View Full Version : Monster Hunter Tri

2010-03-04, 03:22 PM
The new Wii game is [almost] here! I can't wait to play it...

Anyways, this game is super exciting to read about!

We get full online play, the game bundles with a Classic Controller Pro, and WiiSpeak support is a given. I cannot wait!

The downside is the online play might be just a gimmick, or lag like mad.

What's your opinion?

2010-03-04, 04:41 PM
My opinion is that the game is awesome. And I can say that with full authority, as I have been able to try a fair bit of the Japanese version :smallbiggrin:. The monsters are a lot faster and incredibly lifelike, but the game is still easier than before because the hitboxes have been (FINALLY) fixed.

All in all - can't wait for a version I can actually understand. April 23 can't come soon enough.

2010-03-04, 04:45 PM
I've seen the pictures of the game and it looks interesting, but I'm still not sure if I'll pick it up or not. I don't have the ability to hook my Wii up online, and it looks like a significant portion of the game is based around online play and interaction. Still not 100% sure what kind of gameplay it is either, but I'm willing to give it a shot for how well spoken of it is.

2010-03-04, 05:09 PM
It'll probably be much easier than any of the PSP games (my only experience with the franchise) simply because of the second analog stick.

And I doubt that Online play will be required, but if you have 3 friends getting it, the online missions will probably be where most of your progress comes from.

And Drascin what do you mean they "Fixed" the hitboxes?

2010-03-04, 05:22 PM
It'll probably be much easier than any of the PSP games (my only experience with the franchise) simply because of the second analog stick.

And I doubt that Online play will be required, but if you have 3 friends getting it, the online missions will probably be where most of your progress comes from.

And Drascin what do you mean they "Fixed" the hitboxes?

I mean that now the monsters only hit you if they actually hit you. No more Phantom Hipchecks that have like two meters extra radius of effect (*grumblegrumblePlesiothgrumble*), no Vaccum Wave charges that seem to hit even if the monster passed several feet next to you (Tigrex was a prime offender), no tailsweeps that hit you even if they went completely over your head without so much as grazing it.

That makes the game much, much easier, because you can actually trust your gut and risk being on the edge, because you can actually dodge things without the huge amounts of care and learning monster hit areas necessary in Unite.

Also - yes, online is very important here. Tri is a return to MH1, but improved out of the wazoo and with all new monsters. This means there is a noticeable amount of content that is online only - such as the fight against the impossibly huge Shen Moran.

2010-03-04, 05:49 PM
Oh, that. Yeah, it's one of the reasons I started using bowguns in my game. I've had the long monsters hipcheck me from their left side, throwing me through them.

2010-03-04, 07:17 PM
Yeh, I haven't played MH since the first one(and I didn't play that much) but I'll be getting this, good job they took it back to basics... just for me.:smallwink:

The online should work great as well because they're hosting their own servers for it, also no friend codes! or is that only for Japan? it better not be!