View Full Version : Question concerning Religion/Political discussion.

The White Lyre
2010-03-04, 09:39 PM
I've just composed a post that includes six questions that I have been assigned for my Western Civ. class. I thought that since my group of friends and I had a bit of an interesting conversation talking about the questions, despite some of them not even being in the course, the Playground might be interested as well.

But I realised the questions presented might break the rules; so I'm wondering if a moderator could examine them to make sure they don't break the rules (specifically religion and politics).

1) Find and show eight examples of Renaissance art and explain the content, style and value of the artist’s creation. What do you see in the art? (i.e. perspective, colour, light, imagery, realism, idealism, etc.)

2) What were some of the major literary developments of the Renaissance period in Italy and the rest of Europe? Choose four of what you feel are the most significant literary contributions (from Italy, England, Spain, etc.) and explain why.

3) Renaissance technological developments were significant to the development of Western Civilisation. Trace the development of five major inventions and their impact on later Western Civilisation. Only three may be military technologies.

4) The Renaissance saw a shift from “God centered” thought and social philosophy to “human centered” thought. What impact did this have on government, education and society.

5) Renaissance education what significantly different than what had predated it in Europe. How did educational developments impact society and the “traditional” perspectives that existed? Be sure to touch on changes that impacted the role of women and the development of feminist thought.

6) How did the role of the Catholic Church change over the course of the Renaissance? What events do many say marked the end of the Renaissance in Italy and much of Europe?

2010-03-04, 09:52 PM
I've just composed a post that includes six questions that I have been assigned for my Western Civ. class. I thought that since my group of friends and I had a bit of an interesting conversation talking about the questions, despite some of them not even being in the course, the Playground might be interested as well.

But I realised the questions presented might break the rules; so I'm wondering if a moderator could examine them to make sure they don't break the rules (specifically religion and politics).

1) Find and show eight examples of Renaissance art and explain the content, style and value of the artist’s creation. What do you see in the art? (i.e. perspective, colour, light, imagery, realism, idealism, etc.)

2) What were some of the major literary developments of the Renaissance period in Italy and the rest of Europe? Choose four of what you feel are the most significant literary contributions (from Italy, England, Spain, etc.) and explain why.

3) Renaissance technological developments were significant to the development of Western Civilisation. Trace the development of five major inventions and their impact on later Western Civilisation. Only three may be military technologies.

4) The Renaissance saw a shift from “God centered” thought and social philosophy to “human centered” thought. What impact did this have on government, education and society.

5) Renaissance education what significantly different than what had predated it in Europe. How did educational developments impact society and the “traditional” perspectives that existed? Be sure to touch on changes that impacted the role of women and the development of feminist thought.

6) How did the role of the Catholic Church change over the course of the Renaissance? What events do many say marked the end of the Renaissance in Italy and much of Europe?

I'm almost positive the first one is fine, but Roland will confirm or deny it.
The second one is probably fine too.
The third one is kind of shaky, but it might work, as long as no one goes into a rant about how an invention ruined a nation and its people or something.
I'm thinking number four is out, but again, Roland has the power here. I'm just here to give opinions and possibly hope. :smallwink:
Five seems alright, but it will be treading on only several pieces of taut string.
Pretty sure six is outright bad for the forum.

Take heart! Roland might allow some! :smallbiggrin:

Roland St. Jude
2010-03-04, 10:00 PM
Sheriff of Moddingham: Four and six are right out. The rest aren't inherently problematic, but people's answers certainly might be.