View Full Version : [4e] Monster Themes and XP budgets

2010-03-04, 10:46 PM
After looking at the Monster Themes in the DMG2, I'd like to use one of them for an adventure in the future. However, there's one thing I'm wondering about: when choosing to add one of the Attack/Utility Power to a given monster, appearantly there's no extra XP value for it. This seems strange, as there's generally nothing to lose for the monster when adding such a power: it only gets more dangerous.

Any thoughts on the matter?

2010-03-04, 10:50 PM
Most monsters are a little weak anyway, and besides, there's action-economy to balance that out.

Elites and Solos get not only more powers, but more they can do at once. That's part of what makes them so dangerous. Two claw attacks at once? Three rechargeable minor actions? An enemy that's not gaining more actions per round is not really gaining anything XP-worthy.

2010-03-04, 11:01 PM
I suppose that's true. It's not something I'm planning on going overboard with, - it's more of an interesting touch to spice up things - so I guess it'll be fine.

2010-03-05, 12:05 AM
I suppose that's true. It's not something I'm planning on going overboard with, - it's more of an interesting touch to spice up things - so I guess it'll be fine.

I think the general assumption is that while the themes do increase monster power, they don't increase them enought to affect type (minion, standard, elite, solo) or their level. And if it doesn't do either of those, it's not a big enough deal to worry about.