View Full Version : [3.5] assassins for the win

2010-03-05, 07:52 AM
A couple of rules first

Don't double post. Post at least a couple of times a week. Be cool. Be vigilant, even in the face of puzzles.
EDIT: I might sometimes use PM instead of PbP, so heads up.

I am under a lot of stress lately but, I will try to check up on the campaign every other day.

Remember this is my first time, so I'll like advice but I am still the "god" of this world.

2010-03-05, 07:53 AM
You walk on the high road for the grand town of Redtower. As you pass through the forest of the dale, you can see the red spires coming closer. Night begins to fall and it begins raining heavily. Around the city is a brick wall patrol by armed guards, and at gates are guards posted to check on new travelers. On a sign nearby the gate it says: NO WEAPONS – without a license.

Since you seem to be meager travelers in search of place to rest, and you don’t transport anything of importance the let you pass when they see the passport given to the folk of the land (nicely supplied by the crows). When one of the guards notice an almost invisible marking on the passport (it is more of splat with a pen), he looks at you and says “You should try the “The Merry Dagger”, it an inn, by the docks.” The city itself I as an labyrinth were the street are line up with houses that are build side by side, sometimes there’s an alley.

You follow the guard’s instructions and find “The Merry Dagger” by turning into street, not much bigger than an alley. A single candle is burning within the mat windows. On the door it says closed, but there is clearly moment inside.
[Roll for listen]

2010-03-05, 08:24 AM
Quietly, Drolyt tells the others that he heard "a deep voice singing, as a person talking to himself."

2010-03-05, 08:35 AM
In a whisper: I to heard something, but not as clearly as you... Do you think it's just some drunk patrons?

2010-03-05, 09:33 AM
Drolyt whispers back I'm not sure, but I think we should keep listening, we might hear something useful.

2010-03-05, 09:50 AM
Agreed. I will bow to your keener ears for this...

2010-03-05, 10:15 AM
the deep voice stops singing. The candle moves as a shadowry figure lifts it and carries it to the front door (were you are standing).

An angry voice says “"Who are you and what do you want”.
A small hatch in the door opens and a couple of steel grey eyes look at you.
“I guess you better go round the back, by the looks of you. But do not try anything funny. Remember I am your only contact.”

2010-03-05, 10:42 AM
Well, maybe it wasn't anything important. I guess we go around back.

2010-03-05, 11:22 AM
You go into yard and find a small path leading to the farthest corner of the inn. It is getting darker and ir still rains straight down for the sky.

A small light behind the door, reveals the door frame. When you approach the door, it opens and a dwarf dressed as in innkeeper waves you saying

"Get of the street, y'll cast the cold and aye don't want that"

He escorts you to room behind the counter of the bar. You sit down with at a round table. The candle's light can almost not reach the corners of room and it appears as shadows are dancing over walls.

"Aye don't want your names. Les' aye the better. But I guess your the next team. The inn will be your safe house, and I am your supplier. But it's me inn, so me's rules, you got that?""

2010-03-05, 11:25 AM
Nyran nods her head in acknowledgement but doesn't say anything to the dwarf.

2010-03-05, 12:23 PM
I guess you would like to get started right away. But you see there is a problem.
I lost my key for my basement. Or rather it was stolen from me, when I was visiting a girl friend of mine. We did things and you know… a man gets tired after doing things, so I feel asleep. By the time I woke up, her pimp was standing over me with my own dagger to my throat. He took everything from me, even my clothes. I could pick the lock for the inn and get new clothes, but the lock in the basement it much trickier. In need the key, which the pimp also took.

But I have a plan. This pimp, Gholo his called, moves around at night to collect payment from his whores. He has three bodyguards. Brutes but armed with short swords and daggers. Most people here carried a dagger which is the only “weapon” allowed for common folk. I guess they will be wearing leather or padded armour under their cloths.

I know of an alley he passed every night. It’s the perfect ambush spot. He’ll be there in an hour or so. I think you know what I want you to do.

2010-03-05, 12:58 PM
This sounds like far too easy of a task. There are only two complications I see so far. One, for obvious reasons we had to come here without our weapons. If you could furnish us then the task will be accomplished without a seconds delay. Personally I would like a light crossbow. Secondly, witnesses. Are there likely to be any? I would prefer not to involve any innocents. Drolyt turns to his companions. As for our strategy, the simplest solution would be for me to disguise myself magically (in case anyone sees me) and use Color Spray to knock them unconscious, and then have you clean up the mess. Obviously if any resist the effect we need to take them out first before they can call for help. The rest of you should keep your cloaks on in case anyone sees you, but in my disguised form I will purposely allow myself to be seen in order to throw anyone who might see us on the wrong trail.

2010-03-05, 02:25 PM
As I said me basement is locked up tight. So I cant equipped you. See what you find in the streets. But with this rain were having, there will be none honest folks in the streets, meaning no witnesses. I can drawn you a map of the alley, and tell you the route he'll be taking.


The red line is the route the pimp and his thugs are taking

the black is buildings

the grey is the ground

the dark grey is piles of junk

The white spots are places on the rofttops (12 to 15 feet above street level), were a man can stand.

and each square is of course 5 feet x 5 feet.

2010-03-05, 04:05 PM
Drolyt thinks for a second. Hmm, I suppose we don't technically need weapons. Two of us are casters and my friend here can fight unarmed. Moreover if my color spray plan works we can take their weapons. Okay, I say we wait and ambush them when they turn the first corner on that map. My suggestion remains for me to open with Color Spray and for the rest of the party to try and take out anyone who resists my spell. If our opponents are still standing after the surprise round I'll follow up with a Sleep spell. Once everyone is down we just follow up with a Coup De Grace on each. We might prefer to keep Gholo alive though, or at least until he gives us the key, just in case it's not on his person.

2010-03-05, 04:05 PM
Under her breath to her companions: Would it perhaps be better to attempt to gain entry to the basement first, so that we can then pursue this thief better equiped? Surely between us we can get the door open...

2010-03-05, 04:43 PM
Drolyt responds as quietly as possible If you wish, but I have not yet learned the spell to open locks. I can function fine without equipment for one mission. The job he described sounds like it should be no problem for the likes of us.

2010-03-05, 05:00 PM
As can I, but I feel it would be better to be over-prepared than under...

2010-03-05, 06:56 PM
Dox listens to his partner Drolyt. He looks at the window when the man appears. Taking the directions given to him, Dox follows the rest of the group around to the back.
Nodding to the dwarf as he passes by, Dox then moves carefully over to the table and sits down. He listens intently as the little fellow talks of his problems with a local pimp.
I hope she was dwarven at least. He thinks to himself. Taking a deep breathe and shaking off the night chill, Dox clears his throat.
I agree that this is a curious situation and a weapon would be a great help. Like you all, I was told not able to bring any equipment with me. So unless the dwarf here has a set of picks, then we are stuck hitting this 'pimp'. My knowledge of the arcane may be limited, but I believe your color spray should work.
Dox pauses to look at the map. He traces the route with his finger and looks at the alleyways.
Here. When the pimp and his guards reach this point between this eastern and western alley, that is when you should hit them with your spell. If both casters can do this, catching them from both sides, then we will have a better chance. I do not know how much good I am in a brawl I am more of a ranged person., Dox pauses to look at the dwarf. Do you have a dagger or two on you at least? That would give me something to throw at them besides a rock.

2010-03-05, 07:17 PM
I don't think Nyrran has Color Spray prepared, but if these are just grunts they'll probably all fall from just one Color Spray.

Dusk Eclipse
2010-03-05, 08:11 PM
The human silently listen to his companions plans and watches closely to the map.
What is the range of colour spray Drolyt? if it is long enough I believe that if you stand here (G9) or here (L14) you could hit them with the spray without endangering yourself. Also I believe it is a good idea for me and Dox to be hidden as to maxime our opportunity to take them down before they can retaliate.

2010-03-05, 08:38 PM
My range is about 15', not quite the whole alleyway. However, at (L14) there is rubble on the other side of the alley, so if I aim it right I should be able to hit all of them without endangering myself. It will be dark, so if you hide amidst the rubble they will be unlikely to notice you and right after I let my spell off you can ambush them. Nyrran might want to join me on the roof and cast spells though. I would say the same of Dox, but without a bow or something I think he would be better in melee with you.

Dusk Eclipse
2010-03-05, 08:42 PM
... Ok so we hide in the rubble wait fot you to cast color spray and then we attack them and with luck we can take them down before they can act. Sounds like a solid plan.

2010-03-05, 08:54 PM
Drolyt smiles. If we are really lucky my Color Spray will knock them all out and we just have to pick them off. Of course they'll only be unconscious for 12-48 seconds (2-8 rounds), so we will have to act quickly. At any rate go after anyone who is still standing first, and if necessary I can follow up with Sleep. This should be cake. And since he's a thief and a pimp I don't even feel bad about offing him. He smirks and lets out a quick laugh.

Dusk Eclipse
2010-03-05, 08:58 PM
I am good then, when do we leave?

2010-03-05, 09:04 PM
I vote now. Just in case there's something surprising there, I want to be ready for anything.

Dusk Eclipse
2010-03-05, 09:39 PM
Let go then

2010-03-05, 10:32 PM
Agreed. We leave now so we can be in perfect position for the attack. Maybe I'll get lucky and find a fork in the trash piles.

2010-03-06, 04:48 AM
I do not have Colour Spray prepared, but even if I did I would be unable to use it since I was forced to leave my component pouch behind. I fear that without my pouch the best I can do is summon a ball of chilling cold to strike one enemy, or else to try and distract them...

2010-03-06, 05:32 AM
When you started planing the dwarf moved into the kitchen getting some hot water for tea. He comes back with mugs for everyone.
To help stand against the cold. Aye have been listening, to what your saying, and let me say this. You are not as incompetent as Aye would have expected. Some would say it sounds like you done this before.
Now you say you need some stuff for your magic right? Never been much for it me self, it's a dwarf thing you know. But if it not something like the wings of a dragon or a gem worth a 10 years of payment, I can maybe help you out.

2010-03-06, 08:57 AM
To the dwarf: I would assume some Gum arabic would be out of the question, would it?

To the rest of the group: Some Gum and an eyelash and I can make one of us totally invisible for a period of time, hopefully long enough to get into position to attack this man without his expecting it...

2010-03-06, 09:57 AM
To sazzer: You know, Aye have some gum arabic. It used to something to chew on, instead of smoking pibe weed. Aye threw it out because it taste awful. It is probably still in the trash. Aye think it will work though.
EDIT: Aye think aye got some chalk, which you could grind to dust. That would give you the the coloured sand, right?

2010-03-06, 01:31 PM
I think that should work. Then I could cast both Sleep and Color Spray.

2010-03-06, 04:33 PM
To the dwarf: Thanks for the tea. Tell me is there anything else lying about here?

To the group: It seems as though we are getting somewhere. Shall we discuss this further or are we ready?

2010-03-06, 05:14 PM
As long as I've got some sand I think we are ready. But after this I really need to get my hands on some spell components.

Dusk Eclipse
2010-03-06, 09:41 PM
As soon you [casters] are ready, I am ready to go.

2010-03-15, 04:52 AM
Combat-wise, I only really have a one shot chance, but I can aid in concealing someone to give a greater advantage.

2010-03-21, 02:07 PM
You have crept into your hiding positions and are now waiting for the target. The night is getting darker, so dark that only the silhouettes of the surroundings can been seen. The rain is down pouring down from the sky at an alarming rate, making visibility even less. Some kind bird gives a shriek though the night. You see a like coming for the back of the alley. A small dim light, creeping around the corner. Five men coves around the corner and continues towards to were the alley opens up into the street. The are all dresses in long leathery coats to protect them form the rain. One is walking in front of the others, his the biggest of them. behind him walk a small man like wise dresses for in a leathery coat, but this seems more expensive. Behind him walks to men of average height side by side. None of seem to be armed, but then again you can't see under their coats. The man in the middle is holding a small lamp which is the source of the dim light.

[they will be making some passive spots checks which you are not allowed to see, but you will be making a hide check, with +2 (for the dark), +2 (for the rain), +2 (to the ones of the roof, because that's unexpected) +2 (because of your ability the help on another to find a good hiding spot). that gives a total bonus +8

EDIT: And roll ini.]

2010-03-21, 10:43 PM
With the rain in his unblinking eyes, Dox watches the small group come closer to him. His darkvision peirces the night's gloom allowing him to see the men even without the meager light they carry.
A little closer., he thinks.

2010-03-29, 03:43 AM
Waiting until the men had passed the passageway she was hiding in, Nyran then muttered under her breath Mali Orb hladne, sending a chilling ball into the back of the man holding the lamp... As the ball of cold lets loose, she then steps back into the passageway secreting herself in the shadows again...

2010-04-02, 08:10 AM
The rather dull and grey alley suddenly lightens by more than the lamp. An An ice-blue ray strike from the shadows of the rooftops into the thug holding the lamp. The ray is followed by a spectral of bright colour that brightens the alley for a second. The group of thugs eye vision change from obscure rainy weather like, into an inferno of pure light. Stunned they stand, some saying "my eyes!. What happen?!". From the shadows Dox springs forth to down the only standing enemy. The thug with the light. A clap is hear through the alley, but Dox's enemy still is standing and now reaching for his weapon.

2010-04-07, 09:58 AM
Hissing in pain from the wound, Dox slides carefully away from the thug and runs his hands over one of the unconcious forms hoping for a weapon. His eyes never leave the thug as he does this.

2010-04-08, 08:54 AM
As Dox steps away from the thug, to claim a weapon, he sees a chance to escape, he takes it and flees. The casters to help differently, one casting a podent spell, the other trying more... manual ways... which fails... deeply.

2010-04-08, 07:35 PM
Seeing the thug falls asleep, Dox whispers to his allies.

Quick search the pimp and the others. I'll take care of sleeping beauty.

He then rushes over to the snoring grunt and begins to search.

2010-05-12, 02:39 AM
(Wow, I have forgot about this part of the game, sorry.)

As Dox moves in closer to the thugs, he jabs his dagger at the nearest one hoping for a hit. He begins to feel as though the group is about to fail in this mission until he ses a red hair woman come running from the nearby street. As she nears the fray, a dagger can be seen in her hand.
I hope she is with us., he thinks.
Hearing the curses and grunts from the alleyway, a young woman looks at the melee with wild wonder. Her auburn hair falls carefree down her shoulders and frames a face this homes a pair eyes the color of a dark jade. Her pale skin seems to glow in the moonlight.
Sighing in relief that she has finally found some entertainment, she quickly moves in closer to the combatants. A dagger, which was carefully hidden in a violin, appears in her hand. Slowly she begins a slow chant to inspire the outnumbered figures.
Come on lads and hear me well.
Let's slay these fools and send them to Hell!

2010-05-15, 10:38 AM
The alley run red with the blood of the fallen thugs, one of them still trying keeping his blood leaving chest and throat, cursing his attack as he tries to drag himself away.