03-06, 10:23 AM
How do you cross something over with 4chan anyway? Instead of speaking the summoning incantations you post them, and the Servants get summoned into the Internet?

In most places, both Archers would be banned for spamming.

Obviously, it's somehow Creed's fault that the Servants are tearing up 4chan and its cancerous blight on the internet. Or maybe Kane.


2010-03-06, 10:44 AM
His title means something like "Guru as great as the ocean" - now watch the episode with Jeong-Jeong again.
You sure you're not thinking of Guru Pathik from season 2, who taught Aang about chakras? Jeong-Jeong the Deserter was Aang's brief firebending tutor from season 1 whose episode was in part one long reference to Heart of Darkness, with Jeong-Jeong in the role of Kurtz. I don't think he can really be said to have been inspired by a title like that.


2010-03-06, 11:29 AM
You sure you're not thinking of Guru Pathik from season 2, who taught Aang about chakras? Jeong-Jeong the Deserter was Aang's brief firebending tutor from season 1 whose episode was in part one long reference to Heart of Darkness, with Jeong-Jeong in the role of Kurtz. I don't think he can really be said to have been inspired by a title like that.

ZevoxI meant that Jeong-Jeong makes a comment about Aang living in "the river" and not yet understanding "the ocean", like previous Avatars did.

Pathik doesn't reincarnate as far as we know, though he might be immortal.

Obviously, it's somehow Creed's fault that the Servants are tearing up 4chan and its cancerous blight on the internet. Or maybe Kane.

TACTICAL GENIUS HURR.All the Evils of the World Internet?

2010-03-06, 11:35 AM
I meant that Jeong-Jeong makes a comment about Aang living in "the river" and not yet understanding "the ocean", like previous Avatars did.

Pathik doesn't reincarnate as far as we know, though he might be immortal.
Ah, okay, I didn't realize you referring to that specific comment, rather than to Jeong-Jeong as a character.

And I doubt Pathik was immortal. He wouldn't be the only person from 100 years ago to survive to the show's present without being immortal (see: King Bumi), and we've no reason to suspect he's immortal outside of his age.


2010-03-06, 11:39 AM
And I doubt Pathik was immortal. He wouldn't be the only person from 100 years ago to survive to the show's present without being immortal (see: King Bumi), and we've no reason to suspect he's immortal outside of his age.Well, spirituality seems to increase your lifespan in the Avatar-verse at least. Bumi was possibly the most powerful Earthbender in the world, Avatar Kyoshi lived to be over 200, and Pathik has displayed what appears to be Spiritbending.

Thane of Fife
2010-03-08, 08:49 AM
Your challenge is to write crossover fanfiction combining the Diary of Anne Frank and The Real World. The story should use unplanned pregnancies as a plot device!

I'm not entirely sure how to respond to this.

2010-03-08, 08:59 AM
Your challenge is to write crossover fanfiction combining Cardcaptor Sakura and Monty Python & the Holy Grail. The story should use losing one's virginity as a plot device!


So... Sakura tempts Launcelot at anthrax castle and we build up from there.


Your challenge is to write crossover fanfiction combining King Arthur and Monty Python & the Holy Grail. The story should use evil clones as a plot device!

This one makes a lot of sense

2010-03-08, 12:37 PM

So... Sakura tempts Launcelot at anthrax castle and we build up from there.

Wow... Umm... Wow... Yeah...

Maybe I shouldn't have posted that link...

2010-03-08, 05:13 PM
FLCL with Halo, just imagining master-chief the arbiter and a couple of pelicans worth of ODST's getting destroyed by one robot, a girl with a guitar, a kid with a guitar, and a pyromaniac with lighters duct taped to her forehead makes me smile.

2010-03-08, 05:16 PM
FLCL with Halo, just imagining master-chief the arbiter and a couple of pelicans worth of ODST's getting destroyed by one robot, a girl with a guitar, a kid with a guitar, and a pyromaniac with lighters duct taped to her forehead makes me smile.

In the words of Edward Buck,

"You know the music, time to dance."

2010-03-08, 08:45 PM
A crossover between River City Ransom and Earthbound would be pretty sweet, if only to beat up a STARMAN and have it yell BARF! upon defeat. Would be a pretty epic RPG/Beat-em-up.

Also a mix between Heavy Traffic and The Things They Carried would be very interesting. Changing the setting from turn-of-the-century New York, to that of one during the late 60's early 70's. It could be split between Michael's experiances in Vietnam with the Platoon, such as when Lavender is shot and killed, all done in a hyper-stylized roto-scoping. Then it could shift to his return home, and dealings with his mother, father, and all the other psychos that populate the city in Heavy Traffic.

2010-03-09, 05:59 AM
The generator's giving me a Legend of Zelda/Barack Obama crossover with an orgy as a plot device.:smalleek:

I don't think the Dalai Lama can shoot tornadoes out of his hands though. I could be wrong. :smallconfused:

Do you mind if I sig that?

2010-03-09, 08:12 AM
Do you mind if I sig that?Oh, you don't need to ask. :smalltongue:

2010-03-09, 08:00 PM
I don't think the Dalai Lama can shoot tornadoes out of his hands though. I could be wrong. :smallconfused:

He would be no match for the Pope's Sith lightning.

The Glyphstone
2010-03-09, 08:13 PM
Your challenge is to write crossover fanfiction combining A-Team and Max Payne. The story should use as a plot device!

I think I broke it.

2010-03-09, 08:15 PM
Your challenge is to write crossover fanfiction combining Rock Band and Twilight. The story should use car accidents as a plot device!


EDIT: Actually, this one's better:

Your challenge is to write crossover fanfiction combining NASCAR and Teen Titans. The story should use creepy interent fetishes as a plot device!

2010-03-09, 08:58 PM
Your challenge is to write crossover fanfiction combining Chronicles of Narnia and Darkwing Duck. The story should use bondage as a plot device!


2010-03-09, 09:32 PM
Your challenge is to write crossover fanfiction combining Darkwing Duck and Blue's Clues. The story should use tentacle rape as a plot device!
...I don't know whether to be horrified or laugh my ass off. I'll guess I'll just have to go with with stunned indecision.


2010-03-09, 09:57 PM
Terrible ideas? Ok

Berserk + saved by the bell
Duke Nukem + The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya
K-on + Kiss

2010-03-09, 10:14 PM
Terrible ideas? Ok

Berserk + saved by the bell
Duke Nukem + The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya
K-on + Kiss

Oh come on, you know those would be hilarious.

Hideous, but hilarious.

2010-03-09, 10:22 PM
World of Warcraft + Twilight


Starcraft + Starwars.

Better but incredibly pointless.

Halo + Starcraft + Starwars.

Now you're not even trying.

Lord of Rapture
2010-03-10, 02:37 AM
Ooh! Ooh! Which one sounds better?

The Marvelous Misadventures of Miko Miyazaki and Lelouch Lamperouge* in the Wonderfully Wicked World of Westeros


Fate/Stay Night - Super Robot Edition!

Failing that, how about

Command and Conquer: Tiberium Universe meets Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha?

*now in Code-endowed edition!

2010-03-10, 03:00 AM
Your challenge is to write crossover fanfiction combining Freakazoid and Oregon Trail. The story should use a vacation as a plot device!

...Totally something that the show would have done...

2010-03-10, 03:51 AM
Your challenge is to write crossover fanfiction combining Spiderman and The Odyssey. The story should use a haunted house as a plot device!

Your challenge is to write crossover fanfiction combining Titanic and Half-Life. The story should use good characters becoming evil as a plot device!
Maybe, maybe not.

Mercenary Pen
2010-03-10, 05:25 AM
Fate/Stay Night - Super Robot Edition!

Way to promote the Visual Novel project.

In a slightly more serious vein than some of these ideas, how about a crossover between NCIS and Mobile Police Patlabor- it'd work pretty easily I reckon.

For something a little crazier I'll cross Agatha Christie's Poirot novels with Yu-Gi-Oh, and use interstellar warfare as the defining plot element.

2010-03-10, 02:41 PM
Your challenge is to write crossover fanfiction combining James Bond and Final Fantasy X-2. The story should use a party as a plot device!


and end with Bond in bed with all three of the girls, probably. :smalltongue:

Your challenge is to write crossover fanfiction combining Flavor Flav and The Magic School Bus. The story should use murder as a plot device!


Your challenge is to write crossover fanfiction combining I, Robot and Survivor. The story should use the first day of high school as a plot device!


Your challenge is to write crossover fanfiction combining Cardcaptor Sakura and the Diary of Anne Frank. The story should use magic as a plot device!

I find myself wondering how this would work...

Your challenge is to write crossover fanfiction combining Spiderman and Chronicles of Narnia. The story should use alternate dimensions as a plot device!


Your challenge is to write crossover fanfiction combining Mythbusters and Final Fantasy 8. The story should use furries as a plot device!

*mind breaks*

Avilan the Grey
2010-03-10, 03:38 PM
What about:

Iron Man / Mass Effect (2)?

Van Helsing (the movie) / The Dresden Files

James Bond / Penguins of Madagascar

2010-03-10, 04:32 PM
Shin Megami Tensei and Neon Genesis Evangelion.

It would have so much exotic western occultism in it that every Japanese person that sees it in action would explode and turn into a messy pile of goo and pentagrams.
And should it ever be translated, the western audience would scratch their heads and wonder what the creators were smoking when they were doing research for the story.

2010-03-10, 06:07 PM
Shin Megami Tensei and Neon Genesis Evangelion.

It would have so much exotic western occultism in it that every Japanese person that sees it in action would explode and turn into a messy pile of goo and pentagrams.
And should it ever be translated, the western audience would scratch their heads and wonder what the creators were smoking when they were doing research for the story.

Stir in some Cuthulu Mythos and add a dash of Raxephon and serve with a nice The Prisoner sidedish and it gets even crazier.

2010-03-10, 08:40 PM
Stir in some Cuthulu Mythos and add a dash of Raxephon and serve with a nice The Prisoner sidedish and it gets even crazier.

Well, at least with The Prisoner in it, there'd be one free man at the end.

Although, well, everything else?


2010-03-11, 01:35 AM
Well, at least with The Prisoner in it, there'd be one free man at the end.

Although, well, everything else?


Thats if Number Six is alive to begin with which he might not be.

2010-03-11, 12:05 PM
Your challenge is to write crossover fanfiction combining King Arthur and Knight Rider. The story should use terrorism as a plot device!
I could see this happening, actually.

Your challenge is to write crossover fanfiction combining The Matrix and the Princess Bride. The story should use someone opening a gate to Hell as a plot device!
I want to see this happen.

Your challenge is to write crossover fanfiction combining the Diary of Anne Frank and Frankenstein. The story should use a malevolent artificial intelligence as a plot device!
And I'll call it "The Diary of Anne Frankenstein" and make millions!

Your challenge is to write crossover fanfiction combining Scrubs and Spiderman. The story should use possession by Satan as a plot device!

Your challenge is to write crossover fanfiction combining Yoshi's Island and James Bond. The story should use shopping for a Wii as a plot device!
*Head explodes*

Don't worry, it's only a flesh wound. Now, let's see what...

Your challenge is to write crossover fanfiction combining Monty Python & the Holy Grail and the Diary of Anne Frank. The story should use anorexia as a plot device!
*Universe explodes*

2010-03-11, 12:07 PM
Pokémon and the Cthulhu mythos.

Why? Because I just saw the Nostalgia Critic's review of the Pokémon movie and my conclusion is that Mew is a personification of the idiot god.

2010-03-11, 01:32 PM
Okay, here's my pitch.

Edward and Bella from Twilight have accidentally made Shiki think they killed Arcueid.

On a more serious note... Hellsing + Tsukihime.

Hmm... Mayoi Neko Overrun + Kanokon?

2010-03-11, 01:39 PM
Okay, here's my pitch.

Edward and Bella from Twilight have accidentally made Shiki think they killed Arcueid.Hurray, perma-death for all! :smallbiggrin:

2010-03-11, 04:59 PM
Your challenge is to write crossover fanfiction combining Godzilla and Toy Story. The story should use gay relationships as a plot device!

*Universe explodes, again*

Crossovers I would like to see:

- Eragon/Discworld. What can I say, I love a good curbstomp... :smallbiggrin: The only question is whether Vimes can get Eragon for playing judge, jury and executioner before Esmerelda Weatherwax gets him for messing with dangerous magic he does not understand.

-Gurren Lagann/Serial Experiments Lain. No idea whatsoever about how it could work, but it would be awesome.

-Aria/Lovecraft's Dream Cycle

2010-03-11, 05:14 PM
Your challenge is to write crossover fanfiction combining The Bible and Garfield. The story should use love triangles as a plot device!
Somebody up to the challenge? :smallbiggrin:

2010-03-12, 05:31 PM
Hello Kitty + Apocalypse Now.

"I love the smell of cuteness in the morning! Smells like... victory!"

2010-03-12, 06:21 PM
Nanoha+Negima+Disgaea et. al.

It just works, I tell you! Mundus Magica is Al Hazard and contains Ivoire, Gordon works for the TSAB, Scagletti is Kurtis, and Baal is an all around bad guy. The Nine Swords of Ivoire are opposites to the Ala Alba, and Scarlet the Brave vs. Thousand Master is the greatest fight that never happened.

White Collar+NCIS+Burn Notice

You know you want it.

Edit: Phoenix Wright+Exalted

Seriously, Ace Attorney-style courtroom antics is an Exalted Martial Arts style waiting to happen, if it hasn't already.

2010-03-12, 06:31 PM
Hello Kitty + Apocalypse Now.

"I love the smell of cuteness in the morning! Smells like... victory!"

I prefer Yotsuba & The Full Metal Jacket!

2010-03-12, 06:36 PM
Fate/stay night + Super Sentai

Based entirely on the existence of this guy (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h-t6laGldvs), who I remembered recently.

The Demented One
2010-03-12, 06:39 PM
Edit: Phoenix Wright+Exalted

Seriously, Ace Attorney-style courtroom antics is an Exalted Martial Arts style waiting to happen, if it hasn't already.
Would a trial of a Solar Circle, in Heaven, before the Unconquered Sun count?

Mercenary Pen
2010-03-12, 06:48 PM
I reckon Star Wars and Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann ought to happen.

2010-03-12, 06:50 PM
Would a trial of a Solar Circle, in Heaven, before the Unconquered Sun count?

Depends. Were the attorneys and witnesses physically hurt by points and counterpoints?

Was there liberal use of pointing fingers and shouts of "Objection"?

And most importantly: Was it over the top? Even for Exalted?

2010-03-12, 08:36 PM
Hello Kitty and Warhammer 40k.
In the grim darkness of the 41st Millennium, THERE ARE ONLY HUGS!

2010-03-12, 08:43 PM
Hello Kitty and Warhammer 40k.
In the grim darkness of the 41st Millennium, THERE ARE ONLY HUGS!

Ahem... (http://lh5.ggpht.com/_kMzxrQXhcbk/Sj4iRAXujoI/AAAAAAAAAGM/hCt3Po_CMq4/s1600-h/HelloKittyMarines%5B11%5D.jpg)
someone beat you to it man (http://lh6.ggpht.com/_kMzxrQXhcbk/Sj4h7tmp73I/AAAAAAAAAGE/ivtMw4GSNfA/s1600-h/1244817590071%5B11%5D.jpg)

2010-03-12, 08:48 PM
Hello Kitty and Warhammer 40k.
In the grim darkness of the 41st Millennium, THERE ARE ONLY HUGS!

Also, I give you a compromise (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=6925306&postcount=333).

2010-03-12, 09:05 PM
Ahem... (http://lh5.ggpht.com/_kMzxrQXhcbk/Sj4iRAXujoI/AAAAAAAAAGM/hCt3Po_CMq4/s1600-h/HelloKittyMarines%5B11%5D.jpg)
someone beat you to it man (http://lh6.ggpht.com/_kMzxrQXhcbk/Sj4h7tmp73I/AAAAAAAAAGE/ivtMw4GSNfA/s1600-h/1244817590071%5B11%5D.jpg)

Aww :(

Addendum; Hello Kitty + Warhammer 40k + Cthulhu Mythos + Pokemans

Also, I give you a compromise (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=6925306&postcount=333).

The Inquisition Approves!

Imagine a Hello Kitty hivemind; whose sole propagating purpose is biological and technological assimilation.

Mercenary Pen
2010-03-12, 09:27 PM
Imagine a Hello Kitty hivemind; whose sole propagating purpose is biological and technological assimilation.


2010-03-12, 10:24 PM
Twilight + Touhou:
The Bella and the Cullens visit the Scarlet Devil Mansion. No one heard from them again.

Touhou + Inuyasha:
Both worlds are very similar. We have mikos, a white dog thing, a half-youkai. I expect Miroku to face bullet hell. Also everyone in Gensokyo curbstomps Naraku.

2010-03-12, 10:47 PM
My first has to be a crossover between Gundam Wing and The Prisoner, if only for the interaction between Gundam Wing's characters (with numbers in place of names) and the whole "I am not a number" thing that The Prisoner focussed on.

Evangelion meets the Prisoner:

Shinji: Where am I?
Rei: In the Geofront.
Shinji: What do you want?
Rei: Instrumentality.
Shinji: Whose side are you on?
Rei: That would be telling. We want instrumentality… instrumentality… in strumentality.
Shinji: You won't get it.
Rei: By hook or by crook, we will.
Shinji: Who are you?
Rei: The new Unit Zero.
Shinji: Who is Unit One?
Rei: You are Number Three.
Shinji: I am not a number! I am a free man!
Rei: [looks inscrutable]

2010-03-12, 10:59 PM
Evangelion meets the Prisoner:

Shinji: Where am I?
Rei: In the Geofront.
Shinji: What do you want?
Rei: Instrumentality.
Shinji: Whose side are you on?
Rei: That would be telling. We want instrumentality… instrumentality… in strumentality.
Shinji: You won't get it.
Rei: By hook or by crook, we will.
Shinji: Who are you?
Rei: The new Unit Zero.
Shinji: Who is Unit One?
Rei: You are Number Three.
Shinji: I am not a number! I am a free man!
Rei: [looks inscrutable]

I'd figure Shinji would break down crying more than the ex spy who may or may not be John Drake. Like, by the end of the opening kidnapping.

2010-03-12, 11:16 PM
I'd figure Shinji would break down crying more than the ex spy who may or may not be John Drake. Like, by the end of the opening kidnapping.

Doctor Akagi: "Gave up sugar four years and three months ago on medical advice." That shows you're afraid.
Shinji: What?
Doctor Akagi: You're afraid of death.
Shinji: I'm afraid of nothing. I mustn't run away.
Doctor Akagi: You're afraid of your father. You are aware of that? Good, you are honest. That is of use here. Honesty attracts confidence and confidences are the core of our defense.

2010-03-13, 01:50 AM
Doctor Akagi: "Gave up sugar four years and three months ago on medical advice." That shows you're afraid.
Shinji: What?
Doctor Akagi: You're afraid of death.
Shinji: I'm afraid of nothing. I mustn't run away.
Doctor Akagi: You're afraid of your father. You are aware of that? Good, you are honest. That is of use here. Honesty attracts confidence and confidences are the core of our defense.

This deserves an internet.

2010-03-13, 11:31 AM
Your challenge is to write crossover fanfiction combining American Idol and Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. The story should use creepy interent fetishes as a plot device!

Don't think about the Guide entries for this. Don't think about the Guide entries for this. Don't think about the... Aw, boop.

2010-03-13, 12:05 PM
Your challenge is to write crossover fanfiction combining King of the Hill and The Office. The story should use a zombie attack as a plot device!

I can see someone writing this, actually.

It'd almost definitely be awful.

Unlike the ideas for Hulk and Atlas Shrugged crossovers involving a blizzard.


Or the Jeffersons meet Jason, using martial arts as a plot device.

On the other hand, some of these write themselves.

"Your challenge is to write crossover fanfiction combining Johnny the Homicidal Maniac and Friends. The story should use murder as a plot device!"

2010-03-13, 12:06 PM
Twilight meet Eragon meets Aliens vs Predator?

From the random crossover generator:

I'm not sure how the plot device would work, but this could be good:

Your challenge is to write crossover fanfiction combining Samurai Jack and Friday the 13th. The story should use winning the lottery as a plot device!

However, I don't think you could top this:

Your challenge is to write crossover fanfiction combining Around the World in 80 Days and Deus Ex. The story should use someone opening a gate to Hell as a plot device!

Although this might come close:

Your challenge is to write crossover fanfiction combining Silent Hill and Friends. The story should use a plague as a plot device!

This could actually work:

Your challenge is to write crossover fanfiction combining Donkey Kong and Calvin and Hobbes. The story should use robbery as a plot device!

As could this (as a parody):

Your challenge is to write crossover fanfiction combining Atlas Shrugged and Family Guy. The story should use suicide as a plot device!

Ew! No! Brainbleach!

Your challenge is to write crossover fanfiction combining Gilligan's Island and Malcolm in the Middle. The story should use incest as a plot device!

That concept generator is amusing, but it seems to be slightly broken, and doesn't always give a plot device. It can't just leave me hanging with this incomplete suggestion:

Your challenge is to write crossover fanfiction combining Columbo and Kill Bill. The story should use as a plot device!

Less amusing, but still good for a chuckle:

Your challenge is to write crossover fanfiction combining Smurfs and Miami Vice. The story should use Columbus Day as a plot device!
Your challenge is to write crossover fanfiction combining Freakazoid and John McCain. The story should use getting sucked into the "real world" as a plot device!

Your challenge is to write crossover fanfiction combining Dukes of Hazzard and Tenchi Muyo. The story should use a sex-change operation as a plot device!

Your challenge is to write crossover fanfiction combining Dragonball Z and Akira. The story should use alcoholism as a plot device!

Your challenge is to write crossover fanfiction combining Garfield and Cinderella. The story should use gay relationships as a plot device!

Mercenary Pen
2010-03-13, 12:10 PM
Some of us are twisted and crazy enough not to need some crazy generator for this:

Your challenge is to create crossover fiction combining Fruits Basket and Wallace and Gromit. The story should include monster slaying as a plot device.

2010-03-13, 12:38 PM
Twilight + Touhou:
The Bella and the Cullens visit the Scarlet Devil Mansion. No one heard from them again.

I can't really see how this is a bad thing...

2010-03-13, 02:44 PM
Your challenge is to write crossover fanfiction combining Freakazoid and John McCain. The story should use getting sucked into the "real world" as a plot device!

That could actually be pretty interesting.

Run with the Freakazoid world as the "real world," and have the '08 elections be a popular comic book in that world...
Or just use this to write the most disturbing slash fic you can.

2010-03-13, 04:11 PM
Hmm- have hobby-crossovers been mentioned, like chessboxing?

One crossover I've had in my mind- Lego Warhammer 40000. The notion of seeing 40K battlefields made of Lego, and with decent-looking Lego model versions of the 40K miniatures, does mildly intrigue me.

2010-03-13, 04:24 PM
Hmm- have hobby-crossovers been mentioned, like chessboxing?

One crossover I've had in my mind- Lego Warhammer 40000. The notion of seeing 40K battlefields made of Lego, and with decent-looking Lego model versions of the 40K miniatures, does mildly intrigue me.

I always wanted to do a Tabletop Wargame with working figures and firecrackers.

"If your figurine is incapable of motion after the firecracker round, it is considered dead."

Probably too expensive though.

2010-03-13, 04:24 PM
We already did that... or rather, my friend saw a picture of an army online which consisted of approximately 700 gobbos, and decided to recreate that. After he ran out of gobbo models, he used Lego pirates for the rest, as proxies.

Not a very faithful recreation, but much cheaper.

Lawless III
2010-03-13, 05:02 PM
Ever since the new Evangelion movies came out, my friends and I have had this ongoing joke about an Eva/Futurama crossover. Fry pilots a giant version of Bender, Zoidberg is an angel, the professor helps plan instrumentality etc.

Also Pen Pen v.s. Nibbler. 'Nuff said.

2010-03-13, 05:33 PM
Ever since the new Evangelion movies came out, my friends and I have had this ongoing joke about an Eva/Futurama crossover. Fry pilots a giant version of Bender, Zoidberg is an angel, the professor helps plan instrumentality etc.

Also Pen Pen v.s. Nibbler. 'Nuff said.

Poor, delicious Pen Pen.

2010-03-14, 12:03 AM
Speaking of NGE...

Ikari Shinji meets Professor Rincewind. The universe may or may not explode.


Your challenge is to write crossover fanfiction combining Bill Nye the Science Guy and Beauty & the Beast. The story should use brainwashing as a plot device!

2010-03-14, 09:39 AM
Ikari Shinji meets Professor Rincewind. The universe may or may not explode.

But Rincewind will manage to run away to another universe before it does, of course.

While we are on the topic of Pratchett: Good Omens meets Berserk.
Truly, the interactions between Guts and Crowley would be a marvel to behold :smallbiggrin:

2010-03-14, 09:44 AM
Kirby, Walker Texas Ranger, gay relationship.
That's just wrong... on so many levels... :smallyuk: yet I can't help wondering what would happen after Kirby "swallows" Chuck Norris

James Bond, Hamtaro, creepy interent fetishes.

Major League Baseball, Twilight, journey to outer space.
HOMERUN ! I think it speaks for itself :smallbiggrin: That's a good thing Twilight sparkly vampires don't need to breath and have a diamond-hard skin. Well, good thing for us, at least.

Dragon Ball Z, Diary of Anne Frank, time travel.
... uh... :smalleek: (http://www.toplessrobot.com/2008/12/fan_ficition_friday_goku_and_anne_frank_in_until_t .php)

Teletubbies, Transformers, the apocalypse.
Teletubbies, Night of the Living Dead, a malevolent artificial intelligence.
Really, just about anything can become hilarious when combined with the Teletubbies. Or My Little Pony.

MacGyver, 24, unclogging a sink.
Most awesome. Plumbing operation. EVER. Angus MacGyver and Jack Bauer beat Mario Mario and Luigi Mario everyday.

Lord of Rapture
2010-03-14, 10:00 AM
Ever 17 meets Type-Moon with gay relationships as a plot device!

You know you want it. :smalltongue:

2010-03-14, 10:05 AM
Ever 17 meets Type-Moon with gay relationships as a plot device!

You know you want it. :smalltongue:

... You mean Fate/hollow ataraxia?

2010-03-14, 12:57 PM
Terminator meets Megaman.

Lord of Rapture
2010-03-14, 05:41 PM
... You mean Fate/hollow ataraxia?

Mmmmm....not quite close enough.

2010-03-14, 06:00 PM
Terminator meets Megaman.

So, what do you get from killing the Terminator? An australian accent?

2010-03-14, 06:04 PM
So, what do you get from killing the Terminator? An australian accent?

You mean Austrian.

And, presumably, the ability to know why humans cry.

2010-03-14, 07:24 PM
Kingdom Hearts and Watchmen with a murder plot device. Too easy.

Watchmen's world is just another world Sora, Donald and Goofy have to seal in the first game. Upon landing in New York they witness a man being thrown out his window by some Heartless.

Battling Heartless to reach the floor from which he fell to investigate they meet up with Rorasach who is surprisingly not bothered by the strange demons running around New York or the kid who beats said demons with a giant key and his anthromorphic animal sidekicks.

Together they make it into the apartment and discover the man was The Comedian, a former vigilante turned government Black Ops man. Rorasach convinces the outsiders they need to warn the other former heroes. So they fight more heartless on their way to Dan Drieberg's house.

Dan the former Nite-Owl reacts much stronger to the strange appearances of the outsiders and the demons but refuses to help since superheroes have been outlawed and he thinks the millitary can handle the Heartless.

They then battle heartless to reach the Veit Industies building where they talk to Adrian Veit. The former Ozymandias doesn't seem too concerned about the Heartless or the outsiders. After they leave he talks to Malificent about how the Heartless have been effective in his goals but he will need more now that the Keyblade weilder has come here.

More heartless fighting until they reach the Rockafiller Millitary base where they talk to Laurie and Dr. Manhattan. Dr. Manhattan tells them that his powers are being blocked which means the Heartless are likely to have taken hold over the Keyhole.

In their worry they proceed to go downtown and do battle with more Heartless on the way. Once there they bust up a bar of minor criminals including the retired Morlock the Mystic. More heartless attack the bar and kill Morlock and the Police come to investigate and arrest Rorasach with Sora, Donald and Goofy barely getting away.

When they get away they see a building on fire nearby. Sora, Donald and Goofy go off to help the people trapped inside and they meet Dan and Laurie who are in full costume. Sora tells them about Rorasach and they agree to help save him.

They go to the Prison which is under attack by Heartless. Some epic fighting of Heartless and they save our favourite psychopath. There is a fight with a giant heartless squid which they beat easy. Rorasach reveals that when the others were fighting there way to him one of the heartless revealed that this was Adrian's plan.

Dr. Manhattan apears to take Laurie to Mars which will seem like it came out of nowhere if you haven't read the comic. She goes with him and everyone else flies to Antartica to defeat Ozymandias. They fight him but get their asses kicked. He reveals that he did this in order to bring a threat to the world to bring an end to the Cold War which the second giant squid he sent to New York will provide. They try to stop him again but of course he did it thirty five minutes ago and New York is destroyed. Dr. Manhattan shows up and attempts to stop Ozymandias but he shows them footage from New York and shows them that if they bring him to justice they will reignite the Nuclear War with increased tension. With everyone subdued he points Sora to the Keyhole saying he no longer needs the Heartless now that there is peace.

Dejected Sora and co leave this dark deppressing world.

Lawless III
2010-03-14, 08:35 PM
Dr. Manhattan apears to take Laurie to Mars which will seem like it came out of nowhere if you haven't read the comic. She goes with him and everyone else flies to Antartica to defeat Ozymandias. They fight him but get their asses kicked. He reveals that he did this in order to bring a threat to the world to bring an end to the Cold War which the second giant squid he sent to New York will provide. They try to stop him again but of course he did it thirty five minutes ago and New York is destroyed. Dr. Manhattan shows up and attempts to stop Ozymandias but he shows them footage from New York and shows them that if they bring him to justice they will reignite the Nuclear War with increased tension. With everyone subdued he points Sora to the Keyhole saying he no longer needs the Heartless now that there is peace.

If, for some unthinkable reason, they actually made a Watchmen level in kingdom hearts, it would play out almost exactly as you described. The only difference would be that you'd have to beat Ozymandias and then the squid for the final fight. Then there would be an out of place, upbeat ending where Sora and the gang close lock the world and say good bye to Rorschach, Night Owl and Laurie. Later on you could return and fight Dr. Manhattan as one of those ridiculously strong, optional bosses. Oh, and you'd get some nuclear-looking keyblade with a happy face keychain.

2010-03-14, 11:06 PM
You mean Austrian.

And, presumably, the ability to know why humans cry.

Remember, there is an important difference between Australia and Austria:


Lord of Rapture
2010-03-16, 03:49 AM
Ever 17 and Bioshock.

The company behind LeMU actually discovered Rapture before it was finally crushed beneath the ocean floor forever. Tsugumi is actually a descendant of a little sister: her middle name is Ryan, since the little sisters consider themselves part of Jack's family. The Cure virus was designed or otherwise created using ADAM. LeMU's whole existence lends itself to the engineering feats of Rapture, but used as a theme park instead of an underwater gulch.

Dr. Tenebaum somehow has something to do with the story.

2010-03-16, 06:37 AM
Morrowind and Dune.

An imperial noble family is sent to the desolate and distant province of Vvardenfell, renowned for being mostly inhospitable volcanic wasteland, inhabited by barbaric dark elves (slave-holders, assassins and heretics, all of them!) and the only source of the incredibly rare and valuable metal ebony.

What first seems like a boon from the elder council soon turns out to be a trap, as the noble family previously holding Morrowind and profiting from the ebony trade assassinates the new duke of Vvardenfell and attacks the city of Ebonheart in force, taking back their lands with the secret support of several council members.

However, the Duke's son and wife, he a highly capable battle mage, she a member of a secret cult of Azura. They find shelter with a tribe of ashlander elves, where it is revealed by a secret prophecy that the son is the Nerevarine, the reborn King Nerevar of old, destined to reunite the dunmer and not only take back Morrowind, but eventually conquer the entire empire.

Biding his time and slowly reuniting the different ashlander and dunmer factions, the son eventually defeats the evil Dagoth Ur and, with the power of the newfound artefacts of his previous incarnation, slays the false dunmer gods and overthrows his empire.

Then came his son, who built a new empire for tens of thousands of years, by taking the form of a dragon...

2010-03-16, 07:24 AM
Eldan is made of awesome, and thus, he gets an internet.
And a cookie, yeah, probably a cookie too.

2010-03-22, 05:28 AM
Twilight + Touhou:
The Bella and the Cullens visit the Scarlet Devil Mansion. No one heard from them again.

Touhou + Inuyasha:
Both worlds are very similar. We have mikos, a white dog thing, a half-youkai. I expect Miroku to face bullet hell. Also everyone in Gensokyo curbstomps Naraku.

What about Twilight meets BLACK HAWK DOWN?

Can't you see the synergy? Ultra masculine US Army Rangers, Black Hawks, Machine Guns, Miniguns and some weird vampire that sparkles in the sun!

Or what about Twilight meets District 9?

Laser Cannons, Prawns and an extremely deadly mecha mixed with some wierd romance between a Bella and Edward! How good can that be?

Of course, I've never really seen Twilight or read it's books, so be wary of that...

2010-03-22, 06:54 AM
I think the random crossover generator has gained sentience and developed snark.

Your challenge is to write crossover fanfiction combining Final Fantasy 9 and Final Fantasy 6. The story should use anorexia as a plot device!

2010-03-24, 01:29 PM
Stop the presses, people.

This just happened. (http://godxiliary.com/alienvspooh/)

Warren Ellis recommended, even. Read it.

The Rose Dragon
2010-03-24, 07:12 PM
God of War & Preacher.

"One is a deicidal Spartan. The other is the Angel of Death. Together, they fight crime."

2010-03-25, 02:46 PM
Challenge: Carebears and Modern Warfare with pop corn as a plot hook device.

2010-03-25, 02:59 PM
Did no-one see the Alien Vs. Pooh I linked to a mite back?

Huh. Thought something that odd would get more notice. Because it's kinda great.

2010-03-25, 03:12 PM
Did no-one see the Alien Vs. Pooh I linked to a mite back?

Huh. Thought something that odd would get more notice. Because it's kinda great.
We erected a SEP Field (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Somebody_Else%27s_Problem) to protect the Innocent. Come Citizen, We Have Many Questions.

2010-03-25, 04:37 PM
Did no-one see the Alien Vs. Pooh I linked to a mite back?

Huh. Thought something that odd would get more notice. Because it's kinda great.

I read it all, though it really got boring after about 2 pages. Nice idea, badly executed.

2010-03-25, 04:41 PM
We erected a SEP Field (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Somebody_Else%27s_Problem) to protect the Innocent. Come Citizen, We Have Many Questions.

Good. I Have A Lot Of Answers, And Jeopardy Can Only Use So Many A Night.

2010-03-25, 07:35 PM
Mass Effect/Firefly. Wash and Joker must meet!

Actually, someone did this:


Close enough to the actual thing...

Crossovers, eh?

Your challenge is to write crossover fanfiction combining Flavor Flav and Deus Ex. The story should use a blizzard as a plot device!
Might be doable.

Your challenge is to write crossover fanfiction combining The Matrix and 24. The story should use a parade as a plot device!
Jack Bauer chases a terrorist up to a float of Neo in flying pose?

Your challenge is to write crossover fanfiction combining Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy and Futurama. The story should use furries as a plot device!
Totally doable.

Your challenge is to write crossover fanfiction combining Half-Life and NASCAR. The story should use somebody misplacing their pants as a plot device!
Jeff Gordon loses his racing suit, instead finding a HEV Suit and a crowbar instead.

Your challenge is to write crossover fanfiction combining Metalocalypse and the National Football League. The story should use hurricanes as a plot device!
Easy: Metalocalypse plays a song at the Super Bowl. Summons Hurricane for some reason.

Your challenge is to write crossover fanfiction combining Family Ties and Azumanga Daioh. The story should use bondage as a plot device!
Ironic name there with the first one...

Your challenge is to write crossover fanfiction combining FLCL and Green Acres. The story should use possession by Satan as a plot device!
Again, totally doable...

2010-03-26, 03:16 AM
24/The Matrix: given that in the matrix, Morpheus and his gang were said to be terrorists, that shouldn't be too difficult. As an added bonus, we get Jack Bauer beating up the cast of Matrix.

2010-03-28, 01:38 AM
Someone once dared me to combine A song of Ice and Fire, The Wheel of Time, Lord of the Rings and the Chronicles of Narnia.
The really scary thing is that if I look hard enough it starts to become possible, though I don't know how I'd keep count of the characters.

But: Your challenge is to write a crossover with the characters of the Matrix in the plot of Atlas shrugged. At some point, you must include a lengthy discourse on the virtue of mould as a plot device (not the original plot device).

Lord of Rapture
2010-03-28, 01:52 AM
Command and Conquer meets the Nasuverse. All of everything from both.

2010-03-28, 07:01 AM
Stop the presses, people.

This just happened. (http://godxiliary.com/alienvspooh/)

Warren Ellis recommended, even. Read it.

Very funny, the Eye-yore Xenomorph was the funniest part.

2010-03-28, 03:51 PM
Might have already been mentioned, since I haven't finished reading through the whole thread yet, but probably my favorite crossover ever was a video I found on youtube, done by the "how it should have ended" guys:

The Terminator vs. Back to the Future!

2010-03-28, 04:35 PM
Your challenge is to write crossover fanfiction combining Army of Darkness and Teen Titans. The story should use an ancient prophecy as a plot device!

This just made of excellence right here.

Your challenge is to write crossover fanfiction combining Moulin Rouge and Superbad. The story should use mystical creatures as a plot device!

This could possibly make the most hysterical thing ever.

Your challenge is to write crossover fanfiction combining Pokemon and Bioshock. The story should use teen angst as a plot device!

"Big Daddy, I CHOOSE YOU!!"

The most disturbing one I got was a combination of 1984 and Adult Swim's "Home Movies" using rape as a plot device.

2010-03-28, 09:46 PM
Azumanga Royale (http://florestica.com/dbsommer/azumanga/ar/index.htm) Yeah. Let's take the dark, cynical, bloody, socially satirical story of a bunch of High School children being forced to brutally slaughter each other from Battle Royale and combine it with the pure innocence of Azumanga Daioh

Silly Wizard
2010-03-28, 11:10 PM
Star Wars + Metroid, and I'm not just saying that cause I want to see Samus Aran with Boba Fett.

Okay, I lied.

Better yet, let's just throw Samus, Boba Fett, Master Chief, and Iron Man into a dating game show.

2010-03-28, 11:22 PM
Star Wars + Metroid, and I'm not just saying that cause I want to see Samus Aran with Boba Fett.

Okay, I lied.

Better yet, let's just throw Samus, Boba Fett, Master Chief, and Iron Man into a dating game show.

Well, we've got one part of that (P.S. one of the more awesome fight scenes I've scene outside a major movie company). (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cL-mR79GErU) Anyone else want to dig up some others and try to splice in a dating show plot?

2010-03-28, 11:48 PM
...I... you know, actually, for the last couple days, since I've been playing Ace Attorney Investigations, I've had an extremely odd crossover idea bouncing around my mind and making me laugh without fail.

Namely, as I heard the Investigations soundtrack, and noticed how hotblooded it got in places, and how many of the themes would fit straight into Super Robot Wars... I've been having the image of the Ace Attorney characters in Super Robot Wars etched in my brain, with their own original mecha and special move sequences and stuff.

I'm not sure whether it's stupid, or awesome, or what, but I know I'm having a ball and that I'm sad I don't have the skills to animate this thing in Flash :smalltongue:.

Older post, I know, but I've read a very well written (and sadly dead) fan fiction where the cast of Ace Attorney were redone for a Gundam-ish giant robots in space setting. I support the idea of a Super Robot Wars/Phoenix Wright crossover, if only because PW's overly dramatic style would do fantastically in a Super Robot setting.

I want some No More Heroes crossovers, cause Travis Touchdown is awesome. A No More Heroes/Final Fantasy 5 crossover, just to see Travis and Gilgamesh fight in a gloriously hammy battle and watch him geek out over being in a fantasy setting. No More Heroes/Nanoha because I imagine Mr. Touchdown's moe fetish would creep Nanoha the **** out, his reaction to her abilities and her being bad*** adorable adding fuel to the fire, and Nanoha inevitably trying to 'befriend' him would be funny. No More Heroes/Devil May Cry because Dante vs. Travis must become a reality.

I just want some No More Heroes crossovers, is that so much to ask? There's a grand total of 4 on Fanfiction.net, and they're all dead/poor. The No More Heroes/X-overs one was great, but it's part of a larger project where Travis is no longer a part of and therefore has nothing to do with NMH beyond that point.

2010-03-29, 07:54 AM
Your challenge is to write crossover fanfiction combining Dexter's Laboratory and Siegfried & Roy. The story should use alternate dimensions as a plot device!

It would work. I'm kind of surprised they didn't do in the show.

2013-09-07, 11:15 PM
Mega-Crossover between Everything especially with this twist: folklores, mythology, religions, and so on(includes everything that people considers "Fringe") counts as fiction instead real life where the scenario are like Pokegirls (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/Pokegirls)(when everything that has Superhuman Powers(other than 'mundane' ones of course) are can't be counts/considered/treated as people/human, no matter how human they are) and this: http://www.narutoforums.com/showthread.php?t=936514(likely because certain media names are treated differently from everything else) and even when these scenario involves series like Digimon, Teen Titans, Pokemon, Kingdom Hearts, Happy Tree Friends, Mario, Sonic, My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic, and Warhammer 40000 among everything(often all at once), they won't save that Mega-Crossover scenario from incomprehensible facepalm(at best) or deadly Mind Rape(at worst)

2013-09-08, 12:47 AM
Azumanga Royale (http://florestica.com/dbsommer/azumanga/ar/index.htm) Yeah. Let's take the dark, cynical, bloody, socially satirical story of a bunch of High School children being forced to brutally slaughter each other from Battle Royale and combine it with the pure innocence of Azumanga Daioh

See, to me that has comedic potential as the cast of Azumanga just rofl-stomps the game.

2013-09-08, 10:11 PM
How about Normalman Comic Book series with Hannibal Lecter in the title character's place?

Finn Solomon
2013-09-08, 10:31 PM
Marvel 616 and the Ultimate Marvelverse. Very annoyed with how that one turned out.

2013-09-09, 08:32 AM
How about D&D and forum rules?


Man on Fire
2013-09-09, 08:54 AM
Avengers Arena.

Hate every issue, every page, every panel, every WORD of this thing.

Beacon of Chaos
2013-09-09, 12:48 PM
Why come up with a bad crossover idea when you can have a generator (http://kaction.com/badfanfiction/) do it for you?
http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i93/DiegoHavoc/Randoms/kingdomhearts.png (http://s70.photobucket.com/user/DiegoHavoc/media/Randoms/kingdomhearts.png.html)
Wow. That is terrible. Who would do such a thing?

(Note: I found that one online, it didn't actually come up for me)

http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i93/DiegoHavoc/Randoms/terriblecrossovershaunofthedeadbuffy.png (http://s70.photobucket.com/user/DiegoHavoc/media/Randoms/terriblecrossovershaunofthedeadbuffy.png.html)
Ooh, this one has merit! Buffy and co take a trip to England, end up fighting swarms of the undead!

I have always wanted to see Star Trek vs Dr Who. Mostly because of the obvious Dr vs Q moment and the PWNING ofthe Borg by the Daleks. :smallbiggrin:

2013-09-09, 05:17 PM
how about WWE and hogan’s heroes. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cSvELP-bPVc)
actually no, that's pretty awesome really.

2013-09-09, 08:03 PM
http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i93/DiegoHavoc/Randoms/kingdomhearts.png (http://s70.photobucket.com/user/DiegoHavoc/media/Randoms/kingdomhearts.png.html)
Wow. That is terrible. Who would do such a thing?

(Note: I found that one online, it didn't actually come up for me)

http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i93/DiegoHavoc/Randoms/terriblecrossovershaunofthedeadbuffy.png (http://s70.photobucket.com/user/DiegoHavoc/media/Randoms/terriblecrossovershaunofthedeadbuffy.png.html)
Ooh, this one has merit! Buffy and co take a trip to England, end up fighting swarms of the undead!

I has tried Terrible Crossover Fanfic Idea generator for myself, and many of them are just makes me Barf

2013-09-10, 04:09 PM
The Modguin: Please avoid posting in necro'd threads, folks