View Full Version : Thinking about doing a Jagged Alliance 2 (vers. 1.13) LP

2010-03-05, 01:39 PM
Digging through my collection of old (some may call them ancient) pc gaming magazins I rediscovered the good old Jagged Alliance 2, and suprised what the community team has done with the fanpatch I decided to give it another try.

But what is JA2?

It's a roundbased freeform strategy/roleplay game. You play as a merc who is payed to rid a small country named Arulco from the evil dictator "Queen" Deidranna. The really cool thing is that you can freely travel around Arulco and decide if you rather storm Queen D's palace (and promptly get slaughtered) or first bild up your team and conquer the whole country. Like the box suggest, you need to manage your team, your finances, weaponry and tactics.

And whats 1.13?

It's a mod. Patch is not really accurate anymore. Basically 1.13 adds everything to the game left out due to scheduling problems/removes bugs/ improves graphics and adds a metric ton of weapons (Think about a random firearm, this game has it.) Also adds: Multiplayer, Weather, Additional character creation, options, difficults, artillery, paratroopers, a new inventory system, etc...

First post:

Let's start!

People wondering about the odd way to start the game should keep in mind that trying to take on those 12 enemies in Omerta with soldiers for a total of 15k is utter suicide in 1.13 insane with beefed up AI. (Or at least it’s hard to do without being wounded. And a wounded team can’t take + hold Drassen)

(Spoilered to keep page length acceptable)


//1.13 Loading screen with the arulcan flag in the back. Sometimes I wonder what that latin text //means. Anyone ever found a more readable version?


http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_GrmzFk8v18 (Intro Link, keep in mind that game is 11 years old)

So it is decided now the guy I meet a few days ago turned out to be a real goldmine. While his stereotypical suitcase full of money is definitely a good start into a business relationship it’s far from enough to take over a country these days. Twenty years ago we just wasted a few politicians and presto, where crowned emperor for life in a backwater republic. Today you walk across a border with something more as a few pistols and you get international troops everywhere while jets from 7 different countries take turns carpet bombing every outhouse you liberate.
But not Arulco. Unimportant to the point of not appearing on several maps, the current queen, Deidranna did a fine job in perfectly separating the country from any neighbors, so an intervention is not likely. Our beloved world police was payed off with a regretful large amount of Enricos money, let’s hope that this so called financial election assistance will keep them off my back.
The arulcan army will be my problem to dispose of. Intelligence suggests that Deidranna has build up an impressive force, quite capable of invading smaller border countries. Everything not spend for queen D’s palace and hobbies is reserved for the army. While the redshirts are poorly trained and armed with basic weaponry reports warn me that her elite forces are extremely dangerous and equipped with high tech weaponry. The last few pre cold war tanks will be not a problem. Years of embargos ensured a massive fuel shortage and lack of repairs.


However all that risk is definitely worth it. Arulco is riddled with gold and silver mines. That will be more than enough money to hire the best of the best mercenaries and killers for hire. And if poor Enrico didn’t acknowledge our efforts with a long term interest payment…. Well we’re the heavy armed guys. After seeing what Deidranna is capable of, I’m sure even I myself would be a more efficient ruler.
But enough of politics. The first part of my master plan is to get a foothold. Ivan, old friend and one of AIM’s best gun-for-hire. His job is to scout the area and acquire more funds to insert a second fully armed strike team.
Bringing Vehicles with us will be pointless the fuel embargo will make it a short advantage at best and Ivan will be way easier to spot.
Insertion via Helicopter is the only option left. A local smuggler pilot will bring our troops in, I managed to convince him that in the New Arulco we will need people to import goods. And he should prove his loyalty early.


Omerta is Ivans first landing point, from there he will make contact for further instructions.

Day 1
Report from Ivan’s ready.
Looks like the poor chap landed inside one of Deidrannas patrols looking for the pitiful rest of the resistance group Enrico mentioned. He described them as rather weakly armed. If that’s everything Deidranna throws at us we should stockpile that hollow point shells. Not like they wearing armor. The initial ambush was disposed of and the rest died quickly due to Ivan’s superior experience and the heavy firepower of his AK.


While mowing down regulars left and right Ivan nearly didn’t spotted the squad leader. A female greyshirt. Properly armed and armored, but in the end surprised with a bullet to the back of the head. Poor girl didn’t see it coming.


// New game Spot-the-Elite: This enemy was pretty well hidden and in the first try Ivan walked //around the front of the house. He lost 165 Hitpoints due to 5 bullets to the head. Yes she managed //to intercept Ivan and waste him in a single round.


The remaining adversaries attempted to hide/ bunker themselves behind sand sacks. Ivans superior aiming skills and reflexes ended this quickly.


Ivan contacted me rather quickly. Enemy contact wasn’t planed for the first week and combing that ghost town for some rebels is definitely out of question. No doubt that the queen will send reinforcements to look after the lost patrol.


While Ivan was busy scrounging for useful stuff I looked into some security footage from Meduna. Looks like our hired Intelligence hacked the palace security cams to make sure we know of anything the queen will throw at us.


Elliot (No last name known, Queen Deidrannas advisor) reported the Omerta incident and after receiving a rather harsh punishment…


Was ordered to send reinforcements at once. So I was right. Ivan has to leave immediately. He will travel to San Mona, a small and not official by Deidranna controlled town in the west to hide and rest for a few hours.


Evading his pursuers, our Russian mayhem machine reaches San Mona. Tomorrow will be spend raising more Information and money.


Welcome to San Mone East Ivan. Drink a beer, you’ve earned it.

Is there someone here who’s fluent in written Russian? Would be cool to translate some of Ivans comments. Oh and the IMP merc is not created jet. I’m drawn between a knife wielding maniac à la Brock Samson or a sneaky nightops/flanker. However practically everything is possible. My Endgame will always be an onslaught of a BIG MERC+AIM team storming Meduna with heavy mortal support.

2010-03-05, 01:42 PM
Jagged Alliance 2 is a fun game! It has enough freedom of choice, being relatively plot-light, and offers enough opportunities for unexpected hilarity to make a good LP.

So go for it. Just make sure to hire Ivan. You cannot go wrong with Ivan.

2010-03-05, 01:47 PM
Jagged Alliance 2 is a fun game! It has enough freedom of choice, being relatively plot-light, and offers enough opportunities for unexpected hilarity to make a good LP.

So go for it. Just make sure to hire Ivan. You cannot go wrong with Ivan.

I have never managed to play Jagged Alliance 2, and I know every word here is true. Do it.

2010-03-05, 02:05 PM
Ivan was especially badass in JA 1. He had stats of a top-tier mercenary, but only wanted 1200$/day. His stats are even better in JA 2, but unfortunately his pay has significantly increased, too.

Still totally worth it though.

2010-03-05, 02:25 PM
Jagged Alliance 2 is a fun game! It has enough freedom of choice, being relatively plot-light, and offers enough opportunities for unexpected hilarity to make a good LP.

So go for it. Just make sure to hire Ivan. You cannot go wrong with Ivan.

Not Ivan. The I team. Igor and if things get ugly big brother Ivan and Igor. There's nothing like russian mayhem to plow through a army of redshirts.

Now how about the main charackter?

The Rincewind. He's not good with weapons, a coward and bleeds to death from a mosquito sting. However a genius at talking eskimos into buying a fridge and an expert in fixing medical and technological problems. Also an explosive expert/ lockpick. Makes you wonder how he became a merc.

The Brock (Samson). Doc Ventures Bodyguard. Expert at surviving, Stalks anything female on two legs, lone wolf and extremly adept knife fighter. Generaly followed by bloodshed and mayhem. Does not use guns. But mortars and rocketlaunchers rarely qualifies as normal guns anyway.

The burstfire maniac. Give him a automatic weapons, enough ammunition and point him in the general direction of the enemy. Make sure you stand behind him. Famous for filling enemies with 80 rounds of depleted uranium shells on near point black range. Simply Overkill.

The Lara Croft: Good looking, prefers to use two pistols. Flanker, Commando.

2010-03-05, 02:35 PM
Ivan AND Igor is an even better team. Igor's not as skilled, but he learns quickly. I think both of them get bonuses if they're in a team together.

Speaking of mercs, why does the only Pole in the game have to be a stereotyped dumb brute with no English skills? Dammit, Steroid.

As for the main character, s/he comes for almost free and requires no daily payment, so I suggest someone to fill in for an otherwise expensive specialist merc. But don't make your MC overspecialized - max out one skill, but don't lower any to 0. Make sure they all stay at least at 35.
Or did you modify stats like that only in JA2: Unfinished Business, and in the main game you only answered quiz questions? I forgot.

2010-03-05, 02:35 PM
Silent psychotic -- Night Fighting and Explosives. Go to town blowing enemies up from the shadows.


Or did you modify stats like that only in JA2: Unfinished Business, and in the main game you only answered quiz questions? I forgot.

In the original, you do both. Just make sure to max out Leadership so you can actually spend time training meatshields -- I mean militia -- rather than staring at a screen and learning to hate the sound of your particular merc's "I got better!" soundbite.

Edit: Oh, and make sure to take Bull.

2010-03-05, 02:47 PM
Wow, I've been thinking about JA2 LP for a long while; seems I got beaten to it. Ah well, this'll be fun. It's easily one of the most LPable games ever!

Main character, hmm, how about a commando (John Matrix-kinda commando :smallbiggrin:); night ops, auto weapons, max Marksman/Dex/Agi/Wis/etc. with maybe rudimentary First Aid & Explo with obviously the third voice set ("Time to take out the trash!"). Psycho or Optimistic. As you're always using Burst anyways, might as well Psycho it up. I tend to enjoy maxing Leadership on the main character too; you're a mercenary boss so it just kinda makes sense. Also improves all the various conversations, training militia and such.

Stern, street-smart man with affinity for silenced automatic bursts to the back of the head, preferably at pointblank range. Charismatic, natural, reluctant leader with basic training in everything a soldier needs.

2010-03-05, 02:54 PM
As far as training is concerned, you don't need to specialize in that - you can recruit Ira at the very start of the game, who is very good in that (double specialization!) and, being a freedom fighter, works for free.

2010-03-05, 03:59 PM
As far as training is concerned, you don't need to specialize in that - you can recruit Ira at the very start of the game, who is very good in that (double specialization!) and, being a freedom fighter, works for free.

Ira is only used as a tank spotter, opens-doors-first soldier and talk-to-terrorists character. I really hate that voice. In late game she's a trader if Flo is not available.

All those characters are not optimized. And Nightops, while cool to play has the big problem of an KI not capable of fighting back. If your silent you can kill 120men before they even know theres someone here. If you're not, a single flare to your feets will end your life instantly. 1.13 has a pretty sophisticated flanking KI, also nightops means no good mortarkills, as enemies rarely gather at chokepoints.

2010-03-05, 03:59 PM
For your IMP guy, I prefer a night ops person (as they are very good outside of the few sectors you fight primarly in-doors.)

2010-03-05, 04:25 PM
Ira is only used as a tank spotter, opens-doors-first soldier and talk-to-terrorists character. I really hate that voice. In late game she's a trader if Flo is not available.

Actually, I've used Ira as a combatant. Her high Wis means you can eventually ramp her to 99 Marksmanship and since she's a free merc, that worked out wonderfully. Of course, this happened accidentally as on my first playthrough, I just had all my mercs in one team all participating in the fights and doing the trips back for supplies with the whole damn team.

Yeah, I eventually understood that wasn't very smart, but hey, Deidranna died all the same. :smallcool:

All those characters are not optimized. And Nightops, while cool to play has the big problem of an KI not capable of fighting back. If your silent you can kill 120men before they even know theres someone here. If you're not, a single flare to your feets will end your life instantly. 1.13 has a pretty sophisticated flanking KI, also nightops means no good mortarkills, as enemies rarely gather at chokepoints.

Meh, sneak killing and using explosives is pretty much mutually exclusive. TNT and Mortar are unfairly efficient since AI never seems to really consider the effect of explosives and thus gets blown up repeatedly. Both work great though.

2010-03-05, 05:12 PM
I used Ira as Trainer/Backup Medic/Reserve Ambusher and it turned out fine. She gains good skills, as Eldariel said.

Besides them, I used Igor because he's awesome, Fox & Wolf because they are both cheap and kickass, and Blood and Malice because I just love bringing a knife to a gunfight.

I usually never used the high-end guys, as it comes much more enjoyable to me to build them up from scratch partial awesomeness to full-time Chuck Norrisdom.

Oh, another favorite pastime of mine: recruiting the entire M.E.R.C. roster into one team and sending them blindly into enemy territory. I had a hilarious night battle in which the whole team was massacred, except Biff, who miraculously took out the entire remaining forces by camping in a barn. He truly is something else.

2010-03-05, 05:19 PM
I'd describe it, from hearsay as a cross between an RPG and the X-Com series. Quite interested to see it in action :-D

2010-03-05, 05:56 PM
Meh, sneak killing and using explosives is pretty much mutually exclusive.

Nobody ever said the IMP merc had to have optimised stats and skills. ;)

2010-03-05, 06:06 PM
Oh, another favorite pastime of mine: recruiting the entire M.E.R.C. roster into one team and sending them blindly into enemy territory. I had a hilarious night battle in which the whole team was massacred, except Biff, who miraculously took out the entire remaining forces by camping in a barn. He truly is something else.

That was evil.

2010-03-05, 06:56 PM
Ah, so you haven't encountered them M.E.R.C. people yet. Else you'd be cheering with me right now.

2010-03-05, 07:06 PM
I did. And I'd never entrust them with guns.

2010-03-06, 03:59 AM
Heh. While that makes sense as well, I find my style to be a bit more... educative.

Bavarian itP
2010-03-06, 04:47 AM
Don't trust Cespenar and Cubey! They are working for A.I.M. as hired lobbyists. Everybody knows the game is best played by boycotting A.I.M., using only your char, the freedom fighters and M.E.R.C.s :smallredface:

2010-03-06, 06:28 AM
And the robot.

2010-03-06, 06:29 AM
Take ICE but you can only refer to him as Vanilla...

Bavarian itP
2010-03-06, 08:27 AM
And the robot.

Okok, and Hamous, if you insist :smallamused:

What? This IS a spoiler. Technically ...

2010-03-07, 04:38 AM
Do it.

Do it.

You know you want to.

Do it.


2010-03-07, 05:08 AM
Okok, and Hamous, if you insist :smallamused:

What? This IS a spoiler. Technically ...

Oh boy, that brings me sad memories.

Deidranna's elites took over the San Mona sam site and I sent my basic MERC + freebies team to take it back. (Ira, Haywire, Razor, Larry and Hamous that was picked up on the way)

I get there and start spreading my team. Hamous sees a decaying body and goes:
"Me no want end like this."
Cue to elite interrupt from behind the entrance outpost three tiles away from him, who shots Hamous for a total of 153 points of damage, leaving him quite dead.

Boy, it was hard to stop laughing.

This thread makes me want to play Jagged Alliance 2 again. :smallredface:

2010-03-08, 01:37 PM
Let's start!

People wondering about the odd way to start the game should keep in mind that trying to take on those 12 enemies in Omerta with soldiers for a total of 15k is utter suicide in 1.13 insane with beefed up AI. (Or at least it’s hard to do without being wounded. And a wounded team can’t take + hold Drassen)

(Spoilered to keep page length acceptable)


//1.13 Loading screen with the arulcan flag in the back. Sometimes I wonder what that latin text //means. Anyone ever found a more readable version?


http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_GrmzFk8v18 (Intro Link, keep in mind that game is 11 years old)

So it is decided now the guy I meet a few days ago turned out to be a real goldmine. While his stereotypical suitcase full of money is definitely a good start into a business relationship it’s far from enough to take over a country these days. Twenty years ago we just wasted a few politicians and presto, where crowned emperor for life in a backwater republic. Today you walk across a border with something more as a few pistols and you get international troops everywhere while jets from 7 different countries take turns carpet bombing every outhouse you liberate.
But not Arulco. Unimportant to the point of not appearing on several maps, the current queen, Deidranna did a fine job in perfectly separating the country from any neighbors, so an intervention is not likely. Our beloved world police was payed off with a regretful large amount of Enricos money, let’s hope that this so called financial election assistance will keep them off my back.
The arulcan army will be my problem to dispose of. Intelligence suggests that Deidranna has build up an impressive force, quite capable of invading smaller border countries. Everything not spend for queen D’s palace and hobbies is reserved for the army. While the redshirts are poorly trained and armed with basic weaponry reports warn me that her elite forces are extremely dangerous and equipped with high tech weaponry. The last few pre cold war tanks will be not a problem. Years of embargos ensured a massive fuel shortage and lack of repairs.


However all that risk is definitely worth it. Arulco is riddled with gold and silver mines. That will be more than enough money to hire the best of the best mercenaries and killers for hire. And if poor Enrico didn’t acknowledge our efforts with a long term interest payment…. Well we’re the heavy armed guys. After seeing what Deidranna is capable of, I’m sure even I myself would be a more efficient ruler.
But enough of politics. The first part of my master plan is to get a foothold. Ivan, old friend and one of AIM’s best gun-for-hire. His job is to scout the area and acquire more funds to insert a second fully armed strike team.
Bringing Vehicles with us will be pointless the fuel embargo will make it a short advantage at best and Ivan will be way easier to spot.
Insertion via Helicopter is the only option left. A local smuggler pilot will bring our troops in, I managed to convince him that in the New Arulco we will need people to import goods. And he should prove his loyalty early.


Omerta is Ivans first landing point, from there he will make contact for further instructions.

Day 1
Report from Ivan’s ready.
Looks like the poor chap landed inside one of Deidrannas patrols looking for the pitiful rest of the resistance group Enrico mentioned. He described them as rather weakly armed. If that’s everything Deidranna throws at us we should stockpile that hollow point shells. Not like they wearing armor. The initial ambush was disposed of and the rest died quickly due to Ivan’s superior experience and the heavy firepower of his AK.


While mowing down regulars left and right Ivan nearly didn’t spotted the squad leader. A female greyshirt. Properly armed and armored, but in the end surprised with a bullet to the back of the head. Poor girl didn’t see it coming.


// New game Spot-the-Elite: This enemy was pretty well hidden and in the first try Ivan walked //around the front of the house. He lost 165 Hitpoints due to 5 bullets to the head. Yes she managed //to intercept Ivan and waste him in a single round.


The remaining adversaries attempted to hide/ bunker themselves behind sand sacks. Ivans superior aiming skills and reflexes ended this quickly.


Ivan contacted me rather quickly. Enemy contact wasn’t planed for the first week and combing that ghost town for some rebels is definitely out of question. No doubt that the queen will send reinforcements to look after the lost patrol.


While Ivan was busy scrounging for useful stuff I looked into some security footage from Meduna. Looks like our hired Intelligence hacked the palace security cams to make sure we know of anything the queen will throw at us.


Elliot (No last name known, Queen Deidrannas advisor) reported the Omerta incident and after receiving a rather harsh punishment…


Was ordered to send reinforcements at once. So I was right. Ivan has to leave immediately. He will travel to San Mona, a small and not official by Deidranna controlled town in the west to hide and rest for a few hours.


Evading his pursuers, our Russian mayhem machine reaches San Mona. Tomorrow will be spend raising more Information and money.


Welcome to San Mone East Ivan. Drink a beer, you’ve earned it.

Is there someone here who’s fluent in written Russian? Would be cool to translate some of Ivans comments. Oh and the IMP merc is not created jet. I’m drawn between a knife wielding maniac à la Brock Samson or a sneaky nightops/flanker. However practically everything is possible. My Endgame will always be an onslaught of a BIG MERC+AIM team storming Meduna with heavy mortal support.

2010-03-08, 06:11 PM
Let's start!

People wondering about the odd way to start the game should keep in mind that trying to take on those 12 enemies in Omerta with soldiers for a total of 15k is utter suicide in 1.13 insane with beefed up KI. (Or at least it’s hard to do without being wounded. And a wounded team can’t take + hold Drassen)

Step 1: Hire Magic for a day
Step 2: ???
Step 3: Profit.

Alternatively, Shadow + IMP for a stealthy guy. You'll easily make it to Drassen mines first day (though at least for me, the SAM was so ridiculously fortified that it would have to wait; there were like 20 guys on the roof though don't know if that was a bug...), Alma day 2.

Then sit a while on the money, pick up remaining cities and some...unenlisted aid, and go have fun across the countryside. Then school Deidranna in the Art of War.

That said, Ivan for the win. As Magic puts it: "Good stuff."

2010-03-08, 06:13 PM
I have a question.
Just what is KI?

2010-03-09, 02:30 AM
I have a question.
Just what is KI?

my fault KI=künstliche Intelligenz (german)
it should mean AI = artificial Intelligence.